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Period III elements

Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
STRU Giant Giant Giant Giant Simple Simple Simple Simple
CTU metallic Metallic Metalli Covalent Molecula Molecular Molecula molecul
RE CN:8 CN:8 c Si-Si-Si-Si r( (S8) r ar
CN:12 (tetrahedron) P4) (Cl2)
BON Metallic Metallic Metalli Covalent Van-Der Van der Van der Van der
DING c Waals Waals Waals Waals
Objective 1: Relate physical properties to structure(stability) and bonding(strength).
Bond strength increases Bond strength decreases
TABLE 1: Physical Properties: Atomic and Ionic Radius, Density, Melting Point,
Conductivity, Ionization Energy, Electronegativity

Ionic Radius
Atomic Radius

Na+ Mg2+ Al3+

Na Mg Al Si

P S Cl Ar

P3- S2- Cl-

*As the nuclear charge increases, the electron-
nuclear attraction increases which pulls the valence *The cations are smaller than
shells closer. their corresponding atoms. This is
*Ar has a larger A.R than the others because its atoms because they have lost e- causing
are held by weak Van der Waals forces so they are not the nuclear charge to be greater
as tightly compacted. pulling the remaining electrons
*The anions are larger than their
corresponding atoms because the
gain in e- results in electron
repulsion which pushes the shell
further out.


*From sodium to silicon, where

the bond strength increases,
the density increases as atoms
are packed closer together in
lattices hence mass per unit
volume is large.

*From phosphorous to argon,

where the bond strength
generally decreases, the
density decreases as molecules
are held loosely by weak
intermolecular forces hence
forming sparsely packed
molecules. Mass per unit
volume is small.

Melting and Boiling Point Electrical Conductivity

Metallic bonding increases in strength as
the number of delocalised e- increases and From Na to Al,
when the atomic radius decreases so that conductivity increases.
the atoms are tightly packed. The metallic This is because of the
lattice is also a stable structure that can increasing number of
withstand energy. delocalised e- in these
Many tight covalent bonds are present in metals. Hence more
Si. The giant covalent structure is more carriers are available to
stable than the metallic lattice. carry electricity.
The strength of Van der Waals forces are Conductivity falls at Si ;
relatively weak. Strength increases as the it is a semi-conductor.
number of e- increases. As a molecule of Its valence e- are
S(S8) has more e- than one of P(P4), it has a usually tightly engaged
greater bond strength and hence more energy in a covalent bond. At
is needed to break bonds; this is the reason high temperatures, some
for the irregularity. Cl2 and Ar have less e- so of these e- may become
their bond strength is weaker. delocalised and conduct
The molecular structure is least stable. electricity.
Non-metals from P to Ar
have their valence e-
engaged in
intermolecular bonding
and hence do not conduct


increases across the
period as atomic radius
decreases and nuclear
charge increases.
This increases the
attraction giving the
*IE generally increases across the period as nucleus a greater chance
nuclear charge increases and atomic radius to remove an e- from a
decreases. Greater pull from the nucleus and smaller nearby atom.
atomic size means the attraction between the e- and
nucleus would be greater.
*Exception between Mg and Al, P and S:
This is due to the E.C of Al (1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p1) in
which one unpaired e- is on the 3p orbital making it
easy to remove due to the shielding effect.
The E.C of S (1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4) shows only one
pair of e- in the 3Px orbital. Repulsion between e-
make it easier to remove.

Objective 2: Describe the reactions of these elements with oxygen, water and chlorine (Oxide,
Hydroxide and Chloride formation)

Table 2: Reaction of period 3 elements with oxygen(combustion)

Element Description Trend

Na(s) 2Na(s) + O2(g) Na2O2(s) *Combusts really vigorously to
form peroxide.
Mg(s) 2Mg(s) + O2(g) 2MgO(s) *Combusts vigorously to form
Al(s) 4Al(s) + 3O2(g) 2Al2O3(s) *Combust vigorously to form
Si(s) Si(s) + O2(g) SiO2(s) *Reacts slowly to form dioxide.
P(s) 4P(s) + 5O2(g) 2P2O5(s) *Combusts vigorously to form
S(s) S(s) + O2(g) SO2(g) *Reacts slowly to form
gaseous dioxide.
Cl No rxn *Cl and O do not combine
Ar No rxn *Inert

Aid: Period 3 REACTS with O2 song

First, we get peroxide then two oxides;

Then we get dioxide, then a pentoxide,

Sulphur forms sulphur dioxide and thats a gas

Chlorine and Argon just there playing d *ss.

N.B Just know the products and reactants then balance.

Table 3: Reaction of period 3 elements with water

Rule: A few elements react with liquid water[H2O(l)] to form Hydroxides and Hydrogen Gas.

All elements CAN react with gaseous steam[H2O(g)] to form Oxides and Hydrogen gas.

Elements Description Trends

Na Forms NaOH(aq) and H2(g) *Very vigorous
*Reacts with cold water.
Mg Forms Mg(OH)2 (aq) and H2(g) *Vigorous
*Reacts with hot water.
Al Forms Al2O3 and H2(g) *Slow
*ONLY reacts with steam
Si, P, S No rxn *Solid non-metals which are
insoluble in water.
Cl Cl2(aq) + H2O(l) 2H+(aq) + *Gas partially dissolves in
Cl- (aq)+ ClO-(aq) water.
* It then reacts with water to
form hydrogen, chloride and
chlorate ions.
Ar No rxn Inert

Table 4: Reactions of period 3 elements with chlorine

Element Reaction
Na 2Na(s) + Cl2(g) 2NaCl(s)
Mg Mg(s) + Cl2(g) MgCl2 (s)
Al 2Al(s) + 3Cl2(g) 2AlCl3(s)
Si Si(s) + Cl2 (g) SiCl4(l)
P 2P(s) + 5Cl2 (g) 2PCl5 (s)
S 2S(s) + Cl2(g) S2Cl2(l)
Rule: For each new chloride, add another Cl atom (e.g. Na is Cl; Mg is Cl2; Al is Cl3 ; Si is Cl4; P is Cl5)

However, S breaks the rule as it forms S2Cl2 (disulphur dichloride)

Most chlorides are solid however SiCl4 is a volatile liquid and so is S2Cl2

General Conclusion: Reactivity of period III elements decreases across the period.

Objective 3: Describe the chemical properties of Period 3 salts (Oxidation States, Bonding, pH).

Table 5: Chemical Properties of Period 3 Oxides

` N.B The oxides formed above in reactions with oxygen are not the only period 3 oxides that
exist. There are other oxides with different oxidation states.

Period 3 Na2O MgO Al2O3 SiO2 P4O10 SO3 Cl2O7

BONDING *Ionic *Ionic *Ionic with *Covalent *Covalent *Covalent *Covalent
covalent *Forms *Forms *Forms *Forms
character* giant simple simple simple
structure. molecules. molecules. molecules.
Maximum +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7
states do
pH Strong Weak Amphoteric Weak Weak acid Strong Strong
base base acid acid acid

Explanation 1: The type of bonding depends on the difference in electronegativity of the atoms
involved. A large difference such as Na and O, would result in ionic bonding as e- can easily be
transferred. However, a small difference such as Si and O would result in covalent bonding since e-
can be shared.

Explanation 2: Remember Oxidation state/number refers to the no. of e- lost or gained by an atom
while bonding. In oxides, elements bond with oxygen, which is highly electronegative (meaning it
pulls e- towards it). If we are talking about the maximum no. of e- a period 3 element can lose to
oxygen, it will be all the e- in its valence shell. Hence the maximum oxidation is equal to the number
of e- in its valence shell. (It is also + as the elements tend to lose e- and become more positive).

Explanation 3: Moving across the period, the trend in acid/ base character is from strongly basic
oxides on the left, to amphoteric in the middle, then to strongly acidic on the right. This occurs
because of a change from metallic oxides, usually basic, to non-metallic oxides which are usually

N.B. The hydroxides of Na and Mg are also basic.

Table 6: Chemical Properties of Period 3 Chlorides

Chlorides Chlorides Chlorides Chlorides Chlorides Chlorides

of Na of Mg of Al of Si of P of S
BONDING *Ionic *Ionic *Ionic with *Covalent. *Covalent *Covalent
covalent Forms *Forms *Forms
character* simple simple simple
molecules. molecules. molecules.
Maximum +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +2
states do
pH Neutral Neutral Weak acid Strong Strong Strong
acid acid acid

1. Bond type is also influenced by electronegativity differences as the large difference in the Na and
Cl results in ionic NaCl however the small difference Si and Cl results in a covalent compound.

*It is important to note (as seen above in table 5 and 6) that Al2O3 and AlCl3 are both ionically
bonded compounds with covalent character meaning that they are created by attraction between
ions but also have overlapping of orbitals. This is as a result of the Al3+ great polarising power. As a
small and highly charged ion, it has the ability to pull e- from the anions to such an extent that their
orbitals overlap.

2. The chlorides of period 3 elements also exist in positive oxidation states because chlorine is more
electronegative than any of the elements. The oxidation states show a similar pattern as the max
oxidation state is equal to the number of valence e-. The maximum oxidation state for sulphur,
however, is +2.

3. pH varies from neutral on the left to strongly acid on the right.

Rxn of Period 3 Oxides and Hydroxides(w/ water and w/acid-base)
Na and Mg Oxides dissolve in water to form their basic hydroxides.

Na20(s) + H2O(l) --> 2NaOH(aq) [strong base]..thus product reacts with acid

MgO(s) + H2O(l) --> Mg(OH)2 (aq) [weak base because it is only partially soluble)....thus product
reacts with acid.


Al oxide does not react with water.

Si dioxide is insoluble in water.


Oxides of phosphorous,sulphur and chlorine react with water to form acidic solutions.

P4O6 (s) + H2O(l) --> 4H3PO3

[phosphorous III]

P4O10 (s) + H2O(l) --> 4H3PO4 [phosphoric acid)

[phosphorus V]

SO2 (g) + H2O --> H2SO3

[sulphur dioxide]

SO3(g) + H20 --> H2SO4 (sulphuric acid)

[sulphur trioxide]

Cl2O7 (g) + H2O (l) --> 2HClO4(chloric acid) (aq)

[chlorine heptaoxide]

Reaction w/ acid base (cont'd)

As we see the trend move from basic products to acidic products we can predict how each product
reacts with acid/base.

NaOH and Mg(OH)2 react with acids.

H3PO3, H3PO4, H2S03,H2SO4 and HClO4 react with bases

Special cases N.B.

Al2O3 is amphoteric and reacts with acid and base.

Al2O3(s) +6HCl(aq)--> 2AlCl3 + 3H20(l)

Al2O3 (s) + 2NaOH(aq) + 3H2O (l) --> 2NaAl(OH)4 (aq)

N.B: Reacts normally with acids to form salt and water. However it reacts abnormally with bases (+
water) to form salt only. The water has switched sides and left salt alone.

SiO2 reacts with very hot and concentrated base.

SiO2 (s) + 2NaOH(aq)--> Na2SiO3(aq) + H20(l)

NB: Reacts with base to form water and a salt-Sodium Silicate)


Rxn of Period 3 Chlorides (w/ water only)

Ionic NaCl and MgCl2 dissolve in water to form a neutral sol'n of aqueous ions such as salt water.

Non metals chlorides such as SiCl4, PCl5, S2Cl2 react with water to form acids.

SiCl4 + 2H2O --> SiO2 + 4HCl

PCl5 + 4H2O --> H3PO4 +5HCl

2S2Cl2 + H2O --> 3S +SO2 + HCl

Special Case:

Anhydrous AlCl3 dissolves in water to form the chloride ion and the hexaaqua-aluminium ion.

AlCl3(s) + 6H2O(l) --> [Al(H2O)6]3+ + Cl- (Rxn 1)

Because of Al's highly polarising power, it pulls the e- density away from the H2O ligands and to
itself. This makes the H2O molecules give up H+ ions.

[Al(H2O)6]3+ <--> [Al(H2O)5OH] + H+(aq)

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