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Matthew Zavolta

January 27, 2017


Theme: People who are experiencing natural disasters

Reading: Proverbs 3: 5-6 (5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own

understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight).

People may ask, why does disasters happen in the world? People who are experiencing natural

disasters should still follow God because he has a plan for us. Everything happens for a reason

and I think when natural disasters happens, he is trying to say to us that if we trust in the Lord

with all our hearts, good things will come our way. You never know Gods plan, if he wanted to

end the world he could. God is powerful and we should commemorate our lives to him by prayer

and going to church. If we continue to follow God, we will live our lives in peace and not agony.

God will shape our paths but we have to choose what path to go down. Free will is our choosing

from what is right or wrong. God is guiding us towards the right path, we have to continue to

follow that path or it can lead to bad things like jail, drugs, or even death. God wants us to live

good and happy lives, to eventually go to Heaven after we die.

Dear heavenly Father, have mercy on those who are suffering from natural disasters and help

people are in need of your mercy. Help them follow you and guide them in the right direction,

through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

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