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From an esoteric point of view your birth chart is a portrait of your soul'
s intention for this lifetime, the lessons to be learned, qualities to develop,
problems to be resolved, service to be rendered. From that perspective, the cho
ices one makes in one's daily life have reverberations that may last beyond even
this lifetime.
This reading is written to help you clarify your lessons and goals, illumin
ate your struggles, and encourage you to move in the direction of your true purp
The best to you on your journey...
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Planetary Positions, Aspects, and Orbs

Sun 8 Pis 02 Pluto 20 Can 12

Moon 26 Sco 04 N. Node 26 Pis 18
Mercury 8 Pis 50 Asc. 3 Lib 43
Venus 18 Ari 01 MC 4 Can 51
Mars 2 Pis 09 2nd cusp 28 Lib 03
Jupiter 15 Leo 06 3rd cusp 28 Sco 32
Saturn 0 Aqu 23 5th cusp 10 Aqu 39
Uranus 17 Ari 06 6th cusp 10 Pis 17
Neptune 6 Vir 35
Tropical Placidus Standard time observed
Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction : 5 Deg 00 Min Trine : 4 Deg 00 Min
Opposition : 5 Deg 00 Min Sextile : 3 Deg 00 Min
Square : 4 Deg 00 Min Quincunx : 3 Deg 00 Min
Conjunct Asc : 3 Deg 00 Min Above, 5 Deg 00 Min Below
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Chapter 1: The Moon

The placement of the Moon in your birth chart is very significant from a ka
rmic perspective, as it indicates the accumulated karmic tendencies, both positi
ve and negative, that you carry from your past incarnated experiences on earth.
While the Sun reveals your intended purposes and lessons for this present l
ife cycle, the MOON represents what you have already done and developed, hence,
Elizabeth, what is instinctive and natural to you, and what you tend to do over
and over again. Your childhood is also reflected in the Moon's placement, as it
is through those childhood circumstances that any unresolved past-life issues ar
e re-stimulated. Your subconscious predisposition is indicated by the Moon's po
sition. It is the psychic imprint of the past. The nodes of the Moon describe
behavior patterns from the past, as well as delineating a direction out of outwo
rn or overdone behaviors and habits.
Moon in Scorpio:
In your incarnational past you developed an acute psychic sensitivity, a so
rt of psychic x-ray vision that enables you to read the hidden agendas and the u
nspoken (often unconscious) messages that other people put out. Your ability to
intuit another's motives and unexpressed feelings may make some people wary or
uncomfortable around you. It is as if they sense that you know more about them
than they know themselves, especially about those aspects of themselves they wou
ld rather not face or have other people see. In the past, Elizabeth, your penet
rating insight into human nature, your capacity to deeply "know" a person emphat
ically, and your attunement to the dark or hidden under currents in a person or
situation may have gained you the reputation of being a "witch". You may well h
ave used your deeper knowledge to gain power over or manipulate people in subtle
ways. Certainly you had the capacity to. You may also have endured much ridic
ule whenever you openly expressed your feelings and your awareneses. As a result
, you learned to be very secretive and private and to protect yourself from tryi
ng eyes. Even today, you can be very asocial and you hide quite a bit of yoursel
f from public view, retreating into seclusion whenever you feel threatened. At
a deep level, you may believe that you must hide in order to survive, and thus a
llowing yourself to come out into the open, or to let people in, may be very dif
ficult for you.
Early experiences in this life, or in past lifetimes, have conditioned you
to be less than trusting. Your lovers and close friends may feel you are unjust
ifiably fearful, even a bit paranoid. The truth is, you have experienced first-
hand the nastier side of human nature. You thus tend to throw up smoke screens
between yourself and those who would know your at more than a superficial level,
and once you do allow someone to know you well, fears of loss, betrayal, or aba
ndonment usually surface rapidly. Nevertheless, Elizabeth, your capacity for an
d your need for deep intimacy and emotional closeness in your relationships is g
reater than most. You seek intensity in your relationships and can not be satis
fied with "luke warm". You run hot and cold, and are prone to be compulsive or
obsessed with the people or issues you care about. At your worst, you are unbea
rably possessive and controlling, driven by your craving for closeness and also
your underlying memories of being betrayed. Jealousy may be your greatest nemes
is. Secretary nursing grudges, resentment, ad grievances over things that happe
ned long ago may also be a bad habit of yours, one you will need to overcome if
you are not to be poisoned by your own negativity.
It is important that you do not deny or repress such feelings, either, as t
hat will only fuel them. However, if you can acknowledge and share them - and t
he let them go, you can free yourself of a lot of old, excess "baggage". you ar
e also prone to strong feelings of guilt, often for no known cause that you can
consciously relate them to. This may stem from three sources: 1)Being punished
or shamed as a child for your very strong feelings, especially the "not-nice" on
es, 2) your own instinctive awareness of the "shadowy" side of your own nature a
nd 3) deep memories of your own misuse of misdirection of power.
At your best, Elizabeth, you are passionate, creative, caring, deep, and wi
se in an instinctive way. In this lifetime you could be a particularly insightf
ul psychologist or counselor, the one people will divulge their darkest secrets
to. By confronting your own negativity and pain, and learning to release it, yo
u are able to shed some light for others who struggle with the same.
North Node in Pisces:
In your incarnational past, you relied upon your rational, analytical, and
intellectual skills. Your growth direction now is to open more to the non-ratio
nal or transcendental aspect of life, Elizabeth, and to further your understandi
ng through compassion, empathy, and intuition.
North Node in 6th house:
You may be vague about or unconscious of how your past tendency operates in
your life. It may work against you without your knowing it. Apply your new at
titude or growth direction in matters of health, illness, or self-improvement in
order to overcome the effects of your past.
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Chapter 2: The Sun

The Sun in your birth chart represents the primary creative thrust for this
lifetime, those qualities you are to develop (or further develop) and express,
and your current life focus. This may be in harmony with your instincts and you
r emotional habits, Elizabeth, or along completely different lines. The Sun rep
resents your conscious identity in this lifetime.
Sun in Pisces:
The flowering of compassion, through your ability to merge on a feeling lev
el and to empathize with all, is a key theme for you in this lifetime. This pro
pensity to share others' emotional experience has both its blessings and its def
icits. At your finest, Elizabeth, you have a deeply-felt understanding of human
nature which goes beyond words or intellect, and which enables you to forgive o
thers' misdeeds and make allowances for their weaknesses. You are acutely aware
of others' pain, including the emotional wounds and brokenness they carry withi
n, and your ability to listen with an understanding heart and to unconditionally
accept people as they are can be a healing influence in their lives. You are i
nclined to exclude nobody. At a deep level you feel and know your oneness with a
ll creatures, and thus every snail in the garden or stray cat is part of your "h
eart's family".
However, this same all-embracing emotional/psychic openness and receptivity
can be the source of some of your greatest challenges in life. It is easy for
you to become overwhelmed by the world and its sorrows, and to seek some form of
escape from it and from your own extreme sensitivity; for instance, over using
drugs or alcohol or even food to alter your mood, or retreating from life into t
he unreal world of television or other diversions. You may simply withdrawing i
nto your own private fantasies to avoid confronting the challenges in the physic
al world. At its worst this tendency can devolve into evasiveness and playing o
strich "about important issues in your life". While your imagination and your s
ensitivity are the well spring of some of your richest experiences and gifts, if
over indulged you may become passive, ineffectual, lost or confused. Especiall
y when young, Elizabeth, you may lack a strong sense of self, of definition and
identity, because on a feeling level you identify with others so easily. It can
be difficult for you to separate yourself, to know what your boundaries are, wh
en to say no or how to stand up for your own personal interests. Since you are
not narrowly focused on self, others may take advantage of your natural generosi
ty and sympathy. Learning and incorporating the concepts of discrimination and
clear judgment will enable you to give of yourself in ways that are healthy for
you and the ones you are giving to.
Part of your soul development in this lifetime also has to do with taking w
hat others discard fixing, saving, or redeeming it in some way. This could take
many forms, from repairing and recycling old "junk", to working with people who
are disadvantaged, such as, the misfits, outcasts, sick, weak, poor, or handica
pped in our society This urge to fix what is broken, to heal and to make whole a
gain has, once again, a light and a dark side to it - the dark side being that y
ou could easily become a martyr, sacrificing yourself for the supposed benefit o
f another while drawing in trouble yourself. However, Elizabeth, if you learn s
elf-responsibility, your gift for healing or putting things back together again
can be fulfilling to you as well as benefit many others.
At times you may feel that you do not really belong in this world, for you
are so attuned to the nonphysical, intangible world of feeling and of the soul.
An underlying sense of "cosmic homesickness" and a yearning for the peace and c
ompletion of the beyond may be ever present with you.
However, attuning to this inner or transpersonal realm, and bringing back i
ts gifts to share in this one, is really your challenge. Music or art may be yo
ur vehicle. You could develop your psychic sensitivity in order to help guide a
nd teach others, Elizabeth, or simply live your life in a way that expresses and
honors your larger vision and your compassion. (This can lead you to becoming l
ackadaisical, wasteful, or out of touch with the material world).
Sun Opposition Neptune:
A high degree of spiritual perceptiveness and psychic sensitivity opens you
to the intangible side of life. You may possess some unusual gifts, Elizabeth,
such as, the ability to see auras or to "read" people intuitively, clairvoyantl
y, or the ability to channel healing energy, or a prodigious musical or artistic
talent. Your imagination and capacity to create from images in your fantasies
or dreams is one aspect of your giftedness. An awakened sense of unity with all
other living things also engenders within you much compassion, gentleness and a
desire to help or "save" them. Part of your soul mission is the further develo
pment and refinement of these gifts.
However, such sensitivity and openness is not without potential problems.
Being aware (however subtly) of the vastness of life and of the spiritual dimens
ion may lead you to abdicate personal responsibility for directing your own cour
se in life ("let God do it", or "It's my fate"). Escapism, evasiveness and pass
ivity in the face of challenges from the outside world are negative potentials.
You can be too yielding, too gentle. Your assessment of yourself may also be u
nclear and less than accurate. Quite often you underestimate your own power to
determine your life and your own abilities in other areas. When out of balance,
Elizabeth, you tend to glamorize or overidealize yourself or others, to get cau
ght up in some fantasy (without distinguishing between truth and fiction), to ne
glect your emotional and/or physical self for the sake of some dream or spiritua
l ideal, or to be naive and gullible and easily manipulated. There is some indi
cation that a misunderstanding or mis-direction of spiritual energies in your in
carnational past needs to be addressed and balanced out in your present cycle.
It is especially important for you to be thoroughly grounded in the physical wor
ld, and especially to avoid mind or mood altering substances which could serve t
o distort your perceptions, confuse or destabilize you. Incorporating a regular,
rhythmic pattern and some form of self discipline in your life will also enable
you to use your imaginative and spiritual gifts to the fullest. Above all, Eli
zabeth, rigorous honesty with the self is required. It can also be helpful to g
et feedback and assistance from people who are mature, well-grounded, practical
and effective in the world.
Sun conjunct Mercury in Pisces:
Your ability to blend your intellect and reasoning power with your intuitio
n enables you to instinctively understand other people and their life situations
, Elizabeth, and you have a gift for drawing them out, eliciting and listening t
o their stories, even though you yourself maybe shy. You could be a great story
-teller, as you possess a keen eye and ear for the poetic, literary and artistic
. You will be happiest when you are using some blending of mind and emotions, or
thought and instinct, in a creative way. The use of your hands to fashion, fix
or create things is very satisfying also.
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Chapter 3: Rising Sign

The point that was on the eastern horizon at the moment of your birth is ca
lled the ASCENDANT, or rising sign. While the Sun describes your conscious dire
ction and current life focus, and the moon your subconscious predisposition and
past, the Ascendant indicates a way of being that transcends and embraces past,
present, and future. It describes the way you engage and merge with the outer w
orld and how you bring through into life the energies depicted by the sun, the m
oon, and the rest of your birth chart. Everything is filtered through the ascen
dant from an esoteric point of view. It indicates your soul's function and thus
a key part of your destiny.
Libra Rising:
Your soul function involves establishing balance and harmony in your world,
and an awareness of beauty, of relationship, of style, and how things fit or bl
end together. Reconciling opposites, Elizabeth, and finding "the middle way" is
your path, and the fine arts of compromise, negotiations and cooperation are key
elements. You are the dove, the diplomat, the peacemaker, the friend; partners
hip and personal relations are your forte.
Libra Rising and Venus in Aries:
Your ruling planet, Venus, is in the fiery and self-assertive sign of Aries
, however, suggesting that direct confrontation and even conflict (when necessar
y) is how you seek to create harmony and relationship. While appearing to oblig
e or give in, Elizabeth, you nevertheless arm to fulfill your own intentions. Yo
u are learning about the true nature of love, of giving and receiving, and about
personal integrity and honesty in the context of intimate relationships.
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Chapter 4: Saturn, Your Achilles Heel

Karmically considered, the placement of Saturn in your birth chart indicate
s where your energetic blockages, weaknesses and fears lie, and the areas of you
r life where the most concentrated effort and discipline will be required to mas
ter and overcome them. Yet it also points to the aspects of life which can beco
me your greatest strength if you are willing to face your fears and difficulties
honestly, Elizabeth, and work with them patiently.
Saturn in Aquarius
Your particular struggle has two faces. First, you can feel alienated from
the mainstream of society, unable to comfortably be a part of things or to part
icipate socially, disaffected and oppressed by society's rules or the prevailing
order of things in the world. A harsh social critic, you may feel like the lon
e-wolf, both longing for and refusing acceptance, inclusion and approval from "t
he group". Your innate distrust of groups or crowds may prevent you from joinin
g in activities you would actually enjoy. Depending on other factors in your ch
art, Elizabeth, you are apt to feel either painfully isolated, or simply aloof.
You have an acute social conscience and are prone to feel personally guilty for
the collective's mistakes, or to try to instill guilt in others for the same.
One negative tendency you also have is to blame all of your own problems on the
ills of society, the corruption in the government, "Big Brother", etc. You tend
to focus on the gloomiest aspect of the world scene, and to fear the worst.
The other side of the coin is a tendency to stifle your uniqueness in order
to fit in. Being acceptable and conforming may become overly important to you,
Elizabeth, so much so that you intensely dislike anyone who deviates from conve
ntion or is "weird" in any way. If you find that this is the case, know that yo
u are actually fighting an aspect of your own inner self. You could also become
a "joiner", overly identified with social causes to the neglect or determent of
your other personal interests or relations.
Saturn in 4th house:
Your roots, background, origins, early home life and/or relationships with
your parents is the arena where you most likely have been frustrated or suffered
a lack of support (physical or emotional). Basic insecurities stemming from th
e legacy of your childhood need to be addressed and healed. Being neglected, de
prived or burdened with responsibilities beyond a child's capacity may have robb
ed you of the sense of security a child derives from being taken care of. Quite
possibly you were forced into fending for yourself earlier than you are develop
mentally ready for. Thus, Elizabeth, as an adult you need to concentrate on bui
lding a solid inner base of security within yourself. One of the blessings here
is that through this process you have the opportunity to find your "true home",
a place within you that is the source of real security and nourishment. On an e
xternal level, owning your own home or property, an developing it over time, can
be a way to help this process along.
You have a tendency to isolate yourself and become a hermit, and at certain
periods in your life this is necessary and good, or you develop the strength an
d self-esteem which were not nurtured in your beginnings. However, Elizabeth, y
ou should beware of closing people out entirely, and of rejecting intimacy, fami
ly ties or deep emotional investment.
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Chapter 5: The Hard Aspects

Mercury Opposition Neptune:
Part of your purpose and challenge in life is to translate your particular
vision and subtle sensitivity in to some form that speaks to others. You are at
tuned to the muse, Elizabeth, whether you are a musician, poet, artist, spiritua
l seeker or a psychically gifted counselor. Your mind does not function in a st
rictly logical, linear way and you may have difficulty ordering your life, under
standing boundaries, or functioning in a defined and reliable way.
Your mind functions primarily in the world of images which can be either a
rich source of creativity or a confusing maze of self-created fantasies. Learni
ng to differentiate between dream and reality is imperative. Mental clarity and
self-discipline, by strict avoidance of mind-altering substances, honesty with
self and others, and seeking feedback from an objective person when you are feel
ing fuzzy or confused, is necessary in order to make the most of your gifts.
The phenomena of "channeling" is one you are very open to at your finest, E
lizabeth, you will feel yourself to be a channel or conduit for "magic" to happe
n, artistically or otherwise.
Venus SemiSquare Mars:
In this lifetime the erotic impulses of human love, desire and sexual relat
ionships are a highly charged focus of your attention. Expressing your sexual e
nergies and personal magnetic attractiveness in ways that are loving and respect
ful or at least not harmful to yourself and others will be one of your issues. D
ominating others through your sexuality, or allowing yourself to be dominated in
this way is also a theme. Dissonance or turbulence in intimate relationships,
especially over differences in sexual drives, or needs, must be handled with car
e. Expressing your passion in ways that are compatible with your own values and
sense of beauty is the key here.
On another level, Elizabeth, balancing and integrating masculine and femini
ne energies within yourself is the challenge. Carrying or wearing watermelon to
urmaline can be quite useful along these lines.
Venus Conjunct Uranus:
Both in your personal relationships and in your personal tastes, you will f
eel an attraction to wildness, rebelliousness, newness and erratic rhythms. "Al
ternative" life styles or love styles, with an emphasis on a strong need to be f
ree, to experiment and to be spontaneous, appeal to you. Even if, at a consciou
s level, you believe you want stable and "normal" relationships, you will be dra
wn to people who are inconstant, creatively unwilling to make a commitment. You
, on the other hand, Elizabeth, may be the adventurous, noncommittal one, or fin
d yourself sabotaging a relationship once it becomes steady and reliable. In som
e part of your life you must feel free to experiment emotionally and creatively.
Dancing or music or some other free-flowing art form could be an outlet for th
is. Keeping love alive, fresh and surprising is an ongoing life challenge for y
There may well be a number of unions and separations, unexpected disruption
s in intimate relationships, and/or periods of relatively little deep intimacy i
n your life; the karmic purpose of which is for you to be able to develop indep
endence, autonomy and detachment from an overdependence upon relationships. Howe
ver, Elizabeth, you must beware of behaving selfishly, insensitively, impersonal
ly and coldly in your pursuit of personal freedom.
Venus Square Pluto:
The realm of human love and human relating is not one you can enter into li
ghtly or casually. For you, Elizabeth, it is always an all-or-nothing, whole-he
arted and ultimately transformative experience. Great joy and tremendous pain,
intense desire and longings, betrayals are part of your soul's path and pattern
in this lifetime. A deepening of your heart and your capacity to love, as well
as a purification of your values is what this is all about. It may be the loss
of one particular person in a particularly poignant and excruciating way, or a s
eries of encounters which bring you ever deeper into your own attachments. Even
abusive relationships may be the arenas in which this occurs. Ultimately, Eliza
beth, it is the power of love, to heal, to renew and resurrect your own and othe
rs' lives which you are meant to discover.
The darker side or temptation on this path is to use love (or attractivenes
s, and other's love for you) to control, manipulate or force your will upon them
. A love of power -instead of the power of love - would then be your downfall.
Mars SemiSquare Uranus:
You are like a very high-spirited, temperamental horse, full of great energ
y and drive, but also impulsive, erratic, fitful and prone to sudden starts and
stops. Also there is within you a fierce independence, Elizabeth, a strong crav
ing for freedom and at times a fiery rebelliousness. If you have free rein, you
can be relatively happy, though not ever completely "settled" or contentedly se
rene for long. Under conditions that are too structured and constricted, howeve
r, you are more apt to blow up.
When out of balance you are prone to express yourself in ways that can have
negative karmic consequences, such as; irritable impatience and a volatile, unp
redictable temper (which can affect your health as well as damage the trust and
quality of your relationships), intense restlessness (resulting in an inability
to persist with a project long enough to see it through to completion) a complet
e unwillingness to cooperate or compromise (which also can undermine relationshi
ps, particularly with authority), physical recklessness (which an lead to accide
nts), and/or the inclination to ignite controversy and unrest in your environmen
t. Because of your high (if somewhat unstable) energy level you are apt to forg
e ahead, oblivious to the fact that you are running right over the people around
you. You may believe you are your own law, or are above the law. Too much atta
chment to action and to being right are also potentials within you.
Learning to slow down, Elizabeth, developing patience and the capacity to w
ait and cultivating a more steady, peaceful spirit will enable you to express th
e higher creativity, originality and inspired passion you are capable of.
Mars Opposition Neptune:
Your masculine, yang, assertive energies combine (somewhat tensely and unea
sily) with your urge for transcendence, grandeur and a life beyond the every day
or material. This could be expressed through you in various ways. At best you
are an inspired creative genius with the drive and need to physically manifest
your dreams and visions. (This may nevertheless, be hard on those around you or
the part of you that wants a normal, orderly existence, as you tend to become f
anatical and to ignore the more mundane stuff).
You may have a great deal of fantasy about and infatuation with masculinity
, male power, which can lead to feelings of personal inadequacy, sexual confusio
n, an over identification with macho strengths and values, muscles, competing or
simply an unclear relationship with men. You may idealize the man (father, hus
band, son) and fail to perceive them accurately. You tend to go to extreme, Eli
zabeth, either denying all male attribute, functions or values, or secretly wors
hipping them.
You may also have great aspirations and far reaching ambitions which may or
may not be practically realizable. However, for you, to live is to dream. Striv
e for complete honesty, with yourself as well as others, because the downside of
this pattern is a tendency to evade or deceive or simply ignore what is. Avoid
, also, the tendency to use either your physical strength or your sexual power a
nd charisma in an exaggerated way. Misdirection of these energies can weaken you
r vitality considerably.
Ultimately you may be lead to devote your strength and all your actions to
something that transcends personal gratification and personal desire, Elizabeth,
becoming a channel for a higher power to work through.
Jupiter is Retrograde:
Moral concerns (including lingering unresolved issues stemming from a prior
lifetime or lifetimes in which you exercised poor judgment in moral, ethical or
religious matters) come into play here. Thus, it is especially important for y
ou to maintain high standards while pursuing your aspirations.
Uranus Square Pluto:
You and many of your generation have a group karma that involves planetary
change and awakening through upheaval and disruption, Elizabeth. Turbulent forc
es in the collective mind/body/soul of your group may be expressed as violence,
extreme opposition to real or perceived oppression, radical severance from all o
ld conditioning. There is a powerful urge for change and revolution in this pat
tern. Becoming a positive agent of change rather than a negative reactionary or
extremist is your challenge.
Neptune is Retrograde:
The above is complicated by the fact that you had a prior lifetime or lifet
imes in which you dissipated your energy, fell away from your disciplines, or we
re to passive or irresolute to go after the spiritual opportunities open to you
at that time. This carries over as a vague yet persistent inner nagging that you
should be further on than you are, Elizabeth, or a fear of spiritual failure.
You may also have been involved in mystical or magical practices that created di
stortions in your life. It is important for you to take a balanced, patient, we
ll-grounded attitude toward life - nothing too otherworldly, ethereal, or glamou
rous. Indulging in any mood-altering substances is particularly deleterious for
Pluto is Retrograde:
These issues are further complicated by the fact that in a prior life or li
ves you experienced a terrible betrayal, Elizabeth, and may even have been tortu
red or put to death, when you claimed power (social, political or spiritual). Y
ou may have misused power or employed Machiavellian strategies in which many suf
fered. Whether you were a perpetrator or a victim of such abuses, deep fears wer
e engendered at that time, of being powerful, or of people in power who would cr
ush you if you display your strengths. An unconscious desire for revenge may mo
tivate you, and prevent you from healing. Letting go of this may require deep i
nner work and some kind of therapeutic energetic release of the grief you hold.
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Chapter 6: Soft Aspects

The following is a description of your GIFTS and STRENGTHS which can help y
ou as you work with your major life challenges. These are abilities and qualitie
s of heart, mind and soul which are quite natural to you. You probably take the
m for granted. Because these represent the lines of least resistance for you, El
izabeth, you may rely too much upon them at times; hence, there are some caution
s suggested. Still, these are the areas where good flows into your life and/or
where you have considerable inner resources.
Venus Trine Jupiter:
In your incarnational past you have enjoyed ease and wealth, and have thus
developed a taste for "the finer things", and a certain level of comfort and mat
erial well-being. You expect to be well provided for, Elizabeth, and will attra
ct prosperity quite easily. However, you may also take much for granted, or be d
isinclined to put yourself out very much. If you can avoid the "spoiled prince"
or "spoiled princess" attitude, your more golden qualities will help you create
a satisfying life for yourself. These personal attributes include generosity, f
riendliness, givingness, tolerance and the ability to make others feel comfortab
le, accepted and good about themselves. Humor and a light touch are also among
your gifts.
An appreciation for beauty and culture is well developed in you also; and y
ou could be a sponsor and supporter of the arts in your community.
Jupiter Trine Uranus:
Through your openness, optimism, enthusiasm for adventure or new ideas, and
your willingness to go out on a limb and do something unusual or risky, blessin
gs flow into your life. In your willingness to follow your inspiration, to pay
attention to uncanny coincidences and synchronistic events, you attune to a hig
her order and magnetize good fortune. You also have a fortunate sense of timing
, Elizabeth, and what others may see as your "good luck" is at least partly your
knowing when to say yes to an opportunity. In fact, your positive expectations
help create such opportunities. Sharing joy, fun, laughter and playfulness is
also one of the ways you give birth to the new in your life. Discovery and benef
its through travel is also indicated

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