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Learning activity 2 / Actividad de aprendizaje 2

Evidence: My favorite vacation / Evidencia: Mi vacacin favorita

Describe your favorite vacation. Include dates, places you visited, activities you
did, means of transportation and a picture, real or unreal. /Describa su vacacin
favorita. Incluya fechas, lugares que visit, actividades que realiz, medios de
transporte y una foto, real o irreal.

Write a paragraph with no more than seven lines using SENA font, Arial 12.
Escriba un prrafo de no ms de seis lneas con letra Arial 12.


My favorite vacation

My favorite vacation was in 2015. I went to Venezuela. I traveled by plane. I

went to many places in Caracas. I visited museums, restaurants, parks,
discotheques, theaters, and churches. I stayed in a beautiful hotel. In January, I
spent some days in an exotic beach near Caracas. I practiced scuba diving, I
swam in the ocean, and I surfed a lot. I ate delicious food and I met many
friends. I came back to Bogota in February. My vacation was fantastic because I
rested a lot, I met new friends and I knew beautiful places.
My favorite vacation and my last vacation.

My name is Maria Elcy Escobar and this is my family.

In this photo we were on the beach of San Andres, where the we
was always very warm and sunny, and we had so much fun, so
not complain.

In this photo my whole family was barefoot.

We took off our shoes on the beach because I felt the sand on
feet and it was very relaxing.

The man is my husband, Jose was wearing brown shorts and a

T-shirt, and sunglasses.

The woman is me, Mara Elcy Escobar

He wore a white T-shirt and jeans, and a hat of many colors.

The child is my son Juan Camilo.

He wore brown shorts and a red T-shirt.

The girl is my daughter Diana, with a pink dress and long brown

My favorite vacation was in 2015. I went to San Andrs.

Travel by airplane. It was a good flight.

We stayed in a hotel where we were treated very well and star


I spent a few days on an exotic Johnny Cay beach near San And
I went to many places on Johnny Cay.

Many tourists visited Johnny Cay, and they met and saw the i
and the clear blue sea and white sand.

I played with my little son in the sand. We made many sand c

with the help of my wife and even made a competition that one
And as always my son was angry because he could not bui

We met nice people on the island, and bought and ate deliciou
food at the restaurants on the island.
I wanted to eat a shrimp cocktail and I loved it.
We ate a lot of fish and seafood, the seafood was deliciou
something I did not like was coconut milk, it was not flavorfu
husband said it is amazing and delicious but I did not like it.

It was fantastic. I practiced diving, I swam in the ocean wit

husband and my kids, and we saw a starfish and many snail

On the hottest days we went to the sea and swam to get tir
course I did it with care.

My husband always took care of our children and warned us o


We went to a nightclub called the cave and then traveled aroun


These holidays needed them to forget the problems and emph

the daily routine at work.
It was a perfect beach day.

With my husband I went shopping in a very large store.

We bought souvenirs, clothing, objects, ornaments and filled up
things in the hotel.

My vacation was fantastic because I rested a lot, met new friend

met beautiful places.

Obviously, all this time we take photos, which after editing o

computer and put the effects, to make them look more beautiful.
Then, my wife made a scrapbook with them.

In conclusion I can say that I had a wonderful time with my fa

enjoy the time and the moments that I spent on that amazing be
hope that someday we will go back there!

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform
as follows:

1. Click on the title of this evidence.

2. Click on Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make
sure the file is attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.
Una vez finalice la evidencia enve al instructor el archivo a travs de la
plataforma, as:

1. D clic en el ttulo de esta evidencia.

2. D clic en el enlace Examinar mi equipo y busque el archivo en su
computador. Asegrese de adjuntar el archivo.
3. Escriba algn comentario si lo considera pertinente.
4. D clic en Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Nota: esta evidencia es de carcter individual. Recuerde revisar la gua de

aprendizaje con el fin de verificar que ha realizado todas las actividades
propuestas, saber cmo desarrollarlas y entregarlas correctamente.

Criterios de evaluacin
Describe experiencias de vacaciones pasadas teniendo en cuenta la
estructura gramatical, vocabulario y contexto requeridos.

Usa los verbos regulares e irregulares en pasado simple con la estructura y

el vocabulario requeridos.

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