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Yeltsin Loango

Professor Batty

English 101

May 30, 2017


For this essay I believe I did good but there's always ways I could fix it and improve it.I have

already met with colette and have gone over some of the major things I need to fix. We have

gone over the fact that my thesis will have to be more parallel structured. On the topic of

paragraphs I have to create a leading sentence that will give the reader an idea of what this part

of the essay will be about because this is something that made my paragraphs a bit not coherent.

Making my paragraphs more coherent. There is some paragraphs where I went talking onto the

next paragraph about the same thing and now will be combining them to make more sense. I

could use different words to be the same thing as well I have to work on, for example like

families I would need to find other words that will still mean that and will make the reader

understand that I am still on the same topic. I believe there are some sentences that do need to be

excluded in this paragraph. In every paragraph it should always lead back to my thesis and how

they go together. Talk more about the what languages if others are commonly seen there, there

variety if other than hispanics can be found there. Maybe something that can give the people a

bigger idea of the place can use talk more about the 5 senses, to give them that picture of the


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