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Weitkamp 1

Libby Weitkamp

Mr. King

English 1

2 May 2017

Responses to Terrorism

Terrorism is a topic today that concerns many people. The effects on not only Americans,

-but also the Iraqi people are becoming more severe. Terrorism has escalated over the past

couple of years, causing previously peaceful countries to take offensive action. This has created

conflict and separation between several countries. When terrorism occurs some people move into

other countries to escape the terror. The effects of terrorism are different among all and can be

noticed or unnoticed.

The overall response to terrorism affects everyone. The United States is responding to

terrorism not only physically, but economically (Responding). The United States has cut several

economic ties terrorists, thus removing funding. However, cutting ties can come with dangerous

consequences. American officials are on alert at all times to ensure and implement safety in case

of an attack. The safety plans that are implemented include having many weapons in police

departments that can be unnecessary (Alex). The more guns and weapons that are made create

more opportunities for taxes to be raised (Bresler).

Domestic security is being affected by the government's decisions on ways to deal with

terrorism. Due to the increase of terrorism, privacy is more difficult to obtain (Bresler).

American civilians are having information about personal calls, emails, and more are shared with

the government (Alex). The information shared is known as metadata. The government collects
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these examples of metadata to better understand what is being done online(Alex).The

government is able to know what the public is doing due to the funding from taxes Americans

are paying. The Central Intelligence Agency has a budget of $75 billion while the National

Security Agency has a budget of $10 billion.

The soldiers that put their lives at risk everyday to keep the people in their country safe

can be affected by terrorism. Soldiers are returning with physical and mental injuries

(Responding).Some examples of mental injuries are Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD)

and depression (Responding).Substance abuse can follow mental issues. Some believe soldiers

need to be better trained in how to handle combat and technology in order to prevent these

situations from happening (Bresler). However, the soldiers are also changing the lives of the

Iraqi people. Some of the Iraqi people want and in some cases, need to leave their homes due to

the dangerous environments they are surrounded by but cant due to the United States military

(Responding). The dangerous environments create unemployment, violence, and insecurity.

The terrorism throughout countries today is increasing and becoming a worldwide

conflict. There are many different aspects and ways to view the situation that is occurring. In

conclusion, every aspect of life can or is potentially affected by terrorism and the issue needs to

be resolved. Terrorism is taking lives, money, and privacy from many. Terrorism arises between

different cultures among people. If the differences are embraced rather than shamed, terrorism

has a possibility to be abolished.

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Works Cited

Responding to terrorism: challenges for democracy. Providence, RI: Watson Institute for

International Studies, Brown U, 2008. Print.

Bresler, Robert J. "Domestic Politics and the War on Terror." USA Today Magazine, vol. 130,

no. 2682, Mar. 2002, p. 19.

Alex Kane / AlterNet. "5 Ways the War on Terror Has Changed Your Life." Alternet. N.p., 06

Aug. 2013. Web. 26 Apr. 2017.

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