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Yeltsin Loango

Professor Batty

English 101

May 30, 2017


I wasn't pleased with the grade I got and there's much editing that can be done . First of all for my

introduction I will add more background information from the book . I will make my my paragraphs

always come back to the main character Darrell and how each point connects to him. My third

paragraph needs revision on connecting the point of sports and grudges onto how I would like to

connect it to the point . Fix conclusion , the so what factor add more. I think the points I have in my

essay are very good, it's just the matter of fact where I have failed to either relate them to Darrell, or

they aren't as clear that I would like to make for the reader to understand. The so what factor should

be focused on more, the main topic that can be seen here is the audience and who the essay is

toward . And I think that this can be fixed and I do believe there is an audience in today's time that

may need to understand. I did use the articles, but I think I need to talk about the book a bit more.

Something I may be looking to do is give a summary or some history of the life of Darrell, so that the

person reading this knows why i'm making my argument that Darrell is saintlike. I would like to fix my

works cited page page I noticed my citing in the essay wasn't where it was suppose to be, as well as

grammar errors that can be fixed.

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