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AA. Engineering:

1. Thermodynamics
a) Basic Concepts
Continuum and macroscopic approach; thermodynamic systems (closed and
open); thermodynamic properties and equilibrium; state of a system, state
postulate for simple compressible substances, state diagrams, paths and
processes on state diagrams; concepts of heat and work, different modes of
work; zero law of thermodynamics; concept of temperature.
b) First Law of Thermodynamics
c) Second Law of Thermodynamics
d) Properties of Pure Substances
Thermodynamic properties of pure substances in solid, liquid and vapor phases;
P-vT behavior of simple compressible substances, phase rule, thermodynamic
property tables and charts, ideal and real gases, ideal gas equation of state and
van der Waals equation of state; law of corresponding states, compressibility
factor and generalized compressibility chart.
e) Thermodynamic Relations
T-ds relations, Joule-Thomson coefficient, coefficient of volume expansion,
adiabatic and isothermal compressibilitys,
f) Thermodynamic Cycles
Carnot vapor cycle, ideal Rankin cycle, Rankin reheat cycle, air-standard Otto
cycle, air-standard Diesel cycle, air-standard Bray ton cycle, vapor-
compression refrigeration cycle.
g) Ideal Gas Mixtures
Daltons and Amalgams laws, properties of ideal gas mixtures, air-water vapor
mixtures and simple thermodynamic processes involving them; specific and
relative humilities, dew point and wet bulb temperature, adiabatic saturation
temperature, psychometric chart.

2. Fundamentals of I. C. Engines and Heat Engines:

Four/Two Stroke: Valve Timing Diagram, Compression/Spark Ignition Engines,
Cetane & octane Ratings, Supercharging, Otto/Carnot/Dual Cycles etc.

3. General Engineering Knowledge and Aptitude, such as:

Steam Generation and Boilers, types, Fittings on Boiler such as:
Safety Valve, Gauge Glass etc.
Hydraulics: Bernoullis Theorem, Bulk Modulus Etc.
Metallurgy : Basic Iron /carbon Diagram, Mild, Cast, Steel, Cast iron
composition, etc.
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning basic Cycles, Thermostatic expansion valves

4. Basic Electricity: Power generation, AC ~ DC Generators, Motors, Instrumentation,

Insulation, Resistance, Megger, Voltmeter, Batteries, AVR, Squirrel,

5. Fluid Mechanics
a. Flow and Fluid Properties
b. Kinematics
c. viscid flows
d. Bernoullis equation
e. Dimensional analysis
Concept of geometric, kinematic and dynamic similarity, some common non-
dimensional parameters and their physical significance: Reynolds number,
Froude number and Mach number.
f. Brandt boundary layer equations
Concept and assumptions, qualitative idea of boundary layer and separation,
streamlined and bluff bodies, drag and lift forces.
g. Flow measurements: Basic ideas of flow measurement using venturimeter,
piton-static tube and orifice plate.

6. Materials Science
a) Processing of Materials:
b) Powder synthesis, sintering, chemical methods, crystal growth techniques, zone
refining, preparation of nano particles and thin films
c) Characterization Techniques:
X-ray diffraction, spectroscopic techniques like UV-vis, IR, Optical and Electron
d) Thermodynamics and Kinetics:
e) Properties of Materials:
Mechanical Properties: Stress-strain response of metallic, ceramic and polymer
materials, yield strength, tensile strength and modulus of elasticity, toughness,
plastic deformation, fatigue, creep and fracture
Thermal Properties: Specific heat, thermal conductivity and thermal expansion,
f) Material types
Concept of amorphous, single crystals and polycrystalline materials, crystallinity
and its effect on physical properties, metal, ceramic, composites
g) Environmental Degradation
Corrosion, oxidation and prevention

1. General Mathematical aptitude, such as : Menstruation, Ratio/Proportion,

Area/Perimeter, Percentages, Logic, Algebra, Trigonometry etc.
2. Linear Algebra
Algebra of matrices; Inverse and rank of a matrix; System of linear equations;
3. Calculus
Functions of single variable: Limit, continuity and differentiability;
Functions of two variables: Limit, continuity and partial derivatives;
Sequence and series: Convergence of sequence and series; Taylor's series; Fourier
Series; Half range sine and cosine series.
4. Vector Calculus
Gradient, divergence and curl; Line and surface integrals;
5. Ordinary Differential Equations
6. Partial Differential Equations
7. Probability and Statistics
Axioms of probability; Conditional probability; Bays' Theorem; Discrete and
continuous random variables: Binomial, Poisson and normal distributions;
Correlation and linear regression.
8. Numerical And Analytical Ability: Numerical Computation, Numerical
Estimation, Numerical Reasoning and Data Interpretation.


1. Basic Geography & World Maps

2. Currency
3. Sports
4. Current Affairs


1. Essay Writing
2. Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning and Analytical Writing.
3. Verbal Ability: English Grammar, Sentence Completion, Verbal Analogies,
Word Groups, Instructions, Critical Reasoning and Verbal Deduction.

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