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FORM TP 2011233 9, " rest CODE 02234010 MAY/TUNE 2011 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION PURE MATHEMATICS ANALYSIS, MATRICES AND COMPLEX NUMBERS Unit 2- Paper 01 90 minutes 01 JUNE 2011 (a.m) READ THE FOLLQWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. This test consists of 45 items. You will have 90 minutes to answer them. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an Answer sheet. Do not be concerned that the:ainswer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items in this test. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item ‘you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample item ‘The expression (1 + V3 )Pis equivalent to ‘Sample Answer @ 4 Q®OoO®@e (B) 10 © 1433 (D) 4423 ‘The best answer to this item is “4 +2 V3”, so answer space (D) has been shaded, If you want to change your answer, be sure to erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. Ifyou cannot answer an item, omit it and go on to the next one. You can return later to the item omitted. Your score will be the total number of correct answers. You may do any rough work in this booklet, ‘The use of silent, non-programmable scientifi culators is allowed, 1. Asimplified form of 4. A-curve is given parametrically by the In 120-In3 - In 8 + In 2 is equations x=? — 21, y= "+ 21. The © 0 expression for % is given by n (5 ® tm (3 © min ew iat (PD) n640 @ 2 Jtem2 refers to the following graph. © , © w44 7 : “ rwe'(2 Je 2, The graph above represents r a(z (8) Ssec (g)r« (A) y=loga ee (B) y= bogx 1 (3) © ya-eta © aan(Z}+6 yaeta-l o Laa()s m2 3 Leo » 6. The general solution for the xecond-order 3 2 a 3 ferent ay @ = differential equation “> (8) 3x ya Ae! +x Bet OD Anse 8 y= Ac* + Bet = © yee (A+B) ) 3Uinx! (D) y=e™(A+Bx) GO ON TO TIE NEXT PAGE (2234010/CAPE 2011 -3- 7, Ifin(2e—5)-In +3) =O then xis equal 11. to “ o 5 @® ¢ ©: @) 10 1 8, The derivative of In x? is 2. ©) x 9. Ifx’y-a9= 10, then % is equal to in 10 AO aay rc 2 (). 22% © 10. Ify=tan~! (3x), then % is 1 14927 ® sy rc) 0223401 0/CAPE 2011 Given that cos 2x = 2 cos? x — 1, J oos'(2) ax is 3 Lat (A) Gxt feosaxde 1 x @) git foosd de 1 (© prt foosS ar 1 x & pit zoek de Given that ffx) = In 3x4; then f"(- 2) is equal to (A) = i @ + L © ¢ (D) 1 A function fis defined by f(x) =2e*— 1 for ll veal values of x. The inverse function, ‘of, y (A) 3in@+1),xeR ®) pingx41).xeR 1, (xt © fo(4).« >-1 Ly (x+t © je(F ase GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 4. 14 it n=farme das 17. Which of the following sequences is the fact(=) de may be expressed as first four terms of an avithmetic progres- sion? @® 40-2,0-4n-6 @) a,~(n+ 1), (a +2), {n +3) (©) n,2n+4,2043, 2048, 20+ 14 D) ao,2, ” ” 10" 100° 1000 18. For what values of x is the series Ley convergent? (A) -43. This sequence is (A) convergent divergent (©) oscillating () periodic The expression can be simplified and written as (A) 2 @) 3 © 2-3 n(n=1) @ TES = 28-214 27-29 +244, (c+ 1) term in S is ole Cl y © Clyey @) Cy ¢2yrt ‘The sum of the infinite geometric series 180 - 60+20-,.....i8 (a) 45 3 120 135 () 270 02234010/CAPE 2011 25, 26, 21. 28, @ ® - o 4 oO ‘The value of the term independent of x in the expansion of (« -4) is A 6 (B) 16 © 54 () 81 ‘The equation e* —x‘=0 has a root between (A) andi GP i and2 (©) 2and3 (DB) 3and4 The sum of the first 1 terms of a series is 1 -(3) « The value of the SECOND term is 3 @ sz 3 ® 5 15 © te @) 1 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 29, 30. 31. 32, ‘The binomial coefficient (2) is equivalent # (3)() 6 () © (") ©) (.24) . Atable of height 92.5 cm will have error bounds of BQ £0.05 em )-£0.10em (© £0.15em ©) #Scm Two events 4 and B are such that P(A) = 0.5, P (B)= 0.16, P (AU B) = 0.48. P(A B)= A) 0.14 0.18 © 0.26 @) 082 Given that H is a non-singular, square matrix, the determinant{¥ of Fis (A) 2|HI @ Up GP we 1 an 02234010/C APE 2011 34, 36. Imhow many ways can the letters PQRSTU be arranged so that the T and U are always together? 6 a 7 ® 5 @ 6 S12 S The number of distinct permutations of the letters of the word POSSIBILITY is A "P, @) ("P) ("P) O 312! © 'P, Item 35 refers to the table below which shows the number of males and females and their preference for Drink A and Drink B. Male | Female | Total | Drinka [12 18 30__| DrinkB | _20 10 30 Total 32 28 60 One person is randomly selected. What is the probability that this person is female or prefers Drink B? 4 w 4 Woy 1 B) + 6 6 1 Cc) + © 30 © 5 30 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 36. 37. Items 36 -39 refer to the matrix M below. ‘The determinant of M is x iv Hi ote wos (a). 21 @) -9 @ x ‘The co-factor ofthe element 3 in M above may be written as © ti ®) + j © [ | @) O2234010/CAPE 2011 39. Mris 4 2 1 @ [: 3-1 Ss 1 0 1-2-4 ® [: “30 0-1 -5 1-1 0 © 203 1 4 5 ‘The second row of MP is equal to the vector M (1 9 0) (BR) (2 6 9% © (2 -i -4) @ 4 7-4 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 40. 41. 42, <8 pula, square matrix, then the determinant of HT is a) det 1 ® Gai (© -deHt @D wat Z is the conjugate of z. Which of the following are always true? Lo aslz] i arg z= argz It. zisreal & isreal wy, Eisreal g Tand TI only Land IIT only (© Wand {V only (©) hand IV ony. The locus of the points described by a complex number z is given by e~1-2/=3. The locus describes a circle with (A) centre (-1,-2) and radius 3 units (B) centre (-1, -2) and radius 9 units centre (1, 2) and radius 3 units (DB) centre (1, 2) and radius 9 units 43. 44. 45. The complex number z=J/3 +i can be expressed as “ a( cos +isin =) © sicin® ®) Vi(oosZ isin) 2 en ® © (cos stn 2) & a(n sn) relay team of five teachers isto be chosen from a group of fifteen teachers. In how many ways could this relay team be chosen? Ist @ us 15! ® a 13! oO 4 ©) 1st Ifmarbles are chosen, without replacement, from a bag of 11 blue and 9 red marbles, then the probability of getting a red marble followed by 2 blue marbles is @ ®) © 54 20 18 9 10, ©) rr 20 IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 02234010/CAPE 2011

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