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OT FOR SALE se aeosivte coPy fold by Elizabeth Gray baal Express Publishing Activity Book Mary Shelley retold by Elizabeth Gray tos Express Publishing Published by Express Publishing Liberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 6HW Tel: (0044) 1635 817 363 — Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463 e-mail: inquiries hitp:// © Elizabeth Gray, 2000 First Published 2000 New Edition, 2002 Design & Illustration © Express Publishing, 2000 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. ISBN 1-84216-377-9 Co utents, Introductory Lesson ....... 0.06060 e eee 3 Frankenstein Activities .............0005 5 — a Introductory Lesson Before reading: Look at the front cover of the book and describe what you can see. @ How much do you know about the story of Frankenstei Answer the following statements with True or False and check your answers with the rest of the class. ‘The person on the front cover is called Frankenstein. b Frankenstein was a scientist who created a monster. c Frankenstein loved the monster he created. d_ People hated the monster. 2 @ Read the back cover and then write F for Frankenstein, M for the monster and B for both. Justify your answers. intelligent .......... ; scientist .......... , Ugl¥..s OVileerciiicce » murderer ..... frightened ; enormous ........-. > LOVING: ce S @ Read about Mary Shelley and answer the questions. Mary Shelley was an English writer. She was born in London, England, in 1797. She wrote several novels. ‘Frankenstein’, which was written in 1818, is her most famous novel. It tells the story of a scientist who created a human being with terrible results. Many famous horror films have been made about that man-made monster. Mary Shelley’s other novels include ‘Valpurga’ (1823), which is set in medieval Italy, and “The Last Man’ (1826), in which a killer disease wipes out humanity with the exception of one lone survivor. She was the second wife of Percy Shelley, one of the most distinguished English poets. Together they travelled in Europe and lived in France and Italy. After her husband's death in 1822 she returned to England where she continued to write. She died in London in 1851. Where and when was she born? What is ‘Frankenstein’ about? What are some of her other novels about? Who was she married to? Where did they live? When did she die? aaron = Lesson 1 | Chapter 1 From Captain Walton’s Log Book aa Listening a) Listen to the cassette and fill in the gaps with no more than two words. For a moment I thought I had made a ..... I was certain that the two beings I had seen must ..........00000000+ in the cold. By some miracle the man is not dead, but it is impossible to oe .. With him, He often sits up and .... Tam very curious to know what .... to the frozen north. He calls him ... Comprehension questions What did the captain see when he was on deck? What was the weather like during the night? What did he see the next day on a large piece of ice? What condition was the man in when they found him? What did the man do in his sleep? What was the man’s name? = Chapter 1 Topics for discussion 1 Why was Frankenstein chasing the giant? Why did he risk his life to catch the criminal? 2 Whatis the relationship between the giant and Frankenstein? 3 Can you imagine what it is like in the frozen north? [Activities A Look at the following table and circle the odd word out in each group. Then, use the rest of the words to describe your favourite actor/singer/athlete. in his/her early twenties, big, middle-aged, teenager |Eyes _| brown, green, large, white, small, almond-shape N big, large, hooked, crooked, small, curly straight, long, tall, grey, curly, shoulder-length Special features |scar, moustache, beard, dimples, suit, freckles, mole B Read the following extracts and decide in which the weather was a) hol and sunny, b) cold, rainy and cloudy, c) snowy and freezing, d) stormy and windy. (1) The sky was grey. I stayed in the hotel most of the time because it was wet outside. | wished I was at home. [2] ] I sunbathed on the beach and drank iced water to cool me down. I didn’t want it to end. Chapter 1 [3] Strong winds were blowing and the waves were crashing on the shore. Soon, a storm broke and we had to stay indoors. We left early the next morning. [4] The children played in the snow making snowmen while we skied on the slopes. We had such a great time we decided to visit the place the following year. C Use the words below to write three different beginnings for the story of Frankenstein. I was on deck looking out across the endless field of ice. et + “ a) weather-cold/misty b) feel-lonely/bored ) suddenly-see icy wind-blow suddenly-see-man be surprised strange looking man-be-tall- walk-like an ape storm-come — Chapter 1 — eee Chap“ 11 Vocabulary Exercises /) Fill in the correct prepositions. Fill in the gaps with the correct word. ‘There were thirty people ... .. board the ship. I'm hoping to finish this book ..... the next few being rescued log communicate sledge prepare escape storm We couldn’ with each other as we .. times I thought I would never be ready for spoke different languages. T alway .....essees my exam. dinner in the evening. It is a brown dog... average size. Five people were .... from the burning Put the round table . the centre of the room. building. He was standing the edge of the cliff. ‘There wasa terrible ..... The bird managed to ..... the door of its cage. -. during the night. ... When I opened §) Read the passage and try to guess the meaning of the words in bold. The captain kept notes in his Ahuman....i.550..65 We used a... man, woman or child. se LO travel over the snow. 1) Match the words below with their synonyms. diary yell huge possibly shout strange vast horror likely notebook alien terror If you wonder what to give to a child as a gift, then give them a dog. Dogs are loyal and will never leave you. They are real friends. Children learn to be caring and responsible when they have to look after a dog. Dogs need lots of walks and you should show them plenty of love, too. Dogs need as much human contact as possible. Once you have a dog, nothing can ever replace it, because a dog is a best friend for life. 1 enormous 2 fear 3 probably 4 unknown 5 scream ‘i ee ae Chapter 2 P Chapter 2 , , Frankenstein Begins his Story HELIN Topics for discussion GEM Listening 1 Have you experienced a life-changing event? 4 Who is the kindest person you've ever met? — the cand try to put inthe . ; 3 Whatare your favourite subjects at school? What are you interested a) — —— a — sa oo. = = in studying? 2 ) 4 — Have either of your parents asked you to do something important [a[-] The second thing that changed my life was my mother's death. for them What did they ask and) whatdidl yourdor [b1_]I spent my childhood in Geneva, Switzerland. ; a [cL] That summer I sat my university entrance exams and did MEA Activities brilliantly. A Match the words to the pictures. [d_] As I was growing up, two things happened which changed me forever. mobile phone computer calculator pen suitcase books bottle of ink microscope coat [eI] packed my bags and said goodbye to my family, promising to write often. (4011 was only a few yards away from it when a tree was struck by lightning. wa Comprehension questions Where did Victor Frankenstein spend his childhood? Who were the members of his family? What was the first thing that changed his life? What did he decide to do when he saw the tree burn down? What was the second thing that changed his life? What did his mother ask him to do? What was he going to study at the University of Ingolstadt? Ca a What did Elizabeth tell Victor not to forget as he was leaving for Ingolstadt? | Chapter 2 B Now, look at the items in activity A and say which of them Frankenstein can't/must/may/might have taken with him on his trip to Ingolstadt. e.g. He can't have taken a calculator with him to Ingolstadt. C Look at the character descriptions and match them to the adjectives. caring faithful intelligent loving selfish kind hard-working Frankenstein a_ thinks only about himself ... b doesn't mind studying hard ¢ wona scholarship ..... Frankenstein’s mother d_ cares about her family ..... e always ready to help people ..... Henry Clerval f shows love to other people g_neyer betrays friends ... pe te GC aplen2 D Writing Look at the following plan and write a description of Frankenstein. Plan (Description of a person) Introduction Paragraph 1: name, what he/she does J Main Body Paragraph 2: appearance (e.g. tall, etc.) Paragraph 3: personality (e.g. selfish, etc. with examples/explanation) Paragraph 4: hobbies/interests (e.g. studying, etc.) Conclusion Paragraph 5: comments about him/her (say what you think of him/her) Chapter 2 Chapter 2 —______________-4 Vocabulary Exercises || Choose the correct item. Fill in the correct word from the box. keep whisper sit faithful sunny take win do create natural . friend 6 to. place to speak ina . ~ Fill in the correct prepositions. into at in of from over on We've decided to spend our holidays .. . the student . the University of London. ‘The boy tried to climb .. the wall. I can’t concentrate ... ... my homework when there is a lot of noise. The expedition will take place over a period ... ten days. The bomb exploded and the whole building burst . flames. The prisoners managed to escape and get away the prison. It was raining and | could see .... in the sky. A power B lightning C secret ‘They couldn't have children, so they decided to. A adopt B adore C admire Lam very tired. I think I need some ...... . A rest B warning C research Young children can’t always understand the ... learning a foreign language. A experience — B_ importance C_ gentleness He wanted to ............... What he had spent so long, creating. . A spend B_ replace C destroy We couldn't decide where to go on holiday but we agreed to travel to Europe. A_ brilliantly B eventually € incredibly _ Read the passage and try to guess the meaning of the words in bold. When I was litte my mother used to sit at my bedside and read me stories. Some of the stories were so exciting that I wanted to hear them over and over again. My favourite one was about a boy who wanted to pay his grandfather a visit but he went missing in the woods. There he met many animals and learnt a lot about them. I have a good memory and can still remember these stories in every detail. I now read them to my son and I must admit | still like them. Lesson 3 Chapter 3 i ee een 3 What did Professor Waldmann want to do with his work? - Professor Waldmann 4 Why was the professor’s work dangerous? 2 5 Why did Frankenstein offer to help the professor destroy his TM Listening work? i) Listen to the cassette and tick (V) the correct box. Topics for discussion 1 Professor Waldmann was an old man, [A | knife |_| 1 Do you always keep your promises? Have you ever broken a yet his mind was as sharp as a B | raor |_| promise? lc | blade [| 2 What interests you? What are your hobbies? : 4 RST 3 Whois the cleverest person you've ever m 2 The professor lived and worked in one [A | university |_| eee ; : eee 4 — Inyour opinion, which inventions have changed life the most? Of the ..sseeee buildings in Ingolstadt. [B | city |_| : : 5 — Have you ever lied to anyone? What was it about and why? lc [ school [| 3 Frankenstein realised that the professor _ 1 Activities wouldn’t ..... .. long. A i) Look at the inventions in the table on p.18. What are their advantages and disadvantages? Complete the 4 The professor thought that itwas dangerous [A | make |_| table with the phrases below. to be able to ..... .. life. [B | destroy |_| eae quick — cheap entertainment — easy contact — expensive — available in your home — noisy — lack of privacy — traffic jams — convenient form of transport — bad influence on children — accidents — convenient — pollution 5 Frankenstein managed to es everything the professor had discovered. S18) comprehension questions , P. q 1 What was Professor Waldmann about to make? 2 > What did Frankenstein do before he could help the professor in his work? Chapter 3 INVENTION: ADVANTAGES | DISADVANTAGES mobile phone television “ra me anoe ii) Talk about the advantages and disavantages of these inventions using expressions such as on the other hand, moreover, what is more, however, ete. Look at the following phrases and choose the ones that might be used to describe Frankenstein’s daily routine. Can you add any ideas of your own? Attends lectures in the morning. Watches TV in the evening. Gets up early in the morning. Vi Studies research papers. Goes to the cinema. Drives to lectures every day. Has lunch at university. friends in the evening. Has dinner in expensive restaurants. i i | { : | Chapter 3 C Writing Imagine you are Frankenstein. Write a letter to your family describing your daily routine. Follow the paragraph plan. Plan (Letter) Dear...... , Introduction Paragraph I: reason for writing tL Main Body Paragraphs 2-3: description of your daily routine and how you feel L Conclusion Paragraph 4: closing remarks Best wishes/With love/ete., Victor Chapter 3 hich iia ccceaitemieccreaier a Vocabulary Exercises % _ UN Fill in the correct preposition. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words in at over for brackets. She spends half of her money clothes. That boy has a great desire knowledge. Why are you looking at my diary? Are you spying ... me? I think he has made a great I love the .. sfOES Parachuting can be ..... .. if you haven't practised enough. (danger) No one was offered. (satisfy) ‘This man is totally .... Soon the exams will be ... ..and I will go on holiday. In the mornings, I find it difficult to get ... bed. Tre . with the payrise the company a with him. . once that there was something wrong and selfish. (sensitive) Hl Choose the correct item. i) Read the passage and try to guess the meaning of the a ; words in bold. Scientists often work in laboratories/lectures, where they do experiments. [spent all night trying to find out the answer to the razor/ : | I had a house-warming party last night but everything puzzle. | went wrong. It was pouring with rain and there were flashes of lightning in the sky. Because of the weather, none of my guests came. There was also a power cut and I had no electricity. It was a while before the electricity came back on again and I was in complete darkness. My party was meant to be a success but instead it was a failure. My excitement soon turned into disappointment. I had done so much preparation for nothing. I will nev arrange a party during the stormy season again. You have to admit/complete that it was all your fault. He showed his disapproval by muttering/swearing something to himself. Tam going to offer/pay Jonathan a visit tomorrow. ' ey Chapter 4 The Monster is Born 7 Listening agg eae ee order. Then, listen to the cassette and check your answers. (al) When Frankenstein saw the man alive, he was frightened and ran away. (bl_] He received a letter from his father telling him about William's death. {el_] Frankenstein used different parts from many bodies to create the perfect man. {dl_] When a storm came he used a kite to attract electricity and give life to the man. [el] Frankenstein went to his friend Henry Clerval’s house, where he stayed for about a month. ma Comprehension questions a OD What was Frankenstein going to use to give life to the body? What did Frankenstein do to create the perfect man? What did he do when he saw flashes of lightning in the sky? What was the man’s face like? How did Frankenstein feel and what did he do after he saw the man? What happened to Frankenstein soon after he created the man? What was the letter he received about? Chapter 4 na Topics for discussion 1 2 3 Have you ever done something you have regretted? Who would you talk to if you had a problem? What makes you feel better when you have a problem? Activities A i) In your opinion, what is it important to be? Choose words from the list below and put them in order of importance. kind intelligent loving handsome ii) Which order did Frankenstein put them in? Which of these qualities did the monster have? Why did Frankenstein reject him? B If you wanted to make the perfect man or woman, which famous people's parts would you use? (e.g. eyes, brain, body, etc.) Put names next to the pictures. CRAQICG Ae a —___ @, Chapter 4 Vocabulary Exercises 0) Replace the words in bold with their synonyms from the box below. kind intelligent frightened handsome entered He isa very student. (clever) ‘The burglat the house through the window. (went into) Brad Pitt is a very ... man. (good-looking) C Now use your ideas from activity B to write a paragraph Susan is very .. to everyone. (nice) about your perfect man or woman. I get very . ... When there's thunder and lightning. (scared) Fill in the correct preposition. from about of Jill succeeded entering university. Everybody hopes that he will soon recover so his illness. You have to wait awhile if you want to see the manager. mself that he doesn’t even think : of failing. He talks to himself to keep himself going mad. Your parents are worried . . you; why don’t you give them a ring? Chapter 4 _ | Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the box. | scar wrinkled enter born task persuade Both the brothers were ..... I will try to ..... - on the same date. .-. my father to let me come to the concert. ‘The old man’s face was .. and his hair was white. The teacher asked the students to complete the at home. You will recognise him from the long face. Don’... without knocking first. ©) Read the passage and try to guess the meaning of the words in bold. When a crime is committed, the police go to the crime scene and question all the people there. From the questioning, they determine who is a suspect and who is just an eye-witness. Then, they try to find enough evidence to put the suspect in prison. If they do find evidence, the suspect has to go on trial. This happens in a courthouse. During the trial the lawyers present their ind witnesses’ reports. Then, the judge decides if the accused is guilty or innocent. If he or she is guilty, he or she is punished and sent to prison for a period of time. k | eee i Chapter 5 Justine in Prison MW Listening 1 2 3 4 5 Listen to the cassette and answer the questions by putting F for Frankenstein, E for Elizabeth, FF for Frankenstein’s father and J for Justine. Who told Frankenstein what had happened to William? oO Whose pocket was William's locket found in? Who is in prison for William’s murder? Who believes that a curse has fallen on their family? Who found a lawyer for Justine? OOO 7 Comprehension questions 1 What did Frankenstein realise on his way back home? 2 > Why did the police think a madman had killed William? 3. Why was Justine arrested? 4 What did Justine think people would want to do to her? 5 Who did Frankenstein hire to help Justine? = III. | Topics for discussion 1 What's the most important thing in your life? (e.g. family, school, etc.) 2 Do you know what happens in a court? 3. What kind of work do lawyers do? 4 Have you seen a film that showed a trial? What was the case about and what happened? Chapter 5 Chapter 5 _ WM Activities C Look at the plan below and write a news report about William’s death. SS —— A Look at the objects and in pairs decide how they are related to William’s death. Then, retell the story of what Plan (News report) happened to William and Justine. Introduction Paragraph 1: summary of the event, time, place, people involved L Main Body Paragraphs 2-3: description of the main event in detail L Conclusion Paragraph 4: people's comments, action taken B Look at the following sentences and decide whether the arguments would be presented by the prosecution or the defence. Then, in pairs, act out a dialogue defending or prosecuting Justine over William's death. a The killer was strong whereas Justine is just a young girl. Justine had William’s locket in her pocket. e Justine and William grew up together and were like brother o and sister. d_ Justine had no motive. e Justine was with him that day. \ f Justine has no alibi. \ g Justine was jealous of William, who had everything. h_ Justine wanted to sell the locket and get the money. Lesson 6 Chapter 6 Chapter 5 ? Vocabulary Exercises ¥ Frankenstein Meets the Creature Read the passage and choose the correct answer to fill Mill Listening in the gaps. 7 . . . Li . One day, while I was tidying up my dressing: table, I isten to the cassette and correct the mistakes. 1)... ~- that my silver 2) ee aS 1 After Justine had been hanged, Frankenstein decided to spend missing. It was very 3) to me because it a few weeks alone in Geneva. belonged to my grandmother. I was in 4) ... It was after some picked up a knife to protect himself. 3 Frankenstein believed that it was a world of hate. 2 When Frankenstein saw the creature, he was frightened and and felt extremely 5) days that I discovered I had misplaced it in one of my 4 The creature said that Frankenstein was his only hope of ever drawers. 6) T hadn’t lost it! : ee a denied realised proved finding a family. brice carriage locket 5 The creature lived ina hut. — nie : es _ 1M) Comprehension questions innocent depressed guilty . Although Despite At least 1 What happened to Justine? 2 Why did Frankenstein go to the mountains? © Fill in the correct preposition. 3 Who did he see there? 4 — How did the creature describe the world? How did Frankenstein on of describe the world? his face, I could see he was shocked. 7 ST Topics for discussion The police put him . That man is guilty ...... ose thie 1 Where do you like to go to relax? ‘They waited 2 Have you ever visited a cave? What was it like? What would it be like to live there? 3. What are your ambitions? Chapter 6 Activities A Can you think why it is a world of love for Frankenstein and a world of hate for the monster? Look at the words below and use them to talk about how Frankenstein and the monster are different. family friends money security B Imagine you have just been on holiday. Answer the following questions to describe where you stayed. 1 Where was the place located? a_ by the sea bin the mountains 2 Where did you stay? a_ hotel b guest-house — ¢- camp-site 3 Choose adjectives that describe the place where you stayed. a marvellous d_ lousy g horrible b fantastic e lovely h_ gorgeous c dirty f fabulous i awful ' 4 What was the weather like? . a hot | ds sticky g freezing b sunny e rainy h stormy | © cold f cloudy i snowy : 32 Chapter 6 5 What did you do there? a swim/sunbathe relax b visit museums make new friends ¢ go for long walks d_ go to cafés 6 What was the food like? a delicious c disgusting b_ excellent d_ tasteless go on guided tours shop/buy souvenirs rio ho 7 How did you feel about the place? a It was the ideal place for a relaxing and peaceful holiday. b> The place was fantastic. | had the time of my life. c It was an exciting place as there was so much to do and see. d_ It’s nota place I would want to visit again. C Follow the paragraph plan and describe a place you have recently visited. Plan (Description of a place) Introduction Paragraph 1: name of the place, where it is and why you went there Main Body Paragraph 2: weather conditions/sights to see Paragraph 3: things to do/food Conclusion. Paragraph 4: how you feel about the place and if you would recommend it Chapter 6 Vocabular Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1 The only place I feel... in is my own house. (comfort) T was .... help. (able) felt great ... It was at home. (mist) I was ....... (complete) ss. to operate the machine so I asked for .... hen I passed the exam. (happy) and wet outside so I decided to stay exhausted and needed some rest. “) Choose the correct item. | hesitated/dropped for some minutes before answering the question. 1 realised I couldn't avoid him any more. I had to face/ order him. ‘The little boy denied/refused to do his homework. Somebody tried to present/attack me and take my bag last night. What are you going to call/tell your new puppy? Chapter 6 (1) Fill in the correct word from the box. deep misty crackling find skeletal make the ... of the fire a . voice LO seesseseeeees @ NOW start to @ teneneannes day happiness - Read the passage and try to guess the meaning of the words in bold. ‘The best way to teach young students a foreign language is by playing games. In this way, they practise the language through speaking and listening. Students are not afraid that the rest of the class will laugh at them if they make a mistake because everybody feels relaxed and the atmosphere is very friendly. It is the teacher then who has to decide which way to teach the language. Lesson 7 Chapter 7 _ The Creature’s Story TM Listening fiabe| Listen to the cassette and fill in the gaps with no more than 2 two words. When the monster went into the streets, the people who saw him . at him. One day, when the young people were out, the monster decided . to the old man. ‘The monster found a book and in it was Frankenstein’s name, address and a description of his . m’s neck in the .... ‘The monster put the chain from W: of a coat. ‘The monster asked Frankenstein to make hima TM Comprehension questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 Where did the monster hide? How did the old man treat the monster? What did Felix do when he saw the monster? How did the monster kill William? What did the monster ask Frankenstein to do for him? Why did Frankenstein agree to do what the monster asked? Chapter 7 _TTTE Topics for discussion Have you ever helped anyone in need? How? Do you think that people should be punished for crimes they commit by accident? Have you ever been made to do something you didn’t want to? Activities A Work with a partner. Imagine that one of you is the monster and the other is Frankenstein. How do you feel? Talk to each other. B Read Frankenstein’s story. Some sentences are missing. Put them in the right place to complete it. Victor Frankenstei in a loving family. { 0 | t, the experience of lightning striking a tree down grew up in Geneva, Switzerland, made him realise that the power of electricity can create life, just as it can destroy it. Then, his mother’s death shocked the whole family. Franke: stein went to Ingolstadt University to study natural sciences. There, he met Professor Waldmann, who Before he died, the professor made Frankenstein promise that he would was researching the code of life. help him destroy his research and then forget what he had learnt. But Frankenstein was so fa: inated by Waldmann’s research that he went on to create a man. He used real bodies, Chapter 7 which he stole from hospitals, and the brain of Professor Waldmann. He wanted his creature to be intelligent, handsome, loving and kind, so that he could become his partner in his research. He went to stay with his friend, Henry Clerval, to think. ‘There, he realised what he had done and decided to destroy the creature. But before he could do anything, he received news of his younger brother William's death. [4 |_| Despite the efforts of the Frankenste to help Justine, she was sentenced to death. amily ‘A few weeks later, Victor met his creature in the mountains of Geneva. He told Victor that people had treated him very badly and that he was lonely and miserable and wanted to experience love. [5 |__| To save his family, Victor decided to help him. He also said that, although he had killed William by accident, he would continue to kill Frankenstein’ eated a wife for him. But before she died, she made Frankenstein promise that remaining family until Frankenstein he would marry Elizabeth, his adopted sister. Frankenstein then went back to Geneva, where he discovered that his loving friend and maid, Justine, was wale ised of the murder of his brother. As he was growing up, two things influenced him greatly. But when the creature was brought to life, Frankenstein was. very scared of his terrible looks and ran away, leaving his creation behind. He decided to help Professor Waldmann with his research, but it was too late as the professor was dying. Chapter 7 Are tame cna a Fill in the gaps with a word from the box. blind —_ against seems address avoid cruelly hope description Fill in your name and Don’t los You can’t here, please. Try again and you'll succeed. him forever. You have to talk to him some time. Don'tlean .. . the wall. It has just been painted. Guide dogs help . .. people a lot. I gave a detailed ... .. of the man I saw last night. Itis never right to behave He . to be a very kind man. Fill in the correct word from the box. make hard terrible —_ spring flows kind — evil goes .. mes: the river . . words 6 to. sunshine HME sess .. by Wert, Chapter 7 Chapter 8 ‘TH Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. The Monster’s Wife : i fo by i » . y 7 1. | Listening | Listen to the cassette and tick (/) True or False. They threw stone: .. the window and it broke. I slept on the sofa and I let my friend sleep ‘The robber grabbed the woman.............. the neck and told her to give him her bag. 1 Frankenstein went to London to find You will be put in prison life if you murder a place to do his work. somebody. 2 The monster threatened to meet J gave the description ..... .. the man to the police. Frankenstein on his wedding night. 3 The monster had killed Frankenstein’s @ Choose the correct item. dear friend Ernest. 4 Frankenstein went home immediately after the murder. A sight B feeling G light 5 Elizabeth wrote Frankenstein a letter. ‘The thief tried to run .......... from the police, but they ‘There was no ............ in the room, It was very dark. caught him anyway. wm Comprehension questions ! A away B on Cc out feel 80 saeco for Anne. She’s not feeling well today. 1 Where did Frankenstein set up his laboratory? A lonely B sorry © desperate 2 Why did Frankenstein destroy his work when he saw the monster? | The murderer was put in prison for .... a 3 Why were there so many people waiting on the quay? } A way B life C times 4 Who had been killed? When we the mountaintop we saw the most 5 How did Frankenstein feel after that? magnificent view we'd ever seen. 6 Why did they have to get Frankenstein's father? A hid B reached @ grabbed 7 ~~ What did Elizabeth ask Frankenstein in her letter? NEE Topics for discussion 1 Have you ever visited a remote island? (ORADICG Bs meee Chapter 8 2 Where would you go to if you wanted to be alone? sare t antag eter 3 Have you ever been accused of something you didn’t do? Match the words to their definitions. Activities set off a to injure someone A i) Imagine you are a police officer questioning someone about a murder. Make a list of questions you would ask. (e.g. Where were you on the night of the murder?) wide sth which is not from your own country regret © to join two things together harm to begin a journey foreign ® great unhappiness. ii) Alibi game A murder was committed at around 9 o'clock last night and you are a suspect. In pairs, prepare an alibi (for between eight o'clock and eleven o'clock). You claim to have been together the whole time so you have to have an answer for everything you might have seen, said or done. While one of the partners is questioned, the other one is sent out of the room. A court scene is set up and the ‘accused’ is questioned. Try to trick the members of a pair into saying things which do not agree. cross wide get wedding break do go medical fear ' to feel sorry for sth you have done connect not narrow misery to be afraid of sth 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 _ 5 uw 6 _. Fill in the gaps with the correct word. B Have you had any of the following nightmares? What happened and how did you feel? peearell vee night tudies © being chased by someone smile © falling off the edge of a cliff or tall building ..a promise -® being late for an important meeting © taking a test without having done any revision ® being embarassed in a public place _ {/ 8 Choose the correct item. G Write a story entitled: ‘The worst nightmare I have ever 1 All the workers had to wear a special suit/uniform. had’. 2 Do you mind/care if I open the window? Chapter 8 3 Use an axe/hammer to cut down the tree. 4 I know it hears/sounds strange, but I like to eat chocolate and crisps together. 5 I don’t like this jumper. Besides/By the way, it’s too expensive to buy. VG Fill in the correct preposition. with off up to We set ... our business in London. T have to clean «the place before I go. We are planning to set... carly tomorrow morning. * ‘The cowboys tied the hors .. and went into the saloon. A policeman came up .. me and asked my name. Susan is in love Ly) Chapter 9 The Wedding TM Listening [kitie'} Listen to the cassette and tick (V) the correct box. 1 Frankenstein carried a ...... the time. 2 After the wedding they left for their 3 Asearch began and some people said they had seen an man. 4 Frankenstein decided to ..... the monster. 5 Frankenstein used dogsand a. to move faster. STM Comprehension questions 1 What did Frankenstein want to do after they got marri 2 =) What did Frankenstein and Elizabeth do after the wedding? 3) What happened when Frankenstein was at the end of the corridor? Chapter 9 4 How did he feel when he saw Elizabeth dead? What did he want to do? | 5 What happened to Frankenstein’s father when he heard about Elizabeth? 6 — What did the monster tell Frankenstein in the graveyard? _ TIN Topics for discussion 1 What wedding present would you choose for your best friend? | Why? 2 Where would you like to spend your honeymoon? 3 How do people celebrate weddings in your country? 4 — Have you ever taken revenge on someone? What did you do? Activities A i) Look at the pictures and guess which event is shown in each. Match the names of the events to the pictures. St Valentine’s day — Halloween — Wedding — Birthday — Carnival — Easter — Guy Fawkes’ Night— Christmas Chapter 9 ii) ro mo ao oe —-—_ oO iii) We do these things on the occasions above. Can you guess the occasion for each? Can you think of any more? say “Trick or treat!” blow out candles . give chocolate eggs send red rose: wear colourful costum set off fireworks ..... sing carols around the tree ........00++ write invitations « make a cake . dane make a pumpkin lantern ...... wear MASKS «esses Which of these occasions do you celebrate in your country? What do you usually do? Chapter 9 B Look at the plan for describing a celebration or event and then put the following sentences under the right paragraphs. Plan (Description of an event) Paragraph 1: name of celebration; when; where; reason Paragraph 2: - Paragraph 3: reparations before the event clivities during the event Paragraph 4: activities after the event; feelings a_ Invitations are sent long before the wedding. b A wedding in country takes place in a church. ce The bride arrives at the church in a car decorated with flowers. d_ A reception takes place after the wedding. Flowers are ordered and the reception is booked. f Iris an exciting day. Paragraph 1: Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3: Paragraph 4: C Use the paragraph plan above and ideas of your own to describe a wedding in your country. Chapter 9 Vocabulary Exercises What's the word? ‘The opposite of friend. | MENYE Relaxed. LACM Happy. LADG. Two times. WCETI The opposite of full. MTYPE )) Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words in brackets. I need to go somewhere relaxing and ... After her husband's death, she felt great her heart. (empty) Frankenstein nearly died of cold and a Loud . could be heard coming from the living room, (laugh) He is an... strong man. (believable) There was a power cut last night, and we were in complete ... dark) He was known for his generosity and ..... sosusene « (Kkind) Chapter 9 __ |S) Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the box. corridor point noise caught search chase climbed shots checked _ lea Last night I watched an action film. Somebody had been murdered and a 1) ... «+. began to find the criminal. He was hiding in a building and the police 2 every floor. When they found him a began. The criminal ran down the ... and tried to leave the building. There were police everywhere so he went up the stairs 5). to the roof. He 6) onto the roof and there was a lot of 7) from the 8) ... ... . Atone 9) 1 thought a policeman had been shot but luckily nobody the had been, Eventually the police 10) criminal and took him to the police station. Fill in the correct preposition. in over to on at This secret door leads .. the queen’s rooms. Our flat is the fifth floor. ‘The party begins They didn’t want to stay to go camping. He was afraid of the monster and he kept looking ............+- his shoulder. . ... around eight o'clock. a hotel, so they decided Wetts ey ry) Chapter 10 More from Captain Walton’s Log Book i Listening | Listen to the cassette and tick (/) True or False. Victor Frankenstein died. ‘The monster wished things had been, different. The monster didn’t regret killing Frankenstein’s family. ‘The monster decided to kill himself. The captain was going to keep Frankenstein's notes to himself. _ (1) Comprehension questions 1 aR oN Who was standing over Frankenstein's dead body in the empty cabin? Why did the monster kill Frankenstein’s family? What is the monster going to do now that Frankenstein is dead? What is the moral of the story? Who will the captain send the notes to? nn Topics for discussion Did you like the ending? Why/Why not? Ifyou could change only one thing in the story what would that be? How much is Frankenstein responsible for what happens in the story? How much is the monster responsible for it? if Chapter 10. 4 Who was your favourite/least favourite character in the story? Activities A What do you think the moral of the story is? Look at the statements and discuss. People should not experiment with nature. People are more important than science. Man cannot play God. Everyone is entitled to affection and a home. We should not judge people by their appearance. ‘Revenge is sweet’. Parents should always love their children. mame ke oe ow We often refer to Frankenstein whenever new technology is seen to threaten the human race. Look at the following issues and say in what ways they might cause problems for human beings. © nuclear energy * cloning ® robots C Answer the following questionnaire to find out how important humans or technology are to you. 1 If your government had 3 million pounds, what you would like them to spend it on? a Defence systems. b_ Special schemes for the unemployed. ¢ Hospitals. Chapter 10 2) Which association would you like to work for? a UNICEF b NASA ce The CIA 3) What do you think about recycling? a Would it really make a difference if I recycled a few bottles and newspapers? b_ Even one person's contribution can make a difference. ¢ I don’t believe in it. 4 Which would you rather be? a_ The President of the USA. b Mother Theresa. ¢ A famous rock star. 5 Which of the three should get the highest salary? a Anurse. b A computer programmer. c¢ A teacher. 17: You obviously think technology is very important. Try to think about other people’s needs, though. 8—15: You area kind and caring person. Are you ready for new technology? Chapter 10 Vocabulary Exercises Put the words below onto the correct line. mistake hopeless © damage _accurate _ terrifying error horrifying pointless harm precise useless frightening fault exact hurt Fill in the gaps with the correct word. patience wiped arranged common build worth T have ... everything for our trip tomorrow. Its not shouting when nobody can hear you. A teacher needs a lot of .. - to deal with noisy children. We had to a fire at the camp last night because it wa The little boy .... away his tears and ran to the park. My brother and I have a lot in ....

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