Quiznet: Adjective and Noun Collocations

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Adjective and noun collocations

BBC Learning English Programme Title
Adjective and noun collocations

Quiz topic: Adjective and noun collocations

1. Which of the following adjective noun collocations is NOT possible?
a) A strong exam
b) A strong woman
c) A strong cheese
d) A strong cigarette

2. Which of the following adjective noun collocations is NOT possible?

a) A heavy smoker
b) Heavy rain
c) Heavy metal
d) A heavy problem

3. Which of the following adjective noun collocations is NOT possible?

a) fair hair
b) A fair decision
c) A fair beer
d) A fair result

4. Which is NOT correct? They always drank ________ wine with their dinner.
a) red
b) pink
c) white
d) sweet

5. Which of the following adjective noun collocations is NOT possible?

a) A rich company
b) A rich dessert
c) A rich car
d) A rich text file

6. Which of the following adjective noun collocations is NOT possible?

a) A tough decision
b) A tough steak
c) Tough drink
d) A tough woman

Adjective and noun collocations BBC Learning English

September 29 2005 Page 2 of 4
BBC Learning English Programme Title
Adjective and noun collocations

1. Which of the following adjective noun collocations is NOT possible?
e) A strong exam
f) A strong woman
g) A strong cheese
h) A strong cigarette

If an exam is difficult you can say a hard exam.

A strong woman might be referring to her physical strength or her personality.
A strong cheese has lots of flavour.
A strong cigarette might make you cough.

2. Which of the following adjective noun collocations is NOT possible?

e) A heavy smoker
f) Heavy rain
g) Heavy metal
h) A heavy problem

A heavy smoker smokes a lot.

If its pouring with rain you can describe it as heavy rain, or you can say its raining heavily.
Heavy metal is a type of rock music.
A problem can be serious but not heavy.

3. Which of the following adjective noun collocations is NOT possible?

e) fair hair
f) A fair decision
g) A fair beer
h) A fair result

'Fair hair' describes hair which is not dark.

A fair decision is one which is balanced and just.
If you order a fair beer the barman will not understand; ask for a pint of lager!
A fair result is when the outcome of a sporting event is justified, e.g. That was a fair result, the
best team won

Adjective and noun collocations BBC Learning English

September 29 2005 Page 3 of 4
BBC Learning English Programme Title
Adjective and noun collocations

4. Which is NOT correct? They always drank ________ wine with their dinner.
e) red
f) pink
g) white
h) sweet

Red wine is correct English

Pink wine is not correct English; you say Rose wine (but remember to pronounce the
e at the end - its not a flower!)
White wine is correct English.
Sweet wine is correct English, the opposite of dry wine.

5. Which of the following adjective noun collocations is NOT possible?

e) A rich company
f) A rich dessert
g) A rich car
h) A rich text file

A rich company is one with a lot of money

Toffee pudding and ice-cream is a rich dessert if you eat too much you feel sick.
You might be rich and have an expensive car, but the car cant be rich.
A rich text file is a type of document format you can use when you write something on your
computer very technical!

6. Which of the following adjective noun collocations is NOT possible?

e) A tough decision
f) A tough steak
g) Tough drink
h) A tough woman

A tough decision is a difficult decision.

A tough steak is difficult to chew.
If a drink is very alcoholic we call it a 'strong' drink
If you have to face a lot of difficulties in life, it can make you tough.

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Adjective and noun collocations BBC Learning English

September 29 2005 Page 4 of 4

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