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Anita Khandpur, India

al Kitab (Red Book) is a common
name heard by many people across
India. The remedies given in Lal
Kitab are very simple and require very
little time and they are inexpensive. There
Anita Khandpur, born in Mumbai are many books available in the market by
many authors and all of them have nearly
in a business family took fashion the same remedies. What is more
designing as a profession for 20 important to learn is what to avoid in life.
This has been my personal experience as a
years and now her hobby of
professional astrologer in Mumbai, dealing
astrology has turned into a full time with various category of charts & what it
profession. She combines tarot cards has been observed by this scribe is that it is
with astrology readings. Her wide not the remedies one does to solve ones
problems that an astrologer needs to tell
practical experience in years of
his clients but what the client should never
professional astrology has helped land up doing on his own which will cause
her far deeper than most astrologers his downfall, this is what the astrologer
in understanding and testing some must warn his clients. This would be a 9
part series which I have culled out from
oft ignored methods.
Lal Kitab and one rare old Gujarati Book,
which I have observed to work very well in
my experience over decades.
Mercury in the 1H
When Mercury is in the 1st House, do not curse or talk rudely to anybody. This will create
problems for self and family people dependent on you. Do not consume liquor or eat eggs or fish.
It is also said that Do not stay in the same house where your sister-in-law (wifes sister)
resides. It will give you losses and defamation. Do not roam here and there unnecessarily,
stick to one place. It means try to take up a job which requires you to sit in one place rather
than a marketing job. Also do not let your mind wander here and there. Do not use green
coloured clothes or green items.

1. Do not be rude or curse anybody.
2. Do not consume liquor or eat eggs and fish.
3. Do not roam unnecessarily; take a job which requires sitting in one place.
4. Do not use green color.
5. Avoid staying with your sister in law.

Mercury in the 2H
When Mercury is in the 2H, do not keep a pet parrot or a goat. One must not keep ash,
photos of saints at home. Do not keep relations with your sister in law. Do not keep a tube
well or a well in the southwest direction of your ancestors home.

Female 4th February 1963, 02:49, Mumbai.

This female has Mercury and Venus in the 2nd H.

They have a well in the southwest direction of their building compound. When asked to
cover it, they have just put a net over it, but not totally closed it. The husband of this female
is having a relation out of wedlock and also has a child from the other woman. At the
moment he has gotten trapped in some scam, been to prison twice in the last two years and
now again he is being searched in a case of cheating.

1. Do not keep a parrot or a goat.
2. Do not keep ash, bhasm, or photos of saints who are materialistic.
3. Do not keep relations with your sister in law.
4. Do not keep a well or a tubewell open in the southwest direction of your home or your ancestors

Mercury in the 3H
When Mercury is in the 3rdH, do not stay in a south facing house and do not use Mercury
related items like green moong, it will cause health issues.

Female: 22nd June 1960, 04:30:00, Aurangabad. Maharashtra.

This female stays in a south facing house, and is not yet married. Her brothers used her for
their benefit, to take care of their children. Now they want her out of the house without
giving her any share of the property. Her health issues have also started which she correlates
with age.
1. Do not stay in a South facing house.
2. Do not use Mercury related items.

SA Commentary

We just discovered another case where almost all the above results have happened and this native also
has Mer in the 3H, is staying in a south facing house, has lot of health issues, her marriage got delayed
by more than 10-12 years and her brother used her money to take care of family monthly expenses
whereas his money he used his money in buying a house in his name where the whole family stayed and
now he wont give a share in the property to anyone, basically he made others spend for all monthly
expenses and his money he invested for himself, note 3H is siblings.

Mercury in the 4H
1. Do not keep a parrot or goat as pet.
2. Do not keep a green glass bottle, money plant, Tulsi plant at home.

Mercury in the 6H
When Mercury is in the 6th house, do not keep spoiled musical instruments, clocks,
television or any spoiled electronic items at home. Do not get your daughter or sister married
in the north direction from your house.

Male:29th April 1962, 23:12:00, Kerala/Amreli

This person has Mer and Venus in the 6th house in Taurus sign. His wife is suffering from
severe arthritis. In the winter season she finds it difficult to walk also. This person has lots
of clutter in his house, his son plays the guitar. He has old broken instruments at home
which he does not repair nor dispose. His daughter participates in Dance competitions.
Mercury is exalted in the 6H of sickness. His parents also do not keep good health.


1. Do not keep spoiled musical instruments or spoilt electronic items at home.

2. Do not get your daughter married in the north direction from your house

Mercury in the 7H
When mercury is in the 7H, do not get involved in any type of speculation.

Male:7th January 1953, 16:56:00, Mumbai

This native had a flourishing business but when he got involved in the stock market, he lost
a huge amount of money and got nearly bankrupt.
1. Do not spit too often.
2. Do not indulge in gambling or stock market or any type of speculation.

Mercury in the 8H
When Mercury is in the 8H, do not change the altar (pooja place) of your house.

Male: 14th January 1963, 16:25:00, Mumbai

The parents of this native had made a altar (pooja place) in their bedroom. After they
expired his wife shifted the temple in her bedroom below the television, after few months
kept it in the north-east corner of the room below a cupboard. Then again shifted from there
to a open passage at the entrance of the house. After the parents death, this person got into
gambling, faced lots of losses in his business and after few years of that, his wife divorced
him and remarried someone else. His son also has got into the habit of gambling.

1. Do not change the place of worship at your home.

Mercury in 9H
If Mercury is exalted in the 9th H, do not give in charity items of Mercury. Avoid the use of
green colour. Do not accept taweez (talismans) or babuti (holy ash) from any Sadhu (monk).

1. Do not accept Taweez or Ash from any Sadhu.

Mercury in 11 H
When Mercury is in the 11th house, do not accept Taweez (talismans) from a Sadhu or fakir.
Taking this will spoil your married life and create clashes at home. Also do not plant broad
leaves plants at home. Do not make false promises to anyone which you do not wish to

Male: 7th February 1966, 10:00:00, Mumbai

This person has Budh with Sun and Venus in the 11th house. He is into construction business
and always keeps making promises to people which he never fulfills (I will do this, I will do
that, Bolbachan type Always talking big). He has many types of Sadhus (saints) visiting
him, everyone giving him something for his growth. He accepts Talismans & holy ash
(Taweez, yantras, babuti) from all. As a result his married life is very disturbed. He has
regular fights at home with his wife and children. He is separated from his first wife since
20 years who according to him is a mental patient of whom he takes care even after getting


1. Do not take taweez from any sadhu or fakir.

2. Do not plant broad leaves plants at home.

Mercury in the 12 H

1. Keep your temper under control.

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