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JORISIDE «sic a] DECLARATIE DE PERFORMANTA Declaration of Performance NR.AC PIR:134796/16.05.2016 NR.FACT:PD JOR 1628/25,05.2016 1. | Codul unic de identficare al produsulutip. THERMOCONFORT PLUS 100MM- | Unique identification code of product-ype. 2, | Utiizarea sau utilzarile preconizate Produse termoizolante pentru cladi Produse fabricate din spuma rigida de poliuretan PUR (Poliizocianurat PIR). ‘Theimal insulauion products for bulings Factory made rigid polyurethane foam Intended use or uses, PUR)Polsooynurate (IR) produc. 3. | Fabricant S.C. JORIS IDE SRL. Str. Principala Nr.S8 Producer 305100 Buzias Romania 4, | Reprezentant autorizat Nerelevant Authorized representatve Not relevant 5. | Sistemul sau sistemele de evaluare si verificare @ ‘Sistem 3 cconstantei performantei. ‘System or systems of assessment and verfication of constancy of performance System 3 Ba | Standard armonizat SREN 13165:2012 Harmonized standard Organism notieat Nu este cazul Noted body Not applicable 0. | Document de evaluare European ETAG 004 European evaluation document ‘Agrement Tehnic European European Technical Assesement ill = Organismul de evaluare tehnica ae eee Technical evauaton organism i Organism notifcat Nottyed body EMI Budapest Notifyed body Nr. 1415 7. | Performante declarate Declared performances Caracteristici esentiale | Performanta 8. Documentatia tehnica adecvata Essential characteristics Pereformance sisau — documentatia—tehica specifica, ‘Adequate technical documentation | andlor specific technical documentation Reactio la foc E ‘SREN 13165:2012; 42.8 Reaction to fire Absorbtie de apa de Tunga durata prin ‘SR EN 13165:2012; 4.3.7 Long term water absorbtion Planitatea dupa imersie partiala Flatness after one side wetting FW2 (Smax=0.11mm) Index de absorbtie acustica Acoustic absorbtion index: E (aw=0.2-0.25 pentru 30-100mm grosime) SR EN 13165:2012; 4.3.10 Tolare acustica la zgomot aerian Direct airborne sound insulation index ARwgreuo;c)=2(0;1)AB 30mm grosime ARw,greulo:ot)=2(1;1)AB 100mm grosime SREN 13165:2012; 4.3.10 Conductivitate termica | A= 0.022 WimK ‘SR EN 13165:2012; 4.2.1 Thermal conductivity Grosime 73 (<1. 5mm) ‘SREN 13165:2012; 4.2.3 Thickness Permeabilitate la vapori de | y=97.52 'SREN 13165:2012; 43.9 apa Water vapor permeability Rezistenta la compresie Compressive strength ‘CS(10IY}100 2100 KPa SREN 13165:2012; 4.3.4 Rezistenta la tractiune Tensile strength TR100 2100 kPa ‘SREN 13165:2012; 4.3.5 ‘Comportarea la fuaj CC(05/05/ 10/15 SREN 19165:2012; 436 CC(1 0.5 /10)25 Compressive creep CC(A/ 0.5 10)35 ‘Conductivitate termica | A=0.024 WimK ‘SR EN 13165:2012; 4.2.1 dupa imbatrinire accelerata 475 zile la 70°C Thermal conductivity after 4175 day forced aging at 70°C. ‘Stabilitate dimensionala in conditii specificate de temperatura si umiditate. Dimensional stability under specifyed temperature and humility conditions. Level 4 DS(70,-) Aewoo% ‘SREN 13165:2012; 43.2 Deformatie in _conditi specificate pentru sarcina la compresiune si temperatura Deformation under specified compressive load and temperature conditions DLT(1)5 €1=1.59% €23.59% ‘SREN 13165:2012; 4.3.3 Continut de celule inchise Closed cell content 94% 10 4590 Rezulfate privind sistemul cutencuiala.ETICS Results regarding ETICS Reactie la foc ETICS Reaction to fre ETICS B-s3,d0 ETAG 0046.1.2.1 Rezistenta la _tractiune | » 100 kPa; Pass material izolator-strat de baza (adeziv) Bond strength between base coat and insulation product ETAG 0046. Rezistenta la inghel- | Trecut dezghet Freez-thaw test Pass 04/02.04/ETAG 004) ETAG 004; | Performanta produsului identificat mai sus este in conformitate cu setul de performante declarate. Aceasta declaratie de performanta este eliberata in conformitate cu regulamentul (UE) nr.305/2011, pe raspunderea exclusiva a fabricantulul identificat mai sus. The performance ofthe product identified above is in conformity with the declared performances. This decteration of performance is issued according to (EU) regulation nr.305/2011 under the sole responsabilty of the manufacturer, identifyed above, ‘Semnat pentru si in numé fabricantului de catre: ‘Signed for and on behalf of manufacturer by Buzias, 26.05.2016 Stefan Tolgyi, Quality Manager spe ms : fs Y 08S Da~ ly he e Locul si data emiterii Place and date of issue Nume, functie si ser Name, function and cimabe

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