Internship Evaluation Form

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Prime Ministers Youth Training Scheme

Internship Evaluation Form

Question for Intern Answer from
1) How satisfied were you with your internship experience with the
PMYP Internship Scheme?
1. Extremely Dissatisfied
2. Dissatisfied
3. Neutral
4. Satisfied
5. Extremely Satisfied

2) Do you feel that your existing skill set/academic background was

well utilized by your employer?
1. Yes, very well utilized
2. Somewhat utilized
3. Not utilized

3) Did you learn new skills during your internship?

1. Yes
2. No

4) If Yes, check the following

1. Basic technical/computer skills
2. Microsoft Office (Excel, PP, Word)
3. Documentation and record keeping
4. Presentation
5. Research and Analysis
6. Written and oral communication
7. Time Management
8. Interpersonal and collaboration
9. Creative thinking and problem solving
10.Other Please Specify:_________

5) Were you satisfied by your stipend amount?

1. Extremely Dissatisfied
2. Dissatisfied
3. Neutral
4. Satisfied
5. Extremely Satisfied
6) How comfortable was your employer's work environment?
1. Extremely comfortable
2. Very comfortable
3. Moderately comfortable
4. Slightly comfortable
5. Not at all comfortable

Internship Evaluation Form Page 1

7) Overall, did you like working with your employer, neither like nor
dislike it, or dislike it?
1. Liked a lot
2. Liked a moderate amount
3. Neither liked nor disliked
4. Disliked a moderate amount
5. Disliked a lot

8) How satisfied are you with the National Internship Program team
1. Extremely Dissatisfied
2. Dissatisfied
3. Neutral
4. Satisfied
5. Extremely Satisfied

9) Please mark your level of satisfaction with your Cluster In-charge

and Complaint Resolution System
1. Extremely Dissatisfied
2. Dissatisfied
3. Neutral
4. Satisfied
5. Extremely Satisfied

10) Are you currently seeking job opportunities?

1. Yes
2. No

11) If Yes, have you received interview calls?

1. Yes, more than I expected
2. Yes, but not many
3. No

12) Are you currently employed?

1. Yes, by my internship employer
2. Yes, by another employer
3. No

13) If No, How confident are you in your ability to find a job in the
next 6 months?
1. Extremely confident
2. Confident
3. Neutral
4. Not confident
5. Not looking

14) If you are not looking for a job opportunity please specify the
reason: ______________________

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You are requested to fill and submit this form at by
May 13, 2017.
Your internship completion certificate will be issued on receipt of this internship
evaluation form

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