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The experiment is to prepare the soap and detergent had been conducted. Basically,
the experiment starts by preparing soaps. Thus, from here, the comparison between
soap and synthetic detergent can be done. Based on the observation in this
experiment, it can be concluded that the soap emulsifies oil because it has ability to
form precipitate. However, the detergent has not forms any precipitate. Hence, the
experiment is completed and successfully conducted.


Soap is form from two major raw materials; fat and alkali. Today, alkali that
commonly used in soap making is sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide. Potassium-
based soap creates more hydrophilic product compare to sodium-based soap. Its called as
soft soap. For the fat, it has been processed into fatty acids. This eliminates many
impurities and produces as byproduct water instead of glycerin. Vegetable fats such as olive
oil, palm kernel oil (palmitic) and coconut oil (lauric) also have been used in soap making.

Fatty acids are straight-chain monocarboxylic acids. The most common fatty acids
range in size from 10-20 carbons and most often have an even number of carbon atoms
including the carboxyl group carbon. The carbon-carbon bonds in saturated fatty acids are all
single bonds, while unsaturated fatty acids have one or more carbon-carbon double bonds in
their chains. One example of a saturated fatty acid is palmitic acid, CH3-(CH2)14-CO2H.

When triglycerides in fat/oil react with aqueous NaOH or KOH, they will convert into
soap and glycerol. This reaction is called as saponification process because of the soap
production happen. When triglycerides in fat/oil react with aqueous NaOH or KOH, they are
converted into soap and glycerol. This is called alkaline hydrolysis of esters. Since this
reaction leads to the formation of soap, it is called as saponification process.


1) To prepare soap and compare its properties to that of a synthesis detergent.


Basic structure of soaps are almost the same, consist of a long hydrophobic
hydrocarbon tail and hydrophilic anionic head which is 12 to 18 carbon atoms or
CH 3 (CH 2 ) n COO . The type of fat or oil used will affect the length of the hydrocarbon
chain (n) but usually the chain is quite long. The anionic charge on the carboxylate head is
usually balanced by either a positively charged potassium (K+) or sodium (Na+) cation.

Saponification is the reaction between lye (HO-) and an ester (which is our case is
animal or vegetal fat/oil). Saponification literally means "soap making".

It is important to the industrial user to know the amount of free fatty acid present,
since this determines in large measure the refining loss. The quantity of alkali that must be
added to the fat to render it neutral can be determined from the amount of free fatty present.
This is done by warming a known amount of the fat with strong aqueous caustic soda
solution, which converts the free fatty acid into soap. This soap is then removed and the
amount of fat remaining is then determined. The loss is estimated by subtracting this amount
from the amount of fat originally taken for the test.

The number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide require to neutralize the fatty
acids resulting from the complete hydrolysis of 1g of fat is called as saponification number.
From that, some information about character of fatty acids can be determined. When the
longer the carbon chain, the less acid is liberated per gram of fat hydrolysed. It is also
consider as a measure of the average molecular weight (or chain length) of all the fatty acids
present. In can be conclude that when fatty acid found in fats is long chain it means the value
of saponification is low because they have a relatively fewer number of carboxylic functional
groups per unit mass of the fat and therefore high molecular weight.



1. Ice bath 2. Erlenmeyer flask

3. 1 M Hydrochloric acid 4. Weighing electronic

5. 2 mL of 1% FeCl2 solution 6. Petri dish

7. 2 mL of 1% MgCl2 solution 8. pH paper

9. 2 mL of 1% CaCl2 solution 10. Measuring cylinder

11. Distilled water 12. Cloth strip

13. Mineral oil 14. Test tube with racks

15. Synthetic detergent 16. Beaker

17. Saturated sodium chloride 18. Vacuum filtration apparatus

19. 12.5 mL of 6M of Sodium Hydroxide 20. Stirring rod

21. 12.5 mL of Vegetable Oil 22. Magnetic stirrer

23. 10 mL of Ethanol 24. Filter paper

25. Butcher funnel


6.1 Soap Preparation

1. 12.5 mL of vegetable oil is placed in 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask. 10 mL of ethanol and

12.5 mL of 6 M sodium hydroxide solution is added into flask. Mixture is stir with
stirring rod to mix the contents of the flask.
2. 250 mL flask is heated in a boiling-water bath inside of a 600 mL beaker.
3. Mixture is stirred continuously during the heating process to prevent the mixture from
foaming. The mixture is heated for 20-30 minute or until the alcohol odor is no longer
4. The paste-like mixture is removed from the boiling-water bath and the flask is cooled
in an ice bath for 10-15 minutes.
5. Vacuum filtration apparatus is assembled while waiting for flask to cool. Vacuum
flask is secured to a ring stand with a utility clamp to prevent the apparatus from
toppling over.
6. A piece of filter paper is weighing to the nearest 0.001 g and the mass is recorded.
Filter paper is placed inside the Buchner funnel. The paper is moistened with water so
that it fits flush in the bottom of the funnel.
7. 150 mL of saturated sodium hydroxide (NaCl) solution is added to the flask once the
flask has cooled to salt out the soap.
8. The water at the aspirator is slowly turned on. The mixture from the flask is poured
into the Buchner funnel. The soap is washed with 10 mL of ice-cold water once all of
the liquid has filtered through the funnel. The suction filtration is continued until a11
of the water is removed from the soap.
9. The soap is removed from the funnel and two paper towels are pressed to dry it. The
filter paper and dried soap are weighing and the mass is recorded to nearest 0.001 g
and the mass of the soap by difference is determined and the lastly the mass is

6.2 Comparison of soap and detergent properties- precipitation and emulsification

1. A stock soap solution is prepared by dissolving 2g of the prepared soap in 100mL of
boiling distilled water. The mixture is stirred until the soap dissolved and solution is
allowed to cool.
2. Step 1 using 2 g of synthetic detergent is repeated. pH of each solution is determined
when both solutions are cool using pH paper.
3. Three test tubes are labelled as test tube 1, 2, and 3. 4 drops of mineral oil are added
to each test tube. 5 mL of distilled water is added to test tube 1. 5 mL of stock soap
solution is added to test tube 2. 5 mL of stock synthetic detergent is added to test tube
4. Each solution is mixed by shaking and let stand for three to five minutes. Solution, if
any, emulsified the oil by forming a single layer is noted.
5. The mixtures are poured into the Waste Container. The three test tubes are cleaned
and dried.
6. Three test tubes are labelled as test tube 1, 2 and 3. 2 mL of stock soap solution is
placed in each of the three test tubes. 2 mL of 1% CaCl 2 solution is added to test tube
1. 2 mL of 1% MgCl2 solution is added to test tube 2. 2 mL of 1% FeCl 2 solution is
added to test tube 3. Each test tube is shook to mix the solutions. Observation is
7. 4 drops of mineral oil is added to each of the test tubes in Step 6. Each test tube is
shook to mix the solutions and the solution is let to stand for three five minutes.
Solution, if any, emulsified the oil by forming a single layer is noted.
8. Steps 6-7 are repeated using 2 mL of stock detergent solution. Solutions that formed
precipitate is indicate.
9. Solution, if any, emulsified the oil by forming a single layer is noted.
10. The mixtures are poured into the Waste Container. The test tubes are cleaned and
11. 5 mL of stock soap solution is placed in cine clean test tube and 5 mL of stock
detergent solution is placed in second test tube. 1 M HCl is added one drop at a time
to both solutions until the pH in each test tube is equal to 3. The number of drops of
acid added to each mixture is counted. Mixture that formed precipitate is indicated.
12. 1 drops of mineral oil is added to each test tube in step 11. Each test tube is shook to
mix the solution. Oil that emulsified in either mixture is observed.

6.3 Comparison of the cleaning abilities of a soap and detergent

1. Three beakers are cleaned, dried and labelled. 20 mL of stock soap solution is placed
in the first beaker. 20 mL of stock detergent is placed in the second beaker. 20 mL of a
commercial liquid Dynamo is placed in third beaker.

2. Three cloth test strips that have been soaked in tomato sauce is obtained and one strip
is placed in each beakers. Each solution is stirred repeatedly with a stirring rod for 5
3. The cloth stripes are removed from the soap and detergent solution and squeezed to
remove the excess water. Each cloth strip is compared to determine their relative
cleanliness. Observations are recorded.


7.1 Soap Preparation

Mass of filter (g) 1.087 g

Mass of filter paper + soap (g) 17.564 g

Mass of soap recovered (g) 7.097 g

7.2 Comparison of soap and detergent properties

Brand name of synthetics detergent Dynamo

pH of soap solution pH 10

pH of synthetic detergent solution pH 8

System Emulsification occurred

Distilled water Not occurred. Thin oil layer formed.

Soap Occurred

Detergent Not occurred. Bubbles of oil formed at top.

Hard and acidic

System Precipitate Oil Emulsified

Detergent Detergent
Soap Soap
solution solution
Yes (white No (slightly
CaCl2 Emulsified Emulsified
precipitate) cloudy Solution)
Yes (white No (cloudy
MgCl2 Not Emulsified Emulsified
precipitate) solution)
Yes (brown No (brown
FeCl2 Emulsified Emulsified
precipitate) solution)
No (white No (colorless
Acidic Not Emulsified Emulsified
precipitate) solution)

Soap Detergent

No of drops HCl 8 2

7.3 Cleansing comparison of a soap and detergent

Samples Dynamo Soap Detergent

Cleanliness Very clean Slightly clean Clean

No stained left on Little stain left on Little stain left on
cloth cloth cloth

Dynamo > Detergent > Soap


In this experiment,
saponification process occurs when
hydrolysis of ester will produce carboxylic
ions and alcohol with the presence of

sodium hydroxide, NaOH. Then, these carboxylate ions are accepting proton since they are
conjugate base to the fatty acids. These conjugate bases are able to accept protons from any
source including water.

From the pH reading, it can be say that pH value of soap is more basic than synthetics
detergent which is dynamo because pH value of soap solution is 10 while the value of
synthetics detergent solution is 8.

Next, emulsification is only occurred for soap testing. Emulsification can be described as
the solution that form is in a single layer. As for distilled water is not emulsifies because there
is a single thin oil layer formed and for detergent, a bubbles of oil formed at the top.

In this part, hard water which contains calcium ions, magnesium ions and iron ions are
being used. Actually, soaps made from sodium fatty acid salts are soluble in water but in the
presence of these metal ions, the sodium soluble salts convert to insoluble salts. Therefore,
the soap will react with the mineral ions contain in the hard water and disturb the cleaning
process. Later, it causes the precipitate to form and oil is emulsifies except for the water
contain magnesium ion. So, it indicates that soap is not a good cleaning agent. However, for
detergent, it forms no precipitate but emulsifies the oil. Thus, detergent can be said as good
cleansing agent compare to soap as the dirt can be clean without involve any precipitate.

To turn soap into acidic solution requires eight drops of hydrochloric acid and from
observation the solution become white solution. However for detergent, it only requires two
drops of hydrochloric acid to become acidic solution with clear or colorless solution. Hence,
we can say that soap has high value of pH and both not form precipitate but detergent
emulsifies in acidic solution.

Furthermore, from the observation, the cloth strip that soaked in dynamo is cleaner
compare in the soap solution and detergent solution. Thus the relative cleanliness can be
conclude as below,

Dynamo > Detergent > Soap

Liquid detergent is especially effective on food and greasy or oily soils. Because it is
fluid, it can double as a stain pretreated. It is better to choose liquid detergent if you do lots of
family that specializes in food spills like cloth stripes full with sauce.


The experiment is successfully conducted and objective is achieved. From the
result, we had made some comparison between soap and detergent such as by observe
the forming of precipitate, emulsification and cleaning abilities in this experiment.
For the first observation, the distilled water and detergent not emulsifies the
oil while soap emulsifies the oil. Next, the pH value of soap produced is higher rather
than synthetic detergent. Thus, this shows that soap is more alkali.
Then, soap is not suitable to be used in hard water because it forms
precipitate and for calcium chloride and iron chloride they will emulsifies the oil in
water. It can be said that detergent is suitable to be used in hard water. Lastly, for
the cleaning abilities, it shows that dynamo (detergent liquid) is better than soap.


In order to get more accurate values, a few recommendations and precautions must be
considered when performing the experiment such as:

a) We should rinse pH electrode completely in distilled water until the reading of pH is
neutral to get accurate result for the next reading.
b) We should do at least three or two trials then taking the average.
c) We must make sure the apparatus is clean to avoid other reaction happen.
d) We should ensure the temperature of sample of soap and detergent should be same
when the pH meter reading taken for pH is varying in different temperatures.
e) We must ensure eyes are parallel to measuring cylinder when taking the reading in
order to avoid parallax error.


a) Lab manual
b) Saponification Theory. (2015). Retrieved December 01, 2016, from
c) (n.d.). Retrieved December 01, 2016, from

d) Soap. (n.d.). Retrieved December 01, 2016, from
e) Soap. (n.d.). Retrieved December 01, 2016, from


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