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Eco Indicator Calculator

START Intro Production Use End-of-Life

This Eco-indicator calculator was developed based on the PR Consultant's Eco-indicator 99 methodology.
The calculator provides simple, pre-formatted forms that you would need to carry out the Eco-indicator assessment, and calcu
indicator scores based on the standard indicators as defined by the PR in the Eco-indicator 99, Manual for Designers.

All you need to do is to identify and quantify the materials and processes involved in producing a unit of the product analysed a
workbook. For example, types and weight of the materials, types and distance of transportation.

The results would be displayed in the report summary.

Eco Indicator Calculator

START Intro Production Use End-of-Life FINISH

Step 1: Identify the types and weight of materials used in the product (per unit)

Material Extraction
No. Material Weight Indicator (millipoints p Score (millipoints)
1 Rubbers EPDM rubber 0.2 kg 180 36
2 Plastics PVC (rigid) 0.5 kg 130 65
3 FerrousMetals Steel High Alloy (71% Fe,16% Cr, 13%Ni) 0.3 kg 400 120
4 NonferrousMetal Aluminium 100% Recycled 0.2 kg 40 8
5 - kg 0 0
6 - kg 0 0
7 - kg 0 0
8 - kg 0 0
9 - kg 0 0
10 - kg 0 0
11 - kg 0 0
12 - kg 0 0
13 - kg 0 0
14 - kg 0 0
15 - kg 0 0
16 - kg 0 0
17 - kg 0 0
18 - kg 0 0
19 - kg 0 0
20 - kg 0 0

Total 1.2 kg 229

Step 2: Identify processes involved in manufacturing to process these materials (per unit)
Manufacturing Process
No. Processes Unit Indicator (millipoints peScore (millipoints)
1 PlasticsProcess Injection Moulding -1 (PE, PP, PS, ABS) 0.6 kg 24 14.4
2 PlasticsProcess Injection Moulding - 2 (PVC,PC) 0.4 kg 49 19.6
3 MetalsProcess Milling, turning, drilling 1.9 dm3 rem 400 760
4 MetalsProcess Extrusion - Aluminium 1.1 kg 51 56.1
5 - N/A 0 0
6 - N/A 0 0
7 - N/A 0 0
8 - N/A 0 0
9 - N/A 0 0
10 - N/A 0 0
11 - N/A 0 0
12 - N/A 0 0
13 - N/A 0 0
14 - N/A 0 0
15 - N/A 0 0
16 - N/A 0 0
17 - N/A 0 0
18 - N/A 0 0
19 - N/A 0 0
20 - N/A 0 0

Total 850.1

Step 3: Identify transportation involved in handling the materials for production (per unit)

Type Material Weight (tonne) Distance (km) Unit Indicator (millipoints peScore (millipoints)
1 Delivery van <3EPDM rubber 0.0003076923 11 0.003384615 tkm 100 0.3384615385
2 Delivery van <3PVC (rigid) 0.0007692308 8 0.006153846 tkm 100 0.6153846154
3 Delivery van <3Steel High Alloy (71% Fe 0.0004615385 10 0.004615385 tkm 100 0.4615384615
4 Delivery van <3Aluminium 100% Recycle 0.0003076923 12 0.003692308 tkm 100 0.3692307692
5 - - 0 0 tkm 0 0
6 - - 0 0 tkm 0 0
7 - - 0 0 tkm 0 0
8 - - 0 0 tkm 0 0
9 - - 0 0 tkm 0 0
10 - - 0 0 tkm 0 0
11 - - 0 0 tkm 0 0
12 - - 0 0 tkm 0 0
13 - - 0 0 tkm 0 0
14 - - 0 0 tkm 0 0
15 - - 0 0 tkm 0 0
16 - - 0 0 tkm 0 0
17 - - 0 0 tkm 0 0
18 - - 0 0 tkm 0 0
19 - - 0 0 tkm 0 0
20 - - 0 0 tkm 0 0
Total 1.78461538

Total Indicator for Production Stage 1080.88462

Eco Indicator Calculator

START Intro Production Use End-of-Life

Step 4: Identify transportation involved in delivering the product (per unit)

Type Weight (tonne) Distance ( Unit
1 Delivery van <3.5t 0.0018461538 88 0.162462 tkm
2 - 0 0 tkm
3 - 0 0 tkm
4 - 0 0 tkm
5 - 0 0 tkm

Step 5: Estimate energy consumption throughout the product life span

Product Esstimated Life Span 2 years

Estimated service hours per da 6 hours
Total Service Hours in Life Span 4380 hours
Poduct Energy Rating 0.088 kW

Energy Consumption
Category Source Total Energy Cons
1 GridElectricity Electricity LV Europe (UCPTE) - <1kV 385.44 kWh
2 - 385.44 kWh
3 - 385.44 kWh

Total Indicator for Use Stage


End-of-Life FINISH

product (per unit)

Indicator (millipoints peScore (millipoints)
100 16.2461538462
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0

duct life span

Indicator (millipoints peScore (millipoints)
26 10021.44
0 0
0 0

Eco Indicator Calculator

START Intro Production Use End-of-Life

Step 6: Identify disposal process of the product at its End-of-Life (per unit of produ

End-of-Life Disposal
No. Disposal Methods Weight
1 Incineration Incineration Steel 0.1
2 Incineration Incineration PVC 0.4
3 Recycling Recycling Ferrous Metals 0.3
4 Recycling Recycling Aluminium 0.1
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -
10 -
11 -
12 -
13 -
14 -
15 -
16 -
17 -
18 -
19 -
20 -


Step 7: Identify transportation involved in handling the materials for disposal (per

Type Disposal Methods Weight (tonnDistance ( Unit
1 Delivery van < Incineration Steel 0.000153846 25 0.003846
2 Delivery van < Incineration PVC 0.000615385 5 0.003077
3 Delivery van < Recycling Ferrous Metals 0.000461538 17 0.007846
4 Delivery van < Recycling Aluminium 0.000153846 33 0.005077
5 - - 0 0
6 - - 0 0
7 - - 0 0
8 - - 0 0
9 - - 0 0
10 - - 0 0
11 - - 0 0
12 - - 0 0
13 - - 0 0
14 - - 0 0
15 - - 0 0
16 - - 0 0
17 - - 0 0
18 - - 0 0
19 - - 0 0
20 - - 0 0

Total Indicator for End-of-Life Stage

Eco-Indicator of 1 unit of product

d-of-Life FINISH

-Life (per unit of product)

Weight Indicator (millipoints pe Score (millipoints)
kg -32 -3.2
kg 37 14.8
kg -70 -21
kg -720 -72
kg 0 0
kg 0 0
kg 0 0
kg 0 0
kg 0 0
kg 0 0
kg 0 0
kg 0 0
kg 0 0
kg 0 0
kg 0 0
kg 0 0
kg 0 0
kg 0 0
kg 0 0
kg 0 0


erials for disposal (per unit)

Unit Indicator (millipoints pe Score (millipoints)
tkm 100 0.3846153846
tkm 100 0.3076923077
tkm 100 0.7846153846
tkm 100 0.5076923077
tkm 0 0
tkm 0 0
tkm 0 0
tkm 0 0
tkm 0 0
tkm 0 0
tkm 0 0
tkm 0 0
tkm 0 0
tkm 0 0
tkm 0 0
tkm 0 0
tkm 0 0
tkm 0 0
tkm 0 0
tkm 0 0


Product Eco-Indicator Calculation Report

The Eco-indicator calculation shows the environmental impact of the product throughout its life cycle. The higher the Eco-indicator value is,
the bigger the impact it has to human health, ecosystem quality and natural resources.
The table and graphs below indicate the Eco-indicator distribution of the anaysed product in its three life cycle stages i.e. Production, Use
and End-of-life.

No. Life Cycle Stage Eco-Indicator Score

1 Production
2 Use 10037.6861538462
3 End-of-Life -79.4153846154
Total 9958.2707692308
E co -in dicato r (m ilipoint)

Eco-Indicator Distribution by Life Cycle Stages

Eco-Indicator Distribution by Liife Cycle Stages

12000 10037.6861538462
10000 1%

8000 99%
0 Production
-79.4153846154 Use
-2000 Life Cycle Stage
Production Use End-of-Life End-of-Life

The detail Eco-indicator distribution at each process throughout the life cycle is shown in the table and graphs below.

No. Process Eco-Indicator Score

1 Material Extraction 229
2 Manufacturing Process 850.1
3 Material Transportation 1.7846153846
4 Product Transportation 16.2461538462
5 Energy Consumption 10021.44
6 Disposal Process -81.4
7 Disposal Transportation 1.9846153846
Total 11039.1553846154
E c o -In d ic a to r (m ilip o in t)

Eco-Indicator Distribution by Process

Eco-Indicator Distribution by Process

12000 10021.44
1% 0% 2%
6000 8%
850.1 0%
2000 229 16.2461538462
1.7846153846 1.9846153846
Materi al Extrac tion
D is p o s a l T r a n s p o r ta tio n
M a n u f a c tu r in g Pr o c e s s

M a te r ia l Tr a n s p o r ta tio n

Pr o d u c t Tr a n s p o r ta tio n

-81.4 Manufac turing Proc ess

En e r g y C o n s u m p tio n
M a te r ia l Ex tr a c tio n

D is p o s a l Pr o c e s s

Materi al T ransportation
Produc t T ransportation
Energy Consumpti on
Disposal Proc ess
Process Disposal T ransportation

The summary of Eco-indicator calculation results highlights the life cycle stages and processes that contribute most to the overall product
environmental impact. The results reflect areas where improvement is most needed and show the right direction to work towards.

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