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induced to think, that there is no filch thing mills &a i

there waters at all. What has been generally rate/
the fpirit of Ilseel waters, kerns to me to be very us.
altho' the exiftence of it in their wales
has been &fretted by all" the writem on this fully*
which I lane yet had meat on to fee. -The (pint
ef mixed body is commonly taken to be a foto
tile, penetrating, light, and volatile Sibilance, mar
fukeptible of motion than any other of its pans,
and moll eat!y feparable from them by avolatica.
But that airy chalybeat -water contains fuch a tub-
fiance, I think has never been made evident, sink&
where the water has been found to be impregnated
with fome other mineral principles. Some feel
waters, I believe, contain a large proportion of air,
whole elafticity may accaton it to break forth with
an exploftve force ; fame others there are, which
contain a volatile and fulphureous halitus ; and o
onc or other of their two mules, or to lome other
mineral principle. I think moll of the phonumme
may be referred, which have been attributed to a
fcrrugineous or vitriolic volatile fpirit
As the firft thing obfervable in a mineral water
its outward form, we mull therefore take none&
that the water of this Spas. equals the clear& fpriag.
water in tranfparency ; and is likewife as free of any
colour or odour : yet its tate is very firong, and
may be difcerned to be compounded of a facet,
fubacid, and stringent tate. Its fweetnefs and acidity
appear fenfibly to arife from ohms ; and its high
flyptic and stringent mile does as evidently proceed
from that minmal fah, joined with fome earthy or
ferrugineous parts. I mull likewife obferve, that when
I Sell

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