And MKT Colour With-Galls. From Which, J Think: To Learn More About PDF Compression and OCR Go To Our Website

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Scotland or elfewhere, that afforded anima& black

and Mkt colour with-galls. From which, J think
%se may.yenture an conclude, that the yam"( this
Spaw contains a far larger proportion of iron than
moll, or p.a.,n than any, other chalybeat water
hitherto thkorered and for this malion, I -dere (aty,
-it will liketvill ho fo much the more prthrable to
molt of: lets in medicinal virtues ; which has indeed
already appeared by many Jeep-if-in cares it has
polorm, mod which, I urn reloaded. will MOM
fully approx., when its medicinal areas (hall bc
better known.
There mat needs be a very great quantity of iron
in this water, when it yields as deep a cOlour with
galls as firong iblution of Cal Maras. 1 was-indeed
atAril apprehenfiye, that dais roller -might not be
owing fo much to a large acid uncommon-proportion
-of chalybeat parts, 25 to the commixture of alum,
which I judged to bc in the water. But we fee the
contrary appears by theta trials : for alum of idelf
affords no tineture with albingents, and, inflead of
-rendering a folution of Cal Mattis with galls of a more
intenfe colour, rather makes it lighter and more di-
Wafer hare,thalthoferwagineous matter is intirely
fereated fram the maser by an infufion of galls.
The like silo happeas by elitation ; after which it is
&loath &rived of its tinging quality. let other
thalybeat waters haletlats quality by a much lefs de-
gme of heat.

As these is an ochrous -earah-fernated foam all

fletl waters, when copal-ad to the air, which (oblides
Ra to

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