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to the bottom, and a metalline fcum or armor, which 4

(miff) oa their furface ; we ;hall nest confider the
appearances, which they make in this water.

Ey. S. A folution of faceharuna Sourni being

dropt into common fpring-water, left the upper pars
of the water clear and colourleb, but formed a lac.
telicency towards the bottom. The lime fulutioa .

being added to the mineral water, kon turncd it of

turbid yellow colour, which afterwards fubbried, ;

and formed a deep yellow ckniel in the bottom af .

thc glafs ; and below this yellow falintent there ad-

hered to the bottom of the gills a whitilb fikffance,
which I took to be the metalline parts of the faccho
rum Saturni feparated from the purer parts of the
cab, which were Rill furpended in thc watet, ant
which made it of a muddy whitifh colour.
9. Forty drops of oleurn tartari per deliquium be-
ing added to an ounce of the water, made it of an uni-
form light yellow colour ; but in an hour afterwarek
there were many frnall yellow terrain nobvele
krmed in it. Tbefe the ncxt day were more con-
fpicuous, being thoroughly feparated from the woo,
and precipitated to the bottom, leaving the wain
quite clear, as it was before the mixture. A Snail
quantity of this limpid water being taken, it would
afford no Onetime with galls. It was then all potent
off; except fo much in the bottom of the glaft
contained the above, mentioned clouds : to this thee
were fome galls added, wind; in half an hour owed
thefe clouds from a light yellow to a deep red colour,
but did not change the colour of the woes, mteboh
chcy fvram.
to. Irn.

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