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crema always fuccealed, until the whole quentity,
which the water contained, was exhauffed.
13. When this tremor fiett appeared on the wr.
ter, it was of a flint blueifh colour : but et it
creafed, it chenged into a deeper and more bright
!Inning blue t and, after longer llanding, at became
blotched with various colours, as red, grove, yel-
low, green, blue, purple, and violet.
I+ A quantity of the water being put in a
gentle heat, this acmes was quickly Inputted front
it, and appenral on the !tufa= of the water. A
like quantity of thc water, with its creator already up-
on its furface, was put ova a gentle heat, which by
degrees broke the eremor into very final! parts ; but
whether they did evaparate, or precipitate in the wa-
ter, I could not be certain. But, by other trials,
thin cranor was found to lane great degree of
fixity, bcaring a confiderable heat without avolation ;
yet not without the appearance of forne of irs parts
flying off, altho atoll of them were fixed ; becaufe
what remained loft its fine colours, and wes chengea
into a alining chalybeat colour.
ts. The watcr of the lower fixing afforded a
much len quantity of the cremor, than the water of
the upper fpring. It took alfo a longer time to In-
mate, was of a blueifh colour, and had not the
vivid colours, which the water of the upper fpring
16. When ol. tart. p. d. and fpirit of fal ammo-
niac were added to the water, it did not feparate its
This erector, which is feparatecl from the water,
la the fame with that, which appears on thc furface ol
Vol.. so. S a folu.

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