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Exp. 26. An Englifh quart of the wafer be*,

kept boiholfor a quarter of an hour, it turned thich,..
muddy, in -yellow, lby the feparation of its ochrous,
patsy and, being fire,to cool in a clean bowl, the
neat day all 1*-ochre Ikai IMMO to the bottoma,,
frath wi be wide 1111Irc4: where,
by it becashe ilmoft as clear and hmpill as before,
the elisation, retaining a flusp alturninoua tette, Nu,
was deprived of the ftrong,ferrugineous taftc, which,
it had at firft. This, Yea* was alyfiet hbiled5 4y.,
which meuns it was again turned a little yellows by,
the leparacion of Come more ochre. It was there,
fore again filfted, and rendered clear, and its aluni-
nous talk was ftronger than before. After this fit,
tration, the water wu evaporated in a fand-beat to
about a ficteenth part of the original quantity, and
then it tafted like a ftrong folution of alum joined..
with a fmall degree of a chalybeat Wk. And this
being totally evaporated in a glafs, there adhered upoo
its fides a pure white Colt5 and a larger quantity of
the fame felt remained in the bottom of the gigs,
which was not fo white, but morc impure then Mc
former, and of a brawn colour.
ay. This fah,- thusksrocured from the watt; be.
ing m ixed with diftil vinegar and fpirit of vitriol,
there was not the Intl effervefcence produced.
28. Some of the brown-coloured fait being put
upon a red-hot iron, it did neither fparkle nor alecre-
pitate ; but was turncd into a blackilh cincritious fub-
fiance, which in a aloft time became a white cabi.
And the fome of the falt was put upon du iron.
finely powdered, yet it concreted, and run together
in a cinder, whore cohefion was afterwards deflroyoi
when calcined by a further degree of heat.
29. A.

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