Soluciones INGLÉS-Examen Junio 2016 OpcionA

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Curso 2015/2016 Junio

Opcin A


1. Answer this question about the text. Use your own words whenever possible (2

a) What speculations about Agatha Christies disappearance are described in the text?

The first one was that she had drowned herself in a natural spring. Others thought it was only
publicity for her new book or that her husband had killed her because he had a lover.

2. Read the following statements, decide whether they are true or false and justify your
answer by quoting evidence from the text (2 points. 0,50 each)

a) F (She is outsold only by the Bible and Shakespeare) Lin. 2

b) T (The police located her car the next morning) Lin. 5-6

c) F (for her professional life had never looked so optimistic) Lin.21

d) F (she used the name of Theresa Neele, her husbands mistress) Lin. 25

3. Find in the text the word or group of words which match the definitions (1 point,
0,20 each)

a) Possibly, maybe (Par. 1)- Perhaps (lin 3)

b) Cause to start. Set off, trigger (Par.2)- Spark (lin 8)

c) Organized seach for a person (Par. 2)- Manhunts (lin 8)

d) Unharmed (Par 3)- Safe (lin 23)

4. Complete the text using the correct words from the box below. (2 points, 0,25 each)

a) darkest d) that g) both

b) What e) as h) having

c) writers f) which
5. Write a composition of about 150 words on ONE of the following topics (3 points)

a) You would like to become a writer. Write a composition explaining why and what
kind of books you would like to write.

I have always liked writing, since I was a little boy. I have read every book that have fallen
into my hands and I have written some short stories, that only a few friends have been able to
read. Now I have decided to become a writer or, at least, try it. Not only because it is a way to
express myself, but to encourage young people to read and to discover new and amazing
worlds, stories and characters.

That is why I have made up my mind to write science fictions and magic stories for
teenagers or young adults, following the model of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings or
Twilight. Often, these kinds of stories take the readers to exotic places with extraordinary
character who fight against the evil. Also, they are brave, honestand are seen as models for

Something really important in todays society where, for example, football players are
regarded as heroes. (157 words)

b) A good friend of yours disappeared last year. Explain what happened.

Last year, one hot Saturday, I went hiking with my friends in a mountain near Pamplona.
We started walking at 9 oclock in the morning because we had a long way until reach the top.
We were having fun singing old songs and telling jokes. Two hours later we got to the top and
sat down to have a rest.

Then we realised that our friend Mikel wasnt there. How could that be possible? Nobody
had noticed he was missing. We started looking for him but as we were high in the mountain,
our mobile phones didnt work.

Really worried in case he had had an accident, we decided to go back by same way, but
nothing, Mikel didnt appear.

When our mobile phones worked, we immediately tried to contact him. Guess what? He
had stopped to drink some water and he got lost. So, he decided to go back and wait for us in
the nearest village. (158 words)

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