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Parassala, Thiruvananthapuram-695502

(Minority institution, affiliated to University of Kerala,

Accredited by NAAC with B Grade & Recognized by NCTE)





CSI College of Education, Parassala has an MOU with Canterbury Christ Church

University, UK. There is faculty and student interaction programme between us

twice in a year. Our students and faculty members get acquaint with the modern

education scenario in a developed country. Our faculty members had got the

opportunity to be in UK to be a part of European system of education. According

to thisa team comprising of 16 members (14 student teachers & 2 tutors) from

Canterbury Christ church university, UK visited our college on 23rd January

2017.Interaction, model school visit, Symposium and cultural bonanza are the

major programmes.


Session I - Inaugural Session

Session II- Model school visit

Session III- Interaction Session

Session IV- Symposium

Session V- cultural bonanza

Inaugural Session
Inaugural session began at 1O am with a prayer. The college choir team

sought the blessings of the Almighty. Our Principal Dr.Sajith C Raj delivered the

welcome speech. He was delighted that we could organize such a big venture

amidst of several difficulties. He expressed our gratitude to all our well -wishers,

each and every one were welcomed with indebtedness. The programme was

inaugurated by, College Manager Dr,Isaya Thankabose emphasized the education

system in India. This session was closed with the self-introduction of UK Team.

Model school visit

UK Team were visited our model school, SLMSHSS Parassala at 11.00am. Awarm

welcome was given by the school.They were visited the classes. Also they were

observe the classes as well as taught the classes. They interact with students as well

as teachers regarding methods of teaching, lesson plan, discipline etc.It embarked

the students internationally.UK Team provided t-shirts to the needy students who

is studying in this school.

Interaction Session

After the visit of model school an interaction session was arranged in our

college .Both the students of our college and UK were grouped on the basis of their
discipline. Most of these are intertwined and come together to share their

experiences.International learning and knowledge propels students towards

acceptance and understanding of an array of different cultural and community

perspectives. This will sharpen our professional skills and participate in cross

cultural activities in school and communities.After this, from 12.30 to 2.00 pm,it

was time for lunch.


Symposium was a new program to all. The topic was TEACHER


Programme conducted in association with Canterbury Christ Church University,

UK. Dr. V Reghu was the promoter. Our Principal, Dr. Sajith C Raj gave welcome

address. Sir introduced all paper presenters. Teachers from other colleges and old

students from our college came to attend the Symposium.

Dr. V Reghu sir invited Ms Caroline Tancock from Canterbury Church

University to present a paper based on the topic. She mentioned the Curriculum
and Syllabus for B.Ed. Students in UK. The Class duration, number of children in

a classroom etc. described through presentation. After that a student teacher Ms.

Rebecca presented the ideas related to this. Then a Ph.D. Scholar from University

of Kerala presented the Challenges of teacher education. He is from Iran. Next

Pramod sir presented the paperrelated to Curriculum construction for B.Ed.

students in Kerala. Sir described the Syllabus, No. of papers, practical, Practicum,

School Internship Programs etc. After that Dr. Binitha Das presented the paper.

Teacher mentioned the objectives of B.Ed. curriculum deeply. Mr. Vaisakh from

our college also presented ideas related to topic. After each presentation

Moderator Raghu sir told the brief of presented ideas. At end of the Symposium

Raghu sir summarized the topic very well. He asked some clarification to paper


Cultural bonanza

Many of the students participated in solo songs, dance performance, group

song, and recitation and so on. UK Team also participated and expressed their

Valedictory Session

The session commenced at 5.30 pm with a prayer by the college choir team.

The Principal Dr.Sajith C Raj deliveredthe Welcome speech.The valedictory

address was given byDr. V Reghu .He gave an enchanting message and also

expressed his immense pleasure to be a part of our college. Dr. Saphia,

Natural Science (Staff Secretary) expressed gratitude to all.Certificates were

distributed to all the participants.

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