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JULY 27, 2014 | 11


Tired of the rat race IN A
of urban living, a growing number of NUTSHELL SUCCESSSTORIES HT PHOTO/RAKESH MUNDE

city-dwellers are leaving the metros We started Back

to the Landers to
for villages, swapping hectic jobs for support and help
people who are
eco-friendly lives tending their fields
considering mak-
ing the shift to TO A SCHOOL
villages, and to
reassure them WITHOUT WALLS
and homeschooling their children that this is not an
choice. There are
The Desais
some prerequi- Sachin, 40, a former businessman; wife Meenal,
sites, though. The 35; daughter Mrunalini, 10
villages should be Moved from Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh to
well-connected, Dhamapur village in coastal Maharashtra, in 2006
preferably near a
Riddhi Doshi town with medi- hen Sachin was in college in

cal facilities and a

market where you Mumbai, he spent Rs 1.5 lakh a
n February 2013, a group of 15 peo- can buy essential month on outings with friends.

ple lawyers, doctors, IT executives goods. This is He now lives in his familys
and business managers came especially impor- 2,500-sq-ft ancestral stone home
together via Facebook to form an tant if there are in a Sindhudurg village, running a resi-
online community called Back to the children involved. dential school for underprivileged chil- move to our ancestral village, live close to child welfare organisations.
Landers. KIRUBA dren, and his total expenditure for the nature, and homeschool our child. We wanted to give our child a life close
All had been raised in metro cities SHANKAR, year for his family and the 10 children This reminded Sachin of his travels to to the earth and an education of value,
and had full-time jobs but had been a weekend farmer at his school is Rs 2 lakh. promote his computer education business, says Sachin. At our school, we have cre-
dabbling in urban farming or run- based in Chennai The shift in his lifestyle began in 2006, when he had seen first-hand how healthy ated an atmosphere of organic learning
ning farms on the outskirts of their and co-founder of when his daughter turned two and the and eco-friendly tribals lives were. After of life skills. Rather than subjects, chil-
cities that they tended over the weekend. Back to the Landers Desais began to look for a good school for some initial research, the family decided dren are divided into departments such as
We were disillusioned with our mate- her. I wasnt happy with the convention- to give it a shot. They packed up their four- farm, kitchen and nutrition, engineering,
rialistic lives and our preoccupation Over the past five al education system. I failed Class 9 and bedroom flat in Bhopal, Sachin shut down cattle shed and vermi-composting.
with the corporate rat race, says Kiruba years, I have I did not want to put my child through his business which had been earning him The school runs on donations and
Shankar, 41, a co-founder, software entre- noticed that peo- a system that defined ability on the Rs 60,000 a month, and the family shifted. Sachins savings. The only money he
preneur, and weekend farmer based in ple from Mumbai, basis of how well you could memorise They now run School without Walls, makes is when he is invited by schools,
Chennai. We wanted to live life on our
Mohini and Vikrant Patil with daughter Anshul. Delhi and and learn by rote, says Sachin. At this where they teach their daughter along- colleges and other institutions to talk on
own terms and a first step towards this is
The Patils quit their jobs and moved from a plush Bangalore par- point, my grandfather suggested that we side children sent to them by NGOs and sustainable living or his lifestyle.
to be able to grow your own food and lead
1,200-sq-ft flat in Bangalore to an 800-sq-ft mud- ticularly from the
a more sustainable life.
and-stone house (below) in a Ratnagiri village. IT sector have
Soon after they set up their online
portal the com-
begun looking for
ways to radically
transform their
munity began receiving questions from
a different demographic: residents of
metro cities who are planning to shift out
questioning the capitalist, consumerist
culture of the urban lifestyle and looking to
reorient and gain more control over their
lifestyle. I think
this is because
the quality of life
of their cities altogether and move to vil- lives, says sociologist Sarla Bijapurkar. in cities is rapidly The Jains Architect Srinivas Warkhandkar,

lage farms to live in mud homes and raise It was just such questioning that drove deteriorating. Dev, 41, a former IT executive; wife Hema, 40, a 37, and his wife Rashmi, 35, a general
their children in less unnatural and more computer engineer Vikrant Patil, 35, and homemaker; son Abhinav, 10; daughter Aparna, 8 physician, were both born and raised in
sustainable surroundings. his wife Mohini, 33, an electronics engi- BHARGAV Mumbai and moved to Amberli village
SONEJI, 25, whose Moved from California in the US to Athimanjeri
In response to the growing number of neer, to make the shift two years ago. in Raigad, Maharashtra, in 2009.
father Dhirendra, village in Tamil Nadu in 2013
queries from these and urban farming They quit their jobs and moved from a 56, moved from
My wife had always dreamed of
enthusiasts, Back to the Landers now holds plush 1,200-sq-ft flat in Bangalore and a com- Ahmedabad to serving in a village, and I had always
unconferences to help community mem- bined income of Rs 23.5 lakh a year to an ev and Hema moved to the US in wanted to build eco-friendly struc-

Sakwa village in
bers share tips, advice and experiences. The 800-sq-ft mud-and-stone house in Kudawal Narmada, Gujarat, 1999, hoping to earn well and build tures, says Srinivas. We were tired of
first such unconference was held last July village in coastal Ratnagiri district and an in 1986. The Sonejis a good life for their family. Over our hollow lifestyle in Mumbai, spend-
in Chennai; the second, a week ago in Pune. annual income of about Rs 1 lakh a year. now offer expert the years, as their earnings grew to ing the day earning but not doing what
Each was attended by 150 people. They have no air-conditioner, TV set, advice to others $110,000 a year and they graduated we really wanted to do.
The number of people seriously con- refrigerator, fans or tubelights. Instead, looking to make a to a 1,300-sq-ft home and two cars, issues So, the couple shifted to a 1,000-sq-ft
templating moving to a farm as well they have a solar-powered lamp, two similar shift such as global warming and food security bamboo house that Srinivas designed.
as those who had already done so had cellphones, and a laptop they charge at a began to worry them. He now earns a living designing such
doubled just over the past year, says neighbours home. Most of these We were unhappy with the corporate homes for others. They also own a
Shankar. Of the total attendees this year, Its been a radical shift for the Patils, people have been sector and the manner in which it places 0.5-acre plot where they grow rice and
about 20% had given up their urban lives who now have a daughter, Anshul, born propelled by their more and more wealth in the hands of the pulses. Rashmi practices in the village
to move to farms in villages. soon after they moved. But they say their ambitions, only to rich. I would ask myself why I am work- and the duo, with contributions from
Issues discussed at these unconferenc- new life is just what they wanted. find that the life- ing for such a system, says Dev. their friends, have also started a small
es include practical questions such as, Back in Bangalore, Mohini and I hard- style that awaited As a first step, the family began to childrens library in the village.
how do you go from a sedentary desk job ly got any time together. We were working them at the end reduce its own carbon footprint, using
to running a farm? How do you decide nine to 12 hours a day, says Vikrant. Our of their struggle virtually no plastic and buying clothes savings till our farm took off. Sisters Apoorva Sancheti, 25, and

where to settle? How do you maintain a lives had become exclusively about work- was meaningless second-hand from thrift stores. Accordingly, after elaborate discussion Aditi, 27, have transformed 2 acres
mud home? ing and earning money money that was to them. They In 2010, Dev read How Children Fail and with the consent of their children, of wasteland into a lush farm in
In an increasingly urbanising India supposed to buy you happiness, but didnt. have begun to and Instead of Education, both written by the Jains sold most of their belongings Sanaswadi village, Pune.
examine the dis-
where the prime minister recently We moved to a village to break free of this American educator turned homeschooling and moved to Hemas native village of The sisters moved here from Pune
tinction between
announced a plan for 100 smart cities, cycle and lead a healthier, happier life. advocate John Holt. We became convinced Athimanjeri in Tamil Nadu. city in 2010 and live in a 750-sq-ft mud
need and greed,
the Patils are among a small but growing Now, the Patils wake at dawn and sleep which is remarka- that what we had so far thought of as high We came back with just nine suitcases house. Our mother, a teacher, raised
demographic that is leaving the frenetic soon after dusk. After tending the rice and ble in itself. quality education was not ideal at all, says just over the airlines baggage limit for us to be eco-friendly. Even in Pune, we
pace of the metros behind to seek an pulses fields and fruit trees in the 0.7-acre Dev. We decided to homeschool them. a family of four, says Dev. had vermicomposting pits and tried to
alternative lifestyle in Indias villages. farm behind their home, the rest of the day SHIV By 2011, Dev and Hema had begun to They currently live in a rented one- minimise our carbon footprint, says
While there have always been stray is spent reading, practicing yoga, playing dream of running a farm somewhere in bedroom village home while theirs is being Apoorva. Though mom still teaches
anthropologist and
incidences of families disillusioned with the flute and caring for their child. India, but were hesitant. We were con- built on a 5-acre farm. Their monthly and works with NGOs in Pune, we opted
professor and vice
city life moving to rural areas, their num- As the farm is not yet able to sustain dean at the Centre vinced that quitting that way of life alto- expenses have plummeted, from about Rs 2 for a change in lifestyle.
bers are now growing. them, Vikrant takes freelance software for the Study of gether just wasnt possible, says Dev. lakh a month in the US to Rs 10,000 now. The sisters now grow rice, ground-
For most, the emphasis is on living projects but only enough to earn him Science, Society and But with the children out of school and The biggest shift was realising that we nut, beans and pulses on their plot, and
simpler, more stress-free and eco-friendly about Rs 8,000 a month. We need about Sustainability learning at home, they were free to try it. dont really need a lot of money at all, support themselves by making and sell-
lives, contributing to their community in half that, but we save the rest for a rainy We decided to give it a shot, living off our says Dev. ing organic hair oil, ladoos and pickles.
more meaningful ways and raising their day, he says.
children in less unnatural surroundings. It would be appropriate to say that the
In each case, these are former working
professionals who had materially comfort-
able lives as well-paid architects, software
movement of leaving urban lifestyles and
going back to the land in the villages has
become visible and tangible in the past
engineers, designers, chartered account-
ants, lawyers or doctors. All were born
year-and-a-half, says Back to the Landers
co-founder Shankar. And as their number
The Pangtis play in. As a first step, the family moved
instead to a small town called Haldwani
and raised in metro cities. grows, they give others the confidence Navin, 43, a design consultant; wife Deepti, 40, a in Uttarakhand in 2012. Here, they can
former nursing officer; daughters Mrinal, 12 and
Clearly, in making this shift, they are that they can do it too. chop wood and play in mud, says Navin.
Kritika, 10
In the city, they would be shopping need-
Moved from Gurgaon in the National Capital Region lessly and eating junk food.
to Salla village in Uttarakhand in 2013 People wonder how the family isnt
afraid of snakes, wild animals and cloud-
ired of the rat race of the corporate bursts, Navin adds. But these are visible

T world and the consumerist culture

of the city, the Pangtis sold their
three-bedroom row house and their
car and moved from Gurgaon to the
village of Salla last year.
I was tired of being part of a culture
dangers. I think EMIs and loans taken to
buy things you dont really need those
are the bigger dangers.
Once they move to their 200-sq-ft mud
house on their 7-acre plot in Salla, the
family will begin to grow some of its own
that did not respect skill and overpaid food soyabean, black millet, tomatoes
management instead, says Navin. My and will depend for cash on the rent
salary was not even keeping pace with from the Haldwani house.
inflation. I thought to myself, Why should Though the kids do miss eating out at
I keep working for a system like this? restaurants, thats a wish we sometimes
His wife agreed, and his children were fulfil when we visit relatives in the city,
excited at the thought of open spaces to says Navin.

Printed and distributed by PressReader

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