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1 Dollar


Same - Sex M
arriage in As

Ebooks vs Books Different Cultures Lining Up Priority Seats

Mark Dallas

Photography: Mara Milagros Conti
Design: Mark Dallas / Anl Yaatan


Anl Yaatan
ISSUE #23: JAN 17

Who is going to win? Ebooks vs Books.....................6-9

By Anl Yaatan
Cross-cultural etiquette...........................................10-15
By Bruna Jungles
Same-sex marriage in Asia....................................16-21
By Chi-Yang Lien

Lining up.................................................................. 22-25

By Mara Milagros
A mental Journey.....................................................26-29
Chin-Chia Liu

All photo credits at

Who is goi

I have a friend who pre- nearest post office and sent
fers old technology. When- him an emergency mail, hop-
ever my cellphone rings, ing the postman would reach
he starts to talk about good him in time.
old letters. He loves the
smell and texture of the pa- That afternoon, I visited him
6 per, and he feels that he has to ask about the situation. He
a real conversation thanks wondered how I knew about
to handwritten text. I un- the burglar, so I explained to
derstand him. I love letters him that I saw the thief was
too, but he refuses to use trying to break in, and I decid-
phones. At this point, I have ed to write a letter. Surprising-
to respect him and send ly, he got angry because I did
him letters instead of call- not call him. All kidding aside,
ing him. it is not logical to resist mod-
ern technology merely for the
One day, I saw a guy trying to sake of preserving tradition.
rob his house. He had a gun, In the same way, advocating
so I was too afraid to inter- for old-style books just for ro-
vene. I had to do something, mantic reasons and ignoring
so I dialled his office number. all the benefits of electronic
Right before I called him, I books is irrational.
realized I should respect his
wishes, so I quit the call and First of all, e-books are cheap-
ran home to write him a let- er than paper ones. Two days
ter. After that, I hurried to the ago, I bought The Best Short
Stories of Fyodor Dostoevsky
ng to win?

s BOOKS *Spoiler: E-books destroy

for $11. It was a second-hand to around 50 terabytes in size,
book from BMV Books, the and it would cost just $4000
cheapest downtown book- per month with Google Cloud.
store I know of. However, it There is an insane price gap
was available as a download between storing hardcover
for just 99 cents! Do you re- books and e-books.
ally want to pay over 11 times 7
more just for the smell of it? We cant just destroy the old
Thats your call, but when it books and close the libraries,
comes to paying taxes for but we can start to publish new
storing them in public librar- books in one of the e-book
ies, I have to get involved. formats. Storage is not only a
problem for big libraries, but
The third-biggest library on the also an important problem for
planet is in Canada. The Otta- ordinary readers. With most
wa Library and Archives Can- people living in smaller apart-
ada website states that there ments, storage is becoming
are 20 million books published more problematic.
in various languages in the li-
brary, and storage costs $95 An e-book reader with 4 gi-
million. The last time the page gabytes of storage, costing
was updated was in 2014, around 80 bucks, can host
and I imagine that cost has in- more than 1500 e-books.
creased since then. The aver- Storing that number even in
age e-book is 2.6 megabytes. paperback format would cost
20 million books would come a lot more because of the
shelf space required. text and save your eyes from
getting tired. Reading books
Second, e-books are health- not only causes visual im-
ier than you think. Many be- pairments, but also damages
lieve they damage the eyes, the musculoskeletal system,
but that is not the case. particularly in childhood. Chil-
8 E-books do not work like tab- dren and teenagers have to
lets or computers as they use carry a lot of heavy hardcov-
a totally different technology er textbooks from classroom
called eyelid, thanks to which to classroom. If they want to
the light is not shone direct- read a book, the weight will
ly into your eyes. The light be increased. According to
source are positioned near Simmons College professor
the screen and shines on the Shelly Goodgold, 55% of fifth-
surface before reaching your through eighth-grade students
eyes, basically working like a she surveyed carry backpack
traditional book, but they are loads weighing more than
healthier because they also 15% of their body weight.
have their own lights, which One-third of those students
adapt to the environment in said theyve suffered back
which you are reading and tire pain. The American Academy
your eyes less. New e-books of Pediatrics has recommend-
can also adapt to the vibra- ed that children carry no more
tions on a bus, train, or street- than 1020% of their weight
car. While your hands are in a backpack. However, the
shaking, e-books stabilise the average e-book device is just
around 350 grams (it is getting to check 5 words on a page,
lighter with every new model) you will save 5 to 10 minutes.
which equals 1% of a childs Taking notes and finding them
weight. will be easier too. When you
want to annotate, you need a
Moreover, they are easier to pen to write and a sticky note
use. While you are reading to put it on for every single an-
books, even if it is in your own notation. When you need to
language, you dont know or find the annotation, it takes a
cant be sure about the mean- lot of time to find it. But with an
ing of the words sometimes. e-book reader, you can take
If you are using your smart- notes and find them easily.
phone or a computer, it takes
1 to 2 minutes to find the As a result, there is no logic
meaning and be sure which is to getting stuck with the old
the one you are looking for ways. Humanity is going to
even longer if you use an change its reading habits any-
old-style dictionary. Howev- way. Give yourself a present
er, e-book readers have their and try to decide which is the 9
own dictionaries, allowing the best device for you, and buy
user to tap on the word and an e-book reader today.
see the meaning. If you need
Avoiding awkward moments: what we should do
or should not do when travelling to other countries
or when being a host to overseas visitors.
Imagine yourself realizing you to avoid it because the
your dream trip to a fantas- meaning of this gesture is
tic place. Your flight is on absolutely impolite.
time, the weather is exactly
10 what you were expecting, Last year, I invited my Taiwan-
and the hotel is amazing yet ese friend Nathan to come
exceptional value for mon- over and spend fifteen days
ey, but there is one problem: in Brazil with me. He accept-
you cannot speak the local ed immediately because I
language and the locals are could be his local guide, es-
not able to speak your lan- pecially as he doesnt speak
guage. So you start to deal Portuguese and there are few
with this situation by using people who are able to speak
one of the most important English (or Mandarin) in Bra-
abilities that a human be- zil. When he arrived in So
ing hasinstinct. Howev- Paulo, we went to Curitiba,
er, when you flash the OK my hometown. Men greeted
sign, people look at you as him with a firm handshake
if they are so pissed off, and women with a kiss on the
and you cant understand cheek, which instantaneous-
why. At the end of your trip, ly made him blush. After my
you meet a local friend and culture shock when Id first
when you use the same met him a few years before
OK sign with him, he tells in Peru, I learned that Brazil-
ian greetings in most cases
are considered invasive be- to find the perfect present that
cause our personal space is would remind him of his days
lot smaller than that of most in Brazil. So when my mother
Asians. Nevertheless, I just presented the gift, Nathan just
tried to explain to him that said, Thank you, and didnt
kissing or hugging someone open the it in front of us. My
is quite normal in my country, mom was so frustrated be-
and he shouldnt feel embar- cause she wasnt able to see
rassed because it wasnt his his reaction. In Brazil, open-
fault. ing a gift in front of the per-
son who gave it to you is very
Later that day, my grand- common. However, many
mother invited us to have din- times we have to pretend that
ner at her house. The food we like the gift and tell some
was perfect, and it was evi- white lies.
dent my friend had become
more comfortable when he These three embarrassing
burped at the table. Firstly, situations taught me how im-
my grandmother looked at portant it is to know what we 11
my cousin and started to rep- should do or should not do
rimand him loudly in front of when travelling to other coun-
our guest. A few seconds af- tries or when being a host to
ter, she realized that my cous- overseas visitors.
in was innocent and, in order
to skip the awkward moment
that ensued, I had to explain
to my family what Id learned
during my first meal in Peru
with Nathan: it is absolutely
normal to belch after a meal
in Taiwan while it is extremely
impolite in European and Eu-
ropean-derived cultures like Lets start with the greetings.
that of Brazil. Handshakes are commonly
accepted as a universal greet-
On the last day of Nathans ing. According to CT Business
trip, my mother decided to Travel, in Canada, the USA,
give him a gift. She spent the UK, Russia, Turkey and
many hours at the mall trying India a firm handshake is ex-
pected when meeting some- or new friends for a meal.
one for the first time. In some This is another hot/trending
countries, you should com- topic which needs a special
bine a handshake with other attention. Dining etiquette
types of greetings, as in India, gives us directions about the
where you do a namastea attitudes that should be avoid-
traditional Indian greeting or ed. For example, in China, its
gesture of respect, made by extremely rude to start eating
bringing the palms together before the host, whereas in
before the face or chest and Brazil the hosts will usually
bowing. In Japan, the most ask you to start eating first. In
common greeting is a bow, in- the UK, the host is expected
clining the head to show rev- to raise a toast first. In Japan,
erence. you should toast those who
are older than you first.
It is important to highlight that In South Korea, entertaining
in many countries in Asia, guests is very important, and
people tend to have a partic- its quite normal to be invited
ular respect for the elderly. to karaoke after dinner for a
Hence, people should always few hours.
greet the most senior person In Asia, all the meals are
in the room first. served with chopsticks, and
After meeting someone, its an important tip for Western
common to invite colleagues travellers is to not leave the
chopsticks sticking upright will be expected to open the
in the rice as it is considered gift the moment you receive it
an offer to the spirit of a dead and, if you dont like it or you
person. already have one, its polite to
pretend otherwise.
Finally, one of the most con- When giving and receiving
troversial topics about eti- a gift, you should use both
quettegiving gifts. Should hands in Asian countries.
I open the gift in front of the Wrapping a present is essen-
person who gave me it? tial because the value of the
Should I pretend that I like it gift is less important than the
even if I hate it? Should I hand kindness with which it is pre-
the present over with the right sented.
hand, the left or both? Do I
have to wrap it? Many details surround
cross-cultural etiquette.
There are different rules about
In order not to make huge
this topic. If you are in Taiwan,
China, Japan or South Korea, mistakes, get all the infor-
you should never open the gift mation you can before your 13
in front of the person in order trip or party to avoid awk-
to avoid unwelcome (if invol- ward moments. If you fol-
untary) facial expressions. If low the chart and links be-
you are in South America, you low youll be A-OK!
When you think about The NHIS (National Health In-
the word marriage, what ternet Survey) reported that
comes to mind? A man and 1.6% of Americans identified
a woman? Perhaps even as gay or lesbian and 0.7%
two people of the same gen- identified as bisexual. The
der. The first country to al- Williams Institute estimated in
low same-sex marriage was April 2011 that 3.5% of adults
the Netherlands in 2001, fol- in the United States identified
lowed by several others in as gay, lesbian, or bisexu-
the following years. Howev- al and an estimated 0.3% as
er, thats less likely to hap- transgender. Even though
pen any time soon in Asia. these figures vary by defini-
tion who is included in the
The first large-scale survey of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual,
demographics of sexual orien- transgender) population, we
tation was conducted by the still can estimate that there
US government in July 2014.
e in Asia 17

are between approximately 7 the American study, putting

to 11 million people who iden- the estimated LGBT popula-
tify as LGBT in the US. tion in Asia at, over 130 mil-
lion! However, not one Asian
Meanwhile In China, there has nation recognizes same-sex
been no official large-scale marriage as a human right.
research into the LGBT popu-
lation, and the little data there Even though the APA (Amer-
is based on AIDS research. ican Psychiatric Association)
Moreover, some people hide removed homosexuality from
their sexual orientation to the official list of mental ill-
prevent discrimination even nesses in 1973, some peo-
though it was an anonymous ple in China still think of it
survey. It is generally believed as a disease and search for
that there are 40 million LGBT help. Therefore, some pri-
people in China, based on the vate clinics claim they can
proportional percentage from correct sexual orientation by

hypnosis and electric shock and Malaysia all preserve an

therapy, none of this backed old British colonial law that
by scientific evidence. Homo- states criminalized sexual
sexual intercourse was illegal activity that is against the or-
in China until 1997, and now- der of nature. Although India
adays the attitude of an in- had decriminalized homosex-
creasing number of Chinese, uality in 2009, the judgement
especially young people, was overturned by the Su-
have become tolerant of ho- preme Court four years later.
mosexuality due to the influ- While same-sex relationships
ence of Western culture and are not mentioned in Hindu
concepts. But the government texts, religion still has played
still limits gay culture through an important role such cases.
media censorship. The sym- Hong Kong, Japan, Nepal,
bol of LGBT culture, the rain- the Philippines, Taiwan, Thai-
bow flag, is not widely known land, and Vietnam are more
in China. India, Singapore, open to LGBT communities in
Asia, Japan, Nepal, and Tai- Many decades ago, when
wan being major players in much of society in Asia was
legislation. still agricultural, the family was
the smallest unit of the whole
Same-sex marriage, one of economy, and marriage was
the most important rights to not only a means of relation-
the LGBT community, should ship, but also of productivity.
be recognized by law, pro- Therefore, the most import-
viding the same privileges as ant part of marriage was to
heterosexuals such as adop- give birth to children. In tra-
tion, recognition of LGBT ditional Chinese culture, the
parenting and the rights of a more children and relatives
common-law spouse (visiting in your family, the wealthier
rights at a hospital or inheri- your family will be. This tra-
tance of estate are just 2 ex- dition has continued to the
amples). As of 3rd January modern day, becoming one
2017, same-sex marriage is of the most important reasons
legally recognized (nation- for those who oppose same-
wide or in some parts) in 21 sex marriage. Some even be- 19
countries, none of which are lieve that children brought up
in Asia. Why is this the case? by heterosexual parents will

The recognition of same-sex have better performance than

marriage is a political, social, those raised by a same-sex
and in many countries, also a couple, although there is no
religious issue. One key point evidence to suggest that.
in Chinese culture is the idea Religions also play an import-
of traditional marriage and ant role in same-sex marriage
family values. A marriage is issues. In many Muslim-ma-
defined as being a relation- jority countries, homosexual
ship in which the main goal is activity is strictly prohibited,
to bear a son in order for him in some countries as a capital
to carry on the family name offence. In contrast, the rela-
and continue the (patriarchal) tionship between Buddhism
lines of succession and in- and same-sex marriage var-
crease property values. More- ies by tradition. Generally
over, the marriage system in speaking, Buddhism doesnt
Asia is more established in have strong opposition to gay
many other countries. marriage.
In Asia it has always been a currently awaiting a second.
taboo topic, but times have Everyone is equal before
changed. Taiwan, an island love, said Taiwan President
relatively accepting of the Tsai Ing-Wen, expressing her
LGBT community, may be the confidence that the bills will
first country in Asia to legal- pass. If you still think same-
ize same-sex marriage, even sex couples shouldnt have
if opposition still strong. The the same right as heteros to
bills passed their first reading live their lives fully, its high
in November 2016, and are time you reconsidered.

ai The traditional chinese
word, it consists of a heart inside of

Every morning when I a long line. Or maybe youve
get to ILSC theres a huge noticed that going to Ripleys
line to get into the elevator, Aquarium, the CN Tower,
so I decide to avoid it and Casa Loma, the ROM, or oth-
22 take the stairs. However, we er well-known places on a hol-
dont always have a second iday is not such a good idea.
choice. I mean, if I have to What is more, if you were
warm up my food, I have to here for Christmas, you prob-
wait in line for a microwave; ably saw pictures on the news
or if Im thirsty, Im going of people lining up for hours
to wait until its my turn at and hours on Boxing Day.
the water dispenser. And
then, when its 12:50 PM, We dont have Boxing Day
and everyone wants to pee sales in Argentina, but if we
and brush their teeth before did, I can just imagine it as a
afternoon class, the wash- savage jungle. However, here
room lines are immense. lines seem to be pretty well
organised, and people who
Of course, we dont just find are in them are respectful.
lines at ILSC. If you want to
go to Tim Hortons at break Each country has its own
time, youll find out that a lot culture and social rules. For
of people wanted to do it too, example, if youre in Brazil,
and they all go to the same you probably are used to peo-
onethe nearest. So again, ple jumping the line. Maybe
you even do it; while in plac- How many times have you ex-
es such as the UK, that just pected to spend 10 minutes in
doesnt happen, or if it does the supermarket and end up
then the queue-jumper will taking an hour because of the
get told off. And what would quantity of people? Or when
the reaction be at that in each you decide to go by car instead
place? Do they just stand of the subway because youre
shyly quiet, ask them gently late, and theres a crash and
to respect the order, yell like a you finish up trapped inside
mad man, or start a fight? the car, stuck in the middle of
a traffic jam. When they take
I often ask myself why peo- you by surprise, its the worst.
ple react so badly to the But sometimes we line up for
line-jumping situation, but I hours and hours, even know-
kind of understand them. I ing beforehand. We line up a
dont think that screaming lot of times on purpose.
is the best option to solve a
problem, but if youve been There are logical explana-
waiting a long time, it feels tions for that. One of them 23
really unfair when someone would be the aforementioned
turns up and decides to take Boxing Day. When there are
any place they want. If its a sales in between, people be-
short line, I say nothing be- come crazy. They go and line
cause Im too shy to tell them up for a long time to be able
to leave, and Im not the only to buy that product that they
person with this timidity prob- dont even need, but which is
lem. Now, it isnt always a really cheap. This happens
short line. The more time you too when a famous singer or
spend in a long line, the more band plays a concert. If you
cranky and moody you get. are a fan, you want to be in
the front row, and you have to
So if you try to cut the line that
has waiting hours, you wont be one of the first ones when
receive a friendly welcome. the tickets go on sale. And if
youre a huge fan, you can
Long lines are liked by none. even camp out for a few days.
The majority of people I asked
said that they would only wait In those cases, when you
up to 15 minutes in a line, but know that youll be waiting
that just doesnt often happen. ages, you prepare yourself.
You take a big backpack and Fortunately, the rest of the
start filling it with things you people in the line may be in
think will be useful. Food and the same situation as you. At
water, headphones, a porta- the beginning, itll be difficult
ble battery charger. If you are to stop being antisocial and
old-schooled, maybe a book start a conversation, but after
or an e-book. And of course, a few minutes, things will be-
your mobile phone. Then come easier. The more peo-
when you arrive, you start ple you meet there, the easier
rotating activities. Eating, lis- the waiting gets. For exam-
tening to music, checking so- ple, you can ask them to save
cial networks, eating again, your place for a few minutes
reading, checking again. As if you really need to go to the
you can see, that ends up be- washroom, or if you run out of
ing really boring. A better op- food or water, they can share
tion is having company, but it theirs with you.
wouldnt surprise me if noone If you are irritable and treat
wants to go with you to be other people rudely, youll
hours standing on the street. feel the wait to be much lon-
Maybe someone can drop ger than they do. Having fun
by, but when they have to go, while lining up will make it re-
you end up alone again. ally shorter.
A mental journey
In this trip, you might have a lot of choice
Please imagine three sce- ty seats. You feel excited be-
narios. In the first one, youre cause youre going to get to
going to work in the morning, sit down for the next hour. You
and get on a bus with a lot of have a book in your backpack
empty seats. You can choose and you intend to read a cou-
wherever you want to sit. Isnt ple of chapters. Unfortunately,
it a wonderful beginning to those seats are a different co-
your day? The second one lour. Perhaps it doesnt bother
is when youve been work- you, but in some countries, the
ing hard all day, youre going seats being a different colour
home. However, you have to means you cant sit on them
stand up and be stuck in the unless you are elderly, handi-
middle of a packed vehicle. capped, a pregnant woman or
That sucks. The third one is a kid. Theyre called priority
you get on a crowded vehicle, seats or courtesy seats.
but you find there are sever-
al seats unexpectedly avail- Under the principle of a Bar-
able. You struggle to get past rier-Free Environment, the
a swarm of people and finally, idea of priority seats was
you are close to those emp- first introduced in northern
Europe. But now, it is becom- ious and uncomfortable when
ing common on public trans- they sat in priority seats. Only
portation worldwide. The slo- 2% said there is no difference
gan Please offer your seat between regular seats and
to anyone in need is often priority seats for them. Most
displayed beside these seats, people arent willing to use
based on the elegant senti- the priority seats, and as a re-
ment of altruistic behaviour. sult, we can find a weird phe-
Nevertheless, this custom is nomenon that people prefer
starting to bother many of us. to stand up rather than sit in
empty priority seats, especial-
Ostensibly, it is a way of get- ly in Asian countries such as
ting along with people on pub- Taiwan and Japan.
lic transportation, but oddly
there has been an increase in Furthermore, a third of the
the number of conflicts recent- people in the survey claimed
ly. In most countries, priority they had encountered or seen
seating is a moral issue. How- conflicts over priority seats.
ever, in a recent online ques- Most of this was based on who 27
tionnaire, up to 20% of respon- they considered worthy of a
dents didnt know whether its priority seat. In most coun-
a moral issue or a legal issue tries, passengers with disabil-
in their country. This kind of ities, the elderly or pregnant
ambiguous border between women are usually consid-
law and morality causes a lot ered people in need. The re-
of squabbles, especially in sults indicated that most re-
our minds. Many of us won- spondents beleved an elderly
der, Should I give my seat up man was the most likely to
to her?, He looks healthy, be offered a seat, even if he
but he has grey hair, Oh looks healthy. We are used to
my God, theyre staring at recognizing people in need by
me. Maybe I should. when their apparent age or passen-
we ride public transportation. gers travelling with a baby. In
In an international online sur- other words, we ignore those
vey, we found that up to 72% with less obvious needs. How-
of the respondents would look ever, it was surprising to note
for regular seats and avoid that a young man with a ban-
priority seats when they get daged knee or a middle-aged
on vehicles, and 44% felt anx- man with one arm were less
likely to be offered a seat de- strangers become very ag-
spite their obvious afflictions. gressive that they need the
It suggests that youth is the priority seats and I must move
original sin of priority seats, despite the fact that I also
especially for males. have a need for priority seat-
ing. The number of times Ive
On the other hand, some peo- also asked for priority seating,
ple sitting on priority seats had people make eye contact
tactically close their eyes, with me, glance down and see
read, or do something else in my cane, and then look back
order to avoid or ignore such to their book/phone/kid, with-
passengers. Some seniors out moving until I fell down.
consider themselves to be
the rightful inheritors of prior-
In the United Kingdom, peo-
ity seats, and ask others ag- ple may worry that giving their
gressively to give their seats seats to others is a kind of dis-
to them. crimination against the receiv-
People dont respect priority er. In the United States, many
seating, wrote Sarah Dawn elderly passengers give their
from Canada. I have had seats to children. In some
parts of Canada and Austra-
lia, if you dont offer your pri- cancelling priority seating
ority seat to someone in need, or for all seats to be priori-
you will be fined. In Japan, ty seats. They claimed this
some seniors would refuse method makes the distinction
your kindness. In France and of seats vanish, and as a re-
Germany, if someone needs a sult, everyone can sit on any
priority seat, they will sponta- seats and offer their seats to
neously talk to you. In South someone in need at the same
Korea, you should respect the time. It would reduce the hes-
elderly on any occasion. In itation of deciding what to do.
Taiwan, if you dont offer your Nevertheless, some people
seat to someone in need, you claimed that we should make
may be subject to a public trial a strict and clear rule by clear-
on the internet. ly defining who is in need, so
they can show a card or tag,
Generally, people hope that for example, when they need
those in need will get a seat, a seat. This would avoid those
but at the same time, they situations when people refuse
dont want to lose their seats to offer their seats through 29
during a long journey. Stand- subjective judgement.
ing for one hour is the longest
acceptable time for most peo- Priority seating is a concept
ple. For some passengers, worth consideration, no mat-
the distance to their desti- ter whether it is an issue in
nation is an important factor your country or not. When we
in deciding whether to offer realize the situation in differ-
their seat to others, especially ent countries, we should re-
when they sit on regular seats. think the border between law
Therefore, some people sit on and morality. Many who took
regular seats and ask others my survey mentioned two in-
sitting on priority seats to of- teresting ways of solving this
fer them to passengers who dilemma of priority seating
need them more. customs. After all, should we
choose between believing the
In order to deal with the conflict virtue of humans or the strict
between egoism and altruism law to help us deal with prob-
and eradicate the ambiguous lems? Anyway, we all hope
border between morality and governments can find a new
law, some people mentioned way to deal with this problem.
Where the money will go

The money collected as a result of the sales will be

shared into two purposes:

70% will be donated to Torontonian buskers in the

subway, in order to recognize and encourage their

The other 30% will go to a lucky prize draw winner

among students and ILSC staff** who buy a copy
of Future Perfect Issue 23.

Each extra dollar you pay gives you an extra entry.

* The lucky winner will be raffled on January 27th (Friday) of 2017.

** The students who were involved in the creation of this magazine will not be
included in the prize draw.

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