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Company Background
Chevron Corporation started back in 1980 as an independent corporation. Its predecessor was
California Star Oil Work back in 1876.Three years later, It was bought over by Pacific Coast Oil
Company. By 1900, it was acquired by Lowa Standard and within 6 years, Lowa Standard renamed to
Standard Oil Company. However in 1911, due to Sherman antitrust act, it was dissolved, separating
from its parent company and became an independent company. By 1926, it was restructured and
renamed to Standard Oil of California (Socal) marking their new achievement. Ten years later,
Texaco and Socal signed a partnership for a joint venture, forming Caltex. By 1984, Board of Gulf Oil
Company agreed to Socal for the company to be bought over for $13.3 Billion and in order for socal
to comply with antitrust act, socal dispossessed a few gulf subsidies. At the same time it was
renamed to Chevron Corporation. While in 2000, Texaco came to agreement for a merger with
Chevron for a price of $45million, forming a new company called Chevrontexaco corp. however by
2005, it was renamed back to chevron corporation and follows acquisition of Unocal. Which helps to
widen its talent pool and cutting edge technology.

Chevron owns more than 6 refineries worldwide with 6 of them taking up 75% their crude oil
refining capability. 3 out of the 6 are located in Asia; Singapore, Thailand and South Korea. While the
other 3 in United State; Pascagoula, Richmond and El Segundo. In Singapore, Chevron Owns 50%
share in Singapore Refinery Company (SRC) which can process up to 290,000 barrel of crude oil per
day. While also owning 50% share in Chevron Philips Singapore Chemicals. While in South Korea,
Chevron owns 50% share GS Caltex Corp which has one of the largest refineries in the world.

Chevron Corporation adopt a corporate entity with 12 board members and John S Watson been the
chairman for the board. The board set goal and direction for the company and the executive
committee which has 7 members in it, with John S Watson been the Chief Executive Officer who
oversees all director or manager of different department in the company which is upstream,
Downstream and Chemicals, Midstream and development, Technology projects and services,
Finance, legal and policy government and public affairs department.

Chevron engages in many areas of oil and gas industry; Fuel (gasoline, diesel, aviation fuel, marine
fuel oil, crude oil, oil sand, natural gas and biofuel), Lubricant (Gear oil , coolant, turbine oil,
hydraulic oil, passenger car engine oil, diesel engine oil, marine engine oil and transmission fluid),
Lubricant additive (lubricant oil additive, diesel and gasoline oil additives, detergent, dispersant,
inhibitors, chemical intermediates and viscosity index improver), Chemical (aromatic, pipe material,
drilling specialties, poly and normal alpha olefins, resin, polyethylene, specialty chemicals and
olefins), Geothermal supplies and solar energy (supplies and R&D). With chemicals been produced
and sold by chevron Philips chemical, marine product ( fuel oil ,lubricant and etc.) been supplied by
Chevron Marine Products LLC and more than 500 port worldwide, diesel and passenger car lubricant
been sold and market as Delo and Havoline respectively , turbine and hydraulic oil been market and
sold as Regal R&O and Rando HDZ. While the various additives been market as OLOA (lubricant oil),
ODA (Diesel), OGA (Gasoline) and Paratone (Viscosity Index Improver) been produced and sold by
Chevron Oronite. Lastly, their geothermal energy business are located in Indonesia and Philippines
producing combined power of 692 megawatts and their solar energy facilities located at Questa,
New Mexico operated ,together with their R&D, by Chevron Technology Venture.
Principle Activities of the film
The internship was held at chevron tanjong penjuru blending plant laboratory. The laboratory is
manage by the lab department which responsibility is to ensure raw material received, product
produced and sent out are of high quality or range of specification. For example, If there are arrival
of raw materials, The production team will need to collect sample from the source of storage and
deliver it to laboratory for analysis of quality. Analysis in the lab will do the required test stated in
SOP and if test results are within the stated specification and tolerant, analyst will release the
approval for transferring material into storage tank. Similarly, when blending of product is done,
production team will collect sample from the tank and deliver it to laboratory for analysis. Analyst
will conduct the required tests which will be more than receiving and sending of product. Once
results are all out, analyst will compare it to the given specification. If all results are within the
tolerant the specification, analyst will send a notification to production team that the product
blended passed. If not, analyst will notify production team that the product blended failed and hand
over the matters to chemist which will conduct an investigation with the production team.

Job Description
Job Scope
Assist analyst in;

Ensuring product quality and consistency through conducting test

Ensuring glassware are available for test by preparing required glassware.
Ensuring frequently used materials ( syringe, bottle , solvent and etc.) are available by
topping up them when running low
Ensuring administrative matters are done to comply with SOP by attend to administrative
matter accordingly.
Ensuring no contamination of sample by performing housekeeping like cleaning
workbenches, cleaning apparatus, clearing up sample and etc.
Ensuring Instrument quality integrity by performing standard quality check

Assist Chemist in;

Ensuring materials are available when needed by informing of low stock level
Administrative work like cutting of labels, scanning and printing of document, arranging and
keeping away of files,

Assist in other ad-hoc matters such as disposal of mixed oil and expired retention oil into drum.

Task Description
Attend to administrative matters such as;

Preparing test worksheet for result recording, prior to testing and according to company
standard operating procedure.
Stamping and verifying of document given by supplier or logistic contractor to ensure quality
comply with specification given according to company standard operating procedure
Record line flushing sample information (product, batch number, sample source and truck
number) and full tank test result onto line flushing record file and requisition form for easier
assessment of product quality and to comply with company standard operating procedure.

Prepare needed apparatus for testing such as setting up of glassware needed for the relevant test,
cleaning of stirring paddle in xylene, wiping of stirring paddle and thermocouple with tissue, setting
of hot bath to the required test temperature, warming up of ICP analyser, topping up needed
reagent if volume low and etc. Base on the knowledge and experience about test method. So to
ensure test can be conducted smoothly, fast and efficient.

Conduct tests on sample, as stated in test data worksheet, using the appropriate equipment and
glassware prepared. So to produce an accurate results which can be compare against specification
and company guideline for quality assessment purposes.

Conduct and prepare standard quality check for automatic viscometers, TBN titrators and analytical
balance using appropriate glassware and commercial or internal standard to ensure tests result
produced comply with tolerant set by chemist.

Perform housekeeping such as ; refilling squeeze bottle with appropriate solvent, cleaning
workbench of spilled sample using technical hexane , replacing of empty solvent jar with full solvent
jar, topping up of container with syringe , keeping of density meter capillary tube clean with
technical xylene and drying with technical acetone and topping up 1 litre bottle , 4 litre bottle , cloth
rags, 150ml bottles and plastic cups from stock in storage container to their respective location in
the laboratory.

Method and Technique

ASTM D4951-14

ASTM D4951-14 is used to determine the quantity of elements like calcium, zinc , silicone,
phosphorus and magnesium in unused lubricant , base oil and additive package through the use of
inductively couple plasma atomic emission spectrometer.

Significant: ICP is widely used to assess the amount of additive package added to lubricant through
analysing its elemental quantity. Which is important for making sure product blended are within
specification. Similarly, it is also used in assessing quality of base oil to ensure it contain low level of
additive element before .additive package is added to produce lubricant or used for line or tank


Perkin Elmer Optima 8300 ICP-OES Spectrometer equipped with quartz torch, peristaltic pump,
waste disposal container, nitrogen and argon supply.
Computer with ___________
Analytical balance with 0.0001g accuracy
100 ml Volumetric flask
Tissue paper.

Reagents and materials:

calibration standard of 1ppm , 10ppm and 50ppm prepared using commercial blend diluted with
ABC 430 to their respective concentration
ABC 430 as blank sample and dilution solvent.
Internal standard with known range of element concentration and mean value.
Nitrogen as nebuliser
Sample prepared by weight certain amount of sample calculated through _____ and diluted with
ABC 430 till total sample weight is 50g approximately.


Calibration standard of the 3 different concentration and blank is first been analyse by the
spectrometer. Those samples will first go through the spray chamber and it will be atomised by the
nitrogen and brought into the quartz torch. At the quartz torch, radio frequency generator is fixed
around the tip of the torch and electric and magnetic field is generated when power is supplied.
Argon is introduced to the tip and spark is supply to the argon to strip argon off its electron forming
ions. Those ions will then be caught in the magnetic field and form plasma. When sample is brought
introduced into the torch, it will be separated from its solvent and form gaseous atom which will be
ionised by the plasma. Those ions will then travel through a interface region and into a electrostatic
lens which it will be focus into the aperture of mass spectrometer. Which the ions will be analysed
by spectrometer elemental-individually at least two set of frequency. After which, a calibration curve
will be produced and a good curve will have deviation more than 0.999. Which it will used by the
system to obtain intensity of sample for a given intensity and it will be used in ____ to calculate the
elemental concentration. However, the intensity reading of sample is limited within the intensity
reading of 1ppm and 50 ppm standard. Analyse the internal standard and sample and the result will
be shown in. Ensure result of internal standard are within the range of concentration specify for the
standard. If not, ICP will need to be calibrated. Still on the internal standard, select frequency of each
element that has the results closet to the mean value of the specification. Correct the sample result
using ______ and report the result according to the company standard. Cautious, when inserting
sample inlet tubing wipe with tissue to prevent cross contamination and before analysing, flush with
blank as a further measure.

ASTM D5950-14

ASTM D5950-14 is used to determine the pour point of petroleum product at the range of -66 C to
51 C through the use of automatic tilt method. Which tilt and detect movement in specimen for
every 1 C or 3 C temperature change.

Significant: pour point is crucial for system which operates at very low temperature. As temperature
decreases the viscosity will decrease, causing lubricant to thick and not flow into component that
needed proper lubricant. This will leads to wear and tear, even severe damages to component.


Pour point test Jar with indicating ample height relative to inner jar bottom
Temperature probe capable of measuring from 70 C to -80 C
Cooling system equipped with a circulation pump capable of maintaining 10 C below the lowest
required cooling jacket of the
Ultrasonic bath with frequency range of 25kHz to 60kHz and output power of less than 100W
Beaker of water capable of holding up to 1 test jar
Cork ring capable of fitting onto the test jar
Cork disk with thickness of 6mm +- 0.2mm and able to fit loosely inside test cell
Cork adjustment rack capable of allowing cork ring to be adjusted to proper height


Methanol to be used as cooling medium for the cooling system

Tissue paper to wipe clean the optical sensor of sample after test and wipe dry the test jar of
water before test

How it works:

Pour sample into test jar till the marked line and place it in ultrasonic bath at 50 degree c for 5min
till visible bubble is removed. Once all bubble is removed, remove it from bath and place it at beaker
of water till it cool down to room temperature. Then remove it from the beaker, wipe dry and fit the
cork ring using the rack. Place the test jar fitted with cork ring into a test cell and screw on the cell
cover fixed with an optical detector. Key in the expected pour point and the pour point equipment
will cool the sample to 9 degree c above the expected temperature. Once there, the cell will tilt
horizontally for 5s to detect movement. If there is no movement, the equipment will continue cool
the sample down and does a tilt test for every 1 degree c or 3 degree c drop in the temperature.
Once the optical detector detect no movement in the sample, the test will end and the temperature
where this occur plus the temperature and tilt interval selected,1 degree c or 3 degree c , will be the
pour point of the sample.

ASTM D892-13

ASTM D892-13 test for foaming characteristic of lubricant at 24 degree c and 93.5 degree c .

Significant: poor foaming characteristic of lubricant can cause serious damage or loss in a system.
When air with 21% oxygen is entrapped in lubricant, lubricant will oxidise by air and its viscosity will
increase. This leads to lubricant resist to flow and resulting to inadequate lubrication of metal to
metal contact. Ultimately it will cause wear and tear. Also, foaming will causes cavitation in hydraulic
system as huge pressure change will cause air to implode onto the metal surface, resulting in metal
surface erosion and damages.


1000ml cylinder with 10ml graduation

Sintered stainless steel cylindrical diffuser that sintered and five micron porosity
Circular rubber stopper with two hole for diffuser and air volumetric flow measurement
Air compressor that is callable of supplying and maintaining air flow rate at 94ml/min +-
Drying tower filled with indicating desiccant if air dew point is more than -60 degree c
Bath that can hold more than one cylinder, able to maintain test temperate at 24 degree c and
93.5 degree c
Temperature sensing device with measurement range of 20 to 100 degree c with +- 0.5 degree

How it works:

This test method consists of three sequences. For sequence I, pour 190ml +- 5ml of sample into the
cylinder and place the diffuser into the cylinder, followed by putting on the stopper and tightening it.
Place the whole set up into the test bath with temperature of 24 degree c +- 0.5 degree c until the
sample reaches test temperature or soak time (laboratory can determine their own minimum soak
time required to achieve test temperature). Then connect air supply to diffuser and volumetric flow
meter to the outlet hole and start the test and stop watch. Allow bubbling of air into sample for 5
min and stop the air supply then report the amount of foam generated in ml under foam tendency.
(When foam does not cover the whole top surface area of sample considers it as 0 ml.) Restart the
timer and allow 10min for the foam to collapse. After which, report the amount of foam left in ml
under foam stability (if there isnt any foam generated previously, this step can be terminated and
report as 0ml). For sequence II, procedure and method is similar but uses 93.5 degree c test
temperature with +- 0.5 degree c and 180ml +- 5ml of sample. For sequence III, do sequence I right
after sequence II with the same amount of sample in sequence II and cooling to room temperature
between both sequences.


ASTM D93-15 test for flash point of homogenous petroleum liquid like kerosene, new and in use
lubricating oil, distillate fuel, through pensky-martens closed cup method.

Significant: Flashpoint is used in petrol and chemical industries to test for possibility of product
contamination. As product contaminated with more volatile substance will have a lower flashpoint
than usual, especially when products sharing common pipe line or equipment. Flashpoint is also
used by shipping and safety regulation agency for classification of flammable and combustible


Herzog MP 329 Auto Pensky-Martens Closed Cup tester which equipped with electric ignitors,
thermocouple, heating source, stirring device, test cup , test cover with shutter, stirrer
connector cord and shutter arm
Barometer which measures ambient pressure within +- 0.5kPa
How it works:

Ensure test cup is 18 degree c below expected flash point then pour sample into it till the indicated
line. Wipe clean stirrer and thermocouple of any residue from previous test then place test cup onto
equipment and engage the locking mechanism. Assemble the test cover, thermocouple, stirrer,
stirrer cord and shutter arm onto the test cup and the equipment. Switch on equipment and key in
expected flash point. The equipment will heat the sample at a rate of 5 to 6 degree c/min and stirrer
at 90 to 120 rpm. When expected flash point is 110 degree c and below, the instrument will dip the
ignition source into cup vapour space for 1s and rise back quickly when sample is 23 degree c +- 5
degree c below its expected flash point .Then continue in interval of 1 degree c until a flash is
detected by sensor. If expected flash point the above 110 degree c, apparatus will dip ignition source
at interval of 2 degree c instead. If expected flash point is above 130 degree c, apparatus will dip
ignition source every 10 degree c from 130 degree c to 28 degree c below the expect flash point and
continue at interval of 2 degree c till flash detected. When flash is detected apparatus will sound its
alarm, record observed flash point and correct the flash point using C+0.25(101.3-K) = corrected
flash point , where C is observed flash point in degree C and K is ambient pressure at kPa. Report
corrected flash point to nearest 0.5 degree c.

ASTM D445-15

ASTM D445 -15 test for kinematic viscosity of liquid petroleum product that is transparent or
opaque. This test method involves timing volume of sample taken to flow through calibrated glass
viscometer under the force of gravity.

Significant: Kinematic viscosity can be used to calculate dynamic viscosity by multiplying it with
density of the sample which both measurements give an idea on the performance of lubricant under
their respective test condition. In the lubricant industry, kinematic viscosity is used to classify
lubricant grade as different machinery have different operating condition. Hence, selection of
lubricant has to be within certain acceptable range because using lubricant with lower kinematic
viscosity can result in reducing of lubricating oil film on metal surface and cause wear and tear.
While also increases mechanical friction causing increased fuel consumption and higher heat
generated. However, if too thick of lubricating oil is used, machinery will experience lubrication
starvation as lubricant flow too slow to reach the critical component and overheating of component
due to inadequate flow of lubricant to facilitate heat transfer.


Cannon CAV 2000 Automatic Kinematic Viscometer equipped with ability to maintain
temperature at the required test temperature, Capillary tube viscometer which specified range
of kinematic viscosity can support the observed kinematic viscosity of sample.
Viscpro II software
Sample Vial
Compressor to supply Air
Ventilation system capable of venting out chemical fume
Waste disposal container to contain waste after washing of capillary tube viscometer
Reagents and materials:

Technical grade xylene as cleaning agent

Technical grade hexane as drying agent

How it works:

Pour sample into sample vial till its 2/3 full and place it into any slot on the tray to precondition the
sample and remove visible bubble. Do ensure that selected tray matches the required test
temperature and capillary tube which can support the observed kinematic viscosity. Align the tray to
the indicating mark and on viscpro II, specify the slot and tray selected and start the test. The
instrument will then use the air supply from compressor to lift the vial to the viscometer inlet and
suck the sample into the viscometer till it reaches the first top bulb. Where it will hold the sample
there and thermos soak it to better precondition the sample and remove bubbles. After which it will
let the sample flow down from the first bulb till the last bulb and time the time for the sample to
does that. It will then perform a second test again and average the two recorded time. Which the
system will use the average time x the capillary tube constant factor to give the kinematic viscosity in
cSt. After all the test, the instrument will perform a tube wash by flushing the tube with xylene and
dry it with hexane and air.

Training Provided
During the initial phase of the internship, online training about Chevrons own safety and risk
management system called loss prevention system. Which consists of loss prevention observation,
loss prevention self-assessment and etc. Which all helps to mitigate risk before a loss occurs and
utilises direction from top to bottom of staff then solve problem from bottom up. Loss prevention
observation is about identifying and communicating of behaviour for correct performance. By
reinforcing correct work practices, identifying & eliminating of undesirable or inefficient condition,
behaviour and activities. Through conducting observation of work on recurring basis. Which can be
conducted in this manner; identify target area, select observers, scheduling, preparation, conducting
observation, and supervisor overview and feedback session. Loss / near loss investigation is about
investigating of near loss or loss situation so to understand near loss / loss situation and prevent the
risk identify in the situation from happening or recurring again. By encouraging near losses by
emphasising value of it, instill no disciplinary action, making reporting easy and treating near losses
same seriousness as loss situation. Job loss analysis is for identification of potential risk for new task,
new process and new or modified equipment, standardising of common work activities and a basis
for loss prevention discussion. Job loss analysis is conducted in this manner; job selection, team
formation, JLA development, review and approval, communication of results, field verification and
validation. Lastly, loss prevention self-assessment which is a method used for assessing risk mentally
by individual to identify risk and mitigate from it. Loss prevention self-assessment consists of assess,
analyse and act. Assess the risk prevent and analyse the solution and measures that can reduce the
risk then act accord with the chosen measures. For example, when pouring flammable chemical,
stop and assess the risk; fire hazard and is the fire triangle met? If so, reduce the risk through
isolation of the energy for the ignition or do the task at new location that is without ignition source.
Then act by switching off socket power, move the fire starter away or change to another
workbenches to do the task. After the online training, on the job training on test methods and
company procedure were given where analyst will explain and teach as they do their job. After
which, hands on work was allowed which include integrating of company procedure into conducting
test. For example, whenever line flush sample is sent in, details of the sample will need to be
recorded on the record list and conduct test on Kinematic viscosity test and density test using ASTM
445 and ASTM 4052 test methods.

Safety and Work Environment

The laboratory is equipped with ventilation system which helps to encourage air exchange rate
between outside environment and laboratory environment. This helps to maintain a good low level
of chemical fume in laboratory environment. Especially when xylene, hexane and isooctane of
analytical reagent grade and acetone, xylene and hexane of technical grade are used. Which all of
them are flammable and hazardous to health with prolong inhalation.

Canopies are installed in area for water by distillation station, xylene refiling station and manual
kinematic viscosity station. However, even with canopies installed for xylene squeeze bottle refilling
area, fume generated is not readily removed before it is inhaled by the user.

Trolley is provided to transport hazardous solvents, such as xylene, analytical acetic acid and so on,
from chemical cabinet to another location. This helps to minimize the possibility of dropping those
solvent and splashing it all over the place or even splashing it onto co-works or self. Also, the trolley
can be used to transport bulky and heavy items that are not easy to be carried. This helps to reduce
the chances of having back and hand injuries. Self-retracting pen knife is provided for cutting
purpose which will retract itself when not in use, reducing chance of exposing the blade openly. This
reduces the chance of been poked by the knife when storing it in pocket and the chance of cutting
yourself when trying to cut thing towards you and misfired.

However, at the automatic kinematic viscometer area, there is frequent strong smell of xylene
whenever the machine performs tube washing. Probably, exhaust wasnt installed properly for the
machine leading to xylene fume leakage or not been able to readily remove which can cause nausea,
vomiting, gastric discomfort, dyspnea and eye irritation with acute inhalation exposure of xylene.
Fortunately, EPA of US classify xylene as group D carcinogen which is not carcinogenic to human.
Hence, inhalation of xylene wont pose cancer risk.

In the laboratory, many sockets are unguarded with a spill shield, lying flat on the benches and near
to test instruments. This poses potential for electrical hazard and fire hazard especially when many
solvents are highly flammable and that most sockets are left switched on. One example is at the oil
and grease test area, where hexane, acid and ion-presence water are used right next to a printer and
an unprotected socket.
Analysis of internship
Difficulty faced and solution
The difficulties faced during the internship were washing of density meter analyser and weighting of
sample for ICP and TBN test. Washing density meter analyser capillary tube clean was occasionally
difficult. As suction will suck the left over solvent or lubricant from the external surface of the inlet
port, right after flushing with acetone or xylene and leads to contamination of capillary tube. The
solution came up was to clean the external surface with some xylene and wipe with a cloth before
proceeding on with cleaning of the capillary tube. Weighting sample for ICP and TBN can be difficult
because sometime sample accidentally touches the upper top wall of flask or cup due hand shaking
or air/sample spraying effect. Which leads to some sample not been able to dissolve by the solvent
and there will be a different between sample weighted, which will be keyed into instruments, and
actual weight of sample in the solution, which is what the instrument will be testing on. Resulting in
noisy graph produced and inaccurate result, which can have a costly consequence. The solutions to
this are proper immersing of droplet to prevent sucking air into it, dosing of sample close to bottom
of cup, dosing just above and on the centre of the volumetric flask. In case there are sample at the
top wall of the cup or flask, try to dose the area with solvent when doing dilution which will wash
down the sample on to the bottom.

This internship provides opportunity to learn and get expose to ASTM testing method which are
widely used in the petrol and chemical industry. Which can be used to apply for laboratory work
infuture, increases your chance of getting hired and improves adaptibility of task execution. It is also
useful for operator or production related job position as knowing test duration well , especially ICP
spectrometer, allows you to have a better scheduling of preparing product sample for laboratory .
This enable products to be produced in time and within specification.

This internship experience also helps to incoporate safety practices into laboratory setting . Things
like; never point the squzze bottle nozzle at anyone and yourself especially during refilling of the
bottle and uncapping capping of it ,dispensing of hazardous chemical careful not to splatter some
onto your wrist or arm and that lab coat sleeve cover all of your body especially arm to wrist.
Additionally, opportunity to learn about safety tips and concern in a plant like; small leakage on a
pipeline can cause big loss or even poses fire hazard, incase of isotank overflowing stop filling
barricade area and contain spillage with spill kit,

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