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A Research Proposal Submitted in Partial

Fulfillment of the Requirement Of
Bachelor of Quranic Studies with Multimedia


Faculty of Quranic and Sunnah Studies

Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

Content page
Title Page
Introduction :
Research Background
Problem Statement 4
Objective 4
Project Significant 4
Limitation Studies 5
Definition Of Term 5
Literature Review 6
Methodology 7
References 8
Work Schedule 9



Scientific Interpretation of Quran also known as Tafsir Ilmi. Tafsir Ilmi is

a Tafsir that explain the meaning that have sign (Isyari Interpretation) that
glorify and magnify Allah through His creation. Methods of interpretation of
the Tafsir Ilmi more to guidance through science rather than using ijtihad
through reason. Tafsir Ilmi is based on the description and explanation of the
signal from the Qur'an itself that shows the greatness of God's creation.
Allah says in the Quran:



The meaning:
We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it
becomes clear to them that it is the truth. But is it not sufficient concerning
your Lord that He is, over all things, a Witness?

In the Tafsir al-Quran al-'Azim, al-Imam Ibn Kathir said, "(Allah) will show you
the evidence and the arguments in nature indicating that the Qur'an is true."

This academic project entitle Scientific interpretation of al-Quran:

Onion and garlic. The propose of this research is to make the people aware
and know about the uniqueness of onion and garlic, so that Allah mention
about it in Al-Quran. Allah say in Quran :


The meaning:

And [recall] when you said, "O Moses, we can never endure one [kind
of] food. So call upon your Lord to bring forth for us from the earth its green
herbs and its cucumbers and its garlic and its lentils and its onions."

Problem statement

People nowadays, especially women just know onion and garlic as a

two of spices that needed in their recipes of cooking without know the
advantages of onion and garlic. This two spices have mane of advantages
especially in medical field. Since ancient time, garlic has been use as a cure
as well as food. Egyptian used garlic since 3700 BC to provide strength and
prevent disease. Onion is an ancient spice, native to Asia, and it is long noted
for its flavoring and pickling properties.

From the statement above, we found some issues in this research. There are:
1. What is the onion and garlic?
2. What is the relation between onion and garlic with scientific interpretation of Al-
3. What the benefit of both of this spices?
4. How this spices can give benefit in our life?


Below is a listing of the said objectives:

1. To explain the uniqueness of onion and garlic.
2. To explain the relation between onion and garlic with scientific interpretation of
3. To describe the benefit of both of this spices.

Project significant

People nowadays use onion and garlic in their cooking. They using it
without knowing the benefits of the onion and garlic. Beside the benefit
gifted from this two spices, it also give disadvantages if we use it beyond the
right quantity. By knowing about this two spices, we can take the advantages
from it. Another than that, this research try to discover the uniqueness of
onion and garlic, why Allah mention about this spices in Al-Quran.

Limitation of Study

The food that mention in Al-Quran more than 10, and the researcher
have their limitation. So, this research will focus about onion and garlic.
Onion and garlic are from Allium family and this family have many type but
this research will more focus only about the onion and garlic.

Definition of terms

(Scientific Interpretation of Al-Quran: Onion And Garlic)

Scientific Interpretation Of Al-Quran : Scientific Interpretation of Quran

also known as Tafsir Ilmi. Tafsir Ilmi is a Tafsir that explain the meaning that
have sign (Isyari Interpretation) that glorify and magnify Allah through His
creation. Methods of interpretation of the Tafsir Ilmi more to guidance
through science rather than using ijtihad through reason. Tafsir Ilmi is based
on the description and explanation of the signal from the Qur'an itself that
shows the greatness of God's creation.

Onion : An ancient spice, native to Asia, and it is long noted for its flavoring
and pickling properties. From the Latin word cep meaning onion, Greeks
value it for its curative powers, while Egyptians ate it raw. Scientific
name(s) : onion : Allium Cepa ; shallot : Allium ascalonicum. Family :
Alliaceae (onion family)1

Garlic : One of the most popular spice, garlic is used extensively from China
to the Americas, in French aioli, Turkish cacik, Viatnamese pho bo , Indian
korma, or Greeks skordalia. Garlics name is drived from the Anglo-Saxon
word garleac, meaning spear plant. Since ancient times, garlic has been

1 Susheela Raghavan .2007. Handbook of spices, seasoning and flavorings; second edition; Taylor &
Francis Group,p.144.

used as a cure as well as food. Scientific name(s): Allium Sativum (softneck);
Allium ophioscorodon (hardneck). Family : Alliaceae (Onion family)2

Literature review

According to Susheela Raghavan in her book Handbook of spices,

seasoning and flavorings, garlic is one of the most popular spice, garlic is
used extensively from China to the Americas. Each garlic bulb contain plump
and succulent egg-shape bulblets called cloves,with an outer skin that is
white, buff, rose, or purple, depending on the variety. Garlic has 0.1% to
0.25% essential oil, formed enzymatically when cloves are crushed, cut, or
rehydrated. Its consist of sulfur compound, 60% diallyl disulfide, 20% diallyl
trisulfide 6% allyl propyl disulfide, and diallyl sulfide. Allicin (diallyl disulfide)
contributes to its strong aroma. Onion can used in therapy and folklore.
Onion have been used traditionally as an expectorant, a diuretic, and to
lower the blood pressure. Raw onion has been used to fight colds and flus
and prevent edema.3

Allah Doktorku, Wahyu Ubat Penyakitku is a book written by Mukhalas Asy-

Syarkani Al-Falahi. This book tell us about verses in Al-Quran that can use to
cure our sickness. Allah says :


The meaning: (And [recall] when you said, "O Moses, we can never endure
one [kind of] food. So call upon your Lord to bring forth for us from the earth
its green herbs and its cucumbers and its garlic and its lentils and its

According to Dr. Davis Kraus said From our research, we know the garlic in
cooking is good. Of course, the area where the garlic consumption is high :

2 Susheela Raghavan .2007. Handbook of spices, seasoning and flavorings; second edition; Taylor &
Francis Group,p.113.

3 Susheela Raghavan .2007. Handbook of spices, seasoning and flavorings; second edition; Taylor &
Francis Group,p.115 & p.146

such as Mediterranean and Far East (East Asia, and Southeast Asia) the
cardiovascular disease is lower than the other place.
There are benefit of garlic, help people to avoid the lower blood pressure,
reduce the risk of cancer, help the digestion system and reduce the
cholesterol in human body. According to Indian researcher, onion affect the
glucose metabolism in liver and avoid the insulin damage. 4

Kiva Rose in her article Pantry Medicine: Onion Poultices, Syrups &
Tinctures said the onion is specific to damp, cold conditions, but also works
well where theres spasmodic coughing and copious phlegm even when there
are also some heat signs. I use Onion poultices with roasted or sauteed
Onions for spasmodic coughing, an insistent hacking cough and/or lower
respiratory congestion with difficulty breathing. There have been times when
even after large doses of other relaxant or even cough suppressing herbs the
cough has continued on unabated, usually with the person unable to sleep or
rest well. This is the herb to use when you or your child cant sleep because
theyre having difficulty breathing or cant stop coughing, especially if
theyre listless, pale and exhausted from coughing or struggling to breathe.5

In general, the methodology used for this research can be described fundamentally as a
qualitative study. This work conducted solely in the manner of a library research. A detailed
explanation of the research methodology is presented below :
Data collection method
The library research is the main means of data collection. For the data collection process, a few
method are employed as guideline :
1. Historical method

Data collection through historical method entails looking at historical fact and
the root of information. The scientific fact about onion and garlic was
collected from the journal, book, article and so on.

2. Documentation method
This method used to explain the uniqueness of the onion and garlic such as in
medical field and the benefit that people can get from it. Also the relation
between this two spices and the scientific interpretation of Al-Quran will
explain through this method.

4Mukhalas Asy-syarkani Al-falahi. Allah doktorku,wahyu ubat penyakitku; Telaga Biru publisher, p.291-


Data Analysis method

After all necessary information has been gathered, the data and fact
will be proceed and analyze by using the method below :
I. Inductive method
This method is the tool to analyses data by the reasoning. This process
demands the acquisition of evidence leading for small detail and
general fact and pattern.

II. Deductive method

Deduction is a method of reasoning that uses fact to prove specific
matter in chapter 3.

Al-Quran Al-Karim

Ibn Kathir, Tafsir al-Quran al-'Azim, Darl Nuqman.

Abu Fida Muhammad Izat Muhammad Arif, Asrar Al-Ilaj Bil Asyar Wal
Ghiza Wal Azhar, Darl Al Fadhilah

Susheela Raghavan .2007. Handbook of spices, seasoning and

flavorings; second edition; Taylor & Francis Group

Mukhalas Asy-syarkani Al-falahi. Allah doktorku,wahyu ubat

penyakitku; Telaga Biru publisher.

Work Schedule

Sept Oct Nov Dis Jan

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