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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work

MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

Create, Change & Display of Work Center IR01,IR02,IR03

A work center is an organizational unit that defines where and when an operation should be
carried out within a plant. A work center is unique within a plant. Work centers can be machines,
people or production lines. Operations that need to be executed are defined on a task list and
executed at the corresponding user assigned work center. This transaction enables the user to
create basic data, set defaults, assignments, and define capacities and scheduling data pertinent
to a work center. Work centers contain default values that are copied or referenced in operations
at the time of task list creation. They also contain costing, scheduling and capacity data required
for leadtime scheduling and capacity planning.

Need identified for a new Work Center within a plant.

Work Center
Work Center Category

Menu Path
Use the following menu path(s) to begin this transaction:
Select Logistics Plant Maintenance Maintenance Processing
Environment Work Centers Work Center Create to go to the Work Center
Initial screen.

Transaction Code
IR01, IR02, IR03

Helpful Hints
Press F1 for help
Press F4 for getting input values
R Required
O Optional
C Conditional

One of either the work centre category field or the copy from (Plant/ Work
Center) fields require input from the user. Copying data from an existing work centre
would expedite data entry and accuracy.

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation


1. Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.

SAP Easy Access

2. On the Create Work Center: Initial Screen, enter the information as specified in
the fields in the table below:

IO101 IO101
Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments
Plant Plant Number R Enter Plant number. Select from pull This is the plant for
down menu if required which the new Work
Center is being
Work Center Work Center Name/Number R Enter New Work Center identifier Can be a numeric or
identifier, or a
combination of both.
Work Center Key which distinguishes work centers O Enter work center type from drop down Determines which
Cat. by their individual categories. box. (ex Plant Maintenance = 0005) data can be
maintained in the
work centers master

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

Plant Plant associated with the work center O Enter existing plant number Using this feature
from which data is to be copied. generally expedites
work center creation.
To be used in
conjunction with Ref.
Work center field
Ref. work Work center from which data is to be O Enter existing work center number To be used in
center copied. conjunction with the
Plant field above.
(Note: On above table, in column R/O/C; R = Required, O = Optional, C =

Press the enter key, the green check mark or the Basic Data push button to
continue to the next screen.

3. On screen Create Work Center: Basic Data, enter the information as specified in the
fields from the table below:

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Description Description of the Work Center R The user can enter a textual description This is an
of particular operational relevance; e.g., alphanumeric field.
a schedulers name or code.
Person The person maintaining the work R/O This field can be set to default from the Field values are
Responsible center master files in the system. default work center, or selected from the maintained in
pull down list. This may be a required Configuration.
field, depending on the work center
category entered on the Create Work
Center: Initial screen.
Location Describes the physical location of the O Can be selected from the pull down list. Not a required field.
work center. If you use this field
and do not see the
location you would
like, it must be
configured in SAP
QDR System Identifies link to QM subsystem. O Select from pull down if QA is done by a This field is to
downstream subsystem. identify non-SAP
subsystems, and/or
other QDE
Supply Area The supply area is used for material O Select from pull down list of supply areas Used in Kanban
replenishment purposes and is situated associated with the plant. production control
directly in the shop floor. and in warehouse
Usage Identifies types of task lists with R Use 009 (all task lists) unless there is a Can be set to
which the work center may be business reason not to. default from the
associated default work center.
Transition Describes the assignment of a O Must have project number, defined in For example, can be
Matrix resource or a resource setup group to Customizing. used to calculate
a transition of materials cleaning times.
Storage Storage location that is assigned to a O Serves the purpose of recording material Used in capacity
location storage resource (Storage resource stocks of a storage resource so they can planning.
storage capacities are based on both time and be considered in capacity planning.
resource quantity).
Mixing of Allows different materials to be mixed O Set if mixing of materials is desired. Set if desired.
Materials at the work center.
Back flush Enables automatic consumption of O Set if back flushing is desired. Not dependent upon
materials when confirmation occurs. other back flushing
selections either in
routings or the
material master.
Standard Key defining and giving a dimension R Choose the key whose values most Further details on
Value Key closely approximate business needs. each selection can
(for example, time or area) to one of (e.g., SAP1 - Normal Production). be referenced in
Depending on the key chosen, a pop up configuration.
up to six standard values. box will appear for maintenance and
efficiency rate entry.

(Note: On above table, in column R/O/C; R = Required, O = Optional, C =


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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

4 Press the next screen icon, select the Default values tab or choose from the menu
Go to > Default values to continue to the next screen.

4. On screen Create Work Center: Default Values, enter the information specified in the
fields from the table below:

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

Field Name Description R/O/ User Action and Values Comments

Operation Section Heading
Control Key Determines which business O Select from the pull down list. Selecting Control key
the control key indicator prevents selections are
transactions should be executed for changes to the control key in a task list. configured.

the object that belongs to the task list

or order (e.g., scheduling or costing)

Standard Text Identifies text that is frequently used to O Select from the pull down list. Selecting Standard text key
Key the standard text key indicator prevents selections are
describe certain processes (for changes to the standard text key in a configured.
task list.
example, turning or milling)

Suitability Key for the suitability required for O Select from the pull down list. Selecting Suitability key
the suitability indicator prevents changes selections are
carrying out the operation (for to the suitability key in a task list. configured.

example, welding certificate)

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

Setup Type Key that specifies who sets up a work O Select from the pull down list. Selecting The value from the
Key the setup type key indicator prevents work center is the
center (for example, machine service, changes to the setup type key in a task default in the
list. routing
setup person or a setup crew).

Wage Type Specifies the wage type (for example, O Select from the pull down list. Selecting The value from the
the wage type indicator prevents work center is the
piecework wage or premium wage). changes to the wage type key in a task default in the
list. routing
Used as a criterion for calculating the

wage or salary of an employee.

Wage Group Specifies the wage group to be used O Select from the pull down list. Selecting The value from the
the wage group indicator prevents work center is the
(e.g., employees with short-term changes to the wage group key in a task default in the
list. routing
training or several weeks of training).

Used as a criterion for valuating work.

No. of Time Number of time tickets to be printed O Enter the number of tickets. This entry is The value from the
Tickets only taken into account if time tickets are work center is the
for an operation or activity (PS). to be printed according to the operation default in the
control key. routing

No. Confirm. Number of confirmation slips to be O Enter the number of slips. Selecting the The value from the
Slips printed for an operation or activity. The confirmation slips indicator prevents work center is the
system prints confirmations if the changes to the wage group key in a task default in the
control key for the operation or activity list. routing
has been set.
Printer Key identifying the printer for shop O Select from the pull down list.
floor papers.
Units of Default units of measure for each of O Select from the pull down list. Set to These values will
measure of the defined standard values (see default from the default work center. The not appear if no
standard Standard Value Key field above). default in Configuration is set to MIN standard values
values (minutes). exist.
(Note: On above table, in column R/O/C ; R = Required, O = Optional, C =

NOTE: Consistency in the calculation of needed capacity or activity is assured if the UOM (Unit
of Measure) is not overridden on the routing. It is recommended that you do not override the

Press the next screen icon, select the Capacities tab or choose from the menu Go
to > Capacity > Overview to continue to the next screen.

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

On screen Create Work Center: Capacity Overview, enter the information as

specified in the fields in the table below:

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Capacity Identifies the type of capacity O Can be set to default from the default Defaults are set in
Category (machine, labor) work center. Configuration.
Pooled Key identifying the pooled capacity O Select from pull down when applicable. If an entry in this
Capacity assigned to the work center (Pooled If pooled capacities were not created field is possible but
capacities can be shared by multiple prior to assigning capacities, no left blank, the
work centers). selections will be possible (because pooled capacity will
this key would have nothing to tie back be assigned solely
to). to this work center.
Setup Formula Key pointing to actual formula for O Select desired formula when needed Some custom
setup formulas can be
created in the IMG.
Processing Formula used to determine the O Select desired formula when needed. Some custom
Formula capacity requirements for set up. Formulas can be customized in the formulas can be
IMG. created in the IMG.
Tear down Formula used to determine the O Select desired formula when needed. Used only if
Formula capacity requirements for tear down. Formulas can be customized in the needed.
Other Formula Formula used to calculate capacity O Select desired formula when needed. Used only if
requirements for other types of internal Formulas can be customized in the needed.
processing (for example, in networks). IMG.
Distribution Determines the distribution of capacity O Select from the pull down list, based on Used when the
business need. Customized in the data is displayed
requirements for an operation over the IMG. by period (e.g., in
periods of the operation duration for evaluation).

planned and production orders.

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

Int. dist. Key Determines the distribution of capacity O Select from the pull down list, based on Used in
business need. Customized in the
requirements for an operation over the IMG.

periods of the operation duration for

networks, process and maintenance activities to



and plan


(Note: On above table, in column R/O/C; R = Required, O = Optional, C =


Press the next screen icon, select the Capacities header data push button at the
bottom of the screen or choose from the menu Go to > Capacity > Header to continue to
the next screen.

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

On screen Create Work Center: Capacity Header, enter the information as

specified in the fields from the table below:

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

General Data
Planner Group Person or group responsible R Select from pull down menu. Default is Configuration
dependent on the plant selected. required (plant
Grouping Groupings for shift definitions and O Use pull down menu to find selection if Configuration
shift sequences needed. required (plant
Available Section Heading
Factory Identifies available production dates O Select calendar id from pull down list if Defaults to factory
Calendar for entire year. Can differ by work different from standard factory calendar if blank.
center. calendar.
Active Version Used as the basis for scheduling O Enter version number (if applicable).
Base Unit of UOM in which available capacity is R Must be the same as the default for Defaults are set in
Measure maintained (usually in hours). activity. the IMG.
Standard Section Heading
Start Beginning of shift or availability start. O Enter start time. Required for capacity Defaults are set in
availability calculation. the IMG.
Finish End of shift or availability end. O Enter ending time. Required for Defaults are set in
capacity availability calculation the IMG.
Length of Total break time per shift / availability O Enter where applicable. Defaults are set in
Breaks time period. the IMG.
Capacity Actual capacity vs. theoretical R Enter actual availability %. Default is Defaults are set in

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

Utilization capacity expressed as a %. set at 100%. the IMG.

No. of indiv. Number of machines or people R Enter number of machines or people. Default is set at
Cap. making up work center capacity. Default is set at 1. 1 in the IMG.
Display UOM Capacity displays UOM if different O Leave Blank
from Base. UOM conversion must
be maintained if this is used
Planning Section Heading
Relevant to Identifies Work Center capacities to O Select depending on business need.
finite be used in calculating available
scheduling capacity during finite scheduling.
Can be used Allows multiple operations to use this O Select if only one operation is expected
by several capacity. If not set, only 1 operation to use this capacity at a time.
Operations will access this capacity, even if
partially consumed.
Overload % Used to define % of over scheduling O Leave blank unless over scheduling is
allowed desired
Long Term Allows this work center to be used for O Should be selected unless a specific Selected by
Planning capacity during long term planning business need determines otherwise. default.
(Note: On above table, in column R/O/C; R = Required, O = Optional, C =

Note: When finished setting up the Create Work Center Capacity: Header screen,
select Interval Avail. Cap. in the upper left hand corner of the screen to continue to
the next screen.

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

5 Click on the interval avail cap at the top left to define multiple shift sequences.
Enter information in the fields as specified in the below table:

Note: Use this to define work centers that have multiple shifts. Also use this to specify
that certain shifts have different number of capacities (used in 2nd operations). See next
page. Otherwise click on the green check, which takes you to the Create Work
Center: Capacity Overview.

To add an Interval of Available Capacity, click on the Insert Icon that appears as a page with
a yellow cross on it. The following is a view of this page.

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

Note: The information keyed into this screen is the dates of validity from and to for the
available capacity you are working on. See the table below to identify what fields need data

Description R/O/ User Action and Values Comments

Field Name C
O Click on Edit/Insert
Valid from Date that the interval starts R Enter the date.
Valid to Date that the interval ends R Enter the date
Shift sequence Breaks down the shifts O Enter the sequence or select
From the pull down menu.
Length of Cycle Number of days O Enter the number of days
Number of shifts Number of shifts O Enter the number of shifts, 1, 2,
Or 3.
Workdays Based on the factory calendar O See pull down menu and select
Blank for factory calendar.
No. of Number of elements that make O Specify number of people for Default is set at
indiv. Cap. Up a capacity Second ops/htd. 1.
Capacity Actual utilization during the O Enter the utilization. Default is set at
utilization Interval. 100%.

(Note: On above table, in column R/O/C ; R = Required, O = Optional, C =


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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

Note: After completing the necessary entries, click on the green check in the lower left-hand
corner of the screen. This will send you to the Create Work Center Capacity: Shifts

You are now backing at the Create Work Center Capacity: Shifts Screen. The
interval has been inserted. To see the detail of the intervals click on the Available
Capacity Profile. See the example screen below.

Note: From this screen, you have now set up all of your capacity requirements and can proceed
with creating the work center record. Click on the green back arrow. The system reverts to the
Create Work Center: Capacity Overview screen.

Select the Scheduling tab or choose from the menu Go to > Scheduling to continue
to the next screen.

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

6. On screen Create Work Center: Scheduling, enter the information as specified in

the fields in the table below:

Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Scheduling Section Heading
Capacity Key which describes capacity in more R Select from the pull down list. Capacities of
Category detail. For example, it enables you to different categories
determine whether it is machine or labor can be allocated to a
capacity. work center.
Capacity Description or name of the capacity O Select from the pull down list. E.g., Machine or
that identifies it to the system. labor capacity
Execution Section Heading
Setup Formula Key in scheduling pointing to actual O Select desired formula when needed Some custom
formula for setup, similar to formula formulas can be
key used when defining capacities. created in the IMG.
Processing Formula used in scheduling to O Select desired formula when needed.
Formula determine operation processing time. Formulas can be customized in the
Tear down Formula used in scheduling to O Select desired formula when needed. Used only if needed.
Formula determine operation teardown time. Formulas can be customized in the
Other Formula Formula used to calculate capacity O Select desired formula when needed. Used only if needed.
requirements for other types of internal Formulas can be customized in the
processing (for example, in networks). IMG.
Inter- Section Heading

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

Location group Used to assign a physical location to O Select from pull down menu. Location groups
the work center. Configuration required.
reduce the amount

of data processed

when move times

between work

centers are

determined in lead

time scheduling.

Std Queue Time an order waits at a work center O Enter time qty and UOM if desired Optional
Time before it is processed.
Min. Queue Shortest length of time an order waits O Enter time qty and UOM if desired Optional
Time for processing at the Work Center
Dimension Section Heading
and unit of
measure of
Work Dimension of work in Project System O Select from pull down list. Values configured in
Dimension IMG.
Work Unit Specific UOM of work in Project O Select from pull down list. Optional
(Note: On above table, in column R/O/C; R = Required, O = Optional, C =

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

7.. Select the Costing tab or choose from the menu Go to > Costing to continue to the
next screen.

. On screen Create Work Center: Cost Center Assignment, enter the information
as specified in the fields in the table below.

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Validity Start Identifies the beginning of a validity O Defaults to todays date. Can be
date period changed
Validity End Identifies the end of the a validity O Defaults to 12/31/9999. Can be
date period changed.
Cost Center Key that identifies the cost center R Click on the pull down list to select or
to search (click on the green check
again) for the correct cost center.

(Note: On above table, in column R/O/C; R = Required, O = Optional, C =


Select the Technical data tab or choose from the menu Go to > Technical data to
continue to the next screen.

On screen Create Work Center: Technical Data, enter the information as

specified in the fields in the table below.

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Machine Type Key which combines work centers that R Select from the pull down list. Configurable.

have the same technical data (for

example, drills or lathes).

Sort String String which you can use to sort CAPP R Select from the pull down list. Configurable.
Elements (used in calculating standard
values), or search for them.
CAPP Planner Key which identifies a person or group R Select from the pull down list. Configurable.
of people responsible for maintaining

CAPP elements and technical data in

work centers.

Rnd. & add.val. Key which specifies the rounding O Select from the pull down list.
categories and the additional values to be
taken into account when standard values
are calculated for an operation.

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

(Note: On above table, in column R/O/C; R = Required, O = Optional, C =


Click on the yellow folder to save your changes. Subsequently, a message will be
displayed at the bottom of your screen: Work Center 003 in Plant 3004 was created.
This indicates that the work center was successfully created.

Change of Work Center

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

Rename also possible

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

Display of Work Center

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

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Title: Create, Change & Display of Work
MySAP: Transaction Documentation
SAP Module: Plant maintenance
PROJECT Transformation

8. You have completed this transaction.

You have Created/changed /displayed Maintenance work centre.


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