Yesus Menyembuhkan Seorang Lumpuh - Jesus Heals A Lame Man

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Jesus Heals a Lame Man

Yesus menyembuhkan seorang lumpuh

One day Jesus and His disciples went to the city of Capernaum.

Yesus dan murid-murid-Nya datang ke Kapernaum.

Word got around that Jesus was back.
Tersiarlah kabar, bahwa Ia ada di rumah.
So many people crowded into the house to see Jesus that there wasnt room
for anyone else to come inside.
Maka datanglah orang-orang berkerumun sehingga tidak ada lagi tempat,
bahkan di muka pintu pun tidak.
Four men brought their lame friend to see Jesus.
Ada orang-orang datang membawa kepada-Nya seorang lumpuh, digotong
oleh empat orang.
They could not get in the house because there were so many people.
Tetapi mereka tidak dapat membawanya kepada-Nya karena orang banyak itu.
The men then climbed up to the roof and made a hole in it.
Lalu mereka membuka atap yang di atas-Nya;
Then they lowered their friend through the hole they had made.
sesudah terbuka mereka menurunkan tilam, tempat orang lumpuh itu terbaring.
Jesus saw their faith and told the lame man, Son, stand up, pick up your mat and
go home.
Ketika Yesus melihat iman mereka, berkatalah Ia kepada orang lumpuh itu: Hai
anak-Ku, Kepadamu Kukatakan, bangunlah, angkatlah tempat tidurmu dan
pulanglah ke rumahmu!
As everyone watched, the man stood up and walked out!
Dan orang itu pun bangun dan pergi ke luar di hadapan orang-orang itu.
The people were astonished! They praised God and said, We have never seen
anything like this!
Mereka semua takjub lalu memuliakan Allah, katanya: Yang begini belum
pernah kita lihat.
Jesus Yesus Roof atap
Disciples murid-murid Faith iman
People orang-orang Get up bangunlah
Lame Man orang lumpuh Astonished takjub

Adapted from My Wonder Studio. Featured on

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