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Tiaton, 2016. An Analysis the value of religion on the Novel Surga Yang Tak
Dirindukan by Asma Nadia. Undergraduate Thesis, Indonesia Language
Education Departement, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
University of PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya. Advisor: Taufik Nurhadi, H, Dr.,

keywords: Novel, The Value of Religion, Surga yang Tak Dirindukan

The purpose of this research is to describe Religious values contained in the

novel Surga yang Tak Dirindukan by Asma Nadia. This study using a novel Surga
yang Tak Dirindukan by Asma Nadia, in 2015, published by Asma Nadia Publishing
House, fourth printing (4) in June 2014, with the contents of 308 pages, and 20.5 cm
thick, dimensions: xii. The researcher were collected the data by documentation (data
collection related on Religion). The researcher used qualitative descriptive analysis as
Research Methodology.

From this research, the researcher want to present the conclusion as follows:
(1) the patience of the main character is a illustration of which of the characters called
Arini the value of patience is very tough and solid, in every she was a problem, she
was always patient, she never told the problem to her family because she has to be
patient and always believe the miracle of Allah SWT. (2) The harmony in the family,
as illustration of her husband (Pras) and her childrens been very happy and always
care about each other mutually. Arini never distinguish her husband and childrens in
any case, Arini always pay attention to them. (3) The relationship with his friends is
very familiar and good. Although they are friends during junior high school, she still
communicates with each other and sometimes they had met although it has other
activities. But they had right to meet each other.

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