EuropassMQF Conference June2017

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Europass, Malta Qualifications Framework and Euroguidance Seminar

Date: Friday 9th June 2017

Time: 9.00 a.m. 2.00 p.m.

8:30 a.m. Registration and Welcome Coffee

9.00 a.m. Welcome Address

9.10 a.m. Overview & Synergies amongst Networks

Mr. Joseph Schembri, CEO EUPA

9:30 a.m. Research on the use of the Europass Diploma Supplement and Europass
Cerificate Supplement conclusions and suggestions
Ms Christine Scholz, NCFHE

10.10 a.m. Study on the widespread understanding and appreciation of the Malta
Qualifications Framework and the European Qualifications Framework -
conclusions and suggestions
Mr. Adam Liwak, Officer - NCFHE

10:50 a.m. Coffee Break

11.20 a.m. MCGA Preliminary Findings on Research on Professionalization of Career

Guidance funded by Euroguidance
Ms. Dorianne Gravina, College Career Advisor National School Support Services

12.00 p.m. Workshops by EQF/MQF, Europass & Euroguidance:

- Future of Europass
- Use of Europass
- Feedback on Preliminary Research conducted by MCGA
- Meaning of EQF/MQF
- Recognition and EQF/MQF

1.15 p.m. Conclusions

1.45 p.m. Lunch

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