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Final Essay Reflective Paper

Final Essay Reflective Paper

Rafferdy J Coleman
University of West Georgia
Final Essay Reflective Paper

. I have been teaching for five years. After the completion of my Bachelors of Science in

Middle Level Education from Georgia State Universit,y I decided to teach a couple of years

before applying to grad school. I taught for three years in Atlanta Public Schools before applying

to the M.Ed. Instructional Technology and Design program here at the University of West

Georgia. I wanted to take my experiences that I obtained while teaching into my graduate

program. I feel that this helped me transition a lot easier into the program. I am the current 7th

and 8th grade history teacher at Liberty Tech Charter School. This school is a charter school in its

first year. Also, the school is a project-based learning school. My future goals are to apply for the

Specialist program in Leadership at Kennesaw State University. After that, I would like to pursue

a doctorate degree and become a principal.

The purpose of this writing is to focus on various projects that I completed throughout

this class. I feel that I do a lot better retaining information when I complete projects. I do not

tend to retain a lot of information when I just read. I will be discussing various skills I learned

from completing the projects in this class.

I feel that this course has helped me learn how to effectively use projects to assess. The

assessment plan that I had to implement showed me how important using projects in a classroom

is. According to Vega (2012), Studies have proven that when implemented well, project-based

learning (PBL) can increase retention of content and improve students' attitudes towards

learning, among other benefits. After reading this article and implementing a good thorough

project, I see that project based learning can be very important to reaching learners. Plus, this

benefits me because I am now in a project based learning school, so I am learning about how

important this type of learning is. According to Strobel & van Barneveld (2009):
Final Essay Reflective Paper

Studies comparing learning outcomes for students taught via project-based learning

versus traditional instruction show that when implemented well, PBL increases long-term

retention of content, helps students perform as well as or better than traditional learners in high-

stakes tests, improves problem-solving and collaboration skills, and improves students' attitudes

towards learning. (3(1)

I can personally say that I see the benefits of a project-based learning school. Students are

more engaged in learning with their peers. I would have a hard time keeping the students

attention in the traditional school setting because it is not as engaging.

I want to discuss the assessment plan project and how it incorporated the course

objectives and helped me design an amazing and helpful project. I feel that this touched on the

following three objectives: 1. Explain the relationship between effective assessment and

increased student achievement, 2. identify and implement principles of effective assessment, and

5. implement alternative assessment systems for diverse learners. The first objective allowed me

to analyze the success of the project while looking at whether or not the students achieved

academic success. I found that the students achieved success in the desired task/standard. This

objective helped me analyze the specific types of learners. I was able to break them down

academically into these categories: gender, gifted, special ed., socio-economic, ELL learners. I

am glad I did this because I was able to make a better decision on how the specific students

achieve success. Also, according to Dean (2007), Whatever the learning style: visual,

kinesthetic, auditory, etc., the teachers who practice intentionality and believe in teacher efficacy

plan the outcomes they want to achieve while having the power or belief in producing the desired

result (Dean, 2007). I concluded that this step was very important in understanding my learners

and making sure that they were successful.

Final Essay Reflective Paper

Objective two is to identify and implement principles of effective assessment. Normally I

would have just found a project, not differentiated it, and given it to my students. However, I

looked at this objective carefully. I decided to have the students create (which is the highest level

of DOK) a book. I picked out several things that I wanted to see in the book. This would help the

students find main ideas and explore them. The students could explore other words in their

alphabet book once they reached the minimum concepts I required. I thought giving them

freedom to look up words would allow them the ability to explore. By allowing the students to

explore, they seemed to like the project more and wanted to complete it.

Objective five is to implement alternative assessment for leaners. One thing that I did was

allow the students to have three total options for the project (I only documented one, please see

the entire rubric located after the reference page). I have never given the students the option to

choose from a variety of projects. However, I now feel like this was my most successful project

that I have ever implemented. Giving the students options made it seem like they were not forced

to just do one thing that I wanted them to do. The other options included: making trading cards,

and build a panorama. I noticed that the some of the guys tended to go towards the trading cards.

I was ok with that because I wanted them to explore and take ownership of their education.

I will be implementing the above objectives in every aspect of my planning. As I have

explained, I feel these objectives are important in making a successful project. I will be very

intentional in making sure that all three of these objectives will be implemented in my future

plans. Also, as I reflect on my future I will take these three objectives into my leadership roles. I

will make sure that the teachers are implementing them. As a leader, I will take a hands-on

approach and use the example that I have from this course.
Final Essay Reflective Paper

This reflection has been one of the more thought provoking reflections I have written. I

did not fully realize how important course objectives are until now. I will definitely be using

course objectives one, two, and five in my everyday professional career. I have discussed how I

feel that I have grown in this single course. I have also explained the importance the objectives

have had in my development as a student and educator. Finally, this reflection has shown how I

feel that I am growing in my educational craft. I truly feel like the University of West Georgia is

a college creating trailblazers for the future.

Final Essay Reflective Paper


Vega,V.(2012, December 03). Project-Based Learning Review. Retrieved November 7, 2016.

From .

Strobel, J. , & van Barneveld, A. (2009). When is PBL More Effective? A Meta-synthesis of

Meta-analyses Comparing PBL to Conventional Classrooms. Interdisciplinary Journal of

Problem-Based Learning, 3(1).

Dean, P. (2007, January 29). National Social Science Association. Retrieved November 07,

Final Essay Reflective Paper

American Revolution Project

Students will have a choice of doing three different types of projects; ABC Book, 3-D Model, or
Historical Trading Cards.

Alphabet Book

As part of your study of the American Revolution, you will create an Alphabet Book which
explains many of the complex terms, people, events, places, and concepts associated with this
dramatic era of history. You are to use meaningful words and phrases from the materials used in
class, as well as from assigned readings and in-class notes.

Alphabet Book Requirements

For each letter of the alphabet, you will need one entry. You will have 25
Entries, (Do not use X) which contain the following:

6 concepts (Big ideas, i.e. causes of the war, effects of the war)
3 significant people
3 key events
3 geographical locations
The remaining are your choice

For each entry write at least 1 to 2 sentences which provide an explanation or definition of the
entrys significance to the American Revolution.

For at least 10 entries, you must include an original visual (political cartoon, diagram, drawing,
etc.). Make sure that your visuals depict how your entry reflects the American Revolution. You
do not have to print these out; you can save them to a disc or burn to a CD and bring them
in. This will save you ink.

Due Date: ___________________

Each page is worth 4 points each.

1 point - picture of what represents your word
1 point explanation of the word and its significance
1 point actual word, with letter representing in a large font
1 point for neatness
Final Essay Reflective Paper

3-D Model

Your second choice for American Revolution project is creating a 3-D model. You need to pick
an important event during the Road to the Revolution or the Revolutionary War. After you
choose the event, then you need to create a model of what happened, and you will also need to
have a one page written or typed summary of the event. Some of your choices could include, but
are not limited to: Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, Battle of Bunker Hill, Valley Forge, and

Scoring Guide:

_______ 20 points Neatness

_______ 40 points Explanation minimum of one page, neatly done
What is it?
When did it occur?
Where was it used or taking place?
How was it built? Step by step processes, any help by anyone
Why was this item or event so important?
________ 20 points Is it accurately depicted?
________ 20 points Creativity, is it unique or well thought out?
________ 100 points total

Historical Trading Cards

Your last choice for the project is 10 historical trading cards. The cards should resemble
baseball cards; youll need a picture on the front and a short biography (4 to 5 sentences) on the
back of the card. Information should come from only chapter 5 and 6.

-3 cards over people
-3 cards over battles
-3 cards over taxes
-Last is your choice

Scoring Guide

________/50pts. 10 trading cards have picture on the front and biographical information on the
Final Essay Reflective Paper

________/50pts Neat, Historically Accurate, Creative, Presentation

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