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Civic Engagement Project Reflection

Project Description
The purpose of this project is to help you build your knowledge, skills and abilities to identify and solve community problems. The goal of
the project is for you to identify and become informed about an issue you care about, and then work to make a positive difference in public
life at the local, national or global level by:

• Volunteering with a social service, educational or advocacy organization

• Participating in the political or public policy process

• Advocating for policies on issues of concern that make communities stronger.

Category Target Acceptable Unacceptable

Identification of social Student provides a clear Student provides a clear An explanation is not
problem explanation for his/her selection of explanation for his/her provided or there is no
a social problem or problems. selection of a social problem or justification for the
Student is able to articulate a problems. student’s selection.
personal or professional link to the

Understanding of the Student provides a detailed Student provides an analysis of Student simply provides
various facets of a social analysis of a social problem the social problem including an a summary of the
problem including an assessment of the root assessment of the root of the problem.
of the problem. Student analyzes problem. Student understands
the problem from various and articulates the complexity
perspectives such as: policy, of the problem and its impacts.
economic, political,
environmental, and community.

The impact you made Project is well-designed and carried Project is well-designed and There is no clear
through the civic out. Student articulates his/her carried out. Student is able to demonstration of impact
engagement project ability to be an effective change- articulate a positive change that made.
agent through the utilization of occurred as a result of his/her
leadership skills. Student is able to project. Student demonstrates
articulate a significant positive a good level of leadership skills.
change that occurred as a result of
his/her project.

Exhibits connection Student identifies how he/she will Some mention of continued Does not properly
between current continue to address the problem engagement upon return to articulate plans for
engagement and future upon return to his/her home or student’s home or college future engagement
engagement college town and understands the town.
need for continued engagement.

The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars

Writing style, grammar The student’s writing is clear and The student’s writing is clear The student’s writing is
and overall organization concise. The length is appropriate. and concise. Grammar, not clear or concise.
Grammar, punctuation and punctuation and spelling are There are grammatical
spelling are correct. The essay is correct. The essay is well- and spelling mistakes.
well-organized and easy to follow. organized. The flow of the
assignment is not easy to

The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminar


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