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FeedJournal Basic 7/27/2010 at 3:47:00 PM - 7/28/2010 at 6:13:27 AM feedjournal.


‘Palestinians’ are imprisoned in Gaza and no one

by Carl in Jerusalem (Hija del complaints are piling up from over the trustworthiness of the
Zion para Israel - Daughter of residents whose requests have been leadership in the eyes of its people.
Zion for Israel) denied. Some of the people who have Does anyone really think it would be
been denied passports are associated different if Israel were – God forbid –
Submitted at 7/27/2010 9:48:00 PM with the Hamas government, like Fiza not in the picture? Does Iran issue
‘Palestinians’ are imprisoned in Gaza Za’anin, a member of the elected passports to opponents of its
and no one cares When does the council in Beit Hanoun, a midwife government? Does Syria? Does
World not care that ‘Palestinians’ are who won a United Nations prize for ‘moderate’ Egypt? The ‘Palestinians’
being ‘imprisoned’ in the ‘World’s her work with women and children are behaving the way every
largest concentration camp’? Of during the IDF offensive in Gaza in government in the Arab Muslim
course, when they are being the winter of 2008-9. Although she world behaves. But the ‘Palestinians’
imprisoned by other ‘Palestinians.’ received a permit to take a course in are not used to no one caring about
Haaretz’s Amira Hass, who loves the East Jerusalem, she told Haaretz by them. This time, Israel is really not
‘Palestinians’ so much that she has telephone, her request for a passport involved so no one cares. If – God
spent years living among them (she is so she could attend the prize forbid – there is one day a
one of the very few Israelis who can ceremony in October in the United ‘Palestinian state,’ this sort of
move freely among the ‘Palestinians’ States was denied. occurrence will be routine, and so
without fear of being murdered), Some of those being denied long as Israel cannot be blamed, no
reports that ‘Palestinian’ passports passports are actually Fatah members, one will care.
thus forcing Gazans to use the
have become an object of dispute the apparent victims of false reports Evelyn Gordon reports this story and
services of special go-between
between Fatah and Hamas. alleging they have connections to then adds:
agencies which send the applications
In some cases, one document Hamas. One such person, from the And then there’s that new mall in
to Ramallah, but its general
separates people from their ability to Khan Yunis area, told Haaretz that Gaza. As the Jerusalem Post
intelligence service even intervenes –
leave the Strip – a passport. For about after his request for a passport was Hija del Zion para Israel Support
as has been revealed lately – and in
30 of these individuals, the reason is denied he used all of his connections Israel
many cases vetoes passports for Gaza
clear: They are members of the Fatah with Gazans now living in Ramallah • Sweden: Immigrants cleaning the
movement whose passports the – members of the PA security streets Sweden: Immigrants cleaning
Now, with Egypt easing the
Hamas authorities have simply services – whose intervention finally the streetsImmigrants workers make
restrictions on entry through its
confiscated. There are also Fatah brought him a passport, six months up 41 percent of Sweden's cleaners
border with Gaza, this arbitrary
members who occasionally receive later. despite accounting for only 16
cruelty has become even more
transit permits to the West Bank from You got it? Fatah members in Gaza percent of the workforce. In the cities
pronounced. The feeling of
Israel, on the basis of their special have their passports confiscated by the numbers are even higher...
imprisonment, and the lies
connections with the Palestinian Hamas, and Hamas members in Gaza • Jewish Art by Mickie 2010 Wall
accompanying it, generates bitterness
Authority in Ramallah, but the Hamas (and probably in Judea and Samaria Calendar Product DescriptionJewish
toward the government in Ramallah –
government prevents them from as well) cannot get the Fatah- Art Calendar: 16 months from Sept
even among those who are not Hamas
leaving. dominated ‘Palestinian Authority’ to 2009 - Dec 2010; candlelighting
Independent sources in Gaza believe issue passports. It goes without times, weekly Torah portions, US,
But to get anyone interested in this
these practices are a reaction to the saying that Hamas does not issue Canada, Jewish & Israel holidays;
story, you’d have to find a way to
policy of the Interior Ministry in passports – they would not be large boxes for writing personal eve...
blame it on Israel. Hass is trying.
Ramallah, which neglected to issue recognized anyway. • Sweden: Man arrested for plotting
These are the same security
passports to dozens of Gazans in Hass comments: terror attack Sweden: Man arrested
authorities that have won praise from
recent months who sent in The same government that includes a for plotting terror attackThough quite
the occupier for the quiet they’ve
applications. Since January, the call to end the blockade on Gaza in a few Swedes have been arrested
achieved while the occupier acts:
Interior Ministry in Gaza holds, the every one of its statements, in abroad for planning and committing
confiscating land, demolishing
Palestinian General Intelligence practice aids in imprisoning the terrorism, I think this is a first for
homes, expelling people, arresting
service (the Mukhabarat ) has been Gazans by preventing many of them Sweden. About two years ago
children, preventing free movement
checking every passport application from holding valid Palestinian sever...
and killing. The lies that accompany
before it is approved or refused. passports. Not only does the Fatah
these activities and their close
At the human rights organizations in government refuse to send blank Original post source
affiliation with Fatah cast a shadow
Gaza, which confirm this claim, passports to Gaza to be filled out,

Paranoia leads to more arrests in Lebanon

by Carl in Jerusalem (Hija del Hezbullah! million dollars through Erez crossing smoking water-pipes in cafes Gaza:
Zion para Israel - Daughter of Heh. in Southern Israel on Tuesday Hamas bans women from smoking
Zion for Israel) posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 8:22 morning, August 12, 2008 to the water-pipes in cafes
AM Palestinian Authority in Gaza Strip. ...
Submitted at 7/27/2010 10:22:00 PM Hija del Zion para Israel Support ...
Paranoia leads to more arrests in Israel • Burning the Chometz Image taken Original post source
Lebanon • Israel Gives 70 Million Dollars to on 2008-04-18 09:12:12 by wotashot
You’re not being paranoid when they Palestinian Authority A Brinks (taking a break)....
really are after you. Watch out security van from Israel is passing 70 • Gaza: Hamas bans women from
2 FeedJournal Basic

Is Fighting for Smaller Government Racist?

by Daniel Greenfield @ the
Sultan Knish blog (Hija del Zion
para Israel - Daughter of Zion
for Israel)
Submitted at 7/27/2010 8:12:00 PM
When the NAACP allowed itself to
be used by the Democratic party to
try and smear a grass roots movement
for smaller government as racist, the
resulting controversy shone a light on
more than just racism by individuals
associated with the NAACP, but with
the organization’s inability to delink
class warfare from racism. If there is
one thing that both the white media
elites at Jornolist and the NAACP
leadership agreed on, it’s that fighting
for smaller government is racist.
The peculiar notion that reforming
government by reducing its size is
racist originates from the marriage of
racial equality with class warfare to
create the 40 Acres and a Mule
politics covering everything from
wealth redistribution to affirmative
action to social welfare programs– all in the process that same leadership resegregate schools or lunch counters, power, Federal power is not moral, it
under the aegis of the federal marginalized more qualified people as many times as liberal political serves the interests of those who
government. And yet this same brand within the black community, while bloggers may try and market that wield it, who in turn use everyone
of 40 Acres and a Mule politics teaching the lesson that aspiration and particular smear. Instead the Tea else. To see such a system as
underlies the particular tragedy of the ability did not matter, only Party is an attempt to salvage the dangerous and unstable is not racist,
black community, whose leaders connections and politics did. financial viability of the Middle Class it is common sense.
traded in aspiration and equality for Affirmative action politics closed far that has traditionally been America’s The same system that has
government handouts, forcing them more doors than it opened, but those only reliable bastion of political and marginalized black politics to a few
to make the argument over and over who got through the open door knew social equality. And their targets are handpicked candidates running in
again that there can be no social exactly what they owed it to. Creating not Eisenhower’s forced gerrymandered districts, has done the
justice without total government racial quotas as a way to select desegregation and challenges to same thing to the voice of the black
control. leaders was an effective tool for States’ Rights, a Republican community as a whole. Just as it has
When the Democratic party was perpetuating the same system over President, but the out of control done to other groups across the
forced to make the transition from a and over again, marginalizing black government expansion that began United States. This plantation politics
party of Northern businessmen and candidates and business owners as a with FDR’s New Deal, which that promises protection in return for
Southern plantation owners, after two whole, while rewarding a select few enforced racial segregation and fealty is not only degrading and
Republican Presidents, Abraham who would then be in a position to plunged the country deeper into the undemocratic, it is dangerous to
Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt, put praise and maintain things the status depression. everyone involved. And as the current
a severe dent in their Southern quo. Wealth Redistribution will never escalation of Federal power threatens
plantations and the Northern business The racism charge leveled against solve the black community’s to destroy the Middle Class for good,
offices that had formerly given the the Tea Party is the doing of a problems, only worsen them. Which it is important for everyone who
party a death grip on the country’s leadership that sees itself as may be why most of the greatest believes in individual achievement
economy– it did so by redefining the completely dependent on the Federal African-American inventions took and aspiration to join together and
“Company Store” to mean the government, so much so that it finds place before it, not after. All that protect their present and their future
Federal government. The Republican any talk of reducing it to be spending has not helped the black from out of control spending and big
notion of individual rights and free dangerous and threatening. And as community, in part because while the government.
labor met the new Democratic notion the Democratic party has identified spending may use social welfare as a Hija del Zion para Israel Support
of ward boss handouts at the Federal itself closely with the domestic justification, it is mostly directed at Israel
level in a battle for the soul of the expansion of government and wealth building up the size of government • ‘Palestinians’ pushing Dayton
Black community, and the Democrats redistribution politics, it has been able itself. The gargantuan bureaucratic out'Palestinians' pushing Dayton out
won. Not immediately, not to manipulate the black community, structures that form as a result only I have discussed many times on this
conclusively and not absolutely– but to appropriate its decision making perpetuate poverty for everyone, blog the so-called 'Dayton forces,' the
they won, and the NAACP’s powers and use it as a political tool, while feeding money to a small group 'Palestinians' trained by US Genera...
leadership demonstrates why. while virtually eliminating its actual of insiders who are politically • Comedy Central’s Signs of Regret
The black leadership has gained political clout. The sad state of affairs connected enough to benefit from it. Comedy Central's Signs of Regret
distinct advantages for itself as a in which the official black leadership The Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Signs of regret at Comedy Central?
separate class, while disadvantaging damns anyone who doesn’t toe the disasters in which black homeowners Their I.S.R.A.E.L. Attack! game is
the black community as a whole. Democratic party line as Uncle Toms were saddled with debt, that was then still online, but CC no longer features
Civil rights leaders who made their and “not real black people” reveals resold worldwide by bankers and it so prominently. Also, their
money on lawsuit shakedowns and just who really calls the shots in this brokers, is a typical example of what introductory video has...
diversity training seminars, corporate arrangement. And it is not the black happens and where the money really • World Zohar Convention 2010 in
executives and business owners who leadership, which gets trotted out goes. New-York, Lesson 3 Lecturer: Rav
got where they were through when the Democratic party needs Investing more money and power in Michael LaitmanDate: 2010-05-
affirmative action programs that them, and gets told to go home when the Federal government is short- 07Video: ENG 95.87MB Audio:
encouraged companies to hire one it doesn’t. Which is no different than sighted and unwise. Before the ENG 17.09MB ...
black executive for appearance not the treatment accorded to women’s or Federal government was forcing open
merit, and rewarded minority Jewish groups. schoolhouses, it was forcibly Original post source
business owners for the color of their The attacks hurled at the government segregating Northern neighborhoods.
skin, rather than for results– helped reforms advocated by Tea Party Before it was filing lawsuits on behalf
create a black leadership that owed its groups rely on invoking sixties racist of black homeowners, it was
position and power to government boogeymen about States’ Rights, but demanding that Northern states return
intervention, rather than ability. And the Tea Parties are not fighting to escaped slaves. Like all centralized
FeedJournal Basic 3

Israel Eradicates Bedouin Village in Negev

by Richard Silverstein (Hija del
Zion para Israel - Daughter of
Zion for Israel)
Submitted at 7/27/2010 6:49:01 PM

Tearful homeless children of Al

Arabikh (
How desolate sits the city that was
full of people,
How she has become as a widow that
was great among the nations
–Jeremiah 1:1
This is the month of Av, the saddest
of the Jewish year because the 9th of
the month commemorates the
destruction of the Second Temple by
the Romans. On this fast day, we
read Jeremiah who provides a
powerful keening narrative of the
So it seems only fitting in a perverse
sort of way that today, the Israelis
government crossed a new threshold
of horror and despoilation. The
Bedouin village of Al Arakibh,
consisting of 40 families and 300
people, and which has existed in this
place for hundreds of years, was
erased by Israeli bulldozers. 1,500
soldiers armed with tear gas and a heartbeat. similar Arab villages which were Impunity For the first time since the
water cannon, along with helicopters Inexplicably and even more emptied and destroyed during the Gaza war Israel has…
mounted their assault on the horrifically, CNN is reporting that Nakba.
defenseless place. How desolate sits eyewitnesses say the police brought But such an attempt at erasure of Related posts brought to you by Yet
the village that was full of people. busloads of Israeli Jews who cheered history will not work this time. The Another Related Posts Plugin.
A dove sits amid the broken the destruction. Is this really world has seen and taken notice. The Hija del Zion para Israel Support
remnants of Al Arabikh possible? Or is this a sick joke? Is story has been on CNN already. Israel
( this what Israel is coming to when the Jewish Voice for Peace’s blog • Tom Segev Critically Reviews
They rounded up these indigenous State buses in cheerleaders for its features a heartbreaking interview Benny Morris’ new book,
Israeli citizens, among the poorest of policies of Bedouin ethnic cleansing. with an eyewitness activist which you ’1948?“1948: A History of the first
all in Israel, and placed them in The village had appealed the can hear here. I’m also working on Arab-Israeli War” by Benny Morris –
collection points much like Jews were government eviction order and won a translating from Hebrew another A War of Necessity Translated from
herded from their own shtetls into stay from the Israeli Supreme Court. powerful eyewitness account featured English: Yaacov Sharet. Published by
ghettos during the Holocaust. The So I’m not sure how this happened, on Facebook. Am Oved In his new book, 1948,
only difference is that Israel isn’t except to say that court rulings in I am sorry to say that this is not a one Benny Morris presents his reade...
going to send them to the gas. Israel are different than here. -off event as Israel eradicated a West • Haaretz Headline Convicts Israeli
Instead, it will merely leave them to They’re more advisory than Bank village a few days ago in a Palestinian Mother of Espionage
their own devices in the midst of the compulsory. And it appears that yet similar fashion. In this case, it simply Even Before Trial Police arrest fourth
barren desert. This won’t be a death again the State was able to evade the declared the village a military zone suspect in case of espionage against
sentence for them though since these rule of law. and–poof–it was gone. 30 other Israel blares a Haaretz headline about
are the people of the desert. What gives Israel the right to do Bedouin villages have the same status the arrest of an Israeli Palestinian
They will merely wait for the this? What gives Israel the right to as Al Arabikh and face the same mother, whose son had earlier been
bulldozers and soldiers to leave and determine that these native people potential fate unless the numbskull arrested as part of the same al...
then rebuild what has been wrenched who’ve lived in this precise spot since bureacrats who devised this policy • Israel’s Media Equivalent of J.
from their grasp. Much like the before the existence of the State, must are shown the error of their blockhead Edgar Hoover on Way Out Danny
Hilltop Youth who rebuild illegal leave simply because the State ways. Seaman, who for ten years has been
outposts after they are demolished, determines that this area much be Related posts: acting director of the Israeli
with the major difference that the Arab-rein? Yes, the government has • Israel Shuns Syrian Negotiations Government Press Office, is being
Bedouin have inhabited this place for decreed that only Jews can live in this The Netanyahu government has done forced out of his job. It is his
centuries and predating the State’s part of the Negev. In fact, the JNF a total about face from… responsibility to issue and oversee
founding. And with the further plans to aid and abet this ethnic • Eric Cantor Leads Republican foreign reporters’...
difference that so far the Bedouin cleansing by planting one of its AIPAC-Hosted Israel Junket Rep.
have not stoned anyone or burned famous forests where the village Eric Cantor, who has the distinction Original post source
anything or beat up anyone or killed stood. It must hope that it can of being the…
anyone. But if this dreadful policy eradicate all traces of the place, just • Israel to Pay $10-Million for UN
isn’t stopped that all could change in as it has done with hundreds of Gaza War Assault, First Chink in

Introducing "Calming Waters"

by LazerBeams (Hija del Zion Waters,” available online for Israel Air Force drops equipment at LaitmanDate: 2010-07-11Video:
para Israel - Daughter of Zion immediate purchase here at the Saudi base, US forces on Iran- ENG 30.3MB Audio: ENG 5.4MB ...
for Israel) Breslev Israel Store. Azerbaijan border A • Daily Quote: Adar 23, 5770 –
Hija del Zion para Israel Support report on Wednesday from the FARS March 9, 2010 You're not as great as
Submitted at 7/27/2010 5:01:00 PM Israel News Agency in Ir... you think, and the world is not as bad
Introducing “Calming Waters” We • Report: Israel Air Force drops • Part 3: Talmud Eser Sefirot, as it seems-- Rabbi Wolf of Strikov...
are delighted to announce the release equipment at Saudi base, US forces volume 2, part 7, page 549, item 7,
of our new musical CD “Calming on Iran-Azerbaijan border Report: lesson 7 Lecturer: Rav Michael Original post source
4 FeedJournal Basic
How much went to the
Wikileaks Afghanistan: powerful jihad? U.S. can’t find
$8.7 billion in Iraq
police chief was Iranian spy funds
by Robert (Hija del Zion para have had links with Iran stretching | by Robert (Hija del Zion para
Israel - Daughter of Zion for back to the time of the war against the | Israel - Daughter of Zion for
Israel) invading Soviet forces the 1980s. Hija del Zion para Israel Support Israel)
“It was reported that [X] is a Israel
Submitted at 7/27/2010 6:22:29 PM Submitted at 7/27/2010 6:06:48 PM
notorious criminal in Afghanistan and • Video: Flotilla of fools chant ‘Kill
Wikileaks Afghanistan: powerful a spy for the Iranian Revolutionary Jews for Allah’ on al-Jazeera Video: How much went to the jihad? U.S.
police chief was Iranian spy Here Guard Corps (IRGC),” the report Flotilla of fools chant 'Kill Jews for can’t find $8.7 billion in Iraq funds
again we see that those in authority alleges. Allah' on al-Jazeera Winning hearts and minds. None
had no mechanism for and/or no “During the time of the jihad in Lest anyone debate the intentions of could have gone to the jihad, you
interest in distinguishing “moderates” Afghanistan against the Russians, [X] the passengers on the flotilla of fools, say? And why not, exactly? What
who merited being given powerful did not participate in the jihad, but ... effective safeguards were in place to
positions in post-Taliban Afghanistan went into Iran and became a spy for • Rashid Khalidi’s dream come true? ensure that those who received
from Islamic supremacists and the IRGC. Rashid Khalidi's dream come true? money in Iraq had no sympathies for
jihadists. And even they had cared to “By order of the IRGC, the jihadi On Sunday, CNN's Fareed Zakaria the jihad? With the U.S. government
make such a distinction and tried to commanders in western Afghanistan interviewed former JPost editor and in massive denial about the nature of
do so, how could they have gone were to protect [X] and help him current Wall Street Journal editor the jihad doctrine and Islamic
about it? “Wikileaks Afghanistan: attain a government job. Bret Ste... supremacism itself, it is nothing short
police chief doubled as Iranian spy,” “In this way, [X] became [a] chief of • Correction: Ma’ariv story on of inconceivable that any such
by John Bingham in the Telegraph, police.” nuclear scientists wrong From safeguards were in place. “Audit: US
July 27: While he was chief of police, says Pajamas Media:On April 8, 2010, I cannot account for $8.7B in Iraqi
A powerful Afghan police chief the report, he “encouraged the wrote an article in this space implying funds,” by Tarek El-tablawy for AP,
doubled as an Iranian spy and drugs farmers of Bala Bluk, Khaki Safeed, that the Obama administration had July 28:
lord, a leaked US report claims. and Bagwa districts, Farah province, instituted a new policy restricting BAGHDAD – A U.S. audit has
The man, described as a “notorious to start to cultivate poppies”…. entry to the United States for Israeli found that the Pentagon cannot
criminal” is said to have secured his Posted by Robert on July 27, 2010 nuclear s... account for over 95 percent of $9.1
position through the influence of 6:22 PM billion in Iraq reconstruction money,
Iran’s Revolutionary Guard over local | No Comments Original post source spotlighting Iraqi complaints that
warlords in southern Afghanistan…. Print this entry there is little to show for the massive
It recounts how the man, named in | Email this entry HOW page 5
redacted versions only as X, is said to | Digg this

Wedding Anniversary
by Kumah (Hija del Zion para only brought you closer together.
Israel - Daughter of Zion for May we all merit beautiful, soul-
Israel) completing marriages – both to our
spouses and to our Land. And may
Submitted at 7/27/2010 4:03:52 PM the G-d of Israel join us once again
With profound gratitude to G-d and under the chuppah, in song and dance
sincere joy, I report that my husband on Mount Moriah.
and I have just celebrated our 8th Hija del Zion para Israel Support
wedding anniversary! Though Yishai Israel
is shuttling all over the United States • Kidnapped by Israel and abandoned
on his speaking tour, his one day off by Britain – Middle East, World -…
miraculously fell on that auspicious Kidnapped by Israel and abandoned
day, and we basically sat around by Britain A British-born al-Jazeera
feeling blessed and happy to be producer recalls his ordeal on the
together. Gaza flotilla A wounded activist on
Having this anniversary, and feeling the Marmara after ... ...
so honored and grateful for this • The Game Like a matching game,
goodness in my life, I started thinking each act of beauty uncovers another
about how marriage to your spouse face of the infinite. Each generation
and commitment to Israel are so completes its part of the puzzle. Until
related. the table is set and prepared. Until all
Israel is your bashert (your that remains ...
intended). You love Israel, you want find yourself saying, even enviously. difficulties and uniting out of a deep • Re: Labour Friends Of Israel Lobby
to be with Israel, you want to share Maybe another land would pose less desire to always be together, to never Jewish BICOM – Is Criticism Of
great joys all the time with Israel – challenges, would seem to suit you give up. More than that, it means Israel Antisemitism Some REAL
just like your spouse (hopefully). But more harmoniously, provide you using the hardships, the occasional jews telling it like it is. Zionist
that doesn’t mean there aren’t other more comforts. disharmony, to grow, to learn, to Propaganda Debunked. Labour
nice lands out there. ”Gosh, this one’s But this is not what your marriage – become wiser, to perfect that to Friends Of Israel Lobby Jewish
pretty good looking”, you might say or your homeland – is all about. which you so wholeheartedly BICOM - Is Criticism Of Israel
about one. ”This one is so chilled out Yeah, you might cry sometimes. You committed so many years ago. And Antisemitism Is Criticism Of Isr...
and easy going,” you could say about might get frustrated, feel detached, or with G-d’s help, it yields moments of
another. ”Things seem to flow so just want to stomp your feet and yell. deep satisfaction and communion, as Original post source
naturally with this one,” you could But true love means putting aside the you realize that the hard times have
FeedJournal Basic 5
A classification
system for
libraries of Judaica
by paraisrael (Hija del Zion
para Israel - Daughter of Zion
for Israel)
Submitted at 7/27/2010 7:20:05 PM

A classification system for libraries

of Judaica
To find more information on
Rowman & Littlefield titles, please
Rating:(out of 3 reviews)
List Price:
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Hija del Zion para Israel Support
• The Jerusalem Talmud: First Order:
Zeraiim, Tractates Terumot and
Ma’Serot (Studia Judaica) (German
Edition) The Jerusalem Talmud: First
Order: Zeraiim, Tractates Terumot

Are you ready for camel milk and Ma'Serot (Studia Judaica)
(German Edition) The original text
of the Jerusalem Talmud is here
established on the basis of the edit...
chocolate? • Candle Holders. Made in Israel. 6.5
tall. Coated Aluminum. Can be used
by Elder of Ziyon (Hija del Zion well as in luxury hotels and private Israel for Shabbat and Jewish Holiday –
para Israel - Daughter of Zion airlines. Online shopping of al- • Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’s Haggadah: judaica Candle Holders. Made in
for Israel) Nassma chocolates will be launched Hebrew and English Text With New Israel. 6.5" tall. Coated Aluminum.
within a month. Essays and Commentary by Jonathan Can be used for Shabbat and Jewish
Submitted at 7/27/2010 7:34:00 PM The Gulf is the best place to launch S a c k s I S B N 1 3 : Holiday Candle SticksSabbat and
From Al Arabiya: camel milk chocolate since it is home 9780826428257Condition: USED - Jewish Holiday6.5" Coated
Less than a year after its to the best camel breeds and camel VERY GOODNotes: Product AluminumMade in IsraelGold Plated
establishment, the Dubai-based first milk is part of its diet due to its Description"The seder service on Holders G...
camel milk chocolate company is numerous benefits, said Martin Van Pesach is the oldest surviving ritual in • Tora, wer wird dich nun erheben?:
now ready to invade global markets Almsick, al-Nessma general manager the Western world, dating back some [Piyutim mi-Magentsa] : Pijutim
with a new flavor to the world’s most and former manager of the chocolate 3,300 years....Through t... mimagenza : religiose Dichtungen der
popular sweet. museum in Cologne, Germany. • Protecting Yourself From Love Juden aus dem mittelalterlichen
In October 2009, Dubai ruler Sheikh “Camel milk is healthier than cow And Hate – Kabbalah Moments – Mainz (Bibliotheca Judaica) (German
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum milk,” he told Al Arabiya. “It July 14, 2010 Tweet This Post Edition) Tora, wer wird dich nun
established al-Nassma which, in contains five times more vitamin C, Delicious Facebook Stumble It... erheben?: [Piyutim mi-Magentsa] :
partnership Austrian chocolate less fat, less lactose and more insulin. • Israel constantly being slandered by Pijutim mimagenza : religiose
manufacturer Manner, aiming at This makes it perfect for people with media – South Florida Sun-Sent… Dichtungen der Juden aus dem
producing 100 tons of the new diabetes and lactose intolerance.” Thomas Friedman must apologize for mittelalterlichen Mainz (Bibliotheca
product. Since al-Nassma chocolate is a his mendacious slandering of and, Judaica) (German Edition)
The world’s first camel chocolate luxury product, Van Almsick added, like many of his media cohorts, for Rating:...
will be exported to Arab countries as it will not be sold in supermarkets, constantly holding Israel to a separate
well as Europe, the United States and but one mall in each UAE city will set of moral st... ...
Japan. The company is planning to have an outlet.
sell its products at London’s Harrods. “ We aim to be the Godiva of the Original post source
Al-Nassma is currently selling its Middle East.”
products in the store attached to its Well, it could be worse.
farm, which houses 3,000 camels, as Hija del Zion para Israel Support
continued from page 4
funds pumped into their cash- The report by the Special Inspector | Haggadah:A Children and Family
strapped, war-ravaged nation. General for Iraq Reconstruction | Cartoon Haggadah for Passover Seder
The $8.7 billion in question was Iraqi accused the Defense Department of Hija del Zion para Israel Support Product DescriptionRichard Codor's
money managed by the Pentagon, not lax oversight and weak controls, Israel Joyous Haggadah: The Illuminated
part of the $53 billion that Congress though not fraud. • “Bind them as signs on thy hand…” Story of Passover. A concise modern
has allocated for rebuilding. It’s cash “The breakdown in controls left the Image taken on 2006-03-19 19:43:52 Haggadah children's haggadah, this is
that Iraq, which relies on volatile oil funds vulnerable to inappropriate uses by chaim zvi.... a great family haggadah for beginners
revenues to fuel its spending, can ill and undetected loss,” the audit • Israel arrests major terrorist in or anyone who sp...
afford to lose. said…. Ramallah From Ha'aretz:Israel
“Iraq should take legal action to get Yep. Defense Forces soldiers late Saturday Original post source
back this huge amount of money,” Posted by Robert on July 27, 2010 arrested a top Hamas official in
said Sabah al-Saedi, chairman of the 6:06 PM Ramallah, suspected of leading
Parliamentary Integrity Committee. | 3 Comments military cells responsible for the
The money “should be spent for Print this entry murder of more than 70 Israelis over
rebuilding the country and providing | Email this entry the...
services for this poor nation.” | Digg this • Richard Codor’s Joyous
6 FeedJournal Basic
Taliban vows "jihad"
Jihad in Alaska against Pakistani
political party, says it is
by Home (Hija del Zion para From the Christian Science Monitor: Rockwood was living in Virginia
Israel - Daughter of Zion for Federal prosecutors this week when he converted to Islam around "enemy of Islam"
Israel) announced two different terrorism the beginning of 2002. Shortly after
cases involving American citizens converting, he began following the by Robert (Hija del Zion para
Submitted at 7/27/2010 9:54:46 PM who converted to Islam and were teach... Israel - Daughter of Zion for
[Excerpt:"All this is just further proof allegedly plotting acts of violent • VICTORY! No Muslim Israel)
that Al-Awalki has now surpassed jihad. Brotherhood MAS Mosque in Staten
Submitted at 7/27/2010 5:59:41 PM
Osama bin Laden as the world's most In one case, a Virginia man was Island[Excerpt: "The Muslim
influential Islamic jihadist. He's charged with trying to travel to American Society has been informed Taliban vows “jihad” against
American born, fluent in English and Somalia to join forces with Al that the sale of the convent will not Pakistani political party, says it is
media savvy: a perfect storm that has Shabab, an Al Qaeda-linked Islamist take place."] Atlas Shrugs July 23, “enemy of Islam” Here again we see
enabled him to act as a pied piper in militant group that the US has 2010 by Pamela Geller of Atlas that those whom Obama, John
recruiting young Western Muslims." designated a terrorist organization. Shrugs I just... Brennan, and so many others insist
] In the second, Alaska resident Paul • Virginia Man Accused of Providing have nothing to do with Islam
CBN News Rockwood pleaded guilty to Material Support to explicitly take upon themselves the
July 28, 2010 assembling a hit list of 15 targets for Terrorists[Excerpt: "The court mantle of Islamic purity and
by Erick Stakelbeck assassination or bomb attacks of affidavit indicates that in a series of authenticity. This is a cognitive
You may have already heard about those within the US who had interviews with federal law dissonance that no one in authority is
the northern VA leg of the below desecrated Islam. He has agreed to enforcement, Chesser allegedly showing any signs of addressing, and
story, as it got national play. But the serve an eight-year prison sentence. discussed in detail how he has yet it undercuts their entire strategy in
Alaska arrest got virtually no media Hija del Zion para Israel Support maintained several online profiles d... Afghanistan and elsewhere, including
attention. If there was any doubt Israel in regard to many domestic policies.
about the global reach of the • Alaskan Muslim Builds Terror Hit Original post source “Taliban says will continue ‘jihad’
jihad–and our old buddy Anwar al- List; Pleads Guilty[Excerpt: against ANP,” from the Daily Times,
Awlaki–this should put it to rest. "According to court documents, July 28:
MIRANSHAH: The Tehreek-e-

Change? British PM calls Gaza a Taliban Pakistan (TTP) said on

Tuesday that it was the duty of the
mujahideen to annihilate the Awami

‘prison camp’ National Party (ANP), as it was “not

only the enemy of the Taliban, but
Islam as well”. Talking to reporters
by Carl in Jerusalem (Hija del over telephone from an undisclosed
Zion para Israel - Daughter of location about the recent attacks on
Zion for Israel) the ANP, TTP spokesman Azam
Tariq said Pakhtuns could not tolerate
Submitted at 7/27/2010 4:10:00 PM
the existence of the ANP in the
Change? British PM calls Gaza a region, as the party was an enemy of
‘prison camp’ Anyone who thought Islam. The spokesman added that it
Britain’s Conservative party was pro- was the need of the hour to
Israel needs to think again. Or exterminate the ANP and the Taliban
perhaps it’s just Nick Clegg’s or would continue jihad against the
Catherine Ashton’s influence. party.
British Prime Minister and Posted by Robert on July 27, 2010
Conservative party leader David 5:59 PM
Cameron was in Turkey on Tuesday | No Comments
where, among other things, he Print this entry
referred to Gaza (pictured) as a | Email this entry
‘prison camp’ and called Israel’s raid | Digg this
on a Turkish flotilla trying to run |
Israel’s legal blockade of Gaza ‘ |
completely unacceptable.’ Hija del Zion para Israel Support
Israel’s May 31 interception of a Israel
Gaza-bound aid flotilla was term was a measure of Britain’s Dubai police chief Inspector Tamim • Fahrenheit Fair Enough Fahrenheit
“completely unacceptable,” British acknowledgment of Turkey as a (which means naive in Hebrew) has Fair Enough...
Prime Minister David Cameron said critical ally in a conflict-prone region, ordered all 'spies' to leave his... • Plan B At the outset of Creation,
Tuesday during an address to Turkish much as US President Barack Obama • Israel’s army chief: "We can’t let He removed all light. And that is the
businessmen. traveled to Turkey, NATO’s only Gaza become an Iranian port" Israel's source of all that ever goes wrong.
In a reference to Israel’s blockade of Muslim member, in 2009 to boost a army chief: "We can't let Gaza Why did He remove the light? Why
the Strip, he said: “Gaza cannot and partnership despite differences on key become an Iranian port" did He choose that things could go
must not be allowed to remain a issues. ... w...
prison camp.” And you thought it was just Gordon • Stand up for Israel Last month I • Damon Weaver Interviews
He also commented that the world Brown and Labour…. toured East Jerusalem with an Israeli Holocaust Survivor Lisl Bogart – Part
needs Turkey’s help in pushing Iran posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 2:10 peace activist from the Israeli 2 In honor of 2010's Holocaust
to address international concerns AM Committee Against House Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah)
about its suspected nuclear weapons Hija del Zion para Israel Support Demolition. We saw Israeli student reporter Damon Weaver
program. Israel archeological excavations ... ... interviewed Holocaust survivor Lisl
Cameron went on to declare that • Inspector Tamim orders spies to Bogart. Mrs. Bogart was only a year
Britain was a staunch backer of leave Dubai Inspector Tamim orders Original post source older t...
Turkey’s troubled bid to join the spies to leave Dubai
European Union. His visit early in his Original post source
FeedJournal Basic 7

by Carl in Jerusalem (Hija del
Zion para Israel - Daughter of
Zion for Israel)
Submitted at 7/27/2010 5:20:00 PM

Overnight music video Mordechai

Ben David with the Toras Emes Boys
Choir singing Memories at a concert
in Los Angeles.att the Yeshivas Toras
Emes of Los Angeles, CA Tribute
dinner to Dr. Abbott”. May16, 2010.
The Song Memories was released in
1981 on the Album Memories. The
Melody was composed by
Yerachmeil Begun and the lyrics
were written by MBD to his mother
who had then L”A passed.
Let’s go to the videotape.
posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 3:20
Hija del Zion para Israel Support
• Suleiman: Lebanon cannot and
must not tell Hezbullah to disarm
Suleiman: Lebanon cannot and must
not tell Hezbullah to disarm
Unwilling to risk his own life or to
risk a civil war in his country,
Lebanese Pre...
• Oklahoma State Senator Aims To
Stop ‘Liberal Judges’ From Imposing
Sharia Law Oklahoma State Senator
Aims To Stop ‘Liberal Judges’ From
Imposing Sharia Lawby
sheikyermami on June 13,
2010TPMOklahoma State Senator
Rex Duncan (R) is pushing for a
ballot measure that w...

Iranian Dictatorship • Sex and the City 2: Anti-Muslim,

or dhimmi to a fault? Sex and the
City 2: Anti-Muslim, or dhimmi to a
by Yaakov Kirschen (Hija del Accordingly, a consortium of Hija del Zion para Israel Support
Zion para Israel - Daughter of f a u l t ?
international law scholars, human Israel
Zion for Israel) . . .
rights advocates, former government • A message to President Mahmoud
leaders, parliamentarians and Iranian Ahmadinejad of Iran Image taken on
Submitted at 7/27/2010 8:00:00 PM Original post source
activists for democracy and freedom 2006-03-19 17:33:24 by malias....
You would think the kind of — The Responsibility to Prevent • Generation Gap Watching current
genocidal behavior displayed by the Coalition — has released a report on events is like watching a crash scene
Ahmadinejad government in Tehran the danger of a nuclear, genocidal, in an eighties movie. Everything
would be in violation of international and rights-violating Iran. seems to be happening in slow
law! Well, apparently there are some Let there be no mistake about it: Iran motion ...but moving towards its
experts who also think so. The legal is in violation of international legal inevitable conclusion. A new set of
petition for action mentioned in prohibitions against the development "Axis Powers...
today’s cartoon is real. Here’s Irwin and proliferation of nuclear weapons; • Civility- an essential weapon in
Cotler (Canadian Liberal MP and Iran has already committed the crime Israel’s defense Recently, on a
former Justice Minister of Canada) as of incitement to genocide prohibited University of California campus,
quoted in the Ottawa Citizen: under the Genocide Convention; Iran several dozen students repeatedly and
“We are witnessing in Ahmadinejad’s is a leading state-sponsor of brutally interrupted my lecture. Their
Iran the toxic convergence of four international terrorism; and Iran is goal was to undermine the freedom of
distinct dangers: the nuclear threat; engaged in widespread and expression and delegitimize the
the genocidal incitement threat; state- systematic violations of the rights of Israel...
sponsored terrorism; and the its people.”- more
systematic and widespread violations -Dry Bones- Israel’s Political Comic Original post source
of the rights of the Iranian people. Strip Since 1973
8 FeedJournal Basic
Netanyahu and Abdullah Conduct
Secret Meeting – Defense/Middle East
– Israel News – Israel National News
by NoahDavidSimon (Hija del
Zion para Israel - Daughter of
Zion for Israel)
Submitted at 7/27/2010 3:47:00 PM

King Abdullah of Jordan via
how much do you want to bet that
this meeting happening has
something to do with a back room
negotiation involving Obama’s
released McLaughlin poll on Obama
Ten youngsters take Cameron uses Turkish
people? Obviously Obama wanted
diplomatic relations with the PLO. re-released For some memorable trip to Israel visit to launch ferocious
reason, Arutz Sheva discovered on
Obama got what he wanted and the
Sunday the McLaughlin poll I
– Miami-Dade – attack on Israel
diplomatic meeting between Jordan
and Israel was the hush money to discussed here and here (Hat Tip: MiamiHe… by israel (Hija del Zion para
keep Bibi quiet. Le... Israel - Daughter of Zion for
• Remarks by IDF Officials at IAF by israel (Hija del Zion para Israel)
noahdavidsimon’s posterous Israel - Daughter of Zion for
Hija del Zion para Israel Support Flight School Graduation Ceremony,
1 Jul. 2010 Remarks by IDF Chief of
Israel) Submitted at 7/27/2010 4:01:00 PM
• Mitchell promises ‘Palestinians’ no the General Staff, Lt. Gen. Gabi Submitted at 7/27/2010 8:05:00 PM By Catrina Stewart in Jerusalem
building in ‘east’ Jerusalem during Ashkenazi, during the IAF Flight David Cameron signalled a
School graduation ceremony: “Dear Ten youngsters take memorable trip
‘proximity talks’ Mitchell promises toughening stance on Israel yesterday
soldiers, the skies of the Middle East, to Israel isiting the Israel is one of the
'Palestinians' no building in 'east' by comparing the besieged Gaza Strip
which you are soon about to e... things that is on the “bucket list”
Jerusalem during 'proximity talks' to “a prison camp” and urgi…
(things to do before you die) for
London-based Al-Quds Al-Arabi Hija del Zion para Israel Support
reported on Saturday that... Original post source Israel
TEN page 9
• McLaughlin poll on Obama re- • Lebanon Leader Rejects Israel
Accusations About Scuds By
I like the attempt to reflect Lebanon — Lebanon's prime minister
has dismissed Israeli accusations that
Syria has been providing Scud
equivalence, but they don’t treat the missiles to the Hezbollah m...
• Overnight music video Overnight

music video I can't

UK like Jews believe I found this so quickly.At the
wedding tonight, this kid (who has to
be about 10-11 and is quite well
by NoahDavidSimon (Hija del
Zion para Israel - Daughter of known...
Zion for Israel) • Salt Blocks in the Sea and Hotels in
Background, Ein Bokek Hotel Resort,
Submitted at 7/27/2010 4:15:00 PM Dead Sea, Israel Photographic Poster
Leaks on mass civilian casualties in Print by Eitan Simanor, 12×16 Salt
Afghanistan could form basis for Blocks in the Sea and Hotels in
Goldstone style prosecutions against Background, Ein Bokek Hotel Resort,
American, Britain and other coalition Dead Sea, Israel Photographic Poster
countries. via Print by Eitan Simanor, 12x16
Hija del Zion para Israel Support Photographic Print Title: Salt Blocks
Israel in the Sea and Hote...
• Iranian Dictatorship You would
think the kind of genocidal behavior Investigations into Incidents during Click to Play ...there is a fallacy Original post source
displayed by the Ahmadinejad Operation Cast Lead, The IDF going viral around involving Israel,
government in Tehran would be in Military Advocate General, Maj. South Africa and #GoldstoneAmerica
violation of international law! Well, Gen. Avichai Mendelblit, has decided allied with Stalin to destroy Hitler.
apparently there are some experts to take legal action regarding a Goldsto...
who also think so. ... number of incidents that occurred
• IDF Military Advocate General during Operation Cast Lead, Original post source
Takes Disciplinary Action, 6 Jul. following his examination of...
2010 Indicts Soldiers Following • Israel, South Africa and #Goldstone

Crazed Crusaders, Angel Join Herod’s Sauna in

$100 Million Israel M…
by israel (Hija del Zion para of the wall that faces Me… of Gaza By Hazel Ward AGENCE proposes immigrant contract should
Israel - Daughter of Zion for Hija del Zion para Israel Support FRANCE-PRESSE JERUSALEM | include burkas, FGMForeigners who
Israel) Israel Israel on Sunday vowed to prevent a come to live in France should sign a
• Naming names Naming names Libyan aid ship from running the contract recognising that the wearing
Submitted at 7/27/2010 4:17:00 PM The Likud believes it knows who is Gaza blockade after it appeared to be of the full Islamic veil is banned, a
By Gwen Ackerman – Tue Jul 27 behind the embarrassing timing of headin... ... m...
23:00:01 UTC 2010 A mihrab at the (notifications of) housing approvals • France: Minister proposes
Israel Museum in Jerusalem. The that has made Prime Minist... immigrant contract should include Original post source
mihrab, which is a niche in the center • Israel vows to keep Libyan ship out burkas, FGM France: Minister
FeedJournal Basic 9
continued from page 8
many peopl… Rahma TV (Egypt) -...
Hija del Zion para Israel Support • Salmos 63-Tehillim 63-Psalm 63 I
Israel offer and dedicate this song of praise
• Israel spy chief gets boot for to my Heavenly Father, Y-shua Ha
bungled hit by Zoriah Israel spy chief M'shiach, the Almighty Gd. Gloria a
gets boot for bungled hit TEL AVIV, D-os! This is on my family's newest
Israel, June 29 (UPI) -- In the fallout CD. Visit
from the bungled assassination of a
Hamas gunrunner in Dubai in Original post source
January, Prime Minister Benyam...
• Islamist Indoctrination of Children
With Antisemitism#2093 - Egyptian
Cleric Teaches a Child to Memorize
Antisemitic Messages on Al-Rahma
TV and Explains: The Understanding
of What He Said Will Come. Al-

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