Final Progect Intel

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By: Santiago Camacho, Juan Manuel Valencia, Alejandro Rengifo.

Our goals for having a good sustainability are:

Take care the people and the planet and be an inspiration for the new
Make a good use of the money they receive
That their products that they make need to in the best of the market

Economic pillar:
Has a widespread economic
impact throughout all sectors of
the US economy due to its
massive domestic operations,
investments, supply chain
ecosystem, and distribution
They are one of the biggest
companies so they produce a lot
of work for some of the needed people of the world.
In 2012 it employed 53,200 workers. And paid out a total of $9.3 billion
in wages and salaries and benefits.

In intel the people is constantly
learning, in the classroom in the
job and through a nontraditional
developments opportunity that
intel gives to they.
The employees in intel can
advance in their professional
careers by an assignment
programs and by providing coverage for employs at sabbatical level.
They provide access to the health of their employees.

In Intel they try that most of the buildings of the company this auto
sustained by the renewable energies like the solar, Eolic etc.
They try not to use so many resources and try to find better ways so
that they do not cost more and not take away so many resources to
the earth that helps us to expand and improve the quality of the
They try to help the new generations to take into account the use of
new energies and that the environment is our home, do not harm it;
Give education to some parts so they know how to help the world

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