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Harkunwar Ghuman

7801 Titan Drive

Antelope Ca, 95843

Governor Jerry Brown

c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, Ca 95814

To Whom It May Concern:

New laws passing, new everything since Donald Trump is our new President. Their are
more refugees than their was before. Obama let in 84,995 refugees in the fiscal year
ending in September 2016, the most in any year during the Obama administration
(pewresearch) So we can say, we should let in less due to the attacks?

My name is Harkunwar Ghuman, and I am a 15 year old male that is attending Antelope
High School in the state of California. I am a legal citizen. Yes, I agree it is a big risk to
take in refugees due to terrorism, spies lurking in the crowd.

It is hard to deny the fact that their are small kids who are in need of help and families
that are devastated to be safe from harm. But, since Donald Trump became president,
he is already making laws of not letting immigrants from other countries.

How would the people persuade Donald Trump to bring refugees in if he is going to do
that? As I think about this question, it is a 55% chance of letting even around 7,000
refugees into the U.S..

Thus, bringing up the book Night by Elie Wiesel, this goes way back to World War 2.
When Jews were held captive. If they were refugees back then then of course the
United States would have let them in. Because, the Jews were no threat, as for as
present day, Syrians have made many threats to us and killed people in the United

We are scared to let them in, we do want to help, it is the fear that is piling up in our
heads of upbringing bomb attacks, or ISIS disguised as a refugee.

I am in the agreement of both choices, no and yes. We have lots of reasons why we
should not let them in and minimal reasons why we should. Thus, helping people is
something we would do. Yet, our country does not have that much support to help many
refugees. We have homeless people with no jobs and nothing and how could we help
around 80,000 refugees if we can not help the homeless. Housing,land,money where
can get a refugee get the support. I mean if their is family then that is good.

Crime rates have increased in the UK after letting in refugees and offence. But, as for
my agreement around 20,000 refugees should enter or less because of the facts. Thank
You for your time, have a nice day.

Harkunwar Ghuman

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