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Low Cycle Fatigue Introduction

Finite or Infinite Fatigue Life?

Both infinite or finite fatigue life is possible and
can be analyzed
Only finite fatigue life is possible and should be x
analyzed using LCF-criteria x

Stress or Strain? x
Elastic material
Small strain increment -> large stress increment
Stresses close to (or at) the yield limit
Small stress increment -> large strain increment.
Best resolution if strains are employed in
fatigue model.
Solid Mechanics Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) Anders Ekberg
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LCF Introduction contd

Damage Mechanisms
Induced fatigue damage will be due to
global plasticity
local plasticity (same as in HCF)
For high load amplitudes (and/or high maximum
magnitudes of loading) global plasticity will be the
dominating cause
For low load magnitudes, the model should tend to
similar results as for HCF criteria (i.e. the Whler
Note that the static load carrying capacity must not be
exceeded. This must be checked separately

Solid Mechanics Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) Anders Ekberg

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Morrow Design Rule

According to Morrow, the relationship between

strain amplitude, a , and pertinent fatigue life, Nf
can be written as
= (2 Nf ) + f (2 Nf )
b c
a = ael + apl
E x
Nf is the number of load cycles to failure

log a
log f

f apl a = ael + apl
log el pl

0 2 4 6 log(2Nf )

Solid Mechanics Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) Anders Ekberg

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Mean Stress Effects

According to Morrow, the effect of a mean stress,

sm, can be taken into account by redefining the
criterion as

( f m )
a = ael + apl = (2 Nf ) + f (2 Nf )
b c
log a
m < 0

m > 0

0 2 4 6 log(2Nf )

Solid Mechanics Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) Anders Ekberg

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Coffin Manson Design Rule

For the elastic part, the relationship between strain amplitude

and fatigue life can be approximated by
UTS 0.12
ael = 1.75 Nf

The fatigue life in the plastic part can be approximated by

apl = 0.5 D0.6 Nf 0.6
where D is the ductility, defined as
D ln fra

This yields the Coffin Manson relationship

UTS 0.12
a = 1.75 Nf + 0.5D0.6 Nf 0.6

Solid Mechanics Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) Anders Ekberg

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LCF Design some notes

Comparison of the criteria

The Morrow criterion includes five material parameters
E, f , f , b, c
The Coffin Manson criterion includes three material
It is also possible to express the criteria using the strain
range, (and not the strain amplitude a ) in the
Coffin-Manson criterion (see Eq. 5h

a = 1% = 2% Nf = 103
a = 0.5% = 1% Nf = 10 4

Solid Mechanics Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) Anders Ekberg

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Stress and strain concentrations

Stress concentration
The stress concentration factor ahead of a
notch is defined as
max K K

In a similar manner, the strain Kt K > K
concentration factor ahead of a
notch is defined as
max K
If we load above the yield limit, which is
the case for LCF conditions, we get
and K K

Solid Mechanics Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) Anders Ekberg

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Neubers rule

K K = Kf2 where Kf = 1 + q( Kt 1)
which yields
max max = K K = Kf2
Assuming elastic conditions far from the
notch, we get the Neuber hyperbola
2 max
max max =
The equation of the Neuber hyperbola has Constitutive
two unknown
But, the stress must also fulfil constitutive hyperbola
relationship between stress and strain
Thus, two equations and two unknown

Solid Mechanics Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) Anders Ekberg

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