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Zenon Duong

288 Humboldt road, Brisbane, CA

Mr. Hoaglund
1 Solano Street
Brisbane, CA 94005

April 21, 2017

Dear Mr. Condon, Mr. Hoaglund, and Ms. Murphy:

I would like to provide service to positively affect the issue of Habitat Destruction for my
seventh-grade community service project.

This issue is important to me because I want to know where I live in and whats my
surroundings. I love plants, animals, and everything about nature, I heard news about people
destroying nature for houses, I dont really like that because if they destroy the San Bruno
Mountains, that means me and my friends cant go up there anymore. If there's too much trash
on places like mountains, fields, beaches, and other places, it wont be fun to go to these
places. People are cutting trees, and that destroy many animals and bugs home, then they have
to move, and have to find a different tree to find a new home. If we plant more trees, then we
can also help air pollution. This can help Earth, the planet we live in, Its just like if you
keep your home dirty, you wont like that, and Earth is our home, so we have to keep it
clean, and plant more plants, and trees.

Zenon Duong

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