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Chapter Summary netw rks

The Cold War Begins, 19451960

How did the Cold War shape postwar
international relations? How did Cold
War tensions affect American society?

This chapter discusses the postwar political scandals and the changing
atmosphere in the postWorld War I United States. This boom period
brought about new technologies that spurred economic growth and
cultural changes that shaped an era.

Origins of the Cold War The Cold War spread beyond Europe into
In 1944 the United Nations and the Human Asia; Chinese communists captured Beijing.
Rights Commission were formed. In June 1950 North Korean troops invaded
In 1945 the International Military Tribunal South Korea.
prosecuted Nazi leaders for war crimes. MacArthur was fired by Truman.
Churchill and Roosevelt agreed to In 1951 peace negotiations began with the
recognize the Polish communist armistice signed in 1953.
The United States signed the SEATO
The Declaration of Liberated Europe stated agreement.
all nations had the right to choose their

Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.
Germany was divided by the Allies. The Cold War and U.S.
Tensions between the Soviets and the
Fear of communism led to the Red Scare.
United States led to the Cold War.
The Loyalty Review Program screened
Truman and Stalin met in Potsdam.
federal employees.
Truman insisted that Germanys industry
The House Un-American Activities
be allowed to recover.
Committee began a witch-hunt focused
Soviets set up governments in Eastern on the film industry.
Europe creating the Iron Curtain.
Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs were
convicted of spying.
The Early Cold War Years The Soviets tested the hydrogen bomb,
The United States believed that Americans built fallout shelters, and
containment would cause the Soviet nuclear fears influenced books and movies.
system to fall apart.
Soviet agression in the Middle East,
Turkey, and Greece caused more tension.
Eisenhowers Cold War
The Truman Doctrine promised to fight the
Eisenhower beleived in massive
spread of communism.
The Marshall Plan gave aid to European
Brinkmanship was a bargaining tool.
Covert operations contained communism.
The Soviet blockade in Berlin led to a
military alliance with Western Europe and The Space Race began when Sputnik was
an agreement to create NATO. launched; NASA was founded.
Soviets shot down a U.S. U-2 spy plane.

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