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satisfied nor dissatisfied with response of bank employees for mail queries. By and large, 75.

per cent of the respondents of 25-45 years of age satisfied with response, of bank employees for
mail queries. The Chi-square value is significant at 1 per cent level and hence it can be inferred
that there is a strong relationship between age and satisfaction with response of bank employees
for mail queries. The age of the respondents has significant impact on the satisfaction of the
respondents with response of bank employees for mail queries.

Chi-square analysis has been computed for the variables age and satisfaction with the
schemes and the results are presented in the table 3.65.

Table 3.65
A e and Satisfaction with the schemes of ICICI
Chi-square p-value Satisfaction with the schemes

value Neither satisfied
35.07** 0.000 Satisfied Dissatisfied

Less than 25 yrs 0 nor dissatisfied

0 6 6
0.0% : 0.0% 14.6% 4.0%
25 - 35 yrs 28 24 11 63
66.7% 35.8% 26.8% 42.0%
35 - 45 yrs 6 33 14 53
14.3% 49.3% 34.1% 35.3%
More than 45 yrs 8 10 10 28
19.0% 14.9% 24.4% 18.7%
Total 42 67 41 150
100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0/o

The table 3.65 shows that 42 respondents extremely satisfied with the schemes of 1C1C1,
67 respondents neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with the schemes of ICICI and 41 respondents
dissatisfied with the schemes of ICICI. Majority of the respondents of less than 25 years
dissatisfied, 25-35 years and more than 45 years of age neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 35-


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