Madison County vs. City of Jackson

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Plaintiff, )
v. )
No. '7559L/
) l"IME_"ff=)a~.'l,_()_~0 _ _
Defendant. )

----f~J 7 fPY'--
L- -:PL, I y CLER "
COMES NOW the Plaintiff, Madison County, Tennessee (sometimes hereafter,

"County''), pursuant to the Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure, by and through its

attorneys of record, and files this Complaint against Defendant, City of Jackson,

Tennessee (sometimes hereafter, "City''), and in support thereof, Plaintiff would show

unto the Court as follows:


1. Plaintiff County is a political subdivision of the State of Tennessee.

2. Defendant City is a Tennessee municipality and may be served through its

City Attorney, Mr. Lewis Cobb, esq., at 312 E Lafayette St, Jackson, TN


3. This Court has jurisdiction and venue over these parties and the subject

matter of this Complaint.

4. This matter concerns the agreem
ent for funding of the Jackson-M
County School System. Prior
to 1989, County and City eac
h operated
separate and distinct school sys
5. Tennessee Code Annotated
67-6-701, et seq., also known
as the "1963
Local Option Revenue Act", gov
erns the adoption of a local option
sales tax
by counties and cities. The Ac
t provides that a county by res
olution, or a
city by ordinance, is authorize
d to levy a sales tax not to exc
eed 2.75%.
However, the Act further provid
es that 'Ta]ny ordinance .or res
olution of a
county or of a city or town lev
ying the tax under authority of
this pa rt sha ll
no t become operative until ap
pro ved in an election herein pro
vid ed in the
county or the city or town, as the
case ma y be ." Tennessee Code
67-6-706 (emphasis added).

6. Pursuant to Tennessee Code

An no tat ed 67-6-712(a), the dis
tribution of
revenue from an adopted local
option sales tax is as follows:
(1) One-half
() of the proceeds shall be exp
ended and distributed in the sam
e manner
as the county property tax for sch
ool purposes is expended and
and (2) the other one-half ()
as follows: (A) Collections for
exercised in unincorporated are
as, to such fund or funds of the
county as
the governing body of the county
shall direct; (8) Collections for
exercised in incorporated cities
and towns, to the city or town in
which the
privilege is exercised; (C) Howe
ver, a county an d city or tow
n ma y by
contract provide for other dis
tribution of the on e-h alf ( ) no
t allocated
to school purposes.
7. In 1988 (and continuing to the present day), a 1.5%
local option sales tax
was in effect (and continues in effect to this day)
whereby the revenue from
one-half of the tax (or 0.75%) is contributed to the
County education system,
while the revenue from the remaining one-half (0.75
%) is distributed to the
County or City, depending upon the point of colle
8. In July, 1988, by Joint Resolution (copy attached
as Exhibit 1), the City and
County, through its legislative bodies, committed
themselves to the pursuit
of consolidation of their respective school syste
ms pursuant to Tennessee
Code Annotated 49-2-1201, et seq. This inclu
ded the establishment of a
Planning Commission and its development
of a Consolidation Plan
(sometimes hereafter, "Plan"). Said Plan, consisting
of 26 sections (and an
appendix which is incorporated into the Plan
in Section 26), was
promulgated on March 7, 1989 (copy attached as
Exhibit 2).
9. The Joint Resolution of July, 1988, as well as
the Consolidation Plan
provided that funding of the consolidated scho
ol system would be by the
Madison County Commission. Among other benefits to the City, this

arrangement relieved (and presently relieves)

the City of the day to day
operation of its independent school system, while
significantly increasing
the County's education costs. Additionally, Sect
ion 21 of the Plan provided
the City with veto power over the disposition of
former City school property
which was consolidated. Significantly, the City was not dissolving or

eliminating its City School system; it was cons

olidating its school system
with that of the County. Hence, the consolidated
school system is not the
"Madison County School System"; it
is the "Jackson-Madison County
School System" (emphasis added).

10. The Plan contained an itemized operatin

g costs analysis which begins on
page 39 of the Plan appendix. This Plan
summarized the projected annual
costs and financial analysis of system
consolidation on pages 42 and 43 of
the Plan appendix (attached separately
as Exhibit 3). The summaries note
that, factoring in the amortization of cap
ital costs over a twenty year period
and utilizing the revenue from the 1.5 %
local sales tax in effect at the time,
there would be a projected shortfall of
$8,495,000 per year. The summary
further projects that if the local sales
tax increased by 1.25% (to 2.75%,
which is the statutory maximum for a
local-option sales tax pursuant to
Tennessee Code Annotated 67-6-702(a)
( 1)), with the full amount of that
increase being dedicated to the con
solidated school system, the
revenue from such increase would bala
nce the budget and eliminate the
projected shortfall.

11. Thereafter, a significant promotional

campaign was undertaken by the
Planning Commission in the first few mon
ths of 1989 to promote the Plan
(detailed in part on Page 48 of the Plan
appendix). The campaign included
multiple presentations at public meeting
s and through local broadcasts. It
also included presentations to the legi
slative bodies of the County and the
City, and public hearings, all pursuant
to Tennessee Code Annotated 49-
2-1206. The promotion of the Plan to the
public necessarily promoted all of
its aspects, including the adoption of an
increase in the local option sales
tax by 1.25%, dedicated wholly to fund
ing the consolidated school system,
as set forth in the aforementioned bud
getary materials. The Plan was
scheduled for presentation to the Madison
County Commission on February
20, 1989, to the Jackson City Council
on March 7, 1989, and Public
Hearings for both legislative bodies con
cerning the Plan were scheduled for
March 20, 1989.

12. The Madison County Board of Commis

sioners met on March 20, 1989 (a
meeting attended by the Jackson City
Commissioners, i.e., Council) and
approved, by Resolution, the propose
d Consolidation Plan pursuant to
Tennessee Code Annotated 49-2-120
6. (Madison County Commission
Minutes and Resolution, March 20, 198
9)(copy attached as Exhibit 4). The
Madison County Board of Commission
ers then, in the same meeting,
adopted a resolution pursuant to Tennes
see Code Ann ota ted 67-6-702
as follows: ''The adoption of a 1 [%]
increase in local sales tax will be
appropriated for use in education and only
for this purpose, and not for any
other use. The City and County Gov
ernment are in agreement that
money from this increase will go sol
ely toward this end.,, (Madison
County Commission Resolution, March I
20, 1989)(copy attached as Exhibit
5)(emphasis added). This was consist
ent with the Plan terms which were
being presented to the community for con
13. The Jackson City Council met on Apr
il 4, 1989 and likewise adopted a
Resolution adopting the proposed Consoli
dation Plan and referred the Plan
to the voters of Jackson for approval by refe
rendum. At the same meeting,
the City Council passed a Resolution as follo
WHEREAS, on May 25 [1989} a referendum
will be held to determine
whether schools in Jack son and Madison Cou
nty are consolidated;

WHEREAS, the pro pos ed plan calls for add

itional funding by
revenue gen erat ed from an increase of the
local option sales tax,
from 1.5% to 2. 75%; and

WHEREAS, T.C.A. 67-6 -712 provides the man

ner of distribution of
revenue from the sale s tax and provides that
one -hal f the tax be
distributed to the city or town in which the tax
is collected; and
WHEREAS, T.C.A. 67-6-712(2)(c) prov ides
that a cou nty and city
may by contract prov ide for other distribu
tion of the sales tax;

WHEREAS, the City of Jackson desires to

allocate all of its share of
the prop osed sale s tax increase ta education
and specifically to a
new ly crea ted cons olida ted school system.

NOW, THEREOFRE, be it resolved by the

City Council of Jackson,
Tennessee mee ting on this the 4th day of Apri
l, 1989 that the City of
Jackson here by agre es to relinquish its righ
t to its shar e of the
prop osed sale s tax so that all of the revenue
generated from said tax
may be devo ted to a consolidated scho ol syst
em in Jack son and
Madison County. If the pro pos ed pla
n of consolidation is not
approved, this resolution shall be nul
l and void.
(Minutes, Jackson City Council, Apr
il 4, 1989)(copy attached as Exhibit
6}(emphasis added).

14. Once the legislative bodies for the Cou

nty and the City adopted their
respective Resolutions in support of the
Plan and in support of the 1.25%
sales tax increase dedicated solely to
education, a Special Referendum
Election was subsequently scheduled
for May 25, 1989 for the citizens of
Jackson and the non-Jackson residen
t citizens of Madison County to vote
on both the Consolidation Plan and the
increase in the local sales and use
tax. The newspaper advertisement noti
fying citizens of the Election (copy
attached as Exhibit 7) combined and
presented these items in a single
advertisement. In addition, pursuant to
Tennessee Code Ann ota ted 49-
2-1206(b)( 1), the consolidation plan -
including the portions of the Plan
detailing the necessity of the full 1.25
% sales tax increase revenue to
balance the educational budget -
was filed with the Madison County
Election Commission, so as to inform the
public precisely upon what it was
voting. The Referendum ballot (copy atta
ched as Exhibit 8) likewise listed
both items together. The electorate, then
, was presented these items as a
package, just as the Plan and the tax
increase had been presented jointly
during the promotion of the plan and as
they had been linked in the City's
April 4, 1989 Resolutions . Having bee
n publicly informed by both the City
and the County's legislative bodies that
the proposed tax increase would be
dedicated solely to education, the ele
ctorate voted to approve the Plan and
the tax increase (see copy of vot
e totals from Madison County Ele
Commission, attached as Exhibit 9).

15. In addition, prior to and after the refe

rendum vote on the Consolidation
and tax increase, the City and Count
y school systems were operating und
the jurisdiction and close monitoring
of the United States District Cou
Western Section of Tennessee, Civ
il Action Nos. C-1327 and C-2209
(later consolidated as Civil Action
No. C-1327)(this continued from
until the Court determined the uni
fied school system had achieved
unitary status in 2010). On June
7, 1989, the City and County join
moved the United States District Co
urt to approve the Consolidation Pla
- which necessarily included the
portions of the Plan detailing the
necessity of the full revenue fro
m the 1.25% sales tax increase
balance the educational budget-
which had been approved by voters
weeks earlier (copy attached as Exh
ibit 10).
16. Since the approval of the Plan and
Local Option Sales Tax Increase
Referendum of May 25, 1989, the
City has without interruption applied
portion of the local option sales tax
revenue from the 1.25% increase to
education budget of Madison Cou
nty as agreed and as promoted to
voters of Madison County during
the campaign for Plan approval in

17. In 1999, ten years into the agreem

ent to dedicate its portion of the
sales tax revenue to education, the
Jackson City Council spoke on the
matter again. The City Council noted that under the collec
tion process in
place at the time, the Madison County Trustee was, pursu
ant to Tennessee
Code Anno tated 8-11-110, retaining a one percent (1%)
collection fee on
the funds collected pursuant to the local option sales tax.
The City Council
then passed a Resolution signed by then Mayor Charles
Farmer instructing
the State of Tennessee to pay directly to the City its share
of the revenue
derived from the 1.25% sales tax increase approved in
the May 25, 1989
referendum in order that the City could directly pay this mone
y to the school
system and avoid the 1% collection fee.

18. In the 1999 Resolution, and in support thereof, the City Coun
cil stated:
WHEREAS, on March 20, 1989, the Madison Coun ty Boar
d of
Commissioners pass ed a Resolution authorizing the impos
ition of a
1 % increase in the local option sales tax; and

WHEREAS, Madison County, Tennessee agree d that the

in local sales tax will be appropriates [sic] for use in educa
tion and
only for this purpose and not for any other purpose." The
City and
Coun ty gove rnme nt are in agree ment that the mon ey
from this
increase will go solel y towards this end; and

WHEREAS, contrary to the specific agreement set forth

in the
Resolution as pass ed by the City of Jackson and Madi
County, the funds earmarked solely for education have
diver ted by the Madison County Trustee by a device where
in said
Trustee has retained one per cen t (1
%) fee for collection in
contravention of the agreement bet
ween the City and Madison
County, Tennessee; ....


TION SALES TAX)(copy attached as
Exhibit 11 )(emphasis added).

19. On May 18, 2017, the Jackson City Cou

ncil approved a resolution to rescind
its April 4, 1989 Resolution, in which
it agreed to allocate its share of the
[then] proposed 1.25% local sales tax
increase, just weeks in advance of
the referendum asking City and Cou
nty voters to approve said increase,
set forth in the Plan the voters approv
ed the same day.
20. The City's May 18, 2017 decision will
result in a reduction of available and
expected funds for the consolidat
ed Jackson-Madison County School
System for the 2017-18 fiscal year of
approximately $12 million dollars (an
continuing annually thereafter, sho
uld the City persist in its decision
deviate from the agreement under whi
ch the parties have been operating
since 1989).

21 . As the County is obligated under the

State of Tennessee's "Maintenance of
Effort" requirements (see, Tennessee Code Annotated 49-2-
203(a)(1 0)(A)(ii) and 49-3-314(c)) to
fund the Jackson-Madison County
School System at its current level of
funding (a current level which include
the City's promised sales tax revenue
), a County property tax increase to
offset this $12 million dollar deficit
would result in an approximate tax
increase of 28% for every county resi
dent, including those who live in the
City of Jackson. Alternative tax increas
e measures would result in similar
shocks to the system if implemented
to address the expected $12 million
dollar deficit.


I. Breach of Express Written Contrac

22. County hereby adopts and incorporates
by reference as if restated herein
paragraphs 1-21 above.

23. The Tennessee Supreme Court has stat

ed that "a contract 'must result from
a meeting of the minds of the parties in
mutual assent to the terms, must be
based upon a sufficient consideration,
free from fraud or undue influence,
not against public policy and sufficiently
definite to be enforced.' " Doe v.
HCA Health Serva. of Tenn., Inc., 46
S.W .3d 191, 196 (Tenn. 2001)
(citations omitted).

24. The actions of the parties as set

forth above formed a contractual
agreement between the parties which
is breached by the City's rescission
of its agreement to allocate its share
of the local option sales tax revenue
to the funding of the consolidated Jackso
n-Madison County School System.
25. On March 20, 1989, the Madison Cou
nty Commission adopted a resolution
pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotat
ed 67-6-702 as follows: ''The
adoption of a 1 [% ]inc rea se in local
sales tax will be appropriated for use
in education and only for this purpose,
and not for any other use. The City
and County Government are in agr
eement that money from this
increase will go solely toward this end
." In 1999, the Jackson City
Council adopted a Resolution citing and
agreeing with the 1989 County
Resolution. The 1999 City Resolution stat
ed on its face that the City and
County "are in agreement that money from
" [the 1 % increase in local
sales tax] will go solely toward education
(emphasis added). The 1999 City
Resolution further adds that the Trustee's
practice of retaining a one percent
(1%) fee for collection was "contrary to
the specific agreement set forth
in the [1989} Resolution as passed by the
City of Jackson and Madison
County and "in contravention of the agr
eement between the City and
Madison County, Tennessee."

26. Both parties, then, in separate writings sign

ed by their lawfully authorized
chief executives, admitted to an agreeme
nt with each other which required
the full amount of the 1.25% local option
sales tax increase - including the
City's portion - to be dedicated to the
educational funding for the then-
proposed consolidated Jackson-Madison
County School System. The City,
by its admission and course of conduc
t, particularly its subsequent
payments in accordance with the contrac
t over twenty-eight years, has
ratified the contract.

27. The 1989 and 1999 writings admit in that

there was a meeting of the minds of
the parties in mutual assent to the terms (i.e.,
the parties have mutually agreed
that their respective revenue from the 1.25 %
local option sales tax increase shall
go to fund the education of the consolidated
Jackson-Madison County School
28. The re was sufficient consideration
to support this mutual assent. "It is
that consideration exists when the
promisee does something that it is
und er no
legal obligation to do or refrains from
doing something which it has a lega
l right to
do." Brown Oil Co. v. Johnson, 689
S.W.2d 149, 151 (Tenn.1985). Both
agreed to forego their right to apply
to their general fund the revenue from
the local
sales tax that was not already man
dated for education.
29. As additional consideration, it is clea
r from the City's April 4, 1989 Res
olution -
referenced in its 1999 Resolution adm
itting an Agreement - that it conside
red the
foregoing of its local sales tax revenue
to be conditionally linked to the ado
ption of
a consolidated school system - a con
dition that has been satisfied. The Res
states: " ... the City of Jackson her eby
agrees to relinquish its right to its sha
re of
the pro pos ed sales tax so that all of
the revenue generated from said tax
may be
dev oted to a consolidated sch ool sys
tem in Jackson and Madison County.
If the
pro pos ed pla n of consolidation is
not approved, this resolution sha
ll be nul l
and void." Inasmuch as approva
l of the Consolidation Plan by the
required as a prerequisite that the
County and City (under Tennessee
Annotated 49-2-1206) each vote
its independent approval of the Con
Plan and recommend its adoption
by referendum to the electorate, the
City and
County's approval and recommend
ation of the Consolidation Plan add
constituted the giving of consideratio
n, along with the County and City's agre
to dedicate its sales tax revenue
to the educational purposes of the
consolidated school system.

30. There is no suggestion that the par

ties entered this agreement, whereb
they would mutually dedicate their reve
nue from the local option sales tax
to education and whereby they would
mutually app rove and recommend the
Consolidation Plan, due to fraud or
undue influence, nor is such an agreem
against public policy since it is exp
ressly provided for by Tennessee
Annotated 67-6-712(a). Further,
the terms of the contract - the Cou
nty's and
City's agreement to dedicate local
sales tax revenue solely to educati
on - are
sufficiently definite to be enforced.

31 . The contract having been established

, the City's decision to rescind its ded
of its share of the local option sales tax
constitutes a nonperformance amoun
to a breach of the contract.

32. The County has sustained or will sus

tain damages on account of the bre
of the contract, including, but not
limited to, the loss of approximately
million dollars to me et the County
's burden of funding education.
As the
County is obligated und er the Sta
te of Tennessee's "Maintenance of
requirements (see, Tennessee Cod
e Annotated 49-2-203(a)(1 O)(
and 49-3-314(c)) to fund the Jackso
n-Madison Co unt y School System
at its
current level of funding (a curren
t level which included the City's pro
sales tax revenue), a County proper
ty tax increase to offset this $12 mill
dollar deficit would result in an app
roximate tax increase of 28% for
county resident, including those who
live in the City of Jackson. Alterna
tax increase measures would res
ult in similar shocks to the sys
tem if
implemented to address the expect
ed $12 million dol lar deficit.
33. Further, had the City not originally
made its promise to pay these sale
s tax
revenues toward education, upo
n which the County has relied,
corresponding Consolidation Pla
n might not have been approved
by the
County legislative body and/or the
County citizens in 1989, and the Cou
present obligation to fund the fully consolida
ted Jackson-Madison County
School System - including the absorbed City
schools which County prior to
the Plan approval had no obligation to fund
- would not exist; only the
original County schools would be the oblig
ation of the County to fund.
Therefore, the County has relied to its detrimen
t upon the City's promise
and Agreement and will sustain damages as
set forth herein if the breach
is not remedied by the Court.

II. An Implied Contract in Fact Exists between

the County and City
Concerning the Allocation of Local Sales
Tax Revenue
34. County hereby adopts and incorporates by
reference as if restated herein
paragraphs 1-33 above.

35. In the alternative, should the Court rule that

an express written contract
does not exist, a contract implied in fact exis
ts between County and City, in
which contract the County and City are boun
d to apply their portion of the
revenue generated from the local option sale
s tax to education, particularly
the funding of the consolidated school system.

36. The Tennessee Court of Appeals, Western

Section, in Jones v. LeMoyne-
Owe n College, 308 S.W. 3d 894 (2009) has
stated the following: "A contract
implied in fact "arises under circumstances
which show mutual intent or
assent to contract.. .. A contract implied in fact
is similar to an express oral
contract. The primary difference between the
two is the manner in which
the parties express their assent. ... ln an express
contract, the parties assent
to the terms of the contract by means of word
s, writings, or some other
mode of expression .... In a contract implied in fact,
the conduct of the parties
and the surrounding circumstances show mutual
assent to the terms of the
contract" (citing Thompson v. Hensley, 136 S.W.3d
925 (Tenn.App. 2003).
37. The conduct of the City and County and the surro
unding circumstances
show mutual assent to the terms of the contractu
al agreement whereby
each would dedicate its portion of the local optio
n sales tax revenue to
education, particularly the funding of the cons
olidated Jackson-Madison
County School System, and each would approve
and recommend adoption
of the Consolidation Plan. This conduct includes,
but is not limited to: the
City and County's respective 1989 Resolutions
approving the allocation of
the increased sales tax revenue to education
; the City and County's
respective 1989 Resolutions approving and reco
mmending adoption of the
Consolidation Plan; the City and County's 1989
Joint Motion asking the
United States District Court to approve the Con
solidation Plan; the City's
1999 Resolution containing a written acknowledgem
ent and admission by
the City of an Agreement with the County for the
allocation of the local sales
tax revenues to education; the County's assu
mption of funding the
additional City schools absorbed into the created
Jackson-Madison County
School System as contemplated by the Consolid
ation Plan; and the City's
assent and course of conduct in conformity with
an agreement by its
uninterrupted allocation of its local sales tax reve
nues for approximately
twenty-eight years.
38. The contract implied in fact having been esta
blished, the City's decision to
rescind its dedication of its share of the local
option sales tax constitutes a
nonperformance amounting to a breach of the
39. The County will sustain damages on account
of the breach of the contract,
as set forth in more detail above.

II. An Implied Contract in Law Exists between

the County and City
Concerning the Allocation of Local Sales
Tax Revenue
40. County hereby adopts and incorporates by refe
rence as if restated herein
paragraphs 1-39 above.

41. In the alternative, should the Court rule that

neither an express written
contract nor a contract implied in fact exists,
a contract implied in law exists
between County and City, in which contract the
County and City are bound
to apply their portion of the revenue generate
d from the local option sales
tax to education, particularly the funding
of the consolidated Jackson-
Madison County School System.

42. "Contracts implied in law, or more appropria

tely, quasi or construction
contracts, are a class of obligations which are
imposed or created by law
without the assent of the party bound, on the
ground that they are dictated
by reason and justice." Weatherly v. Ame
rican Agr. Chemical Co., 16
Tenn.App. 613, 65 S.W.2d 592 (1933)(cited by
Metropolitan Government of
Nashville and Davidson County v. Cigna Healthca
re of Tennessee, Inc., 195
S.W.3d 28 (Tenn.App. 2005). "A party may
recover damages in equity if
there exists a contract implied in law." Metropol
itan, supra, at 7.
43. An opinion by the Tennessee Attorney General
{Tenn. Op. Atty. Gen. No.
82-10, 1982 WL 177860 (copy attached) note
d that there is no prohibition
on imposing implied contracts in law upon a
municipality, citing prior case
Tennessee law. The opinion analyzed whe
ther Maury City was entitled to
the local option sales tax proceeds collected
and distributed for teachers'
supplements during the years subsequent to
the expiration of an agreement
with Crockett County governing the same.
The opinion provides that an
implied contract had arisen after the prior
agreement expired because
Maury City continued to receive the suppleme
nt. The fact that the City
received and retained the benefits contem
plated under the agreement
mea nt that an implied contract existed. The
opinion goes on to state: It
is also the generally-accepted rule that whe
n a contract is within the scope
of a municipality's corporate powers, the mun
icipal corporation may be held
liable on an impl ied contract, whether it is impl
ied in fact or implied in law,
to prev ent the municipality from enriching itsel
f by accepting and retaining
benefits without pay ing just compensation there
for. See 63 C.J.S. Municipal
Corporations, 975.

44. Equitable principles of promissory estoppal

were also applied in May v.
Kearney, 145 Neb. 475, 17 N.W.2d 448 (194
5)(copy attached as Exhibit
12), to enjoin a city from issuing general oblig
ation bonds for a project which
had been authorized by the voters, after repr
esentations by the mayor and
council that only revenue bonds would be
required, and that the voters
would never have to pay a cent in taxes for the
particular project.
45. Even should this Court find that the conduct of the City and County and the

surrounding circumstances are insufficient to show mutual assent to a

contractual agreement, the Court should nonetheless impose an obligation

upon the City to continue its allocation of local option sales tax revenue to

education, based upon reason, justice and principles of equity. The parties'

respective promise to each allocate its portion of the increased local option

sales tax revenue to education, linked to the passage of the Consolidation

Plan and its created consolidated Jackson-Madison County School System,

induced not only the County to support the Plan (significantly increasing its

obligations and liabilities) and the tax increase; it induced the voters of

Madison County, both City and non-City residents, to support the same. It

would be inequitable and an injustice to allow the City, having received

and retained the benefit of its bargain (relief from the responsibilities of

maintaining a City school system; veto power over the disposition of former

City school buildings; the City also endorsed and approved the

Consolidation Plan, which included a list of mutual benefits and advantages

of consolidation on page 16 of the Appendix), to now leave the

arrangement, depriving the County of its own benefit of the bargain. 'The

City having received the benefit of its bargain in the early years of the

Contract period, is obligated to honor its Contract with Bradley County

during the period when Bradley County is receiving its benefit." City of

Cleveland v. Bradley County, 1999 WL 281086 (Tenn.App.)(unpublished

opinion)(copy attached as Exhibit 13).

46. Further, this is not a situation whereby the City
dissolved its school system,
leaving only the "Madison County School
System." The approved
Consolidation Plan, promoted in conjunction
with the promise to allocate
increased City sales tax revenue to educ
ation, created the Jackson-
Madison County School System, a system
in which the City retains rights
and benefits, such as the veto power over
the disposition of former City
school buildings. The Consolidation Plan crea
ted a comingled system, part-
County and part-City. The City's decision to
rescind its prior agreement to
allocate sales tax revenue to education esse
ntially puts the City in the
situation it would be in had it simply dissolve
d its school system (with no
resulting liabilities), while allowing the City to
retain rights and interests in
the consolidated Jackson-Madison County Sch
ool System; essentially, the
City receives all of the benefits and none of the
burden of the consolidation.
But the City did not dissolve its school system;
it entered into a merger with
the County. It would not be equitable, nor just,
to allow the City to induce
the County (and the voters) into such a mer
ger, promising as inducement
additional obligations to the County, only to later
depart with its funding and
leave the County solely exposed and bearing
the obligations and liabilities.
47. The timing of the City's decision to withdraw
its sales tax revenue from the
consolidated Jackson-Madison School Syst
em further demonstrates that
reason, justice, and equity require judicial inter
vention and determination of
an implied contract in law. The City took its actio
n of rescission on May 18,
2017, less than six weeks before the July 1,
2017 date on which the County
must adopt its budget for fiscal year 2017-18. The Coun
ty has held monthly
Budget Planning meetings with public notice during
2017. The City knew,
or reasonably should have known, that the County was
planning for the next
fiscal year based upon the funding arrangement
followed for the past
twenty-eight years. Both the City and County are
aware, and have long
been aware, that the other has a duty to submit a budg
et by July 1 on an
annual basis. Nonetheless, the City Mayor only notifi
ed the County Mayor
of the proposal to rescind the City's allocation of its local
sales tax revenue
for education on May 16, 2017 - two days before the
City voted to rescind
and long after the County had concluded its Budget
hearings. The City's
presentation on May 18, 2017 in support of its decis
ion demonstrated that
the decision had been in the planning stages for some
time, and certainly
prior to May 16, 2017. Again, it would be neither equit
able, nor just, for the
City to be allowed to take this drastic step so late in
the process such that
the County has little time to adjust to the sudden loss
of twelve million dollars
from its budget.

48. Based upon the foregoing, the County asks the Cour
t to find that a Contract
in Law exists, to impose an obligation upon the City
to continue the funding
arrangement it has assented to for twenty-eight years
, and for such further
and general equitable relief as the court sees fit to give.


respectfully requests as follows:
1. That proper process issue and be served
upon the Defendant City of
Jackson, Tennessee and that it appear or otherwise
answer in the time and
manner prescribed under applicable law;

2. That the Court issue a declaratory judgment

that the City and the County
have a valid and enforceable contract requiring
the allocation of revenue
from the 1989 local option sales tax increase be
dedicated solely to the
educational funding of the consolidated Jackson-
Madison County School
System, the breach of which has or will caus
e County to incur harm,
requiring damages and/or equitable relief.

3. That the Court issue a Permanent Injunction enjo

ining the City of Jackson,
Tennessee from rescinding its agreement to
allocate its share of the
revenue generated by the local option sales tax
collected pursuant to
Tennessee Code Annotated 67-6-701, et seq.,
to the educational funding
of the consolidated Jackson-Madison County
School System, or from
otherwise diverting said revenues from the fund
ing of the consolidated
Jackson-Madison County School System;

4. That City bear the costs of these proceedings;

5. Any and all further and general relief that

this Court deems just and


COMES NOW the Plaintiff, Madison County, Tenn

essee (sometimes, hereafter,
"County"), by and through its Counsel, pursuant
to the Rules of Civil Procedure, and
moves the Court to enter a Temporary
Injunction against Defendant, City of Jack
Tennessee (sometimes, hereafter, "City").
In support of said Motion, County would sho
unto the Court as follows:

1. County hereby adopts and incorporates

as if restated herein verbatim its

2. County respectfully requests that the

Court enter a Temporary Injunction,
after a hearing with notice, enjoining the
City of Jackson, Tennessee from
rescinding its agreement to allocate its sha
re of the revenue generated by
the local option sales tax collected pursuan
t to Tennessee Code Annotated
67-6-701, et seq., to the educational fund
ing of the consolidated Jackson-
Madison County School System, or from
otherwise diverting said revenues
from the funding of the consolidated Jac
kson-Madison County School

3. County will suffer immediate, irreparab

le injury, loss or damage if City is
allowed to proceed with its announced inte
ntions effective July 1, 2017 to
withhold its share of the local option sale
s tax revenue collected pursuant
to Tennessee Code Ann otat ed 67-6-701
, et seq., from educational use in
support of the consolidated Jackson-Madis
on County School System in
disregard of City's Agreement with County.
Due to Maintenance of Effort
requirements, County will be forced remedy
the educational budget shortfall
with significant tax increases and/or cuts
by July 1, 2017. Due to the
deadline, these tax increases and/or cuts
will have to be enacted without
the normal deliberation and study whic
h would accompany such steps.
Potential tax increases would require
multiple public readings. Further, if
County is forced to adopt such measure
s and subsequently prevail in its
case against City, reversing these mea
sures after a budget for fiscal year
2017-18 has been adopted will be inca
pable of being accomplished prior to
the next fiscal year. For example, tax
increases would have to be left in
effect until the end of the fiscal yea
r. Capital projects, such as those
affecting law enforcement, education,
and firefighting, face impact, with a
corresponding impact upon the commun
ity. In addition, there is a risk to the
County's bond rating, which could resu
lt in irrecoverable losses on large
scale and long range projects already
in motion, such as the construction
of a new County jail facility.


respectfully requests as follows:

1. That the Court issue a Temporary

Injunction enjoining the City of Jackso
Tennessee from rescinding its agreeme
nt to allocate its share of the revenue
by the local option sales tax collected
pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotat
ed 67-6-
701, et seq., to the educational funding
of the consolidated Jackson-Madison
School System, or from otherwise dive
rting said revenues from the funding
of the
consolidated Jackson-Madison County
School System, pending the trial of this
2. Any and all further and general relief that
this Court deems just and equitable.

TO: The City of Jackson, Tennessee

c/o Mr. Lewis Cobb, City Attorney
312 E Lafayette St.
Jackson, Tennessee 38301

Please take notice that Madison County, Tennessee by and

through counsel will
appear before the Honorable James F. Butler Chancellor
of the Chancery Court of
Madison County, Tennessee, on June 20, 2017, at 1:30 P.M.
for hearing on its Motion for
Temporary Injunction.


Jimm y Harris, duly sworn, makes oath that he
is the Mayor of Madison County,
Tennessee, that the facts stated in the foregoing
Complaint, to the best of his knowledge
and belief are true, and that the Complaint is mad
e in sincerity and truth for the causes
mentioned therein.

This the .3.1_ ~y of _*""'/YJ~A...,.___'f__ _ , 2017.

~ ,201 7.

Notary Public

My Commission expires: _My_Comm

_ _Jn1on
__ Exp1r
_ es_.A_ugust_ 20, 2Q19

,,,, ~ A.
,,,,~~ ,,,,,
...... .v
K A,,,,,

~~. STATE .o-:.~

...~ . OF
~ ,,, NOTARY
~- : .-
. -~/). PUBLIC --~l
_/5' ,~ .......
?o/ GOU"'''\',,,,,,..
'' ,,,,,,,.,,,,
Respectfully submitted this _kl_ day of --4-A. .7----_ _, 2017.


Madison County Attorney
425 East Baltimore Street
Jackson, TN 38308-0113
(731) 424-3315


We here by bind ourselves as surety for cost incurred

in this matter not to exceed


Steven W. Maroney Q
TIME: / \ 't)(J
- , ,-&<.cz<.
~ - -

MAY 3 1 2017
f:AM C.A.f:?TER
-- CLER/\ & MN'TER
WHEREAS, th er e
pr ob le m o f o p er is no q u ic k o r
so n an d fo r M ad at in g p u b li c sc h o o ls ea sy so lu ti o n to th e
is on C ou nt y, an d, fo r th e C it y o f
WHEREAS, si n ce Ja ck -
c it y o f Ja ck so n th e 8 th da y o f
Ja n u ar y , 19 63 , bo
be en in vo lv ed in an d M ad is on co un ty sc ho ol sy st em s ha ve th th e
WHEREAS th er e F ed er al co u rt li ti g a ti o n , an d,
li ti g a ti o n in, v o is pe nd in g, ev en no , fu rt h er
C ou nt y sc ho ol sylv in g b o th th e C it y o f Jawck F ed er al
WHEREAS, in stan em s, an d, so n an d M ad is on
b o th th e c it y o e ff o rt
th e re ha ve be f Ja ck so n an dtoMso lv e th e pr ob le m s fa ci n g
o f Ja ck so n ac en st u d ie s by th e ad is on C ou nt y sc ho ol sy st em
C it y Commission s
M ad is on co un tyti n g as th e c it y o f Ja ck so n
o f th e C it y
an d ta sk fo rc es S ch oo l B oa rd , th e Madison S ch oo l B oa rd , th e
M ad is on C ou nt y ap po in te d by b o th th e C it C ou nt y Commission
sc ol b o ar d s, y o f Ja ck so n an
WHEREAS, th e ho M an d d
Ja ck so n Boa.r d o ad is on co un ty S
ch oo l B oa rd , th e C it
o f commerce co mf E du ca ti on , an d th e Ja ck y of
a co m pr eh en si ve m is si on ed Memphis st a te so n A re a Chamber
o f Ja ck so n an d st u d y o f th e pr ob le m s faUcin iv er si ty to make
g at io n in w hi ch M ad is on co un ty sc ho ol sy st n g bo th th e C it y
C ou nt y ar e in vo b o th th e c it y o f Ja ck so n em s an d th e li ti -
sy st em s, an d maklv ed as same p er ta in s to than d M ad is on
an d M ad is on C ou e re co m m en da ti on s to th e e ir sc ho ol
nt sc ho ol b o ar C it y o f Ja ck so n
WHEREAS, sa idy M d , an d
recoll\l11ended em ph is
sc h o o l sy st emth ane co n so li d at iostna te U n iv er si ty st u d y
o f th e C it y o f
an el ec te d sc ho d th e M ad is on C ou nt y sc Ja ck so n
ap p o in te d by sa ol bo ar d an d a sc ho ol suho p er
ol sy st em , w it h
id el ec te d sc h o
o l bo ar d, an din te n d en t to be

' WHEREAS, th ro ug
in te re st e d gr ou
fo r so lu ti o n to
fo r th e jo in t o
h a ll o f th e st
er e ap p ea rs th aud
e pr ob le m h as be
ta te o f T en ne ss en
y by a ll o f th e
st ro n g co nc en su
b li sh ed , an d, s
ro v id es g en er al
by th re e m et ho dsp er at io n o f c it y an d co un
: ty sc ho ol sy stly em s
(l ) The c it y an
w he re in th e co un d co un ty
p u rs u an t to T ty w ou ld o p er atm ig ht en te r in to a co n tr ac t
.c .A . e th e c it y sc ho
(2 ) The c it y co49 -2 -1 10 1. ol sy st em ,
su ch sc h o o l sy st ul d tr a n sf e r th
e ad
co un ty su p er in teem s to th e co un ty bo ar d om in is tr at io n o f
n d t, p u rs u an f du ca ti on an d
(3 ) P u rs u an t en t to T .C .A . .e 49 -2 -1 00 2.
cr ea te d an d es ta to T .C .A . 49 -2 -1 20
b li sh ed a u n if ic at io n ed 1, th er e may be
co m m is si on , "p la u
th e ne ed s fo r an nn in g co m m is si on ", to st ca ti o n al p la n n in g
id at io n o f a ll d pr ob le m s in co n ju n ct u d y an d co n si d er
p u b li c sc h o o ls w it h in th io n w it h th e co n so l-
fi ed sc h o o l sy st e co
fo ll o w s: th e co em . T hi s co m m is si on w ou ld un ty in to a un i-
te n t c it iz e n s as un ty ex ec u ti v e be ap po in te d as
members o f "p lamay ap p o in t fi v e (5) co m pe -
n n in g co m m is si on
", an d th e

--~~ v. u4 cK so
Co un ty ex ec ut ivne ma y ap po in t fi ve (5 ),
wh ic h names
ed uc at io n. The "p laal l su bm it to th e st at e co m m issth
bu t no t re qu ir ed , to nn in g co m m iss io n" sh al l be au th ne r of
of su ch sc ho ol sy st empr ep ar e a pl an fo r th e co ns ol idoratiz ed ,
be su bm itt ed to th e , an d su ch pl an , if ap pr ov ed , sh io n
ra is al . Sa id pl an st at e de pa rtm en t of ed uc at io n fo r al l
ti on pl an pr ov id in g w il l pr ov id e fo r an or de rl y co ns ol idap p-
fo r th e fo llo w in g: a-
(1) A dm in is tr at iv e
or ga ni za tio n of th e
co ns ol id at ed sy st em pr op os ed
(2) A m eth od to in su
of th e ed uc at io n re se
no di m in ut io n in th e
le ve l
of th e sy st em s in vo ic e in th e sc ho ol s in an y
lv ed ;
(3) A pp ro pr ia te mea
li ab il it ie s of m unfo r th e tr an sf er of as
tr ic t sy st em s; ic ip al an d sp ec ia l sc hose ts and
ol di s-
(4 ) Pl an fo r di sp os on
ne ss wh ic h sh al litiin of ex is tin g bo ed in
an y bo nd ho ld er ; no wi se im pa ir thnd de bt ed
e ri gh ts of
(5) Pl an s fo r pr es er ng
of al l te ac he rs vi th e ex is tin g pe ns io n
an d
re sp ec tiv e sy st em s; no nt ea ch in g pe rs on ne l ri gh ts
in th e
(6) Pl an s fo r pr es er vi ng
si ck le av e ri gh ts th e ex is tin g te nu re
an d sa la ry sc he du le ri gh ri gh ts ,
al l te ac he rs an d no ts , of
re sp ec tiv e sy st em s; nt ea ch in g pe rs on ne l in th e
(7) A pp ro pr ia te pl an s fo
it ie s an d/ or sp ec ia r co nt ri bu tio n by m un ic ip al -
co un ty fo r th e op er l sc ho ol di st ri ct s to th e
at io n of a un if ie d sy
sc ho ol s du rin g th e pe st em of
in g un if ic at io n, wh ri od of tr an si ti on fo llo w -
th re e (3 ) ye ar s; ic h pe ri od sh al l no t
ex ce ed
(8) A pp ro pr ia te pl an s fo
fe de ra l de ce nn ia l ce r re ap po rti on m en t af te r ea ch
ti on of members of thns us of di st ri ct s fo r el ec -
e sc ho ol bo ar d; an d
(9) Any ot he r m at te
be pe rt in en t. rs deemed by th e co m m iss io n to
The pl an of
co ns ol id at ed bo ar dco ns ol id at io n sh al l al so pr ov id e fo r
se ve n (7 ), or ni ne of ed uc at io n composed of fi ve (5 ), a
co m m iss io n an d th e (9) members, an d th e M ad iso n Co un ty
ci ty co m m iss io n of th
e C ity of Ja ck so n

st ro ng ly recommend
fro m di st ri ct s wh ni ne (9) bo ar d mem
bers to be
po pu la tio n of th e co w il l in su re al l se gl lle nt s of elthec
ic h
te d
th e sc ho ol sy st em un ty a vo ic e in th e ad m
in is tr at io n of
sa id sc ho ol bo ar d., an d a su pe ri nt en de nt to be ap po in te d by
of th e C ity of Jaeckpr op os ed tr an sf er of th e ad m in is tr
bo ar d of ed uc at io n so n sc ho ol sy st em to th e M ad iso n at io n
w ith ou t su ff ic ie nt an d co un ty su pe ri nt en de nt ha s be Co un ty
co ns eq ue nc es to bo st ud y of al l of th e im pa ct of th en do ne
th ei r te ac he rs an d th th e ci ty an d co un ty sc ho ol sy ste
pu pi ls . em s,
Ja ck so n an d th e M ad Bo ar d of Co m m is si on er s of TY
se lv es , w ith ou t re seiso n Co un ty Co m m is si on er s coth m
e C ity of
id at io n of sc ho ol s rv at io n, to th e pu rs ui t of thm e
it th em -
el ec te d sc ho ol bo ar rs ua nt to T. C. A . 49 -2 -1 20 1 w co ns ol -
te nd en t to be ap po d fro m ni ne di st ri ct s, an d a su pe ith an
in g of th e co ns ol id in te d by sa id sc ho ol bo ar ri n-
at ed sc ho ol sy st em to be by d, an d th e fu nd
Co un ty Co m m is si on . th e M ad iso n
ss io n an d th e ciHE ED th at th
pl ed ge th ei r w hoty Commission of th ee M ci
ad iso n Co un ty Commi-
du ly au th or iz ed pe le he ar te d su pp or t, an ty of Ja ck so n
rs on ne l, to th e ap po d th e su pp or t of it
"p la nn in g co m m is si on
". in te d members of ths
ss io n an d th e ciHE ED th at th
su pp or t th e pl an ty Commission of th ee M adison Co un ty Comm
C ity of Ja ck so n sh ali-l
ev en th ou gh th er e su bm itt ed by th e "p la
nn in g co m m is si on ",
ua l members of th e may be pr ov is io ns th er eo f w hi ch
th e Co m m iss io n as a co m m is si on m ig ht ha ve di sa gr ee min en
di vi d-
ed sa id pl an w il l pr w ho le m ig ht ha ve di sa gr ee m en t, t an d
al l se gm en ts of th e ov id e th e qu al it y an d ed uc at io n pr ov id -
po pu la tio n. fo r
ss io n an d th e CHE ED th at th e M ad iso n
ity Commission of th co un ty Commi-
w ho le he ar te dl y se e C ity of Ja ck so n w il l
ti on by th e th e juek th e ap pr ov al of th e
dg e, or ju dg es , of pl an of co ns ol id a-
Co ur t fo r th e W es te th e u. s. D is tr ic t
rn D is tr ic t of Te nn
es se e.
th e C ity of Ja ck soRn RESOLVED th at th e C ity Commission
R es ol ut io n, fo rw ar d w il l, up on it s ap pr ov al of th is of
th e M ad iso n Co un ty same illUUediately to th e at te nt io n Jo in t
so n Co un ty Co m m is si Ex ec ut iv e to be su bm itt ed of
on er s fo r th ei r ap pr ov al to th e M ad i-
ly as po ss ib le . as ex pe di tio us .


In tr od uc ed _ _r;~-~/_-
..,..?_8'_ _ _ _



On M ot io n of Co m m
se co nd ed by Co m m is
is si on er ______________
'111orras Ray Tu rn er

si on er
fo re go in g R es ol ut io n - - E. t..eo Martindale
- - - - - - - -19--Ay-e, -4 -,
was ad op te
th e
d by vo te of - Nay, 1 - Pass
by th e County Com to ----
1 - Absent

day of _____
Ju ly
mission of Madison Co
, 19 88 .
unty, Te nn es se e, th is

TIME: Jc)_.'()
MAY 3 1 2017
is o n C o u n ty , TION
Ja ck so n -M ad
T en n es se e 38
March 7 , 1989

C it iz e n s, P
o f Ja ck so n -M re n ts , an d C h il d re n
ad is o n C o u n ty
, T en n es se e

E n cl o se d is
th e o ff ic ia l
p ro p o sa l fo r
Ja ck so n an d c o n so li d a ti n
Madison C o u g th e C it y o
n ty p u b li c sc f
h o o l sy st em s.
T h is p la n w
as p re p a re d
b y th e Ja ck so
Commission fo n -M ad is o n C
ounty P la n n in
r S ch o o l C o g
n so li d a ti o n .

'I ~JJ
Jo h n D. Graha

c o p ie s: Ja ck so n B ra n
Ja ck so n C it y ch P re si d e n t, NMCP
Madison C o u C o u n ci l an d Mayor
n ty B o ar d o f
Madison C o u
n ty Commissi E d u ca ti o n
T en n es se e C on an d C o u n
o m m is si o n er ty
o f E d u ca ti o n E x ec u ti v e

Se ct io n 1. Page
C on so tid at io n of
Sc ho ol Sy st em . C ity an d Co un ty
at ed /U ni fi ed Sy st me of C on so lid - 1
em .
Se ct io n 2. Pu rp os e an d In te
ab il it y of Pr ov nt of Pl an . Se pa r-
is io ns . 1
Se ct io n 3.
A pp ro va l of Pl an
by V ot er s.
~a ct io n 4. E ff 2
ec ti ve D at e Sp ec
if ie d.
Se ct io n 5. O pe 2
ra tio n by T ra ns it
Ed uc at io n. io na l Bo ar d of
I ' Se ct io n 6. Bo
ar d of Ed uc at io
Term of Members. n. Se le ct io n an d
Se ct io n 7. Po w er s an d D ut ie
s of th e Newly E
B oa rd of Ed uc at
io n af te r A ug us t le ct ed 8
15 , 19 90 ,
Se ct io n 8. Fi na nc in g Sc ho ol
an d A do pt io n of Sy st em . Pr ep ar at io n
,, Se ct io n
Sc ho ol B ud ge ts . 11
9.Re fe re nd um E le ct
io n as to Sc ho ol
B ud ge ts .
Se ct io n 10 . Pa ym 13
en t of Bonded In
de bt ed ne ss .
Se ct io n 11 . Em 16
ployment of Su pe
ri nt en de nt of Sc
ho ol s. 16
Se ct io n 12 . No
D im in ut io n in Le
Se rv ic e to be Pe ve l of Ed uc at io na
rm itt ed . l 17
Se ct io n 13 . Sa
la ry G ua ra nt ee fo
O th er Em pl oy ee s. r Te ac he rs an d
Se ct io n 14 . Te
nu re an d O th er R
Pr ov id ed Fo r. ig ht s Pr ot ec te d
an d 18
Se ct io n 15 . Pe ns io n an d R et ir
an d Pr ov id ed Fo em en t R ig ht s Pr ot ec te d
r. 18
Se ct io n 16 . ,
B en ef it s Pr ot ec
te d an d Pr ov id ed
H ea lth C ar e In su Fo r:
ra nc e, D en ta l In 19
Pr og ra m , Si ck Le su ra nc e
av es , R et ir em en t
an ce Pa y, an d L Se ve r-
if e In su ra nc e.

Page Li ne
Se ct io n 17 . D is ab il it ie s of
C om m is si on er s to Board Members an d County
Sc ho ol W ar ra nt s. Make C on tr ac ts or Own 19 1203
Se ct io n 18 . No D iv er si on of
Fu nd s.
Se ct io n 19 . T ra ns fe r of Sc ho 19 1218
B ud ge ts . ol Funds w it hi n
Sc ho ol
19 1225
Se ct io n 20 . T ra ns fe r of Sc ho
ol Funds
Fu nd s. - B or ro w in g Moneyfrom G en er al 20
I . 1242
II ' Se ct io n 21 \ A cq ui si ti on an d
t Sa le of Pr op er ty
Se ct io n 22 . D ec en ni al R ed is 20 1259
B oa rd D is tr ic ts tr ic ti ng of Sc ho ol
. Se ct io n 23 .
. 20 1286
T ra ns fe r Po li cy
Se ct io n 24 . Use of F ac il it ie 22 1375
Se ct io n 25 . Sc ho ol Zone L in es 22 1386
R ed is tr ic ti ng .
Se ct io n 26 . Appendix I (c on 22 1391
ta in in g 49 pa ge
~, s) .
22 1577

- - - -- - - - - -- -- - - -
-- --
Se cti on 1. Co ns ol id at io n .Qf ~ and County Sc ho ol
Sy ste ms , Name of Un ifi ed Sy ste
m. Pu rsu an t to th e co
ns ti-
tu tio na l power gr an
te d by Amendment No.
8 to Ar tic le XI , Se c-
tio n 9 of th e Co ns tit
ut io n of Te nn es se e,
as implemented by
st at ut or y au th or ity
pr ov id ed by Te nn es se
e Code An no tat ed 49
2- 12 01 ~ .ilS L., th e -
sp ec ia l sc ho ol di st
ri ct of th e Ci ty of
Ja ck so n an d th e pu bl
ic sc ho ol sy ste m of
Madison County ar e
he re by co ns ol id at ed
, su bj ec t to th e pr ov
isi on s, lim ita tio ns
an d re qu ire me nt s of
sa id st at ut or y au th
or ity and of th is
Pl an , so th a~ sa id se
pa ra te sc ho ol sy ste ms
sh al I be an d
become a sin gl e un ifi
ed sc ho ol sy ste m.
The name of sa id
un ifi ed sc ho ol sy ste
m sh al l be Ja ck so n-
M ad iso n County Sc ho
Sy ste m (so me tim es he
re in af te r ca lle d th e
"S ch oo l Sy ste m" .)

Se ct io n 2. Pu rp os e an d In te nt .Q.f
Pl an , Se pa ra bi lit y
of Pr ov isi on s, - Th
e Ja ck so n- M ad iso n Co
unty Pl an ni ng Comm-
is si on fo r Sc ho ol Co
ns ol id at io n cr ea te d
an d es ta bl ish ed pu r-
su an t to T. C. A. 49
-2 -1 20 1 ~ ll,S ... an d
al so th e pe op le re -
si di ng wi th in th e ar
ea of th e Ci ty of Ja
ck so n and th e pe op le
re si di ng wi th in th e
ar ea of Madison Co un
ty ou tsi de th e Ci ty
of Ja ck so n, de cl ar e
an d de ter mi ne th at by
th ei r re sp ec tiv e
pr op os al an d ad op tio
n of th is pl an it is
th ei r in te nt to cr e-
at e a co ns ol id at ed
an d un ifi ed sc ho ol
sy ste m in th e in te re
of mo de rn , ef fic ie nt
an d ec on om ica l go ve
rn me nt and to pr ov id
fo r be tte r ed uc at io
n th an is now pr ov id
ed , or ca n be pr ov id
by ei th er of th e
two co ns ti tu en t sc
ho ol sy st em s, to
li ca ti on to th e fu av oi d du p-
ll es t ex te nt po ss
ib le and ul tim at el
th e ed uc at io na l y to ra is e
le ve l of th e com
munity. It is fu
te nt of sa id Com rt he r th e in -
mission by pr op os
in g th e Pl an of C
an d U ni fi ca tio n an on so lid at io n
d of th e pe op le by
ad op tin g th e same
at e a un if ie d an to cr e-
d co ns ol id at ed sc
ho ol sy st em di ff er
co un ty sc ho ol sy st en t fro m a
em an d di ff er en t
from a ci ty sc ho ol
th e same to be fr sy st em ,
ee from th e pr oc
ed ur al and ad m in
i li m it at io ns of ei is tr at iv e
1 th er a co un ty or
a ci ty sc ho ol sy st
ac hi ev e th e re m ed em . To
ia l ob je ct iv es he
re in st at ed th e Co
an d th e pe op le fu mmission
rt he r de cl ar e it
is th ei r pu rp os e
th at sa id Pl an of and in te nt
C on so lid at io n an
d U ni fi ca tio n sh
in fu ll fo rc e an d al l co nt in ue
ef fe ct ev en if an
y of it s se pa ra te
or pa rt s no t es se pr ov is io ns
nt ia l to th es e ob
je ct iv es sh al l be
co ns ti tu ti on al or he ld un-
in va li d.

Se ct io n 3. A pp ro va l Q f llfill
'g: V ot er s, - Th
ti on of sc ho ol sy e un if ic a-
st em s he re in pr ov
id ed fo r and th e
C on so lid at io n an Pl an of
d U ni fi ca ti on sh
al l no t become ef
fe ct iv e un -
le ss an d un ti l th
e same sh al l be
ap pr ov ed by a m aj
or ity of
th e qu al if ie d vo
te rs un de r th e pr
oc ed ur e, m et ho ds
an d co nd i-
ti on s se t fo rt h
in T, C. A. 49 -2
-1 20 6, w hi ch st at
ut or y pr o-
vi si on s ar e re fe
rr ed to an d made
a pa rt of th e Pl an
in co rp or at ed he re , as if
in .

Se ct io n 4. E ff ec tiv e D at e Sp
ec if ie d.
- The ef fe ct iv e da
of th is Pl an of te
C on so lid at io n an
d U ni fi ca tio n sh
al l be th e la tt er
of th e da te th e
Pl an is ap pr ov ed
by th e U .S . D is
tr ic t Co ur t fo r

__ - nppea~s C
ou rt (s om et im es
he re in af te r ca ll
"F ed er al C ou rt ") ed
or Ju ly 1, 19 89
. T hi s la tt er
"e ff ec ti ve da te da te is ca ll ed
". P ri or to sa
id ef fe ct iv e da
C ou nt y Sc ho ol B te th e C it y and
oa rd s sh al l ea ch
co nt in ue to ad m
tr o l and op er at in is te r, co n-
e th e sc ho ol sy
st em pr ev io us ly
di ct io n in th e un de r it s ju ri s-
same manner th at
su ch sy st em was
op er at ed . pr ev io us ly

S ec ti o n s. O p er at io n ~ T ra
ns it io na l B oa rd
ti on . - From th -2.f Educa-
e ef fe ct iv e da te
of th is Pl an u
19 90 , th e ad m n ti l A ug us t 15 ,
in is tr at io n, op
er at io n an d co nt
Sy st em sh al l be ro l of th e Sc ho
un de r a T ra ns it
io na l B oa rd of
he re in af te r ca E du ca ti on ,
ll ed "T ra ns it io
na l B oa rd ", su bj
ec ti ve s an d li m ec t to th e di r-
it at io ns he re in
af te r sp ec if ie d.
ti on al B oa rd sh Sa id T ra ns i-
al l be composed
of a ll members
E du ca ti on of th of th e B oa rd of
e C it y of Ja ck so
n an d th e B oa rd
of M ad is on C ou of E du ca ti on
nt y a t th e ti m e
of ap pr ov al of
se rv e u n ti l A ug th is pl an , to
us t 15 , 1990.
D ur in g sa id pe
ri od , th e T ra ns
it io na l B oa rd sh
at e th e sc ho ol al l op er -
sy st em s he re in
co ns ol id at ed in
(as th e same w er e
op er at ed p ri o r
th e same manner
to th e ad op ti on
and w it h th e sa of th is P la n )
me po w er s and
au th or it ie s as
th e B oa rd s of Ed
ca ti on of sa id u-
C it y, and of sa
id County pr ev io
w it hs ta nd in g th us ly ac te d. N
e li m it at io ns
imposed by th e
ne xt pr ec ed in g
te nc e, th e T ra se n-
ns it io na l B oa rd
may make su ch ch
at io ns as w il l make th e
Sc ho ol Sy st em m
an ge s an d al te r-
ore si m il ar an d
ne ar ly homogen more
eous an d th er eb
y pr om ot e an d fa
ci li ta te th ei r
pl et e u n if ic at io com-

P ri o r to A ug us
t 15 , 19 90 , th
e T ra n si ti o n al
in st e r an d o p B oa rd sh a ll ad
er at e th e two min-
se p ar at e sc ho
at ed an d du ri ng ol sy st em s h er
ei n co n so li d -
sa id tr a n si ti o
n a l p er io d th
th e T ra n si ti o n e powers and d
al B oa rd sh a ll u ti es o f
in cl u d e:

(a ) P re pa ri ng and
ap pr ov in g sc ho
ol bu dg et s fo r
ca l y ea r be gi nn th e fi s-
in g Ju ly 1 , 19
90, in ac co rd an
p ro v is io n s se ce w it h
t fo rt h in S ec
ti o n 8 o f th is
(b ) A pp oi nt in P la n.
g o f p ri n ci p al
s, te ac h er s an
d o th er pe rs on
fo r th e sc ho ol ne l
y ea r be gi nn in
g Ju ly 1, 1990
ment o f p ri n ci , an d as si g n -
p al s, te ac h er
s and o th er pe
sa id sc ho ol y rs on ne l fo r
ea r.
(c ) Making an
employment co
n tr ac t w it h a
pe rs on to beco
A ct in g S u p er in me
te n d en t o f S ch
oo ls ef fe ct iv e
u n ti l th e ne w Ju ly 1, 19 90 ,
ly el ec te d Boa
rd o f E du ca ti on
S up er in te nd en employs th e
t o f S ch oo ls an
d th at pe rs on
(d ) A do pt in g assumes o ff ic e.
and pr om ul ga ti
ng ru le s an d
re g u la ti o n s ef
ti v e n o t e a rl fe c-
ie r th an Ju ly
1 , 19 90 , fo r
tr a ti o n o f th e th e ad m in is -
co n so li d at ed
sc ho ol sy st em
(e ) Making co .
n tr ac ts fo r th
e ex pe nd it ur e
o f av ai la b le
ta l o u tl ay fu nd ca p i-
s as to p ro je
ct s to be in it
A ug us t 15 , 19 ia te d p ri o r to
90 an d to be
co m pl et ed a ft
(f ) Any an d a e r sa id d at e.
ll o th er ac ti o
n s n ec es sa ry
o r ap p ro p ri at
th e ad m in is tr e fo r
at io n o f th e co
n so li d at ed sc ho ,
ol sy st em ,
Any va ca nc y on
th e T ra n si ti o
n al B oa rd sh a
th e c it y o r by ll be fi ll e d b
th e co un ty go y
ve rn in g body w
p o in te d o r el hi ch o ri g in al ly
ec te d th e mem ap -
ber whose p la ce
became v ac an t.

D ur in g th e fi sc
al ye ar en di ng
Ju ne 30 , 1990,
sy st em s be in g th e sc ho ol
co ns ol id at ed sh
al l ea ch be fi na
pr ov id ed , and nc ed by fu nd s
th ro ug h ta xe s
le vi ed , by th e
co ll ec te d fr om same au th or it y
th e same so ur ce an d
s as pr io r to co
The 1 1/4% sa le ns ol id at io n.
s ta x in cr ea se
ap pr ov ed by th
us ed fo r ca p it e re fe re nd um sh
al ex pe nd it ur es al l be
fo r sc ho ol pu rp
th e cr ed it o f os es . Any fu nd
th e Board o f E to
du ca ti on of th e
ot he rw is e ob li C it y of"':iackso
ga te d on pu rc ha . n no t
se s no t ye t pa ~

tr an sf er re d to id fo r sh al l be
th e cr ed it o f
th e T ra ns it io na ~

be ea rm ar ke d an l Board bu t sh
d us ed fo r th e al l
be ne fi t of th at
pu bl ic sc ho ol po rt io n of th e
sy st em pr ev io us
ly op er at ed as
Any fu nd to th C it y sc"ho ol s.
e cr ed it of th
e Madison Count
at io n no t ot he y B oa rd of Educ
rw is e ob li ga te -
d on pu rc ha se s
sh al l be tr an sf no t ye t pa id fo
er re d to th e cr r
ed it of th e T ra
B oa rd bu t sh al ns i't io na l
l be ea rm ar ke d
an d us ed fo r th
po rt io n o f th e e be ne fi t of th
pu bl ic sc ho ol at
sy st em pr ev io us
C ou nt y sc ho ol s. ly op er at ed as

D ur in g th e tr an
si ti o n al pe ri od
, th e pe rs on th
th e p o si ti o n of en ho ld in g
S up er in te nd en t
of Madison C ou
co nt in ue to ho nt y Sc ho ol s sh
ld su ch po si ti on al l
s an d to pe rf or
same du ti es o f m an d di sc ha rg
th at of fi ce in e th e
co nn ec ti on w it
h th at po rt io n
th e pu bl ic sc ho of
ol sy st em pr ev
io us ly op er at ed
as County sc ho
D ur in g th e tr an ol s.
si ti o n al pe ri od
, th at pe rs on
po si ti on o f S up ho ld in g th e
er in te nd en t o f
th e Ja ck so n C it
co nt in ue to ho y Sc ho ol s sh al
ld su ch p o si ti o l
n an d to pe rf or
m an d di sc ha rg
th e du ti es o f e
th at o ff ic e in
co nn ec ti on w it
h th e sc ho ol sy
tem pr ev io us ly s-
op er at ed as C it
y sc ho ol s.

Se ct io n 6. Board of E du ca tio
n. Se le ct io n an d Tu
Members. - m gf
The Ja ck so n- M ad
is on County Sc ho
ol System sh al l
m in is te re d by a be ad -
Board of E du ca tio
n, su bj ec t to th
vi si on s se t fo rt e tr an si ti on al
h in th is Pl an . pr o-
Sa id Board of Ed
si st of ni ne (9 uc at io n sh al l co
) members to se n-
rv e w it h co m pe ns
County C om m is si at io n th e same as
on er s, w it h te rm
s of of fi ce as se
sa id B oa rd is he t fo rt h he re in ,
re by cr ea te d an an d
d co ns ti tu te d.
Fo r th e pu rp os e
of el ec ti ng mem
bers of sa id Boa
th er e ar e he re by rd of E du ca ti on ,
es ta bl is he d si x
(6 ) sc ho ol bo ar d
ap pr ox im at el y eq d is tr ic ts w it h
ua l po pu la ti on
re pr es en ta ti on
th e B oa rd of Ed from which membe
uc at io n sh al l be rs of
el ec te d, as fo ll
ow s:
Sc ho ol B oa rd D
as fo ll ow s: B eg is tr ic t No . 1 sh al l co ns is
li m it s an d U .S . in ni ng at th e po in t of th e Ja t of th e ar ea de sc ri be d
45 So ut h fo r a So ut h; th en ce , so ut he rl y w it hck so n so ut he rn co rp or at e
ti on of U. -S . 45 st an ce of .3 5 m il es to th e th e ce nt er li ne of U .S .
li ne of Se av er s an d Se av er s Road; th en ce so ut po in t of th e in te rs ec -
te rs ec ti on of Se Road fo r a di st an ce of 1. 85 . es te rl y w it h th ~ ce nt er -
av er s Road an d th e m il es
te rl in e of th e
r- o- w ICGRR; th en ce so to th e po in t of in -
po in t on th e so of th e ICGRR fo ut he rl y w it h th
ut r a di st an e ce n-
so ut he rn M ad is on he rn Madison County li ne ; th ce of 6. 4 m il es to a
in th e so ut hw es County li ne fo r a di st an ce o ce , w es te rl y w it h th e
w es te rn M ad is on t co rn er of Madison C ou nt y; f 15 .5 m il es to
on th e ce nt er li C ounty li ne fo r a th en ce no rt he rl y w it a po in t
ne di st an ce of h th e
ea st er ly w it h th of th e So ut h Fo rk of th e Fo 18 .1 . m il es to a po in t
10 .5 m il es to e So ut h Fo rk of th e Fo rk ed D ee ed Deer R iv er ; th en ce
th e po in t w he re th e So r R iv er
in te rs ec ts In te
rs ta te 40 ut h Fo rk of th e fo r a di st an ce of
th en ce , w es te rl an d th e N or th w es Fo rk ed D ee r R iv
y, te rn er
li m it s of Ja ck so so ut he rl y an d so ut he as te rl y co rp or at e li m it s of Ja ck so n;
member to be el n to th e po in t of be gi nn in g; w it h th e w es te rn
ec te d. w it h one (1 ) sc co rp or at e
ho ol bo ar d
Sc ho ol B oa
fo ll ow s: B eg in rd D is tr ic t No. 2 sh al l co ns is
ni t
an d U .S . 45 So ut ng at a po in t on th e Ja ck so n of th e ar ea de sc ri be d as
h; th en ce , so ut he rl y so ut he rn co rp or
fo r a di st an ce w it h th e ce nt er at e li m
Se av er s Road; th
of .3 5 m il es
to th e po in t of li ne of U .S . 45 it s
a di st an ce of 1. en ce so ut hw es te rl y w it h th e ce in te rs ec ti on of U .S . 45 &
85 m il es to th nt er li ne of Se av
th e ICGRR; th en
ce , so ut he rl y w e po in t of in te rs ec ti on of Se er s Rd. fo r
ta nc e of 6. 4 it h th e ce nt er li av er s Rd. &
m ne
th en ce no rt he as il es to a po in t on th e so ut he rn of sa id tr ac k fo r a di s-
te rl y and no rt he
fo r a di st an ce rl y w it h th e ea Madison County li ne ;
of 20 .7 m il es st
li ne in te rs ec ts to th e po in t whe er n Madison C ou nt y li ne
w it h th e ce nt er re th e ea st er n co
li ne of th e L ib un ty
er ty Rd; th en ce
w es te rl y

wi th th e ce nt er lin e
th e ce nt er lin e of th of th e Li be rty Road and co nt in ui ng wi th
of 7. 3 mi les to th McCleary and Sp ain Roads fo r a di sta nc
Road in te rs ec ts th e
e po in t where th e ce nt e
ce nt er lin e of Sp ain
of 3. 4 mi les to a er lin e of In te rs ta te 40 fo r a
di sta
I th e Ci ty of Ja ck so n; po in t on th e ea ste rn co rp or ate lim its nc e
ea st er n co rp or at e lim th en ce so ut he rly and we ste rly of
its of th e Ci ty of Ja wi th th e
of be gi nn in g; wi th on
e (1 ) sc ho ol bo ar d meck so n to th e po in t
mber to be el ec te d.
Sc ho ol Bo ard D is tri ct
de sc rib ed as fo llo ws No. 3 sh al l co ns ist
of th e ar ea
er n co rp or at e lim its : Be gi nn in g at a po in t where th e ea st
ce nt er lin e of In te rs of th e Ci ty of Ja ck so n in te rs ec ts th e -
ce nt er lin e of In te rs ta te 40 ; th en ce ea st er ly wi th th e
po in t where sa id ce ta te 40 fo r a di sta nc e 3. 4 t mi les to
nt th e
Sp ai n Road; th en ce so er lin e in te rs ec ts th e ce nt er lin e of
Road an d co nt in ui ng ut he rly wi th th e ce nt er lin e
of Sp ain
Li be rty Roads fo r a wi th th e ce nt er lin es of McCleary an d
ea st er n Madison Coundi sta nc e of 7. 3 ,;!: mi les to a po in t on th
of 9. 65 t mi les to a ty Li ne ; th en ce , no rth er ly fo r a di sta nc e
Co un ty; th en ce we ste po in t in th e no rth ea st co rn er of Madisoe
ta nc e of 17 .3 m ile rly wi th th e Madison County lin e fo r a din
so n Co un ty; th en ce sos to a po in t in th e so ut hw es t co rn er of s-
er n bo un da ry of Mad ut he as te rly and so ut hw es ter ly wi th th e Mad-
to a po in t where th eison County fo r a di sta nc e of 15 .35 .:!: mi we st-
lin e of th e So ut h Fo we ste rn co un ty lin e in te rs ec ts th e ce les
wi th th e So ut h Fo rk rk of th e Fo rk ed Deer Ri ve r:. th en ce ea er
10 .5. . mi les to th e of th e Fo rk ed Deer Ri ve r fo st er ly
po in t wh r a di sta rtc e of
De er Ri ve r in te rs ec ere th e So uth Fo rk of th
ts e Fo rk ed
Ci ty of Ja ck so n; th en th e no rth we ste rn co rp or at e lim its of
no rth er n co rp or at e lim ce ea st er ly an d no rth th e
its ea ste rly wi th th e
of be gi nn in g; wi th on of th e Ci ty of Ja
e (1 ) sc ho ol bo ar d me ck so n to th e po in t
mber to be el ec te d.
Sc ho ol Board D is tri ct
pa ss es Ja ck so n Ci ty No. 4 co rre sp on ds wi
Co th and encom-
ni ne (9 ) wi th sc ho ol un cil di st ri ct s se ve n (7 ), ei gh t (8 ),
to be el ec te d se pa ra bo ar d member po sit io ns one {1) an d two an d
te ly an d on sta gg er ed (2 )
ter ms .
Sc ho ol Bo ard D is
pa ss es Ja ck so n Ci ty tri ct No. 5 co rre sp on ds wi th and encom-
Co un cil D is tri ct s on
si x (6 ) wi th sc ho ol e
bo ar d member po sit io (1 ), fiv e (5 ), an d
to be el ec te d se pa ra ns on e (1) and two
te ly and on sta gg er ed (2 )
ter ms .
Sc ho ol Board D is
pa ss es Ja ck so n Ci ty tri ct No. 6 co rre sp on ds wi th an d encom-
fo ur (4 ) wi th sc ho ol ou nc il D is tri ct s two (2 ), th re e (3 ), an
bo ar d member po sit io d
to be el ec te d se pa ra ns on e (l) an d two
te ly and on sta gg er ed (2 )
ter ms .

The si x (6 ) sc ho ol bo
ar d di st ri ct s he re in
ab ov e de sc rib ed
an d sp ec ifi ed ar e ba
se d on maps which ar
e at ta ch ed he re to in
Ap pe nd ix I (p ag es 29
an d 30) and ar e made
a pa rt of th is Pl an .
One member of
th e B oa rd of E
du ca ti on sh al l
ea ch of th e Sc be el ec te d from
ho ol B oa rd D is
tr ic ts 1, 2, an
d 3. Two membe
th e B oa rd of E rs of
du ca ti on sh al l
be el ec te d from
B oa rd D is tr ic ts ea ch of th e Sc ho
4, S, an d 6. ol

Terms of membe
rs of th e B oa rd
of E du ca ti on sh
To br in g ab ou t al l be st ag ge re
su ch st ag ge re d d.
te rm s, members
sc ho ol bo ar d d sh al l be el ec te
is tr ic ts 1, 3, d from
4 (p os it io n 2) ,
5 (p os it io n 2)
(p os it io n 2) an , an d 6
d sh al l se rv e fo
r te rm s of fo ur
be rs sh al l be (4 ) ye ar s ea ch .
el ec te d from sc Mem-
ho ol bo ar d d is
tr ic ts 2, 4 (p os
S (p os it io n 1) it io n 1) ,
, an d 6 (p os it io
n 1) sh al l se rv
ye ar s ea ch . T e fo r te rm s of
he re af te r, mem two (2 )
bers of th e B oa
rd sh al l be el ec
th e fu ll te rm of te d fo r
fo ur {4) ye ar s.

S ec ti on 7. Powers @ 4 D ut
ie s 2:f. .thfl Newly
ca ti on !! .l it A E le ct ed B oa rd of
ug us t .l1.. 19 90 , Edu-
From an d af te r
B oa rd sh al l ha ve A ug us t 15 , 19 90
a ll po w er s an d th e
du ti es co nf er re
co un ty bo ar ds d by ge ne ra l la
of ed uc at io n an w up on
d ci ty bo ar ds of
bu t no t li m it ed ed uc at io n, in cl
ud in g,
to , T. C. A. 49
-2 -2 03 , ex ce pt in
pr ov id ed in th g on ly as ot he rw
is Pl an . is e

The B oa rd is al
so au th or iz ed
to do a ll th in gs
pr op er fo r th e ne ce ss ar y an d
es ta bl is hm en t,
op er at io n an d m
ai nt en an ce of an

ef fi ci en t, ac cr
ed it ed an d un if
ie d sc ho ol sy st em
Ja ck so n and th e fo r th e C it y of
C ou nt y of Madis
on, in cl ud in g th
se pa ra te sy st em e two fo rm er ly
s, no t in co ns is
te nt w it h ge ne ra
S ta te of T en ne ss l sc ho ol la w of
ee . Such au th or th e
it y in cl ud es , bu
to th e fo ll ow in t is no t li m it ed
g ac ti on s, al l
to be ta ke n af te
re co m m en da tio ns r re ce iv in g th e
th er eo n of th e
Su pe ri nt en de nt
employment an d of Sc ho ol s; th e
fi xi ng of th e co
m pe ns at io n of al
fo r th e pr op er l pe rs on s ne ce ss
co nd uc t of th e ar y
pu bl ic sc ho ol s;
cu st od y of al l re ce iv in g th e
sc ho ol pr op er ty
; th e m ai nt en an
6f sc ho ol pr op er ce and pr es er va
ti on
ty ; th e managem
ent an d sa fe gu ar
fu nd s; th e ac qu di ng of sc ho ol
is it io n of sc ho ol
si te s; th e er ec
an d improvement ti on , m ai nt en an
of sc ho ol bu il di ce
ng s an d ad di ti on
pu rc ha se of sc ho s th er et o; th e
ol eq ui pm en t, fu
rn it ur e, ap pa ra
an d th e li ke ; an tu s, su pp li es ,
d th e pr om ul ga
ti on of pl an s, ru
fo r th e ad m in is fe s an d re gu la ti
tr at io n, op er at io on s
n and m ai nt en an
sc ho ol sy st em . ce of a pu bl ic

Pu rc ha se s of th
e B oa rd sh al l be
co ns is te nt w it h
du re s es ta bl is he th e pr oc e-
d co nc er ni ng co
m pe ti ti ve bi dd in
pe ct , th e B oa rd g. In th at re s-
sh al l ad op t ap pr
op ri at e ru le s an
co nc er ni ng pu rc d re gu la ti on s
ha si ng , in cl ud in
g th e es ta bl is hm
ment of st an da rd en t an d en fo rc e-
sp ec if ic at io ns
fo r al l su pp li es
eq ui pm en t re qu ir , m at er ia ls an d
ed by th e B oa rd
an d w hi ch it ha
pu rc ha se or le as s au th or it y to

The sy st em of fu
rn is hi ng fr ee te
xt bo ok s in th e
of th e C it y and pu bl ic ~c ho ol s
C ou nt y an d re ce
iv in g an d ac ce pt
in g S ta te ai d th
fo re in ef fe ct er e-
at th e ti m e of
th e ad op ti on of
th is Pl an sh al l
co nt in ue d. be

In ad di ti on to
ot he r du ti es im
posed by th is Pl
al la w , it sh al an or by ge ne r-
l be th e du ty of
th e Board of E
du ca ti on to :
1. O ff er pr of
es si on al employ
ment, pr om pt ly
o ff ic e, th e sam af te r as su m in g
e to be ef fe ct iv
e as o f August
pe rs on ho ld in g 15 , 1990, to th
th e po si ti on of e
Sc ho ol s an d to
. S up er in te nd en t
o f Madison Cou
th e pe rs on ho ld
in g th e po si ti on
o f Ja ck so n C it of Su pe ri nt en de
y Sc ho ol s. Su nt
ch employment sh
sa ti o n at le as al l as su re a co
t eq ua l to th at mpen-
re ce iv ed by th e
ci ty su pe ri nt er pe rs on as co un
td en t, fo r a pe ty or
ri od of ti m e no
pi re d te rm o f t le ss th an th e
th e co un ty o r un ex -
ci ty su pe ri nt en
un ex pi re d te rm de nt , w hi ch ev er
is lo ng er , an d
sh al l as si gn to
an d re sp o n si b ea ch po si ti on du
il it ie s commen ti es
surate w it h th e
re ce iv ed . co m pe ns at io n to

2. H ol d re gu la r m
on th ly m ee ti ng s
which sh al l be
pu bl ic . open to th e

3. Adopt an d make
av ai la bl e fo r
d is tr ib u ti o n ru
re gu la ti on s an le s,
d a st at em en t
of _p o li ci es , in
an d method o f cl ud in g (a ) th e
op er at in g th e manner
Sc ho ol System
an d it s pr op er
th e manner an d ti es ; (b )
method o f em pl
oy in g pe rs on ne
l; {c ) al l pe rs
p o li ci es an d an on ne l
y re qu ir em en ts
w it h re fe re nc e
sa la ri es , va ca to te ac hi ng pe
ti on s, si ck le av rs on ne l
e, jo b se cu ri ty
po li cy ; (d ) th , an d re ti re m en
e manner and ex t
te nt of us e whi
pu bl ic bu il di ng ch may be made
of th e
s un de r th e co
nt ro l o f th e B
oa rd ; an d (e ) ot
su ch ap pr op ri at he r
e m at te rs .
4. C on si de ~ an
d to ad op t sc ho
ol bu dg et s; un '
pr ov is io ns an d de r th e
pr oc ed ur es se t
fo rt h in S ec ti on
8 of th is P la n.

~. Make ev er y ef fo
rt , w it h moneys
av ai la bl e or re as
pr oc ur ab le , to on ab ly
br in g th e sy st em
s be in g co ns ol id
of th e hi gh es t at ed to th e le ve
of an y of them, l
and th er ea ft er to
ra is e th e ed uc at m ai nt ai n an d
io na l st an da rd s
of th e un if ie d sy
in cl ud e bu t no t st em . Th is sh al
be li m it ed to th l
os e ite m s se t fo
di x I, pa ge num rt h in th e Appen
bers 37 , 38 , 39 , -
and 40 .

Se ct io n 8. Fi na nc in g Sc ho ol
System Pr ep ar at io n
ti on .Q f Sc ho ol an d Adop-
B ud ge ts . B eg in ni ng w ith
th e sc ho ol ye ar
an d fo r ev er y ye 19 90 -9 1
ar th er ea ft er ,
th e Ja ck so n- M ad
Sy st em sh al l be is on Co un ty Sc ho
fi na nc ed by lo ca
l ta xe s le vi ed an
made by th e Mad d ap pr op ri at io ns
ison Co un ty Com
mission, su pp le m
Fe de ra l an d St at en te d by su ch
e A id e and ot he
r fu nd s as may be
av ai la bl e,
The Bo ar d of Ed
uc at io n sh al l pr
ep ar e or ca us e
sh al l co ns id er , to be pr ep ar ed ,
sh al l ho ld pu bl
ic he ar in gs w it h
sh al l ap pr ov e sc re sp ec t to an d
ho ol bu dg et s as
fo llo w s:
1. An an nu al op
er at in g bu dg et ,
th e same to be fo
an d m ai nt en an ce r op er at io n
, in cl ud in g tr an
sp or ta ti on .

2. A ca pi ta l ou tl ay
bu dg et , w hi ch sh
al l in cl ud e a pr
pr op os ed ca pi ta og ra m of
l ex pe nd it ur es fo
r th e en su in g fi
sc al ye ar and th
ne xt fi ve ye ar s e
th er ea ft er . Sa
id bu dg et sh al l
li st pr oj ec ts to
b u il t w it h so ur be
ce of re ve nu e,
w he th er by cu rr
en t ta x le vy or
is su e or bo th , bond

On or be fo re th e
fi rs t da y of A pr
il of ea ch ye ar ,
of Ed uc at io n sh th e B oa rd
al l, fo r th e fi sc
al ye ar be gi nn in
g Ju ly 1 ne xt
th er ea ft er , su bm
it sa id bu dg et s
to th e Madison Co
fo r it s in fo rm at unty Commission
io n an d co ns id er
at io n at th e A pr
il m ee tin g. Sa id

uu ug ec s sh al l be
in su ch form as
may be re qu ir ed by
w ith su ch sc he du St at e la w ,
le s an d su pp or tin
g da ta as may be
ad vi sa bl e fo r
it s pr op er co ns id
er at io n. The Bo
ar d of Ed uc at io n
sh al l al so
de te rm in e th e so
ur ce s of re ve nu e
av ai la bl e an d re qu
sa id bu dg et s, to ir ed to m ee t
ge th er w ith St at
e, Fe de ra l an d ot
he r fu nd s es tim at
to be av ai la bl e. ed
The Bo ar d of Ed uc
at io n sh al l al so
amount of fu nd s de te rm in e th e
ne ed ed from ta xe
s fo r th e en su in g
m ee t th e re qu ir em fi sc al ye ar to
en ts of sa id bu dg
et s an d th e sp ec if
to pr od uc e su ch ic ta x le vi es
fu nd s, th e am ou nt
of th e sp ec if ic ta
computed on th e x le vi es to be
ba si s of da ta su
bm itt ed to th e Bo
by th e Co un ty Fi ar d of Ed uc at io n
sc al A ge nt . In
th e pr ep ar at io n of
th e Board of Ed uc sa id bu dg et s
at io n may se ek th
e ad vi ce an d su gg
co un ty fi sc al au es tio ns of th e
th or it ie s an d of
th e St at e D ep ar tm
Ed uc at io n. en t of

A ft er th e Bo ar d
of Ed uc at io n ha s
he ld on e or more
he ar in gs w ith re pu bl ic
sp ec t to sa id bu
dg et s, which may
in th e di sc re ti on
of th e Board be
he ld pr io r to or
su bs eq ue nt to th e
A pr il, th e Bo ar d fi rs t da y of
of Ed uc at io n sh al
l ad op t th es e two
fi na l form an d su bu dg et s in
bm it them to th e
Fi sc al Agent of th
ot he rw is e re qu ir ed e County as
by la w .
The M ad iso n Co un
ty Commission sh
al l ad op t two sc ho
as he re in ab ov e pr ol bu dg et s
ov id ed , as ot he rw
is e re qu ir ed by la
w , and sh al l
se t th e ta x ra te s
w ith re sp ec t to
th e same. Co un ty
bu dg et s of th e Sc ta xe s fo r th e two
ho ol System sh al
l be computed an d
re ce ip te d fo r on
a st at em en t or re
ce ip t di st in ct fro
m co un ty ta x ge ne
ho w ev er , to be co ra lly , th e same,
ll ec te d by th e Co
un ty Tr us te e in th
e same manner as
ot he r co un ty pr op
er ty ta xe s.

.. -- -~ - .. uu ug ec or th e ca
pi ta l ou tla y bu dg
et , or bo th , as
ad op te d by th e M
adison County Com
mission ar e in th e
m aj or ity of th e op in io n of a
en ti re membership
of th e Bo ar d of Ed
in su ff ic ie nt and uc at io n
in ad eq ua te to m ee
t th e ne ed s of pu
th en th e Bo ar d of bl ic ed uc at io n,
Ed uc at io n is au th
or iz ed to ta ke ac
re sp ec t th er et o ti on w ith
as pr ov id ed in Se
ct io n 9 he re of .

Se ct io n 9. Referendum El ec tio
n M to Sc ho ol Bu
re qu es t of th e Bo dg et s Y2.Qil
ard .Q.f Ed uc at io n.
- When th e Board
is of th e op in io of Ed uc at io n
n th at th e op er at
in g bu dg et or ca
bu dg et is in su ff pi ta l ou tla y
ic ie nt to m ee t th
e ne ed s of pu bl ic
is au th or iz ed to ed uc at io n, it
ta ke th e fo llo w in
g ac tio n as a m et
w ith Se ct io n 12 he ho d, to ge th er
re of , to in su re no
di m in ut io n in th e
ed uc at io na l se rv le ve l of
ic e in th e sc ho ol
Not la te r th an tw
en ty (2 0) da ys pr
io r to th e th ir d
A ug us t, th e Bo ar Monday in
d by a m aj or ity of
it s en ti re membe
ad op t a re so lu ti on rship sh al l
de cl ar in g th at in
ad di tio n to fu nd s
at ed fo r th e op er ap pr op ri -
at io na l sc ho ol bu
dg et as ad op te d by
County Commissio th e Madison
n, an amount of mo
ney (t o be sp ec if
re so lu ti on ) is ne ie d in th e
ce ss ar y; th at th e
sp ec if ie d amount
du ce d by an ad di w il l be pr o-
ti on al ta x le vy of
a st at ed number of
be sp ec if ie d in m il ls (t o
th e re so lu ti on );
and th at th e Bo ar
d by su ch
re so lu ti on ca ll s
fo r and in it ia te s
a re fe re nd um el ec
de te rm in e w he th er ti on to
su ch ad di ti on al ta
x sh al l be le vi ed
re ve nu es th er eb y an d to ta l
ra is ed sh al l be ad
de d to th e op er at
bu dg et . Sa id re io na l sc ho ol
so lu ti on sh al l no
t be ad op te d un ti
l af te r pu bl ic
he ar in g by th e Bo
ar d of Ed uc at io n
re ga rd in g th e di ff
er en ce s

....... ::1cnoo1. ou dg ets
as recommended and
as ad op ted by th e
M ad iso n Co un ty Comm
Fo r th e pu rp os e of
ca lc ul at in g th e ta
x in cr ea se or in cr ea
ne ce ss ar y un de r sa se s
id re so lu tio n, th e
Bo ard of Ed uc ati on
sh al l
pr oc ur e from th e Co
un ty Fi sc al Ag en t,
who sh al l fu rn ish
th e same
im m ed ia te ly upon re
qu es t, th e amount
of re ve nu e wh ich an
ad di tio na l ta x of
on e (1 ) m ill is an
tic ip at ed to pr od uc
e, an d on
th is ba si s ca lc ul at
e th e ad di tio na l ta
x ne ce ss ar y to ra is
ad di tio na l sc ho ol e th e
fu nd s so ug ht . A ce
rt if ie d co py of su ch
re so lu tio n sh al l im
me di ate ly be tra ns m
itt ed to th e M ad iso
Co mm iss ion and to n Co un ty
th e Bo ard of Co un ty
Co mm iss ion ers of El
wh ich sh al l or de r ec tio n,
an d co nd uc t a sp ec
ia l re fe re nd um el ec
tio n no t
la te r th an th ir ty
(3 0) da ys fo llo wi ng
sa id ce rt if ic at io n,
may be he ld if pr ac The same
tic ab le sim ul ta ne ou
sly wi th , an d as a
th e ge ne ra l Au gu st pa rt of ,
el ec tio n when th e ye
ar is an ev en on e.
The ac tio n ab ov e ou
tli ne d may be ta ke n
by th e Bo ard of
Ed uc at io n wi th re sp
ec t to ei th er th e Op
er at in g Bu dg et or th
Ca pi ta l Ou tla y Bu dg e
et, or bo th .

Where th e ac tio n is
wi th re sp ec t to th
e Op er ati ng Bu dg et,
no tic e of el ec tio n th e
an d th e ba llo t fo r
su ch re fe re nd um sh
al l
pr ov id e su bs ta nt ia
lly as fo llo ws :

"R efe ren du m El ec tio

n as to in cr ea se d
op er at in g sc ho ol bu
of $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ dg et
(h er e fi ll in th e ad
di tio na l amount wh
ich th e
Bo ar d ha s ce rt if ie
d as ne ce ss ar y) an
d an in cr ea se of
(h er e fi ll in amou
nt wh ich th e Bo ard
ha s ce rt if ie d as ne
ce ss ar y)

mi LL S 1n ta x ra te th er eb y
ne ce ss ita te d.

Fo r in cr ea se
Ag ain st in cr ea se _ _
_ _ __
Where th e ac tio n is
wi th re sp ec t to th e
Ca pi tal Ou tla y
Bu dg et, th e no tic e of
el ec tio n an d th e ba llo
t fo r su ch ref ere nd um
sh al l pr ov ide su bs ta
nt ia lly as fo llo ws :

"Referendum El ec tio n
as to in cr ea se d op er
ati ng sc ho ol bu dg et
of $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(h er e fi ll in th e ad
di tio na l amount which
th e
Bo ard ha s ce rti fie d
as ne ce ss ar y) and an
in cr ea se of
fi ll in amount which
th e bo ar d ha s ce rti fie
d as ne ce ss ar y) m ill
ta x ra te th er eb y ne ce s in
ss ita te d.

Fo r in cr ea se
Ag ain st in cr ea se_ _
_ _ __
Where th e ac tio n tak
en is wi th re sp ec t to
bo th th e Op era tin g
Bu dg et an d th e Ca pi tal
Ou tla y Bu dg et, th e no
tic e of el ec tio n and
th e ba llo t fo r su ch
ref ere nd um sh al l su bs
ta nt ia lly co nt ain bo th
pr ov isi on s ab ov e qu ote
The re su lt of sa id sp
ec ia l el ec tio n sh al l
be ce rti fie d by th e
Co mm iss ion ers of El ec
tio n to th e County Fi
sc al Agent and to th e
County Tr us tee . The
co st of sa id el ec tio n
sh al l be _pa id ou t of
th e ge ne ra l fu nd of
the Co un ty.
Pr io r to ho ld in g of
sa id ref ere nd um el ec
tio n, the Board of
Ed uc ati on sh al l be de
emed to be op er ati ng
un de r th e bu dg ets
ad op ted by the Madis
on County Commission
. If th e ma jo rit y of
vo te rs fa vo r ei th er
or bo th of the in cr ea
se s th en th e pr ev io us

~uv~~~u ca x lev y or le vi es
fo r th e County sh al
- l be deemed
ac co rd in gl y amended
an d in cr ea se d and th
e pr ev io us ly ad op ted
Op er ati ng Bu dg et or
Ca pi ta l Ou tla y Bu dg
et, or bo th , sh al l be
deemed ac co rd in gl y
amended an d in cr ea se
d. If th e m aj or ity
vo te rs do no t fa vo r
ei th er of sa id in cr ea
se s, th en bo th th e
lev y and th e sc ho ol tax
bu dg ets sh al l rem ain
as pr ev io us ly ad op ted
Se ct io n 10 . Payment .Q.f Bonded In
de bt ed ne ss . The Ci ty of
Ja ck so n ha s no bo nd
ed in de bt ed ne ss to tra
ns fe r to th e co ns ol
un ifi ed sc ho ol sy ste id at ed

Se ct io n 11 . Employment Qf. Su pe rin

ten de nt .Q.f Sc ho ol s.
The Bo ard of Ed uc ati
on is au th or iz ed to
de sig na te a pe rso n
ex pe rie nc ed in pu bl
ic sc ho ol management
an d su pe rv isi on as
th e
ch ie f ad m in ist ra tiv
e employee of th e Bo
ard an d to en te r in to
employment co nt ra ct an
wi th su ch pe rso n fo
r a pe rio d no t ex ce ed
fo ur (4 ) ye ar s and in g
fo r a co mp en sa tio n
to be de ter mi ne d th er
The pe rso n so de sig ei n.
na te d an d employed
sh al l be known as th
"S up er in ten de nt of
Sc ho ol s" , and sh al l
po ss es s a ce rti fic at
e of
qu al ifi ca tio ns iss ue
d by th e St at e Board
of Ed uc ati on pu rsu an
Te nn es se e Code An no t to
tat ed , Se ct io n 49 -2 -3
01 , or th os e qu al ifi
wh ich w ill en ab le him ca tio ns
or he r to ob ta in su ch
ce rti fic at e upon
employment by th e Bo
ard . The Bo ard of Ed uc ati
on is au th or iz ed to
as sig n to th e Su pe rin
ten de nt of Sc ho ol s su
ch du tie s an d
re sp on si bi lit ie s as
ar e ne ce ss ar ily , us
ua lly , or pr op er ly as
sig ne d
to a ci ty su pe rin te nd
en t of sc ho ol s or to
a co un ty su pe rin te nd
of sc ho ol s. en t

Se ct io n 12 . ~D im in ut io n. in
Le ve l of Ed uc at io
na l Se rv ic e .tQ
~ Pe rm itt ed , -
It sh al l be th e du
ty of th e Bo ar d of
an d of th e Su pe rin Ed uc at io n
te nd en t of Sc ho ol s
(s ub je ct to th e co
power of th e Bo ar nt ro lli ng
d) so to ad m in is te
r, op er at e an d m ai
Sc ho ol Sy ste m th at nt ai n th e
th er e sh al l be no
di m in ut io n in an y
th e le ve l of ed uc re sp ec t in
at io na l se rv ic e in
th e Ja ck so n- M ad iso
Sc ho ol Sy ste m an d n Co un ty
it sh al l be th e du
ty of th e Madison
Commission to le vy Co un ty
ta xe s an d to make
ap pr op ria tio ns an eq
in su re th at th er e ua te to
sh al l be no su ch di
m in ut io n. No th in g
pa ra gr ap h sh al l be in th is
co ns tru ed to pr ev
en t th e Bo ar d from
su ch ch an ge s in sc m ak in g
ho ol ad m in is tra tio
n, pr ac tic es an d pr
fu tu re an d ch an gi oc ed ur es as
ng co nd iti on s may
in di ca te to be ne ce
ap pr op ri at e. ss ar y or

The m et ho d of in su
rin g no di m in ut io n
in th e le ve l of
ed uc at io na l se rv ic
e sh al l be to ha ve
th e Ja ck so n- M ad iso
Sc ho ol Bo ar d in su n Co un ty
re th at th e re co m
m en da tio ns made by
Cu rri cu lu m Co m m itt th e
ee of th e Ja ck so n-
M ad iso n County Pl
Commission fo r Sc an ni ng
ho ol Co ns ol id at io n
(Appendix I, pa ge s
& 45 re : tr an sp
19 -2 7
or ta tio n) be th e mi
nimum ac ce pt ab le
st an da rd
fo r cu rr ic ul um /e du
ca tio na l se rv ic e in
th e co ns ol id at ed /u
Sc ho ol Sy ste m . ni fi ed

Se ct io n 13 . Sa la ry Gu ar an te e
fo r Te ac he rs and Ot
he r
Em pl oy ee s, - The
hi gh er sa la ry sc he
du le un de r wh ich
th e te ac he rs
an d ot he r em pl oy ee
s of th e Ja ck so n Ci
ty Sc ho ol s and th e
Co un ty Sc ho ol s ar Madison
e cu rr en tly employ
ed sh al l ap pl y to
al l te ac he rs
an d al l ot he r em pl
oy ee s in th e Sc ho
ol Sy ste m , an d no
su ch sa la ry
sc he du le may be lo
we r th an it was pr
io r to co ns ol id at io

fl new sa la ry sc he
du le sh al l be es
ta bl is he d, ef fe ct
fo r th e Sc ho ol iv e Ju ly 1, 19 90
System which sh ,
al l be no lo w er
th an th e hi gh er
sc he du le by cl as sa la ry
si fi ca ti on , m ai
nt ai ne d by a com
in ef fe ct fo r th ponent pa rt of th
e ye ar en di ng Ju e sy st em
ne 30 , 1990, pl us
pr ov id ed by th e any ad di ti on al am
St at e of su pp le m ounts
en ts made av ai la
(R ef er to Appen bl e by th e St at e.
dix I, pa ge s 37 -3

Se ct io n 14 . Te nu re and O th er
R ig ht s Pr ot ec te d
and Pr ov id ed
N ot hi ng in th is
Pl an is in te nd ed
, or sh al l be co
to di m in is h or ns tr ue d,
de st ro y th e ex is
ti ng te nu re ri gh
ri gh ts an d sa la ts , si ck le av e
ry sc he du le ri gh
ts of al l te ac he
pe rs on ne l in th rs an d no n- te ac hi
e sc ho ol sy st em ng
of th e C it y of Ja
sc ho ol sy st em of ck so n or th e
Madison C ou nt y.
Any pe rs on empl
sc ho ol sy st em or oyed in sa id ci ty
sa id co un ty sc ho
ol sy st em who ha
as a te ac he r un s ac qu ir ed te nu re
de r Se ct io n 49 -5
-5 01 of Te nn es se
sh al l re ta in su e Code A nn ot at ed
ch te nu re in th e
Sc ho ol System es
co ns ol id at io n of ta bl is he d by th e
sa id sc ho ol sy st
em s. New employ
co ns ol id at ed sc ees of sa id
ho ol sy st em sh al
l al so be su bj ec
Te nu re A ct . (R t to sa id T ea ch
ef er to Appendix er s'
I, pa ge s 37 -3 8. )

Se ct io n 15 . Pe ns io n an d R et
ir em en t R ig ht s Pr
Pr ov id ed Fo r. ot ec te d and
N ot hi ng in th is
Pl an is in te nd ed
co ns tr ue d to di m or sh al l be
in is h or de st ro y
an y ri gh ts or be
Te nn es se e C on so ne fi ts in th e
lid at ed R et ir em en
t Sy st em or an y
w hi ch pe rs on ne l ot he r sy st em un
de r
may be co ve re d,
which an y pe rs on
sc ho ol sy st em of employed by th e
th e C it y of Ja ck
so n or by th e sc
M ad is on C ou nt y ho ol sy st em of
may ha ve ac qu ir ed
. Sa id ri gh ts sh
and co nt in ue d, al l be pr es er ve d

--- -v~ ~u 4~ eu
scn oo 1 sys tem sh all als o
be su bje ct to the ge ne
ral law , as it now ex ist
s or may he rea fte r
be amended, wi th res pe ct
to the Te nn ess ee Co nso
lid ate d Re tir em en t
Sy ste m and sh all be su bje
ct to an y oth er ex ist ing
sys tem for non-
tea ch ing pe rso nn el. (R
efe r to Appendix I, pa ge
s 37 -38 .)

Se cti on 16 . Be ne fit s Pr ote cte d and

Pro vid ed Bu;:_;_
H ea lt h~ Ins ura nc e,
De nta l Ins ura nc e Program.
Sic k Le ave s.
Re tir em en t Se ve ra nc e~
and .Li.a Ins ura nc e - Th
is Pla n
inc lud es the de tai ls sp
ell ed ou t in Appendix I,
pa ge s 37 -38 .

Se cti on 17 .
Di sa bi lit ies .Q.f Board Me
mbers and County
Co m m is si on er s~ ~ Co
ntr ac ts .Q.I. Qfill Sc ho ol Wa
rra nts .
Members of the Bo ard of
Ed uc ati on and County Co
mm iss ion ers sh all
be un de r the same di sa
bi lit ies as to the makin
g of co ntr ac ts wi th the
Bo ard or as to ow nin g sch
oo l wa rra nts as are es tab
lis he d by ge ne ral
law fo r members of co un
ty bo ard s of ed uc ati on
and ju sti ce s of the
pe ac e.

Se cti on 18 . N2. Di ve rsi on of Fu nd s,

No fun ds which hav e
be en ap pro pri ate d fo r the
use of, or tra ns fer red
to, the Sc ho ol
Sy ste m sh all be div ert ed
from th at use for any oth
er pu rpo se.

Se cti on 19 . Tr an sfe r of Sc ho ol Funds

wi thi n Sc ho ol Bu dg ets .
The Board sh all ha ve pow
er at any tim e to tra ns
fer fun ds wi th-
in the ma jor ite ms of its
two res pe cti ve bu dg ets
pro vid ed suc h
tra ns fe rs are no t inc on
sis ten t wi th the ge ne ral
law . It sh all
als o ha ve power to make
tra ns fer s of fun ds to,
from, or bet we en
ma jor ite ms in its bu dg
et, pro vid ed suc h tra ns
fer s are no t in-
co ns ist en t wi th the ge ne
ral law .

---- - -
,.uL US t .:_
Bo rro wi ng Money, -
The Co un ty Commission
, by re so lu tio n ap pr
th e Co un ty Ex ec ut iv ov ed by
e, may tra ns fe r fu nd
s to th e Sc ho ol Fund
Co un ty Ge ne ra l Fu nd from th e
, or may iss ue sh or
t-t er m an tic ip at io n
no tes to
pr ov id e su ch fu nd s
if , in it s jud gm en t,
it is ne ce ss ar y an d
pr ov id e tem po rar y ad pr op er to
va nc es or tra ns fe rs
fo r th e ma in ten an ce
at io n of th e sc ho ol and op er -
s. Such tem po rar y ad
va nc es or tra ns fe rs
re pa id or re sto re d sh al l be
ou t of sc ho ol fu nd s
du rin g th e en su in g ye
ar .
Se ct io n 21 . Ac qu isi tio n an d Sa le
2f Pr op er ty . - The Bo
Ed uc ati on is he re by ard of
de sig na te d as th e le
ga l cu sto di an of al
sc ho ol pr op er ty be lo l
ng in g to Madison Co
unty or th e Ci ty of
ot he r th an su ch pr op Ja ck so n,
er ty no t be in g us ed
fo r sc ho ol pu rp os es
th is Pl an becomes ef when
fe ct iv e, th e same to
be de sig na ted as no
pr op er ty by re so lu tio n- sc ho ol
n of th e Ci ty Co un cil
or County Commission
pr io r to th e ef fe ct
iv e da te. When in
th e jud gm en t of th e
Board of
Ed uc ati on an y pr op er
!:- ty he ld by it pu rsu an
t to th is se ct io n is
fi ' lo ng er su ite d or ne
ed ed fo r sc ho ol pu rp
os es , sa id Bo ard is
he re by
au th or iz ed , wi th ap
pr ov al of th e go ve rn
in g body of th e Ci ty
or of
th e Co un ty, wh ich ev
er ha s ti tl e to th e
pr op er ty , to se ll su
ch pr o-
pe rty an d ha ve th e
pr oc ee ds cr ed ite d to
th e un ap pr op ria ted Sc
Fund, ti tl e to wh ich ho ol
sh al l be ve ste d in
th e Bo ard of Ed uc ati
on .
Se ct io n 22. De ce nn ial Re di str ic
tin g of Sc ho ol Bo ard
D is tri ct s. The me tho d of re di st
ric tin g th e sc ho ol bo
ar d di s-
tr ic ts se t fo rth in
Se ct io n 6 of th is Pl
an sh al l be as fo llo
ws :
W ith in si x months af
te r th e re su lts of th
e Fe de ra l de ce nn ial
ce ns us of 1990 ar e
made pu bl ic , th e Co
unty Commission sh al
l el ec t
th re e pe rso ns to a
sc ho ol bo ar d re di st
ric tin g co mm itt ee ;
and th e

sh al l be members
-- --~ow.~~- ~e rs on s so el ec te
of th e ap po in tin g
au th or ity . The si
el ec te d sh al l pr oc x pe rs on s so
ee d to ex am in e an
d co ns id er th e sc
di st ri ct s as pr es ho ol bo ar d
cr ib ed in Se ct io n
6 of th is Pl an .
If sa id di st ri ct s
at th at tim e ar e
fo un d to co ns ti tu
di st ri ct s of ap pr te
ox im at el y eq ua l po
pu la tio n re pr es en
co m m itt ee sh al l so ta tio n, th e
ce rt if y to th e Co
un ty Commission,
Co un ci l an d th e Bo th e C ity
ar d of Ed uc at io n.
Sa id ce rt if ic at io
sp re ad up on th e m n sh al l be
in ut es of ea ch su
ch of fi ci al bo dy
an d th e
di st ri ct s sh al l
co nt in ue un ch an ge
d w ith ou t re di st ri
ct in g. If
sa id di st ri ct s at
th at tim e do no t
co ns tit ut e di st ri
ap pr ox im at el y eq ct s of
ua l po pu la tio n re
pr es en ta tio n, th en
bo ar d re di st ri ct in sa id sc ho ol
g co m m itt ee sh al
l re vi se th e same
bo un da rie s th er eo an d th e
f, to th e en d th at
th er e sh al l be si
di st ri ct s of ap pr x (6 )
ox im at el y eq ua l po
pu la tio n re pr es en
sh al l ce rt if y w he ta tio n an d
th er th e po pu la tio
n in ea ch di st ri ct
1 w ith in or ou ts id
e th e co rp or at e ci
ty li m it s.
re si de s

When th e co m m itt
ee sh al l be di vi de
d ev en ly as to w
th er e sh al l be re he th er
vi si on or as to th
e sp ec if ic pl an of
th en a C ir cu it Ju re vi si on ,
dg e ha vi ng ju ri sd
ic ti on in M ad iso n
Co un ty sh al l
be re qu es te d, an
d is he re by au th
or iz ed to ap po in t
an ad di tio na l
member to ac t w ith
sa id co m m itt ee , wh
ic h ad di tio na l me
no t be a re si de nt mber ne ed
of M ad iso n Co un ty
A ft er th e sc ho ol
bo ar d re di st ri ct in
g co m m itt ee ha s
an d ap pr ov ed a pl fo rm ul at ed
an of re di st ri ct in
g, th e new pl an
sh al l be
ce rt if ie d by th e
co m m itt ee to th e
Co un ty Commission,
Co un ci l, an d to to th e C ity
th e Bo ar d of Ed uc
at io n, an d sh al l
be sp re ad upon

an d pr es cr ib ed by
sa id co mm itt ee sh al
l he nc ef or th be th e
di st ri ct s
from wh ich members
sh al l be el ec te d in
th e fu tu re as th e ter
of ex is tin g members ms
ex pi re .
Sa id pr oc es s of re di
st ri ct in g sh al l be
co ns id er ed an d, if
fo un d ne ce ss ar y, re
pe at ed af te r ea ch su
bs eq ue nt Fe de ra l de
ce ns us . ce nn ia l

Se ct io n 23 . Tr an sf er Po lic y. - Th er e sh al l be no
stu de nt ,
m ed ic al , or m aj or ity
-to -m in or itytra ns fe rs wi th in th
e Sc ho ol Sy s-
tem. De pe nd en ts sh al l be
pe rm itt ed to tra ns fe
r th ei r en ro llm en t
on ly to th e bu ild in
g or campus at which
th ei r pa re nt (s ) work
tim e as sc ho ol em pl fu ll-
oy ee s.

Se ct io n 24 . Use Qf Fa ci lit ie s.
Th is Pl an in cl ud es
de ta ils sp el le d ou th e
t in Appendix I, pa
ge s 31 -3 6.

Se ct io n 25 . Sc ho ol Zone Li ne s Re
di st ric tin g, The Ja ck -
so n- M ad iso n Co un ty
Sc ho ol Bo ar d sh al l
re vi ew th e M idd le Sc
an d High Sc ho ol s ra ho ol s
ci al ba la nc e at th e
en d of th e 19 90 -9 1
sc ho ol
ye ar an d an nu al ly
th er ea fte r to in su re
th at th e ra ci al ba la
ea ch M idd le Sc ho ol nc e at
an d ea ch High Sc ho ol
is w ith in + 5% of th
co un ty -w id e ra ci al e
makeup of th e sc ho ol
ag e stu de nt s at th e
Sc ho ol an d High Sc ho M idd le
ol le ve l. The Board
sh al l make zone lin
ju stm en ts to co nc ur e ad -
wi th th is ba la nc e.
Se ct io n 26. Ap pe nd
ix .L. (A tta ch ed ; fo
rty -n in e (4 9) pa ge s.)

f_ '
I:~ I

p r e p a r & d by

R, S C H O O L
Fe bruary 2 1 , 19 89
Ja ck so n -M a d
is o n C o u n ty ,
T e n n e ss e e

Pl an ni ng Commission
Jo in t Re so lu tio n
2 - 5
Ap pr op . Se ct io ns of
Tenn. Code An no ta te
d 6 -1 5
Ad va nt ag es of Co ns
ol id at in g Sc ho ol Sy
ste ms 16
Pl an Ap pr ov al Pr oc
es s
Community In pu t an
d Sc ho ol V is its
Cu rri cu lu m
19 -27
Sc ho ol Bo ar d D is tr
ic t Zone Li ne s
28 -3 0
Sc ho ol Zone Li ne s
an d Use of Fa ci lit
ie s 31 -36
Eq ua liz at io n an d Pr
Be ne fit s fo r Pe rs on er va tio n of Sa la rie s an d
ne l
37 -38
Co st an d Fu nd in g
39 -4 7
Sc he du le of Ev en ts
No te s

(R ev isi on 4 on 3/ 8/
89 }

- .
Hy ra n E. Ba re fo ot
1232 Ho liy wo od Dr iv Bu rru ss Ni ch ol s
(H ) 42 4- 40 54 Rt . 1, 46 Oa kf ie ld Rd
(0 ) 66 8- 18 18 .
(H ) 42 3- 24 33
(0 ) 42 7- 32 79
Ron Da vi s
378 Ol d M ale su s Rd Sa ra h Pe ch on ic k
(H ) 42 4- 69 26
567 W es tm or el an d
(0 ) 42 5- 67 31 Pl.
(H ) 42 7- 02 38
Jo hn D. Gr ah am Ron Pe nn el
71 Wildwood La ne 31 8 Cr es ce nt Av en
(H ) 66 8- 52 03 ue
(H) 42 3- 22 16
(0 ) 42 3- 43 30
(0 ) 42 2- 18 16
Le sil e Ha ss el l David M. Sm ith , Jr .
125 Cl ai bo rn e Dr . 3323 Be ec h Bl uf f Rd
(H ) 66 8- 78 50 .
(H ) 42 4- 70 77
(0 ) 42 3- 44 44
(0 ) 42 3- 72 07 or 42
3- 72 06
Ne ll Hu nt sp on
Pe gg y Sm ith
10 Ru st Rd.
Rt . 1, P.O. Box 26 2-
(H) 42 2- 56 44 AB
Le xi ng to n, TN 3835
(0 ) 42 2- 33 41 1
(H ) 96 8- 60 53
(0 ) 66 8- 78 66
Be n La ng fo rd
316 Cr es ce nt Av e.
(H) 42 7- 47 81
(0 ) 42 7- 13 08

J. Al ex Le ec h
56 Hu rtl an d Dr .
(H) 66 8- 46 85
(0 ) 42 3- 60 20

Lo uv ell a M cC lel lan

71 Ch er ok ee Dr .
(H ) 42 4- 01 27
(0 ) 42 7- 10 36

Cl yd e M cK in ne y
38 7 Bond Ce m et er y
(H ) 42 2- 30 55

Lynn Ne ws om
38 Wood Th ru sh Co
(H) 66 4- 49 75
(0 ) 42 5- 82 52

pr ob le m of op er aterineg is no qu ic k or ea sy so lu tio n to th
so n an d fo r M ad iso n pu bl ic sc ho ol s fo r th e C ity of Ja ck e
WHEREAS, si nc e th e co un ty , an d, -
ci ty of Ja ck so n 8t h da y of
be en in vo lv ed in an d M ad iso n co un ty Ja sc
nu ar y, 19 63 , bo th th
ho e
Fe de ra l Co ur t li ti ga ol sy st em s ha ve
WHEREAS, th ti on , an d,
li ti ga ti on in vo lverineg is pe nd in g, ev en now, fu rt he r Fe de
co un ty sc ho ol sy st em bo th th e C ity of Ja ck so n an d M ad ra l
WHEREAS, in an ef s, an d, iso n
bo th th e ci ty of fo rt to so lv
th er e ha ve be en stJa ck so n an d M ad isoen thCo e pr ob le m s fa ci ng
of Ja ck so n ac tin g ud ie s by th e ci ty co mun ty sc ho ol sy st em s
M ad iso n co un ty Sc ho as th e ci ty of Ja ck so m iss io n of th e C ity
n Sc ho ol Bo ar d, th e
an d ta sk fo rc es ap pool Bo ar d, th e M ad iso n Co un ty Com mission
M ad iso n Co un ty sc ho in te d by bo th th e Ci ty of Ja ck so n
ol bo ar ds , an d an d
WHEREAS, th M ad iso
Ja ck so n Boa.r d ofeEd n Co un ty Sc ho ol Bo ar
d, th e C ity of
of Col1ll!lerce co m m iss uc at io n, an d th e Ja ck so n Ar ea Ch
a co m pr eh en si ve st udio ne d Memphis st at e U ni ve rs ity toamber
of Ja ck so n an d M ad isoy of th e pr ob le m s fa ci ng bo th th e make
ga tio n in wh ic h bo th n co un ty sc ho ol sy st em s an d th e C ity
Co un ty ar e in vo lv ed th e ci ty of Ja ck so n an d M ad iso n li ti -
sy st em s, an d make re as same pe rt ai ns to th ei r sc ho ol
an d M ad iso n Co un ty co m m en da tio ns to th e Ci ty of Ja ck
sc ho ol bo ar d, an d so n
WHEREAS, sa id Mem ph
recommended th e is st at e un iv er si ty st ud y
I sc ho ol sy st em an dcothns ol id at io n of th e C ity of Ja ck so n
an el ec te d sc ho ol boe M ad iso n Co un ty sc ho ol sy st em
ap po in te d by sa id el ar d an d a sc ho ol su pe ri nt en de nt, to w ith
ec te d sc ho ol bo ar d, an d be
i WHEREAS, th ro ug h al
in te re st ed gr ou ps l of th e st ud y by al l of th
fo r so lu ti on to th eth er e ap pe ar s th at no st ro ng co nceen su
WHEREAS, th e St pr at
ob le m ha s be en es ta bl
e is he d, an d,
fo r th e jo in t op of Te nn es se e pr ov id es
ge ne ra lly
by th re e m et ho ds :er at io n of ci ty an d co un ty sc ho ol sy st em s
(1 ) The ci
w he re in th e co unty an d co un ty m ig ht en
pu rs ua nt to T. c. A .ty wo ul d op er at e th e cite ty
r in to a co nt ra ct
49 -1 10 1. sc ho ol sy st em ,
(2 ) The ci ty co ul-2 d tr an sf er th e
su ch sc ho ol sy st em s
co un ty su pe ri nt en to th e co un ty bo ar dad m in is tr at io n of
de nt ,
(3 ) Pu rs ua nt to T.pu rs ua nt to T. C. A. .ed 49
uc at io n an d
C. A. 49 -2 -1 20 1, th -2 -1 00 2.
cr ea te d an d es ta bl is er e ma y
co m m iss io n, "p la nn inhe d a un if ic at io n ed uc at io na l plbe
th e ne ed s fo r an d pr g co m m iss io n" , to st ud y an d co an ni ng
id at io n of al l pu bl ob le m s in co nj un ct io n w ith th e ns id er
fi ed sc ho ol sy st em . ic sc ho ol s w ith in th e co un ty in tocoans ol -
fo llo w s: th e co un ty Th is co m m iss io n wo ul d be ap po in te d un i-
te nt ci ti ze ns as me ex ec ut iv e may ap po in t fi ve (5) co m as
mbers of "p la nn in g co pe
m m iss io n" , an d th e-

-- w x v. ua cK so
co un ty ex ec ut ivne may ap po in t fi ve (5 ), w hi ch na
ed uc at io n. Th e "psh al l su bm it to th e st at e co mmes th e
bu t no t re qu ir ed , la nn in g co m m is si on " sh al l be m is si on er of
of su ch sc ho ol sy to pr ep ar e a pl an fo r th e co au th or iz ed ,
be su bm it te d to thst em , an d su ch pl an , if ap pr ovns ol id at io n
ra is al . Sa id pl an e st at e de pa rt m en t of ed uc at ed , sh al l
ti o n pl an pr ov id in w il l pr ov id e fo r an or de rl y io n fo r ap p-
g fo r th e fo ll ow in co ns ol id a-
(1) A dm in is tr at iv
e or ga ni za ti on of
co ns ol id at ed sy st em ; th e pr op os ed
(2) A m et ho d to
of th e ed uc atiniosu re no di m in ut io n
in th e le l
of th e sy st em s in se rv ic e in th e sc ho ol s in ve
an y
vo lv ed ;
{3) A pp ro pr ia te
m ns fo r th e tr an
li ab il it ie s ofeam
tr ic t sy st em s; un ic ip al an d spsfec
er of as se ts an d
ia l sc ho ol d is -
(4) Pl an fo r di sp it
ne ss w hi ch sh os
io n of ex is ti ng bo
nd ed in de ed
an y bo nd ho ld er ; in no w is e im pa ir th e ri gh ts btof

(5) Pl an s fo r pr es
of a ll te ac he rser vian
ng th e ex is ti ng pe
ns io n ri gh ts
re sp ec ti ve sy st em d no nt ea ch in g pe rs on ne l in th e
{6) Pl an s fo r pr
es er vi ng th e ex is
si ck le av e ri gh ti ng te nu re ri gh ts
al l te ac he rs an dts an d sa la ry sc he du le ri gh ts ,
re sp ec ti ve sy st em no nt ea ch in g pe rs on ne l in th of
s; e
(7) A pp ro pr ia te
pl an s fo r co nt ri bu
it ie s an d/ or sp ec ia l sc ho ol d istitron by m un ic ip al -
co un ty fo r th e op ic ts to th e
sc ho ol s du ri ng th er at io n of a un if ie d sy st em of
in g un if ic at io n, e pe ri od of tr an si ti on fo ll ow
th re e {3) ye ar s; hi ch pe ri od sh al l no t ex ce ed -

{B) A pp ro pr ia te
pl s fo r re ap po rt
fe de ra l de ce nnan io nm en t af te r ea ch
ti on of membersiaof l ce ns us of d is tr ts fo r el ec -
th e sc ho ol bo aric d; an d
(9 ) Any ot he r m at
be pe rt in en t. te rs deemed by th e co m m is si on to
Th e pl an of co ns ol
co ns ol id at ed bo id at io n sh al l al so
se ve n (7 ), or ni ne ar d of ed uc at io n composed pr ov id e fo r a
(9 ) members an d th of fi ve (5 ),
co m m is si on an d th
e ci ty co m m is,si on e M ad is on co un ty
of th e C it y of Ja
ck so n

st ro n g ly recom
fr om d is tr ic mend n in e (9 )
b o ar d m
p o p u la ti o n o f w hi ch w il l in su re a llemsebers to b e e le c te d
th e sc h o o l sy stth e co u n ty a v o ic e in th egm en ts o f th e
sa id sc h o o l b o em , an d a su p er in te n d en t ad m in is tr at io n o f
ar d . to b e ap p o in te
d by
WHEREAS, th e p
o f th e C it y f ro p o se d a n sf
b o ar d o f ed uoca Ja ck so n sc h otr e r o f th e ad m
o l sy st em to th e M adin is tr at io n
w it h o u t su ff ic ti o n an d co u n ty su p er in te is on C ou nt y
co n se q u en ce s toie n t st u d y o f a ll o f th e n d en t h as b ee n do ne
th e ir te a c h e rs b o th th e c it y and co u n im p ac t o f th e
an d p u p il s. ty sc h o o l sy st em
SON an d th e MA
Ja ck so n an d tha t th e B oa rd o f C om m is si DISON COUNTY MMI-
e on
se lv e s, w it h o u M ad is on C ou nt y C om m is er s o f th e C it y o f
t re se rv a ti o n , si er s commit
id a ti o n o f sc h o o ls to th e p u rson u it o f th e co th em -
e le c te d sc h o o l p u rs u an t to T .C n so l-
.A . 49 -2 -1 20 1 w
te n d en t to b e b o ar d from n in e d is tr ic it h an
. in g o f th e co nap p o in te d by sa id sc h o o l ts , an d a su p e ri n -
C ou nt y C om m is so li d at ed sc h o o l sy st em tob o ar d , an d th e fu nd
si on be by th e M ad is
ss io n an d th RESOLVED th a t
th M ad is on C ou
p le d g e th e ir ewc it y Commission o f th ee c nt y Conuni-
d u ly au th o ri ze h o le h ea rt ed su p p o rt , an d it y o f Ja ck so n
d p er so n n el , to th
''p la n n in g co m m
is si on ". th e ap p o in teed su p p o rt o f it s
members o f th e
ss io n an d thFU RTHER RESOLVED
th a t th M ad is
su p p o rt th e p laC it y Commission o f th ee C
e on C ou nt y Com
ev en th o u g h th n su b m it te d by th e "p it y o f Ja ck so n sh amlli-
e la n
u a l members o f re may b e p ro v is io n s th n in g co m m is si on ",
th e C om m is si on th e C om m is si on e re o f w hi ch in
ed sa id p la n w as a w ho le m ig h t m ig ht h av e d is ag re em end t
iv id -
a ll se g m en ts o il l p ro v id e th e q u a li ty dan
ha ve is ag re em en t, p an d
f th e p o p u la ti o d ed u ca ti o n fo ro v id -
n. r
ss io n an d th e RESOLVED th a t
C it y C ommission o f th th e M ad is on C ou
w h o le h ea rt ed ly
se ek th e ap p ro v al e C it y o f Ja cknt y Commi-
ti o n by th e th of so n w il l
C o u rt fo r th e e ju d g e, o r ju d g es , o f th e p la n o f co
th e U. s. D isntrso li d a-
W es te rn D is tr ic ic t
t o f T en n es se e.
th e C it y o f RESOLV
R es o lu ti o n , Ja ck so n w il l, ED th a t th e C it y
C mission o f
fo rw ar d
up on it s ap p ro v al om o f th is Jo in t
th e M ad is on co sa me il l\ ll \e di at el y
so n C ou nt y co m u n ty E x ec u ti v e to b e su to th e a tt e n ti o n o f
m is si o n er s fo r th e ir ap b m it te d to th
ly a s p o ss ib le
. p ro v al as ex peedM ad i-
it io u s-


J,, I


~ -
In tr od uc ed r t- /- f' 3


On M ot io n of C om
m is si on er
se co nd ed by C om m
is si on er
- -Thanas
- - -Ray
- - - - - - - - ,
fo re go in g R es ol ut
io n was
-ad-op-te - -Mar-tin-da-le - -19-A-ye-, - - , the
E. l.eo

d by vo te of _ _ _ _ to 4 - Nay, 1- Pass
by th e C ou nt y C om 1 - Absent
m is si on o f M ad is on
C ou nt y, T en ne ss ee
da y of Ju ly , 19 88 . , th is 18 th

- - " .. " 'IJL. .L0 1'tl 'i \,;U UH AN NO TA

Cit ed: Miller v. Ha 62
Educ., 225 Tenn. 18, mblen County Bd. or
462 S.W.2d 874 11970)

49 -2-1201. Pl an ni ng
wh ere in se pa rat e schoo co mm iss io n. - (a)(l) In all counties of
l systems are ma int ain this sta te
more incorporated mu ed
nicipalities or one or mo by the county an d by one or
ma y be created an d es re
tablished a unification special school districts, the re
sion, he rei na fte r some ed
times called "the pla nn ucational planning commis-
(2) It sh all be th e du ing commission."
ty of the pla nn ing comm
need for an d problems
in conjunction with the ission to study and consider th e
wi th in the county int o consolidation of all publi
a c schools
re po rt as he rei na fte r pro unified s.chool system. an d to make an d file a
vided. Ir sa id rep or t sh wr
tio n, it may be accomp all recommend su ch co itten
anied by a proposed pla nsolida-
provided. n of consolidation, aa he
(b){l) Th e county exec
school system and th e uti ve, th e mayor of ea ch
ch municipality operatin
di str ict may each ap air ma n of th e hoard of education o(each spec g a
po int five (5) compete ial school
pl an ni ng commission. nt citizens as members
of the
(2) The names of all
executive, shall be certi ap po int ees, ot he r th an those
fied to th e county exec made by th e county
ity, utive by the appointing
(3) The county ex ec uti
ve shall furnish th e sta
a certified lis t of all me te commissioner of educ
mbers of th e pla nn ing ation
ap po int me nts have be commission promptly
en made or if the ap po aft er all
fu rn ish to th e sta te co int me nts ar e incomple
mmissioner o{ educati te,
da te on which th e fir st on, wi thi n one (1) ye ar he shall
member of the pla nn ing from th e
ce rti fie d list of ldl me
mb ers which have been commission was appointed, a
(4) Sa id certified lis t, appointed to sa id comm
wh eth er complete or ission.
appointing officials wh incomplete, tog eth er wi
o sh all be ex officio votin th the
pl an ni ng commission g members, shall constit
, subject to th e rig ute th e
th er ea fte r to fill an y va ht of th e appointing
cancies no t originally authority
occur. filled or which may subs
{c }(l ) Within th irt y
(30) days af ter sa id pla
be en constituted, its me nn ing commiesion shall
mb ers sh all hold an or have
an d place fixed by th e ganizational me eti ng at
county executive, with a time
(2) Th e planning comm notice thereof to all me
iss ion sh all mbers,
officers aa it deems ne ele ct a ch air ma n, a secretar
cessary. y an d oth er
(3) Fu tu re meetings of ,
sa id pla nn ing commiss
an d places as it may de ion shalJ be held at su ch
ter mi ne , wi th special times
upon call of its ch air ma or additional meetings
n. to be held
(d)(l} Members of th e
pla nn ing commission
ot he r compensation for shall not receive pe r die
th eir services bu t sh all m
expenses incurred by
the m.
be reimbursed for necessa or

(2) Such expenses an d oth
shall be paid from funds er ne ce ssa ry expenses of
ap pro pri ate d therefor by the pla nn ing commission
oth er funds made av ail
ab le by municipalities an the county, together with
(el(l) The unification ed d school districts.
sh all ma ke or cause to uc ati on al pla nn ing comm
be made a complete an ission herein provided for
needs for, issues in, an d d comprehensive stu dy
pro of the
op era tin g wi thi n the bo blems of consolidation of the various school system
un da rie s of the county. s
(2) Su ch stuc;iy sh all be
completed an d a wr itt en
the sta te commissioner rep ort made an d filed wi
of th
of the commission, excep ed uc ati on wi thi n one (1) ye ar aft er the first meeti
t as oth erw ise he rei n pro ng
(3) Where an y stu dy of vided.
ha s been made wi thi n fiv nsolidating school systems in a pa rti cu lar coun
e (5) ye ars prior to the ty
pla nn ing commission an organizational meeting
d the pla nn ing commissi of a
is sufficiently complete on determines tha t such
an d stu dy
the pla nn ing commission comprehensive, the same may in the discretio
be used as the study herei n of
its wr itt en rep ort an d n contemplated, as pa rt
as the ba sis for its pla
he rei na fte r provided for n for consolidation, if an of
. y, as
(f)(l) Th e pla nn ing comm
pre pa re a pla n for the co iss ion sh all be authorized, bu
nsolidation of su ch schoo t no t required, to
(2) Such pla n as ag ree d l systems.
a report on its stu die s an upon by a majority of the pla nn ing commission
d finding, if no pla n is , or
to the sta te de pa rtm en prepared, sh all be su bm
t of ed uc ati on for appra itte d
(3) Su ch recommendati isal.
sh all see fit to ma ke sh all s as tha t de pa rtm en t thr ou gh its commission
be received an d conside er
sion and the pla n of cons red
olidation, if an y, may be by the pla nn ing commis-
recommendations. revised in the lig ht of suc
(g)(l) In the ev en t th at
the pla nn ing commission
complete an ad eq ua te stu determines tha t it canno
dy and/or rep ort within t
wr itt en req ue st ad dre sse one (1) year, it may, up
d to the sta te commission on
such additional tim e, no er of education, be pe rm itte
t to exceed one (1) year, d
stances wa rra nt. as in his jud gm en t the cir
cu m-
(2) In the ev en t sai d pla
nn ing commission shall
rep ort wi thi n the tim e spe fail or refuse to ma ke its
cified, inc lud ing an y ex
the n said commission ma tension of tim e gra nte d
y be ter mi na ted an d dis to it,
an y ori gin al ap po int ing charged by notice to it fro
au tho rit y an d aft er such m
be appointed to proceed notice a new commission
wi th the stu dy an d make ma y
ingly. recommendations accord
Ch)(l) Before pre sen tat ion
of any proposed plan of
the sta te de pa rtm en t of consolidation or report to
education, the pla nn ing
one (1) public he ari ng commission sh all hold at
du ly ad ve rti sed at least least
he ari ng in a ne ws pa pe r one (1) week prior to suc
of ge ne ral circulation thr h
(2) At an y public he ari ou gh ou t the county.
ng so conducted by such
proceedings sh all be rec commission, mi nu tes of
orded an d preserved. an the
commissioner of ed uc ati d a copy filed wi th the
on . sta te
(i) In developing an y
consolidation plnn, the
pla nn ing commission sh unification educational
all consider an d pro\'ide
for the following:
(1 ) Ad m in ist ra tiv e orga 64
(2) A m et ho d to in nization of the propos
sure no diminution in ed co ns ol idated sy
in th e schools in an the level of the educati stem;
y of the sy ste m s inv onal service
(3 ) Ap pr op ria te
m ea ns for th e tra ns fe ed;
and special school di r of assets an d liabilit
strict systems; ies of municipal
(4 ) Pl an for disp
osition of existing
nowise im pa ir th e rig bond
r( S ) Pl an s for pres hts of an y bondholde ed indebtedness which shaU in
er r;
l.ruroteaching person ving th e existing pension rig ht s of all
nel in th e respective teachers an cf 7
eserving th e existin systems;
_ (6 ) Pl an s for pr
sa la ry schedule right g tenure rights, sick .__J
s, of al l te ac he rs and leave rights and
tive systems; non teaching personn
el in the respec-
(7) Ap pr op ria te
plans for contributio
school di str ic ts to th n by municipalities
e an
du rin g th e period of county for th e operation of a unified sy d/or special
transition fallowing stem of schools
exceed th re e (3 ) year unification, which pe
s; ri_od shall no t
(8) Ap pr op ria te
pl an s for reapportion
census of di str ic ts fo m
r election of members ent af te r each federal decennial
(9) Any ot he r m at
te rs of the school board;
ch. 246, 1-5; 1965 deemed by th e commission to be pe rti ne d
, ch. 73, l; T.C. A , 49-415 - 49 nt . [Acts 1963,
-419 .J
Se cti on to Se cti on
referred t4 in t 49-2- Re fer en ces . Thia pa rt ia Ga. O,C,G.A.1 20-2-
CompauaUve Legis Ky.Rev. Sta t. Ann. 60, 20-2-370 et seq.

lation. Conaolidallon
System.a: or N.C, Gen, Stat. t H 160,040, 160,.041.
115c-68, l16 c-7 2.
Va . Code Gt 22 .1-
49 2- 12 02 . Consol
provide for a consol idated board, - (a) Any plan of cons
idated board of educ ol
"th e board," to be co ation, hereinafter so idation shall
mposed of five (5 ), se metimes called
te rm s of office sh al l ven (7) or ni ne (9) m
be ei th er four (4 ) ye embers whose
determine. ars or six (6) years,
as th e plan may
(b) AL TE RN AT IV E 1.
(1) Pl an may prov
elected at th e ge ne ra ide th
l election in August an e members of th e board shall be
(1) of th re e (3 ) fo
llowing modes: d as determined by th
e plan. in one
(A) Th e pl an may pr
ovide for th e election
seven (7 ) board mem by popular vote of fiv
be e (5 ) or
wi th ou t fu rth er restr rs who shall be bona fide residents of
iction as to place of th e county,
(B ) Th e pl an m residence~
ay pr
members re pr es en tin ovide for th e election of five (5 ) or seve
g five (5 ) or seven (7) n (7) board
eq ua l population, ea school di str ic ts of ap
ch such district boar proximately
elected by th e vote d member to be voted
rs in th e pa rti cu la r upon and
member is a bona fid school di str ic t of wh
e resident; or ich the board
(C ) Th e pl an m
ay provide for th e ele
members by po pu la ction of five (5 ) or se
r vo ven (7) boo.rd
re qu ire m en t th at al te of th e en tir e electorate of th e county, bu
l five (5 ) or seven (7 t with the
dents of different scho ) members sh al l
ol districts, in which be bona tide resi-
who receives more vo event th at person sh
tes (county wide) th an al l be
same di str ic t. any ot he r person resid elected
ing in th e

(2) In th e ev en t th 49-2-1202
e pl an ad op ts th e
(b)( 1 )(B) or (b)(l)(C), option provided for
th en pl an sh all cr ea in subsection
of ap pr ox im ate ly eq te five (5) or se ve n (7)
ua l po pu lat io n an d sh school di str ict s
Th e pl an sh al l also all prescribe th e boun
provide. ap pr op ria te daries thereof.
af te r ea ch federal de pl an s for re ap po rti on
ce nn ial ce ns us , so th me nt of di str ict s
to be ele cte d by or fro at me mb er s of th e bo
m di str ict s of ap pr ox ard ma y co nt in ue
(3) Te rm s of office of im ate ly eq ua l populat
me mb er s of th e bo ar ion.
(A) To br in g ab ou t su d sh all be staggered.
ch sta gg er ed terms,
se ve n (7) me mb er s of th er e sh all be elected
th e bo ar d at th e first five (5) or
to th e ad op tio ~ of th ge ne ra l election held
e pl an . su bs eq ue nt
(B) If th e pl an provide
me mb er s or ig in all y s for full ter m s of six
ele cte d, th os e th re e (6) ye ar s, th en of th
of vo tes sh al l se rv e (3) who receive th e hi e se ve n (7)
for te rm s of six (6) ye gh er nu mb er
ne xt hi gh er nu m be r ar s, those two (2) wh
of votes sh al l serve o receive th e
re m ai ni ng me mb er s for ter ms of four (4)
sh all se rv e for ter ms ye ar s, an d th e
(C) If th e pl an provide of two (2) ye ar s.
s for five (5) members
th en of th e five (5) me an d full ter ms of six
mb er s or ig in all y ele (6) ye ar s,
hi gh er nu m be r of vo cted, those two (2) wh
tes sh all se rv e for ter o receive th e
wh o re ce iv e th e ne xt ms of six (6) ye ar s. Th
hi gh er nu m be r of vo ose two (2)
ye ar s, an d th e re ma tes sh all se rv e for ter
in in g m em be r sh all ms of four (4)
(D) If th e pl an pr ov se rv e for a te nn of tw
id o (2) ye ar s.
(7) me mb er s or ig in all es for full ter ms of four (4) ye ar s, th en of
y ele cte d, th os e four th e se ve n
of votes sh al l se rv e (4) who receive th e hi
for te rm s of fo ur (4) gh er nu m be r
sh al l se rv e for ter ms ye ar s an d th e re ma in
of two (2) years. in g me mb er s
(E) If th e pl an pr ov
ye ar s, th en of th e fiv es for five (5) me mb er s an d full ter ms
e (5) m em be rs or ig in of four (4)
re ce iv e th e hi gh er nu all y elected, those th
m be r of vo tes sh all se re e (3) who
th e re m ain in g me mb rv e for a ter m of four
er s shall- se rv e for ter (4) ye ar s an d
(F) In th e ev en t of m s of two (2) ye ar s.
a tie vote, th e board
te rm s of th os e re ce iv sh all de sig na te th e
in g th e sa m e nu mb er respective
(G } Su bs eq ue nt to of votes.
th e fir st ele cti on , me
for th e full ter m pr ov mbers of th e bo ar d sh
id ed in th e pl an . all be elected
(4) All va ca nc ies on
th e bo ar d sh al l be fil
ne xt re gu la r ge ne ra led for th e un ex pi re d
l ele cti on oc cu rri ng te nn at th e
to sa id vacancy. more th an th irt y (30
) da ys su bs eq ue nt
(A) Im me di ate ly af
te r sa id va ca nc y occu
bo ar d sh al l fill th e rs th e re ma in in g me
sa m e on an in ter im mb er s of th e
qu ali fie d un de r th is basis by th e selectio
pa rt to fill sa id vaca n of a person
(B) Sa id in ter im m ncy on a pe rm an en t
em be r sh al l hold off basis.
ne nt ly filled at the- ice un til th e vacanc
ne xt ge ne ra l election y is penD{l
(c) ALTERNATIVE 2. (1) .
ele cti on of five (5) or As an ot he r alt er na tiv
se ve n (7) bo ar d me mb e, th e pl an ma y prov
er s re pr es en tin g five ide for th e
school di str ict s of ap (5) or se ve n (7)
pr ox im ate ly eq ua l po
m an ne r: pulation, to be chosen
in th e following
(A) W he re on e (1) or
mo re school di str ict s
lim its of a mu ni cip ali ar e wholly wi th in th
ty , me mb er s of th e co e co rp or ate
nsolidated bo ar d of ed
uc ati on from

such district shall be sel 66
ected by the governing
{B} Where one (1) body of said municipalit
or more school districts y;
ra te limits of a munic are wholly outside of the
ipality, the members of corpo-
districts shall be selec
ted by the governing bo the board reprei;enting such
dy of
more school districts are the county;
(C l Where one (1) or
outside of the corporat partly within and pa rtl
resenting such districts limits of a municipality, the board members y
shall be selected by the rep-
ipality or by the gove governing body of th e mu
rni nic
majority of the populat ng body of th e county depending upon wh eth -
ion of the school distri er a
ipality or without sam ct resides within said
e. munic-
(2) Terms of bo
ard members un de r th
the pla n may determine is alt ern ati ve shall be
. so staggered as
(3) All vacancies
on the board un de r thi
unexpired term by th e s alt ern ati ve shall be
appointfng au th or ity wi tilled for the
board from such distri th respect to th e memb
ct. ers of the
election of five (5) , seve As a thi rd alt ern ati ve , th
n (7) or nine (9) board e plan may pro-<ide
Au gu st general election members by popular vo for the
, with the requirements te at the
nu mb er of board memb th
ers be bona fide reside at at least a majority of the
elected from such distri nts of pa rti cu lar distri
cts cts and
fide residents of th e co , an d th e rem ain ing nu mb er of members be
unty an d elected from ing bona
. (2) Th e plan may fu rth the county at-large.
pletely within the lar er provide th at a certain number of districts

ge st municipality in
completely within th e th e county and certain be com-
county outside of such dis
tai n nu mb er of districts lar ge st municipality, an tricts
be coincident with th e d ac er -
including such lar ge st boundaries of the en tir
municipality. e county,
(3) Electors wi thi
n th e city may be perm
dis tri cts within the cit itted to vote for candida
y and for ca nd ida tes at- tes from all
( 4) Electors outside large.
of the city may be perm
aJI dis tri cts outside th itted to vote for candida
e city and for candida tes from
(5) Th e plan sh all tes at-large.
provide th at not more
at- lar ge shall be a res th an on e member from
ide nt of th e sa me geog th e county
(6) The districts pro raphical district.
vided by the pl an shall
lation an d the bounda be of approximately eq
ries of th e dis tri cts sh ual popu-
(7) The plan sh all be described in the
aJI also provide ap plan.
reapportionment of dis propriate procedures
tricts aft er ea ch federa for th e
bers of the board ma l decennial census, so
y continue to be ele th at mem-
approximately equal po cted by or from dis
pulation. tricts of
(8) Te rm s of board
members sh all be stagg
(e) Every consolidated ered.
board of education shall
conferred by general law have all powers and du
upon county boards of ties
education; and sa id bo ed ucation, or city boards
ard is also authorized to of
for th e establishment, op do all thi ng s necessary
eration an d ma int en an or proper
consolidated school sy ce of an efficient and ac
stem, not inc on sis ten credit
law. [Acts 1963, ch. 24 t wi th thi s pa rt or other ge ed
6, 6; 1970 (Adj. S.), neral
2; T.C.A., 49.420.J ch. 497, 1: 1973, ch.
268, 1,
49-2-1203. Di re ct or 49-2-1204
or su pe rin te nd en t. -
sh all provide th at th (a)( 1) Any plan of cons
e consolidated board olidation
na te a person experie of ed uc ati on is autho
nced in public schoo rized to desig-
possessing a ce rti fic l ma na ge me nt and su
ate of qu ali fic ati on iss pervision an d
pu rs ua nt to 49-2-30 ued by th e sta te board
1 as th e ch ief ad mi ni of ed uc ati on
to en te r in to an em str
ployment co nt ra ct wi ati ve employee of th e board an d
exceed five (5 ) ye ar s th
an d for a compensatio such person for a period no t to
(2 ) Th e person
so employed sh all be n to be determined th
de sig na ted "director er ein .
schools." of consolidated
(3 ) Th e consolida
ted bo ar d of education
to r such du tie s an d is au th or ize d to as sig
re sp on sib ili tie s as ar n to sa id direc-
assigned to a city su e
pe rin te nd en t of schoo necessarily, us ua lly or pr op er ly
schools. ls or to a county su pe
rin ten de nt of
(b ) In lie u of th e
provisions specified
tio n may provide for by subsection (a), a pl
a su pe rin te nd en t of an of consolida-
co un ty at th e ge ne ra schools elected by th
l ele cti on in August e voters of th e
ca se th e pl an sh all for a ter m of four (4)
pr es cr ib e how th e co ye ar s, in wh ich
sh al l be fixed an d ho mpensation of sa id su
w su ch compensatio pe rin te nd en t
7, 7A; T.C. A., n m ay be alt er ed . [A
49-421, 49-422.J cts 1963, ch. 246,
Cited: Hu nu r v.
S.W.2d 118 <Tenn. Ct.Sequatchie County, 534
App. 1975).

49-2-1204. Ri gh ts
or em pl oy ee s. - (a
re qu ire co nt in ua tio n )(l ) An y pl an of cons
of a local re tir em en t oli
ot he r employees wh sy ste m for all officers, dation sh al l
o ele ct to re m ai n in tea ch er s an d
(2) Such pl an sh all such sy ste m.
als o provide:
(A) Fo r co nt in ua tio
tea ch er s an d ot he r em of su ch local re tir em en t system for ne
ployees; or w officers,
(B) Fo r a ne w re tir
em en t sy ste m or co
tea ch er s' re tir em en t verage un de r th e Te
sy ste m an d th e Tenn nn es se e
all new officers, tei essee sta te re tir em en
jchers an d ot he r em t sy ste m for
tea ch er s an d ot he r ployees an d those pr
em pl oy ee s who elect es en t officers,
sy ste m. to be tra ns fe rre d to
su ch ot he r
(b) No pl an of co ns
ol id ati on adopted un
an yw ise ab rid ge , di mi de r th e te nn s of th is
ni sh or im pa ir any te pa rt sh all in
an officer, tea ch er or nu re rig ht or sick lea
ot he r employee may ve rig ht wh ich
component sy ste m. ha ve ea rn ed du rin g
service in an y
(c) An y pl an of co ns
ol id ati on sh all gu ar an
wh ich th e tea ch er s tee th at th e sa la ry sc
an d ot he r employees he du le un de r
da te d school sy ste m of a component pa rt
we re employed sh all of an y consoli-
an d ot he r employees co nt in ue to ap pl y for
, an d no su ch sa lar y su ch tea ch er s
pr io r to consolidation schedule may be low
; an.d sh al l provide th er th an it wa s
es ta bl ish m en t of th at wi th in th re e (3) ye
e new consolidated ars af te r th e
a~ all be es tab lis he d school sy ste m, a new
fol' su ch consolidated sa la ry sc he du le
tJian th e hi gh es t sa la school sy ste m which
ry sc he du le ma in tai ne sh all be no lower
d by a component pa rt
of th e sy ste m

prior to the es ta bl ish 68
ch. 246, 8; T.C.A. en t of such new consolidated school sy
, 49-423.J stem. [Acts 1963,
49-2-1205. Tr an si
vide for a tra ns iti on al tio na l bo ar d. - (a) Any plan of consol
tion of schools effecti school board in th e event such plan shal ation shall pro-
ve at a da te prior to l make consolida-
election in August wh September 1 next af
en members of the te
to be elected. consolidated board of r th e general
education ar e
(b) Said tra ns iti on al
of education of scho bo ar d shall be com
ol systems consolid posed of all members of th e boards
(c) Said tra ns iti on al ated un de r the plan
of consolidation.
consolidated board, board shalJ ha ve all powers and duties of
ex th e pe rm an en t
employment co nt ra cept th at th e tra ns iti on al board sh
ct with a director al l not m ak e an
extending beyond th of consolidated scho
e ols for a period
board begin. [Acts 19 da te when th e terms of m em be r, of
63, ch. 246, 9; T.C. th e consolidated
A., 49-424.]
49-2-1206. Co ns ol
has submitted a pl an id at io n pl an . -( a) (l ) Where the planni
of ng commission
ha s th er ea fte r approv consolidation to the st at e department
ed sa id pl an with or of education an d
recommendations of w ith ou t revision, aft
sa .er
be submitted to th e id de pa rtm en t, th e proposed plan of co receiving th e
governing body of th nsolidation sh al l
ipalities, and t.o th e
boards of education e county and of al t affected munic-
(2) Before ta ki ng ac of al l affected special
tion upon th e propos school districts.
governing bodies an ed plan otconsolidati
d on
he ar in g duly adverti boards of education shall hold at le as , each of said
sed one (1 ) week or t one (1 ) public
newspaper of ge ne ra
l ci rc ul at io n th ro ug more prior to such hearing, in a
(3) Su bs eq ue nt to ho ut th e county.
such public hearin
affected board of ed g, ea ch governing
uc bo
consolidation at its ation, sh al l consider an d act upon th e dy, an d each
ne xt re gu la r meetin proposed pl an of
re gu la r meeting. g or at an adjourne
d session of su ch
(4) Th e governing bo
dy is authorized:
(A) To approve th e
proposed plan of co
adoption to th e elec nsolidation an d to re
torate; or commend its
(B) To disapprove th
e sa m e an d to recom
at:e. mend its rejection by
th e elector-
(5) Where th e gove
rning body of an y af
board of education fe
of an y affected spec cted county or municipality or th e
proposed plan of cons ial school district ha
olidation, th e same s approved th e
election as provided sh al l be voted upon
in subsection (b), an at a referendum
election as provided d may be adopted by
in subsection (b). th e re su lt of sa id
(6) Where th e gove
rning bodies of th e
municipalities an d th affected county an d
e boards of educatio of all affected
ha ve disapproved th n of al l affected special
e proposed pl an of co school districts
rejected an d finally nsolidation, th e sam
disp e sh al l be deemed
provided in subsectio osed of, unless a referendum is called
n (c). by petition as
(b) (l) Any gov ern ing body or
boa rd of edu cat ion which app
con sol ida tion sha ll cau se to be roves a pla n of
cer tifi ed to the cou nty commis
a copy of its res olu tion ofa ppr sioners of election
ova l, tog eth er wit h a copy of
tion , unl ess it has knowledge the pla n of consolida-
tha t ano the r gov ern ing body
tion has pre vio usl y so caused or boa rd of educa-
the sam e to be certified.
(2) Aft er suc h cer tifi cat ion ,
it sha ll be the dut y of the cou
of election to hold a spe cia l ref nty commissioners
ere ndu m ele ctio n for the rati
of the proposed pla n of consol fica tion or rejection
(3) Sai d spe cia l ref ere ndu
m ele ctio n sha ll be hel d on
. cou nty com mis sio ner s of ele the dat e fixed by the
ctio n, not less tha n fifty (50
sev ent y (70) day s sub seq uen ) day s nor mo re tha n
t to the dat e the commissioner
a certified res olu tion of app rov s of ele ctio n receive
al from a gov ern ing body or
(4) Th e dat e of the spe cia boa rd of education.
l ele ctio n so fixed ma y, but nee
the dat e of a reg ula r gen era d not , coincide wit h
l election.
(5) In any suc h ref ere
ndu m ele ctio n, vot ers res idin
qua lifi ed to vot e for me mb ers g in the cou nty and
of the gen era l ass em bly sha ll
in suc h ref ere ndu m ele ctio n, be qua lifi ed to vote
and in any suc h election the
res pec t to ele ctio ns sha ll be gen era l law s wit h
app lica ble exc ept as otherwise-
(6) Notice of sai d spe cia provided her ein .
l ref ere ndu m ele ctio n sha ll be
2-1 2-l ll(b ). giv en as pro vid ed by
(7) Bal lots sha ll be in the
form pre scr ibe d by the gen
exc ept as her ein oth erw ise pro era l ele ctio n laws,
vided, and the only que stio ns
r vot ers sha ll be in the follow
ing form (wi th bla nks app rop
sub mit ted to the
riat ely filled in):
For Pla n of Co nso lida ting Sch
ools in
... ... ... .. Co unt y .. .
... ... ..
Ag ain st Pla n of Co nso lida ting
Schools in
Wh ere vot ing ma chi nes are ... ... ... .. Co unt y . ... ...
use d, sui tab le arr ang em ent ... .
per mit the use of sai d ma chi s sha ll be ma de to
nes .
(8) Th e cou nty com mis sio ner
s of ele ctio n sha ll can vas s the
tify the res ult s as if sep ret urn s and cer-
ara te ele ctio ns were bei ng
inc orp ora ted mu nic ipa lity or hel d wit hin eac h
spe cia l school dis tric t which
school sys tem , and also wit hin ma int ain s a sep ara te
the are a of the cou nty outsid
and spe cia l school dis tric ts e of mu nic ipa liti es
ma int ain ing sep ara te school
(9) For the pur pos e of det sys tem s.
erm ini ng wh eth er the propos
tion has bee n acc ept ed or reje ed pla n of consolida-
cte d, the cou nty commissioner
can vas s the ret urn s and cer s of ele ctio n sha ll
tify the res ults :
(A) Fo r eac h city ma int
ain ing its sep ara te school sys
(B) For eac h spe cia l sch tem ;
ool dis tric t ma int ain ing its
tem ; and sep ara te school sys-
(C) For the ent ire are a
of the cou nty out sid e of the
spe cia l school dis tric t or dis city or citi es and the
sys tem . tric ts ma int ain ing the ir ow
n sep ara te school
. '10) Th e proposed pla n of con
sol ida tion sha ll be dee me d rati
if the sam e be app rov ed by a ma fied and ado pte d
jor ity of tho se vot ing wit hin
special school dis tric t ma int ain eac h city and eac h
ing its ow n school sys tem and
of the cou nty out sid e sai d mu also in the are a
nic ipa liti es and special school dis
(11) Th e proposed plan 70
not become effective if of consolidation sh all be
the de em ed rejected an d sh all
in any city or special sch sa me be disapproved by a majority of those
ool dis tri ct ma int ain ing voting
by a ma jor ity of those its sep ara te school syste
voting in the county ou m, or
ipa lit ies an d special sch tside the areas of said
ool dis tri cts . munic-
<12) W he ne ve r a pla
n of
sio ne rs of election sh all consolidation ha s been adopted, the county co
proclaim su ch fact. an d mmis-
of consolidation previo sh all deliver copy of th
usly fur nis he d the m to e pla n
tion or tra ns iti on al bo the
ard when the sam e sh all consolidated board of educa-
(c)(l) W ith in sixty (60) become constituted.
days aft er disapproval
idation by the las t gove of the proposed pla n of conso
rning body or board of l-
th e pla n, the re may be education empowered to
filed wi th the county co ac t on
i tion or pe tit ion s, signe mmissioners of election
d by a nu mb er of reg ist a
ere d voters at lea st equa peti-
! - pe rce nt (10%) of the tot l to ten
al votes ca st in sai d co
Te nn ess ee at the the n unty for governor of the
las t preceding gu be rna sta te of
ere nd um election to vo tor ial election, req ue sti
te upon th e question of ng a ref-
sh all become effective. wh eth er the pla n of cons
(2) Pe rso ns sig nin g sa
id pe tit ion mu st be reg
th eir sig na tur es the y istered voters; in addit
sh all wr ite upon sai d ion to
ad dre ss at the tim e of petition the ir ag e an d
sig nin g the sam e. specific
(3) Th e pe rso n cir cu lat
ing ea ch su ch pe tit ion
th e end the reo f th at all
persons whose na me s
sig na tur es the reo n we
sh all execute an affida
re signed in his presence
vit at
I the sig na tur es pu rp or by the
(4) Th e ref ere nd um ele t to be.
ction sh all be held not
th an se ve nty (70) da ys
aft er filing of the petiti less tha n fift;y (50) nor more
be de ter mi ne d aa provid on, an d the res ult s the reo
ed in subsection {b). [A f shall
modified; T.C.A., 49 cts 1963, ch. 246, 10
-425 - 49-427.] -12;
49-2-1207. Po we rs of
sta te re ga rd in g co ns oli
me nt of ed uc ati on an d da tio n. -T he sta te de
th e commissioner the reo part-
following powers an d f are hereby ve ste d wi
du tie s res pe cti ng the co th the
he rei n provided: nsolidation of school sy
ste ms as
( 1) To for mu lat e rec
ommended policies an d
so lid ati on pro gra ms ; practices for conducting
the con-
(2) To develop su gg est
ed me tho ds of procedu
us e by local unificatio re an d a ma nu al as gu
n ed uc ati on al pla nn ing ides for
(3) To provide profes co mmissions;
sional ass ist an ce in
de ve lop me nt of consoli consolidation stu die s
dation proposals; an d
(4) To ap pr ais e rep ort
s of stu die s ma de by
pla nn ing commissions loc
an d to ex am ine pla ns for al unification educational
ch an ge s or modificatio consolidation, recomme
ns wh ere deemed desir nding
(5) To afford financia ab le; an d
l ass ist an ce which ma
effecting consolidation, y be required by coun
wi thi n the lim its of fun ties in
fActs 1963, ch. 246, 13; ds available for su ch pu
T.C.A., 49-428.J


49-2-1208. Co ns tru cti on
. - (a) This pa rt is hereby
leg isl ati on to be liberally declared to be remedial
con str ued for the purpose
efficiency in the operation of increased economy and
of public schools and aft er
he rei n provided for sha ll an y pla n of consolidation
become effective, no office
en t school sys tem sha ll ret r or agency of an y constitu-
ain an y power or du ty wh
be inc on sis ten t with thi s ere such ret ent ion would
pa rt or with said pla n of
(b) No thi ng in thi s pa rt sha consolidation.
pre scr ibi ng methods an d ll be construed to alt er or
repeal an y oth er law
procedures, contractual, coo
oth erw ise by which school perative, un ila ter al or
s or
246, 14; T.C.A., 49-429 school systems may be operated. [Acts 1963, ch.

PA RT 13 -Eo ucA TlO

49-2-1301. Sh or t titl e. -T
era tio n Act." (Acts 1970 hi s pa rt ma y be cited as
(Adj. S.), ch. 511, l; T.C the "E du cat ion al Coop-
.A, 49-430.l
Sec Uo n to Sec tion Ref
referred to in 49-2-1101 erences. This pa.rt ia

49-2-1302. Pu rp os e. -
It is the purpose of thi s pa rt
,-: me nta l un its an d boards
of education the most effici to pe rm it local govern-
en ab lin g the m to cooperate
an d to the reb y provide edu
ent use of the ir powers by
wi th oth er localities on a bas
is of mu tua l adv ant age
l cat
accord be st wi th geogra ion al services and facilities in a ma nn er tha t will
phic, economic, populat
inf lue nci ng the needs an d ion, an d oth er factors
development of local edu cat
vices. (Acts 1970 (Aclj. S.) ion al facilities and ser -
, ch. 511, 2; T.C.A.,
49-2-1303. De fin itio ns.
-A s used in thi s pa rt "pu
board of ed uc ati on of any blic agency" includes a
county, city or special school
a cou nty or mu nic ipa l go dis tric t or school system;
ver nin g body; an d a school
(Aclj. S.), ch . 511, 3; T.C sup eri nte nd ent . [Acts 197
.A., 49-432.J 0
49-2-1304. Jo int ac tio
- Ag ree me nts - St
monitoring. - (a) (l) Any ate ap pro va l an d
power or powers, privilege
or cap abl e of exercise by a s or au tho rity exercised
public agency of thi s sta te
enjoyed joi ntl y wi th an y may be exercised an d
powers, pri vil ege s or au tho er public agency of thi s sta te ha vin g the sam e
rity .
(2) An y age ncy of the sta
te go ver nm ent when act ing
~ublic age ncy ma y exerci joi ntl y with an y lik e
se an d enjoy all of the pow
ity con fer red by thi s pa rt ers, privileges and aut ho r-
upon a like public agency
(3) Th e au tho rit y for joi nt .
or cooperative action of po
apply only to suc h powers litical subdivisions sha ll
, privileges or au tho rity
bodies, an d no joi nt or coo vested in the ir governing
perative ag ree me nt sha ll
relating to the con sti tut ion be en ter ed int o affecting or
al or sta tut ory powers, pri
officers of po liti cal subdiv vileges or aut ho rity of
isions, or of agencies of po
PGWers gra nte d by sta tut litical subdivisions hav ing
e ind epe nd ent of the go ver
nin g body.
OF nus vou :ME FOR











lo ca l:

ou t-o f- to w n:











OOLS (where needed)
-READING SKILLS (7 th & gra de an d up)



Ki nd erg art en - 6
St ate Re qu ire d
Lo cal Av ail ab le Pro gra m
La ng uag e Ar ts
La ng uag e Ar ts (R ead ing , Sp
Grammar, Ha nd wr itin g) ell ing ,
Sc ien ce
Sc ien ce
So cia l St ud ies
So cia l Stu die s
Ma the ma tic s
Ma the ma tic s
Fin e Ar ts
Fin e Ar ts
He alt h/P .E ./S afe ty Ed.
He alt h/P .E ./S afe ty Ed.
Fo rei gn La ng uag e In str uc tio

Gu idi ng Pr inc ipl es and Sta
nd ard s
Pu pil -te ac he r ra tio un de
r sta te maximum (25 )
2. Ph ys ica l ed uc ati o,n ce rti fie
d sp ec ial ist s in ev ery sch
3. Ar t ce rti fie d sp ec ial ist s oo l
4. Mu sic ce rti fie d sp ec ial ist
5. Sc he du led tim e in lib ra ry
for al l stu de nts
6. En ric hm en t tea ch ers for
ac ad em ica lly tal en ted stu
7. Co mp ute r aw are ne ss pro gra de nts
8. Sy ste m- wi de tes tin g pro gra
m in al l gra de s

St at e R eq ui re d
En gl is h Lo ca l A va ila bl e Pr
La ng ua ge A rt s (S pe
H an dw rit in g, L itll in g, Grammar,
er at ur e)
M at he m at ic s Re ad in g
Sc ie nc e M at he m at ic s
So ci al St ud ie s Sc ie nc e
Co m pu te r L it er ac y So ci al St ud ie s
H ea lth an d Ph ys ic Co m pu te r Li te ra cy
al Ed uc at io n H ea lth an d Ph ys ic al
Fi ne A rt s Ed uc at io n
Fi ne A rt s
Ch or us
G en er al M us ic
Fo re ig n La ng ua ge In
st ru ct io n

St at e R eq ui re d
En gl is h Lo ca l A va ila bl e Pr
og ra m
La ng ua ge A rt s (S pe
H an dw ri tin g, L itll in g, Grammar,
er at ur e)
M at he m at ic s Re ad in g
Sc ie nc e M at he m at ic s
So ci al St ud ie s Sc ie nc e
H ea lth an d Ph ys ic So ci al St ud ie s
al Ed uc at io n
Co m pu te r L it er ac y H ea lth an d Ph ys ic
al Ed uc at io n
Fi ne A rt s Co m pu te r L ite ra cy
Fi ne A rt s
Horne Ec on om ic s
an d/ or
In du st ri al A rt s
Ty pi ng
Ch or us
Fo re ig n La ng ua ge In
st ru ct io n

Gr ad es 9 - 12

St at e Re qu ire d
Lo ca lly Re qu ire d
En gl ish .. .. . , .. .. ..
M ath em ati cs .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 Uni ts En gl ish .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
.. .. .. 2 Un its
Sc ien ce .. .. .. .. .. .. .. M ath em ati cs .. .. .. .. .. . 4 Un its
U. S. Hi sto ry .. ..
.. .. 2 Un its Sc ien ce .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 2 Un its
Economics .. .. .. .. ..
.. .. .. .. 1 Un it U .S . Hi sto ry .. .. .. . 2 Un its
Ph ys ica l Ed uc ati on .. .. 1/ 2 Un it Economics .. .. .. .. .. . . 1 Un it
He alt h Ed uc ati on .. .. .. .. . l Un it Ph ys ica l Ed uc ati on .. 1/ 2 Un it
El ec tiv es .. .. .. .. .. .. . 1/ 2 Un it He alt h Ed uc ati on .. .. .. 2 Un its
.. .. .. 9 Un its El ec tiv es .. .. .. .. .. ..1/ 2 Un it
Ci vi cs .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 7 Uni ts
.. 1 Un it

20 Un its
20 Un its

St at e Re qu ire d
Av ail ab le Pr og ram
En gl ish 1
En gl ish l
En gl ish 2 or
En gl ish l (H on or s)
En gl ish 3
En gl ish 2
En gl ish 4 or
En gl ish 2 (H on or s)

En gl ish 3
i' or
En gl ish 3 (H on or s)

En gl ish 4
En gl ish 4 (H on or s)
Advanced Pl ac em en t
En gl ish
Pr ac tic al En gl ish

Sp ee ch

German 1, 2, 3, 4

La tin 1, 2, 3' 4
Sp an ish 1, 2, 3, 4

Fr en ch 1, 2 I 3 I 4

(re vi se d 3/ 8/ 89 ) Jo ur na lis m

St ate Re qu ire d
Av ail ab le Program
Two (2) Un its
Ph ys ica l Sc ien ce
an d/o r
Ge ne ral Sc ien ce
an d/o r
Bi olo gy 1 an d 2
Ch em ist ry 1 and 2
Advanced Pla ce me nt Ch
Ph ys ics em ist ry
Pr in cip les of Te ch no log
y I, II

St ate Re qu ire d
Av ail ab le Program
Two (2) Un its
Ge ne ral Ma the ma tic s
an d/o r
Ap pli ed Ma the ma tic s
an d/o r
Al ge bra 1

Al ge bra 1 (H on ors )
Un ifi ed Ceometry
Un ifi ed Geometry (Hon
Al ge bra 2 ors)
Al ge bra 2 an d Tr ig (H
Advanced Ma the ma tic s
Advanced Pla ce me nt Ca
lcu lus

St ate Re qu ire d
Av ail ab le Program
U. S. Hi sto ry .. .. .. ..
.. . 1 Un it U. S. Hi sto ry .. .. .. .. ..
. 1 Un it
Economics .. .. .. .. .. ..
. 1/2 Un it Economics .. .. .. .. .. .. .
1/2 Un it
American Government
Ci vic s
Economics (H on ors )
Modern Hi sto ry
Ps yc ho log y
So cio log y
U. S. Hi sto ry (H on ors
World Geography
World Hi sto ry
(re vi se d 3/8 /89 )

St at e R eq ui re d AL EDUCATION
One an d O ne -h al f A va ila bl e Pr og ra m
U ni ts Two an d O ne -h al f
U ni ts

St at e R eq ui re d
O U ni ts A va ila bl e Pr og ra m
A rt 1, 2, 3, an d 4
G en er al A rt

S ta te R eq ui re d
O U ni ts A va ila bl e Pr og ra m
Ch am be r- M ad rig al
Si ng er s
M ix ed Ch or us
M us ic Th eo ry
Ba nd (M ar ch in g an
d St ag e)

St at e R eq ui re d
0 U ni ts A va ila bl e Pr og ra m
In tr od uc ti on to Co
m pu te r
Co m pu te r Ad va nc ed
Pl ac em en t
B as ic 1 an d 2
Pa sc al 1 an d 2
O th er Co m pu te r La
ng ua ge s
S ta te R eq ui re d N
0 U ni ts A va ila bl e Pr og ra m
A cc ou nt in g 1 an d
B us in es s Law
B us in es s M ath
G en er al B us in es s
K ey bo ar di ng
D at a Pr oc es si ng 1
an d 2
Sh or th an d 1 an d 2
Ty pi ng 1 an d 2

St at e R eq ui re d
0 U ni ts
A va ila bl e Pr og ra m
Th ea tr e (D ra m a)
Da nc e
St at e Re qu ire d
Av ail ab le Program
{A ll Sp ec ial Ed uc ati on
grams ba se d on In di vi duPr o-
Ed uc ati on Pl an (IE P) J ali ze d
0 Un its
En gli sh
Fu nc tio na l
Pr ac tic al
Ma the ma tic s
Fu nc tio na l
Pr ac tic al
Bu sin es s
Sc ien ce
Ge ne ral
Ea rth
Bl ind Ed uc ati on
Deaf Ed uc ati on
Home Economics
Li fe Sk ill s Economics
U. S. Hi sto ry
n St at e Re qu ire d
I Av ail ab le Program
0 Un its
As Needed

St ate , Re qu ire d
Av ail ab le P;ogram
0 Un its
Ag ric ul tu re Mechanics
Ai r Co nd iti on . & Re fri
Auto Body an d Fe nd er ge ra tio n
Re pa ir
Auto Mechanics I
Auto Mechanics II
Ca bin et Making I
Ca bin et Making II
Ca rp en try
Ch ild Care & Guidance
Ch ild Ca re & Guidance I
Cosmetology II
Dr aft in g: In tro Engr.
Gr ap hic s
Dr aft ing I
Dr aft ing II
El ec tri ci ty
(re vi se d 3/ 8/ 89 )

~ R eq ui re d
A va il ab le Progra
E le ct ro ni cs I
E le ct ro ni cs II
Food Management
Food Management I
H ea lt h O cc up at io II
Home Economics
Home Economics
Family L iv in g
Family L iv in g II I
C lo th in g I (T ex (*)
ti le s &
C lo th in g II (* )lo th in g)
Foods and N ut ri
Foods and N ut ri ti on I
Home P la nn in g{ on II
In te ri or D es ig n *)
In de pe nd en t L iv
C hi ld Developmen g
M ar ke tin g E du ca
M ar ke tin g E du ca ti on I
Masonry ti on II
..., M et al Tr ad es I
M et al Tr ad es II
O rn am en ta l H or
Pi pe F it ti ng ti cu lt ur e
R ob ot ic s( *)
Sm al l G as ol in e
VIP M at he m at ic s En gi ne R ep ai r
V oc at io na l A gr
V oc at io na l A gr ul tu re I
V oc at io na l A gr ul tu re II
V oc at io na l A gr ic ul tu re II I
V oc at io na l O ff ic ul tu re IV
V oc at io na l O ff ic e Educ I
e Educ II

A. System-wide
pu pi l- te ac he r ra
ti o of 22 /1
B. No w ai ve rs
to th e st at e re
commended cl as s
(* ) b a se d on si ze
S ta te D ep ar tm en
t of E du ca ti on
ap pr ov al
(r ev is ed 3/ 8/ 89


S ta te R ~g ui re d
E ng li sh .. .. .. ..
.. .. . 4 U
u. T . R eg ui rg d
t . M at he m at ic s .. .. ni ts
S ci en ce .. .. .. .. .. .. . 2 U ni ts 4
.. .. 2
u. s. H is to ry .. .. .. 2 U ni ts 3
C i vi es .. .. .. .... 1 U ni t 2
.. 1 2
P hy si ca l E du ti .. .. 1 U ni t 1
C on su m er Ec onca on .. 1 U ni t
H ea lt h E du ca tiom ic s .. U ni t 1
W or ld G eo gr ap hy on .. .. U ni t
W or ld H is to ry ..or
O th er S oc ia l S .. . U ni t
F or ei gn L an gu agtu di es
In tr o . to V is ua es .. . 1
P er fo rm in g A rtl s or 2
E le ct iv es .. .. .. .. . U ni t
.. .. . 7 U ni ts 1
20 U ni ts
20 U ni ts
14 U ni ts


(3 x 2 = 6 w ith inWITH POSITIONS
ci ty li m it s)


rs on , 1 vo te )


- :z-


(. )

, w
(/J z 'I , ~
-o .
C ~ - n~ .
-I ...I z I
c:t 'z
0 lw
::>: I-
Q g, I
i :c a._
u ;i.
Cl) w . z

a 0
C "7
w z
en m
0 ~ <ta
C. ~-

~- ,


1 _ ,_ -~


1. Fu ll ut ili za tio n of ex ist

ing bu il
2. Ne igh bor hoo d sch oo ls an
ad dit ion a
3. Re du cti on of pe er pre ssu
re fro m o
gra de rs.
4. Growth po ten tia l at mi dd
le sch oo l
5. At West Mi ddl e Sc ho ol,
the sev ent l
ut ili ze the West Hig h Sc
ho ol camp1
,. 6. Fewer mi dd le sch oo ls wi
ll low er p,
7. Un ifo rm fee de r sys tem .

8. Sav es an ex tra ye ar of bu
sin g to t
9. Jac kso n Ju nio r av ail ab le
alt ern ati ve sch oo l, and for adr nin isc rac ive or ric es ,
community use .
10 . No new bu ild ing co ns tru
cti on ne ces sar y for co ns
oli da tio n.
I. 11 . Co nti gu ou s zon e lin es all
ow a more ord erl y fee de
I r pro ces s.

rev ise d/s ho rte ne d 3/8 /89


.., l .,___j
i I
I t
' I

/ -
. /

V l

\I. I

;; 1

o I
.A J
L____ "'-~-- - - --,-- --::~-
\ .. ' "
' ...

. _,
.. J
, ' '~ I

il i
! 1

bla ct
173 Vll it
461 l.3!54
(1!504 X .9) !50

wi t
+ 8 po rta bl

10 rro a AJ.axander
to Lin eol n
bJ.ack White bla ak vh it
36 36 bla ck vb it bla ck wi t
2!52 3l 46
182 211 3!5 4J !I 69 !:>lack wi t
581 32!5
421 401 601
302 156 484 u l.!I
!5!51 UI 881 434 136
1!51 2!11

4 O6
ENJlOLUa:H'l' !5U
434 510 26!15
EJfllOLUa:H'l' ( 4 06+ 28) 542
445 570 264 6
!150 257 0

(E lem en tar y sc ho ol zo
ne s ar e ill us tra te d on
pa ge s 32 & 33 .)

48 4
44 1 HS
(lO H X ,9) !1 0

bla clt
12 1
54 1
vt iit e
30 4


bl ac k w it
36 !I
bla clt vh it
25 2 13 47 blac:k vt iit bl ac k vh it: e
80 1 20 1 n U! I 5 23 ll 71 bl c lt vh 1t
22 1 35 1112
78 1
18 1 82 1
13 1
87 1
98 1
IOOlOt.Uml'l' 313
1:S'l'IXATZD 57 6
!H ](O I.L KD T 31 5 3!19 l!l 08
42 0
19 7
567 ]!19 1!105
44 5
17 5
4ll!I 2l!18

(E le m en ta ry sc ho
ol zo ne s ar a il lu
st ra te d on pa ge s
32 & 33 .)

bla ck
481 150 8
wh ite
219 HIGH
(16 76 X ,9) 876

bla ck
wh ite
838 ua
+ U po rta blH


bla ck vb 1t
11 bla ok wh it
68 11 bla ck wh ite bla ck wh ite
77 476 90 53 bla ck wh ite
77 630 0 68 0 blaalC wh ite
UI 871 370 52
111 an 100 1
100 1
0 365 U
5 59
01 9U l!I '13
70 rro a ha t 41 81
50 n-a a ln, itll hal l !121
ta Jlova ta P&rkv1ew
to Al. xan der to Wu hin qto n Do uql

PRE Sar l' 551
EKROt.Umrr 731
416 325
l!S'l'Do.TZD 553 597 311 6
ENROLUU:N'l' 707
370 476
(77 77 0) 379
CA.PACI'l'Y (42 0!1 0) (40 6+7 0) 448
475 (32 9+5 0) 2933
569 !IH
475 311 6
(E lem en tar y sc ho ol zo ne
s ar e ill us tra te d on pa
ge s 32 [ 33 .)

-- ------- - TI ON OF SA LA RI ES AN
Re co gn izi ng th at
TC A 49 -2 -1 20 4 se - -D BENEFITS FO R PERSONNEL --
of em plo ye es , it is ts fo rth on ly m in im
re co m m en de d th at um re qu ire m en ts
em plo ye es and no th e re sp ec tiv e sa lar re ga rd ing th e rig ht
n- ce rti fic at ed pers ies and be ne fit s fo s
onnel be eq ua ltz ed r pr of es sio na l
th e fir st ye ar of co
Sp ec ifi ca lly : ns ol id at io n.

It is re co m m en de
Ja ck so n C ity Scho d th at at th e tim e
ol System be ad op of co ns ol id at io
co ns ol id at ed sy ste te d fo r al l pr of es sio n, th e sa la ry schedule of th e
m th e fir st ye ar . na l em plo ye es em
Ho we ve r, if at th plo ye d under th e
gr ea te r sa la ry be e tim e of co ns ol id
ne fit s th an Ja ck so at io n th e Madison Co un ty Sc
schedule be ad op te n Ci ty , lt ts re co m hool System pr ov id
d fo r al l pr of es sio m en de d th at th e es
It is re co m m en de na l em plo ye es th e fir st M ad iso n Co un ty sa la
d th at th e sa la ry ye ar of co ns ol id at ry
ce rti ftc at ed pe rs on schedule pr ov id in io n.
ne l be ad op te d at g gr ea te r be ne fit s
th e tim e of co ns ol fo r non-
id at io n.
A t th e tim e of th
gr ea te r be ne fit s at is re po rt, th e Madis
a lo we r pr em iu m on Co un ty He al th
Ja ck so n C ity Scho paid by th e pr of es Ca re In su ra nc e Pl
ol Sy ste m gr ou p he sio na l em plo ye es an pr ov ide s
co ns ol id at io n, it is al th ins ur an ce pla th an does th e
re co m m en de d th at n. lf th is re m ain s
su pe rio r to th e M a he al th ca re ins ur tru e at th e tlm e of
ad iso n Co un ty pl an an ce plan th at is
and no n- ce rti fic at be ad op te d and av eq ua l to or
ed pe rs on ne l th e ai la bl e to al l pr of
of pr em iu m s paid fir st ye ar of co ns es sio na l employees
by th e pr of es sio na ol id at io n. Fu rth er
gr ea te r th an th e l em plo ye es and no m or e, th e pe rc en
pe rc en ta ge pa id by n- ce rti fic at ed pe rs ta ge
co ns ol id at io n. th e re sp ec tiv e co on ne l would no t be
un ty em plo ye es at
th e tim e of
To de te rm in e wh et
Co un ty He al th In su
lo ca l and st at e te
he r or no
ra nc e Pl an , It is re
t a new plan Is eq ua l
co m m en de d th at
to or su pe rio r to th
e ex ist in g M ad iso
ac he rs ' ins ur an ce th e re vie w proces n
te ac he rs ' he al th in plans be em pl oy ed s used to co m pa re
su ra nc e pl an ca n . It should be no te d th
and M ad iso n Co un be ad op te d on ly wi at th e Tennessee
ty te ac he rs . th th e co ns en tin g
If at th e tim e of vo te of th e Ja ck so n
pl an pr ov id es gr ea co ns ol id at io n th e
te r be ne fit s at a lo Ja ck so n C ity School Syste
is re co m m en de d th we r pe rc en ta ge of m's he al th ca re lns
at a pla n m ee tln g pr em iu m paid by ur an ce
th e above st ip ul at th e employees, Lt
io ns be ad op te d.
Si nc e th e Ja ck so n
at th is tim e, it is C ity School Syste
re co m m en de d th at m does no t pr ov ld
th e M ad iso n Co un e a de nt al in su ra nc
ad op te d and made ty De lta De nt al Pl e pr og ra m
av ai la bl e to al l pr an of Tennessee be
Fu rth er m or e, th e of es sio na l em plo ye
pe rc en ta ge of pr em es th e flr st ye ar of
be gr ea te r th an th iu m s pa id by th e co ns ol id at io n.
e pe rc en ta ge pa id pr of es sio na l em plo
co ns ol id at lo n. by co un ty pr of es sio ye es would no t
na l em plo ye es at
th e tim e of
These ite m s ar e ad
dressed in TC A 49
-2 -1 20 4.

Si nc e the Madison Co
or a se ve ra nc e pay un ty School Sy ste m do
be ne fits plan at thi s es no t pro vid e a loc
su pe rio r to th e Jack tim e, It ls recomme al sic k lea ve plan
son Ci ty School Sy ste nded th at a plan eq
loc al sic k lea ve pla m Re tir em en t Seve ual to or
n be ad op ted fo r al l rance Pay Be ne fit Pla
Fu rth er mo re , pr ofe pr ofe ss ion al em plo ye es the fir st n and
be ne fits ac cr ue d un ss ion al em plo ye es of year of co ns oli da tio
der the ex ist ing pla n th e Ja ckson Ci ty System wi n.
at the tim e of co ns ll no t los e
oll da tlo n.
At th e tim e of thi s
Ins ur an ce co ve ra ge re po rt, th e Ja ck so n
provides gr ea te r be Ci ty School System'
Pi lo t Li fe Ins ur an ce ne fit s tha n does the s Ha rtf or d Li fe
coverage. It ls re co Madison Co un ty Je ffe
to or su pe rio r to the mm en de d th at a lif rs on -
Jackson Ci ty System' e insurance plan th at
pr ofe ss ion al em plo ye s Ins ura nc e co ve ra ge is eq ua l
es and no n- ce rti fic at be pr ov ide d at no co
of co ns oli da tio n. ed pe rso nn el hir ed by the st to all
school board at th e
Ho we ve r, if at the tim e
ins ur an ce co ve ra ge tim e of co ns oli da tio
provides gr ea te r be n the Madison Co un ty
th at a lif e ins ur an ce ne fit s tha n does the School System's lif e
plan th at is eq ua l to Jackson Ci ty plan, it
at no co st to al l pro or su pe rio r to the Ja is re co mm en de d
fes sio na l em plo ye es ckson Ci ty plan be ma
co ns oli da tio n. an d no n- ce rti fic at ed de av ail ab le
personnel the fir st ye
It is rec om me nd ed ar of
be em plo ye d to co mp th at the re vie w pro
ar e a new llf e ins ur cess no ted under HE
an ce plan wi th the AL TH CA RE IN SU RA NC E
ex ist ing plan.

49-2-1204. Rights of em
require continuation of pl oy ee s. - (a)( 1) Any
plan of consolidation sh
a local ret ire me nt sy
stem for all officers, tea all
oth er employees who ele chers and
ct to rem ain in such sys
(2) Such plan sh all tem.
also provide:
(A) For continuation
teachers and oth er emplo su ch local ret ire me nt system for new officers,
yees; or
(B) For a new ret
ire me nt system or co
teachers' ret ire me nt sy verage under the Tenn
stem essee
all new officers, tea ch ers an d the Tennessee sta te retirement system for
an d oth er employees an
teachers and other em d those pre sen t officers,
ployees who elect to be
system. transferred to such oth
(b) No plan of cons
olidation adopted unde
anywise abridge, dimini r the ten ns of thi s pa rt
sh or im pa ir any ten ur e shall in
an officer, teacher or oth rig ht or sick leave rig ht
er employee may have which
component system. earned during service in
(c) Any plan of consolida
tion sh all gu ara nte e th
which the teachers an d at the salary schedule un
oth er employees of a co der
da ted school system we mponent part of an y co
re employed shall conti nsoli-
an d other employees, an nue to apply for such tea
d no su ch sa lar y sched chers
pri or to consolidation; an ule may be lower tha n
d sh all provide tha t wi it was
establishment of the ne thin three (3) years after
w consolidated school the
shaJI be established for system, a new sal ary sch
such consolidated schoo edule
tha n the highest sa lar y l system which shall be no
schedule ma int ain ed by lower
a component pa rt of the
pr ior to the est ab lis hm
en t of su ch new consolid
ch . 246, 8; T.C.A., ated school system. [Acts
49-423.] 1963,

' '
NT 13 ,14 2

$3 7,0 12 ,20 9
-o -

$ 5, 29 9, 90 0
6, 84 1, 67 6
17 ,6 14 ,8 89
E 14 4, 05 4
47 ,2 16
29 ,9 47 ,7 35

Cu rre nt Ad di tio na l
6650 28 75
68 43
-o -

Op era tin g Co st/ Yr

Each To tal
NEW BUSES. 43 $ 10 ,90 0 $4 68 ,7 00
SPARE BUSES 4 4,0 00 16 ,00 0

$ 48 4,7 00

$ 2, 45 0, 00 0
D 1, 52 0, 00 0
NEW BUSES (4 3@ $3
4, 00 0 ea ch )
1, 46 2, 00 0
4, 00 0, 00 0


$ 9, 43 2, 00 0

$ 94 5,8 26


COSTS $ 7,0 64 ,47 4
48 4,7 00
(20 ye ar s) 94 5,8 26


ES $ 8,4 95 ,00 0


SALES TAX RATE $1 8,6 89 ,00 0
SALES TAX RATE 10 ,19 4,0 00


SCHOOLS $ 8,4 95 ,00 0

$ 15 ,00 0

Le ve lin g Up of Ge ne ral
Co sts of Co un ty
to the cos ts of the Ci ty
$7 ,06 4,4 74
(R efe r to page 44 for
de tai ls)

Le ve lin g up of tra ns po
rta tio n cos ts
of the Ci ty to the co sts
the Co un ty (R efe r to pag
e 45 for de tai ls)
48 4,7 00

Atr Co nd itio nin g, lab and

mu sic room
im pro ve me nts wh ere ne
$2 ,45 0,0 00
Re mo ve asbestos in all
sch oo ls
1,5 20 ,00 0
I I 43 Ne w Buses @ $3 4,0 00
1,4 62 ,00 0
Ne w Co ns tru cti on Needs
4,0 00 ,00 0
To tal Ca pit al Expenses
$9 ,43 2,0 00
Tw en ty- ye ar Am ort iza
tio n
To tal Expenses 945 ,82 6

$8 ,49 5,0 00
Re ven ue Fr om 1 l!lt Sa
les Ta x Inc rea se
19 87 -88 Ci ty Schools Re
ven ue
Pr oje cte d 5% inc rea se
19 88 -89 School Ye ar $2 ,18 5,0 00
Ci ty School rec eiv es ap
pro x. 45% of loc al sales $2 ,29 4,0 00
To tal Cit y-C ou nty Scho tax
Cit y-C ou nty Ge ne ral Fu ols ha lf
nds $5 ,09 7,0 00
5,0 97 ,00 0
19 88 -89 Es t. Ci ty and Co
un ty Re ve nu e at cu rre
nt I%
Co nv ers ion fro m I $1 0,1 94 ,00 0
H'o to 2 3/40/o
Es t. ad dit ion al Re ven ue $1 8,6 89 ,00 0
for Co ns oli da ted Sy ste
$ 8,4 95 ,00 0



Cou nty Rev enu e

City App rop riat ion $ 5,20 2,10 0
Oth er Loc al Revenue 3,13 1,60 0
Sta te Edu cati on Funds 97,8 00
Fed era l Funds Thr u Sta te 8,09 5,90 0
$ 1,056,600
Less: Sec. 4 - lunc h
Sec. 11 - Lun ch (638,800)
Bre akfa st (204,500)
Adu lt Basic Ed. (21,600)
Net Fed . thru Sta te
l Oth er Sources 69,700
!, 27,7 00
Tot al Jackson City Rev enu e
$ 16,624,800
Tot al 16,6 24,8 00 ~- 5903 (AD A)=
$2816.33 Revenue Per ADA
Jac kso n (AD A) 5,903 plus Mad ison
Co. (AD A)= 7239 = 13,1 42 tota l
Tot al ADA of 13,1 42 X 2,81 6.33
= 37,0 12,2 09 = Tot al Revenue Req uire

Jac kso n City

Cou nty Revenue
Oth er Loc al
$ 5,20 2,10 0
Sta te 97,8 00
Oth er Sources
8,09 5,90 0
Fed eral Thr u Sta te 27,700
Tot al
$ 13,493,200
Mad ison Cou nty
Cou nty Rev enu e
Oth er Loc al
$ 6,78 0,77 6
Sta te Edu cati on
9,51 6,38 9
Oth er Sta te
Fed era l Thr u Sta te
2,60 0
Lice nse s and Per mits
74,3 54
Oth er Sources
Tot al
$ 16,454,535
Tot al Funds A vatl able
$ 29,947,735
Tot al Funds Req uire d
$ 37,012,209
Tot al Funds A vall able
$ 29,947,735
Diff ere nce (Ad ditio nal Cou nty Rev enu e Nee ded )
$ 7,064,474
Pre pare d by Sta te Edu cati on Dep
artm ent


I Pr es en t Co un ty Bus
Us ers
I 6,6 50 stu de nts Hve 3/
4 mi le fro m sc ho ol
6,2 00 stu de nts ar e tra
ns po rte d
Re qu ire s 68 buses

Pr oje cte d Ci ty Users

2,8 75 ac tu al users pr
oje cte d. K- 6 ne igh bo
rh oo d schools wi ll re
du ce stu de nt use.

8 ne w buses @ $3 4,0
00 fo r Ma dis on stu de
35 ne w buses @ $3 4,0 $ 272,000
00 fo r ci ty stu de nts
1,1 90 ,00 0
$1 ,46 2,0 00
Tw en ty Ye ar Am or
tiz at ion
$ 146,200
Fu el, dr ive rs sa lar ies
, ma int en an ce , ins ur
fo r 43 bu se s@ $1 0,9 an ce , et c.
00 pe r bus
Fu el, ma int en an ce $ 46 8,7 00
fo r 4 sp ar e buses @
$4 ,00 0
$ 48 4,7 00

Th ere is no cit y sc ho
ol ind eb ted ne ss to tra
ns fer to the co un ty,
The assets wi ll be
r co mp let ely tra ns fer re
d when the ne w sc ho
ol bo ard assumes co ntr
ol of the co ns oli da ted
sy ste m. Al l cit y and
co un ty sc ho ol res erv
e funds wi ll be tra ns
fer red to the co ns oli da
sc ho ol sy ste m. ted

Th e Co un ty Co mm iss
ion wi ll be the respo
nsible go ve rni ng body
to dispose of sc ho ol
bonded ind eb ted ne ss
. Th e to ta l ind eb ted
ne ss is $7 ,39 1,5 64 . (R
efe r to page 47 for de
tai ls. )


S AS OF JU LY I, 19 89

19 79 Issue: $3 ,67 5,0 00

I 98 6 Issue: I ,68 5 ,00 0
$5 ,36 0,0 00

LY 1, 1989

PO RT AB LE CL AS SR OO I 98 6 $7 77 ,46 4
MS 19 86
SC HO OL BUSES 17 0,9 40
PO RT AB LE CL AS SR OO 19 87 22 5,7 70
MS 19 87
SC HO OL BU SES 89 ,89 0
NO R TH SID E & SOUTH 1988 a57,500 (PE ND IN G)
1988 50 0,0 00
$2 ,03 1,5 64
$7 ,39 1,5 64


The Ci ty has no ind eb ted

ne ss.

ION FOR SCHOOL CONS d 3/ 13 /8 9

Fe b. 20 County Commission Pr
es en ta tio n, 7 p. m .,
Co ur th ou se (a ll)
Mar. 4 De lta Kappa Gamma,
9 a. m ., Union Un iv .,
Mayor Farmer, Ch ai r.
Mar. 6 NAACP, 7 p. m ., St ,
Pa ul C.M.E. Church
(a ll)
Mar. 7 Ci ty Co un cil Pr es en
ta tio n, 7 p. m ., Ci ty
Ha ll (a ll)
Mar. 8 Co ns ol id at io n Pl an ni
7 p. m ., Ci vi c Ce nt erng Co mm iss io n's Pu bl ic He ar in g
(a ll)
Mar. 9 Pl an to be pr es en te
d to Te nn es se e St at
e Dept. of Ed uc ati on
Mar. 10 Ja ck so n Yemen's Club
Jo hn D. Graham, Ch , 10 :3 0 a. m ., West. Si z. Re st .,
ai r.
Mar. 13 Chamber of Commerce,
7: 30 a. m ., Old Coun
try St or e (a ll)
Mar. 13 Pi ns on PTA, 7 p. m .,
Pi ns on El em en tar y, Ro
n Da vi s, Ch ai r.
Mar. 13 Beech Bl uf f Ru rit an
Ch ai r , 7 p. m ., Ru rit an Bl
dg, David Sm ith ,
Mar. 14 County Sc ho ol Board
(a ll) Pr es en ta tio n, 7 p. m
., Comp. Voe. Ce nt er
Mar. 16 M ale su s PTO, 7 p. m
., M ale su s El em en tar
y, Ron Da vi s, Ch ai r.
Mar. 16 Pa rk vi ew , 7 p. m ., Pa
rk vie w El em ., Hyran
Ba re fo ot , Ch ai r.
Mar. 20 County Commission,
Sc ho ol Board) ho ld County Sc ho ol Board, Ci ty Co un cil (C ity
9: 30 a. m ., Un iv . of bl ic He ar in gs and tak e ac tio n on Pl an
Tenn. Ex pe r, St a. , ,
Airways Bl vd ., (a ll)
Mar. 28 JONAH, 7 p. m ., St .
Marty M ar sh al l, Ch ai hn 's Ba pt is t Church, Bond Cemetary Rd
r. ,
Ap r. 3 Parkway Jr . Hi gh , 7
p. m ., at Parkway, Ro
n Pe nn el , Ch ai r.
Apr. 4 To tal Re ac h TV, Ar ea
Code 90 1, Jo hn D. Gr
aham to at te nd
Apr. 4 No rth sid e U.M. Ch .,
7 p. m ., Hwy 45 N. ,
Bu rru ss Ni ch ol s, Ch
Apr. 6 ai r.
Beech Bl uf f PTA, 7
p. m ., at Beech Bl uf
f, David Sm ith , Ch
Apr. 7 ai r.
Madison Ha ll Comm.
Jo hn D. Graham, Ch ai
Apr. 10 So ut hs id e PTA, 7 p. r.
m ., at So ut hs id e HS
, Ron Da vi s, Ch air .

", .,,.. .,



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... ?'...
: ) . ' .
TIME: - -H.'~,:_,,.__
O_ O- -
MAY 3 1 2017


$ 7,0 64 ,47 4
COSTS 484 ,70 0
STS 945 ,82 6
(20 ye ars )
$ 8,4 95 ,00 0




ES TAX RATE $1 8,6 89 ,00 0
ES TAX RATE 10 ,19 4,0 00


SCHOOLS $8 ,49 5,0 00


Le ve lln g Up of Ge
ne ra l Costs of Co un
to th e co sts of th e ty
Ci ty $7 ,06 4,4 74
(R ef er to page 44
fo r de ta ils )

Le ve lin g up of tra ns
po rta tio n co sts
of th e Ci ty to th e
costs of
th e Co un ty (R ef er
to page 45 fo r d~ ta
ils )
48 4,7 00

At r Co nd itio nin g,
lab and music ro om
im pr ov em en ts wh er
e needed.
Re mo ve asbestos in
$2 ,45 0,0 00
al l schools
' 43 Ne w Buses @ $3 1,5 20 ,00 0
4,0 00
Ne w Co ns tru cti on 1,4 62 ,00 0
4,0 00 ,00 0
To ta l Ca pi ta l Expe
$9 ,43 2,0 00
Tw en ty -y ea r Am or
tiz at io n
To ta l Expenses 94 5,8 26

$8 ,49 5,0 00
Revenue Fr om 1!J
I Sales Ta x Increase
19 87 -8 8 Ci ty Schools
Re ve nu e
Pr oj ec te d 5% inc re
as e 19 88 -8 9 Sc ho ol
Ci ty Sc ho ol re ce ive Ye ar $2 ,18 5,0 00
s ap pr ox . 45% of lo
To ta l Ci ty -C ou nt y ca l sales ta x $2 ,29 4,0 00
Ci ty -C ou nt y Ge ne Schools ha lf
ra l Funds
$5 ,09 7,0 00
19 88 -8 9 Es t. Ci ty an 5,0 97 ,00 0
d Co un ty Re ve nu e
at cu rre nt I%
Co nv er sio n fro m l $1 0,1 94 ,00 0
% to 2 3/4 %
Es t. ad di tio na l Re $1 8,6 89 ,00 0
ve nu e fo r Co ns oli da
te d Sy ste m
$ 8,4 95 ,00 0

TI ME:_ J..~
~O~ -
MAY 3 1 2017
CLER!~ - -
BY: - --:-:-
u;E!-'uT'{ c.__Kt<


Thi s 20t h day of }lar ch

-- -- -- -- -- , 198 9



TIME:_ --,l)
.lol-_ _
MAY 3 1 2017
CLER!~~ TER __
BY: ---::-:::


MARCH 20, 1989


On March 20, 1989, prio r to the opening of

the regular session of the
Madison County CollVTiission Meeting, a public
hearing was held on the proposed
Jackson-Madison County School Consolidation
Plan pursuant to _Tennessee Code
annotated 49-2-1206.
The Jackson City Commissioners were also prese
nt at said hearing.

March 20, 1989
At a regular County Commission
Meeting held in the West Ten
nessee Center. For
Agricultural Research Extens
ion and Public -service Buildi
ng in the City of
Jackson, Sta te of Tennessee
on the 20th day of March, 198
The invocation was given by
Sh eri ff Warren Roberts.
Jimmy C. Arnold
Lacy Bond Arthur D. Johnson,
Clarence D. Boone George R. Johnson Jr.
David N. Carter, Sr. Kapel Kirkendoll
Chuck Clark Thomas H. Lovelace
Donna C. Cook Charles A. McDowell
D. C. (Pete) Deloach T. C. Ozier
Bil ly Donnell Kay Rodriguez
James E. Fuller Sandra E. Sil ver ste in
R. E. (Bobby) George Bill Sipes
Robert L. Hardee Thomas Ray Turner
Dale Jamieson James L. Watlington
Danny R. Waynick
Absent - Claudell Brown, Jr.
Present - 24 Absent -


PUT ON BALLOT - May 25, 1989
A motion 11as made by Commis
sioner Carter, seconded by Com
missioner Jamieson
to set a May 25th vote on the
School Consolidation Plan.
David Carter ~
Chuck Cl ark George R. Johnson Ji11111y C. Arnold
Donna C. Cook Thomas H. Lovelace
Charles A. McDowell Lacy Bond
D. c. (Pete) Deloach Clarence 0. Boone
Bil ly Donnel 1 Kay Rodriguez Kapel Kirkendoll
James E. Fu 11 er Sandra E. Sil ver ste in
Bill Sipes T. C. Ozier
R. E. (Bobby) George
Robert L. Hardee Thomas Ray Turner
James L. Watlington Absent
Dale Jamieson Claudell Brown, Jr.
Arthur O. Johnson, Jr. Danny R. Waynick

Aye - 19
Nay - 5
Absent -
COtlfliSSION rtEETING - March
20, 1989

The adoption of a 1~ inc
rease in local sales tax
will be appropriated
for use in education and
only for thi s purpose, and
not for any other use. The
City and County Government
are in agreement tha t mo
ney from thi s increase wi
so lel y toward thi s end. ll go

A motion 11as made by

Commissioner Carter, second
ed by Corrmissioner Cook
thi s reso 1ution. to approve


Voting Aye
Jimmy C. Arnold Voting Nay
David N. Carter, Sr. George R. Johnson
Kapel Kirkendoll Lacy Bond
Chuck Clark Clarence D. Boone
,,Donna C. Cook Thomas H. Lovelace
D. C. (Pete) Deloach Charles A. McDowell
Bi lly Donnell T. C. Ozier
James E. Fuller Kay Rodriguez Absent
Sandra E. Sil ve rst ein Claudell Brown, Jr.
R. E. (Bobby) George
Robert L. Hardee Bill Sipes
Dale Jamieson Thomas Ray Turner
Arthur 0. Johnson, Jr. James L. Watlingto
Danny R. Waynick n
Aye - 22 Nay - 2 Absent - 1


Buddy McMillin, County Sch
ool Superintendent, report
ed the Madison County Sch
Board voted unanimously ool
to approve the plan as rec
ommended by the Planning
Commission and allo11 the
plan to go to the voters
of Jackson-Madison County
them an opportunity to vot to give
e on the School Consolid


Minutes of the February
Couuuiss ion Meeting were app
BE IT RESOL'/ED b 1 the Bo ard of C.:)unt:; C;; ;.m mi- 5si one rs of
lla dis cn Co un tr,
Te nn ess ee:
s~ cti on 1. Th e
Ua tl1s on Co un ty, Te res olu tio n of the Co unt y Le gis lat ive
nn Bod y of
aut ho ri~ ect un der the sse e. im pos ing a loc al sa
les and use tax as
pro vis lon s of Se cti
712 ot the Te nn ess on 67 -6- 70 1 thr ou gh
sp ec ial meeting June ee24Code An nct ate a ado pte d by the Co unt y at -6-
1~ 3, ts am end ed to lev
, 19 66 , of rec ora 1n ttln ute Book c, a
y a loc page
of 1 / 2 of the rat e lev ied al sa les tax and use tax at a rat e
Ch apt er 6. Pa rt l in the Re tai ler 's
thr ou gh 6, Ti tle Sa les Tax Ac t,
as am end ed, ex cep
t as lim ite d or mo 67 , Te nn ess ee Ce de hn no tat ed
dif ied by sta tu te.
Se ct icn 2. If a tna Jor 1tj of
req uir ed by Te nn ess tho se vo tin g in the
ee Co de rln nct ate d ele cti on
tha inc rea se in tha Se cti on 67 -6- 70 6,
tax im pos ed by =t e for
che inc rea sed tax lev ied by thi s th is res olu tio n, co lle cti on cf
f1~ st day of the res olu tio n sh all be
mo nth oc cu rri ng th gin
the co un ty ele ct1 irt y (30 1 or mo re day on the
on com m1 ssl on ma kes
ele cti on ret ur ns . its of fic ial can va ss s af ter
of the
~ t 1cn 3. Th e De par tm ent of
Teu nes .!:l ee sh all
co lle ct the ad dit Re ven ue of tile St ate of
res olu tio n co nc urr ion
en t wi th the co lle cti al tax imp c.s ed I.Jy thi s
the loc al tax now bei on of
acc ord an ce wi th the ng co lle cte d fo r. the sta te tax and
De par tm ent . ru les and reg ula tio ns pro Ma dis on Co un ty, in
mu lga ted by the sai
Se cti cn J. Th e Co unt y Ex ecu tiv
co ntr ac t wi th the e is he reb y au tho ri=
act d1 t1o nal tax im pos par tm ent of Re ven ue for the co lle cti ed to
on cf the
co ntr ac t tha t the ed by thi s re. so lut ion . and to pro vid
De par tm ent may ded e
rea so na ble am oun t uct fro m the tax co in sai d
.:1 .dm 1ni stra t1o n and of pe rce nta ge to co ve r the exp ens lle cte d a
co lle cti on of sai d e of the
tax .
Se ct1 cn s. In
De par tm ent of Re ven the ev en t the tax is co lle cte d
ue, su its by the
as~ ess ed or co lle cte d sh all for rec ov er cf any tax 1ll eg all r
Co rnm 1s. s1o ner of Re be bro ug ht ag ain st
1en ue and the Co unt the Sa te
y Ex ecu tiv e.
Se ctl cn 6. rl ce rti f1 ed cop y of
t r ans rn! tt~ d to the thi s res olu tio n sn
sai d De par tm ent of all be
for thw ith and sh Re
all be pu bli she d on ven ue by the Co unt y Cl erk
ge ne ral cir cu lat ion e tim e 1n a new spa per of
1n Ma dis on Co unt
ca lle d for 1n Se cti y .pr 1a r to the ele
on 2 he reo f. cti on
DATED: Th 1s 20t h cta,- of _
_ _M_arc_h_ __.;.._, 198 9,

APRIL 4 1 1989

Tne Jackson City Counc

il met at 10 a.m., Tu
esday, April 4, 1989
Present were Mayor Fan In the Council Room
ner; Councll members at City Hall.
Buchanan, Faught, Ha
Horgan, Parks, and ys, Lewis, Martindale, Ho
Webb. Also present nroe-Koses,
was Harty No lu, Ac
of the ml nutes. ting City Recorder and
Oor1s Tosh, Recorder
Reverend Harry Bell
gave the Invocation.
to the fla g. Council meatber Lew
is led tne pledge
of allegiance
The minutes of the
reg ula r 111eetlng of
March 7, and the Sp
were approved and sfg ecial Called Meeting
neo. of March 20, 1989
Mayor Farwr Introd
uced the following
Resolution which app
cf ty and county sch rovn tha plan for
ools as prepared by consolidation of
the Jackson-Madison
Consolidation. Counc County Planning Co11
il member Morgan 111a 111I ss1on far School
ved the Resolution
seconded the motion, be approved, Counc
Voting on the motion il member Martindale
was a~ follows:
Aye; Faught, Hays,
Lewis, Martfndale, Ho
rgan, Webb
tlay; Buchanan, HOl)'1
le-Hoses, Parks


WHEREAS, by Joi nt
Conmisslon, a Plaanni Resolution adopted by
the Had n County Co1
consolidation of ng Comnissfon was created in Jul y,1so198 1111iss1on
schools fn Jackso n and Madison Co 8 to study and conand Jackson City
sider the need for
unty; and
WHEREAS, the Planning
consolidated; and Conmfssfon proposes
tha t schools In Jackso
n and Madison County
WHEREAS, the Planning be
ance with the prols Connfssio
ions of T.C.A. n49-has proposed a complete
2-1201: and plan of consolidatio
n fn accord-
WHEREAS, the Jackson
City Council ravers
consolidation of sch
HOW, THEREFORE, be ft ools.
Ap ril , 1989 that the
Planning Co11111iss
consolidation be ion
pro pos
resolved by the Jackso
ed plan of
for School Consolidcon
n Cit y
solfdat1on prepar
ation be hereby apped
Counc il me eting on thi s the 4th
by the Jacksan-Had1
day of i
thi s Resolution, Ince rti fie d to the Madison County Electi roved and tha t the pNposedCopla unty
accordance with the on Comission, togeth n of
provisions of T.C .A. 49-2-1206(6J(b)er with a copy of

,q On th1 mot1on of' Council

member Horgan, seconded
by Council member Martinda
car rie d, the foilowtng Res
olutton was adopted 1n whi
11, and unanimously
': ch the City agrets to rel1


. I its share of the proposed

be devoted to a consolida
sal es tax increase so tha
ted school system. If the
t all of the revenue genera
nqu1sh its rig ht to
ted from said tax may
proposed plan of consolidat
; this resolution shall be nul
l and void.
ion is not approved,

-I~ R E S O L UT J O N


WHEREAS, on Kay 25 a referend
son and Had1son County um will be
are consolidated; and held to determine whether schools tn Jack
WHEREAS, the proposed plan
cal ls for
b an tncrease of the loc al option sales taxadd itional funding by revenue
, from I.SI ta 2,75S; and
generated fron
WHEREAS, T,C.A. 67-6-712
sal es tax and provid tha provides the manner of dis trib utio n of
the tax ts col lec tedes
; and
t one-half the tax be dis trib revenue from the
ute d to the city or town
In which
WHEREAS, T.C.A. 67-6712(
vide for other dis trib ut1 2J(c) provides
an of the sales tax;tha t a county and city may by
and contract pro-
WHEREAS, the City of Jack
sal es tax increase to edu son des ires ta allocate all of
Its sha of the proposed
system, cation and spe cifi cal ly to a newly c"a ted recon
solidated school
NOW, THEREFORE, be It reso
thi s the 4th day of lved by the City Caunc11
of Jackson, Tennessee mee
rig ht to 1ts share ofApthe
ril, 1989 tha t the Cft y of Jackson hereby ting
agrees to relinquish on
said tax may be devoted to proposed sal es tax so that all of the reve its
ff the proposed plan of a consolidated school syst nue generated from
can solidatfon 1s not approved, em In Jackson and Kadfson County.
void. thf s resolution shall be ul l and

Char,as Farmar, Mayor

Mayor Fa1111er Introduced the

following Resolution which
changes tha language in the
and replaces the words "Bo C1ty Charter
ard of Co11111issioners" with
"Council". Council member
luti on be adopted. Council Mor gan moved the Reso-
member Buchanan seconded
the mot1on. All 9 Council
of the adoption of tho Res mB111bers voted in favor
olution. Hayer Fanner sta
ted this Resolution will be
lato rs and they will be ins forwarded to our leg is-
tru cte d ta pass the proper
leg1slatfon ta allow our Cha
rter ta be changed.

1\M E:- --1-4,~~-
MAY 3 1 2017
: WHEREAS; '!Y a Joint Resolullon adopted by the Madison
unty Commission and Jackson City Cammlulon, a Plan-
. Ing CommlulOfl was aaated In July, 1988 la study and
. !XlllSldorthe need far consolldallon of sch00!1 In Jackson and
;; Madison tounty1 and
,! 1 WHEREAS, the PlaMlng Comml!Jlon proposed that
~ ools In Jackion and Madison County be consolldatad1 and
" WHEREAS, the Planning Commluian has proposed a
l:omplete plan of consolldotlon In accordance with the provl-
ans ofT,C.A. 49-~-1201, ~
WHEREAS, the Jaduon City Council favon ccnsolldallon
of schools.
NOW THEREFORE, be It resolved by the Jacksan City
undl meeting that the proposed plan al con10lld111fon
, ared by the Jackion-Madlson County Planning Cammls-
.; .slan for School Cansolldallon be hereby approved cmd that
~ the proposed plan af consalldatlan ba certlfled-lo the Modi,-
; 'QI! County Electlan Commlulon, iogeth,r with a CXIP)I af this
', Resalutlon, in aa:ardanat with th provl1Jons of T.c.A. 49-
,) :,2-1206(6Jlb)(l). , , r.
; . Resolution of Jhe Madison County Commlulan authorla:lng an
: Jncrease In Iha Retail Salos Tax af Madison County and
'! , providing far a reEerendum of the people on the lnaaasa
: .. BE IT RESOLVED by the Baard of County Commlsslonen
,? of Madtion County, Tennessee,
:~ Sedloo 1. The resolution of the County Leglslatm, Body of
;.: 'Madison County, Tennessee, Imposing a local sales and use
~ .lax as authorized under !hi! provisions of Section 67-6-701
:! ,through 67-6-712 al the Tenneuee Cade Annalafed adapted
~ by the County at a special moetlng June 24, l 966, of
~ ;rec:ard In Minute Baok C, page 143, Is amended lo lavy a
~ Jacal sales lax and use tax at a rote of J!2 al Iha role
:~ ;levied in the Retaller's Sala Tax Act, Chapter 6, Part 1
~ 'through 6, Tltl1t 67, Tenneuee Cade Annotated as amertded,
,, except as Umlted or modified by statute.
:: Sadlon 2. If ~ maforlty of tho11t voting In the elltclion
: required by Tennessee Code Annalaled Sltcllan 67-6-706,
1: vale far the Increase In !he tax lmpoie.l by this resolution
I shall begin an the first day al th month aa:urring rhrrty (30)
,t '. or more dap altar the county eledlon com111lulon makes Its
ij , offldal mnvasa al the election returns.
,. ; Sadlon 3. The Department af RevenUlt af the State of
I: Tennessee shall collect the additional tax Imposed by thli re-
i: solutlon concurrent with th1t collectlan of the state tax and .,,
;~ ,rite local tax now being collected far Madison C011nty, In ac-
i l cardance wllh the rules and regulations promulgated by !he
: ;aid Department.
:~ , . S,ectlon 4. The Counry Executive b hereby GUtharla:ad to
:f contract wilh the' Department al Reven\11t far th1t colledlon af
:J . t~ additional tax Imposed by thla rosalutlan, and lo provide
: i. In said contract that th Department may deduct from Iha
:, '.tax collected a ritDSDnabl1t amount of parcenlage ta caver
! 'the expense al lh1t administration and calledfon af ,~Id lax.
:. Section 5, In the event the tax Is collected by Iha Depart-
~r. ~ntenl of Revenue,' suits far recavlll! of any tax Illegally as-
: . , sassed ar callltcled shall h brought against lhit State Com-
' ; missioner of R8Vltlllllt and-the County ExiaJllve.
:. '. Section 6. A c:artifled copy al this resolution shall be
~; ' transmitted ta thit said Department al Revenue by !he County
:f : Clerk forthwith and shall be published one time In 'a, new-
1t ! spoper al general drculatlon In Madison Caunly prior la the
~ ; electlan called for In Section 2 hereof.
t ;,Madison County Eladion Commission
April 30, 19~9 1

11 ! oO
TIME: - /"
MAY 3 1 20l7
-Mll\i Va I ,iillll~O-= at;t:
Special Referendum Election
Madison County

MAY 25 1 1989

Vote by marking the square opposite

the question, like this

FOR Plan of Consolidating Schools
in Madison County Tennessee c
AGAINST Plan of Consolidating Schools
in Madison County Tennessee c


The resolution of the County Legislative BodY of
Madison County, Tennessee, imposing a local
sales and use tax as auihorized under the
provisions of Section 67-6-701 through 67-6-712
of the Tennessee Code Annotated adopted by
the County at a special meeting June 24, 1966,
of record in Minute Book C., page 143, Is amended
lo levy a local sales tax and use tax at a rate
of 1 /2 of the rate levied In the Retailer's Sales
Tax Act, Chapter 6, Part 1 through 6, Title 67,
Tennessee Code Annotated as amended,
except as limited or modified by statue.

FOR the sales tax resolution

AGAINST the sales tax resolution

Madison County Election Commission: Lewis
L Cobb, Chairman; Brenda DePriesi. Member;
Carlton Carneal, Member: Juanita Ballard ,
Member; Lynda Long, Member
TIME:- ---!-6P~ -
MAY 3 \ 20\7


I, Marty Noles, Acting City Recorder of the

City of Jackson, do
hereby cer tify the attached is a true and
exact copy of a Resolution
approved by the City Council and City Scho
ol Board at a special call -
ed meeting on March 20, 1989. Said Resolut
ion approves the proposed
plan for consolidation of City and County
Schools as prepared by the
Jackson-Madison County Planning Commission
for School Consolidation.
This the 20th day of March, 1989.

] ccJ . /I ,..''/ , 11I I . \'.)

. . '
I ':: '. I ~ ~ -6 :

., ., ,_ I

. . ..!. ,
,.. 1 I '-
. .l
: :

1 (
: ~ ..~.,,
1, ' I ~ I

',i I
.. , t:' ,.., : \ :.,

I, Marty Noles, Acting City Record

er of the City of Jackson,
do hereby cer tify the attached is
a tru e and exact copy of a
Resolution approved by a 6 to 3 vot
e at the ir reg ula r Council
meeting on April 4, 1989. Said Res
olution concerns a plan for
consolidation of City and County Sch
ools as proposed by the
Jackson-Madison County Planning Com
mission for School Consolida-
tio n.
This the 4th day of Ap ril, 1989.

: l. l: .. .
: 1 ' ~ ~ ..... ,. }
1,,.I I,:;
,. 1 .. ,_;. \ ;--
', ,. ,,. i t' .' i ~ " ,'

. . .. I ~~ ; : . .~. i,
. ' ... . ..... ...

- r ll ;
:, ' .


WHEREAS, by a Joi nt Re
Jac kso n Cit y Co mm iss ion , sol uti on ado pte d by the Ma
a Pla nni ng Co mm iss ion wa s dison Co unt y Co mm iss ion and
con sid er the nee d for con sol cre ate d In Jul y, 1988 to stu
ida tio n of sch ool s in Jac kso dy and
n and Madison Co unt y; and
WHEREAS, the Pla nni ng
Madison Co un ty be con sol ida Co mm iss ion pro pos es tha t sch ool s ln Jac kso n and
ted ; and
WHEREAS, the Pla nni ng
in acc ord anc e wit h the pro Co mm iss ion has pro pos ed a
vis ion s of T.C .A. 49- 2-1 201 com ple te pla n of con sol ida
; and tio n
WHEREAS, the Jac kso n Cit
y Co unc il fav ors con sol ida tio
n of sch ool s.

NO W. TH ER EF OR E, be it res
the ;J, a+ -4d ay of /V\ 4,c olv ed by the Jac kso n Cit y Co
.,U \ , 1989 tha t the pro pos unc il me eti ng on thi s
pre par ed' by the Jac kso n-M ed pla n of con sol ida tio n
adi son Co unt y Pla nni ng Co
be her eby app rov ed and tha mm iss ion for School Co nso
t the pro pos ed. pJan of con sol lid ati on
Co unt y Ele cti on Co mm iss ion ida tio n be cer tifi ed to the Ma
the pro vis ion s of T.C .A. 49- , tog eth er wit h a cop y of thi s Re sol uti on, dison
2-1206(6)(b)(l). in acc ord anc e wit h

Q J _ ,~ J t. ~~
TEtLEt PHONI E 4&38 070

May 30, 198 9


FOR the sal es tax res olu tio n 799 6
AGAINST the sal es tax res olu tio n 609 6

Ma ride l Rob erts
Re gis tra r
.. t, I I : . :


WHERBAS, by a Join t Res olut ion

Jack son City Com mis sion , a Plan ning ado pted by the Madison Cou nty Com mis sion and
Com mis sion was cre ated in July . 198
con side r the nee d for con soli dati on 8
of scho ols in Jack son and Madison Cou to stud y and
nty; and
WHEREAS, the Plan ning Com mis
sion prop oses tha t scho ols in Jack son
Madison Cou nty be con soU date d; and and

WHEREAS, the Plan ning Com mis

sion has prop osed a com plet e plan of
in acc ord anc e with the prov isio ns of con soli dati on
T.C .A. 49-2 -120 1; and
WHEREAS, the Jack son City Cou
ncil favo rs con soli dati on of scho ols.

the _....._:t'f
NJt:W i/
THEREFOIJrE, be reso lved by the
.'I day of -H f .--i , 1989 tha t the Jack son City Cou ncil mee ting on this
prep ared by the Jack son -Ma diso n Cou osed plan of con soli dati on
nty Plan ning Com mis sion for Sch ool
be here by app rov ed and tha t the prop Con soli dati on
osed plan of con soli dati on be cert ifie
Cou nty Ele ctio n Com mis sion , tog ethe d to the Madison
the prov isio ns of T.C .A. 49-2-1206(6) r with a cop y of this Res olut ion, in acc ord anc e with


5~~ WV--~-

~ ~ ~ Ll-Y-~~
cs~~\~---~-~~ t~

., .. : ~ ~ ~ .
. -~~ ., : ~
. .. -:-, ./
... : I

..., ...... ;... r~J;..fJ. ;

r:::.- 1' :
~~t'i,J is~~
1,. ) -,.--.~ ,t
Total ti] E-1
Voted ~
0 gj
r.. ~
r.. ~
1-- 1 127 38 89 28 96
1-- 2 . 511 46 459 44 429
2-- 1 418 155 259 lll1 297
2-- 2 461 358 100 263 182
2-- 3 .5'12 466 .93 ll3 l 174
3-- 1 500 365 134 277 208
3-- 2 657 552 105 430 '
4-- 1 628 380 243 310 300
4-- 2 937 849 90 675 232
4-- 4 718 556 158 424 269
5-- 1 516 73 432 .. 71 418
5-- 2 496 49 441 47 434 - "''
6-- 1 785 657 128 550 213
6-- 2 271 222 47 168 95
9-- 1 817 718 98 571 221
9-- 2 1120 942 174 759 331
Cit y
"'- . ~, 948/~ 6426,-. 3010 5062 .

Mc Ke llar 123 83 38
-- --- - -- --- ... . - .
70 51 ,
Le ste r 205 116 87 107 88
Maleeue 266 194 72 167 91
Medon 92 52 40 48 40
Pin son 152 92 59 66 77
Denmark 149 41
ttuni:;ers 102 33 99
\fi lle 192 107 85 80 106
Mad. Ha ll 238 130 103 96,1 126
Me rce r 114 68 45 54 56
B.B luf f 302 218 81 173 119
Browns 296 198 96 165 125
Fiv e Pts 258 130 128 120 136
Sp. Cre ek 284 176 107 169 106
Pope ..
1088 856 230 762 295
E.U nio n 245 198 46 152 88
Nova 627 473 151 408 205
Th.Way l146 281 1611 264
County 171
To tal 5077 3413 1634 2934 1979
14 561 _w g 4644 7996 6096

E X H IB IT 10
r O0
7 --
MAY 3 1 2017
CLtRK~ _R _ _
BY: --JF.Pl , r{ cCK

.., .. _ _ _ - _ ..,.., " " ... u1 " ..::::,o.J.




Pla int iff , )
vs. ) Civ il Ac tion No. ~C- 132 7
De fen dan ts, )
Pla int iff s, )
vs. ) Civ il Ac tion No. C-2 209 -E
De fen dan ts. )



COME NOW the def end ant s, Cit y of

Jac kso n, et al. and
Cou nty Boa rd of Edu cat ion , and
joi ntl y move to sub mit the a
Pla n for Sch ool Co nso lid atio
n and Un ific atio n
"Co nso lid atio n Pla n") in sub stit
uti on of the tra nsi tio n pla ns
pre vio usl y file d by the def end
ant s on or abo ut Dec emb er 1, 198
due to the pas sag e of the
Co nso lid atio n Pla n in a pec ial
refe ren dum ele cti on hel d May 25,
198 9, and joi ntl y move for a sta
of the Co urt 's ord er of Oc tob er
28, 198 8, and the ref ore , joi ntl
move as fol low s:

. -.::,-

Tha t the Con soli dati on Pla n be file

d in sub stit u of
the prio r tran siti on plan s pre vio usly
file d by the def end ant .
2. Tha t the Con soli dati on Plan be app rove
d by this Ho ora ble
Cou rt.
3. Tha t the ord er ente red by this Cou rt
on Oct obe r 28 198 8,
be stay ed unt il a ruli ng upo n the
Con soli dati on Plan is ade by
this Hon orab le Cou rt.


By: --:: ,,o-

y D. __=
Kiz -1~ :-r- -il' -~~ ---- ---+ ----
5 Sou th Hig land Ave nue L
o.Box 114 7
Jack son , TN 383 02-1 147
(901 ) 423 -241 4


--=H:-u-g-=-h--=H:-a-r-v;-+y-,..=..:;-,.._ ___ ,.._ __ ~~ ~--
211 E. Bal tim ore Str eet
Jac kso n, TN 3830 1
(901 ) 424 -215 1

The und ersi gne d cer tifi es tha t a true
doc ume nt was serv ed upo n cou nse l for cop y of this ple adi g or
by mai ling pos tage pre pai d orb del eac h of the par ties aff cted
of such cou nse l.? ive ry to the pers on or o ice
Thi s the ___ ___ day of --.4 1-~ ~::: :.._
, 198 9.
E X H I B I T 11

MAY 3 1 2017
C'Lt Rf< & M;\3TER

WHEREAS, on March 20, 1989, the Ma9ison County Board of Commissioners passed
Resolution authorizing the imposition of a I 1/4% increase in the local option sales tax;
WHEREAS, Madison County, Tennessee agreed that the "increase in local sales tax will
appropriates for use in education and only for this pUipose and not for any other putpose."
The City
and County government are in agreement that the money from this increase will go
solely towards
this end; and
WHEREAS, the Jackson City CotJncil passed a resolution on April 4, 1989 dedicating
portion of the increase in local option sales tax exclusively to the Jackson Madison County
System; and
WHEREAS, that Resolution was approved by the voters of Madison County, Tennessee
May 25, 1989; anct
WHEREAS, since the increase in sales tax, a lawsuit has been filed in the Chancery Court
of Davidson County, Tennessee, which seeks a change in the State fonnula for funding
such that the local option sales tax would not be distributed locally for education, but
would be
distributed state wide; and
WHEREAS, if the above-referenced lawsuit was successful, the Jackson-Madison County
School System could lose in excess of Seven Million Dollars ($7,000,000.00) per year;
WHEREAS, contrary to the specific agreement set forth in the Resolution as passed
by the-;
City of Jackson and Madison County, the fimds earmarked solely for education have been
by the Madison County Trustee by a device whc-;rein said Trustee has retained one percent
(1 %) fee
for collection in contravention of the agreement between the City and Madison County,

WHEREAS, the City of Jackson desires that the entire increase of the money remain devoted
to education within Madison County, Tennessee.
IT IS, HEREBY, RESOLVED, that the Jackson City Council, meeting on this the 2nd
of November, 1999, that the action of April 1989 be rescinded and the following occur:
I. The State of Tennessee shall be notified that the money derived from the I 1/4 local
option sales tax money approved in 1989 should be paid directly to the City of Jackson.
2. If necessary, action be taken to prevent the reduction of any amount of money by
Trustee, Commissions or other fees.
3. On a monthly basis, the City of Jackson shall pay the Jackson-Madison County
School System the full amount of money paid to the City as its portion of 1 1/4%
local option
increase in sales tax.
E X H IB IT 1 2
2 Cases that cite this headn ote
145N eb.47 5
Supre m~ Court of Nebra ska.
(2) Municipal Corporations
MAYetal. <i? Provisions as to payme nt
v. The statute giving author ity to city or
CITY OF KEARNEY et al. village authorities, witho ut vote of people
CONSUMERS PUBLIC POWER DIST. if necessary, to issue and sell bonds of city
v. or village to provid e funds to make tender
SAME. in eminent domai n proceeding to acquire
power company's prope rty in city or village,
Nos, 31837, 31838 . authorizes issuance only of general obliga tion
I bonds of city or village, and not bonds
Jan. 23, 1945. purpo rting to pledge and hypoth ecate revenue
Appea l from Distri ct Court, Buffal o County; Reed, and earnings of the plant. R.S.1943, 19-704.
Judge .
Cases that cite this headn ote

Action by Charle s E. May against the City of Kearn

and others , conso lidated with an action by Consumers (3) Municipal Corporations
Public Power Distri ct against the City of Kearney and .;;=. Submission of Quest ion of Issue of
others , to enjoin the defend ant city and its officia Bonds to Popul ar Vote
from issuing bonds for the purpo se of raising money Under statute, city of Kearn ey was author ized
to tender an award made by a court of conde mnati on to acquire electric light and power plant,
in proceedings broug ht by the city agains t the plaint and proper ty needed in connection therewith,
Consu mers Public Power District, as provid ed by statute by paying costs thereo f by issue and sale
From a judgm ent denying an injunc tion and dismissing of revenue bonds or debentures by pledging
the separa te amend ed petitions, the plaintiffs appeal. and hypothecating revenue and earnings of
any such plant to be owned by city only if
Reversed with directions. propo sition was first submi tted to electorate
and approved by a major ity voting thereon.
R.S.1943, 1~12 , 19-701 et seq.
West Headn otes (30) 2 Cases that cite this headn ote

(1) Eminent Domain (4) Municipal Corporations

,}a,> Trial ~ Issuance or delivery of bonds
Municipal Corporations Where bonds or other evidence of
:P Issuan ce or delivery of bonds indebtedness are about to be issued by
A power compa ny seeking to restrai n municipal officers illegally, equity has
municipality from proceeding to conde mn jurisdiction to grant an injunction.
and acquir e company's prope rty in and about
municipality under eminent doma in had no Cases that cite this headn ote
right to raise questi on as to validi ty of bonds
propo sed to be issued to pay for prope rty, but (5) Municipal Corporations
a resident taxpayer, representing himself and 1:>-- Issuance or delivery of bonds
all others similarly situated, did have right to
Where law requires that question as to
do so. R.S.1943, 19-701 et seq., 70---650.
issuance of bonds by municipality shall be
submitted to popul ar vote, an attemp ted issue

\NE! @ 201 "i' Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Gover

nment Worl<s.
of bon ds by municipal officers without
such a
vote will be enjoined. 9 Cases that cite this headnote
l Cases that cite this head note
[9) Estoppel
~ Futu re events;promissory
(6) Estoppel estoppel
,;;,;. Act s of officers or boa rds Although doctrine of estoppel by
representation is ordinarily applicab
Municipal Corporatious le only
to representations as to facts eith
'"" Powers of officers or boards or present, and not to representatio
er past
Municipal Corporatious ns or
promises concerning the future, ther
'1 ? Rati fica tion e are
well-recognized exceptions where to
Public Contracts the rule wou ld perpetrate a frau d
or cause
.;:;.. Pow ers of officers to cont ract injustice.
Public Contracts
i};> Rati fica tion
1 Cases that cite this headnote

Generally, a mem ber of city council

or may or
acting separately as individuals can (10) Estoppel
not bind
city by cont ract ual obligations created .r.,.. Futu re events;promissory estoppel
only by
official acti on of city council, nor can The doctrine of "promissory estoppel
anyone " has
of them ratif y or rein state a void city part icul ar application where represen
con trac t tations
or esto p city from denying the validity relate to an intended aban don men
thereof. t of an
existing right, and is made to influence
Cases that cite this head note othe rs
who have in fact been influenced by
it and
substantial injustice will result unle
ss the
(7) Estoppel promise is enforced.
> Acts of officers or boa rds
1 Cases that cite this headnote
,fi,,, Acquiescence

Ordinarily, a municipality may (11) Estoppel

not ~ Nature and elements in general
be esto ppe d by unau thor ized
representations, promises, or pledges Estoppel
of its
officers, but it may within limi 'i? Natu re and elements in gene
tation of ral
its legal powers be esto pped by its Estoppel
acquiescence in and app rova l of acts i>- Nat ure and Application of Esto
originally ppel in
unauthorized. Pais
"Est opp el" is a bar which precludes
7 Cases that cite this head note a person
from denying truth of a fact whic
h has
in contemplation of law become settl
ed by
(8) Estoppel acts and proceedings of judicial or legis
't=> Mun icip al corp orat ions in gene officers, or by act of part y himself,
ral either by
Ordinarily, the doct rine of equitable conventional writing or by represen
estoppel tations,
cann ot be invo ked agai nst a mun express or implied in pais.
corp orat ion in exercise of gove
rnmental 1 Cases that cite this headnote
functions, but exceptions are mad
e where
justice so demands, particularly
controversy is between one class of (12) Estoppel
public as
against ano ther class. ,=j:=, Prejudice to person setti
ng up estoppel

'N~ S'fll \W @2017 Thomson l~eu

ters. l\lo clciirn to origim1I U.S. Gov
ernment Works.
Under doctrine of "equitable estoppel", the
person is held to a representation made [16] Statutes
1i Reenactm
or a position assumed, where otherwise ent or incorporation of prior
inequitable consequences would result to statute
another who, having right to do so, under all By enacting statutes containing provisions
circumstances has in good faith relied thereon. identical with those contained in a prior
statute which have received a settled judicial
5 Cases that cite this headnote
interpretation by court of last resort of
state where enacted, Legislature will be
(13) Estoppel presumed to have retained prior statute with
!)=>, Extent of estoppel in general its previously established construction.
An "estoppel" is commensurate with thing
1 Cases that cite this headnote
represented, and operates to put the party
entitled to its benefits in same position as if
thing represented were true. (17) Courts
~ Constitutional and Statutory Provisions
I Cases that cite this headnote
A "court", as used in constitutional provision
providing that judicial power of state shall be
(14) Estoppel vested in certain courts means a permanent
'i? Acts of officers or boards organization for administration ofjustice, and
Where mayor and city council of city of not those special tribunals provided for by
Kearney made representations, at time of law that are occasionally called into existence
election to determine whether city should by particular exigencies, and that cease to
acquire power company's property in city exist with such exigencies. Const. art. 5, 1,
by eminent domain proceedings, that general amended in 1920.
obligation bonds would not be issued to
Cases that cite this headnote
pay for the property, even though mayor
and council were not acting in their official
capacities, their representations estopped city (18) Courts
from issuing general obligation bonds after iO=> Constitutional and Statutory Provisions
vote to issue bonds payable out of earnings of A condemnation court created by Public
electric plant had been defeated. R.S.1943, Power District Act is not a "court" in
18-412, 19-701 et seq., 19-704. constitutional sense. R.S.1943, 19-701 to
19-707; Const. art. 5, I, amended in 1920.
4 Cases that cite this headnote
Cases that cite this headnote
[15) Constitutional Law
~ Reliance on statute or availment of (19) Constitutional Law
statutory benefits -~ Proceedings
The mere fact that corporati on is organized Eminent Domain
under statute does not estop it from denying 'iP Validity
constitutionality of provision constituting
The provision of Public Power District Act
distinct, separable, legislative enactment, the
authorizing city to condemn property of
elimination of which would leave in full
power company, and providing for notice
force provisions under which corporati on was
and hearing on question of just compensation
before condemnation court with a right of
Cases that cite this headnote appeal to the courts limited to record made
before condemnation court, does not deny

WESTlAW 201/ ll1omson l~eulcrs. No cli:1irn to original U.S. Government Works. ,,

du e pro ces s of law
in no t affording full
an d co mp let e hearing
before a judicial co urt [23)
no tw ith sta nd ing tha t , Eminent Domain
condemnation co urt is
no taj ud ici alc ou rt. R. S.1 >- Determination of Question
94 3, 19-701 to 19 - s as to
707; Co ns t. art. 5, 1, Validity of Exercise of
amended in 1920. Po we r
Eminent Domain
2 Cases tha t cite this he .;;... Hearing an d De ter
ad no te mi na tio n as to Ri gh t
to Ta ke
[20) Constitutional Law An owner of lan d tak
en un de r power of
~ Pr oc ed ura l du e proces eminent do ma in mu st
s in general be given his da y in
Constitutional Law co urt on question of
jus t compensation by
-> Fa cto rs considered;flexib sta tut e authorizing the
ility an d taking, bu t owner ha s
ba lan cin g no right to an d sta tut e
need no t pro vid e a da y
in co urt on question of
"D ue pro ces s of law rig ht of sta te to tak e
" in its co nst itu tio na the property. Const. art
sense do es no t neces l . 1, 21.
sarily include jud ici al
process an d does no t 4 Cases tha t cite this he
guarantee to a citizen ad no te
any pa rti cu lar for m or
me tho d of procedure.
Cases tha t cite this he ad (24) Constitutional Law
no te
~ Em ine nt Do ma
[21) Eminent Domain Eminent Domain
'IF'" Po we r of sta te i!P Constitutional pro
in ge neral vis ions
Th e po we r of "em Th e provisions of Co
ine nt do ma in" is an ns titu tio n req um ng
att rib ute of sovereign pa ym en t of jus t comp
ty an d inherently exists ensation for pro pe rty
in state, limited only by tak en or damaged un
applicable provisions de r po we r of eminent
of Co ns titu tio n, an d, do ma in must comply
except as so limited, with requirements of
Legislature ma y provid du e process ofl aw clause
e for its exercise in an y s of Fe de ral an d State
ma nn er it sees fit. Const Constitutions. Const. art
. art. 1, 21. . 1, 21.
l Cases tha t cite this he 1 Cases tha t cite this he
ad note ad no te

[22) Eminent Domain [25) Eminent Domain

~ Di scr eti on in exercise <}a> Validity
of power
Eminent Domain Th e power of sta te to
tak e or delegate powe
to take by eminent r
i? Conclusiveness an do ma in ha s no t been
d effect of exercise of
delegated po we r limited by Constitutio
n, an d consequently
Legislature ca n lawful
Th e state, acting thr ly provide me tho d of
ou gh department or tak ing without aid of
agency au tho riz ed to oth er de pa rtm en ts of
exert the legislative government. Const. art
power, ma y proceed . 1, 21.
at will to take private
pro pe rty for public 1 Cases tha t cite this he
use un de r power of ad no te
eminent do ma in, an d
extent, method, an d
necessity of exercisin
g the power ma y no [26)
be interfered wi th by t Constitutional Law
oth er departments of > , Eminent Do ma in
government. Const. art
. 1, 21.
Eminent Domain
Cases tha t cite this he ~ Sufficiency of
adnote sta tut ory provisions for

\s'!i~sruwv @ '2f)'! l Thomson ReutGrs.

No clairn to origirml U.S
. Government Works.
A stat ute providing due process
of law on The Legislature may mak e a
mat ter of just compensation and reasonable
which is classification of persons, corporat
silent on question of affording ions, and
a hearing on pro pert y for purpose oflegislatio
righ t to take by eminent domain, n concerning
meets all them, but the classification mus
requirements of due process. Con t rest upo n
st. art. 1, real differences in circumstances,
21. surr oun ding
the members of the class, relative
to subject
Cases that cite this hea dno te of legislation, which renders app
ropriate its
enactment, and to be valid the
law mus t
ope rate uniformly alike upo n eve
(27) Constitutional Law ry mem ber o
the class so designated. Const. art.
'!? Proceedings 3, 18.
Wh ere own er desires to test 1 Cases that cite this hea dno te
whether use
for which his pro per ty is to be
take n is a
pub lic use, or whe ther stat utor y
proceedings (30) Constitutional Law
und er which it is take n have bee
n followed, riP Judicial encroachment on
he may be left to oth er app rop executive acts
riat e legal take n und er statutory auth orit y
remedies, such as injunction, or
ejectment, in Eminent Domain
the sam e man ner as if con dem nor
proceeded io,.. Validity
with out any stat utor y authorizatio
n, wi~ out
offending due process of law. Con Statutes
st. art. 1,
21. <? Pro pert y
The provision of Public Pow
1 Cases tha t cite this hea dno te er District
Act authorizing city to con dem
n utilities'
properties located within city
is not
(28) Constitutional Law unconstitutional on gro und that
it is class
~~ Proceedings legislation, or on gro und that
it violates
Eminent Domain doc trin e of separation of powers.
> Validity 19-701 to 19-707; Const. art. 2,
l; art. 3, 18.
Pro visi on of Public Pow er Cases that cite this hea dno te
District Act
auth oriz ing city to con dem
n utilities'
pro pert ies located within city
is not
unc ons titu tion al on gro und that
it deprives
own er of pro pert y with out
due process
of law, in that there is no **450 Syllabus by the Court.
for noti ce and hea ring upo n
question of
legality of preliminary steps take *475 1. Section 18-412, R.S.1943,
n by city in authorizes any city
con dem nati on proceedings and or village to construct, purchase
there is no or otherwise acquire
pro visi on therein for a judicial an electric light and power plan
hearing on t and real and personal
mat ter of just compensation. R.S pro pert y needed or useful in con
.1943, 19- nection therewith and
701 to 19-707; Const. art. 1, 21. pay the cost ther eof by the issu
e and sale of revenue
bon ds or debentures or by pledging
and hypothecating the
1 Cases tha t cite this hea dno te revenue and earnings of any such
plan t owned or to be
owned by such city or village only
if the pro pos itio n is first
(291 submitted to the electorate and
Constitutional Law app rov ed by a majority
voti ng thereon.
il= Class Legislation;Discrim
ination and
Classification in General
2. When bon ds or othe r evidence
Statutes of indebtedness are
abo ut to be issued by public offi
,.. Uniformity of Ope rati on cers illegally or without
complying with the stat ute authoriz
ing thei r issue equity

WGZS f!.i\'N '9 201 / Thumsnn l:Zeu

tecs. ~lo claim to ori9inal U.S. Gov
ernment Work.:;,
has juris dicti on to gran t an injunction; and
where the law
requires that the question shall be subm
itted to popu lar 10. An act of the legislature prov iding
vote any issue of bond s with out such for the takin g
a vote will be of private prop erty for a public use unde
enjoined. r the pow er of
eminent domain, which provides for notic
e and hear ing
on the ques tion of just compensation befo
3. While ordin arily a municipality may not re an impa rtial
be estopped by tribunal with a right of appeal to the cour
the unau thori zed conduct, representations ts limited to the
, promises and record mad e befo re such tribunal, is not inim
pledges of its officers, it may with in the ical to the due
limit ation of its process clauses of the state and federal Cons
legal pow ers be estop ped by its official acqu tituti ons in
iescence in and not affording a full and complete hear ing
appr oval of acts originally unau thori zed. befo re a judic ial
cour t.
4. Ordi naril y the doctrine of equi table
estoppel cann ot 11. Due process of law in its cons tituti onal
be invo ked agai nst a **451 municipa sense does not
l corp orati on in necessarily infer judicial process. It does not
the exercise of gove rnme ntal functions but guar ante e to
exceptions are a citizen any parti cula r form or meth od of
mad e where right and justice so demand, proc edur e.
parti cular ly
where the cont rove rsy is between one class
of the publ ic 12. The pow er of eminent dom ain is an attri
as again st anot her class. bute of
sovereignty and inherently exists in the state
, limited only
by applicable provisions of the Cons tituti
5. The doct rine of estoppel is com men sura te on. Except as so
with the thing limited the legislature may provide for its
represented and operates to place the part exercise in any
y entitled to its man ner it sees fit.
benefits in the same position as if the thing
were true.
13. There is no constitutional limit ation
in this state on
the right to take private prop erty for publ
6. The fact that a corp orati on is organized ic use unde r the
unde r a statu te pow er of eminent dom ain, except as to
does not estop it to deny the constituti the right to just
onality of an compensation. Consequently, the state, actin
inde pend ent and separable prov ision of g thro ugh the
the same act, the depa rtme nt or agency authorized to exert
elimination of which wou ld leave the prov the legislative
isions unde r power, may proc eed at will, and the exten
which the corp orati on was orga nize d in t, meth od and
full force and necessity of exercising the power may not
effect. be interfered
with by the othe r depa rtme nts of governme
7. By enac ting a statu te cont ainin g provision
s identical to 14. An owner mus t be given his day in cour
those cont aine d in a prior statu te which t on the
have received a question of just com pens ation by the statu
settled judic ial inter preta tion by the cour te auth orizi ng
t of last reso rt the taking, but he has no right to and the
of the state *476 where enacted, they will statu te need not
be pres ume d provide a day in cour t on the question of
to have been retai ned with their previousl the right of the
y established state to take the property.

15. A cond emn ation statu te enacted purs

8. By the term 'cour t,' as the word uant to the
is used in the sovereign pow er of eminent dom ain does
Cons tituti on, is mea nt a perm anen t orga not offend
nizat ion for the again st the due process clauses of the state
adm inist ratio n of justice, and not those and federal
special tribu nals Constitutions in failing to provide for notic
prov ided for by law that are occasiona e and hear ing
lly called into on the question of the right to or the regu
existence by parti cula r exigencies, and that larity of the
cease to exist taking.
with such exigencies.

*477 16. Where the owner desires to cont

9. In re App raise men t of Oma ha Gas Plan est whether
t, 102 Neb. 782, or not the use for which his prop erty
169 N.W. 725; City of Mitchell v. Western is to be take n
Public Service is a public use, or whether the statu tory
Co., 124 Neb . 248, 246 N.W . 484; and In proceedings
re Application unde r which it is take n have been follo
of City of Sidney, 144 Neb. 6, 12 N.W .2d wed, he may
104, reafflrmed be left to othe r appr opria te legal remedies
and adhe red to. in the same

WESTLAW @ 20'17 Thomson Hr-:iuters. t-Jo claim to oriqi

nal U.S. Government Works.
man ner as if cond emne r proce eded witho ut
any statu tory plant witho ut the approval of a majority of
autho rizat ion, with out offending due process. the electors
voting upon the prop osal submitted; (2) That
by reaso n
of certain representations, promises and pledg
es mad e by
Attorneys and Law Firms the mayo r and city council to the electorate
durin g the
election upon the question of acquisition of
the prop erty
Clare nce A. Davis, of Lincoln, P. E. the city is estopped to issue general obligation
Boslaugh, of bond s as it
Hast ings, and Wm. W. Redm ond, of claims the right to do unde r the provisions of
Lincoln, for section 19-
appe llant s. 704, R.S.1943; and (3) That chap ter 19, art.
7, R.S.1943,
and section 70-650, R.S.1943, in so far as it
**452 H. L. Blackledge and Kenn eth H. Dryd incor pora tes
en, both chap ter 19, art. 7, R.S.1943, into its prov
of Kear ney, for appellees. isions, are
unconstitutional for the reason that the act
deprives the
owner of his prop erty with out due process
Max Kier and A. A. Whit wort h, both of Linco of law, there
ln, amici being no provision therein for notice and heari
curiae. ng upon
the question of the legality of the preliminary
steps taken
Hear d before SIM MON S, C. J., and PAIN by the city in the cond emna tion proceeding
E, CAR TER , s and there
MES SMO RE, YEA GER , CHA PPEL L, and being no provision therein for a judicial heari ng
WEN KE, on the
JJ. matt er ofjust compensation. It is also claimed
by plaintiffs
that chap ter 19, art. 7, R.S.1943, is unco nstitu
tiona l in
Opinion that it is class legislation, and violates the doctr
ine of the
separation of powers. We conclude that plain
CHA PPEL L, Justice. tiffs' first two
contentions have merit, but that the statu tes
involved are
Plaintiffs Charles E. May and Cons umer s constitutional.
Public Power
Distr ict filed separ ate amen ded petit ions in
the district Preliminary to a decision of plaintiffs' first conte
cour t for Buffalo coun ty, Nebr aska , to ntion we
perm anen tly fmd it necessary to recite some perti nent facts
enjoin defen dant City of Kear ney and its . The recor d
officials from discloses that on Marc h 2, 1942, the city coun
issuing bond s for the purp ose of raising mone cil passe d
y to tende r an ordinance providing for submission to
an awar d made by a cour t of cond emna tion in the qualified
proceedings electors at the next regul ar city election
brou ght by the city again st plain tiff Cons the ques tion
umer s Public whether the city of Kearney, which did not then
Powe r District as prov ided by section 70-65 own any
0, R.S.1943, electric light and powe r plant , shou ld acquire
and chap ter 19, art. 7, R.S.1943, wher ein the the syste m
city soug ht to owned by Consumers by use of proce dure
acquire the electric light and powe r plan t and prov ided in
distribution chap ter 19, art. 7, R.S.1943. The electorate
system serving the inhab itant s of the city but of the city
belonging approved the prop osal by a majority of 27
to the district. Plain tiff Char les E. May , a resid votes . The
ent, legally result was duly certified to this cour t and
qualified voter and taxpa yer of the city of three distr ict
Kear ney for judges were appo inted as a cour t *479 of cond
more than ten years, and a user of electricity emna tion.
supplied The court of cond emna tion had a heari ng
by the district, and two othe r equally quali and enter ed
fied persons an awar d fixing the value of Consumers'
petit ioned for an injun ction on beha lf of prop erty at
themselves $276,975. It is to tende r this amou nt and secur
and all others similarly situa ted. The two e posse ssion
cases were of the system pending an appeal by Cons umer
consolidated for trial in the distr ict cour t and s that the
decision by city seeks to issue and sell bond s which are
this court. After heari ng upon the merits the the subje ct
trial cour t of this suit. The value havin g been thus deter
denied an injunction and dismissed plaintiffs' mined by
separ ate the awar d of the cour t of cond emna tion the
amen ded petitions. Plaintiffs, *478 Char city council
les E. May , enacted an ordinance providing for subm
hereinafter called May , and Cons umer s Publi issio n to the
c Powe r electorate of the question whether the city shou
District, hereinafter called Cons umer s, appe ld have the
al to this powe r and autho rity to issue and sell revenue
court, contending: (1) That the bond s prop bond s and
osed to be use the proceeds there from for the purp ose
issued and sold are invalid as in viola tion of payin g the
of section costs of acquiring the property. At the elect
18--412, R.S.1943, in that they pledge and ion there on
hypothecate this prop ositio n was defeated by a majority
the revenue and earnings of the electric light of 560 votes,
and powe r after which the city council canvassed the
election and
declared the prop ositio n lost. Nevertheless,
and despite

'NESTLAW 2011 lllom son l'.;1_euters. No claim

to original U.S. Government Wo;l<.s.
this clear expression of the
electorate, the city counci
ena cte d an ord ina nce which l pro mp tly pay the interest on
provided for the issue and sale said bon ds as and wh en sai
inte rest becomes due, and to cre d
of the bon ds her e involved. ate a sinking fun d to pay
(1) De fen dan t city asserts the principal of sai d bon ds
tha t Consumers as condem when said principal bec om
nee due .' (Italics supplied.) es
can not challenge the pro
ceedings by which funds
rais ed or att ack the validit are
y of the bon ds, its only **4 It seems clear tha t the city is
concern bei ng to receive the 53 atte mp ting to acquire an
money to which it is lawfull ele ctric light and pow er pla nt
entitled for the pro per ty. y and pay for it by the issue
Th e applicable rule has bee and sale of wh at is design
sta ted in Ce ntr al Pow er Co n ated as negotiable obl iga tion
. v. Ne bra ska City, 8 Cir bon ds for the pay me nt of
112 F.2 d 471, 482, by use ., which the city has, wit hou
of the following language: favorable vot e of the electo t
'Th e laws of Ne bra ska ma rate , pledged and hyp oth eca ted
ke ade qua te pro vis ion for the revenues and earnings
raising of mo ney by cities the of the pla nt with the tax ing
to pay for pro per ty acquir pow er as collateral securit
und er con dem nat ion and sin ed y. In oth er words, the city
ce the Co mp any mu st receiv is atte mp ting to do indirec
its pay me nt bef ore the Cit e tly tha t which it can not do
y can tak e possession, the directly.
Co mp any ma y not in this
proceeding que stio n how
Cit y is to obt ain the mo ney the
wit h which it will pay. See Tu rni ng to the statutes inv
olved and their inte rpr eta tion
Slocum v. Cit y of No rth Pla we fm d tha t the opi nio n ,
tte, 8 Cir., 192 F. 252; Villag of this cou rt in Int ers tate
of Os hko sh v. Fai rba nks -M e
ors e & Co., 8 Cir., 8 F.2 d 329 Pow er Co. v. City of Ain
While we follow this rule .' sworth, 125 Ne b. 419, 250
and conclude tha t Consume N.W . 649, distinguished *481
has no rig ht to raise the que rs Christensen v. Cit y of
stio n of the validity of the Fre mo nt, 45 Ne b. 160,
bonds, it is not dis put ed but 63 N.W . 364, clarified Ca rr
conceded tha t pla inti ff Ma v. Fenstermacher, 119 Ne
representing him sel f and all y, b. 172 , 228 N.W . 114, and
oth ers similarly situated, doe gave jud icia l con stru ctio n
have a legal rig ht to do so. s to bot h cha pte r 18, art . 1,
Comp.St.1929, now cha pte
r 19, art. 14, R.S.1943, and
cha pte r 116, Law s 1931, now
cha pte r 70, art. 5, R.S.1943.
In the City of Ainsworth
Th e city also con ten ds tha case, sup ra, it was held:
of *480 section 19-704
t it has the pow er by virtue * * * A municipal corporation is a cre '1.
, R.S.1943, to issue and atu re of the law
sell established for special pur
general obl iga tio n bon ds and poses and its cor por ate act
tha t the bon ds aut hor ize d mu st be authorized by its cha s
by the ord ina nce are valid rte r or oth er laws applicable
as such. Wh eth er the pro pos thereto. 1 McQuillin, Mu nic
bon ds are valid or otherw ed ipa l Co rpo rat ion s (2d ed.) sec
ise depends upo n the wordi * .
of the bon ds themselves, ng 367 . * * 3. * * * 'W her e a cer tain pow er is conferred
the his tor y and provisions upo n a municipality and
applicable sta tut es and the of the me tho d of its exercise
ir inte rpr eta tion by this cou prescribed, suc h me tho d con is
Th e bon ds themselves each, rt. stitutes the me asu re of the
afte r acknowledging the city pow er.' Consumers' Co al Co
indebtedness for the ir respec 's . v. City of Lincoln, 109 Ne
tive am oun ts and giving its 51 [189 N.W. 643]. 4. * * b.
promise to pay the same,
contains the pro vis ion tha
* Ne ith er express nor implied
t, pow er to pur cha se an electri
'Fo r the pro mp t pay me nt c light and pow er pla nt and
of this bon d, principal and pay for it by pledge of fut
interest, when due , the full ure net earnings the ref rom
faith, credit, and resources con fer red on cities by cha is
pte r 116, Laws 1931. 5. *
of this city are her eby irrevoc
ably pledged.' Th ey furthe
r Section 18-101, Comp.St.192 **
provide: 'Th e revenues and 9, confers on cities of the
earnings derived and to be second class pow er to purcha
derived fro m the ope rat ion se, construct, ma int ain and
of the entire electric light and improve lighting systems. Th
pow er pla nt acquired, ow e succeeding section provid
ned and ope rate d by the Cit two me tho ds for raising fun es
including the pro per ty acq y, ds to pay for a hea ting or
uired by eminent dom ain , lighting pla nt, but does not
all extensions and add itio ns and provide any me tho d of rais
thereto, and all improvement fun ds to ma int ain and imp rov ing
the reo f hereafter ma de, are s e the lighting plant.' See,
to be owned by the City, and also, Sou the rn Ne bra ska Pow
are pledged and hypothecatedfor er Co. v. Village of Deshler,
the payment ofsaid bonds; 130 Neb. 598, 265 N.W . 880
all bonds of said issue are equ .
ally and ratably secured by (2) Ch apt er 19, art. 7, con
said pledge. Th e Cit y fur the r sisting of sections 19-701
agrees tha t it will cause to 19- 707, inclusive, Comp.St. to
be levied and collected ann 1929, was ena cte d in 191
ually a tax on all the taxabl and existent when Int ers 9
pro per ty in the Cit y by val e tate Power Co . v. City
uat ion sufficient in am oun Ainsworth, sup ra, was dec of
ma ke up any deficiency in t to ided. In 1941 these **454
the earnings of said pla nt and sections were repealed in the
ir entirety but wit h the titl
WE!SiLAW (,) 2017 Thoms
on l~euters. No clc1im to orig
inal U.S. Government Work::
extended, ame nde d to include villages,
and, supplemented hypothecate such revenue and earnings
with validity, savings and emergency , or issue revenue
clauses, they were bonds or debentures, solely for the mai
immediately reenacted verbatim as ther ntenance, extension
etofore and now or enlargement of any electric light and
app ear as sections 19-701 to 19-707, power plant,
inclusive, R.S.1943. owned by such city or village.' (Italics
Section 19-704, R.S.1943, relied upo supplied.)
n by the city here, (3) Clearly these several acts and
provides in part as follows: '* decisions heretofore
the city or village discussed are all related and form an
authorities, with out vote of the peop integrated whole of
le, shall have the the law from which we arrive at deci
power, if necessary, to issue and sell sion upon the first
*482 bonds of the question precented here. In the case
city or village to provide funds to mak at bar the language
e such tender.' It of the bonds themselves clearly and uneq
will be note d that nothing appears in the uivocally pledges
act itself which and hypothecates the revenue and earn
permits the issue and sale of revenue ings of the plan t
bonds or pledging in the very language of the statute whic
and hypothecating the revenue and earn h prohibits it, and
ings of the plant. in direct contravention of the legislativ
The statu te refers only to bonds of e pow er conferred,
the city or village, since it was done after a substantial
meaning general obligation bonds of majority of the
the city or village, qualified electors of the city voting
precisely that and nothing else. The thereon had at an
cour t indicated as election disapproved and defeated
muc h in City of Mitchell v. Western the proposal when
Public Service Co., lawfully submitted.
124 Neb. 248, 246 N.W. 484.

(4) (5) We find no authority in the

statute or othe r
But be that as it may, after the deci precedent supporting the validity of
sions in Interstate the bonds proposed
Power Co. v. City of Ainsworth, to be issued. We can only conclude
supra, and City of for the reasons
Mitchell v. Western Public Service heretofore stated that they are invalid.
Co., supra, the In such a case the
legislature of 1935 clarified the situa applicable rule is that, 'When bonds
tion by enacting or othe r evidences
wha t is now section 18--412, R.S. of indebtedness are abo ut to be issued
1943. It provides: by public officers
'Supplemental to any existing law on illegally or without complying with the
the subject, and in statu te authorizing
lieu of the issuance of general obligati their issue, equity has jurisdiction to
on bonds, or the gran t an injunction,
levy of taxes upo n property, as by law . Where the law requires that the
provided, any city question shall be
or village within the state of Nebrask submitted to pop ular vote, an issue of
a may construct, bon ds without such
purchase, or otherwise acquire, an elec a vote will be enjoined.' 32 C.J. sec. 421,
tric light and power p. 268. See, also,
plant, and real and personal Coo k v. City of Beatrice, 32 Neb. 80,
property needed or 48 N.W. 828.
useful in connection therewith. and
pay the cost ther eof
by pledging and hypothecating the reve
nue and earnings A declaration of invalidity of the prop
of any electric light and power plant, osed bonds for
owned or to the reasons above stated, however, does
be owned by such city or village. In not give plaintiff
the exercise of the May all of the relief to which he is equi
auth ority granted in this section, any tably entitled or
such city or village completely determine the issues involved
may issue and sell revenue bonds or debe since in any event
ntures and enter the city still claims the right to issue
into such contracts in connection ther general obligation
ewith as may be bonds as permitted by section 19-7
prop er and necessary. Such revenue bon 04, R.S.1943, and
ds or debentures will do so unless restrained by the cour
shall be a lien only upo n the revenues t. In view of this
and earnings of the situation we fmd it necessary to determin
electric light and power plant, own e whether or not
ed or to be owned because of certain representations, prom
by such city or village. No city or villa ises and **455
ge shall pledge or pledges made by the mayor and city
hypothecate the revenue and earnings of council the city
any electric light is now estopped from issuing *484
and power plant, nor issue revenue bond general obligation
s or debentures, bonds. In this connection we cann ot
as authorized by this section, until the prop conclude from the
osition relating evidence that the representations, prom
thereto has been submitted in the usua ises and pledges
l manner to the were fraudulently made and do not
qualified electors of such city or village so find but it is
at a general or undisputed that they were made to the
special election and approved by a majority electorate of the
of the electors city of Kearney as an inducement to
voting on the proposition submitted; . a favorable result
The requirement which was attained in the original elec
herein of a vote of the electors, how tion to acquire the
ever, *483 shall property. We do not here intend to pass
not apply when a city or village upo n the validity
seeks to pledge or of the election itself to carry out the
purposes for which

'NE!SfLAW 2017 Thomso n Reuters.

No daim to original U.S. Government
it was represented to be held but
confme this par t of the
opinion to the question of whe ther
the city is now estopped On Feb rua ry 17, 1942, the Ma
from doing tha t which its may or yor , who had then served
and city council solemnly as a member of the city cou
promised and pledged the electora ncil eight years and as
te they wou ld not do. In may or approximately three yea
doing this we are min dfu l tha t rece rs, app ear ed with the city
ntly by combination of wat er commissioner on a pre par
the law and the electorate pub lic ed pro gra m over rad io
ownership of more and stat ion KF GW to discuss and
mo re of the facilities of pro duc enlighten the people upo n
tion hav e been effected for the question of whether the
public purposes and the con trol city of Kearney sho uld
of large economic forces purchase Consumers' power inte
have thereby been, and are bein rests in tha t city. They
g, plac ed in the control were introduced as representing
of public officials. To preserve the city council. They
self government public were asked a num ber of prev
officials in charge of, or in obt aini iously pre par ed questions
ng con trol of, such large by two disinterested Kearney
public fmancial and economic ope citizens. Some of these
rati ons mu st be held to questions and answers are imp
strict accountability for promis orta nt here. For example:
es and pledges mad e to the '(Q.) Is it the opinion of the Ma
electorate who und er the law yor , Council and Boa rd
and by thei r votes confer of Public Wo rks tha t Kearney sho
these powers upo n them, in ord uld own its own electric
er tha t the electorate may distribution system? (A.) Yes,
cast an intelligent ball ot and pro afte r an intensive stud y
tect thei r personal and carried on for mo re tha n a yea
property rights. r it has been concluded
tha t it will be extremely advanta
ges (advantageous) for
The record here discloses tha the City of Kearney to own and
t the election upo n the ope rate its own electric
question of whether Kea rne y sho distribution system. (Q.)
uld purchase Consumers' If the value of the
property was held on April 7, electric distribution system, dete
1942. The may or testified rmi ned by the Cou rt, is
tha t some time prio r to the elec satisfactory to the Ma yor , Cou
tion he and a group of ncil and Boa rd of Pub lic
men being affirmatively interest Wo rks and they decide to buy the
ed had ban ded themselves pro per ty how *486 will
together as interested Kea rne y it be pai d for? (A.) It is planned
citizens who desired to to issu e revenue bon ds to
acquire Consumers' pro per ty for be pai d out of the revenue earn
the goo d of the city of ed from the ope rati on of
Kearney and its citizens. He test the system. (Q.) Are revenue bon
ified tha t they held several ds a direct lien upo n real
meetings which were atte nde d by pro per ty of the City of Kearney
himself, several members ? (A.) No , revenue bon ds
of the council and oth ers to talk are not a direct lien upo n real
ove r and perfect plans pro per ty. Revenue bon ds
to successfully car ry the election and their interest are not paid
. Wh en asked to recall out of taxe s. (Q.) Wo uld
the names of the per son s atte ndi **456 a general obligation bon d issu
ng these meetings he was e be necessary to pay
able to name but one ma n who any par t of the cost of this proper
was not either a member ty? (A.) No it would not!
of the city council *485 or the We have been assured by our eng
boa rd of public works. ineers and by reputable
These persons eac h don ated to bon d houses tha t the entire pro
a com mo n fun d to pay for ject can be fmanced by
rad io time, newspaper advertisem revenue bon ds bearing low rate
ents and oth er necessary s of interest; I might add
expenses of the project. The y tha t very reputable house of eng
pre par ed and checked the inee rs hav e been engaged
advertisements and radio pro on this project . (Q.) Wh
gra ms and app rov ed the at is the reaction amo ng
language used in them . The may the citizens and do you feel tha
or personally app eare d t they will be receptive to
upo n the pre par ed rad io progra this proposition? (A.) As yet ther
ms. He testified tha t it was e has bee n very little talk
the sense of the council afte r disc abo ut it but I do feel tha t people
ussion amo ng themselves are very mu ch interested,
tha t they sho uld by these adverti especially so since the pro pos itio
sements and programs n will be financed thro ugh
let the people kno w wha t the revenue bon ds and therefore
views of the Ma yor and will add nothing to our
city council were concerning the taxes.' In closing the pro gra m
pro pos al, and tha t their the original question was
views were as expressed therein. repeated and it was aga in stated
Tru e, these meetings were tha t the may or and wat er
not officially held in the council commissioner represented the city
chamber, they were not cou ncil, of whom two
officially called meetings of the disinterested persons had asked
may or and council, and a num ber of questions
no record was mad e of them as which were pre par ed for them.
the official action of the
council, but every promise and
pledge mad e by them had On Ma rch 28, 1942, a large
the intended similitude of offi newspaper advertisement
cial con duc t and by bot h app eare d in the Kearney Hub
precedent and subsequent offi , a daily newspaper
cial acts were given thei r published and circulated general
acquiescence and approval. ly in the city of Kearney.
Par ts of it are imp orta nt here. Acr
oss the top in large type

WE STI...AW :2017 Thomson

Reuters. Mo claim to original U.S
. Gol/ernment Wor:~s.
ap pe are d the question,
'Shall Kearney acq uir e
Di str ibu tio n System?' Th its Electric all be pa id ou t of the ear
ereafter in sm all er type nings of ou r electric sys
the following: 'W ha t ap pe are d no t *488 on e cent will tem, an d
ha s been done? Yo ur be ad de d to yo ur taxes.
Co un cil ha ve called an Ma yo r an d '
election to sub mi t to the As her
the qu est ion of determ vo ter s eto for e stated, the ne xt da y the
ining the fair value of the favorably on the pro po electorate vo ted
by a co urt of ap pra ise pro pe rty sit ion thu s sub mi tte d to
rs W ha t will be do a majority of 27 votes; the m by
vo te Ye s (x) for co nd ne if yo u the res ult wa s certified
em na tio n of the electr co urt; an d three district jud to this
Ke arn ey yo ur Ma yo r ic system in
an d Council will: 1. At ges were ap po int ed as
tem pt ag ain of condemnation, who, a co urt
to ne go tia te wi th Consu after hearing, en ter ed
mers for a fai r an d rea fro m which Consumers an aw ard
price. 2. If ne go tia tio ns sonable too k an ap pe al to the
fail, the co nd em na tio n co urt dis tric t
set a va lue on the proper co urt will . On April 6, 1943, the
ty. 3. *487 If the pri ce city council by ap pro pri
set by the off icial resolution submitte ate
co urt seems fai r an d rea d to the electorate, as the
sonable the pro po sit ion pre viously promised an d y ha d
revenue bo nd s for sam of iss uin g ple
e will be sub mi tte d to dged themselves to do
the voters. proposition of whether , the
4. Th ese Re ve nu e Bond the council sho uld have
s, as required by law, are an d be authorized to iss the po we r
ou t of ear nin gs fro m pa ya ble ue revenue bo nd s (as
the system. S. Absolute in section 18-412, R.S.19 pro vid ed
cen t will be ad de d to yo ly no t on e 43) for the **4S7 pu
ur pro pe rty or pe rso na tendering an d paying rpo se of
ad ve rti sem en t is pu bli she l tax. This the award. Th is pro po
d by au tho rity of the Ma defeated at the election sit ion was
Council an d pa id for by yo r an d by a ma jor ity of 560 vo
interested Ke arn ey citize tes .
On Ap ril 6, 1942, Thereafter on Septemb
an oth er advertisement er 7, 1943, the city cou
of lar vio lation of its previous pro ncil, in
pro po rti on s was lik ge mises an d pledges, au tho
ewise published in by ordinance the issue riz ed
newspaper. Pa rts of it the sam e of wh at it calls 'ge ne ral
are also im po rta nt. In bo nd ob lig ati on
ap pe are d the se words: large type s' for pa ym en t of which
'Th e Electric Qu est ion the y pledged bo th the
Simplified. fai th an d credit an d res ful l
W ou ld yo u like to kn ow ources of the city, an d,
wh at the co urt s say is a law an d in violation of co ntr ary to
for this pro pe rty ? This fair pri ce the will of the people, ple
is the only question which hy pothecated the revenues dged an d
decided tomorrow/ Vote wil l be an d ear nin gs of the pla
(x) yes All oth er agreed to annually levy nt an d
involved will be vo ted factors a tax on all the taxable
on at an oth er election. in the city sufficient in pro pe rty
to ge t this disintereste Vo te 'yes' am ou nt to ma ke up an
d valuation. Th at is wh y in the earnings of the y def ici ency
co urt s. He ar Ma yo r Ma we ha ve pla nt necessary to pro
tts on tonight. 8:15 P. the interest an d cre ate a mp tly pa y
KG FW Th is ad pa id for M. ov er sinking fun d to pa y the
by interested Ke arn ey cit wh en it becomes due. pri nc ipa l
On Ap ril 6, 1942, at 8:1
5 p. m., as above advert On September 8, 194
ma yo r spo ke on the qu ised, the 3, the the n ma yo r vet
estion over rad io sta tio ord oed the
He sta ted in pa rt: 'Th n KG FW . inance, his first reason
en when the co urt establ given therefore being,
ishes tha t Ci ty Administration wh 'Th e
fair price, the Ci ty Co ich pro mo ted this co nd
uncil have pledged the originally, pledged to the em na tio n
ag ain su bm it to the vo mselves to
ters to see if they wa nt voters of Ke arn ey if the
to pa y it. to condemn the electric y vo ted
This silly pro pa ga nd a tha dis trib uti on system in
t 'Y ou are ha nd ing yo ur the y would proceed to Ke arney
a bla nk ch eck ' or tha t Co un cil do one thi ng -h av e the
'They do n't need an oth price
bu t will go rig ht ah ea er election, determined; tha t if the
d an d buy it' sho uld no system were ever pu rch
t be tal k Ci ty it would be pa id ase d by the
of intelligent people. for by revenue bonds (no
Wh at's wrong? Is the re obligation bonds) an d t general
am on g me n an y more? no ho no r tha t the city ad mi nis tra
I promise yo u as long as no t issue bo nd s until the tio n would
Ma yo r we will sta nd by I am yo ur people vo ted to do so. Th
ou r promise. Re me were permitted to vo te on e voters
tha t all we are do ing in mb er this, the bo nd qu est ion las t Ap
tomorrow's election is the y defeated *489 the ril an d
co urt s to set a fair price. to ask the bo nd s . I can no t
When that price is determine the fact tha t the bo nd s ov erl ook
people of Kearney will be d, the were defeated in eac h of
given full opportunity to dec wa rds of the City. I can on the fou r
another election whether ide in ly un de rst an d fro m thi
or not they want to pay it. tha t a substantial major s vo te
at that second election dec If you ity of the voters sai d no
ide to take it over, it will be bo nd s. I believe it to be the t to issue
for through revenue bonds. paid du ty of
Fo r the inf orm ati on of the Ma yo r an d Council
no t acq ua int ed wi th the som e in an issue of this kin d
term, a 'revenue bo nd ' to represent the people
is a bo nd of their personal belief , regardless
issued ag ain st the ear nin s or pleasures.' On Septe
gs of the system. These mber 20,
bo nd s wi ll

V.JE:5'fl.i'\VV ,,) 201 / Th

omson Reuters. No claim
to original U.S. Governm
ent Works.
1943, the city council, with one member
only dissenting, against a municipal corporation where
passed the ordinance over the mayor's veto there have been
. positive acts by the municipal officers
[6) Of course the general rule is that, whic h may have
'No member of a induced the action of
city council or the may or * *, each a party and where it would be
acting separately inequitable to permit the corporation to
as an individual, can bind the city by stultify itself by
a contractual retracting what its officers had don e,
obligation creatable only by official actio *.' In Mor an v.
n of the city Commissioners of Miami County, 2 Blac
council, nor can any one of them ratif k 722, 723, 17
y or reinstate a L.Ed. 342, referring to the county, the
void city contract or estop the city from court said: '* * *
denying the corporations are as strongly boun d :15
validity thereof.' Helleberg v. City of Kea individuals are to
rney, 139 Neb. a **458 careful adherence to truth
413, 297 N.W. 672. However, such a in their dealings with
situation is not mankind, and that they cannot by their repr
presented here. Plaintiff May represen esentations or
ts himself as a silence involve others in onerous engagem
voter and taxpayer who brings the actio ents, and then
n for himself and defeat the calculations and claims their
all others similarly situated as provided own conduct had
in section 25- superinduced.'
. 319, R.S.1943. Therefore, he represents
both himself and
the public, the electorate and taxpayer
s of the city of (9) 110) Neit her will it avail the city
Kearney. & we view it consideration mus under the facts
t be given to the presented to contend that the promises
entire transaction or proceeding to acqu and pledges of
ire and pay for the mayor and city council concerne
Consumers' property, and no part of such d the future as
transaction or distinguished from either the past or
proceeding is or can be of itself decisive the present. In
of the question this connection the rule is that while
of estoppel. Precedent official action follo the doctrine of
wed by promises estoppel by representation is ordinarily
and pledges given in the similitude of applicable only
authority and to representations as to facts either past
subsequently receiving official acquiesce or present, and
nce and approval not to representations or promises conc
is decisive of the question of estoppel. ernin g the future,
there are well recognized exceptions whe
re to enforce
the rule would perpetrate a fraud or
(7) The general rule is that while ordi cause injustice;
narily a and this doctrine of promissor
municipality may not be estopped y estoppel bas particular
by unauthorized application when the representations relat
conduct, representations, promises or e to an intended
pledges of the abandonment of an existing right, and is
officers, it may, within the limitation of its made to influence
legal powers, be others who have in fact been influence
estopped by its official acquiescence in, d *491 by it
and approval of, and substantial injustice will result unle
acts originally unauthorized. 31 C.J.S., ss the promise is
Estoppel, 142b, enforced. 31 C.J.S., Estoppel, 80, p. 289,
p.41 9. 21 C.J. 145.
p. 1142.
[8) In City of Gra nd Islan d v. Willis, 142
Neb. 686, 111) In a broa d sense "estoppel' is a bar
7 N.W.2d 457, 462, this cour t placed its which precludes
approval upon a person from denying the truth of
the following statement: 'As a usual thing a fact which has
, the doctrine in contemplation of law become settled
of equitable estoppel *490 cann ot be by the acts and
invoked against proceedings of judicial or legislative offic
a municipal * * corp orat ion as to ers, or by the
the exercise of act of the part y himself, either by conventio
governmental functions, but yet exce nal writing or
ptions are to be by representations, express or implied, in
made, and where right and justice demand pais.' 31 C.J.S.,
it, the doctrine Estoppel, I, p. 191.
will be held to apply, particularly where,
as is true here,
the controversy is between one class
of the public as
against another class.' See State v. Haid '* * * the wisdom and justice of the princ
, 328 Mo. 739, iple of estoppel,
747, 41 S.W.2d 806, 808. It was held especially estoppel in pais, * * * are gene
in State ex rel. rally recognized,
Cox v. Mcilravy, 105 Neb. 651, 181 N.W the view being founded on principles of
. 554, that 'The equity, morality,
doctrine of estoppel in pais has applicati and justice, and in accord with good cons
on to municipal cience, honesty,
corporations, and city councils or publ and reason; and, as such, the doctrine
ic authorities will subserves its true
be estopped or not as justice and righ purpose as a plain, practical, fair, and
t may require.' It necessary rule of
was said in People v. Thomas, 361 Ill. law.' 31 C.J.S., Estoppel, 3, p. 193.
448, 198 N.E.
363, 367: 'The doctrine of estoppel 112) 'Equitable estoppels operate as
may be invoked effectually as
technical estoppels. The y cannot in the
nature of things

WESiLI\W @ 2017 rhornson Reuters. No cl8im to origi

nal U.S. Government \/1/orkc;.
be subjected to fixed and settled rules of universal
application, like legal estoppels, nor hampe red by the It is the contention of the appellants, however, that
narro w confmes of a technical formula. So, while the the condemnation statute, sections 19-701 to 19-707,
attem pted definitions of such an estoppel are numerous, inclusive, R.S. 1943, is unconstitutional and that the
few of them can be considered satisfactory, for the reason primary right relied upon in the instant case **459
that an equitable estoppel rests largely on the facts and for the issuance of bonds by the city of Kearn ey is
circumstances of the partic ular case, and consequently dependent upon the validity of this statute. While we
any attem pted definition usually amoun ts to no more have hereinbefore held that the bonds which the city
than a declaration of an estoppel under those facts proposed to issue are absolutely void for want of statuto ry
and circumstances. * The following, however, may authorization and irregularities occurring in the condu ct
be ventur ed as the sum of all cases: That a person is of the municipal election at which they were purpo rted
held to a representation made or a positi on assumed, to have been authorized, the question wheth er any
where otherwise inequitable consequences would result valid bonds could be issued by the city in payme nt
to anoth er who, havin g the right to do so under all for the prope rty here sought to be condemned is an
the circumstances of the case, has, in good faith, relied issue properly raised. Whether the city of Kearney is
thereo n. Such an estoppel is founded on morality and powerless to proceed further or whether it may correct its
justice, and especially concerns conscience and equity.' 10 proceedings *493 and properly acquire the prope rty by
R.C.L ., sec. 19, p. 689. See, also, 31 C.J.S., Estoppel, 59, condemnation hinges on the validity of the condemnation
p. 236. act under attack. A complete decision of the issues raised
requires that constitutional objections to the questioned
condemnation statute be finally determined.
That the electorate taxpayers relied upon the promises
(15] The city contends that Consumers, having accepted
and pledges made by the mayor and city council in
the benefits and enjoyed the privileges afforded by
the case *492 at bar may be and is inferred from
section 70-705, R.S.1943, is estopped to attack the
the circumstances appea ring in the evidence and need
constitutionality of the act under which it was organized
not be proved by direct evidence. 31 C.J.S., Estoppel,
and now exists. This contention is fully disposed of in
162, p. 458. And it canno t be gainsaid that inequitable
State ex rel. Johns on v. Consumers Public Power District,
consequences would result to them were estoppel not
143 Neb. 753, 10 N.W.2d 784, 791, 152 A.L.R . 480,
wherein it was held that 'The mere fact that a corpo ration
(13) Finally, as this court said in State ex rel. Cox
is organized under a statute does not estop it to deny
v. Mcllravy, supra, 'The doctrine of estoppel in pais is
the constitutionality of a provision of the statute which
applicable, and simply used to promo te justice, equity and
constitutes a distinct, separable, legislative enactment,
fair dealing between the parties involved. It resolves itself
the elimination of which would leave in full force and
into a question of justice and equity to prohib it fraud and
effect the provisions under which the corpo ration was
inequity, and as a general rule, when equitable estoppel is
once established by the evidence or the facts in a case, it
operates as effectively as a deed or a record. It is the law
that estoppel is commensurate with the thing represented In determining questions of constitutionality the nature
and operates to put the party entitled to its benefits in the and form of the act become impor tant. The length of the
same position as if the thing represented were true.' statute prevents any extensive quota tion of its provisions.
We will consequently summarize its contents to the extent
(14) Therefore, we are of the opinio n that the necessary for the determination of the issues here involved.
circumstances appearing in the case at bar bring the city
of Kearn ey squarely within the rules above stated, and The act conferred upon the city of Kearney, and other
we conclude that the city is estopped to issue genera cities of its class, the power to acquire by eminent domain,
obligation bonds at this time, its right and power to after an affumative vote of the electors, any electric light
procee d further and do so, being thereby invalidated until and power plant located or operating within such city.
anoth er election is held and other required steps are taken Upon the holding of an election authorizing the taking
as provid ed in chapte r 19, art. 7, R.S.1943. and acquiring of the property by the required vote, the city
council is required to certify the result to the supreme court

1iVE.STLAW 2017 l'homson F~oulers. 1,10 dairn to origim1

I U.S. Government Worl<s. 13
of the state. The supreme cou rt
is then required within we are convinced that it was not
thir ty days ther eaft er to app oin its intention to exceed
t thre e district judges its auth orit y in this respect.' Howeve
from three of the judi cial districts r the effect of this
of the state who shall decision is to hold that the con dem
con stitu te a cou rt of con dem nati nati on cou rt was not
on for the ascertainment a cou rt at all in the constitutional
and fmding of the value of the plan sens e, not that it was a
t, wor ks or system. The cou rt inhibited by the Constitution
con dem nati on cou rt thus formed . In 192 0 this provision
is empowered to require of the Con stitu tion was amended
the giving of notice, the filing of to read as follows: 'Th e
pleadings, the taki ng of judicial pow er of the state shall
evidence, and to per form all the be vested in a sup rem e
duties of condemnation cou rt, district courts, county cou
commissioners *494 in the asce rts, justices of the peace,
rtainment of the value of and
the pro per tyta ken and inth ema kin suc h oth er courts inferior to the sup
gof ana war dth ere for. reme cou rt as may
The owners of the pro per ty are give be crea ted by law *** .' Const.
n the right of appeal to art. V, sec. 1. It is true,
the district cou rt, which appeal is of course, tha t the provision as ame
required by the act to be nded empowered the
trie d and determined upo n the plea legislature to create courts oth er
dings, proceedings, and than those designated
evidence embraced in the tran scri inferior to the supreme court. But
pt of the proceedings in suc h prov ision does not
the con dem nati on cou rt. Upo n the have the effect of creating any such
hearing of such app eal cou rts ipso facto. The
in the district cou rt, judg men t shall provision is in no sense of the wor
be pronounced for the d self -exe cuti ng; the
value of any suc h works, plan t affirmative action of the legislature
or system. Either par ty is requ ired to give it
may appeal to the sup rem e cou rt effect. It mig ht then be suggested
and upo n fma ljud gme nt that afte r the ado ptio n
bein g pro nou nce d as to the valu of the 1920 Constitution the legi
e of the plant, works or slature in 1921 repealed
system, the city council is directed the act in force when In re Apprais
to issue and sell the ement of Om aha Gas
bon ds of such city or village for Plan t, supra, was decided and reenacte
the pay men t of suc h d it in identical
jud gme nt with out a furt her vote language. Thi s evidences no inte
of the people. nt on the par t of the
(16) legislature to create a cou rt in the
[17) [18) The act does not provide con stitu tion al sense. The
for the reenactment of the stat ute
inst itut ion of con dem nati on in identical language indicates
proceedings in a duly a legislative inte nt und er all rules of
con stitu ted cou rt or con fer the pow stat uto ry con stru ctio n
er upo n such a cou rt to ado pt the interpretation which
to determine bot h the legality the supreme cou rt of
of the taking and just this stat e had previously placed
compensation. Thi s cou rt has held upo n it,- tha t it was a
on thre e occasions that trib una l othe r than a court with
the cou rt of con dem nati on crea in the meaning of the
ted by the act was not Constitution. It might be well to
a cou rt within the mea ning of not e tha t the act was
the Constitution. In re again repealed and reenacted in
App rais eme nt of Om aha Gas Plan 194 1, but we can see no
t, 102 Neb. 782, 169 way in which these subsequent acts
N.W . 725; City of Mitchell v. We of the legislature cou ld
stern Public Service Co., be construed as the exercise of the
124 Neb. 248, 246 N.W . 484; In power gran ted it when
re Application of City of section 1, art. VI, was amended
Sidney, 144 Neb. 6, 12 N.W .2d by the Con stitu tion of
104. While this cou rt is 1920. We think the reenactment
com mit ted to this view, the suggest of the act in identical
ion has been advanced language in 1941 has the furt her
tha t material con side rati ons hav effect of a legislative
e been overlooked. It app rov al of the interpretation
may be argued tha t the decision given the act in In re
in Re Appraisement of Appraisement of Om aha Gas Plan
Om aha Gas Plant, sup ra, was mad t, sup ra, decided in
e und er the provisions 1918, and City of Mitchell v. Wester
of the 1875 Con stitu tion , at whi n Public Service Co.,
ch time section 1, art. supra, decided in *496 1933. We
VI provided: 'Th e judi cial pow thin k also that In re
er of this stat e shall be Application of City of Sidney, sup
vested in a supreme cou rt, district ra, dec ided in 1943 afte r
courts, county courts, the reenactment of the act in iden
justices of the peace, police magistra tica l language in 1941,
tes, and in such oth er pro perl y interprets the act, alth
courts, inferior to the district cou oug h the constitutional
rts as may be created and legislative changes herein men
by law for cities and inco rpo rate tion ed were not given
d towns.' The decision consideration in that case. The
con tain ed the following language con dem nati on cou rt
[102 Neb. 782, 169 N.W. crea ted by the statute und er conside
726]: 'Th e boa rd thu s con stitu ted rati on fails to con tain
can not be a 'cou rt' und er the elements necessary to con
the Con stitu tion of the state, sinc stitu te a cou rt in the
e the Legislature has constitutional sense. The Michiga
no **460 power to constitute n cou rt in considering a
courts othe r than those similar question said: 'By courts,
nam ed in that inst rum ent, *495 as the wor d is used in
except 'cou rts inferior to the Constitution, we understand perm
the dist rict courts' for cities and ane nt organizations
inco rpo rate d towns, and for the administration of justice,
and not thos e special

'l-/E!STl,,,1;w @ 2017 Thomso n l~cuters. j\Jo claim

to original U.S. Government \Norl<s,
trib una ls pro vid ed for by law
, tha t are occasionally called
into existence by par ticu lar exig
encies, and tha t cease to In Long Isla nd Water-Supply
exist wit h suc h exigencies.' Stre Co. v. Brooklyn, 166 U.S.
eter v. Pat on, 7 Mich. 341. 685, 17 S.Ct. 718, 722, 41 L.E
An oth er interesting opinion on d. 1165, the cou rt said:
the elements necessary to 'Neither can it be said tha t the
con stit ute a cou rt is Sta te Ban re was not 'du e process of
k v. Coo per , 10 Tenn. 599, law ' in these con dem nat ion pro
24 Am .De c. 517. We adhere to ceedings. It is not essential
our for me r holdings cited tha t the assessment of damage
her ein tha t the con dem nat ion s be ma de by a jury . Suc h
cou rt cre ate d by the act is awa rd ma y be ma de by com
not a cou rt in the constitutio missioners, at least where
nal sense in which the wo rd there is provision for a review
is used. of their proceedings in the

In Backus v. For t Street Un

Ap pel lan ts con ten d tha t the ion Dep ot Co. , 169 U.S.
act is unc ons titu tion al for 557, 569, 18 S.Ct. 445, 450
the fur the r rea son tha t it fail , 42 L.Ed. 853, the cou rt
s to pro vid e the owner of said: 'It is within the pow er
the pro per ty a judicial hearing of the stat e to pro vid e tha t
on the ma tter of jus t the am oun t shall be determine
com pen sati on. As we have d in the first instance by
her eto fore stat ed, tha t act commissioners, subject to an app
pro vid es for a full hea ring bef eal to the cou rts for trial
ore the con dem nat ion court, in the ord ina ry way; or it ma
a trib una l lack ing the elements y pro vid e tha t the que stio n
of a jud icia l court. An shall be settled by a sherifl's
app eal to the district cou rt jury , as it was con stit ute d
is pro vid ed for, the review at common law, wit hou t the
being limited to the rec ord ma presence of a trial jud ge.
de by the con dem nat ion These are que stio ns of pro ced
cou rt. We think appellants are ure which do not ent er
in err or in assuming tha t into or form the basis of fun
a full and complete hea ring on dam ent al right. All tha t is
all pha ses of the valuation essential is tha t in some app
of and damages to pro per ty rop riat e way, before some
tak en und er the power of properly con stit ute d tribunal,
em ine nt dom ain mu st be had inq uiry shall be ma de as
in a jud icia l cou rt. to the am oun t of compensation,
and, when this has bee n
An aut hor itat ive text writer stat provided, the re is tha t due pro
es the rule as follows: cess ofla w which is req uire d
'In tho se states in which a jur *498 by the federal constitutio
y is not required n. Bau ma n v. Ross, 167
con stit utio n in eminent dom by the U.S. 548, 593, 17 S.Ct. 966 [42
ain proceedings, the ow ner L.Ed. 270].'
is ent itle d to a hea ring con duc
ted in som e fair and jus t In Crane v. Hah lo, 258 U.S
ma nne r before an imp arti al jud . 142, 42 S.Ct. 214, 216,
icial trib una l, and a chance 66 L.Ed. 514, the cou rt in disc
to put in evidence before such ussing this subject said:
trib una l of the value of his 'Th e right of the pla inti ff in
pro per ty *497 and the am oun erro r to damages having
t tha t it has bee n damaged. bee n established by the decisio
The am oun t of com pen sati on n in [People ex rel. Cra ne
is a jud icia l question and v. Ormond], 221 N.Y. 283,
can not be decided by the 116 N.E . 993, sup ra, the re
legislature, but the nat ure remained only the pro ble m
and cha rac ter of the trib una of determining the am oun t
l is in the discretion of the of the awa rd which sho uld be
legislature, and it ma y consist ma de and the ma nne r of
of a just ice of the cou rt making it, and the reference of
sitting alone, or of any num suc h a question, especially
ber of commissioners.' 2 in eminent dom ain proceedin
Nichols, Em ine nt Do ma in (2d gs, to a commission, or
ed.) sec. 341, p. 945. boa rd, or sherifl's jury , or oth
er non-judicial trib una l, was
In Un ited States v. Jones, 109 U.S. so com mo n in Eng lan d and
513, 3 S.C t. 346, 350,27 in this cou ntry prio r to the
L.E d.1 015 , the cou rt **461 said ado ptio n of the federal Con stit
: 'Th e proceeding for the utio n tha t it has been held
ascertainment of the value of the repeatedly tha t it is a form of
pro per ty and consequent pro ced ure within the pow er
com pen sati on to be made, of the state to provide, and tha
is merely an inquisition to t, when opp ortu nity to be
establish a par ticu lar fact as hea rd is given, it satisfies the
a pre lim ina ry to the actu al requirements of due process
taking; and it ma y be prosec of law, especially when, as in
uted bef ore commissioners this case, a righ t of review
or special boa rds or the cou in the courts is given.
rts, wit h or wit hou t the No one has a vested right
intervention of a jury , as in any given mo de of pro ced
the legislative power ma y ure and so long as a
designate. All tha t is required substantial and efficient rem
is tha t it shall be con duc ted edy remains or is pro vid ed
in some fair and jus t manner due process of law is not den
, with opp ortu nity to the ied by a legislative change
owners of the pro per ty to pre (Oshkosh Waterworks Co. v.
sent evidence as to its value, Oshkosh, 187 U.S . 437,439,
and to be hea rd the reo n.' 23 S.Ct. 234, 47 L.Ed. 249).'

WE::STLAW <9 20-1 I Thomson

Reuters. i\lo claim to original U.S
. Government Works.
In State of M iss ou ri ex 40 L.Ed. [940]; Misso
rel. Hurwitz v. No rth , uri, K. & T. Ry. v. I.
46 S.Ct. 38 4,3 85 , 70 L.E 271 U.S. 40, C. C., C. C. ,
d. 818, the general rul 164 F. [645], 649.'
in the following langu e wa s sta ted
age: 'It has be en so oft [19) (20] It seems to us
ou t in the op ini on s en po int ed tha t the he ari ng pro
of this co urt tha t the before the co urt of co vid ed
Am en dm en t is conc Fo urt ee nth nd em na tio n with a rig
erned with the subs in the co urt s on the rec ht of rev iew
wi th the for ms of pro tance an d no ord, meets all the req
cedure as to ma ke un of du e process in the uirements
extended discussion ne ces sar y an y fix ing of the co mp en sat
of the question he re co nd em na tio n procee ion in a
du e process cla us e do presented. Th e ding. An im pa rti al tri
es no t gu ara nte e to established to determi bu na l ha s been
sta te an y pa rti cu lar for a citizen of a ne the compensation,
m or me tho d of sta te int erested parties is pro no tic e to the
Its requirements are procedure. vided for, an op po rtu
satisfied if he ha s rea be ard is aff ord ed an d nit y to be
an d rea so na ble op po rtu sonable notice, an ap pe al to the co urt
nit y to be he ard an d to This, un de r all the de s pro vid ed .
claim or defense; du e present his cisions, constitutes du
reg ard being ha d to the mu st be bo rne in mi e process. It
proceedings an d the ch na tur e of the nd tha t du e process
ara cte r of the rig hts wh necessarily judicial pro *500 is no t
affected by it. ' ich ma y be cess. Re etz v. Michiga
505, 23 S.Ct. 390, 47 n, 188 U.S.
L.Ed. 563; Un ite d Sta
198 U.S. 253, 25 S.Ct. tes v. Ju To y,
In State of W ash ing 644, 49 L. Ed . 1040. No
ton ex rel. Or eg on R. fac t tha t the ac t requir r does the
v. Fairchild, 22 4 U.S. & N. Co. es the co ur t on appeal
510, 32 S.Ct. 535, 53 ca se up on the evidence ad to de cide the
863, the precise po int 9, 56 L.Ed. du ce d be for e the co nd
raised by ap pe lla nts co ur t co ns titu te a wa em na tio n
in the following lan is discussed nt of du e process. Ro
guage: 'H av ing be en Supervisors, 128 Iowa ss v. Bo ard of
full op po rtu nit y to be given *499 427, 104 N. W . 506, 1
he ard on the issues ma 43 1; Lo L.R .A .,N .S. ,
co mp lai nt an d answer, de by the ng Isl an d Water-Sup
an d as to the reasonable ply Co . v. Brooklyn,
ne Sta te of Washington ex rel. su pra ;
pro po sed ord er, an d ha ss of the Or eg on R. & N. Co
vin g ad op ted the sta tut Fairchild, su pra . . v.
of review, this co mp an ory me tho d
y ca nn ot complain. It
to offer all co mp ete nt ha d the rig ht
testimony before the
which, in view of the commission,
for m of proceedings It is the fur the r co
the sta tut e, ac ted in au thorized by nte nti on of appella
this respect so me wh at co nd em na tio n act, in nts tha t the
in chancery wh o ha s lik e .a ma ste r ord er to me et the requir
be en required to tak e du e process, mu st itself ements of
rep ort his fmdings of testimony an d provide fo r notice an
fac t an d conclusions the question of the leg d he ari ng on
co urt wo uld test its co of law. Th e ality of the proceeding
rrectness by the evide ow ne r ca nn ot be forced an d tha t the
to the master. No r nce su bm itte d to res ort to collateral
wo uld there be an y secure bis co ns titu tio att ac k to
the right to a jud ici al impairment of na l rights.
review because ad dit ion [21] (22] (231 A
co uld no t be su bm itt al testimony discussion of this sub
ed to the chancellor an un de rst ject necessitates
. Th e **462 an din g of the na tur e of the powe
sta tut e enlarges wh at do ma in. It is an att rib r of eminent
thi s co urt ha s recog ute of sovereignty, inh
pro pe r practice in eq uit nized to be ere nt in a
y cases att ac kin g su ch sovereign sta te wheth
Th ere the he ari ng is de regulations. er or no t reference is
no vo , an d there is no the Co ns tit uti on of the ma de to it in
in equity ag ain st offeri pro hib itio n state. In oth er words
ng all competent evide of a sovereign sta te to , the po we r
tha t the or de r wa s un nce to prove tak e pro pe rty , or to
reasonable. Bu t in Ci tak ing for a public use au tho riz e its
& Tex. Pac. R. Co . v. ncinnati, N. 0. , rests up on necessity
I. C. C., 162 U.S. [184], ca n be no effective because the re
700, 40 L. Ed . 935, it 196, 16 S.Ct. government wi tho ut
wa s said: 'We thi nk exists ind ep en de nt of it. Th e power
occasion to express thi s a pro pe r the Co ns tit uti on , the
disapproval of such the Co ns tit uti on with provision of
procedure on the pa rt a me tho d of reference the ret o being
of the railroad co mp an on the exercise of the a limitation
lead the m to wi thh old y as should power, an d in no sen
the larger pa rt of the wo rd a gra nt of powe se of the
from the Co mm iss ion ir evidence r. In for me r times the
, an d frrst adduce it sovereign sta te to tak rig ht of a
court. Th e the or in the circuit e for a pu bli c pu rpo se
y of the ac t evidently is, the pro pe rty co uld be tak wa s ab solute,
the provision, tha t the as shown by en wi tho ut co mp en sat
fmdings of the Co mm pa id an d wi tho ut req ion being
regarded as pr im a fac iss ion shall be uiring the interventio
ie evidence tha t the fac to aff ord effective use n of a co urt
are to be disclosed be ts of the case of the power. Th e ex
fore the commission.' po we r of em ine nt do erc ise of the
& Pacific v. I. C. C., 16 See also Texas main ha s been limite
by a co ns titu tio na l req d in thi s sta te
2 U.S. [197], 238,239, uirement tha t jus t co
16 S.Ct. 666, mp en sat ion
shall be pa id for all
pro pe rty tak en or da
art . I, sec. 21. Consequ maged. Co ns t.
ently, co mp en sat ion
for pro pe rty
'1'./ESilil,W 19 'lO I/ Th
omson l~euters. No clt1
irn to original U.S. Go
vernment Works.
tak en or da ma ge d in
the exercise of the rig
do ma in, unless the ht of em ine nt public au tho rit y, an d
am ou nt is agreed up the ind ivi du al receives
determined in accorda on mu st be pla ce mo ne y in the
nce wi th the due proce of the pro pe rty taken. He ha s a
the sta te an d federal ss cla use s of in co urt on the quest rig ht to his da y
Constitutions, bu t oth ion of co mp en sat ion ,
*501 ac tio n is no t neces erw ise jud icial right to a da y in co urt bu t he ha s no
sary except where req on the qu est ion of ap
co ns tit uti on al or sta uired by by the state, unless som pro pri ati on
tut ory provisions. Th e sta tut e requires it.
the Co ns tit uti on presu e language of Village of Middletow M att er of
pposes the existence n, 82 N. Y. 196, 201.
outside the Co ns tit uti of the po we r necessity for any saf Th ere is no
on an d simply limits eguard ag ain st taking
use it. No pro ce du re the rig ht to right to tak e is all there , be cau se the
is prescribed in the is of the po we r of emine
fo r its exercise, bu t it Co ns tit uti on an d is necessarily conceded nt do ma in,
imposes certain limits to ex ist when the exist
sta te itself mu st co nfo to which the the power is admitted. en ce of
rm . Within these lim Safeguards be co me ne
ac tin g thr ou gh the de its the sta te, when the question of ces sar y only
pa rtm en t or agency au co mp en sat ion is reach
exert the legislative po tho riz ed to the co urt ed, an d the n
we r, ma y proceed at s are careful to see tha
will, an d the t the ow ne r receives all
extent, me tho d an d ne he is entitled to. Un til tha t
cessity of exercising the the n the co ur ts co uld
tak e pri va te pro pe rty po we r to un less some sta tut ory rig no t he lp him ,
fo r public use may no ht were invaded, as the
wi th by eit he r of the t be int erf ere d of taking is wi thi n the me tho d
oth er departments of exclusive co ntr ol of the
Ga rri so n v. Ci ty of government. If a sta legislature.
Ne w Yo rk, 21 Wall. tut e requires jud gm en t of
196, 88 U.S. co nd em na tio n, jud gm
196, 22 L. Ed . 612. Th mu st be ha d accord en t
ere is, consequently, ing ly be for e the pro pe rty ca n
up on the exercise of no limitation taken, bu t otherwise be
the po we r except tha a certificate of co nd
be public, co mp en sat t the use mu st an executive officer, fol em na tio n by
ion mu st be made an lowed by pa ym en t, sat
of law observed. W e d du e process req isfies ev ery
ha ve heretofore deter uir em ent of the constitutio
mined tha t du e n. If the use is no t pu
process wa s aff ord ed the sta tut e authorizing blic,
by the sta tut e for the co nd em na tio n is void, bu t thi
of ad eq ua te an d jus de ter mi na tio n qu est ion of law need s
t compensation. W ha no t be set tle d in the
does the du e pro ce ss t ap pli ca tio n to take, as it ca n be pro ce ed ing
clause have to the ex raised by the pr op ert
sovereign po we r **46 ercise of the va rie ty y owner in a
3 of eminent domain? of ways. It would be the
Th e co rre ct sam e in effect as if the
an sw er wa s given, we att em pt to co nd em n
think, in People v. Ad ha d be en ma de wi tho ut any sta tut
Co ., 160 N. Y. 225, 54 iro nd ac k Ry. whatever, an d an ac e
N. E. 689, 693, where tio n of tre sp ass ag ain
said: 'N ow , wh at do in the co ur t un de rto ok to tak e posse st tho se wh o
es the phrase, 'du e pro ssion of the pr op ert y
mean, wh en thu s ap cess of law,' the would settle
pli ed to the exercise qu est ion. Wheelock v. Yo
of a sovereign un g, 4 Wend. [647],
power, an d to the eff Th e Supreme Co ur t of 648.'
ort of government thr the Un ite d States, in affirming
po we r to accomplish ou gh tha t foregoing case, said: 'Th the
a gre at public purpose? e general rul e is tha t the
the sam e me an ing as Do es it ha ve or expediency of ap pro ne ces sity
wh en applied to the pri ati ng pa rti cu lar pro
sta te in pu nis hin g a ac tio n of the pu bli pe rty for
ma n fo r crime, or of c use is no t a ma tte r
on e individual of jud ici al cognizanc
in seeking to en for ce on e for the determinatio e, bu t
a civil rig ht against an n of the legislative bra
process of law necessar oth er? Du e government, an d thi nc h of the
ily varies with the facts s mu st obviously be
an d de pe nd s up on the of the case, *503 state takes fo r its ow so where the
necessity for safeguards n pu rpo ses . Th
exercise of arb itr ary ag ain st the the power as a sovere e sta te possesses
power. It consists in ign, an d as sovereign
of those safeguards wh the ob ser va nc e ca n its citizens call on ex ert s it. Ho w
ich time an d experienc the co urt s to review
are necessary to pr ote e ha ve sh own on which the sta te ha the gro un ds
ct the citizen in the en s acted in the absence
life, liberty, an d pro pe joy me nt of permitting tha t to be of legislation
rty . In public prosecuti done?' Ad iro nd ac k Ry
as pri va te controvers on s, as we ll Yo rk State, 176 U.S. . Co. v. Ne w
ies, an op po rtu nit y to 335, 20 S.Ct. 460, 465,
essential to pro tec t pri be he ard is 44 L.Ed. 492.
va te rights; bu t here we
where the sta te ha s ha ve a case
the rig ht to take a ma
ag ain st his will, alt ho n's pro pe rty In Vinegar Bend Lu
ug h he ha s been guilty mb er Co . v. Oa k
of no wr ong. Ge org eto wn R. Co., 89 Grove &
*502 It is a case where Miss. 84, 105, 43 So.
, of necessity, if there 29 2, 295, a
at all, it mu st be arb itr is an y ac tio n sit ua tio n on bo th the
ary . Th e state needs the facts an d the issues pre
pro pe rty , very similar to the cas sen ted were
an d takes it, an d, while e at ba r. Th e co ur t sai
the citizen ca nn ot resist d: 'O n a review
rig ht to insist up on ju , he ha s the of the whole ch ap ter on
st compensation, to be the subject of em ine nt
asc ert ain ed unhesitatingly arrive at domain, we
by an im pa rti al tri bu the conclusion tha t the
na l. It is a compulsory Legislature
pu rch ase by ne ve r intended to cre
ate a tri bu na l of full
try an y an d all issues jurisdiction to
tha t might be rai sed on
the subject
Wi;STLl\'N Cc) 2017 Th
omson Heuters. i'lo cl-:
1im to original U.S. Go
vernm ent Works.
01 the right to co nd
emn. Th e co urt create
is a special co urt , cre d by this chapter the rig ht of co nd em na
ate d fo r a special pu tio n to a separate proce
an exceedingly limited rpo se, ha vin g inconsistent with du e eding is no t
jurisdiction, exercising process.
functions, an d clothed no jud icial
with the power to try In Riley v. Ch arl est
tha t is confided to it by the only issue
the statute; an d tha t iss on Un ion Sta tio n Co
ue is, singly 457, 482, 51 S.E. 48 ., 71 S.C.
an d solely, to fix the co 5, 495, 110 Am.St.Rep
mpensation which shall co urt in passing on . 579, the
the landowner for his be pa id to a similar question sai
land. In truth, section d: 'Th e first,
tha t it is a special co 1680 declares second, fou rth , an d fif
urt . Th e chapter itself th exceptions ma ke the
presupposes the act un de r which po int tha t
tha t the right to co nd the defendant seeks
em n pro pe rty exists, an to co nd em n
provision ma de in the d there is no plaintiffs' pro pe rty is
whole ch ap ter on thi s unconstitutional, in tha
subject giving is pro vid ed fo r the de ter t no tri bu na l
to the eminent do ma in mi na tio n of an y quest
co ur t the power to ad be ma de by the lan d ion tha t ma y
issue as to whether or judicate the owner as to the rig ht
no t the right to exerc of an d po we r
of eminent domain do ise the power the de fen da nt co mp an y
es or does no t exist. to tak e plaintiffs' pro
only power co nfe rre d Th e sole an d Th is co nte nti on ca nn pe rty .
by this chapter, fro m ot be sustained. Whil
**464 its co nd em na tio n statutes e it is tru e the
first section to its last, pro vid e no special tribu
is the right, an d the rig for the determinatio na l, except
ascertain an d fix co mp ht only, to n of the am ou nt of
en sat ion fo r the tal dn to co mp en sat ion
where the right to do g of the lan d be pa id, nevertheless the
so exists. Since regular machinery of
Co ns tit uti on no r the sta ne ith er the co urt s is available fo the
tut es pro vid e a pa rti cu r the de ter mi na tio n
lar tribunal with respect *505 to of an y iss ue
in which to try the qu the right an d po we r
est ion of whether or Ri to condemn.
fo r which private pr op no t the use ley v. [Charleston] Un ion Sta
ert y is to be tak en is tio n Co., 67 S.C. [84],
pri va te use, an d since a public or 45 S.E. 149. Th e rem 93,
it is ma de a judicial edy provided by the co
question by sta tut e is exclusive on nd em na tio n
the Constitution, wh en ly as to ma tte rs fallin
it is so ug ht to try the provisions. These statut g wi thi n its
mu st be by injunction, question it
an d in the chancery co es, in conjunction with
urt , en joi ning law , pro vide fo r full hearing the ge ne ral
the en try up on or ap pro before a lawful tri bu
pri ati on of the lan d, aft na l
use for which lan d is be cau se the er du e notice, an d thu s
so ug ht to be tak en *5 answer every requirem
public use. If it be arg 04 is no t a the federal an d state en t of
ue d tha t this remedy Constitutions with ref
is co mp pro cess of law .' erence to du e
we answer by saying lex ,
tha t its simplification
Legislature of the sta rests with the (24] (25] (26) (27]
te, an d no t with the co (28) Summarizing
urt s; bu t the of the foregoing authorities the rea so nin g
Co ns tit uti on is no t vio , we come to the fol
lated when there is a conclusion: Th e po we lowing
which to try the quest tri bu na l in r of eminent do ma in
ion of the use to which is a sov ereign
is to be put. In no oth the pro pe rty power inh ere nt in the
er for um , except the ch sta te irrespective of co
ancery co urt provisions, which in for ns titutional
an d by the me tho d po me r times was absolute
int ed ou t, is there an ; tha t the
remedy un de r the law y ad eq ua te pro visions of ou r Co ns
s of this state, or, in fac tit uti on have the eff
t, an y remedy limiting the exercise ect only of
at all.' In Louisville & of the power; tha t the
Nashville R. Co. v. W pro visions
Te leg rap h Co., 250 U. estern Un ion of the Co ns tit uti on
S. 363, 39 S.Ct. 513, requiring the paymen
51 4, 63 L.Ed. co mp ensation fo r pro pe rty t of a ju st
1032, the supreme Co taken or damaged
ur t of the Un ite d Sta mu st
foregoing case with ap tes cites the comply with the requir
pro va l as follows: 'Th ements of the du e pro
e Mississippi tha t the po we r to the ces s clause;
proceedings in emine sta te to tak e or to de
nt do ma in are limited leg ate its
to determine the am ou in the ir effect po we r to take ha s no t be
nt ofdamages to be pa en limited by the Co
id. If the right an d consequently the ns tit uti on
to condemn is disputed legislature can lawful
tha t is left to be decid ly pro vid e the
in equity.' Th e op ini on ed by a suit me tho d of tal dn g witho
goes on to say: 'So far ut the aid of the oth er
as it alleged of government; tha t a co de pa rtm en ts
a failure to comply wi nte st of the right to
th the Sta te laws the Sta tak e ma y
is conclusive against it, te decision properly be left to oth
an d of course it ca nn er ap pro pri ate legal ac
ot co mp lain sam e ma tio n in the
of no t being given a he nn er as if the co nd em
ari ng simply because ne r proceeded without
fo r tha t hearing to a dif it is referred sta tut ory authorization an y
ferent suit fro m tha t in ; an d tha t a sta tut e providing du
value of the pro pe rty which the process on the ma tte e
is fixed. Th e sep ara tio r of jus t co mp en sat ion
n is fam iliar.' is sil en t on the qu est ion of an d wh ich
Th e effect of this holdi affording a hearing on
ng is tha t an ac t provid the
assessment of damage ing for the right to take meets all
s an d leaving the deter the req uirements of due pro
mination of un de r the sta te an d fed cess
eral Constitutions. Th
na tur e of the power of e sovereign
eminent do ma in is su
function of the co urt ch tha t the
s is limited to a deter
mination of
WSTl.~W <0 2017 Th
omson l~euters. No cla
im to original U.S . Go
vernment Worl{s.
whether constitutional provisions situation and circumstances surr
have been violated, and oun ding the members of
if they have not, the right of the the class, relative to the subject
legislature to exercise it of the legislation, which
in any man ner it sees fit mus t be sust render appropriate its enactment;
ained. If the pro pert y and to be valid the law
be take n irregularly, or if the taki mus t operate uniformly and alik
ng is not for a public e upo n every mem ber
purpose, the own er can proceed aga of the class so designated.' State
inst the take r the same ex rel. Taylor v. Hall,
as **465 any oth er trespasser 129 Neb. 669, 262 N.W. 835, 836
by injunction, ejectment . See
or any oth er available remedy. , also , Steinacher
We are of the opinion, v. Swanson, 131 Neb. 439, 268 N.W
therefore, tha t the failure to provide . 317 ; Cox v. State,
in the *506 act for 134 Neb. 751, 279 N.W. 482; Dep
notice and hea ring on the questio artm ent of Banking
n of the right to take is v. Foe , 136 Neb. 422, 286 N.W
not incompatible with due process. . 264 , 123 A.L .R. 894;
See Chicago, B. & Q. Eckerson v. City of Des Moines,
R. Co. v. Stat e ex rel. City of Om 137 Iow a 452 , 115 N.W .
aha, 47 Neb. 549, 66 177; 29 C.J.S., Eminent Dom ain,
N.W . 624, 41 L.R .A. 481, 53 Am 212, p. 1132. We fmd
.St.Rep. 557. In fact, it tha t the classification designated
app ears that any suc h requirement, in cha pter 19, art. 7,
unless provided for in R.S .1943, is reasonable and not inimical
the act itself, wou ld constitute an to section 18, art.
unwarranted limitation ill, Neb rask a Constitution.
on the sovereign right of the stat
e, acting thro ugh the
legislative bra nch thereof, to take
private property for a
public purpose. 1 Nichols, Eminen It is already well established tha t the
t Dom ain (2d Ed.) sec. act does not violate
17, p. 58. the doctrine of the separation
of powers. Const., art.
2, *507 sec. 1. We nee d not give
it furt her discussion.
(29) (30) We have examined plaintif In re Appraisement of Om aha Gas
fs' contention tha t Plan t, supra; City
the statutes violate the seventh of Mitchell v. Western Public Serv
and 22nd interdictions ice Co., supra; In re
of section 18, art. III, Neb rask Application of City of Sidney, sup
a Constitution, as class ra.
or special legislation. As to the
seventh interdiction we
reafTum the rule stat ed in City We come to the conclusion that
of Mitchell v. Western the act complies with all
Public Service Co., sup ra [124 Neb requirements of the Constitution
. 248, 246 N.W. 485], which have been called
that , 'Th e act is not a special act to our attention. We thin k the atta
regulating the practice cks upo n its validity
of cou rts ofjustice pro hibi ted by mad e by the appellants are without
the seventh interediction mer it.
of section 18, art. 3 of the Constitu
tion.' As to the 22n d The judg men t is hereby reversed
interdiction the rule is tha t it pro and the cause remanded
hibits class legislation with directions that a decree be ente
which does not operate equally red by the trial cou rt
and uniformly upo n all in conformity with this opinion.
members of the class bro ugh t with
in its operation. In this
connection the cou rt has held that Reversed, with directions.
, 'The Legislature may
mak e a reasonable classification
of persons, corporations
and pro pert y for purposes of legi All Citations
slation concerning them,
but the classification mus t rest
upo n real differences in 145 Neb. 475, 17 N.W.2d 448

End of Doc ume nt

2017 Thomson Reuters. No
claim to original U.S. Government

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ters. i'lo cl8im to original U.S. Gov
ernment Works.
E X H IB IT 1 3
Tl ME: _ _--t-
/d~:a....J~l? __
MAY 3 1 2017
~A~1 4RTE!1
CL'-:.R/ .~. f, 1A8T[R
BY: _ _ _
This tax has been collected by the State of Tennessee,
for distribution to Bradley Count y and the City by the
1 J KeyCite Yellow Flag. Negative
Order Amended May 1, 2000 Commissioner of Revenue for the State of Tennessee since
1999 WL 28108 6
Only the Westl aw citatio n is curren tly available.
T.C.A. 67-6-712 provides for one-ha lf of the procee ds to
SEE COURT OF APPEALS RULES 11 AND 12 be distributed in the same manne r as the count y prope rty
tax for school purposes. The second one-h alf is to be
Court of Appea ls of Tenne ssee. distributed according to where the tax was collected, either
inside the City limits or outsid e in Bradley Count y. T.C.A
67-6-712(a)(2)(C) authorizes a county and city to enter
Tenne ssee Plaint iff-Ap pellan t into a contra ct to provide for other distrib ution of the
v. second one-ha lf of the tax collections.
BRADLEY COUNTY, Tenne ssee Defen dant-A ppelle e
On March 7, 1967, the Board of Mayo r and
No. 03Ao1 -9804 -CV-0 0140. Commissioners of the City held a special called meetin
I dealing solely with the issue of wheth er to enter into an
April 16, 1999. agreement whereby the second one-h alf of the collected
I tax receipts would be distrib uted in the same mann er
Permi ssion to Appea l Denie d April 10, 2000.
as the county proper ty tax for school purposes. At that
I time most of the collected tax receipts would be collected
Permi ssion to Appea l Denie d May 1, 2000.
outside the City limits. The Notice and Waiver of Call
Affirmed and Rema nded. Meeting was signed by all the Commissioners and the
Mayo r. The resolution was unanimously adopt ed and was
Attorneys and Law Firms signed by the Mayo r.

William P. Biddle, m, of Cleveland for Appel lant. On May 10, 1967, Bradley Count y and the City entere
into a Contr act for the distrib ution of the other one-h alf of
James S. Webb of Cleveland and Brian L. Kuhn
of the local sales tax receipts. The contra ct in pertin ent part
Memphis for Appellee.
provides for distribution as follows:

1. One-half of the net proceeds from the local sales tax

OPINION received by Bradley Count y from the State of Tennessee
shall be used exclusively for school purposes and shall
be appro priate d to Bradley Count y and the City of
*1 This is a declar atory judgm ent action initiated by the Cleveland for school operat ional purposes as provid ed
City of Cleve land to determine wheth er the agreements in T.C.A. 67-3052(1).
had with Bradley Count y concerning the division of one-
2. The remaining one-h alf of the net proceeds from
half of the Local Optio n Revenue Tax were terminable.
the local sales tax received by Bradley Count y from
The City also sough t its share of variou s Capita l Outlay
the Depar tment of Revenue of the State of Tennessee,
Notes issued by Bradley Count y for educa tional purposes.
being that portio n distrib utable according to Section
67-3052(2) of Tennessee Code Annot ated, shall be
distributed between Bradley Count y and the City of
I. FACT S Cleveland by reversing the percentages in Parag raph
1 herein and distributing the same to the City of
The 1963 Local Optio n Revenue Act 1 authorized Cleveland and Bradley Count y in accordance with the
county to levy a local sales tax on all retail sales within the reverse percentages of Parag raph 1.
county. Bradle y Count y levied a local sales tax of 2.25%

'Nf.Sf lJ1 9 20 Ii' Thon'ison f-Zeutors. Mo clnirn to original LJ.:.3. /Jover
nment Works .

3. This form ula for the distribution of the secon was signed by the Mayor. The City's Char ter 2
d one- was silent
half of the net proceeds from the local sales tax as to the power to contract.
shall be
used to distribute the same until such time as the
daily atten danc e of children in the two scho Bradley County entered into a Cont
ol systems
shall reach 50% percent for each system at ract for
and from Administration of the Bradley Coun ty Loca
which time the second one-half of said proce l Sales and
eds shall Use Tax with the Depa rtme nt of Revenue of
be distributed by each system, talcing the same the State of
per cent Tennessee. TheC ontra ctwa seffe ctive asofJ une
as it received in distribution of the first one- half 1, 1967, 3
of said
proceeds. and provided for its termination in parag raph 4

*2 An amen dmen t to the Cont ract was autho The City filed suit against Bradley County
rized by a contending
resolution of the Boar d of May or and Commissi that if the proceeds had been distributed in
oners of accordance
the City, at a regu lar meeting held on Janu ary with T.C.A. 67-6-712(a)(2)(B), rathe r than acco
10, 1972. On rding to
Febr uary 21, 1972, the parties entered into an the Cont ract and the Amendment, the City
Amendment claims that
to the Cont ract, agreeing that the funds from an it would have received from the sales tax colle
additional ctions the
sales tax to be levied in Bradley Coun ty woul following additional amounts:
d continue
to be divided in accordance with the original
Contract. It
1)92- 9-93
rorAi: r-3A17,846
The City soug ht to have the trial cour t deter
mine that
the Cont ract was ultra vires or as an altern
the Cont ract did not conta in a termination
clause and
consequently it was a Cont ract in perpetuity and Beginning in 1989, Bradley Coun ty issued Capi
therefore tal Outl ay
against public policy. If the trial court so foun Note s for educational purposes pursu ant
d, then the to T.C.A.
City would be able to terminate the Cont ract, 9-21-101, et seq. the Local Government Public
which was Obligations
it ultimate goal so that more monies would Law. Each of the Notes were issued pursu
flow into its
coffers unde r the statu tory division of the secon ant to
d one-half resolutions of Bradley Coun ty Commission.
of the tax proceeds. In each
resolution, Bradley County "pledged its taxin
g power as
to all taxable property in Bradley County, Tenn
essee for
the purp ose of providing funds for the paym
ent of the
principal and interest on the notes."

- 2,20/89 .alrey View Sc ooTProjec $--262:000
- -9118/89 anous Scfioof rejects - 500,000 -
1/25/91 ---------- school Capital Projects --
--- .. --- - --~----- --~ 750,000
9/01/92 Schoor Buses .

'Nf:Sn..5.W c,) ~lOI / Thomson HGutors. No claim

to original U.S. 1.., overnrnent Works.
2/2619"3 Sc oo CapitarProjects 775;000
6/2.<J/93 Scliool Capifar Projec s j;5oo;ooo---
12/05/94 SctioorCapitalproJects aoo:ooo
TOTA[ $..Ef.4ag-:-ooo
Bradley Coun ty repaid the Notes from tax reven T.C.A. 49-3-lO0l(b)(l) requires the trustee of Bradl
ues ey
collected on all prope rty in Bradley County, includ County to pay over to the City the amou nt of funds
ing in
prope rty inside the corpo rate limits of the City. None the same ratio as the average daily attendance betwe
of the proceeds of the Notes was designated by Bradl the City's school system and the Bradley County Schoo
ey l
Coun ty for the use of the schools operated by the City. System. Durin g the years in which the Notes
issued by Bradley County, the applicable average
*3 T.C.A. 49-3-1001, et seq., grants counties attendance of students in the City's School System
the as a
autho rity to issue bonds for educational purposes. From percentage of the total enrollment of students in Bradl
the proceeds of any borrowing for school purpo County was as follows:

986-87 32~48% 61.52%
--------- 1sa1-aa
31]f1'% aa:ls%
1saa:a9 3'2:'27% at:13%
9a9:90 :rm% t>7~6El%
f990-91 32.33% 67.67%
Hf9-1: g2 2.90% 6T.TO%
1992-93 32:99% 67.01%
---- 1993:94 M

33:s2% 66~38%
f994-95 ______ _
--33:61'% 6E[39%..--------
1995"-98 3""3--:9a 6EL02%
The City contended that it was entitled to $2,128.995
which is its share of the funds based on the ADA
in its


1987-88 $262,000 31.81o/; ---- 68.19% - - - $ 83,342 --

1988-89 500,000 32.27% 67.73% 161,350
-- -------- -- -- -- -- --
INESfU\W f-:) 201 / Thomson Reuters. No claim to ori~Jinal U.3. Gov0r
nrnc11t Works. 3
1989-90 750,000 32.34% 67.66% 242,550
1990-91 102,000 32.33% 67.67% 33,558
1991-92 4,275,000 32.90% 67.10% 1,406,475
1992-93 600,000 32.99% 67.01% 201,720
--- -- --- --r2-:-12s.sss'"-~
The City primarily contends that the
trial judg e was in
II. HO LDI NG OF THE TRI AL COU erro r in holding that the Con trac t
RT and its subsequent
Ame ndm ent concerning the dispositi
on of a port ion of the
Bot h parties filed mot ions for sum mar Local Opt ion Sales Tax contained a spec
y judgments base d ific time or event
upo n the facts stat ed abov e and thei that triggered termination of the Con
r respective theories. tract; therefore, the
Chancellor Earl H. Henley, sitting by Con trac t was not in perpetuity and term
interchange, foun d inable by the City.
in rega rd to the decl arat ory judg
men t port ion of the
com plai nt that Bradley County's mot Bradley County, however, claims
ion for sum mar y that the Chancellor
judg men t shou ld be gran ted. The trial Henley was in erro r in his granting the
cour t foun d that City's Mot ion for
the Con trac t was not ultra vires. Mor Summary Judg men t as to the mon ey
eover, Chancellor judg men t port ion
Hen ley declared that the Con trac t was of the Com plai nt and in entering a
not a Con trac t in judg men t awarding
perp etui ty and that para grap h 3 of the City its pro rata share ($2,128,9
the Con trac t date d 95) of the aggregate
May 10, 1967, set a specific time or amo unt of the Notes issued by Brad
event that triggered ley Cou nty for
term inat ion of the Con trac t and the educational purposes.
1972 Amendment.
Accordingly, the Con trac t was not term
inable by the City
and shou ld remain in full force and effe
ct according to the
Con trac t's terms.
As to the money judg men t port ion Bot h of the awa rds by the Chancellor
of the complaint, in this mat ter were
Cha ncel lor Henley foun d that the base d on mot ions for summary judgmen
City's motion for t. Since a mot ion
sum mar y judg men t shou ld be gran for summary judg men t involves only
ted. He entered a a question of law,
judg men t in favo r of the City agai nst no pres ump tion of correctness attaches
Bradley Cou nty in to the Chancellor's
the amo unt of $2,128,995. This amo decision. Our stan dard of review of a
unt was the City's pro trial court's gran t of
rata shar e of the aggregate amo unt of summary judg men t is well-settled:
Not es issued by
Bradley Cou nty for educ atio nal purp
Tenn.R.Civ.P. 56.03 provides that
The City appealed the port ion sum mar y judg men t
of the judg men t is only
gran ting Bradley County's mot ion for appr opri ate where: (1) there is
summary judg men t
concerning the Con trac t and the Ame no genuine issue with regard to
ndment. Bradley
Cou nty appe aled the port ion of the material facts relevant to the
the final judg men t
denying Bradley Cou nty' s mot ion to clai m or defense contained in the
dismiss and granting
the City's mot ion for sum mar y judg mot ion, Byrd v. Hall, 847 S.W.2d
men t on the money
judg men t port ion of the Complaint. 208, 210 (Tenn.1993); and (2)
the moving part y is entitled to
a judg men t as a mat ter of law
on the undisputed facts . Anderson
ill.I SSU ES
v. Standard Register Co., 851
*4 Eac h part y presents one mai n issue S.W.2d 555, 559 (Tenn.1993). The
with man y sub-
issues for our consideration. moving part y has the burden of
proving that its mot ion satisfies

'NfESTLAW 2017 Thomson l~eutcrs.

No claim to orioinal U.S. Government
these requirements. Downen
v. Mayor, Councilmen & Citizens of
Allstate Ins. Co., 811 S.W Liberty City of Liberty,
.2d 391 S.W.2d 864 (Mo.1965); Mc
523, 524 (Te nn. 1991). Wh en Quillin Mu n. Cor p.
the 15.08, Nat ure , Requisites and
par ty seeking sum mar y jud gm Ope rati on of Municipal
ent Ordinances, (3rd Ed.). A reso
mak es a pro per ly sup por lution, particularly when
ted used to express a ministerial
mo tion , the bur den shifts to act, need not par tak e of
the any definite form and need not
non mo vin g par ty to set fort h spec be a written instrument.
ific Steward v. Rust, 221 Ark. 286, 252
facts establishing the existenc S.W.2d 816 (1952).
e of
disputed, mat eria l facts which
mu st "Un der Tennessee law, a mu nici
be resolved by the trier of fact. Byr pal
d, action may be declared ultra
847 S.W.2d at 215. vires
for either of two reasons:
Nelson v. Martin, 958 S.W.2d 643 because the acti on was who
, 646-647 (Tenn. 1997). lly
outside the scope of the
We shall view the record in this auth orit y und er its cha rter
mat ter in the light of those or a
requirements. statute, or (2) because the action
not und erta ken consistent with
man dat ory provisions of its cha
or a stat ute ."
A. The Con trac t and Am end men
t were Ultra Vires.
City of Lebanon v. Baird,
The first sub-issue pro ffer ed 756 S.W.2d 236, 241
by the City is tha t the (Tenn.1988).
Con trac t and Am end men t are
ultra vires because they
were aut hor ized by Res olu tion We have conducted an exhaustive
and not Ordinance as review of the Cha rter as
required by the City's Cha rter
and were not ado pte d in it was in 1967 and 1972. 7 The
accordance wit h the provisions Cha rter is totally silent as
of the Charter. to the met hod of passing a reso
lution and as to the pow er
McQuillin Mu n. Cor p. 15.01, to contract. 8
Definitions (3rd Ed.) p. 54,
defines the term "or din anc e" as
designating "a local law
of a municipal cor por atio n, dul Mo reo ver , 19 Tenn. Juris., Mu
y enacted by the pro per nicipal Corporations, 70,
authorities, prescribing general stat es the following:
, uniform, and per man ent
rules of con duc t, relating to the
cor por ate affairs of the In determining the extent of
municipality...The passage of an the
ordinance is, of course, power of a municipal cor por atio
a legislative act, a legislative n to
function, and equivalent mak e contracts, and in ascertai
to legislative action." An ord ning
ina nce prescribes some the mode in which the pow
per man ent rule of con duc t or gov er is
ernment. to continue in to be exercised, the imp orta nce
force until the ordinance is repe of
aled. 5 a careful study of the cha rter
incorporating act and of the gen
*5 A resolution can be any type eral
of non-legislative legislation of the stat e on the sub
acti on and in effect encomp ject,
asses all actions of the if there be any, can not be too
municipal bod y oth er tha n ord
inances. It deals with strongly urged. Where there
mat ters of a special or tem are
por ary cha ract er and is express provisions on the sub
simply an expression of opi ject,
nio n or min d or policy these will, of course, measure
concerning some par ticu lar , as
item of business coming far as they extend, the auth
within the legislative body's offi orit y
cial cognizance, ordinarily of the corporation. The pow
ministerial in character and rela er
ting to the administrative to mak e contracts, and to
business of the municipality. 6 and be sued thereon, is usu
conferred in general terms in
Resolutions need not be, in the incorporating act. But where
absence of some express the
requirement, in any set or par power is conferred in this man ner
ticu lar form . Julian v. , it
is not to be construed as authoriz
Vl/SfLAW @ 2017 rhomson l~cuters. No clai
m to origin,.11 U.S. Government
the making of contracts
of all in perpetuity for there is no
descriptions, but only such termination clause in the
as are Contract. Bradley County tak
necessary and usual, fit and es the position tha t even
proper, if the Contact between the Cit
to enable the cor por atio n to y and Bradley Co unt y
secure contains no termination pro
or to carry into effect the pur vision, then the con trac t
poses between Bradley County and
for which it was created; and the State does and it was
the incorporated into the Co ntr act
extent of the pow er will depend between Bradley Co unt y
upo n and the City. We do not nee
the other provisions of the d to address tha t issue,
cha rter however, because we are in
prescribing the ma tter s in res agreement with the trial
pect of court tha t par agr aph 3 of
which the cor por atio n is aut the Co ntr act contains the
hor ize d Contract's termination provisi
to act. To the extent nec ons. Par agr aph 3 of the
essary Contract provides tha t when
to execute the special powers the average daily attendance
and of children in the two school
functions with which it is end systems reaches fifty per cen t
owed for each system then the dis
by its charter, there is, ind tribution of the proceeds
eed, an would revert bac k to the div
implied or incidental aut hor ision provided in the Code.
ity to Th e Contract contains no pro
con trac t obligations, and to vision for a continuation
sue and of the division of proceeds afte
be sued in the cor por ate nam 9 r the poi nt tha t the AD A
e. equals 50%. Th at is, if the AD
A at the City's schools the
yea r after the 50-50 year go
The general rule is tha t wh to 60%, the City does not
ere a cha rter commits the receive 60% of the second hal
decision of a ma tter to the f of the tax proceeds. The re
council or legislative bod y is no further provision in the
alone, and is silent as to the Co ntr act for the Co ntr act to
mode of its exercise, the continue in effect in any manne
decision ma y be evidenced r. At this point, in ord er to
by resolution. Eichenlaub v. deviate from the Code provisi
City of St. Joseph, 113 Mo. 395 ons, a new con trac t wo uld
, 21 S.W. 8 (1893); Keenan have to be negotiated. We fmd
& Wade v. City of Trenton, tha t the Chancellor was
130 Tenn. 71, 168 S.W. correct in his holding tha t par
1053 (1914). Th e rule unques agr aph 3 was the Contract's
tionably is applicable to the termination clause.
per for ma nce of a ministerial
act or administrative business
of a municipality. If there is not
general provision a cha rter Thirdly, the City argues tha
outlining wh at mu st be done t the trial court's decision is
by ordinance, and the cha rter against public policy in tha t
does provide tha t some par ticu future city council members
lar things shall be done by would be tied to a con trac
ordinance, the implication is t relating to government
tha t matters which are not matters. In sup por t of its pos
specifically req uir ed to be dea itio n the City quotes fro m
lt with by ordinance may be Shelbyville v. State ex rel. Bedford
dealt with otherwise. lO County, 220 Tenn. 197,
415 S.W.2d 139, 145 (1967) as
*6 Un der the facts of this Thus, where the con trac t inv
case, the municipal action olved
was not out sid e the scope of relates to governmental or leg
the City's aut hor ity because islative
T.C.A. 67-6-712(a)(2)(C) pro functions of the counsel, or inv
vides tha t a cou nty and city olves
ma y con trac t to provide for a matter of discretion to be exe
oth er distributions of the rcised
one-half of the proceeds, wh by the council unless the
ich is not allocated to school sta tute
purposes. Since the Ch arte r was conferring power to con trac t
silent as to the contracting clearly
power of the City, but was spe authorizes the council to ma
cific in oth er instances, we ke a
deduce tha t the City's mayor contract extending beyond its
had the aut hor ity to ent er own
into the Co ntr act with Bradle term, no power of the counci
y County, since it was for a l so to
system of free schools and at do exists.
tha t time was in the City's
best interest. 19 Tenn. Juris.,
Municipal Corporations,
89 (1985). We find no merit We do not agree, howeve
in the City of Cleveland's r, because our Tennessee
assertion tha t the Co ntr act is Legislature was the empowerin
ultra vires. g authority which granted
the right to contract one-ha
lf of the proceeds of the
Secondly, the City argues tha local tax revenues. The Tennes
t if the Co ntr act is fou nd see legislature also enacted
not to be ultra vires then
the term of the Co ntr act is

'Nr:5TU1W @ 201 / Thomson F~outcrs. f\lo

claim io orininal U.S. Governm
ent 1/Vorks. ,.
T.C .A. 7-51-903 pert aini ng to long
-term contracts, which limitation upo n the auth orit y of
provides: counties to ente r into
long-term contracts.
*7 Exc ept as otherwise auth oriz
ed Washington County Board of Edu
or pro vide d by law, municipaliti cation, at 348-349. We
es also fmd that a valid Con trac t
are here by authorized to ente r into exists between the City
and Bradley County. The City hav
long -ter m con trac ts for such peri ing received the benefit
od of its barg ain in the earl y years
or dur atio n as the municipality of the Con trac t peri od,
is obligated to hon or its Con trac
may determine for any pur pos t with Bradley Cou nty
e dur ing the period when Bradley
for which sho rt-te rm con trac ts Cou nty is receiving its
not benefit. The City's argu men t falls
extending bey ond the term of far sho rt of convincing
the us of any merit in its position on
mem bers of the governing bod this issue.
cou ld be entered; provided,
that Fifthly, the City argues tha t since
the provisions of 7-51-902 shal Article 20 of the Cha rter
l limits the power of the City to gran
gov ern the periods or terms t a franchise to only
of 20 years that therefore the Con trac
con trac ts, leases, and lease-purcha t at issue here is void.
se By its own wording, Article 20
agreements with respect to cap deals specifically with
ital franchises and not to the disburse
imp rov eme nt property. ment of the local tax
revenues at issue here. Again, we fmd
no merit in the City's
arguments on the Con trac t interpre
Our Supreme Cou rt in 1985 tation por tion of this
addressed this issue mat ter and affmn the Chancellor
in Washington County Boa 's decision on this issue
rd of Education v. in toto .
MarketAmerica, 693 S.W.2d 344
(Tenn.1985). The City's
argu men t is basically the sam
e as was tha t of the
plai ntif f in Washington County Boa
rd ofEducation. Justice
Dro wot a opined: B. AFF IRM AT IVE DE FEN SES
Aft er carefully considering the resp
ective arguments of
counsel and the relevant legal auth *8 At the outset of our discussion
orities, this Cou rt is we will address Bradley
of the opin ion tha t the con trac t County's affmnative defenses tha
ente red into between t the City's com plai nt
MarketAmerica, Inc. and the sho uld be dismissed because (1) the
Wa shin gton Cou nty trial cou rt did not hav e
Boa rd of Edu cati on is vali d and juri sdic tion because of the City's
bind ing upo n bot h failure to file a petition
parties. Because of the imp orta for writ of certiorari, and , (2) bec
nce of the issues in ause the City failed to
this case to local governments, mak e all persons who hav e or clai
we are compelled to m any interest part ies
elaborate on our reasons for this of this proceeding; and, (3) the
conclusion. statute of limitations
codified at T.C.A. 28-3-109 mandate
s the dismissal of the
declaratory judg men t acti on and
claims on any cap ital
Plaintiffs argu men t that Cha pter outl ay notes issued before 1991.
186 of the Public
Acts of 1983 acknowledged that
counties were with out
auth orit y to ente r into long-term
con trac ts prio r to that
legislation is not sup por ted by
the legislative history.
Sen ator Coh en and Representative 1.
Burnett, the Senate
and House spo nso rs of the bill,
indicated tha t the We will first address the issue
bill "only clarifies wha t cities cou of the City's filing a
ld always do. " One dec lara tory judg men t rath er than
spo nso r further stat ed that the legi a writ of certiorari.
slation was intended In Fallin v. Knox County Board
to clarify the law in this area bec of Commissioners, 656
ause an opin ion of the S.W.2d 338 (Tenn.1983) the Sup
Atto rney Gen eral had suggested reme Cou rt held that
tha t counties lacked T.C .A. 27-9-101, et seq., is not
the capacity to ente r into con trac applicable unless there
ts requiring payments is a judicial or quasi judicial
beyond the cur ren t fiscal year. The determination by the
new legislation and governmental boa rd involved.
the debate concerning it illustrate The court, treating the
s that the legislature issue before it as one for declara
never intended that Cha pter 2 tory judgment, quo ted
of Title 49 serve as a

Vil~S'fL,t\W <0 20 I I rhornson l~eu

tcrs. No clairn to ori~Jinal U.S. (3ov
ernmcnt Worl<s.
with app rova l from Ho/dredge v.
City of Cleveland, 218 S.W.2d 181, (Tenn.1990). In this mat
Ten n. 239 ,402 S.W .2d 709 (1966) ter, however, T.C .A.
as follows: 28-3-109 has no application to eith
er the Com plai nt for
The rem edy by cert iora ri prov ided decl arat ory judg men t and /or the
in T.C.A. 27-901, et Com plai nt for mon ey
seq., "wa s inte nde d to have app lica deb t by the City. City of Maryville
tion only in a review v. Blount County, filed
of an ord er or judg men t rend ered on Janu ary 6, 1993, an unre port ed
afte r a hear ing befo re opin ion of our Cou rt,
a boa rd or com mis sion ." Stockton held that a municipality acts as an
v. Morris & Pierce, arm of the stat e and
172 Ten n. 197, 110 S.W .2d 480 (192 is exem pt from the stat ute of limi
7). 402 S.W .2d at tatio ns whe n it seeks
712. to recover local edu cati on fund ing
whi ch shou ld hav e
been allo cate d to it purs uan t to stat
e edu cati on legislation.
We are con vinc ed the validity Bradley County's argu men t on this
of the ordi nan ce issue also fails.
ame ndin g the zon ing ordi nan ce may
be tested und er our
Dec lara tory Jud gme nt Act and that
cert iora ri is not the
exclusive rem edy . 402 S.W.2d at 713-
Fallin, at p. 341-342.
*9 Bradley Cou nty denies that
it sho uld shar e the
proceeds of the Cap ital Out lay Not
The issues befo re us here are not es, whi ch were issu ed
judi cial or even qua si for edu cati ona l purposes and decl
judi cial dete rmi nati ons and therefor ares that sum mar y
e, T.C .A. 27-9-101, et judg men t is inap prop riate . Bradley
seq., doe s not app ly. Cou nty claims that
the Not es were issued purs uan t to
the Loc al Gov ernm ent
Pub lic Obligations Act, 11 which
doe s not requ ire a
shar ing of the proceeds.
Bra dley Cou nty nex t claims that Its argu men t is predicated upo n
all part ies necessary to thre e cases: (1) Guffee
this suit are not befo re this Cou rt. v. Crockett, 315 S.W.2d 646 (Ten
Relying upo n Huntsville n.1958); (2) Board of
Utility District of Sco tt County v. Education of Memphis City Scho
General Trust Co., 839 ols v. Shelby County,
S.W .2d 397 ,400 (Tenn.App.1992 207 Ten n. 330, 339 S.W .2d
), Bradley Cou nty then 569 (1960); and , (3)
argu es that the Com plai nt sho uld Phillips v. Anderson County, Tenn
hav e been dismissed essee, 698 S.W.2d 76
beca use all necessary pers ons wer (Tenn.App.1985).
e not befor~ the cou rt.
We disagree.
Bradley Cou nty avers that the trial
cou rt's reliance upo n
All of the capi tal outl ay note s hav Guffee was misplaced in that it only
e bee n repa id by Bradley dea lt with an intr a-
Cou nty, ther efor e, the City's Boa stat utor y inte rpre tatio n of wha t was
rd of Edu cati on and T.C .A. 49-701 (now
the Bra dley Cou nty School Boa T.C .A. 49-3-1001, et seq.) dealing
rd are not necessary or with the issuance of
pro per part ies. The trustee of school bon ds. Rat her, it argues that
Bradley Cou nty is not the issue before us
a part y to eith er the con trac t or is the inte r-sta tuto ry inte rpre tatio
the amendment. No n between two sepa rate
part y is decl arin g that the capi statutes-the Loc al Gov ernm ent Pub
tal outl ay notes were lic Obl igat ion Act 12
imp rope rly issued or that the Loc al and the School Bon d Act. 13
Pub lic Obligations Act
is unc onst ituti ona l. As in any con
trac t action the part ies
to the con trac t are necessary parties, Guffee was decided in 1958 prio
and the part ies to the r to the ado ptio n of
con trac t and the ame ndm ent are the Loc al Gov ernm ent Public Obl
befo re the cou rt. The re igat ion Act in 1986.
is no mer it to this argu men t. Moreover, Board of Education of
Memphis City Schools
and Phillips were also decided befo
re the ado ptio n of the
Loc al Gov ernm ent Public Obl igat
ion Act . The refo re, the
cou rt in thos e cases did not take the
3. Sch ool Bon d Act into
con side ratio n in its dete rmin atio n
on any of the cases.
Bra dley Cou nty' s thir d affirmative
defense pert ains to the
stat ute of limi tatio ns codified at T.C
.A. 28-3-109. It relies
upo n Ferguson v. Peoples Nationa
l Ban k of Lafollette, 800

Wf.SiLAW ,,) 20 11 n10mson l~eu

lGrs. No claim to original U.S. Gov
ernment Works. Q
We fmd that ther e is no conflict betw
een the Loca l reasonably, on a series of Atto rney Gen
Gov ernm ent Publ ic Obligation Act of 1986 eral Opinions
and the Scho ol going back to 1980. In 1980, the Atto
Bon d Act and the cases cited by the part rney Gen eral
ies. opined that the proceeds of capital outl
ay notes (issued
unde r T.C.A. 5-10-105, et seq., repealed
in 1988) need
not be pror ated even thou gh all taxa
ble prop erty in
D. THE ATT ORN EY GEN ERA L'S a county was subject to a tax to retir
OPI NIO NS e the notes. Op.
Atty. Gen. No. 80-290 (June 10, 1980
Lastly, Bradley Cou nty argues that the ). Relying upon
Atto rney General's this opinion, the Atto rney Gen eral
Opin ions shou ld carr y great weight with in 1988 opin ed
this Cou rt and that "general obligation bond s" issued
that we shou ld fmd that Bradley Cou nty purs uant to the
has no obligation "Local Gov ernm ent Public Obligatio
to shar e the Note s proceeds with the City ns Act of 1986
. In Washington (T.C.A. 9-21-101, et seq.) Whi ch supersed
County Board of Education, 693 S.W .2d ed all earlier
at 348, Justice statutes dealing with bond s and notes, are
Dro wota , addr esse d the issue of an not subject to
opinion by the the man date d pror atio n ofT. C.A . 49-3
Atto rney Gen eral to the effect: -1003. Op. Atty.
Gen. No. 88-110 (Jun e 2, 1988). Likewise
, relying on his
1980 and 1988 opinions, the Atto rney Gen
It appe ars that the pres ent lawsuit eral opined in
1989 and 1993 that the proceeds of capi
was precipitated in part by an tal outl ay notes
also issued unde r the new 1986 statu te did
opin ion of the Atto rney Gen eral not have to be
shared. Op. Atty. Gen . No. U89-19 (Ma
for the Stat e of Tennessee that rch 10, 1989);
U03-09 (Feb ruar y 2, 1993).
conc lude d that the Was hing ton
Cou nty Boa rd of Edu catio n was Although opinions of the Atto rney
with out the necessary auth ority Gen eral do not
carry the weight of cour t opinions,
to ente r into the cont ract with they mus t be
accorded great cons ider ation not only
Mar ketA meri ca. Tha t opinion, because of the
expertise that office develops in advising
date d Febr uary 25, 1983, relied state and local
governments but also because of the relia
solely upo n this Cou rt's decision nce upo n these
opinions by governmental authorities.
in Brown and previous opin ions of
the Atto rney General. The Atto rney Nevertheless, the Cou rt is forced to conc
lude that, while
Gen eral observed that the dura tion the 1980 opinion, dealing with certa in spec
ific language
of the cont ract and the prov ision in the then-current "cap ital outl ay note
s" statu te, may
requ iring docu men tatio n that future have been correct, the subsequent opin
ions in 1988,
boar ds wou ld be bou nd were the 1989, and 1993 are incorrect.
prin cipa l deficiencies of the cont ract.
Alth ough opinions of the Atto rney A shor t analysis of these opin ions is nece
ssary to show
Gen eral are useful in advising that the Atto rney Gen eral failed, after the
1980 opinion,
part ies as to a recommended course to take acco unt of specific language in
the 1986 statute.
of actio n and to avoi d litigation, The Atto rney Gen eral in 1980, while
recognizing the
they are not binding auth ority for auth ority previously cited here, was impr
essed by the
legal conclusions, and cour ts are not following language in T.C.A. 5-10-50l(
s)(7), which, at
requ ired or obliged to follow them. that time, governed the issuance of capi
tal outl ay notes:

"The provisions of clause 'one '

On this poin t, we fmd Judge John
B. Hagler's of the first Para grap h and
Mem oran dum Opin ion in the City
of Sweetwater v. the provisions of the seco nd
Monroe County, an excellent review
of the Atto rney para grap h of this section (which
Gen eral' s Opinions, and directly to
the poin t in this related to school funding) shall be
matt er. Judg e Hag ler stated:
in addition to and supplemental to
*10 In argu ing that the pro rata stan all othe r provisions of othe r laws
dard does not
appl y to a "loa n," Mon roe Cou nty relie of the Stat e ofTennessee,provided
s primarily, and
that whenever the application of

'NESTLAW @ 2017 Thomson neuters. i'lo claim lo orioi

nal U.S. Government Works.
these provisions conflicts with
the application of such othe Unfortunately, the Att orn ey Gen
r eral in eac h of these
provisions, these provisions sha late r opinions overlooked ano
ll the r provision in the
prevail." Local government Public Obligat
ions Act of 1986 whi ch
Emphasis added. This special was not in the "ol d capital out lay
language convinced the notes" statute:
Att orn ey Gen era l tha t this "sep
arate aut hor ity" for the 9-21-107. Powers of Local Gov
issuance of cap ital out lay notes ernments./All local
was not subject to the governments have the pow er ...
requirement for allotting a por tion to:
of the not e proceeds
to municipal or special school dist
ricts even tho ugh the
taxable pro per ty wit hin such dist (4) pledge the full faith, cred it
ricts were subject to the and unlimited trucing
county's trucing power. Op. Atty pow er of the local governmen
. Gen. No. 80-290. The t as to all tax abl e
Attorney Gen era l acknowledged pro per ty in the local governmen
tha t this "creates risk" t or a por tion of
of double tax atio n within the sch the local government, if applica
ool districts but not ed ble, to the pun ctu al
tha t dou ble tax atio n itself is not pay men t of the principal of and
unc ons titu tion al where interest on the bon ds
it is "pla in tha t the legislature inte or notes issues to finance any pub
nded suc h result." Id. lic wor ks project. ..
*11 However, the unreported
Cou rt of Appeals'
decision, 14 which resulted whe (5) in the case of a cou nty
n the par ties to who m or met rop olit an
the Att orn ey Gen eral rendered government which contains with
the opi nio n bro ugh t an in its boundaries a
action for Dec lara tory Judgme special school district and/or inco
nt, declined to follow rporated city or town
the Att orn ey General's analysi maintaining a public school
s. Alt hou gh fmding syst em separate from
pro rati on unnecessary with resp the cou nty or metropolitan gov
ect to cap ital outlay ernment public sch ool
notes, the cou rt reac hed this con system, the tax pledge auth oriz
ed by subdivision (4),
clusion onl y by striking
dow n tha t por tion of the county' when pledged to the pay men t of
s reso luti on pledging bon ds or notes issu ed
a levy on all taxable pro per ty in to finance the construction of
the cou nty . The Cou rt public schools of the
was of the opi nio n tha t the stat cou nty or metropolitan govern
ute, whi ch authorized ment serving out side
the issue of cap ital out lay note the territorial limits of suc h spe
s pro hib ited the county cial school dist rict
from levying ad valo rem taxes and /or inco rpo rate d city or tow
for the pay men t of such n, may be a pled ge
notes. 15 The ups hot is tha t the of taxe s to be levied only upo
cou rt left und istu rbe d n taxable pro per ty
the principle tha t pro rata within tha t por tion of the cou
allocation is necessary nty or met rop olit an
whenever there is a pledge to levy government lying outside the
on all taxa ble pro per ty territorial lim ited of
in the county. suc h special school district and
/or inco rpo rate d city
or tow n... "
Following the 1980 opw on,
the Att orn ey General *12 There cou ld not be a clea
opi ned in 1988, 1989, and 199 rer statement of the
3 tha t the proceeds legislative inte nt tha t the only
of general obligation bon ds and way to avoid pro rati on,
capital out lay notes, as required by T.C.A. 49-3-100
issued und er the new Local 3, is a pledge of taxes
Gov ern men t Public to be levied only upo n taxable
Obligations Act of 1986, T.C.A. pro per ty within tha t
9-21-101 et seq., are por tion of the county lying outside
not subject to the pro rata dist the territorial limits
ribution requirements of a city. Therefore, there is no"
ofT .C. A. 49-23-1003. The Attorn conflict," as existed
ey Gen era l found, in with the earlier statute, between
each of the three opinions, that the stat ute relating to
no provision of the general public obligations and
new Act requires pro rata dist the stat ute relating to
ribution amo ng school school fmancing, and reading the
systems within a cou nty and tha m in par i materia, the
t T.C.A. 9-21-124, like result is tha t the proceeds of gen
the earlier stat ute he construed eral obligation bon ds,
in 1980, provides tha t cap ital out lay notes, and all
if the "provisions of this law oth er bon ds and not es
conflict wit h any oth er are considered "school bon ds"
provisions of law or are inco and are subject to the
nsistent wit h any other pro rati on man dat e ofT .C.A . 49-3
provisions of law, the provisions -1003.
of this cha pte r shall
prevail with respect to all bon ds
and notes issued under
this cha pter ."

vVE;;S'fL.7'.W @ 2017 Thomson !~outers . No clai

m to original U.S. Govern ment
Works, ll)
We affirm the decision of the Chancel debt. For the reasons stated above,
lor in respect to the the judgment of
decision requiring Bradley County to the Trial Cou rt is affirmed and the caus
share the proceeds e remanded for
of the Notes with the City. collection ofcosts below. Costs of this
appeal are adjudged
equally against the parties and their sure


There being no dispute as to any mat T. MC MU RRA Y,
erial fact in this JJ., concur.
matter, the Trial Cou rt correctly granted
Bradley County's
mot ion for summary judgment on All Citations
the declaratory
judgment port ion of the Complaint and
correctly granted
the City's mot ion for summary judg Not Reported in S.W.2d, 1999 WL 2810
ment on the money 86

1 T.C.A. 67-6-701, et seq.
2 The City's Charter, which was In effec
t during the relevant time period, prov
Article 4 ided as follows:
Legislative body to be Board of Mayor
and commissioners
The legislative power of The City of Clev
eland shall be exercised by the Board
under the provisions of the charter of of Mayor and commissioners elected
said City.
Article 18
General Ordinance Power
The Board of Mayor and Commissione
rs shall have such power and authority
necessary to enforce the powers here to pass all bylaws and ordinances
in granted as Is not Inconsistent with
States, the State of Tennessee, or the the Constitution and laws of the Unite
provisions of this chapter. d
Article 19
Passage of Ordinances and Resolutio
The style or introductory clause of all
ordinances shall be: "Be It ordained by
of The City of Cleveland." the Board of Mayor and Commissione
Every ordinance and resolution upon
final passage shall be signed In open
and at least one other Commissioner, meeting by the Mayor or Mayor pro tem
and It shall thereupon be delivered to
copy It In a book to be kept for that purp the City Clerk, whose duty it shall be
ose, together with the signature of the to
3 It was executed by the parties on June Mayor and commissioners ....
13, 1967.
It is understood and agreed that this cont
of any one of the following events: ract may be canceled upon the occurrenc
a. The Department or County may give
the other party six month's notice that
be effective. it no longer desires the agreement to
b. The Department shall have the right
to cancel this agreement immediately
any provision of this agreement, or upon any breach by the County of
of any provision contained In the statu
regulations pertaining thereto, or the te, resolution of adoption, rules and
terms of this agreement. In the event
the Department's obligation shall exte of such cancellation by the Department,
nd only to make collection of the loca
month, and make to the county a prop l tax for the remainder of the current
er distribution with respect to such colle
c. The resolution imposing the local sale ction.
s or use lax shall be repealed, as prov
5 McQuillin Mun. Corp. 15.02, Resolutio ided for in Section 67-3055, T.C.A.
ns and Ordinances Distinguished (3rd
6 McQuillin Mun. Corp. 15.02, Resolutio Ed.)
ns and Ordinances Distinguished;
of Municipal Ordinances (3rd Ed.). 15.08, Nature, Requisites and Operatio
7 Since then, the City of Cleveland has
a new form of government and a new
that before the City of Cleveland can Charter. The new Charter specifically
contract it must pass an ordinance to provides
8 Article 1 of the Charter provides for do so.
the Town of Cleveland to be a "body
general powers to receive, hold and politic and corporate and gives the
dispose of personal property. City the

WESTLAliV <0 201 / rhomson Reuters.

No clBim to oriqin::il U.S. Government
Works. 11
Article 5 requires the members
of the Board of Mayor and Com
as to any called meetings. How missioners to hold regular mon
ever, Article 20, which deals with thly meetings. It Is silent
cannot be passed except on franchise ordinances, says tha
three readings with "not more t a franchise ordinance
at any but a regular meeting." than one reading at the same
This implicitly indicates that ther mee ting , or on any reading
Article 18 gives to the Board of e may be called or special mee
Mayor and Commissioners the ting s.
enforce the powers in the Cha power to pass ail by-laws and
rter. There is no mention of reso ordinances necessary to
Article 19 details the passage lutions.
of ordinances, bills, and by-laws
reference to resolutions in the . While it cites "resolutions In
body of the article. its heading, there is no
Article 21 enumerates the mis
cellaneous powers and authority
The power to contract is not men by ordinance of the Board of Ma
tioned. yor and Commissioners.
9 Mayor of City of Nashville v. Sut
herland, 92 Tenn. 335, 21 S.W
67, 156 S.W.2d 383 (1941). [foo . 674 (1893); Crocker v. Town
tnote In original.] of Manchester, 178 Tenn.
10 McQuiliin Municipal Corporation
s, 15.06, Nature, Requisites
11 T.C.A. 29-21-101, et seq. and Operation of Municipal Ord
inances (3rd Ed. Revised}.
12 T.C.A. 9-21-101, et seq.
13 T.C.A. 49-3-1001, et seq.
14 The Board of Trustees of the
Trenton Special School District
Western Section, December v. The Gibson County Legisla
4, 1981, TAM 7 /5-10. tive Board, at al., Ct.App.
15 It is possible the court misread
this prohibition as applying to
only to "grant anticipation note capital outlay notes when, in fact
s." T.C.A. 5-10-501(b)(6). Or, , it appears to have applied
chain. perhaps this court Is missing
some link In the legislative

End of Doc ume nt

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ent Works.

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ters. No claim to original U.S
. Government Works.

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