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To: Dan Dalgard

From: Bill Volt

Date: November 17, 1989
Re: Monkey Issue at the Facility

Hello Dan Dalgard,

I hope all is well and youre having a pleasant day. There seems to be a problem at the facility.
Multiple monkeys are dying. On Wednesday November 1, two of our monkeys were very ill in
Room F. When I arrived the next morning I found them both dead hunched up in their cages,
staring with glassy, half-open eyes. Im worried that they might of had a disease because the
monkeys in Room F are dying and I'm also worried if they have a disease that it might spread to
the other monkeys.

Thank you for considering my points regarding the monkey issue at the facility. Please let me
know of any recommendations you may have.

Best regards,
Bill Volt
On-Site Manager/ Reston Primate Quarantine Unit
To: CJ Peters
From: Peter Jahrling
Date: November 17, 1989
Re: Virus

Dear CJ Peters,

I am contacting you to inform you of a discovery I have recently made regarding the sick
monkeys. The virus that seems to be killing the monkeys is far worse than we had
anticipated. I am concerned about the discovery of the virus because it is not only a
filovirus but it is also part of the Ebola virus. The strain of Ebola turned out the be the far
deadlier Ebola Zaire. I did multiple tests to confirm this discovery hoping I made a
mistake but it is definitely Ebola Zaire.I am concerned that the virus will jump species as
it is already spreading to other monkeys that are not in the same room.

Please contact me as soon as you receive this message so we can discuss what
actions we should take to not risk cross- contamination or the spread of the virus.

Best regards,
Peter Jahrling

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