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Important Note by the Author

The following is a time track that I put together back in 2006 and 2007. It was mostly an
organization of Sitchin materials, and how/where they line up with Scientology

Just because I included something, does not mean I thought it valid.

For example, Sitchin claims that he read Mesopotamian tablets and he is telling us what
the tablets say. I did my own research on those Mesopotamian tablets and some of them
do not say what Sitchin claims they say.

In the wee hours of morning of September 7 2007, a man (to be named later with docs)
stole this private work and published it on the internet at a prominent website.

Myself, my wife and my family have been subjected to Black Operations by the Church
of Scientologys Office of Special Affairs since we were declared Suppressive Person
by the Church in early 2000. The stealing and publishing of my work was yet another of
these Black Ops.

It backfired badly - not only because docs showed up a year later that proved who it was,
when and where it was posted etc. - but also because it was not where I was actually
going with my research and by the time that became apparent to these evil idiots it was
too late for them to reverse other actions they had set in motion based on a wrong

I have decided to post it as I feel that some people may find it useful to see all this
material organized.

I have a far more intensive version, greatly expanded and with much more accurate
information that I (and my friends) may decide to post later on.

Mike McClaughry
Old Earth Time Track

Book 3

720 BC

The Assyrian attacks on the Hebrew Kingdoms of Israel and Judah began in 800 BC.

Winged Assyrian bull

Sargon II was King of Assyria from 721 to 705 B.C. His Assyrian name was Sharru-kin.

In 720 BC the Assyrians exiled the people from the Hebrew Kingdom of Israel.

The exile of the Israelites was willed by Enlil/Yahweh because the children of Israel
"they heeded not the words of Yahweh their Elohim and transgressed his covenant and all
that Moses the servant of Yahweh commanded."

The Hebrew prophet Hosea, foresaw those events as punishment for Israel's "whoring"
after other gods. The Hebrew prophet Isaiah stated that Assyria would be Enlil/Yahwehs
instrument for punishment.

Historical events described in Mesopotamian tablets

Holy Bible
701 BC

Sennacherib was King of Assyria in 704 B.C. He devoted a military campaign in 701
B.C. to the capture of Judah and Jerusalem.

But the Assyrian attack on Jerusalem failed. The Hebrews would not yield because they
were encouraged by the words of the Prophet Isaiah: "Fear not the attacker, for Yahweh
will impose His spirit on him Thus sayeth Yahweh: the king of Assyria shall not enter
this city."

Sennacheribs men were killed by the Angel of Yahweh in their camp, all one hundred
and eighty five thousand of them.

Enlil/Yahweh planned to punish all nations at the time, not just the Hebrew nations.
It was a global purging at the end of which all would recognize only Enlil as supreme.

Historical events described in Mesopotamian tablets

689 BC

Babylon was conquered by the Assyrian king Sennacherib in 689 B.C. The demise of
Babylon was made possible because its own god, Marduk, became angry with its king
and people.

Illustrations show the Assyrians using rocket-like missiles against their enemy.

The Assyrians took control of Babylon, and moved Marduk to the Assyrian capital, as a
captive god. But within decades Marduk was back in his honored positon in Babylon.

Historical events described in Mesopotamian tablets

675 BC

Under King Esarhaddon Assyrian forces occupy Egypt after a three-year war.

Enlil's emissary, Nusku, told the Assyrian King: 'You will go to countries, therein you
will conquer!' The Assyrian King departed and conquered Egypt.

Historical event described in Mesopotamian tablets

628 BC

Josiah is one of the "good kings" of the Israelites; during his Temple renovation program,
the High Priest found a copy of the Old Testament Scriptures that had survived the
purges of his father and grandfather.

Upon hearing it read to him, Josiah was in grief at the revealed knowledge of the coming
wrath of God, because the nation had not been following the Scriptures. Josiah embarked
on restoring the worship of God in Judah.

Jeremiah was called to be a prophet in 628 BC. He went to reside in Jerusalem where he
assisted King Josiah in his work of reformation.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia

626 BC

Babylon came to power once again in 626 BC and began to conquer near and far.

Historical event described in Mesopotamian tablets

623 BC

The Ark of the Covenant was the most sacred artifact in Judaism.

The last time the Ark of the Covenant is mentioned in Hebrew Scriptures is in 623 BC
when the Ark was put back into the First Temple. It had apparently been removed and
hidden away during the reigns of the previous kings who were regarded as evil.

When Jerusalem was conquered by the Babylonians in 586 BC, there is no mention of the
Ark of the Covenant being in the temple at Jerusalem. There are several researchers who
have proposed theories as to the whereabouts of the Ark of the Covenant. One researcher
said the Ark was hidden beneath the temple so it would not be seized by the Babylonians.

More than 1700 years later a group of nine Frenchmen known as the original Knights
Templars spent years excavating beneath the site of the old Temple in Jerusalem. They
retrieved the Ark of the Covenant. The exact location of the Ark is not currently known.
Internet data on Jewish religion

610 BC

A resurgent Babylon under king Nabupolassar captured the Assyrian capital Nineveh.
The year was 612 B.C.

The year was 610 B.C. - when the defeated Assyrian army retreated to Harran for a last
stand. Yahweh got the nation of the Umman-Manda to invade and capture Harran and the
remnants of the Assyrian army were defeated.

The pride of Harran was the temple of the Moon god Nannar/Sin.

Ruins of Harran

Adda-Guppi was the High Priestess of the temple of Sin. Her son was Nabuna'id.
She recorded the departure of the god Sin, she wrote:

It was the sixteenth year of Nabupolassar,

king of Babylon, when Sin, lord of gods,
became angry with his city and his temple
and went up to heaven;
and the city and the people in it
went to ruin.

While others fled Harran, Adda-Guppi stayed on.

Historical events described in Mesopotamian tablets

605 BC
In 605 B.C. an Egyptian army was engaged in battle near Harran by a combined force of
Babylonian and Umman-Manda. That gave Egypt's empire the final coup de grace.

Historical events described in Mesopotamian tablets

600 BC

Ishkur, son of Enlil, was the god of the Assyrians. After the defeat of Assyria, Ishkur
founded a new religion of monotheism in Iran in 600 BC. It was called Zoroastrianism.1

Zoroaster or Zarathustra was an ancient Iranian prophet who founded Zoroastrianism. It

was the national religion of Persia. One way the name Zara-utra has been interpreted :

zara (gold) + ushas (dawn) - meaning [bringer of the] golden dawn.

Creation, a Zoroastrian religious text, cites the time of Zoroaster as 588 BC. Zoroaster
was illuminated at age 30 when he had dialogues with Ahura Mazda (God). The Persians
believed that Zoroaster had been taken into heaven in a chariot.

Zoroaster was known as a sage, magician, and miracle-worker.

Zoroastrian Teachings

Ahura Mazda (God) is the creator of all.

There is a cosmic battle between The Truth and The Lie. It is the struggle between Light
and Darkness. The two opposing forces are Ahura Mazda (God) and Ahriman (Devil).

Ahura Mazda in his flying vehicle

Ahura Mazda "has left to men's wills" to choose between doing good (good thoughts,
good words and good deeds) and doing evil (bad thoughts, bad words and bad deeds).
This concept of a free will is Zoroaster's greatest contribution to religious philosophy.

The priests of the religion were the Magi.2

The Earth Chronicles by Zecharia Sitchin1

Wikipedia Encyclopedia2

597 B.C.

Assyria was vanquished. Egypt was beaten and its gods disgraced.

Babylonia would be the next nation used by Enlil for his global purging. The Hebrew
prophet Jeremiah forewarned the kings and people of Judaea. The wrath of Yahweh
would come upon them in the form of a "great and ferocious nation." 1

Jeremiah and his scribe, Baruch ben Neriah, served as a humiliating example to their
contemporaries because they belonged to the few who harkened to the word of God. The
people of Jerusalem disliked Jeremiah and he was imprisoned.2

Nebuchadnezzar was king of Babylon and Yahweh called him "my servant"! In 597 B.C.
he sent his forces to Jerusalem. Nebuchadnezzar played out the role Yahweh assigned
him as the punisher of Jerusalem for the sins of its people. Babylon took thousands of
Hebrews into exile.

Yahweh made clear that it will be an Earth-wide purging where all nations are called to
account. At the end of the purging, Jerusalem will be rebuilt and all nations of the world
shall gather to worship Yahweh in Jerusalem.1

The Babylonians released Jeremiah from confinement and showed him great kindness.

Jeremiah and his scribe, Baruch ben Neriah, went to Egypt and then Babylon, possibly
with the army of Nebuchanezzar.

Jeremiah authored the Book of Jeremiah, Book of Lamentations, Book of 1 Kings, and
Book of 2 Kings, with the assistance and under the editorship of his scribe Baruch ben
Neriah. Jeremiah is considered by some modern scholars to have written or edited much
of the Hebrew Bible, including Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, and the Books of Samuel. 2

Historical events described in Mesopotamian tablets1

Wikipedia Encyclopedia2

592 BC
In the fifth year of the exile Ezequiel was called to prophecy. Ezequiel saw the heavens
open up and the radiating celestial chariot coming in a whirlwind. The year was 592 B.C.

Enlil/Yahweh instructed Ezequiel to announce to the people that the sacking of Jerusalem
and the exile of the people was not the end of the ordeal. It was only meant as a warning
to the people to mend their ways to worship Yahweh according to the commandments.
Yahweh said to Ezequiel: But the people did not mend their ways; rather, they turned to
the worship of "alien gods." Therefore, said the Lord, Jerusalem shall be attacked again,
and this time it shall be totally destroyed, temple and all.

Yahweh said the instrument of his wrath would again be the king of Babylon. The people
and their remaining leaders in Jerusalem did not heed the warning. It was in 597 B.C. that
Yahweh let Babylon destroy Jerusalem and the Temple.

The Bible introduces the idea of an apocalypse. It is a purging holocaust engulfing Earth
wherein the unrighteous are destroyed and thereafter the righteous enjoy a thousand years
of bliss. The idea is stated in the Bibles Book of Revelation.

That Book prophesied that the "Dragon, that old Serpent, which is the Devil and Satan,"
shall be bound for a thousand years, cast into a pit and shut therein for a thousand years,
unable to deceive the nations "till the thousand years should be fulfilled." It will be then
that there shall be a world war, and the thousand years of bliss will begin.

Those words in the Book of Revelation were written in the first century A.D. The Book
names Babylon as the "evil empire".

Historical events described in Mesopotamian tablets

Holy Bible

Those who will not recognize Enlil as the only Lord of Earth are labeled as evil and they
are the unrighteous who shall be purged. Those who accept Enlil as the only Lord of
Earth are the righteous and they shall inherit a thousand years of bliss.

And down through the millennia, humans continually fight religious wars on behalf of an
Anunnaki lord, but the thousand years of bliss that is supposed to follow never happens.

c. 565 BC

Pythagoras was a Greek mathematician, scientist, and philosopher circa 565 BC. He was
the first man to call himself a philosopher, or lover of wisdom.

Pythagoras was advised to head to Memphis in Egypt and study with the priests there.

Pythagoras started a secret society called the Pythagorean Brotherhood devoted to the
study of mathematics in Croton, Italy. He formed an elite inner circle of followers called
Pythagoreans. They lived at the school, owned no possessions, and were vegetarians.

Pythagoras believed that everything was related to mathematics and that numbers were
the ultimate reality and, through mathematics, everything could be predicted and
measured in patterns or cycles. He is called - the father of numbers.

This had a great effect on Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry. The mystical qualities of
Pythagorean mathematics are discussed in a chapter of Manly P. Hall's The Secret
Teachings of All Ages entitled "Pythagorean Mathematics".

A Pythagorean, Archytas, made important contributions to geometry.

Pythagoras believed in transmigration or the reincarnation of the soul again and again
into the bodies of humans, animals, or vegetables until it became moral. He was one of
the first to propose that the thought processes and the soul were located in the brain and
not the heart. He claimed to have lived four lives that he could remember in detail.

He was one of the first to think that the earth was round, that all planets have an axis, and
that all the planets travel around one central point.

Plato, Aristotle, Copernicus and Euclid were influenced by the ideas of Pythagoras.

Pythagoras has been quoted as saying, "No man is free who cannot command himself."

Wikipedia Encylopedia
555 BC

When Nannar/Sin left Harran in 610 BC the High Priestess of the temple, Adda-Guppi,
stayed on. She went to the shrines and prayed.

Adda-Guppi proposed her god a deal: if he would return and use his authority to make
her son Nabuna'id the next king - Nabuna'id would restore the temple of Sin and would
reinstate the worship of Sin in all lands.

Nabuna'id holding staff and facing 3 celestial bodies

Adda-Guppi wrote that Sin accepted the deal. Nannar/Sin returned to Earth and caused
Nabuna'id to become king in 555 B.C.

As soon as Nabuna'id was on the royal throne in Babylon, under a deal between his
mother and Sin, he realized that Marduk had to be appeased. In a series of dreams,
Nabuna'id reported obtaining the blessing of Marduk. The king reported that Marduk
inquired of him whether he had seen the friendly connection between Marduk and Sin.

Adda-Guppi used prayer as a means of communicating with Sin. She received an answer
from Sin in a dream. Throughout the ancient world kings and priests received the divine
word through the medium of dreams. Sometimes only words were heard, sometimes they
saw visions.

Historical events described in Mesopotamian tablets

539 BC

In 539 BC Enlil/Yahweh used Cyrus, King of Persia, to conquer Babylon. 1

Cyrus the Great was the founder of the Persian Empire. The center of its power was the
maritime province called Parsa, the Latin word is Persia. The Aryan tribes who formed
the country called it Iran.

Cyrus the Great

The most widespread Persian Empire was from 550 to 330 BC. It was formed when
Cyrus the Great conquered the entire Middle East, including Babylon. Egypt was
annexed into the empire.

In 539 BC, Cyrus marched triumphantly into Babylon. He was a benevolent conqueror.
Cyrus allowed the Hebrew exiles to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple there. 2

Historical events described in Mesopotamian tablets1

Wikipedia Encyclopedia2

539 BC

Aaron was the brother of Moses. Yahweh selected Aaron and his descendants to be a line
of Priests. A direct descendant of Aaron was Ezra the Priest, also called Ezra the Scribe.1

Ezra was the disciple of Baruch ben Neriah, the scribe for Jeremiah. Baruch stayed in
Babylon because he was too old to make the journey back to Jerusalem with the other
Hebrew exiles. Ezra decided to stay in Babylon with Baruch because he considered the
study of the Law was of greater importance than the reconstruction of the Temple in

The Torah
It was in Babylon that Ezra studied the Torah with Baruch.

Torah is a Hebrew word meaning teaching or law. It is the Five Books of Moses -
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. The five books describe the
beginnings of the Jewish religion.

Torah Scroll

The Torah contains the literal word of God as told to Moses on Mount Sinai.

The Torah was redacted at the time of Ezra the scribe. Redaction is the act of editing or
revising a piece of writing in preparation for publication. It is the act of removing or
masking unwanted or sensitive areas of a document prior to publication.1

The Old Testament

The Old Testament is also called the Hebrew Bible or the Tanakh. It consists of 39 books.
The five books of Moses are the first five books in the Old Testament.

Ugarit was a city in Canaan. Jerusalem was also a city in Canaan.

Cuneiform tablets have been found at Ugarit. Ugarit texts show that some stories of the
Old Testament were based on Canaanite stories. The Canaanite stories were based on
earlier Mesopotamian tablets.3

Ezra and the Great Assembly

Ezra lead the Great Assembly, also called the Great Synagogue. It consisted of one
hundred and twenty elders and some of the last Hebrew prophets.2

Ezra collected and arranged some books that today form most of the Hebrew Bible.

Ezra played a fundamental role in the compilation of nearly all parts of the Hebrew Bible,
including the Five Books of Moses. Ezra edited the Five Books of Moses. He showed his
doubts concerning the correctness of some words in the text by placing marks above
those words. With the approval of Elijah, the questionable words were changed.

Ezra and the Great Assembly edited such works as Daniel, Esther and Ezekiel. Ezra
wrote the Book of Chronicles and the Book of Ezra. Ezra wrote 94 Books in 40 days; 24
of those Books were for distribution among the people and the other 70 were to be given
to the wise alone.4

The Great Assembly decided on the books that constitute the Hebrew Bible. They
included the books of Ezekiel, Daniel, Esther, and the Twelve Minor Prophets in the
Hebrew Bible; they "wrote" those books. 2

Judaism began with a recognition of all the Anunnaki lords. Then around 1450 BC,
Enlil/Yahweh established monotheism by demanding the Hebrews only recognize him.

Central in the Jewish belief is that there is only one Lord, and that there is a covenant
between him and the Hebrews. This was made with Abraham, forefather of the Hebrews.
The covenant was that Yahweh would give Canaan (Palestine/Israel) to the descendants
of Abraham the Promised Land.3

Wikipedia Encyclopedia1
Jewish Encyclopedia2
The Earth Chronicles by Zecharia Sitchin3
Who Wrote the Bible? by Richard Elliot Friedman 4

Enlil made it a crime for the Hebrews to recognize and follow any other Anunnaki lord
besides Enlil. Thus the historical events written in Mesopotamian tablets were altered to
make it appear that Enlil/Yahweh was the only lord and that he was the Creator of All.

Moses spent 40 days on top of Mount Sinai receiving the law from Enlil, including the
demand that the Hebrews accept Enlil as their only lord and that he is the Creator of All.

Moses wrote the first five books of the Hebrew Bible that altered the history recorded in
Mesopotamian tablets and resulted in Jewish monotheism.

Mesopotamian tablets recorded these historical events:

The Epic of Creation it reported on how our solar system was formed
The Anunnnaki came to Earth and established a mining colony
The Anunnaki decided to make a human slave to take over their work in the mines
Enki cross-bred with an earth creature to create Adamu & Tiamat the first Homo sapiens
Enki used genetic engineering to enable the hybrid humans to procreate
Enki brought Adamu & the pregnant Tiamat to E.Din his abode in Mesopotamia
Enlil was angered by Tiamats pregnancy and expelled Adamu and Tiamat from E.Din
Some of the Anunnaki married human females Enlil objected to these marriages
Enlil attemped to exterminate mankind with a flood from a tidal wave
Enki saved humanity from the flood by putting some humans on a sea vessel
A war between the Anunnaki resulted in the nuclear bombing of Sodom and Gomarrah
After the war Marduk replaced Enlil as the head Anunnaki ruler of Earth
Enlil resented rule by Marduk and started the Hebrew religion, declaring himself sole god

The Five Books of Moses changed these historical events to:

Yahweh is the Creator of All

Yahweh created the physical universe and the first humans
Yahweh expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden to prevent their immortality
Yahweh was unhappy with the marriages of Elohim with human females
Yahweh decided to exterminate mankind with a flood, but he saved Noah and his family
Yahweh punished sinful people in Sodom and Gomarrah by destroying those cities
Yahweh made a covenant with Abraham to give his descendants the land of Canaan
Yahweh freed the descendants of Abraham from slavery in Egypt
Yahweh dictated the law to Moses on Mount Sinai
Yahweh demanded that the Hebrews recognize only Yahweh as the sole lord
The Hebrews were then prepared to invade Canaan and establish Jewish kingdoms there

The re-written history contained in the Five Books of Moses ends there.

The Mesopotamian tablets describe the existence of the Anunnaki and their role on Earth.
This history was hidden by re-writing history to make it appear that Yahweh acted alone
to cause everything. Moses and others re-wrote history to hide the actual history recorded
in the earlier Mesopotamian tablets.

The editorial hack job on the earlier Mesopotamian texts resulted in the Old Testament.

However, the Hebrews at the time of Moses were still aware of the existence of the other
Anunnaki lords. Enlil/Yahweh then mass murdered Hebrews with plagues to make them
accept the lie that he was the sole Annunnaki lord on Earth.

Most of the Hebrews still did not accept the lie and Enlil/Yahweh punished them further
by getting other nations to attack the Hebrew states and place the survivors in captivity.

While the Hebrews were in captivity, the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) was written in
Babylon by servants of Enlil. Some of the captive Hebrews were allowed to return to
Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple. When that was finished, the servants of Enlil returned to
Jerusalem and forced the Hebrews to accept the Old Testament as their religious beliefs.

Chapter 14 A New Hope for Spiritual Freedom Corrupted

530 BC

Siddhartha Gautama lived from 563 to 483 BC. Around 530 BC he founded Bhuddism.

Gautama was a Buddha. The Buddha is a person who has discovered the true nature of
reality through years of study and meditation. This discovery is called enlightenment.

According to the Buddha, any person can follow his example and become enlightened
through the study of his words, and by leading a virtuous, moral life. In general, the aim
of Buddhist practice is to end all kinds of suffering in life. To achieve this state, adherents
seek to purify and train the mind by following the Noble Eightfold Path and eventually to
gain true knowledge of reality and thus attain liberation Nirvana.

Wise human beings, who see things as they are, renounce attachment and clinging which
cause suffering, transform the energy of desire into awareness and understanding, and
eventually attain nirvana.

Bodhi is a title given in Buddhism to the specific awakening experience attained by

Gautama Buddha and his disciples. Bodhi is most commonly translated into English as
enlightenment, however, more accurate translation is awakening. After attainment of
Bodhi, it is believed one is freed from the cycle of birth, suffering, death and rebirth.

Buddhism was the first effort to give humans a method for attaining spiritual freedom.
It was not another religion that required worship and subservience to an Anunnaki "god".
It provided a procedure to be followed that had the unique goal of spiritual freedom and
offered a solution to continual entrapment of spiritual beings in human bodies.

As Buddha prepared for his death he was asked: Who shall teach us when thou art gone?

Buddha answered: I am not the first Buddha who came upon earth, nor shall I be the last.
I came to teach you the truth, and I have founded on Earth the kingdom of truth. Gautama
Siddhartha will die, but Buddha will live, for Buddha is the truth, and the truth cannot
die. He who believes in the truth and lives it, is my disciple, and I shall teach him. The
truth will be propagated, and the kingdom of truth will increase for about 500 years. Then
for a while the clouds of error will darken the light, and in due time another Buddha will
arise, and he will reveal to you the self-same eternal truth which I have taught you. The
Buddha that will come after me will be known as Maitreya/Metteya.

Buddhist religion
Hymn of Asia by L. Ron Hubbard
Gods of Eden by William Bramley


Tape lecture by Ron Hubbard 18 Oct 1961

Now, the whole of the Buddhist concern was the life-death cycle. The birth-death cycle
of Buddhism is their total fixation, and actually is probably the greatest wisdom that
Earth had up until we came along. It wasnt much, they ran it kind of backwards. But
nevertheless it was a lamp burning.

The whole goal of the Buddhist is to escape this cycle of birth-death, birth-death, birth-
death. The Buddhist is afraid of causing something, and he is afraid of making any
change in life because he might then change somebody else, and he might then become
responsible for broader changes. Now, actually hes doing all this on the basis of If I
shirk enough responsibility, why, I will somehow or another float out of my head. Well,
unfortunately, it doesnt work very well. If Buddha did it sitting under the Bodhi tree, he
didnt write it down on rock. He wrote it on mens minds and that is writing as upon
quicksand, because theres something, something missing.

Do you see now, there is the birth-death cycle. And the Buddhist believed that he could
escape this cycle. He could leave this vale of tears and woe. Now, its one of the
mechanisms of that particular series of truths that they believed that the world was
horrible and poverty-stricken and that it was pretty well all bad over there. Now, the basic
truths which they were putting out are so interlarded with these other exaggerations,
overts and unkind thoughts, criticisms, alter-ises, and so on, that it operates as a self-
trapping mechanism. If you get a guy to be still long enough you will key him in like
crazy. All motions of the past will come in and kick him in the head.

You see, the still spot is there to hold back the motion earlier. So, every time he goes still,
of course he restimulates the earlier motion.

Tape lecture by Ron Hubbard 18 Oct 1961

Weve been so carefully sold on the idea of Buddhist serenity as a token of altitude and
high state. A high state is a still state. And boy, that has been very far from the case in
every single one of these Clears.

They just depart wildly from this particular lineup because they go into motion

Of course, you get these ideas about what a Clear should be and theyre actually based on
what you have been told a Clear should be. And that basing is back at five, four, three BC
Gautama Sidhartha rewritten. And naturally, the way you would pin down a whole race
would be to take them out of motion so that they made the ideal, a person who was in no
motion of any kind whatsoever. That was the ideal.

530 BC

In Greek myths Orpheus is king of the Thracian tribe Cicones. He was known by the time
of Ibycus circa 530 BC. Early Orphic literature, which may date back to the sixth
century BC, survives in papyrus fragments.

Orphism is a set of religious beliefs and practices associated with literature ascribed to
Orpheus. Orphic poetry was recited in mystery-rites and purification rituals. The most
devoted often practiced vegetarianism and abstention from sex.

Orphism believes human souls are immortal but doomed to live in a "grievous circle" of
successive body lives. The soul returned repeatedly to life, bound to the wheel of rebirth.
Secret rituals and asceticism guaranteed eventual release from the "grievous circle".

Phanes from Greek phana (To bring light, make appear) or Protogonus (first-born) was
the primeval deity of procreation and the generation of new life who was introduced into
the Greek myths by the Orphic tradition c. 530 BC.

Phanes is a hermaphroditic deity emerging from a cosmic egg, entwined with a serpent.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia

522 BC

Persian emperor Darius ruled from 522 B.C. to 486 B.C.

Palace of Darius

The Persian Empire reached its greatest extent under Darius I. He led conquering armies
into the Indus River valley and into Europe. His son Xerxes I tried to subdue the Greeks,
but his army was defeated at a battle in 479 BC. 1

Persian empire

The Persians adhered to the monotheistic religion created by Ishkur, Zoroastrianism. 2

King Darius' Seal Ahura Mazda (God) Rises In Midst

Zoroastrianism reached all corners of the Persian empire. 1

Wikipedia Encyclopedia1
The Earth Chronicles by Zecharia Sitchin2

515 BC

The rebuilding of the Temple at Jerusalem was completed in 515 B.C.

The Ark of the Covenant was not placed inside the Temple. 1

The Testament of Moses was composed in Jerusalem during the time of the Second
Temple. The Greeks renamed The Testament of Moses - the Book of Jubilees. 2

Encyclopedia of the Orient1

The Earth Chronicles by Zecharia Sitchin2
500 BC

Rome is in central Italy. The peoples in the surrounding area were the Italics, the Latins,
the Etruscans, and the Sabines.

Legend says Rome was founded by Romulus in 753 BC. Twin babies, Romulus and
Remus, were set adrift in a basket on the Tiber River. They floated ashore and were
nursed by a she wolf. When grown, Romulus founded Rome.

Roman Republic

The Roman republic was established about 500 BC. The senate was the supreme power
of the state. Under the senate, Rome began her march to world supremacy. The Roman
policy in subduing Italy was that of a master toward slaves.

Rome next looked to conquer Sicily but ran into the like ambitions of Carthage. The
Punic Wars were a titanic struggle that decided the fate of Carthage and the destiny of
Rome. Carthage had the great general Hannibal, who won many battles against the
Romans, until he was finally defeated by Scipio Africanus Major in 202 BC.

Alexander the Great of Macedon conquered the main Persian army in 333 BC. He went
on to conquer the entire Persian Empire. The Romans defeated Macedon and it became a
Roman Province in 168 BC. The Greeks and Egyptians became subject to Roman rule the
same year.

Pompey conquered Asia Minor, Syria and Phoenicia in 65 BC. Julius Caesar began a
successful campaign to conquer Gallia in 60 BC. The appointment of Caesar as perpetual
dictator in 44 BC, marks the transition from Republic to Empire. Caesar was assassinated
in 44 BC.

The term "Caesar" evolved from a family name into a title. The titles czar and kaiser
derive from Caesar.

Caesar was succeeded by Octavian who defeated Mark Antony and Cleopatra in 31 BC.
Octavian received from the senate the title Augustus. The Roman Republic was ended.

Roman Empire

The Roman Empire was established by Augustus in 27 BC.

Roman Empire

Augustus created the Praetorian Guard as his bodyguards.

The Emperor Trajan marched on Parthia (Persia) and captured Babylon in 116, making
Mesopotamia part of the Roman Empire. Trajan also captured the great Persian city of
Susa. 1

Roman Religion

Roman religious beliefs date back to the founding of Rome, around 800 BC. Many of the
gods that Romans worshiped came from the Proto-Indo-European pantheon. Two main
deities were Jupiter (god of rain, thunder, and lightning) and Mars (god of war).

Around 500 BC the Romans came in contact with Greek culture. The important Roman
deities were eventually identified with the Greek gods and goddesses, and assumed many
of their attributes and myths. Jupiter was associated with Zeus, Mars with Ares, Neptune
with Poseidon, etc.

As the Roman Empire expanded, Romans accepted more foreign gods and goddesses.
The legions brought home cults originating from India, Persia, Egypt, Iberia, Germany,
and Britain. The cults of Mithra, Cybele, and Isis were particularly popular.

Most of the Roman sacrifices were animals. The Romans still made some human
sacrifices as part of an ancient tradition. Slaves, prisoners of war and others were
sacrificed by burying them alive. Human sacrifice became less common during the
Republic, but it still happened occasionally. Human sacrifice continued to 113 BC.
Eventually, monotheistic Christianity came to replace the older pagan religion. All pagan
cults were prohibited by an edict of Emperor Theodosius I in 391 AD. 2

Fall of the Roman Empire

In 395 AD the Roman Empire was divided into the Eastern and Western Empires.

The end of the Roman Empire is traditionally placed at 4 September 476 AD, when the
last emperor of the Western Roman Empire, Romulus Augustus, was deposed by a
Germanic revolt and he was not replaced.

The Eastern Roman Empire, known today as the Byzantine Empire, continued until its
collapse at the hands of the Ottoman Empire in 1453. 1

New Columbia Encyclopedia1

Wikipedia Encyclopedia 2

500 BC

Confucius was a Chinese thinker around 500 BC.

His philosophy emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social

relationships, justice and sincerity. His thoughts have been developed into a philosophy
known as Confucianism. It was introduced to Europe by the Jesuit, Matteo Ricci.

The Jesuits, while translating Chinese books into Western languages, translated his name
as Confucius. His actual name was Kong Qiu.

Confucius was born at the beginning of an era of great cultural and intellectual expansion
in China, known as the Golden Age of Chinese philosophy, from 770 to 221 BC.


He put the greatest emphasis on the importance of study. Far from trying to build a
systematic theory of life, he wanted his disciples to think for themselves and study the

Perhaps his most famous teaching was the Golden Rule:

"Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself."

The Confucian concept of ethics was about doing the proper thing at the proper time.
Rather than pursuing one's own selfish interests, one should do what is right. It is doing
the right thing for the right reason.

Confucius quotes:

Shall I teach you about knowledge? What you know, you know, what you don't know,
you don't know.

The superior man honors his virtuous nature

The superior man examines his heart, that there may be nothing wrong there, and that he
may have no cause for dissatisfaction with himself.
The Superior Man is aware of Righteousness, the inferior man is aware of advantage.

If you see what is right and fail to act on it, you lack courage.

Respect yourself and others will respect you.

The administration of government lies in getting proper men. Benevolence is the

characteristic element of humanity.

A good man does not give orders, but leads by example.

When embarking on the journey of revenge, dig two graves.

When the stables were burnt down, Confucius said, "Was anyone hurt?" He did not ask
about the horses. In his time, horses were 10 times more expensive than stablemen. By
not asking about the horses, Confucius demonstrated his greatest priority: human beings.
Thus, Confucius' teaching can be considered a Chinese variant of humanism.

Mencius or Mengzi (371-289 BC), was a Confucian follower who made major
contributions to the spread of humanism in Confucian thought, declaring that man, by
nature, was inherently good.

Confucianism is the body of thought that had the most enduring effects on Chinese life.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia

490 BC - approx

Mithra was an ancient god of Persia and India (where he was called Mitra). Until the 6th
century BC, he was apparently a minor figure in the Zoroastrian system. Mithra became
increasingly important, until he appeared in the 5th century BC as the principal Persian
deity, the god of light and wisdom, closely associated with the sun.

His cult expanded through the Middle East into Europe and became a worldwide religion,
called Mithraism. It became one of the main religions of the Roman Empire.

The fundamental aspect of Mithraism was the dualastic struggle between the forces of
good and evil. Mithra, who gave to his devotees hope of immortality, represented the
fearless antagonist of the powers of darkness. The story of Mithras capture and sacrifice
of a sacred bull was a central myth.

The ethics of Mithraism were rigorous; fasting and continence were strongly prescribed.
The rituals were highly secret and restricted to men only. 1
The Mithraeum

Religious practice took place at a mithraeum, a natural cave or a building imitating one.

The mithraeum was arranged as an "image of the universe". The cave temple depicted
"an image of the cosmos" or "great cave" of the sky. This seems to stem from the concept
that the "running" of the sun from solstice to solstice is a parallel for the movement of the
soul through the universe - from pre-existence, into the body, and then beyond the
physical body into an afterlife.

In each Mithraic temple was a tauroctony, a representation of Mithra killing a sacred bull.
A serpent and a dog seem to drink from the bull's open wound and a scorpion attacks the
bull's testicles sapping the bull for strength.

Tauroctony of Mithras scorpion attacking the bull's testicles

Double-faced Mithra relief - Rome, circa 150 AD

Front - Mithra killing the bull, being looked over by the Sun god and the Moon god
Back Mithra banquetting with the Sun god

Cautes and Cautopates, the celestial twins of light and darkness, are torch-bearers. Cautes
with his brand pointing up and Cautopates with his turned down.

Mithra is depicted wearing a Phrygian hat. Phrygia was located in central Asia Minor.

Mithraeum have also been found in Numidia in North Africa.

Mithra as Creator-god

A bronze image of Mithra emerging from an egg-shaped zodiac ring was found in a
mithraeum in England.


The Greeks identified Mithra with Helios, the Greek Sun god.
Secret Rituals

Mithraism was an initiatory order, passed from initiate to initiate. No Mithraic scripture
of its highly secret rituals survives, with the possible exception of a liturgy recorded in a
4th century papyrus. Knowledge of the mysteries is almost entirely limited to what can be
deduced from its iconography.

The members of a mithraeum were divided into seven ranks. The first four ranks
represent spiritual progress, the Leo was an adept.

Corax (raven)
Nymphus (bridegroom)
Miles (soldier)
Leo (lion)
Perses (Persian)
Heliodromus (sun-courier)
Pater (father)

Reliefs on a cup found in Mainz, appear to depict a Mithraic initiation. On the cup, the
initiate is depicted as led into a location where a Pater would be seated in the guise of
Mithra with a drawn bow. The Rite is thought to re-enact what has come to be called the
Water Miracle, in which Mithra fires a bolt into a rock, and water spouts from the rock.

Mithraism disappeared after Roman Emperor, Theodosius I, issued a decree in 391 AD

banning all pagan rites. 2

The Mysteries of Mithra by Franz Cumont (New Columbia Encyclopedia)1

Wikipedia Encyclopedia2

458 BC

Ezra led another 5,000 Hebrews out of Babylon and back to Jerusalem in 458 B.C.

In 444 B.C. Ezra published the "book of the law of Moses" which he had brought with
him from Babylon, and made the Jews recognize it as the basis of their religious code.

Jewish Encyclopedia

450 BC
The wealth of Athens attracted talented people from all over Greece, and also created a
wealthy leisure class who became patrons of the arts. Athens became the centre of Greek
literature, philosophy and the arts. Some of the greatest figures of Western cultural and
intellectual history lived in Athens during this period: the philosophers Socrates, Plato
and Aristotle.

Greece is generally considered to be the culture which provided the foundation of

Western Civilization.

The first democracy in the world was established by Athens in 500 BC.

In Athens, the population was divided into four social classes based on wealth. People
could change classes if they made more money. Most families owned slaves as household
servants and labourers. Owners were not allowed to beat or kill their slaves.

Some Greek cities established public schools. Boys and girls learned to read, write and do
simple arithmetic. The richest students continued their education by studying with
famous teachers.

Hippocrates helped separate superstition from medical treatment. Herbal remedies were
used to reduce pain, and doctors were able to perform some surgery.

Prostitution was legal and a part of daily life in ancient Greece. Women and young men
were prostitutes. Male prostitution was restricted to adolescents.

Homosexuality between adult men and young boys was practiced in ancient Greece.

Sappho was a Greek female poet who lived on Lesbos Island. Her poems contain
emotional content directed toward other women and are interpreted as expressing
homosexual love. The term lesbian derives from Lesbos Island.

Greece was integrated into the Roman Republic in 146 BC.

Greek culture had a powerful influence on the Roman Empire, which carried a version of
it to many parts of Europe. The civilization of the ancient Greeks has been immensely
influential on the language, politics, educational systems, philosophy, science, and arts,
giving rise to the Renaissance in Europe.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia

The East is Asia. The West is the continents of North and South America. Europe is often
considered to be part of the West. The Ural mountains divide Europe from Asia.

Ideas about religion, philosophy, and government that arose in Asia are called Eastern.
Ideas about religion, philosophy, and government that arose in Europe/Americas are
called Western.

The concept of Eastern and Western is only a geographical division.

450 BC

Philosophy is "love of wisdom". It comes from: philein = to love + sophia = wisdom.

Originally philosophy was applied to all intellectual endeavours. It included mathematics,

physics, astronomy, biology, etc.

Over time, each science was seperated from philosophy and it became its own subject.
Today, philosophy is concerned with:

metaphysics - what sorts of things exist and what are their essential natures
epistemology - what counts as genuine knowledge
logic - what are the correct principles of reasoning
ethics - how one should live, right and wrong conduct
aesthetics beauty and all of the arts

The sciences attempt to find truth by experience or experiments. Philosophy attempts to

find truth primarily through reflection (thinking). It does not tend to rely on experiments.


Socrates was a Greek philosopher who lived from 470 to 399 BC.


Socrates says his life as a philosopher was launched by the priestess at Delphi where he
was sent on his philosophic mission by Apollo.
Socrates and the Female

Socrates said that his ideas are not his own, and that he has gotten them from his teachers.
Socrates says that the priestess Diotima taught him all he knows about eros, or love. And
a female philosopher named Aspasia taught him rhetoric.

Diotima taught him the philosophic path. In the culmination of the philosophic path one
comes to the Sea of Beauty in an experience akin to revelation; only then can one become

The Sea of Beauty is a high vision of reality, that is seen when one has arrived at the
highest stages of philosophical or mystical search. It has been given various descriptions
such as nirvana, enlightenment, etc.

Diotima taught him that ideas, which are the offspring of the intellectual intercourse
between men and boys, are superior to the offspring of the bodies of women. Socrates
learned that men who are sexually attracted to women are misguided, searching for
immortality through children. Diotima told him that ideas are more likely to make a man

Socrates argued that gender is irrelevant to aptitude for the professions and declares that
women ought to be educated along with the men, and in particular, be trained in combat.
Socrates says that in his ideal world, women will perform their military exercises naked
alongside the men.

Socrates abolishes the private family in his design of a more perfect city than Athens. He
says that women will be held in common, and be bred like hounds. The bravest warriors
will have maximum access to women. The system will produce a better class of warriors.

Philosophic Beliefs

Socrates believed in the immortality of the soul and in reincarnation.

He said the body is a prison house for the soul, and a spiritual person has a certain disgust
for the body and its functions.

He said his wisdom was limited to an awareness of his own ignorance. He never claimed
to be wise, only to understand the path a lover of wisdom must take to pursue wisdom.

Socrates believed that the best way for people to live was to focus on self-development
rather than the pursuit of material wealth. He said an unexamined life is not worth living.
He said it is the job of the philosopher to show others how little they really know.

He questioned the people of Athens about their knowledge of good, beauty, and virtue.
He found they knew nothing and yet believed themselves to know much. He concluded
that he was wise only in so far as "that what I don't know, I don't think I know." Socrates
made prominent Athenians he publicly questioned look foolish, turning them against him.

Socrates Quotes

I am not an Athenian or a Greek, but a citizen of the world.

My belief is that to have no wants is divine.

He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would
like to have.

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.

I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing.
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
An unexamined life is not worth living.

Do not do to others what angers you if done to you by others.

All men's souls are immortal, but the souls of the righteous are immortal and divine.

One who is injured ought not to return the injury, for on no account can it be right to do
an injustice; and it is not right to return an injury, or to do evil to any man, however much
we have suffered from him.

Socratic Method

The Socratic Method is his dialectic method of inquiry. Dialectic is a method of finding
an answer to a problem by posing a question.

To solve a problem you would ask a question and when finding the answer you would
also have an answer to your problem. This led to the beginning of the Scientific Method,
in which the first step says to name the problem in the form of a question.

In this method, a series of questions are posed to help a person determine their underlying
beliefs. It is a method of hypothesis elimination, in that better hypotheses are found by
identifying and eliminating those which lead to contradictions. It forces one to examine
his own beliefs and the validity of such beliefs. Socrates once said, "I know you won't
believe me, but the highest form of Human Excellence is to question oneself and others."
Socrates used the technique to investigate the nature or definition of ethical concepts such
as justice or virtue. Here is an example dialogue:

1. A person asserts an idea - 'Courage is endurance of the soul'. Socrates considers it false

and targets it for refutation.

2. Socrates secures the person's agreement to further premises, for example 'Courage is a
fine thing' and 'Ignorant endurance is not a fine thing'.

3. Socrates then argues, and the person agrees, that these further premises imply the
contrary of the original idea, in this case it leads to: 'courage is not endurance of the

4. Socrates then claims that he has shown that the person's idea is false and that its
contrary is true.

The examination can lead to a better concept: 'Courage is wise endurance of the soul'.
Then a new examination of the more refined concept can begin.

The method of Socrates is a search for the underlying hypotheses or assumptions, which
shape one's opinion, and to make them the subject of scrutiny. The basic form is a series
of questions formulated as tests of logic and fact intended to help a person discover their
ideas about some topic.

Socrates would question a person about the nature or definition of a concept, for example
virtue or courage. Socrates would then asks a series of questions to make the person
contradict themselves. The intention is to reduce the person to a state where they are in
doubt or admit they do not know what it is. It shows someone who thought he knew
something that he does not in fact know it and instills in him a desire to investigate it.

It was designed to create autonomous thinkers. It encourages students to reason rather

than appeal to authority.

Mind Doctor

Socrates compared the philosopher to the medical doctor. The philosopher cures the mind
(psyche) of its worst affliction, ignorance, just as the medical doctor (iatros) cures the
body of disease.

Socrates never pretended that his cures were pleasant. He said that refutation, which
chases false ideas from the mind, was a bitter medicine, and comparable to surgery.
A philosopher who did not hurt anybody's feelings was not doing his job.

The contemporary word "psych-iatrist" means mind doctor.

Socrates and Plato Homosexuality

Socrates and Plato belonged to the community of men who desired young boys, and they
engaged in erotic friendships with youths. Plato finally proposed that men's love of boys
avoid all sexual expression while glorifying the self-disciplined lover who abstained from
consummating the relationship.

Plato did not teach that a man's relationship with a youth should lack an erotic dimension.
The man's erotic desire for the youth should be redirected into intellectual and emotional
spheres, rather than be sexually expressed.

Platonic love is not a lack of sexual interest but a transmutation of the sex force. 1

Socrates on Love

Socrates claims the soul is like a charioteer united with a team of horses. In a human soul
the white horse is beautiful and good, the black one is the opposite, so driving is difficult.

When spirit together with the charioteer leads us towards what is best and is in control,
we possess moderation. But when appetite drags us irrationally towards pleasures and
rules in us, its rule is called excess.

When the soul falls in love the black horse of appetite urges towards sexual intercourse.
The white horse holds itself back. Eventually the black horse forces both the charioteer
and the white horse to move towards the beloved and mention to him the delights of sex.

Again they balk. But finally they give in and agree to do what it tells them. They come
close to the beloved to initiate intercourse. In sudden reverence the charioteer pulls back
the reins so violently as to bring the horses down on their haunches. When the same thing
happens to the evil horse many times, it allows the charioteer with his foresight to lead.

If this control of appetite by spirit and reason continues, even when the boy has accepted
his lover and embraces, kisses, and lies down with him, and draws them to a well-ordered
life and to philosophy, they are blessedly happy here on earth. If they live such a life for
three successive incarnations, they re-grow wings and join the entourage of their god.

Socrates was sexually attracted to young boys. He was accused of corrupting the young
men of Athens and put on trial in 399 BC. He was found guilty and sentenced to death. 2

Western Philosophy

Eastern philosophy refers broadly to the various philosophies of India, China, Japan, Iran,
and Korea. Some examples of Eastern philosophy are Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism,
Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, and Islam.

Western philosphy refers to the philosophy that began with the ancient Greeks. It is the
philosophy that is generally accepted by people in Europe and North America, while they
generally overlook the Eastern philosophies.

Socrates is credited as the founder of Western philosophy. 1

Wikipedia Encyclopedia1
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy2

The ignorance and false ideas held by a person are not cured by the psychiatrist methods
of drugs, electric shock and brain surgery. The psychiatrist himself has the false idea that
the mind is a brain.

450 BC

Prodicus was a Greek philosopher in Athens. He was a speaker, teacher and politician.
He was a Sophist.


A Sophist (wise man) was a group of philosophy and rhetoric teachers in ancient Greece.
The earliest meaning of a Sophist was someone who gave sophia (wisdom) to students.
The concept of a Sophist was honorable until Socrates, Plato and Aristotle opposed it.

In 450 BC the term Sophist came to be applied to a group of thinkers and speakers who
employed manipulative rhetoric to persuade or convince others.

In logical argument, a set of premises are connected together and lead to a conclusion.
A premise is a piece of information. When someone criticizes the argument, they do so
by pointing out falsehoods in the premises. Judges decide which side wins the argument.

The Sophists had disregard for the truth, they simply wanted to win the argument and
they used rhetorical tactics to manipulate the emotions of the audience.


Rhetoric is the art of using language to persuade.

Rhetorical tactics were developed:

The credibility of a speaker influences an audience, so interject the opinion of a supposed

authority on the subject, such as a college professor. Use words that evoke emotions in
the audience, to alter their judgment. 1

Plato said - Rhetoric is the art of ruling the minds of men. 2

Wikipedia Encyclopedia1
Britannica Encyclopedia2

400 BC

The Tao Te Ching is the most influential Taoist text, written about the 5th century BC.

Some accounts credit Laozi (reputed author of the Tao Te Ching) as the teacher of both
Buddha and Confucius, and alleged Laozi to have had thirteen incarnations up until his
last as Laozi, who lived over 800 years.

Tao or Dao, means "path" or "way". Tao is infinite, without limitation, without form.

Tao can be roughly stated to be the flow of the universe, or the force behind the natural
order. Tao is believed to be the influence that keeps the universe balanced and ordered.
Tao is associated with nature, due to a belief that nature demonstrates the Tao. The flow
of qi, as the essential energy of action and existence, is compared to the universal order of

Tao is treated like the Asian concept of dharma. Dharma is the underlying order in nature
and human life and behaviour considered to be in accord with that order. Ethically, it
means right way of living or proper conduct.

Tao is associated with a proper attitude, morality and lifestyle. De is the active expression
of Tao. Tao is considered a "way", while De is the active living of that "way".

Wu wei

Wu wei is a central concept in Taoism. The literal meaning of wu wei is "without action".
It is often expressed by the paradox wei wu wei, meaning "action without action" or
"effortless doing". The goal of wu wei is alignment with Tao, revealing the soft and
invisible power within all things. It is believed by Taoists that masters of wu wei can
control this invisible potential, the action of the Way.

Taoist philosophy proposes that the universe works harmoniously according to its own
ways. When someone exerts his will against the world, he disrupts that harmony. It
asserts that man must place his will in harmony with the natural universe.

Taoists believe that man is a microcosm for the universe. The body ties directly into the
Chinese five elements, akin to the hermetic maxim - as above, so below. Taoism says that
by understanding himself, man may gain knowledge of the universe.

The Three Jewels - love, moderation and humility - are basic virtues in Taoism.


Traditional Chinese religion is polytheistic. Taoism presents the Jade Emperor as the
head deity. Laozi (Lord Lao) and the Three Pure Ones are at the top of the pantheon.

Taoist Monastery - Beijing

About 100 BC Zhang Daoling claimed to have begun receiving new revelations from
Laozi and went on to found the Celestial Masters sect as the First Celestial Master. He
performed spiritual healing. Zhang Daoling's major message was that the world-order
would soon come to an end, and be succeeded by an era of Great Peace.

In the myth of Pangu, developed by Taoist monks hundreds of years after Lao Zi, the
universe began as an egg. A god named Pangu, born inside the egg, broke it into two
halves: the upper half became the sky, while the lower half became the earth. As the god
grew taller, the sky and the earth grew thicker and were separated further. Finally Pangu
died and his body parts became different parts of the earth.

In 365 AD Yang Xi spoke of the Shangqing heaven, which stood above what had been
previously considered the highest heaven by Celestial Master Taoists. Yang Xi's
revelations consisted of visitations from the residents of this heaven.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia


Dharma is a central concept in religions and philosophies originating in India. Beings that
live in accordance with Dharma proceed more quickly toward personal liberation.

The word Dharma has a complex set of meanings and interpretations.

Dharma might be considered the Way of the Higher Truths.

The Veda states:

Verily, that which is Dharma is truth.

Therefore they say of a man who speaks truth, He speaks the Dharma,
or of a man who speaks the Dharma, He speaks the Truth.
Verily, both these things are the same.

Dharma is the essential nature of a being, its qualities or characteristics, and determining
the manner in which this being will conduct himself. You must fear sin and act rightly.
Wise men think and act this way to become worthy to gain bliss both here and hereafter.

One central tenet of Buddhism is the denial of an "I" as a separate self-existing entity.

Some regard it as an ultimate truth beyond worldly things. They see the dharma as
referring to the truth or ultimate reality.

Dharma is the nature of the soul to be free, thus the dharma is beyond worldly.
To some, the word Dharma means the path of righteousness.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia

Tape Lecture by Ron Hubbard 15 June 1961

For instance, the monk Dharma who existed ten thousand years ago in India has formed
the basis of most Indian religions. And not a thing is known about him or what he said.

I mean, Indian religions are based to a marked degree upon the sayings, findings and so
forth of Dharma. Chinese religions are based on Dharma. We think it means "fate." You
look up in the dictionary and you'll find Dharma has something to do with fate or
something of the sort. Doesn't tell you what it is.

And you look up in one of these textbooks of one of these Johnny-come-lately Indian
hoaxes that they call the great revelations and-Suba-bubabooba-booba-ba I think is their
last one. You look up for the - you look up in this textbook on this and you'll find
Dharma described in a very fantastic definition which is long and drawn out. Actually,
everything in that textbook, by the way, is incorrect. You read over the, all the definitions
of the various missions and words and so forth, of past philosophies in this new gu-gug
and you'll find they're all defined with a big zzzzz curve, see?

Actually, Dharma was the name of a monk and that is it. And of course, he had a fantastic
influence upon Indian philosophy, so they began to regard him as fate itself. But he is
actually a loftier name in the philosophies of the East than Buddha.

You might say the least known philosopher on the whole track Earth-immediate track
Earth-current, present-time Earth - is a fellow that we don't even know what his name is.
We don't even know it's a fellow. Got the idea? It's a fate.

No, it wasn't a fate. It was probably somebody who washed his feet in a brook and put his
begging bowl out where it belonged and laid down the law, and said what he thought was
right and so forth. And yet, this fellow's been totally devoured in time.

I happen to know something about this particular character myself. But if he can ride that
unknown up the track and be the influential background to somebody that we know rather
well - Lao-tse, see? Confucius. A Buddha. They all go back to this fellow.

So there he is riding on the track like mad, expressed in everybody's mind through India,
through China. He's the background of the most broadspread religion of peace that this
planet has had. And yet, we call the background of this planet "Buddha," see, the Eastern
religions. We say, well, Buddha or Confucius or Lao-tse, or-see? But, actually, sitting
right back of their shoulders is this Dharma and we don't even know it's a man; it's fate.
You got the idea? Do you see the alter-isness, so forth?
P.A.B. No. 32 From L. Ron Hubbard 7 August 1954

First, let me briefly take up with you the history of knowledge on this, our planet Earth,
in the last three and one half millenia. At the beginning of our written history there was
only one trace of workable knowledge which had been handed down from prehistoric
times. This was contained in the Vedic hymns. The Vedic peoples are directly
responsible for that principle known to us in Scientology as the Cycle of Action.

The next single most important philosophic advance within our written history was
accomplished by Gautama Sakyamuni. This work was part of a religion known as the
Dharma. The Dharma, existing some time before the advent of Gautama, is a religion
preached by individuals known as Buddhas.

A very cursory glance at the Dharma discovers that it embraces these facts. "All that we
are is the result of what we have thought; it is founded on our thoughts, it is made up of
our thoughts." "By oneself evil is done; by oneself one suffers; by oneself evil is left
undone; by oneself one is purified. Purity and impurity belong to oneself; no one can
purify another." The thoughtful who enter the way are freed from the bondage of sin."
"Strenuousness is the path of immortality, sloth the path of death."

Here is an amazing body of scientific-philosophical-religious truth. These texts written

about 600 B.C. outline a scientific religion of compassion and magnitude.

What has been the fate of the Dharma in these past centuries? What mark has it left upon
Earth? The Dharma rose in an Asia enslaved by animism, superstition, idolatry,
cannibalism and slavery. It was a barbaric world in 600 B.C. Gautama Buddha and his
handful of followers, pretending nothing to the supernatural, using only wisdom,
teachings and the technologies of civilization, spread through India the doctrines of the
Dharma and brought to these hundreds of millions a much greater civilization than they
had known. Penetrating into China, the Buddhist priests spread civilization before them.

Spreading westward, the Dharma came into the Middle East and there presented its
message of "love thy neighbor" and general compassion for life. And the parables of
Gautama Buddha were re-expressed with some differences and additions to spread
westward again as Christianity. And today, the entire Western Civilization lies under the
spell, if at a lower intellectual level, of the teachings of the Dharma.

Tape Lecture by Ron Hubbard 3 June 1955 The Hope of Man

These great religious leaders, at least those I consider great religious leaders, begin with a
monk, a legendary, mythical monk, whose name is probably not, but is said to be,
Dharma. That word has meant wisdom ever since. Some many thousands of years ago in
the highlands of India he handed out or handed on information which was taken up and
carried forward by someone who might never have existed, just as they say Christ might
never have existed, and that person was Krishna. And we go forward from there and we
get to Lao-tse, who in his Tao again handed on knowledge and said there was a spiritual
side to life.

Another one of these great leaders, Gautama Buddha, who oddly enough never pretended
to be a god, pretended to be nothing but what he was, a man inspired with the wisdom
which he had gained and which he taught, and at one time one-third of this earth's
population knew of and was better for Gautama Buddha.

And these men I consider great spiritual leaders, because they gave to Man on down
through the years the hope that life could go on, that there was a spiritual side to
existence, that the business of barter and gain was not all there was to life.

388 BC

Plato was a Greek philosopher who was a student of Socrates.


His contributions to the philosophical foundations of Western culture are comparable

only to those of his mentor Socrates and his student Aristotle.

In Plato's dialogues, learning is a process of remembering. Before its incarnation into the
body, the soul was in the realm of Ideas. There, it saw things the way they truly are. By a
process of questioning, the soul can be brought to remember the ideas, bringing wisdom.

Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that seeks to explain the nature of reality, and of
the origin and structure of the universe (cosmology).

Plato denys the reality of the material world. While most people take the objects of their
senses to be real, Plato is contemptuous of people who think that something has to be
graspable in the hands to be real.

Plato says that he who sees with his eyes is blind. His idea is that reality is unavailable to
those who use their senses. Plato argues that the invisible world is the most intelligible
and that the visible world is the least knowable, and the most obscure.

Physical objects and physical events are "shadows" of their ideal or perfect forms.
Plato's Theory of Forms indicates that the sensory world that is the reality which we as
human beings experience, is only a shadow of a higher realm.

Aristotle was a student of Plato. Aristotle rejected Platos theory of forms as idle chatter.

The Academy

Plato founded the Academy in Athens in 388 BC. It was the first institution of higher
learning in the western world. He lectured at the Academy and his dialogues have been
used to teach philosophy, logic, rhetoric, and maths.

Athens Academy
Plato Quotes

The eyes are the windows of the soul.

No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.

No evil can happen to a good man, neither in life nor after death.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics, is that you end up being
governed by your inferiors.

Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a
way around the laws.

Man is a prisoner who has no right to open the door of his prison and run away. A man
should wait, and not take his own life until God summons him.


Plato had ideas of an ideal government. Plato says reason and wisdom should govern.
Plato claims that the enlightened men of society must run the city according to their lofty

Thus is born the idea of the "philosopher-king". Plato describes these philosopher kings
as those who love the sight of truth. This is the main thesis of Plato's Republic, that the
most wisdom the masses can muster is the wise choice of a ruler.
Until philosophers are kings cities will have no rest from their evils. 1

The Ideal City

Plato divides the population into three classes - rulers, warriors and laborers - all working
in harmony with one another under the rational ruler.

Each family is given some land. The population of the city cannot expand. Women cant
own property. Women are liable to military training and service. They are required to be
educated. There is a considerable slave population and they are not citizens.

The lawgiver must aim at a single goal and that is virtue. The lawgiver must aim at
fostering all the virtues - courage, justice, moderation, and wisdom - in the citizens.

Plato says that good lawgivers try to instruct the citizens towards ethical conduct and they
should not simply issue commands to them by means of laws. Thus the citizens will learn
that following the laws and acting virtuously is good for them.

However, the Republic does not intend to provide, except to its highest class, an
education that can result in such a rational appreciation of basic ethical truths. The
education provided to the lower classes does not succeed in enabling them to be ruled by
their own reason and leaves them in the state of slaves.

Therefore, to insure that someone like that (one whose reason is not strong enough to rule
himself) is ruled by what rules the best person, we say that he ought to be the slave of that
best person.

Thus all citizens, other than the philosopher-rulers, remain somewhat ignorant. 2


Plato's original writings were brought from Constantinople in the century before its fall,
by George Gemistos Plethon. Medieval scholars knew of Plato only through translations
into Latin from the translations into Arabic by Persian scholars (Al-Farabi, Avicenna,

Only in the Renaissance, did knowledge of Plato's philosophy become widespread again
in the West. Lorenzo de Medici, saw Plato's philosophy as the basis for progress in the
arts and sciences.

Leo Strauss is considered by some as the prime thinker involved in the recovery of
Platonic thought in its more political form. 1
Wikipedia Encyclopedia1
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy2
370 BC

Philae Island has several temples on it. Temple construction began circa 370 BC.
The Temple of Isis is located here.

Temple of Isis

The Greeks and Romans worshipped Isis.


Philae served to disseminate the ancient Egyptian religion into Rome, Greece, Europe
and Asia. Worship was continued on the island of Philae into the 6th century AD.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia

335 BC

Aristotle was a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great.

In 335 BC, he established his own school in Athens.

Aristotle's philosophical endeavors encompassed all facets of intellectual inquiry, and

included fields such as physics, biology and other sciences.


Aristotle defines metaphysics as "the knowledge of immaterial being."


Aristotle considered ethics to be a practical science, i.e., one mastered by doing rather
than merely reasoning.

Aristotle taught that one must live a balanced life and avoid excess. This balance exists as
a golden mean between two vices - one an excess and one a deficiency.


Aristotle's conception of the city is organic. He conceived of politics as being like an

organism, as a collection of parts that cannot exist without the other. He considered the
city to be prior to the family which in turn is prior to the individual.


The five elements are- Fire, Earth, Air, Water and Aether.

Aether is the divine substance that makes up the heavenly spheres (stars and planets).
The heavenly element has perpetual circular motion. The earth is at the centre of the

His writings provide an account of many scientific observations, but there are some
errors. Aristotle stated a theory that the more massive object falls faster than a less
massive object, Galileo showed by simple experiments that is incorrect. Aristotle refuted
the claim that the Milky Way was made up of a multitude of stars. He also disputed that
the stars visible in the night sky were just like the Earth's Sun.

He also posited a flawed cosmology which was widely accepted up until the 1500s. The
dominant view held that the Earth was the center of the universe. This scientific concept,
as proposed by Aristotle and Plato was later adopted as dogma by the Roman Catholic
Church, and scientists who disagreed, such as Galileo, were considered heretics.
Since he was perhaps the philosopher most respected by European thinkers during and
after the Renaissance, these thinkers often took Aristotle's erroneous positions as given,
which held back science in this epoch.


It is the opinion of many that Aristotle's system of thought remains the most influential
one ever put together by any single mind. He single-handedly founded the sciences of
Logic, Biology and Psychology.

Aristotle is referred to as "The Philosopher" by thinkers such as Thomas Aquinas. These

thinkers blended Aristotelian philosophy with Christianity, bringing the thought of
Ancient Greece into the Middle Ages.

Translation of Aristotle Works

Apellicon was a wealthy native of Teos, then he moved to Athens. He was a collector of
rare and important books. He not only spent large sums in the acquisition of his library,
but stole original documents from the archives of Athens and other Greek cities. 1

Teos ruins Teos was an ancient Greek city of Ionia

Josephus (Jewish priest and historian) relates the Ionians to the biblical character Javan,
son of Japheth: "but from Javan, Ionia, and all the Grecians, are derived". 2

Apellicon purchased the works of Aristotle. 1

Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix was a Roman general and dictator. When he conquered
Athens in 86 BC, he took the library of Apellicon back to Rome. The Roman philosopher
Andronicus of Rhodes then published the works of Aristotle in 60 BC. 3
Wikepedia Encyclopedia1
Antiquities of the Jews by Josephus2
Plutarch (Greek historian) 3

333 BC

Alexander the Great was born in Macedon (Greece) and was tutored by Aristotle.

In 336 BC his father, King Philip, was assassinated. The army proclaimed Alexander,
then aged 20, as the new king of Macedon. The Greeks elected him to the command
against Persia.

Alexander the Great

Alexander's army defeated the main Persian army in 333 BC. He went on to conquer the
entire Persian Empire.
Alexander Empire

In 332 BC Alexander was welcomed as a liberator in Egypt. He founded the city of

Alexandria in Egypt.

His conquests ushered in centuries of Greek settlement and cultural influence over distant
areas, a period known as the Hellenistic Age, a combination of Greek and Middle Eastern

Wikipedia Encyclopedia

323 BC

The Library of Alexandria in Egypt was established in 323 B.C. The library was said to
have contained more than half a million "books" inscribed on a variety of materials. The
library was destroyed in wars. What has remained of its treasures is the first five books of
the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), and various other writings.

A recent find has been a sealed room in Sippar holding a set of some 400 clay tablets
containing an unbroken record of the history of ancient times.

Enki recorded his autobiography on twelve tablets discovered in the library of Nippur.

It is now recognized that the biblical tales of Creation, of Adam and Eve, the Garden of
Eden, the flood, the Tower of Babel, were based on texts written down millennia earlier
in Mesopotamia.

The Earth Chronicles by Zecharia Sitchin

The Lost Book of Enki by Zecharia Sitchin
However, the Bible seriously alters what the Mesopotamina tablets actually said.

323 to 30 BC

Hellenistic refers to the spreading of Greek culture over the non-Greek people that were
conquered by Alexander the Great. The death of Alexander in 323 BC was the beginning
of the Hellenistic period. Hellenism made considerable inroads from Egypt to Persia.

Alexandria library ruins

Alexandria was the site of the great ancient library and was the center of culture and
learning in the ancient world.

Ptolemy was a general for Alexander. The Ptolemy dynasty began in Egypt in 281 BC.
Cleopatra was born in 69 BC as a direct descendant of Ptolemy I. Cleopatra was a Greek
by language and culture. She is reputed to have been the first member of her family in
their 300-year reign in Egypt to learn the Egyptian language.

Cleopatra became sole ruler of Egypt after she became the mistress of Roman emperor
Julius Caesar. In 47 BC Cleopatra gave birth to a son. Cleopatra claimed Caesar was the
father and wished him to name the boy his heir, but Caesar refused, choosing his grand-
nephew Octavian instead.
Cleopatra statue circa 40 BC

After Caesar's assassination in 44 BC Cleopatra married another Roman, Mark Antony.

Octavian invaded Egypt in 30 BC. Cleopatra committed suicide and her son that was
fathered by Julius Caesar was captured and executed. Egypt became part of the Roman

Cleopatra was the last Egyptian Pharoah. Her death was the end of the Hellenistic period.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia

c. 300 BC

The Egyptian god Thoth was called Hermes by the Greeks.1

Hermeticism is beliefs based primarily upon the writings attributed to Hermes

Trismegistus (Hermes the Thrice-Great).

The Corpus Hermeticum is sixteen books containing dialogues between Hermes and
others. The first book involves a discussion between Hermes and Poimandres (aka Nous
and God). Poimandres teaches the secrets of the Universe to Hermes.

The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus is a short work, from which is derived the
concept "As above, so below." The actual text is "That which is Below corresponds to
that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to
accomplish the miracles of the One Thing." As the story is told, this tablet was found by
Alexander the Great at Hebron.

The Book of Thoth is a legendary book containing powerful spells and knowledge, said
to have been buried in the City of the Dead. Anyone who read the book was punished by
the gods (who would cause the reader's loved ones to die until the book was returned).

The Hermetic texts are dated between 500 and 200 BC.

In 1945, Hermetic writings were among those found near Nag Hammadi, written in the
Coptic language, the last form in which the Egyptian language was written.

Hermetic Beliefs

In Hermetic beliefs, all is in the mind of The ALL. Hermeticism acknowledges that
there exist many gods, but that these deities, along with all other beings, exist within, and
are created by, The ALL.

Everybody and Everything in the universe is part of this entity. As everything is mental,
it is also a vibration. All vibrations vibrate from the densest of physical particles, through
mental states, to the highest spiritual vibrations. In Hermeticism, the only difference
between different states of physical matter, mentality, and spirituality is the frequency of
their vibration. The higher the vibration, the further it is from base matter.

Hermetic Creation Legend

The Creation tale is given in the first book of the Corpus Hermeticum. It begins as the
ALL creates the elements after seeing the Cosmos and creating one just like it (our
Cosmos) from its own constituent elements and souls. From there, the ALL, being both
male (Divine Father) and female (Universal Mother), holding the Word (the logos), gave
birth to a second Nous, creator of the world. This second Nous created seven powers, or
deities, (often seen as the Sun and the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,) to
travel in circles and govern destiny.
Nous then made the governors spin, and from their matter sprang forth creatures without
speech. Earth then was separated from Water and the animals were brought forth from
the Earth.

The Supreme Nous then created Man. Man became one with Nature and became a slave
to its limitations. Man thus became speechless (for it lost the Word) and became double,
being mortal in body but immortal in spirit, having authority of all but subject to destiny.

Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus

The Emerald Tablet, aka The Secret of Hermes, is an ancient text purporting to reveal the
secret of the primordial substance and its transmutations. This cryptic text was highly
regarded by European alchemists as the foundation of their art.

Original edition of the Latin text Chrysogonus Polydorus, Nuremberg 1541

Golden Dawn rendering of the Emerald Tablet:

True, without falsehood, certain and most true, that which is above is as that which is
below, and that which is below is as that which is above, for the performance of the
miracles of the One Thing. And as all things are from One, by the mediation of One, so
all things have their birth from this One Thing by adaptation. The Sun is its father, the
Moon its mother, the Wind carries it in its belly, its nurse is the Earth. This is the father
of all perfection, or consummation of the whole world. Its power is integrating, if it be
turned into earth.

Thou shalt separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross, suavely, and with
great ingenuity. It ascends from earth to heaven and descends again to earth, and receives
the power of the superiors and of the inferiors. So thou hast the glory of the whole world;
therefore let all obscurity flee before thee. This is the strong force of all forces,
overcoming every subtle and penetrating every solid thing. So the world was created.
Hence were all wonderful adaptations, of which this is the manner.

Therefore am I called Hermes Trismegistus, having the three parts of the philosophy of
the whole world. What I have to tell is completed, concerning the Operation of the Sun.

The Tablet became a mainstay of Renaissance alchemy. It contained the instructions for
the goals of alchemists. It hinted at the recipe for alchemical gold, as well as how to set
one's level of consciousness to a new degree.

The three parts of the wisdom of the whole universe are:

Alchemy - The Operation of the Sun - is not simply the changing of lead into gold. It is
an investigation into the spiritual constitution, or life of matter and material existence.
The various stages of chemical distillation and fermentation, among them, are aspects of
these mysteries, that, when applied quicken Nature's processes in order to bring a body to
perfection. This perfection is the accomplishment of the Magnum Opus (Great Work).

Astrology - The Operation of the Moon - In Hermetic thought, the movements of the
planets have meaning beyond the laws of physics.

Theurgy - There are two types of magic. Goetia is black magic reliant upon an alliance
with evil spirits. Theurgy is divine magic reliant upon an alliance with divine spirits.

Alchemy is seen as the "key" to theurgy, the ultimate goal is to become united with
higher counterparts, leading to the attainment of Divine Consciousness.


Hermeticism was reintroduced to the West in 1460 AD, when a man named Leonardo
brought the Corpus Hermeticum to Cosimo de Medici, a wealthy Italian banker. 2

Cosimo had Marsilio Ficino translate the Corpus Hermeticum from Greek into Latin.
Ficinos manuscript consisted of fourteen tractates, each one was a little booklet. Other
manuscript traditions, than Ficinos, contained four more tractates appended at the end.

The first tractate is titled Poimandres. This book relates a vision where Hermes fell into a
strange sleep. He was addressed by a Being of boundless magnitude, Poimandres.

Poimandres tells Hermes the creation of the world out of the four elements. The material
of the world is inferior to God. But "Mind, the Father of All, he who is Life and Light,
gave birth to Man, a Being like to Himself. And He took delight in Man, as being His
own offspring; for Man was very goodly to look on, bearing the likeness of his Father."

The next tractate contains this line: "That which is within the body, and which moves the
soulless thing, is not a body; and that is what moves both the body of him who carries a
thing and the body of the thing carried; for a soulless thing cannot of itself move

In another booklet: "And the other name of God is 'Father'. He is called the Father,
because he is the maker of begetter of all things; for it is the part of a father to beget."

"If then you do not make yourself equal to God, you cannot apprehend God; for like is
known to like. Leap clear of all that is corporeal, and make yourself grow to a like
expanse with that greatness which is beyond all measure; rise above all time, and become
eternal; then you will apprehend God. Think that for you too nothing is impossible; deem
that you too are immortal, and that you are able to grasp all things in your thought, to
know every craft and every science; find your home in the haunts of every living
creature; make yourself higher than all heights, and lower than all depths; bring together
in yourself all opposites of quality, heat and cold, dryness and fluidity; think that you are
everywhere at once, on land, at sea, in heaven; think that you are not yet begotten, that
you are in the womb, that you are young, that you are old, that you have died, that you
are in the world beyond the grave;' grasp in your thought all this at once, all times and
places, all substances and qualities and magnitudes together; then you can apprehend
God." 3

Some Hermeticists were Isaac Newton, Sir Francis Bacon, Count of St Germain, John
Dee, Robert Fludd, Franz Bardon, Giordano Bruno, Herbert Silberer.

Hermetic Brotherhoods

Hermeticism, being opposed by the Church, became a part of the occult underworld,
intermingling with other occult movements and practices. The infusion of Hermeticism
into occultism has given it great influence in Western magical traditions. Hermeticism's
spiritual practices were found very useful in magical work, especially in Theurgic
(divine) practices as opposed to Gotic (profane) practices.

Using the teachings and imagery of the Jewish Kabbalah and Christian mysticism,
Hermetic Theurgy was used effectively and in a context more easily understood by
Europeans in the Middle Ages and Renaissance.

A few primarily Hermetic occult orders were founded in the late Middle Ages and early
Renaissance. Hermetic magic underwent a 19th century revival in Western Europe, where
it was practiced by people such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

Manly P. Hall claimed that Hermeticism has foremost inspired three movements -
Freemasonry, Rosicrucians and the Illuminati.
Rosicrucianism was a Hermetic/Christian movement dating back to the 15th century. It
consisted of a secretive inner body, and a more public outer body under the direction of
the inner body. This movement was symbolized by the rose (the soul) and the cross (the
body of 4 elements). In other words, the human soul crucified on the cross of the material

The Rosicrucian Order consisted of a graded system (similar to Freemasons) in which

members moved up in rank and gained access to more knowledge.

There were three steps to their spiritual path: philosophy, qabbalah, and divine magic.

There were three goals to the order:

1) the abolition of monarchy and the institution of rule by a philosophical elect
2) reformation of science, philosophy, and ethics
3) discovery of the Panacea

Panacea was the Greek goddess of cures. Panacea was said to have a potion with which
she healed the sick.

Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

Unlike the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was
open to both sexes. The order was a specifically Hermetic society, teaching the arts of
alchemy, qabbalah, and the magic of Hermes along with the principles of occult science.

The order maintained secrecy. The secrecy was first broken by Aleister Crowley in 1905.

The Earth Chrincles by Sitchin1

Wikipedia Encyclopedia2
www. personal.psu.edu3

Hermeticism is another effort to spread the false idea that one being created everything.

The system of teaching is a dialogue between Hermes and another. This same system was
used by the Greek philosophers and the serphardic Jews.

c. 300 BC

Gnosticism was a movement that had Egypt as its focal point of development, beginning
in about the fourth century B.C.
Gnostic Teachings

The Gnostics saw the universe as a duality between spirit and matter. They conceived of
a supreme divine being who was immaterial, eternal, unreachable and unknowable. In the
Gnostic view man's spirit is a fragment of this universal being which has split off and
become imprisoned in matter.

The world of matter is not the creation of the supreme God but of a lower god, or
demiurge, who has at his beck and call a number of minions, called archons (rulers), who
have different spheres of influence in the material world, corresponding to the planetary

The uppermost sphere, of Saturn, forms the boundary between the lower and upper
worlds. Below is the evil world with its archons; above is the divine world governed by
good spirits. Omar Khayyam expresses this in the verse:

Up from Earth's Centre through the Seventh Gate

I rose, and on the Throne of Salum sat,
And many Knots unravel'd by the Road;
But not the Master-knot of Human Fate.

Man is composed of a body and soul, which belong to the material world, and a divine
spark, or pneuma, which is the godly element within him. As long as man is kept in
ignorance by the demiurge of his true position he will continue to be a prisoner.

But sometimes messages from beyond the spheres are received by certain individuals
who then become aware of their imprisonment and are able to pass the knowledge on to
others. This knowledge, or gnosis, is the most important weapon in freeing the spirit from
its bondage. It is not enough for the Gnostic merely to know that he is imprisoned. He
also needs to know the workings of the world that surrounds him so that he can be better
equipped to overcome it or so that he can use it in a positive way - because not all
Gnostic schools saw the world as an absolute evil.

The Gnostic belief in a graduation from coarse matter to pure spirit was reflected in the
way their communities were organized. These were divided into three main groups. At
the lowest level were those entirely preoccupied with material and mundaine things, and
as long as they remained in this state there was no possible redemption for them. Next
came those who were not capable of direct perception of the godly, but who believed in a
higher reality and were therefore capable of partial redemption.

At the highest level came those who were possessed by the spirit of God, or pneumal, and
were known as 'pneumatics'. They acted as prophets and were capable of full redemption.

A similar Gnostic sect was the Albigenses of France who advocated sexual continence
and opposed eating meat. They were savagely wiped out in the thirteenth century in a
crusade inspired by Pope Innocent III. After this Gnosticism went underground.

Gnostics Originated Hermeticism

Gnosticism also produced the series of writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistos.

Hermes Trismegistus is an amalgam of the Greek messenger god and the Egyptian god of
wisdom, Thoth, though he was considered by many to be an actual historical figure.

Hermes Trismegistus is the supposed author of a body of mystical lore composed around
the beginning of the Christian era in Egypt. The best known of the Hermetic treatises is
the Poimandres, whose author describes how, during meditation, he conversed with the
Poimandres or Nous (mind) of the supreme being. This entity unfolds to him a teaching
that is basically Gnostic. Man originates from God, but has fallen into a world of matter
created by the demiurge, who is himself an offspring of the divine intellect. After death,
those who have achieved gnosis rise up through the spheres to be re-united with the
Godhead. 1

The Rosicrucians, The History and Mythology of an Occult Order by Christopher


200 BC

The zodiac Age of Taurus belonged to Enlil and he ruled on Earth during that Age.

The Age of Aries began in 2000 BC and that Age belonged to Marduk. King Anu told
Enlil to allow Marduk to rule. The reason was the zodiac Age had changed.

The Earth Chronicles by Zecharia Sitchin

The Age of Aries lasts for 1800 years, so it ended in 200 BC. The Age of Pisces began.

The Age of Pisces belongs to Enki. It lasts for 2700 years. It will end in 2500 AD. Then
the Age of Aquarius will begin which also belongs to Enki.

200 BC

Quetzalcoatl and his followers abandoned Teotihuacan, Mexico around 200 BC and left it
uninhabited. Later, the Toltecs and Aztecs made it their home for awhile.

City of the Gods - Teotihuacan, Mexico

Then a war broke out between the Gods and Quetzalcoatl went back to Teotihuacan to
decide what to do. Quetzalcoatl left Teotihuacan with a band of followers and he went to
Yucatan, Mexico and sailed off eastward, vowing to return one day.

The Earth Chronicles by Zecharia Sitchin

167 BC

The Maccabees were a Jewish national liberation movement that fought for and won
independence from King Antiochus IV of the Hellenistic Seleucid dynasty. The Seleucid
Empire was a Hellenistic successor state of Alexander the Greats empire.

In 167 BC, Antiochus IV issued decrees in Judea forbidding Jewish religious practice.
Mattathias the Hasmonean, a Jewish priest, sparked the revolt by refusing to worship the
Greek Gods. Mattathias slew a Hellenistic Jew who offered a sacrifice to an idol. He and
his five sons fled to the wilderness of Judea.

After Mattathias' death one year later, his son Judah Maccabee led an army of Jewish
dissidents to victory over the Seleucid dynasty. The Maccabees then entered Jerusalem,
reestablished traditional Jewish worship there, and installed Jonathan Maccabee as high

The supporters of the Maccabees were divided over whether to continue fighting. Many
wanted to continue the revolt as a war of national self-determination.
Those who sought the continuation of the war of national identity were led by Judah
Maccabee. On his death in battle in 160 BC, Judah was succeeded as army commander
by his brother, Jonathan, who was already High Priest. On Jonathan's death in 142 BC,
Simon Maccabee, the last remaining son of Mattathias, took power. That same year,
Demetrius II, king of Syria, granted the Jews complete political independence and Simon,
high priest and commander of the Jews, founded the Hasmonean dynasty.

The Hasmoneans ruled as priest-kings, claiming both titles high priest and king.

Jewish autonomy lasted until 63 BC, when Roman general Pompey captured Jerusalem
and subjected Judea to Roman rule, while the Hasmonean dynasty itself ended when
Herod the Great became king of Jerusalem.

In 42 BC, the Romans appointed Herod the Great as King of the Jews and he became sole
ruler of Judah.

Herod the Great

In 23 BC, Herod married Marianne II, the daughter of high priest Simon. Their son was
Herod Philip I.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia

73 BC

Spartacus led a slave revolt against the Romans in 73 BC, until he was killed in 71 BC.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia

4 BC
Pharaoh Tuthmose III reorganized the ancient mystery schools and founded the Royal
School of the Master Craftsmen at Karnak. A branch of this fraternity became especially
concerned with healing, to become known as the Essenes.

The Essenes of Egypt were called Therapeutae, meaning healers. They possessed an art
of medicine better than that in general use - for that only heals bodies, but the other heals
souls which are under the mastery of fears, griefs, pleasures, passions and other vices.

Therapeutae was a Greek term for worshippers of an Egyptian god, Serapis.

Serapis was Enki.

Egyptian lamp with a bust of Serapis circa 100 AD

The Essenes/Therapeutae became widely established in Egypt and other regions,

including a community at Qumran near the Dead Sea that began about 150 BC.

Essene/Therapeutae Beliefs & Practices

The beliefs and practices of the Essenes/Therapeutae included parts of Judaism and
Buddhism. They meditated. They practiced the Jewish custom of resting on the 7th day.
They rejected some Jewish customs - they refused to sacrifice meat to the Jewish temple.

The Essenes/Therapeutae sought to deny the senses to find a pure spirituality. They gave
up their property and lived a life of rigid asceticism. They refused to drink alcohol or eat
meat. Most Essenes did not marry. They regarded pleasure as evil and used self control.

They believed the immortal soul was locked in a corruptible body. The body was a prison
for the soul which rejoiced when freed of it.
The Essenes called themselves Sons of Light; and their enemies Sons of Darkness. They
saw the Final War of Men as The War of the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness.

The Essenes considered themselves to be a separate people - because of their knowledge

of the hidden mysteries unknown to other men. They felt they were on a mission and they
were supported in this effort by highly evolved beings who directed the Brotherhood.

The Essenes differentiated between souls that were sleeping and the awakened souls.
Their task was to relieve the sleeping souls, to try to awaken the drowsy souls, and to
guide the awakened souls.

When a candidate asked to be admitted to their School, a process of awakening the soul
was set in motion. Only the souls considered as awakened could be initiated into the
mysteries of the Brotherhood. Then a path of evolution began for them that would not
stop through the cycle of their incarnations.

When an individual asked to be admitted - the candidate had to practice meditation. In

this way, he could prepare himself to enter the Community of Light.

After his initiation the newcomer received a mission to be accomplished during his life.
This mission had to be a way of uniting himself with God and being useful to humanity.
A man was to carry inside himself a beautiful light - to be offered to earth inhabitants.

The Teaching of Light occurred in groups. The Brotherhood was strict about secrecy.

They took an oath to honour God, observe justice, to love truth and honesty, to conceal
nothing from their fellows, and to keep secret their books and the names of their angels.

The Essene Masters knew how quickly one can stray from the path of Light and get lost.
He had to clarify his life, in order to keep alive and pure his bond with the Most-High,
with the sun of his soul.

The School condemned slavery. It taught love for God, virtue, and mankind.

Nazorean Essenes - the B'nai-Amen

The sun was held in reverence by the Essenes. At sunrise they addressed a prayer to the
sun as if soliciting it to rise. The Egyptian sun god is Ra. Marduk, son of Enki, is Ra.

There were two branches of Essenes - the Ossaeans and the Nazorean.

The Nazorean Essenes were known as the B'nai-Amen - Children of God.

Amen is another name for the Egyptian sun god - Ra/Marduk.

Thus B'nai-Amen means Children of Ra/Marduk.

Joseph and Mary were Nazorean Essenes. The angel Gabriel (Thoth) visited Mary to tell
her that she was chosen to bear the Son of God. Mary gave birth to Yeshua in 4 BC.

Yeshua the Nazorean is usually referred to as Jesus Christ. Jesus is Greek for Yeshua,
Christ is Greek for Messiah.

When King Herod heard of the Messiah's birth he ordered all the babies in Bethlehem to
be killed, in hopes of destroying this rival to his throne. Mary fled to Egypt with Yeshua.
Later, Yeshua returned to ancient Palestine.

When Yeshua was 30 years old he was baptized. Then a voice came from heaven saying:
"You are My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Yeshua then started his ministry.

Essenes Worshipped Serapis (Enki)

The Christians were at first called Essenes and Therapeutae. They worshipped Serapis.

The Roman emperor Hadrian stated: "The Christians and the worshippers of Serapis are
the same."

Enki used genetic engineering to create Homo sapiens. He used his sperm to fertilize an
egg taken from a female Homo erectus. The fertilized egg was implanted in the womb of
an Anunnaki female and thus was the first Homo sapiens born.

Enki then had intercourse with Homo sapiens females and created Homo sapiens sapiens.
Thus Enki can be called the Father of humans.

Enki and his descendants were friendly towards humans. His son Marduk married a
human female, Sarpanit.

Enki knew healing, even to the point of reviving the dead. Enki taught healing to Thoth.
Thoth taught humans healing, science, astronomy, spiritual knowledge, etc.

Enki started the Brotherhood of the Snake to free humans from bondage. A faction of this
became the Essenes, who were also called the Therapeutae. They specialized in healing.

Yeshua performed healings, including bringing three dead people back to life.

Enlil disliked humans and condemned marriages between Anunnaki and humans. Enlil
wants to keep humans in a lowly slave state. Enlil has a history of demanding servitude
and mass murdering humans.

Enlil is the Jewish god Yahweh. The Jewish religion says Yahweh created humans,
which is a lie. The true owner of the title of Father is Enki.

Which Anunnaki god was Yeshua following and calling The Father Enki or Enlil?

The beliefs and practices of the Essenes and Yeshua indicate he was following Enki.
Yeshua practiced healing, was kind to humans, did not believe in slavery, and described
The Father as being loving towards his human creation.

This describes the attitude and behaviour of Enki and his descendants towards humans.
It is not a description of Enlils attitude and behaviour towards humans.

The Crucifixion of Yeshua

The Romans executed Yeshua in 33 AD. He was resurrected and ascended to Heaven.

When Yeshua resurrected he first appeared to Mary Magdalene (said to be his wife).

Yeshua appeared to various people over the next forty days.

The Master explained the work which his faithful disciples would have to accomplish in
the world in the centuries to come. He had revealed to them the purpose of his mission,
the future history of humanity, the different incarnations of his disciples, and the role they
would have to play in this history to serve Yeshua.

Then he ascended to heaven concealed in a cloud. Yeshua promised to come again to

fulfill the remainder of Messianic prophecy.

After Yeshua departed, several developments resulted in different religious sects.

Master Yeshua had named Master St. John as the leader of the secret School. St. John
opened Schools in European countries. The Church of Jesus was established in 37 AD.

Another faction was Gnostic Christianity. They regarded Yahweh of the Hebrew Bible
(Old Testament) to be an inferior, short tempered, vicious deity who performed many
genocides, and other evil acts.

Essene Teachings Corrupted into Christianity

Peter and Paul went to Rome and began the movement that became Catholic Christianity.

Roman Catholic Church officials met in 325 AD and decided what constitutes the official
Christian faith. Christianity as a separate religion was born. The Catholic officials made
many changes to the original Teachings of the Essenes and Yeshua.

One change was to the Gospel of Mark, to hide that Yeshua married Mary Magdelene.

The schools and Church established by St. John opposed the Catholic Church of Rome.

The Catholics made the Jewish god Enlil/Yahweh the god of the Christians. The actual
god worshipped by Essenes was Enki. The Catholics personified Enki as Satan, the devil.

Christianity was turned into another arm of Enlils monotheistic slavery. Now Jews and
Christians both preach servitude to Enlil/Yahweh.

Josephus Jewish historian who lived during the time of Christ he was an Essene
Philo Judaeus of Alexandria, Egypt - writer who lived during the time of Christ
Pliny a Roman who wrote about the Essenes
The Essenes by Olivier Manitara
The Nazarenes of Mount Carmel Church
Website of historian and author Laurence Gardner
Encyclopedia of the Orient
Catholic Encyclopedia
Wikipedia Encyclopedia

Enlil/Yahweh does not love humans and he is not friendly to them. Religious propaganda
has been used to portray Enlil/Yahweh as being loving towards humans while portraying
Enki/Lucifer/Satan as being evil to humans.

Christians preach love while subscribing to the Jewish god Enlil who is a mass murderer
of humans and only wishes to keep humans in a spiritually ignorant slave state under him.

40 AD

New Buddhist writings were composed just before and after the Christian era. Men came
into the Buddhists and they said other things than what Buddha had said. They changed a
piece of this and a bit of that. Only a bit of what Buddha said was preserved. Buddhism
starts to decay into ritualism and worship of statues.

Hymn of Asia by L. Ron Hubbard

This has happened to every major effort that sought to bring spiritual freedom to humans.
It gets infiltrated by those who seek to keep spiritual beings in their Earthly prison. The
infiltrators take over leadership and then proceed to alter, delete and fabricate teachings
and that results in keeping spiritual beings trapped, rather than freeing them.

Chapter 15 - Christianity Becomes Another Enlil Monotheistic Religion

66 AD

Josephus was a Jewish historian of priestly and royal ancestry. Josephus introduced
himself in Greek as "Iosepos, son of Matthias, an ethnic Hebrew, a priest from

Josephus provided an extra-biblical account of the period of the Maccabees. He writes

about the four Jewish sects of that time the Sadducees, Pharisees, Essenes and Zealots.

The Sadducees were members of a Jewish sect that accepted the Torah literally, while the
Pharisees did not.
The Zealots opposed the Romans due to Rome's intolerance of their culture and on the
grounds that the territory of Judah belonged only to a Jewish king descended from King
David. They inspired the Jewish rebellion that lasted from 66-70 AD. They succeeded in
taking over Jerusalem.

Josephus was a Jewish military leader in Galilee. Josephus surrendered to the Roman
forces invading Galilee in July 67. He became a prisoner and provided the Romans with
intelligence on the revolt. In 70 AD the Romans retook Jerusalem and destroyed the
Second Temple.

In 71, he arrived in Rome and became a Roman citizen. In addition to Roman citizenship
he was granted accommodation in conquered Judea, with a decent pension. He wrote all
of his works while in Rome.

In Rome, Josephus witnessed the marches of triumphant Roman legions and carrying
trophies of treasure from the Temple in Jerusalem.

Roman bust of Josephus

Josephus was an apologist in the Roman world for the Jewish people and culture. He
always remained a Jew. He insisted on its compatibility with Graeco-Roman thought.

He disputed the claim that the Jews serve a defeated god and are naturally hostile to
Roman civilization. He blames the Jewish War on "over-zealous fanatics" among the
Jews, who led the masses away from their leaders. Thus the Jew can be a loyal and
peace-loving citizen.

The two most famous works of Josephus are:

History of the Jewish War

Antiquities of the Jews
History of the Jewish War recounts the Jewish revolt against Rome from 66 to 70 AD.
It starts with the period of the Maccabees and concludes with the fall of Jerusalem.

The works of Josephus were printed in an imperfect Latin translation from the original
Greek. In 1544 a version of the Greek text was made available, edited by the Dutch
humanist Arnoldus Arlenius.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia

63 AD

The lands of the Jews are captured by the Roman Empire.

Encyclopedia of the Orient

66 AD

Jewish revolt against the Romans and their restrictions on Judaism.

The Dead Sea Scrolls were hidden in caves by the Dead Sea, 13 miles from Jerusalem.

Caves at Qumrn where the Dead Sea Scrolls were hidden

The Scrolls appear to be the library of the Essenes. The library was hidden away in caves
about 66 A.D. as the Roman army advanced against the rebel Jews. The Dead Sea Scrolls
were most likely written by the Essenes about 200 B.C. to 68 A.D.
The Scrolls are mostly written in Hebrew

The Scrolls are the oldest Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) manuscripts ever found.

Encyclopedia of the Orient

70 AD

The Romans destroyed the Second Temple in Jerusalem in 70 AD.

The New Testament came into existence.

The Gospels were written right after the Romans destroyed the Jewish Temple in 70 AD.
The authors of the Gospels are traditionally thought to have been witnesses to the events.
Actually, they were handed down orally before they were written down.

The Old Testament plus the New Testament comprise the Christian Bible.
Many other early Christian texts detail events in Jesus' life and teachings, though they
were not included in the New Testament. It took several centuries before the list of what
was, and was not, part of the Christian Bible became finally fixed.

Christianity was changed by a series of Catholic councils between 325 and 681.

Most Christians regard Jesus as the son of God. They believe that Hell awaits anyone
who has not accepted Jesus as Savior.

The Jews reject that and state that Jesus was not God, nor was he the Son of God, and he
was not the Messiah and any Jew who claims Jesus is their savior is no longer a Jew.

Christian beliefs include a future Second Coming of Jesus:

Jesus Christ will return and battle the Anti-Christ.

There will be a resurrection of the dead.
Judgment Day - where all will be judged and either sent to Heaven or Hell.
The Kingdom of God is established on Earth where only Yahweh is worshipped.
A Messianic Age will begin, giving peace on Earth for a thousand years.

Encyclopedia of the Orient

Wikipedia Encyclopedia

80 AD

Titus was the Roman Emperor who completed the Colosseum in the year 80.

Colosseum in Rome

Titus celebrated with a lavish show that featured 100 gladiators and lasted 100 days.
Wikipedia Encyclopedia

90 AD

Torah is a Hebrew word meaning teaching or law. It is the Five Books of Moses. The
Torah contains the literal word of Enlil/Yahweh as told to Moses on Mount Sinai.

Old Testament the Hebrew Bible

The Old Testament is also called the Hebrew Bible or the Tanakh. It consists of 39 books.
The five books of Moses are the first five books in the Old Testament.

The Old Testament books were edited and written by Ezra the Scribe in 539 BC.

The selection of texts was decided upon at a meeting in Israel in 90 AD.2

The term Old Testament means The Old Covenant made between Yahweh and Hebrews.
The Old Covenant was Yahweh promised to give the Hebews the land of Canaan (Israel).

Jesus established a New Covenant or New Testament between "God" and mankind. The
new covenant is that spiritual salvation is through faith in Jesus.1

Oral Law

In addition to written Jewish law, an oral law was handed down. These oral traditions
were eventually written down in texts called the Mishnah, the Midrash, the Gemara and
the Talmud. Recording began in 70 AD.

The Mishnah was compiled around 200 AD and the Gemara around 500 AD. The
Talmud is a compilation of both.


The Talmud is the written record of the oral law.1

Judaism The Jewish Religion

Hebrew, Israelite, and Jew are names for a person whose religion is Judaism.

Judaism began with a recognition of all the Anunnaki lords. Then around 1450 BC,
Enlil/Yahweh established monotheism by demanding the Hebrews only recognize him.

Central in the Jewish belief is that there is only one "God" and that there is a covenant
between "God" and the Hebrews. The covenant was that Yahweh would give Canaan
(Palestine/Israel) to the Hebrews the Promised Land.3

Wikipedia Encyclopedia1
Encyclopedia of the Orient2
The Earth Chronicles by Zecharia Sitchin3

Enlil made it a crime for the Hebrews to recognize and follow any other Anunnaki lord
besides Enlil. Thus the historical events written in Mesopotamian tablets were altered to
make it appear that Enlil/Yahweh was the only lord and that he was the Creator of All.

Then the Jews had their convention in 90 AD to select these re-written historical events
as constituting their Bible and religious beliefs.

90 AD

In the Jewish religion: non-Jews are not human, they are cattle. Goyim = human cattle.

Quotes from the Talmud:

"Just the Jews are humans, the Non-Jews are not humans, but cattle.
The Non-Jews have to be avoided, even more than sick pigs.
Sexual intercourse with Non-Jews is like sexual intercourse with animals.
The birth-rate of the Non-Jews has to be suppressed massively.
God (Jahveh) is never angry about the Jews, just about the Non-Jews.
There is no wife for the goyim, they really arent their wives.
Towards a Non-Jew the Jew doesnt cause adultery.
The possessions of the goyim are like an ownerless desert, and everybody (every Jew)
who seizes it, has acquired it.
Non-Jewish property belongs to the Jew who uses it first.
Jews always have to try to deceive Non-Jews.
If two Jews have deceived a Non-Jew, they have to split the profit.
Every Jew is allowed to use lies and perjury to bring a Non-Jew to ruin.
The Jew is allowed to exploit the mistake of a Non-Jew and to deceive him.
You (the Jews) have made me, Jahveh, the only true lord in the world. I will make you
the only ruler in the world.
I (Jahveh) make you (the Jews) the king over the peoples.
Everywhere they (the Jews) come, they will be the princes and the lords.
The Non-Jews have been created to serve the Jews as slaves.
When the Messiah comes, all will be slaves of the Jews."

Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century by Jan Van Helsing


The above is the Jewish conspiracy to create a slave state written in the Talmud.

Enlil/Yahweh intends to be the sole Annunnaki Lord of Earth. Everyone must worship
and obey only Yahweh. The Jews will rule from Jerusalem and every non-Jew will be
their slave.

Christians also enforce subservience to the Jewish "God" - Enlil/Yahweh. In the future,
the Catholic Inquisition would murder tens of thousands for being non-believers.


The Roman Emperor Hadrian crushed a massive Jewish uprising in Judea in 132 AD.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia

313 AD

In 313 AD two Roman Emperors shared the Roman Empire, Constantine I and Licinius.
Constantine adopted Christianity in 313 and made Christianity the offical religion.

In 324, Constantine and Licinius engaged in battle. Licinius represented the ancient faith
of Paganism. Paganism recognized all the Anunnaki Gods and was not monotheistic.
Constantine represented the monotheistic Christians. Constantine defeated Licinius and
became the sole emperor of the entire Roman Empire.

The Council of Nicaea was held in 325. Catholic Church officials met and decided on
what constitues the Christian faith.

Catholic Encyclopedia
Wikipedia Encyclopedia

The ancient Greek city Byzantium was renamed Constantinople, then renamed Istanbul.

It is the only city in the world located on two continents. It sits between Thrace (Europe)
and Anatolia (Asia). Artifacts dating from 5500 BC have been found there.

In 324 the Roman Emperor Constantine made Byzantium the new capital of the Roman
Empire. It was Christian in contrast to the still largely pagan Rome. The city was
renamed Constantinople.

The city was the capital of the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman Empires.

The spiritual leader of Greek Orthodox Christianity is in Istanbul.

Hagia Sophia - Church of the Holy Wisdom of God - was an early Christian Church.

Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia was constructed in 532. It was made into a mosque in 1453 by the Turks. A
mosque is a place of worship for followers of the Islamic faith - Muslims.

In 1453, the city was made the new capital of the Ottoman Empire. Sultan Mehmed II
invited Orthodox Christians, Catholics, and Jews to live there to form a cosmopolitan
society. Throughout its history, Istanbul has acted as a cultural and ethnic melting pot.

During the Spanish Inquisition of 1492, Turkish ships went to Spain and brought 200,000
Sephardic Jews to Istanbul. The Sephardic Jews excelled in trade and banking.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia

325 AD
The New Testament, like much of the Old Testament, is a greatly altered version of the
original accounts on which it is based. In addition, probably less than 5% of all that Jesus
and his original followers taught is found in the Bible.

Many of the changes and deletions to the New Testament were made by church councils.
The editing process began as early as 325 A.D. during the First Council of Nicea.

The Second Synod in 553 A.D. deleted from the Bible Jesuss references to reincarnation.

The Lateran Councils of the 12th Century added a tenet to the Bible that was never taught
by Jesus: the concept of the Holy Trinity. The church destroyed many documents and
records which contradicted the radical changes that were made to Christian doctrine by
these Councils.

Gods of Eden by William Bramley

385 AD

The Inquisition is the Roman Catholic Church suppressing heresy against Christianity.

Heresy is any idea different from the ideas of the Roman Catholic Church. Ideas that do
not conform to the Christian beliefs held by the Catholic Church are heresy. You have no
freedom of choice in what to think, you must accept only what the Catholic Church tells
you to think.

The Roman Catholic Church condemned heretics. The first heretics to be executed
happened in 385. This act was approved by a meeting of Catholic Church officials.

The stage was set for the Inquisition that tortured and murdered thousands of heretics.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia


The main lies presented by the Hebrew/Christian/Muslim Bibles:

1. Enlil/Yahweh is the only Anunnaki lord.

2. Enlil/Yahweh is the Creator of All.
3. Enlil/Yahweh created "Adam" and "Eve" as the first humans.
4. Enlil/Yahweh helped Noah to save humanity from the great flood.
5. Enlil/Yahweh loves humans.

The truth is:

1. There are many other Anunnaki lords such as Enki, Marduk, Thoth, Ninurta, etc.
2. Enlil is just an extraterrestrial. None of the Anunnaki are the Creator of All.
3. None of the Anunnaki created humans. They likely did some genetic meddling.
4. The flood story is a cover up for what really happened a war
5. Enlil dislikes humans. He mass murders them and demands servitude from them.

Those who do accept the lies are deemed evil sinners. Threats, torture and murder are
used to terrorize people into accepting the lies.

Monotheism is Enlil politics. It is an effort by Enlil/Yahweh to make humans serve him


Plan to Establish a Slave State

Enlil has a purpose to create a slave state. There is a small group of wealthy humans who
have the same purpose. Common purpose makes a group. The members of this group
work together to bring humanity under their complete control.

This group has been named the Illuminati. The Illuminati works to centralize power in
the hands of a select few the high priests of Yahweh.

The plan is known as the Great Work of the Ages or the New World Order. It seeks to
establish a world government, a world central bank and currency, and a world army.
Mind control technology will be used as one means to keep everyone under control.

Authors who have written about the Illuminati have incorrectly thought these men are
united by a common religious belief. This group is not motivated by religion. They are
motivated by their insane purpose. They seek power and complete control over all others.

Monotheistic religions are a tool to gain adherents for this particular alien slavemaster
who operates through his human high priests.

Corrupted Brotherhood of the Snake

The Brotherhood of the Snake teachings were corrupted. Various sects arose out of the
Brotherhood. Some examples of these sects are:

Egyptian Mystery Schools

Jaguar Priests, the Chilam Balaam
Temple of Isis
Church of Jesus
Great White Lodge
White Eagle Lodge
Brotherhood of the White Temple

These sects added in other teachings such as parts of Buddhism, etc. The leaders conspire
to keep humanity in a spiritually ignorant slave state and under their complete control.
Group members at the lower levels are dupes.

It is said that those who rise to the top level of the Freemason and Rosicucian secret
societies are candidates for recruitment into the Illuminati.

Top Illuminati members are Jewish. Illuminati is also a cover story for the actual source
the modern day high priests of Yahweh in the temple E-manu-el in New York.

The Christians say the Illuminati are Satan worshippers who are conspiring to create a
slave state. They fail to recognize the Hebrew/Christian/Muslim "God" Enlil/Yahweh
demands servitude and seeks to create a slave state. Yahweh and his high priests have
mass murdered people who do accept Yahweh as their slavemaster.

Propaganda (lies) are used by the high priests of Yahweh to gain support from dupes.

The high priests will say they are working for spiritual freedom and human rights. They
talk the talk but they do not walk the walk. You cannot decide based on what they say. It
is what they do, and not do, that counts.

From here forward are the details of how all of this evolved into the current situation.

476 AD

The commonly accepted date for the fall of the Roman Empire is 476.

The Middle Ages began and would last into the 15th century when the Renaissance began.
The Middle Ages are also called the medieval period or Dark Ages.

Hedonism is the doctrine that pleasure is the highest good. Ancient hedonism expressed
itself in two ways: the cruder form was that proposed by Aristippus who believed that
pleasure was achieved by the complete gratification of all ones sensual desires; on the
other hand Epicurus, though accepting the primacy of pleasure, tended to equate it with
the absence of pain and taught it could best be attained through the rational control of
ones desires. British hedonism, first expressed in the 19th century, Utilitarianism, is
universalistic in that it is conceived in a social sense the greatest happiness for the
greatest number.

Asceticism was common in Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism and

Christianity. Asceticism is rejection of the world and bodily pleasures through sustained
self-denial and self-mortification, to strengthen spiritual life. Mortify means to punish
ones body or control ones physical desires and passions by self-denial, fasting, etc. as a
means of religious discipline. The most common ascetic practice is prolonged fasting,
used for many purposes the Crow Indians used it to produce visions, others use it to
sharpen spiritual awareness. Extreme practices are flagellation and self-mutilation.

The unifying institution of the Middle Ages was the Christian churches. The philosophy
of the Middle Ages was scholasticism. Feudalism became the typical social and political
organization of Europe.


Scholasticism was the philosophy and theosophy of Christendom in the Middle Ages.
Basic to all scholastic thought was the use of reason to deepen the understanding of what
is believed on faith. The greatest of early Christian philosophers was St. Augustine, who
saw in Plato or Neoplatonism a system congenial with Christianity.

John of Salisbury was noted for his humanistic studies.

The 13th century saw two important developments the growth of universities and the
introduction of the full works of Aristotle into the West. Only the early works of Aristotle
were known by Western thinkers previously.

The university of Paris became a leading center for the study of Aristotle and attracted
scholars from all over Europe; the Dominicans and Franciscans, popular new religious
orders, played a leading role in the expansion of universities and the development of

The leading figure in the movement to Christianize Aristotle was St. Thomas Aquinas.
He was a Dominican. He denied any basic conflict between faith and reason and sought
to demonstrate that reason could lead man to many of the great spiritual truths and could
help him understand those truths that were accepted on faith.

He was opposed by the Franciscans, particularly St. Bonaventure and William of Occam.
They seperated philosophy and religion and insisted that there is no rational ground for
faith, bringing an end to that synthesis of faith and reason that characterized the greatest
scholastic thought.

In the area of logic, William of Occam is noted for his principle called Occams Razor
What can be done with fewer (assumptions) is done in vain with more.

In feudalism there is strict division into social classes nobility, clergy, and peasantry.

Feudalism was based on contracts made between nobles. The King owned all of the land.
Beneath him were the nobles. The land was divided into self-sufficient estates with each
one presided over by the lord of the manor. The land was tilled by residents of the local

The lord of an estate loaned land to peasants for fixed dues and services. The lord owed
military protection to the peasants and the peasants owed military service to the lord. The
nobility was essentially a military class with the knight as the typical warrior.

The peasant laborers were called serfs and they were attached to the manor in a state of
semibondage, not much above outright slavery.

Decline of feudalism a great disruptive force was always present in the system itself,
which provided for the concentration of power in the hands of the few. The rise of
powerful monarchs in France, Spain and England broke down the local system.

Another disruptive force was the increase of communication, which broke down the
isolated manor and assisted the rise of towns. Towns were municpal corporations with
rights to self-government. Towns gave rise to a new class the bourgeois who were
citizens of a town.


Bourgeois was originally the name for the inhabitants of French medieval towns who
worked as artisans and craftsmen. They occupied a social and economic position between
the landlords and the peasants. Thus they formed a middle class. They were preoccupied
with material gain.

In the Netherlands and England, the bourgeois was the driving force in uprooting
feudalism. They supported principles of constitutionality and natural rights, against the
privileges held by nobles. The English, American and French revolutions derived partly
from the desire of the bourgeois to rid itself of royal encroachments on personal liberty
and on the rights of trade and property.

In the 19th century, the bourgeois, propounding liberalism, gained political rights as well
as religious and civil liberties. Thus modern Western society, in its political and cultural
aspects, owes much to bourgeios activities and philosophy.

Subsequent to the Industrial Revolution, the class greatly expanded and differences
within it became more distinct, notably between the high bourgeios the bankers and
industrialists and the pettty bourgeios the tradesmen and white-collar workers.

By the end of the 19th century, the capitalists (the original bourgeios) tended to be
associated with a widened upper class, while the spread of technology and technical
occupations was opening the bourgeois to entry from below.

Within Karl Marxs theory of class struggle, the bourgeois plays a significant role. By
overthrowing the feudal system it is seen as an originally progressive force that later
becomes a reactionary force as it tries to prevent the ascendancy of the proletariat (wage
earners) in order to maintain its own position of predominance.

Some writers argue that Marxs theory fails because he did not foresee the rise of a new,
expanded middle class of professionals and managers, which, although wage earners,
would not fit easily into his definition of the proletariat.

A money economy weakened serfdom, and an inquiring spirit stimulated the age of
exploration that preceded the Commercial Revolution. In growing towns there flourished
banking, the bourgeois class, and secular ideals. As feudal strength was sapped, notably
by the Hundred Years War and the Wars of the Roses, there emerged in France and
England the modern nation state.

Finally, the great medieval unity of Christianity was shattered by the religious theories
that culminated in the Protestant Reformation. A forerunner of intellectual modernity was
the new humanism of the Renaissance.

New Columbia Encyclopedia

613 AD
Muhammad ibn Abd Allah was born in 570 AD in the city of Mecca in Arabia.

Muhammad traces his ancestry back to Abraham, as follows:

Abraham is father of Ishmael

Adnan is a descendant of Ishmael
Adnan is the common ancestor of the northern Arabs


There was a shrine in Mecca (the Kaaba) that housed statues of many Arabian gods.

The Kaaba is a masonry structure the shape of a cube. It is made of granite, 43 feet high.
It is covered by a black silk curtain with a gold embroidered band.
The Kaaba was dedicated to Hubal, a Nabatean deity, and contained 360 pagan idols.
The Nabateans were an ancient trading people of Jordan, Canaan, and Arabia. Their
capital was Petra.

u l-Shar (Lord of the Mountain) was worshipped at Petra by the Nabateans. He was
associated with Zeus. His sanctuary at Petra contained a great temple in which a large
cubical stone (Ka'ba) was the centerpiece.

In Mesopotamia, Hubal is chief among the elder gods. An image of Hubal was imported
from Mesopotamia to Mecca.

Note: Ka and Ba are Egyptian words representing the spirit and the soul.

Inside the Kaaba is the Black Stone, generally thought to be a meteorite that had fallen
from the sky and linked heaven and earth. The stone is 12 inches in diameter, and it is
suspended 5 feet above the ground. Tradition says it fell to earth during the time of Adam
and Eve - and was originally white but has been turned black by human sins.
In 930, the Black Stone was seized by the Qarmatians. It was returned in 951, broken into
seven pieces. It is now held together by a silver frame.

Note: The building with a suspended stone is meant to restimulate the emanator implant.

A black stone was an object of worship at the temple of Baal, the Caananite sun god, at

Angel Gabriel

In 610, the angel Gabriel began communicating with Muhammad. Three years later
Gabriel commanded Muhammad to begin preaching.

Muhammad started preaching these revelations, proclaiming that "God is One", that
complete surrender to Him is the only way acceptable to God, and that he was a prophet
and messenger of God, the same way as Abraham, Moses, Jesus, etc. He also preached
that baby girls should not be killed.

Muhammad founded Islam. Islam is a monotheistic religion with Allah as the supreme
deity and Muhammad is the chief prophet. Islam means submission (to Gods will). An
adherent to Islam is called a Muslim.

Muhammad did not consider himself the creator of a new religion, rather he restored the
original and uncorrupted monotheistic faith of Abraham and others.

The revelations Muhammad received from God, form the verses of the Quran (Koran).
The Qur'an was revealed to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel over a period of 23 years.

11th century Persian Qur'an

Muslims believe that the original Jewish and Christian texts were authentic divine
revelations given to the prophets Adam, Enoch, Noah, Heber, Shelah, Abraham, Lot,
Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Jethro, David, Solomon, Elijah, Elisha, Jonah, Moses,
Aaron, Ezra, Zechariah, Jesus, and John the Baptist.

Muslims regard the Qur'n as the culmination of a series of divine messages that started
with those revealed to the first prophet Adam, continued with the Scrolls of Abraham, the
Torah, the Psalms and the Gospel.

The Qur'an refers to many events from Jewish and Christian scriptures, retelling some of
these events in comparatively distinctive ways from the Bible and the Torah. The Qur'n
retells stories of many of the people and events recounted in Jewish and Christian sacred
books (Tanakh, Bible) and devotional literature (Apocrypha, Midrash), although it differs
in many details.

Muslims believe that those texts were neglected, corrupted or altered in time by the Jews
and Christians and have been replaced by God's final and perfect revelation, which is the
Qur'n. Jews and Christians believe that the historical biblical archaeological record
refutes this assertion, because the Dead Sea Scrolls (the Tanakh and other Jewish writings
which predate the origin of the Qur'an) have been fully translated, thus validating the
authenticity of the Greek Septuagint.

Septuagint is a translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek for Ptolemy II of Egypt.

Journey to Seventh Heaven

In 620, Gabriel came to Muhammad suddenly. Then the Buraq came, which Muhammad
mounted. They traveled to the temple in Jerusalem faster than the speed of light where
Muhammad spoke with Abraham, Moses and Jesus.

Then Muhammad mounted the Buraq and rose into the first heaven, then the second, then
the next, until the seventh, where Muhammad met Allah. Muhammad was only a short
distance from Allah, but did not see his face. Allah showed Muhammad the terrrible
scenes of hell and its pain. The Buraq returned Muhammad to Mecca.

Muslims consider the Foundation Stone under the Dome of the Rock to be the site from
which Muhammad ascended to heaven on the Buraq.

Migration to Medina

The opposition in Mecca started when Muhammad spoke shamefully of the pagan idols
the Meccans worshiped other than God.

Mecca was a properous city because the Kaaba attracted many people to the city that
resulted in trade. Muhammad became a threat to the tribes and the rulers of the city,
whose wealth rested upon the Kaaba. Relations between the Muslims and their pagan
fellow-tribesmen rapidly deteriorated. Muhammad and his followers were persecuted.

Muhammad looked for a new home for himself and his followers. He found hope with
some men from Yathrib (Medina). The Arab population of Medina were somewhat
familiar with monotheism because a Jewish community existed in that city. To escape
persecution at Mecca, Muhammad and his followers migrated to Medina in 622.

There was fighting in Medina between the Arabs and Jews. The recurring slaughters
made it obvious that the tribal conceptions of blood-feud and "an eye for an eye" were
not workable. Muhammad acted as a neutral arbitrator for these disputes.

There was a general acceptance of Islam by the pagan population of Medina. The Jewish
clans kept aloof from Islam. Muhammad encountered ridicule and rejection from Jews,
thus he adopted a negative view of them. He became aware of the antipathy between
Jews and Christians and the disagreements and strife between them. The Qur'an states
that it will "relate correctly to the Children of Israel most of that about which they differ".

Armed Conflicts

Economically uprooted and with no profession, the Muslim migrants turned to raiding
Mecca caravans for their livelihood, thus initiating armed conflict between the Muslims
and Mecca. Muhammad delivered Qur'anic verses permitting the Muslims to fight the
Muhammad led three hundred warriors in a raid on a Meccan merchant caravan at Badr.
Mecca sent a force to protect the caravan. The battle of Badr was in March 624. The
Muslims won the battle and took 70 prisoners for ransom. Muhammad himself did not
fight, directing the battle from a nearby hut.

The remaining pagans in Medina were bitter about the advance of Islam. Two pagan
leaders were assassinated putting an end to overt pagan opposition in Medina.

Muhammad expelled from Medina one of the three main Jewish tribes. The Jews were
skeptical of a non-Jewish prophet. The Muslims responded that Abraham was a prophet
and he was not a Jew.

The Qur'an stated that it was "restoring the pure monotheism of Abraham which had been
corrupted in various ways by Jews and Christians". The Jews secretly connived with
Muhammad's enemies in Mecca to overthrow him.

The exiled Jewish tribe from Medina helped Mecca muster a force of 10,000 men. They
laid seige on Medina. Muslims dug a trench wherever Medina lay open to calvary attack.
The siege began on 31 March 627 and lasted for two weeks. The Mecca troops were
unprepared for the fortifications they were confronted with, and decided to go home.

The Jewish tribe of Banu Qurayza in Medina, was charged with collaboration with the
invading armies. The Muslims beheaded the men of Banu Qurayza and all the women
and children were enslaved.

The Jewish tribe Banu Bakr, with allies in Mecca, continued raids against the Muslims.
In 630, Muhammad marched on Mecca with a force of ten thousand men and took control
of Mecca. Most Meccans converted to Islam, and Muhammad destroyed all statues of the
Arabian gods in the Kaaba.

The Kaaba was no longer a pagan shrine, thereafter it was a Muslim shrine. The Muslims
were the dominant force in Arabia, and most of the remaining tribes converted to Islam.

Criticism of Muhammad is blasphemy, which is punishable by death in Pakistan.

Muhammad had a dozen wives. He died 8 June 632.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia


The Potala Palace is the holiest temple of Tibetan Buddhism.

Potala Palace - Lhasa, Tibet

The first construction began in 637. It was the residence of the Dalai Lamas. Dalai Lama
means spiritual teacher.

Tantric Buddhism is an extension of Buddhism, consisting of the adoption of additional

techniques. Tantric Buddhism claims to provide an accelerated path to enlightenment.

Various tantric techniques are rooted in scriptures known as tantras, written in India. The
earliest tantric texts appeared around the early 4th century. In the tantric path one tries to
identify with the enlightened body, speech and mind of a buddha.

Tantric techniques include the repetition of special ritual phrases called mantras.

There is an aspect of sex in Highest Yoga Tantra practice using sexual intercourse to
transform one's sexual energy into a blissful consciousness directed towards achieving
enlightenment. The purpose is to generate bliss but to refrain from ejaculating, as one
intends to control the energies of one's body.

Tantric Buddhism spread from India to Tibet, Nepal, China, Mongolia, Russia and Japan.

Tibetan Buddhists are the primary practitioners of Tantric Buddhism in the world.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia
683 AD

One of the earliest Maya cities, Palenque, has the Temple of Inscriptions pyramid. It
contains a burial tomb covered by a 5 ton stone lid. Inscriptions on the walls convince
archaeologists that Pacal is buried here. He reigned in Palenque in 615-683 A.D.

Palenque, Mexico

The Palace
Temple of Inscriptions, where the Tomb of Pakal is located

The lid of the burial tomb has a depiction on it - an operator of a flying vehicle.
The depiction is framed by celestial bodies and the zodiac constellations.

The sarcophagus lid shows an operator at the controls of a flying vehicle

A Mayan book, the Chilam Balaam, states:

"Beings descended from the sky in flying vessels... white men in flying rings, who can
touch the sky."

The Earth Chronicles by Zecharia Sitchin

687 AD

Temple Mount is now occupied by Muslim shrines, the most renowned of which is the
Dome of the Rock. The Muslims built the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem in
687 AD.

Muslims believe that it was from the Sacred Rock that their prophet Muhammad was
taken aloft to visit Heaven. After receiving divine instructions from God, he returned.

Another Muslim building is a Mosque built near the Dome.

The Jews complain that the Dome is built over top of a Jewish Temple
so they want it torn down.

The Earth Chronicles by Zecharia Sitchin

Slavemaster Tool Secret Societies

800 AD

Charlemagne was King of the Franks. The Franks kingdom covered most of Europe. The
division of that kingdom formed France and Germany.

He was a devout Catholic who maintained a close relationship with the Catholic Popes.
He spent most of his life in battle and insisted on conversion to Christianity in the lands
he conquered. He conquered the Saxons. In 782 he ordered the beheading of 4,500
Saxons who had been caught practicing their traditional paganism after converting to

The Rosicrucian is Ancient and Secret Order of the Red Rose and the Golden Cross.

It is a body of mystical knowledge starting with the Mystery Schools of Egypt. Pharaoh
Thutmose III had organized the first esoteric school of initiates founded upon principles
perpetuated today by the Rosicrucians.

The cross represents the human body and the rose represents the individuals unfolding

The French philosopher Arnaud introduced the Rosicrucian teachings into France during
the time of Charlemagne about 800 AD. 2

Wikipedia Encyclopedia1
Rosicrucian website2

People at the bottom of secret societies are dupes who think they work for a good cause.

900 AD

About 900 AD the Maya abandoned their cities.

Tikal Great Plaza, Guatemala

Pyramid on Mt. Alban, Mexico Observatory at Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico

Palace and Temples at Palenque, Mexico Mayan Ruins at Copan, Honduras

The Earth Chronicles by Zecharia Sitchin

987 AD

About 700 AD the Toltecs established the city of Tollan, Mexico. Tollan was ruled by
priest-kings who claimed to have been descendants of the god Quetzalcoatl.

Tollan, Mexico

Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent

15 ft high statues -Temple of the Morning Star

In 987 AD the Toltecs abandoned Tollan.

The Earth Chronicles by Zecharia Sitchin

1020 AD

Circa 1020 AD the Incas conquered the inhabitants of Cuzco, Peru who had lived there
for thousands of years. Viracocha was their god. Ishkur, son of Enlil, was Viracocha.

The last civilization to fall under Inca domination was the empire of the Chimu people;
their capital was Chan-Chan.

Ruins of Chan Chan, the ancient capital of the Chimu Empire, Trujillo, Peru

Pyramid dedicated to Viracocha, near Trujillo Rainbow Temple, Chan Chan

The Earth Chronicles by Zecharia Sitchin

Chapter 16 Torture and Murder to Spread Yahweh Monotheism


The Crusades were a series of military campaigns in the Holy Land

(Palestine/Israel) and elsewhere. The Crusades began in 1092 and were
sanctioned by the Catholic Pope.
Wikipedia Encyclopedia

1150 AD

Tape lecture by Ron Hubbard:

This society belongs nominally to the Espinal United Stars.

there's been no command post occupied for this system now since 1150 A.D., at the
time when a group on Mars was finally abolished and vanished, and so forth, and nobody
took any interest in this system. This system has been running wild since that time.

It became an uncontrolled civilization. And since that time has been used (and was used
before this, of course) consistently as a dumping ground because nobody pays any
attention to it.

Tape lecture by Ron Hubbard:

The people that had this sector a long time ago. They used to call themselves "The
Espinal United Stars This Quarter of the Universe Is Ours."

Nobody owns this planet. People are always fighting to own it.

Tape lecture by Ron Hubbard 9 July 1963 The Free Being

Tape lecture by Ron Hubbard 29 June 1965 The Well-Rounded Auditor

1199 AD

The Inquisition accelerated in 1184 AD when the Roman Catholic Church created the
Holy Office of Inquisition into Heretical Wickedness.

The Inquisitors were acting in the name of the Pope with full authority.

In 1199 Pope Innocent III declared "anyone who attempted to construe a personal view of
god which conflicted with the church dogma must be burned without pity."

The church also decided to forbid witchcraft. Between 1450 -1600, the Roman Catholic
Church was responsible for the torture and burning alive of some 30,000 alleged witches.
A Bible passage was used to justify burning heretics John 15:6 "If a man abide not in me,
he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the
fire, and they are burned."

In 1254, Pope Innocent IV decreed that accusers could remain anonymous. Churches had
a chest where informants could slip written accusations against their neighbors. The Pope
authorized torture as a method of extracting confessions of heresy.

Accused heretics were tortured in one room until they confessed, then they were led into
another room to confess to the Inquisitors.

Torturers were allowed as much time as they needed to torture their victims. Priests
blessed the torture instruments prior to their being used. Certain devices were employed
to inflict the maximum pain:

Judas Cradle - the heretic was pulled up by a rope then lowered to the point.

The Boots - this was used to crush the legs using a mallet for knocking in the wedges.
Burning the feet

This method used weights, pulling limbs from their sockets.

Heretics were skinned alive using flesh ripping devices. Breast rippers were used on
female breasts.
The Iron Torture Chair was studded with spikes. A fire was lit beneath the chair.

Skull Crusher Thumbscrew to crush thumbs and toes

The Rack - Ropes were used to stretch the heretic until muscles tore and bones broke.
The wheel was used to crush the heretic's entire skeleton.

The Iron Maiden - inside were nails. Levers would crush the heretic against the nails.

Heretic's Fork

Heretic's Fork - this device was used to silence the heretic on the way to the burning
stake, so they could not reveal what had occurred in the torture chamber or defend
themselves in any way.

The wealthy were prime targets for the Church. The Inquisition took over all of the
heretics' possessions upon accusation. This is one way the Catholic Church grew wealthy.

Pope Innocent stated that since "god" punished children for the sins of their parents, they
had no right to be legal heirs to the property of their parents. Inquisitors accused the dead
of heresy. They exhumed and burned the accused's bones and confiscated all property
from their heirs, leaving them with nothing.

The Dark Side of Christian History by Helen Ellerbe

World Book Encyclopedia
Wizards and Sorcerers by Tom Ogden

1311 AD

The Aztecs lived at Teotihuacan, Mexico for a period of time.

"Aztecs" was a name given these people only lately. They called themselves Mexica.

City of the Gods - Teotihuacan, Mexico

Avenue of the Dead

A war between the gods took place and Quetzalcoatl, god of the Aztecs, was forced by
the God of War to leave in 1311 A.D. Quetzalcoatl left Teotihuacan with a band of
followers and he went to Yucatan, Mexico and sailed off, vowing to return one day.

The Earth Chronicles by Zecharia Sitchin

The date that Quetzalcoatl was forced to leave Mesoamerica is uncertain. It may have
happened earlier than 1311 AD.


The domain of Enlil was Mesopotamia. The domain of Enki was Africa and Egypt and
the Anunnaki called it the Lower World or Underworld. The Lower World referred to the
fact that Africa was south of Mesopotamia. Underworld refers to Annunaki underground

To the Egyptians the Underworld was the path to Heaven in the afterlife. They believed
the dead would go into the Underworld and be judged. The righteous would ascend to
Nibiru (Heaven) in an Anunnaki rocketship and they would be granted immortality there.

To the Greeks, Hades was the god of the Underworld.


The souls of the dead would travel to the Underworld for their afterlife.

The Styx river formed the boundary between the Upperworld and the Underworld. The
Acheron river is a branch of the Styx river.

In older Greek myths, Hades is the abode of the dead. There is no reward or punishment
in this Hades. In later Greek myths there were several sections of Hades one section
being paradise, another section for heroes, another section served as hell. The souls were
first judged then sent to the appropriate section.

The Divine Comedy is a poem written by Dante Alighieri in Florence, Italy about 1315.
It expresses the medieval view of the afterlife. It has three parts the Inferno (Hell),
Purgatory and Paradise.

The poet tells of his travel through the three realms of the dead. His guide through Hell
and Purgatory is the poet Virgil, and his guide through Paradise is Beatrice.

The first part, Inferno, is often published separately under the title Dante's Inferno.


The poem begins with Dante at the age of 35. He is facing temptations towards sin he
cannot evade. Conscious that he is ruining himself, Dante is at last rescued by Virgil.
Dante and Virgil begin their journey to the underworld.

In Dantes time, it was thought that hell was beneath Jerusalem.

Dante passes through the Gate of Hell, it says "Abandon all hope, you who enter here".

The War in Heaven happened when the angel Lucifer led a third of the Angels in a revolt
against God and his loyal angels. Lucifer and the angels under his command were thrown
to Earth as punishment for their insurrection.

Before entering Hell completely, Dante sees the souls of the outcasts, who took no side in
the Rebellion of Angels.

Charon ferried the souls of the dead across Acheron into Hades.

Then Dante and Virgil reach the ferry that will take them across the river Acheron.

Virgil guides Dante through the nine levels of Hell, culminating in the center of the earth,
where Satan is held, bound.

First Level - Here reside the virtuous pagans, who, though not sinful, did not accept
Christ. Their fault was that they lacked faith.

Second Level The lustful are punished here. These souls are blown about by a violent
storm, without hope of rest.

Third Level - The gluttons are forced to lie in the mud and consume their own excrement.

Fourth Level - Those overly concerned for material goods. The damned push weights.

Fifth Level - The slothful lie beneath the surface of swamp water.

Sixth Level - Heretics are trapped in flaming tombs.

Seventh Level - Those who were violent are immersed in a river of boiling blood.

Eighth Level This is for the fraudulent. Seducers are whipped by demons. Sorcerers
have their heads twisted on backwards. Thieves are bitten by snakes. Fraudulent advisors
are encased in flames. Ulysses tells Dante the tale of his fatal final voyage. He equated
life as a pursuit of knowledge that humanity can attain, but God sank his ship. This
symbolizes the inability of the individual to find one's own salvation. Instead, one must
be totally subservient to God and realize the inability to be a God himself.
Ninth Level Traitors are frozen in a lake of ice.
Dante and Virgil move on to the center of hell where Satan is trapped.

Leaving Hell, Virgil guides Dante through the seven terraces of Purgatory. Purgatory is
for sinners who accepted God before they died. The intent of Purgatory is for souls to
ascend towards God in Heaven.

First Terrace - The proud are purged by carrying giant stones on their backs.

Second Terrace The envious have their eyes sewn shut. God is training the souls not to
envy others and to direct their love towards Him.

Third Terrace The wrathful are purged by walking around in acrid smoke.

Fourth Terrace The slothful are purged by continually running.

Fifth Terrace The avaricious are purged by lying face-down on the ground. The sinner
learns to turn his desire from possessions to God.

Sixth Terrace The gluttonous are purged by abstaining from any food or drink.

Seventh Terrace The lustful burn in a wall of flames. Excessive sexual desire misdirects
one's love from God.

At the summit is the Garden of Eden. Here Dante meets Beatrice who will accompany
Dante in his vision of Heaven. Dante drinks water which causes the soul to forget past
sins. Thus purified, souls can direct their love fully towards God.
After an ascension to Paradise Beatrice guides Dante through the nine spheres of Heaven.

Souls are allotted to the point of heaven that fits with their human ability to love God.

The ninth sphere is the abode of angels. From there, Dante ascends to a region beyond
physical existence. Here he comes face-to-face with God. Dante's soul, through God's
absolute love, experiences a unification with itself and all things.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia


The Medici family was a wealthy, powerful and influential family in Florentine, Italy
from the 13th to 17th century. The family produced three popes (Leo X, Clement VII, and
Leo XI)), numerous rulers of Florence, and members of the French and English royalty.

Galileo tutored Medici children but he was abandoned when the Inquisition accused
Galileo of heresy.

The family first achieved power through banking. The Medici Bank was one of the most
prosperous in Europe. Some estimate that the Medici family was the wealthiest family in
Europe for a period of time. The family acquired political power in Florence and Europe.

Giovanni di Bicci de Medici was the first Medici to enter banking. Giovanni and his son,
Cosimo the Elder, started the Medici foundations in banking and manufacturing.

Their bank profits began to soar with the election of their pirate friend, Antipope John
XXIII. He placed a mandatory tax on all citizens that was collected through the Medici
bank, thus the Medici added their fee, enhancing their profits, total money, and power.

The Medici family attitudes about their wealth and place in society was important. It was
more important to them to ensure their heirs success and status than to help the overall
quality and condition of life for others. The idea of money, power, and absolute egotism
consumed their unique minds.

Their family was an example of several generations being involved in deep plans.

Cosimo the Elder, became the unofficial head of state of the Florentine republic in 1434.
The descendants of Cosimo the Elder ruled Florence until the assassination of Alessandro
de Medici, first Duke of Florence, in 1537. Power then passed to the descendants of
Lorenzo the Elder, younger son of Giovanni di Bicci, starting with his great-great-
grandson Cosimo I the Great.

The Medici kept their power so long by marrying into various royal families in Europe
and by intermarrying.

Tomb of Lorenzo di Medici - Florence

Medici Popes

The Medici had their eye on the Papacy from the primordial moment of their money.

Pope Leo X (1513-1521) was a Medici. Extravagance and wealth sum up his court. In
Leos extravagance, he spent tremendous wealth. This can be labeled one of the major
reasons for the increasing necessity of indulgences, ultimately leading to and adding to
the Reformation.

The Conspiracy of the Cardinals was caused by several events (1517-1518) which
included Leo showing open favor to Florence and starting unnecessary wars based on
personal politics. Some of the cardinals were going to kill him with a poison. Word of the
plot slipped out, angering Leo, and thus he appointed thirty more cardinals who were
Medici supporters. The old Cardinals became more angered, therefore Leo had people in
opposition killed in various, graphic ways. This added to the difficulties of the Church.

Under Leo, the sale of indulgences and church offices became widespread to replenish
their bank and fund art for the Papacy. A German monk, Martin Luther, protested and
wrote numerous and widely published documents (1517). Leo excommunicated him and
others, but these problems still continued under the next several popes.

During the Renaissance and Reformation, various Christian churches blossomed. Many
were persecuted by the Church, but they kept going and stood for their beliefs and against
the corrupt Church. The idea of religious freedom and separation of church and state

The second Medici pope, 1523 to 1534, was Clement VII., Giulio d Medici. He was
deceitful, avaricious, cruel and heartless. He was detested by the Romans as the author of
all their calamities and by everybody else as one of the basest men and worst Pontiffs.

In 1605, another Medici came to the purple. Alessandro Ottaviano d Medici, Leo XI,
had a short reign of only 26 days.


The Medici family was largely responsible for financing the Renaissance in Florence.
They led the birth of the Italian Renaissance that then spread throughout Europe.
Renaissance means rebirth.1

During the sessions of the council for the union of the Greek and Latin churches at
Florence in 1439, Cosimo de Medici met Neoplatonic philosopher George Gemistos

Cosimo decided to re-found Plato's Academy and chose Marsilio Ficino to head it. Ficino
translated Platos works into Latin. When a Greek copy of the Corpus Hermeticum
arrived in Florence, Cosimo ordered Ficino to stop all other translation work and focus
solely on the translation of the Corpus, which was said to contain the central theology of
the ancient Egyptians.

Ficino tried to synthesize Christianity and Platonism, thus creating a new religion
which would become the foundation of the Renaissance. As such, the Renaissance that
swept the 15th century was Ficinos child.
Ficino: The high priest of the Renaissance

In his synthesis of the two religions, Ficino wrote a treatise on the immortality of the soul
(Theologia Platonica de immortalitate animae). In De Vita libri tres (Three books on life),
published in 1489, he talked about the world's ensoulment and its integration with the
human soul. Ficino was a priest.

In 1489, he was accused of magic before Pope Innocent VIII and needed strong defence
to preserve him from the condemnation of heresy. Part of the problem was that Ficinos
new religion relied on amulets and talismans for magical purposes, a practice that had
existed in ancient Egypt and which was part of the Hermetic tradition. Ficino
reintroduced this science and specifically adapted it so that it would work in paintings.

A key document in using paintings as talismans in the Renaissance was the Picatrix, a
book that was part of the Hermetic tradition, which focused particularly on talismans, and
which it compared to the alchemical elixir. Through the proper design and construction of
a talisman and proper performance of the rituals associated with it, the magician could
control the energy emanating from heavenly spheres.

Ficino wrote about these techniques, whereby planetary powers were to be invoked by
the principles of Hermetic analogy. The man chiefly accused of incorporating this
knowledge in his paintings was Sandro Botticelli. His application of this methodology is
most visible in The Birth of Venus, Minerva and the Centaur, and the Primavera. These
three paintings represent the magical practice of drawing down planetary influences into
images, as outlined by Ficino.
Birth of Venus painting in 1485 - said to epitomize the spirit of the Renaissance
Greek wind gods blow the goddess Venus ashore, met by the spring goddess

In the Renaissance there were many paintings of the pagan Greek culture - its gods,
goddesses and myths.

Ficino subscribed to the notion that there was hope for world renovation, which would
occur through art, science and technology. This new hope was his new religion, the
infusion of Platonic-Hermetic thought within Christianity, which was creating a
manifesto for a new Christian Church. He declared that religions basis had to be
philosophy and believed that Plato should be read in the churches.

Such integration would not go smoothly. For one, Ficino considered the human soul to be
both immortal and divine, made in the image of God, which was a contradiction of the
Bible that claimed that the soul was not naturally immortal and could only become so
through Christianity.

In his introduction to the translation, he stated that the Logos, the Word, was the basis of
a peaceful philosophy, in which experiencing the divine nature of the soul was the
ultimate goal for Man. It is clear that the marriage of these pagan divinities with Christ
was not a straightforward task.

Another problem was that Plato was a pagan and the Hermeticum was believed to contain
knowledge of the Egyptian pagan religion. Christianity had stated that all of this heretical
knowledge had been made redundant with the birth of Christ, so there was no need for it
to be read in churches.

But there was hope. Many of the Hermetic writings closely resemble portions of the
Gospel of John, one of the few Christian texts cherished by the medieval Cathars. Later,
Martin Luther actually believed that the author of the Corpus had merely copied the
writings of John the Evangelist.
A very old Egyptian text says: In the beginning was Thoth; and Thoth was in Atum; and
Thoth was Atum in the unfathomable reaches of primordial space. The Prologue of
Johns Gospel, beginning with The Word was with God and The Word was God,
closely resembles the actions of Thoth and Thoth was the Egyptian name of Hermes,
the Greek god of Wisdom. Ficino himself did not fail to see the similarities between the
Corpus Hermeticum and Johns Gospel and even stressed these in his introduction to his

Ficino was playing a dangerous game. What inspired him to live so dangerously? Ficino
realised that Christianity was a variation an interpretation of a group of followers of
the Corpus Hermeticum, specifically the cult of Serapis. His new religion was nothing
more than restoring Christianity to its roots.

The religion of Serapis was a wisdom cult, which means it must have had a body of
literature. But what was that body of literature? Both the Serapis Cult and the Hermetic
literature are dedicated to the Egyptian god Thoth (the Greek Hermes), from which the
Hermetic literature takes its name.

According to two prominent scholars, Bloomfield and Stricker, the Corpus Hermeticum
was indeed the bible of the Egyptian mystery religion of Serapis. This is exactly what
Ficino himself believed. But he also believed that with the Corpus Hermeticum, the
Florentine Academy received the true bible, i.e. the sacred literature which had been
used in the training of John the Baptist and Jesus; it was the bible of original Christianity,
the Serapis cult. In short, the revolution that Ficino tried to achieve was to do away with
centuries of corruption of Christianity and return the religion to its true roots. The
problem was that this meant that he would have to do away with most of Christianity.

When we explore the contents of this original Christian bible, we find that it
specifically reflects the new belief system of the Renaissance, which called for a direct
experience of the divine. The central mythical image of Hermeticism, described in the
first treatise of the Corpus Hermeticum, Poimandres, the Shepherd of Men, is the
ascent of the soul after death, and its passage through the spheres of the seven planets.
When entering the Eighth Sphere, it joins the company of the Blessed. An identical
journey is described in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, where the soul must traverse the
several halls of the Underworld and be weighed against a feather (an act performed by
Thoth), before it can enter the Paradise of Osiris.

Furthermore, Thoth and his Hellenised counterpart Hermes were the messengers of the
gods, those who travelled between Heaven, the Kingdom of God, and Earth, the Realm of
Man. In Christianity, this mediator role was Christ and Christ alone.

Ficino correctly stated that the Christian cross, the symbol of Christianity, was originally
the symbol of the pagan Egyptian god Serapis.
The Florentine Academy actually possessed the rituals of the Serapis cult. The writings of
the Roman author Apuleius were cherished reading for the Platonic Academy. Apuleius
gave many detailed accounts of the Mysteries of Isis and Osiris. He wrote how, in the
procession of the Initiates of Isis, they followed a chest or ark, magnificently ornamented,
containing an image of the organs of generation (the phallus) of the dead Osiris. These
ceremonies represented the death of Osiris, slain by his brother Seth. Ficinos translations
of Apuleius therefore gave the Academy detailed accounts of the rituals of the Serapis

Ficino realised that Christianity was a modified continuation of the cult of Serapis. Many
historians have wondered about the apparent duality of Ficino in being both a priest the
chief priest of the Florentine Cathedral and a Hermeticist. He linked pagan Hermetic
thinking to Christianity, which seem incompatible. In his time, Ficinos opponents
criticised: Would you think this man is a priest of God as he wished to appear, and not
rather the patron and high priest of Egyptian mysteries? It seems that even his opponents
knew the truth about Ficinos true allegiance and beliefs. But when we accept that he saw
the cult of Serapis as original Christianity, this apparent duality disappears.

The link between the Corpus Hermeticum, John the Baptist and the Serapis Cult is able to
answer one of the most nagging questions - a question that the book Templar Revelation
posed when it showed that the people who worshipped John the Baptist were also
Hermeticists. Now this question can be answered.

As the Corpus Hermeticum and the Serapis cult were the same, and as there is evidence
that John the Baptist was a priest of Serapis, it follows that those who held John in high
esteem would do this because of his particular doctrine, which was the Hermeticum. This
also explains why the rediscovery of the knowledge of the Corpus Hermeticum happened
within a group of people, the Florentine Academy, who had been driven to understand the
true origins of the Baptists message. It may also explain why Florence was the capital of
the Renaissance, for John the Baptist was the citys patron saint.

Priests of Serapis were magicians and Ficino claimed that Jesus was a magician.

The Academy brought about the Renaissance, the transformation of Europe, and the birth
of science.

With the translation of the Corpus Hermeticum, they had the necessary material in hand
to discover what society original Christianity wanted to establish. In 1492, Ficino wrote
that an Age of Gold was upon Mankind. The first sign would be the revival of arts,
which had been turned into a liberating technique to liberate Mans God Potential, the
divine spark that was in each of us. That project, as we now know, was a success.

There were also political attempts to bring about social change. Ficino mentioned that the
revolution of art was merely the first step. The Academy thus became the breeding
ground of a conspiracy to try and overthrow the Catholic Church. It was a bold attempt to
reform from within, covertly, rather than from the outside, openly and aggressively.

In these attempts, they required the assistance of bright young men. A young priest
steeped into occult knowledge, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, was such a man. Pico had
arrived in Florence on the day when Ficino had completed the translations of Platos
writings. With all the necessary ammunition to mount their attack therefore available in
Latin, Ficino and other members of the Platonic Academy pushed Pico to formulate a
compendium of nine hundred propositions a manifesto. It was the battle plan with
which the Medici-circle wanted to attack the outdated dogma of the Church.

The propositions are clearly Hermetic in origin and were seen by the Pope as a challenge
to the Church and Christianity. The attempt failed, Pope Innocent VIII did not indulge
such pagan inspired thinking and placed Picos writings on the Papal Index, threatening
Pico with expulsion.

The next step in any conspiracy was getting infiltrators into the enemy camp. Though
Ficino and most members of the Academy were priests, none held high enough positions
in the Church. Therefore, Lorenzo de Medici engineered the promotion of one of his sons
to the position of Cardinal, thus clearing the first hurdle in a successful race to the Papal
office. It opened up a potential, but one which in the end was never truly realised.

Ficino was the herald of a new age. More than a herald, he laid the foundation. The
Renaissance was not a failure; it was a transformation and remains a shift for Western
society. 2

Wikipedia Encyclopedia1


The Key of Solomon, is a medieval book on magic originally attributed to King Solomon.
A manuscript from the 15th century, written in greek, still survives. It is sometimes used
as a grimoire.

A grimoire is a textbook of magic, giving instructions for invoking angels or demons, and
gaining magical powers. Such books contain lists of angels and demons, directions on
casting charms and spells, on mixing medicines, and summoning unearthly entities.

It is said that King Solomon evoked seventy-two demons and confined them in a bronze
vessel sealed by magic symbols, and he obliged them to work for him. Key of Solomon
does not describe any of these seventy-two spirits, it provides the necessary drawings to
prepare each operation.
One of the many "magic circles" from the Key of Solomon

The Key of Solomon contains conjurations, invocations and curses to summon and
constrain spirits of the dead and demons, forcing them to do the operator's will. It also
describes how to become invisible, gain favour and love, to cause harm to others, etc.

The book contains several paragraphs and terms inspired by Talmudic texts and Jewish
Kabbalah teaching.

Lesser Key of Solomon

The Lesser Key of Solomon is an anonymous 17th century grimoire. It is one of the most
popular books of demonology. It contains descriptions of the spirits and the conjurations
needed to invoke and oblige them to do the will of the conjurer. It details the preparations
prior to the invocations.

The Lesser Key of Solomon is divided into five parts.

The first section is Ars Goetia (Art of Goetia), contains descriptions of the seventy-two
demons that Solomon is said to have evoked and confined in a bronze vessel, sealed by
magic symbols, and that he obliged to work for him. It gives instructions on constructing
a similar bronze vessel, and using the proper magic formulae to call up those demons.

The Ars Goetia assigns a rank and a title of nobility to each demon, and gives the demons
"signs they have to pay allegiance to".

1. King Bael 25. Count/President Glasya-Labolas 49. Duke Crocell

2. Duke Agares 26. Duke Bune 50. Knight Furcas
3. Prince Vassago 27. Marquis/Count Ronove 51. King Balam
4. Marquis Samigina 28. Duke Berith 52. Duke Alloces
5. President Marbas 29. Duke Astaroth 53. President Caim
6. Duke Valefar 30. Marquis Forneus 54. Duke/Count Murmur
7. Marquis Amon 31. President Foras 55. Prince Orobas
8. Duke Barbatos 32. King Asmodeus 56. Duke Gremory
9. King Paimon 33. Prince/President Gaap 57. President Ose
10. President Buer 34. Count Furfur 58. President Amy
11. Duke Gusion 35. Marquis Marchosias 59. Marquis Orias
12. Prince Sitri 36. Prince Stolas 60. Duke Vapula
13. King Beleth 37. Marquis Phenex 61. King/President Zagan
14. Marquis Leraje 38. Count Halphas 62. President Volac
15. Duke Eligos 39. President Malphas 63. Marquis Andras
16. Duke Zepar 40. Count Raum 64. Duke Haures
17. Count/President Botis 41. Duke Focalor 65. Marquis Andrealphus
18. Duke Bathin 42. Duke Vepar 66. Marquis Cimejes
19. Duke Sallos 43. Marquis Sabnock 67. Duke Amdusias
20. King Purson 44. Marquis Shax 68. King Belial
21. Count/President Morax 45. King/Count Vine 69. Marquis Decarabia
22. Count/Prince Ipos 46. Count Bifrons 70. Prince Seere
23. Duke Aim 47. Duke Uvall 71. Duke Dantalion
24. Marquis Naberius 48. President Haagenti 72. Count Andromalius

Buer, the 10th spirit

The circle and triangle, used in the summoning of the 72 demon spirits of the Goetia. The
magician stands within the circle and the spirit was believed to appear within the triangle.
The Lesser Key of Solomon also describes how to deal with angels, their names, their
seals, their nature, and the invocation to call them. It contains a collection of prayers
mixed with kabbalistic words. The prayers act as an invocation to God's angels.

The Goetia The Lesser Key of Solomon the King is a 1904 translation of the text by
Samuel Mathers and Aleister Crowley. It is a manual that purports to give instructions for
summoning 72 different spirits.
Wikipedia Encyclopedia

1479 AD

This Aztec calendar stone was carved in 1479 AD.

Aztec calendar stone accurate 365 days - 12 feet wide and 24 tons

The Mayan and Aztec calendars are similar.

The Mayans had a calendar that accurately measures the solar year to within minutes.
The priests could interpret the heavens and calendar.

The Maya understood 17 different calendars. Some of these calendars go back as far as
ten million years and are so difficult that you would need an astronomer, astrologer,
geologist, and a mathematician just to work out the calculations.

The evidence is clear. Someone with advanced knowledge of astronomy has visited
peoples of this planet and left calendars as a signature note.

Aztec calendar
Internet data on ancient calendars


The Spanish Inquisition was set up by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella in 1478 with
the approval of the Pope. It targeted Judaism, Islam, Protestants and other heretics.

In 1492 Spain was made a Christian land. King Ferdinand and queen Isabella signed an
edict for the expulsion from Spain of all Jews who would not convert to Christianity.

In 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed under the Spanish flag to find a new route to India.
Columbus did not find India, instead he found the island of the Dominican Republic.
Columbus brought back news of gold. Thereafter the Spaniards made many trips back to
Central America and South America in search of gold. They found and sent back large
quantities of gold to Spain. They also converted the natives to Christianity.

Francisco Pizarro sailed to Peru at the head of two hundred men in 1530. The treasures
found by the Spaniards in Cuzco were fabulous, in an artificial garden in the Temple of
the Sun, there were 180,000 square feet of golden corn.

The Spanish Inquisition was employed in Spanish colonies such as Peru and Mexico. The
Spanish Inquisition continued in the Americas until Mexican Independence and was not
abolished in Europe until 1834. Inquisitions were also carried out in Portugal and Asia.

The Earth Chronicles by Zecharia Sitchin

The Dark Side of Christian History by Helen Ellerbe
World Book Encyclopedia


The Rosicrucian movement was founded by Egyptian Pharoah Thutmose III in 1468 BC.

Rosicrucianism was first introduced to Germany about 800 AD. Germanys first official
Rosicrucian Lodge was established in the city of Worms in Germany in 1100 A.D.
Rosicrucians had secret degrees of initiation.

In the 1300s, the Brotherhood of the Snake and its most advanced initiates had become
known by a Latin name: the Illuminati, which means Illuminated (enlightened) Ones.

This Illuminati should not be confused with another lesser Illuminati founded in the
1700s in Bavaria by Adam Weishaupt. The true Illuminati and Weishaupts Illuminati
are two distinct organizations.

One of the Illuminatis most important branches in Germany was the Rosicrucians.
Advancement through the Rosicrucian degrees often resulted in admittance to the

The Illuminati and Rosicrucians were behind religious movements that advertised
themselves as an alternative to the Catholic Church. One such movement was the
Protestant Reformation of Martin Luther. Luther began his rebellion in the early 1500s.

Martin Luther was a German Catholic priest. He came to hate the angry condemning God
of the Catholic religion and he lost faith in the Catholic way to salvation.
The Catholic Church preached that man had the free will to accept or reject salvation, that
salvation cannot be imposed on anyone against their will (even by a monotheistic God).

Luther taught the false idea that a person has no personal control over his spiritual
salvation. Luther convinced people that salvation is dependent entirely upon the grace of
a monotheistic God. There was only one action an individual could take to obtain Gods
grace and that was to believe in Jesus as Saviour.

The Catholic Church did not allow this to happen without a fight. The Catholics launched
a Counter-Reformation. Leading the Counter-Reformation was the Society of Jesus,
better known as the Jesuits.

The Jesuits were formed in 1534. They were a militant Catholic secret society with
initiation degrees (the oath for the 2nd degree demanded the death of all Freemasons and
Protestants). The Jesuits were sent to England to fight against the Protestants.

His religion was supported by Sir Francis Bacon who was the highest executive of the
Rosicrucian Order in England.

Under King James, Bacon coordinated the project of writing a Protestant English Bible.
This version was first published in 1611 and became the King James Bible.

The Freemasons worked in secrecy in England and Scotland, promoting Protestantism.

The Masonic lodges were responsible for the Protestant movements in England and in

In 1717 the London Masonic Lodge felt it was safe enough and began to work in public.

The Freemasons spread all over Europe and the New World. The Boston Tea Party
was organized by the Boston Masonic Lodge.

The Declaration of Independence was written and signed by Freemasons. It is a fact that
without the work of the Freemasons the United States of America would not exist today.

Protestantism was one more human faction placed in irresolvable conflict with other
factions over erroneous religious issues. The result has been more war, this time between
Catholics and Protestants.

For the next several hundred years, the Brotherhood/Illuminati network supplied the
world with leaders who led violent revolutionary movements in all parts of the world in
an effort to bring about a massive transmutation of human society. They succeeded, and
we live today in the world they created.

Gods of Eden by William Bramley

Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century by Jan Van Helsing
Website of historian and author Laurence Gardner


The Vaticans secret service has always been the Society of Jesus, whose members are
called Jesuits. The initiation oath for the 2nd degree demands the death of all Protestants
and Freemasons.

The Vatican in Rome headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church

The Society of Jesus was founded in 1534 by Ignatius Loyola who was of Jewish descent
as were the first three generals of the order. The power of the general of the Jesuits is
such that he is called the Black Pope.

The Jesuits went to England to combat the Protestant movement where they instigated the
persecution and death of Freemasons and Protestants.

Secret Societies and their Power in the 20th Century by Jan Van Helsing


It was not until 1543 AD that Nicolaus Copernicus suggested that the Earth and other
planets orbited the sun. He also showed that the movement of the Spring Equinox was
because of precession. Previously humans thought the stars were moving.

The Earth Chronicles by Zecharia Sitchin


Three Rosicrucian Manifestos were anonymously published in Germany:

Fama Fraternitatis in 1614
Confessio Fraternitatis in 1615
Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz in 1616

Together they presented the legend of a German pilgrim named Christian Rosenkreuz.

Fama Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis

The legend tells that this pilgrim studied in the Middle East under various occult masters
and founded the Rosicrucian Order, which aimed to bring about a "universal reformation
of mankind". The Confessio pushed for overthrow of the Catholic papal tyranny.

Francis Bacon is the suspected author of these documents.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia


The Renaissance was coming to an end. The Renaissance philosophy was Scholasticism.

In the Renaissance there was an effort to combine philosophy and religion. Philosophy
was used to support religious beliefs. But, where philosophy differed from religious
dogma, the dogma was considered to be senior to philosophical ideas.

The fundamental tenet of Scholasticism: there can be no contradiction between the truths
which God has revealed and the findings of the human mind in science and philosophy.

Age of Reason and Age of Enlightenment

The Renaissance was followed by the Age of Reason, then the Age of Enlightment.
The Age of Reason sought to establish philosophy as the foundation for knowledge
instead of faith.

The Enlightenment began with the work of Rene Descartes. There were two schools of
thought: the Rationalists and the Empiricists.

The three main Rationalists are Rene Descartes, Baruch Spinoza, and Gottfried Leibniz.
They believed that all knowledge can be gained by the power of our reason alone.

The three main Empiricists were John Locke, George Berkeley, and David Hume. They
believed that all knowledge has to come through the senses, from experience.

The Enlightenment was the point when Europe broke through previous dogma-dictated
thinking. It was an intellectual movement that advocated rationality as a means to
establish a system of ethics and ascertain knowledge.

The Enlightenment saw the rise of the Nation State, wherein the State assumed more and
more authority and power. Thus John Locke and other philosophers advocated limitation.
Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Roosseau, and David Hume questioned and attacked the existing
institutions of both Church and State.

The idea grew that citizens of a State should have natural rights. This led to the rise of
democracy and constitutional government.

They attacked economic and social restraints; giving rise to capitalism, liberalism, and

The Enlightenment embraced the idea that freedom, democracy and reason are primary
values of a society. Thinkers and writers were held to be free to pursue the truth in
whatever form, without the threat of sanction for violating established ideas. 1

The Enlightenment was centered in Paris. Masonic lodges played an important role in
disseminating the new ideas in Europe. 2

Wikipedia Encyclopedia1
New Columbia Encyclopedia2


Ren Descartes was a French philosopher, mathematician, scientist, and writer. He was
dubbed the "Father of Modern Philosophy" and the "Father of Modern Mathematics".
He was one of the key figures in the Scientific Revolution.

His most famous statement is: Cogito ergo sum I think, therefore I am.
Ren Descartes

He was educated at the Roman Catholic Jesuit college at La Fleche. In 1618, during the
Thirty Years War, he entered the service of Maurice of Nassau, leader of the United
Provinces of the Netherlands. He was a mercenary.

On 10 November 1618, Descartes met Isaac Beeckman, who sparked his interest in
mathematics and the new physics, particularly the problem of the fall of heavy bodies. On
10 November 1619, while travelling in Germany and thinking about using mathematics
to solve problems in physics, Descartes had a dream through which he "discovered the
foundations of a marvelous science". This became a pivotal point in Descartes's life and
the foundation on which he developed analytic geometry. He dedicated the rest of his life
to researching this connection between mathematics and nature.

Descartes also studied St. Augustines concept of free will, the belief that our will is
essentially equal to God's will; that is, that we are naturally independent of God's will.

He returned to the Dutch Republic in 1628. He lived in Amsterdam off and on. He then
wrote all his major work that revolutionized mathematics and philosophy.

In 1663, the Pope placed his works on the Index of Prohibited Books.


Descartes created analytic geometry, the bridge between algebra and geometry, crucial to
the invention of calculus by Newton. He also created exponential notation, indicated by
numbers written in superscript (x).

Descartes made contributions to the field of optics. He discovered the law of reflection.
And he showed by geometric construction that the angle of the sun ray passing through
the rainbow's center is 42.

Descartes suggested that the body works like a machine, that it has the material properties
of extension and motion, and that it follows the laws of physics. The mind (or soul) was
described as a nonmaterial entity that lacks extension and motion, and does not follow the
laws of physics. Descartes thought the mind interacts with the body at the pineal gland.
Dualism proposes that the mind controls the body, but that the body can also influence
the otherwise rational mind, such as when people act out of passion.


Initially, Descartes arrives at a single principle: thought exists. Thought cannot be

separated from me, therefore, I exist. This is cogito ergo sum - I think, therefore I am.

Descartes concludes that he can be certain that he exists because he thinks. He perceives
through the use of the senses; however, these have previously been proven unreliable. So
Descartes concludes that the only indubitable knowledge is that he is a thinking thing.
Thinking is his essence as it is the only thing about him that cannot be doubted.

To further demonstrate the limitations of the senses, Descartes proceeds with what is
known as the Wax Argument. He considers a piece of wax: his senses inform him that it
has certain characteristics, such as shape, texture, size, color, smell, etc. When he brings
the wax towards a flame, these characteristics change. However, it seems that it is still the
same thing: it is still a piece of wax, even though the data of the senses inform him that
all of its characteristics are different. Therefore, in order to properly grasp the nature of
the wax, he cannot use the senses: he must use his mind. Descartes concludes:

Thus what I thought I had seen with my eyes, I actually grasped solely with the faculty of
judgment, which is in my mind.

Thus Descartes constructs a system of knowledge, discarding perception as unreliable

and admitting only deduction as a method. In his system, knowledge takes the form of
ideas, and philosophical investigation is the contemplation of these ideas.


Descartes thought that the things in the external world are material by arguing that God
would not deceive him. Because God is benevolent, he can have some faith in the
account of reality his senses provide him, for God does not desire to deceive him.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia

Galileo was the famous Italian astronomer who was a victim of the Inquisition in 1633.

Galileo wrote that the Sun is stationary and the earth's rotation gives the impression of the
sun in motion across the sky. Galileo was called before the Inquisition for heresy.

Ecclesiastes 1:5 states that "the sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it
rises." Psalm 93:1 states that "the world is firmly established, it cannot be moved."

The Inquisition had recently burned at the stake Giordano Bruno, who was another
advocate of a sun-centered world view. Galileo was found guilty of heresy. He was
forced to publicly withdraw his statement and was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia


The Kabbalah reveals secret teachings in Hebrew Bible scriptures.

The Torah is the first five books of the Hebrew bible. Some Jews say there are secret
teachings within the Torah that are hidden by codes. By knowing the codes they were
able to decipher the secret teachings.1

Certain verses in the Scriptures were read vertically and the letters formed new words.
This and other similar methods are used to reveal the hidden messages in the Torah.
The secret teachings were passed orally to Abraham, who took it to Egypt. Moses was
first initiated into the Kabala in Egypt. Moses encoded the secret teachings in the first
five books of the Hebrew Bible.

No one wrote it down until Simon Ben Jochai in 70 AD.2 An early Kabbalah text that was
written in the second century was Sefer Yezirah (Book of Creation).1

Sefer Bahir (Book of Illumination) was a Kabbalah book in 1176. Historians believe
Rabbi Yitzhak Ha-Ivver (also known as Isaac the Blind) wrote Sefer Bahir.3

The central work of Kabbalah is the Sefer Zohar (Book of Enlightenment) by Moses de
Leon in 1300.

The Kabbalah explains how God created the universe.1

The Kabbalah Tree of Life

First there is Ain the absence of things, the Prime Cause.

Then there is Ain Soph - the Infinite, The Limitless. It literally means - without end.
Then there is the Ain Soph Aur. Aur means light. The Ain Soph Aur is Endless Light.4

God's infinite light is emanated through 10 portals to create souls and the universe.

Portae Lucis - Portal of Light

Kabbalah Tree of Life

The Kabbalah concept is that the soul and the physical universe is made of Divine Light.
The Tree of Life is a guide for the soul's progress upward toward unity with the Creator.

Hermetic Kabbalah

Kabbalah was absorbed into the Hermetic tradition in the 15th century when Giovanni
Pico della Mirandola combined Platonism, Aristotelianism, Hermeticism and Kabbalah.

This was further developed by Athanasius Kircher, a Jesuit priest and hermeticist, who
wrote on the subject in 1652, bringing Egyptian mythology into the mix. Hermetic
Kabbalah has been a major influence on the New Age movement.
Hermetic Kabbalah Tree

Hermetic Kabbalah probably reached its peak in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn,
a 19th century organization that was the pinnacle of ceremonial magic. Golden Dawn
added in Hindu and Buddhist concepts to the Hermetic Kabbalah. 3

Nexus magazine March/April 2006 article by Roz Brown1

Columbia Encyclopedia 2
Wikipedia Encyclopedia3
Website soul-guidance.com4

Chapter 17 ?


The earliest known appearance of a crop circle was in 1678. Since then, crop circles
have appeared all around the planet year after year, all the way up to present time. In
1991 alone, there were 700 crop circles. Over 10,000 crop circles have been

Some facts about genuine crop circles:

1. None of the stalks are ever broken.

2. The molecular structure of the crop stalks has been changed.
3. Crop stalks have acquired a magnetic field radiation.
4. Higher radiation can be measured within the circle.
5. The crop circles are formed within a few minutes, a fact substantiated by numerous
eyewitness accounts and film footages. A genuine film footage showing a crop circle
being formed by two interacting luminescent light balls can now be seen on any of the
major crop circle documentaries. In the footage, the circle took 3 seconds to form.

Some samples of crop circles:

Internet data on crop circles


Francis Bacon was an Imperator of the Rosicrucians. He was the author of the book the
Fama Fraternitatis to which he signed a fictitous name of Christian Rosenkreutz, meaning
Rosey Cross.

Bacon published a book called the New Atlantis.

Bacon saw three intellectual revolutions. The first revolution was the invention of
philosophy by the Greeks and the second was the invention of positive law by the
Romans. The third revolution is the science revolution.

The New Atlantis was a call to rally Europeans to the scientific revolution. Shortly after
its publication intellectuals throughout Europe founded scientific societies.

New Atlantis was a utopian society wherein the Protestant Christian religion and science
were able to work together to create a paradise state.

In the envisioned paradise society scientific discovery resulted in the development of

innovations that were then produced by industry. Religious morals would judge the new
scientific developments and decide whether they should be accepted or suppressed.

The society is health conscious. Its scientific medicine has developed pills to combat
nearly all maladies.

An official population policy was carried out through the family. Bacon had concluded
that Europe was overpopulated relative to resources.

New Atlantis was crucial to the development of modern constitutional theory, wherein
there is the "higher law" of the constitution.

The book caused a group of European Rosicrucians, Masons and other Mystics to sail to
the "New Atlantis" America - in 1693.1

In 1694, following a plan proposed by Francis Bacon in The New Atlantis, Rosicrucians
established a Lodge in Philadelphia. Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Thomas
Paine were connected with the Rosicrucian community. 2

Book review of New Atlantis at mysticism.com1

Rosicrucian AMORC website2


Freemasonry is a fraternal secret society. Initially members were stone masons. Their
Lodges descended from stonemason guilds. The Masons then allowed others in.

Freemasonry is one of the oldest organizations still in existence today. Scrolls found in
excavations in the Libyan desert describe secret meetings of similar groups 2000 B.C.
These brotherhoods were involved in the building of the Temple of Solomon.
Further references are found in the Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Egyptian God
Thoth was their Grand Master. Thoth was a master mason, having built the Great
Pyramid in Egypt and similar stone structures all over Mesoamerica.

The most important symbol in Freemasonry is the apron. In ancient Egypt, the Gods,
who were flying the Divine Ships, were depicted in temple paintings with the apron.

Later, the priests wore the apron as a sign of devotion to the flying Gods and as a sign
of authority, representing the Gods over the people. The members of the Brotherhood of
the Snake already wore the apron around 3400 B.C. to show their submission to the Gods
who came from heaven in flying wheels.

Grand Lodges govern the fraternity in a given geographical area. The first Grand Lodge
was The Grand Lodge of England in 1717.

Grand Lodge of England

The Grand Lodge of Scotland was formed in 1736.

The Scottish Rite confers degrees up to the 33rd degree.

The reception of a mason into the 18th degree - a Scottish rite ceremony

Freemasonry was exported to North America by the 1730s. The first Masonic book in
America was by Benjamin Franklin in 1734.

The book suggests that Masonry was rooted in the Old Testament - So that the Israelites,
at leaving Egypt, were a whole Kingdom of Masons under their Grand Master Moses.

US News and World Report 9-5-05

Wikipedia Encyclopedia
Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century by Jan Van Helsing

People at the bottom of secret societies are dupes who think they work for a good cause.


Immanuel Kant was a German philosopher. His birth name was 'Emanuel' but he changed
it to 'Immanuel' after he learned Hebrew.

Immanuel Kant

In 1755, Kant proposed a material theory for the origin of the solar system - he deduced
that the Solar System formed from a large cloud of gas, a nebula.

Kant also correctly deduced that the Milky Way was a large disk of stars, which he
theorized also formed from a much larger spinning cloud of gas. He suggested the
possibility that other nebulae might also be similarly large and distant disks of stars.
Kant asserted that no one could really know if there is a God and an afterlife, and no one
could really know that there was not a God and an afterlife. For the sake of society and
morality, people are justified in believing in them.

Democratic Peace Theory

In 1795, Kant listed several conditions that he thought necessary for ending wars and
creating a lasting peace. They included a world of constitutional republics. This was the
first version of the democratic peace theory.

He opposed "democracy," which at his time meant direct democracy, believing that
majority rule posed a threat to individual liberty. He stated "democracy is, properly
speaking, necessarily a despotism, because it establishes an executive power in which 'all'
decide for or even against one who does not agree; that is, 'all,' who are not quite all,
decide, and this is a contradiction of the general will with itself and with freedom."

Kant foreshadowed the ideas that have come to form the democratic peace theory.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia


Deism means belief in the existence of god on purely rational grounds without reliance
on revelation or authority; especially the doctrine that god created the world and its
natural laws, but takes no further part in its functioning.

Deists argued that priests had corrupted Christianity for their own gain by promoting the
acceptance of illogical doctrines. The worst of these doctrines was original sin. By
convincing people that they required a priest's help to overcome their innate sinfulness,
religious leaders had enslaved the human population. Deists viewed themselves as
freethinkers and intellectual liberators.

Deists called for "free rational inquiry" into all subjects, especially religion. They
demanded religious toleration and an end to religious persecution.

Thomas Paine was a British citizen who wrote Common Sense attacking England's
domination of the colonies in America.
Thomas Paine

Paine wrote The Rights of Man which was declared seditious in Britian in December
1972. He fled to France to avoid arrest. Dismayed by the French revolution's turn toward
secularism and atheism, he wrote The Age of Reason in 1792. In it he stated:

I believe in one God, and no more; and I hope for happiness beyond this life.

I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish Church, by the Roman
Church, by the Greek Church, by the Turkish Church, by the Protestant Church,
nor by any church that I know of. My own mind is my own church.

All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish,

appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave
mankind, and monopolize power and profit.

Paine indicts priests for their lust for power and wealth and the Church's
opposition to scientific investigation. He argues that the Church and the State are
a single corrupt institution which does not act in the best interests of the people.

Paine envisioned an age of intellectual freedom, when reason would triumph over
superstition, when the natural liberties of humanity would supplant priestcraft and

Paine was considered too moderate by the French revolutionaries, and he was
imprisoned for ten months in France. James Monroe secured his release in 1794.
Paine fled to the United States. America was ripe for Paines arguments and his
book was a bestseller in America.

Men such as Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson espoused deism, while at
the same time arguing that religion served the useful purpose of social control.
Thomas Jefferson

Elihu Palmer was Paine's most loyal follower in America. Palmer published what
became "the bible of American deism", The Principles of Nature, and built
Temples of Reason throughout the nation.

Paine was counter-attacked and his popularity declined. Hailed only a few years
earlier as a hero of the American revolution, Paine was now lambasted in the
press and called an object of disgust to every decent man except the President of
the United States, Thomas Jefferson.

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Napoleon Bonaparte was a general during the French Revolution that established the
French Republic. He fought almost every European power and acquired control of most
of Europe.

In July 1978 Napoleon invaded and conquered Egypt.

In 1803 Napoleon faced a major setback when an army he sent to reconquer Haiti was
defeated. Recognizing that French possessions in America would now be indefensible,
and facing imminent war with Britain, he sold them to the United States the Louisiana
Purchase - for less than three cents per acre. Britain declared war on France in 1803.

Napoleon was Emperor of France from 1804 to 1815. He instituted several reforms that
included a central bank. 1
A ceremonial collar belonging to Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France while serving
as Master of a Rosicrucian Order based in Paris.2

Wikipedia Encyclopedia1
Rosicrucian AMORC website2


Joseph Smith claims he was visited by the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Smith then
founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - the Mormons.

Mormon religion


B'nai B'rith was established in 1843. It is a Zionist secret lodge, counted among the
Masonic lodges. Bnai Brith means Sons of the Alliance. It claims the leadership of
world Judaism.

Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century by Jan Van Helsing

The Horned God originates to the Sumerian Gods.

Pagan religions were known for their worship of the Horned God.1

Paganism is the recognition of many gods and pre-dates monotheism. In Paganism, one
name for the Horned God is The Hunter. He is also associated with sexuality. It is a
symbol of the giving of life and the taking of life.

Not all horned gods were male; Egyptian Goddesses such as Isis wore horns.

Revival of Magic

Eliphas Levi was born in Paris as Alphonse Louis Constant. His work stands as the
fountain-head of the contemporary magical revival.

Eliphas Levi

In 1854 Levi visited England where he met Edward Bulwer-Lytton, the president of a
Rosicrucian order. Bulwer-Lytton and Levi conceived the idea to write a book on magic.

In 1855 Levi authored a book on ritual magic - Dogma and Ritual of High Magic.
Baphomet was on the front cover of the book.2

The goat carries the pentagram on the forehead, with one point at the top, a symbol of
light. His two hands forming the sign of hermetecism, one pointing to the white moon,
the other pointing down to the black one. The flame of intelligence shining between his
horns is the image of the soul elevated above matter, as the flame, whilst being tied to
matter. The rod symbolizes eternal life.1

Baphomet is called the Goat of Mendes. Mendes was a Greek name for Lower Egypt.
The God of Mendes was Amon Ra whose symbol was a Ram. Mendes was famous for its
goat-god, the Goat of Mendes, who was said to mate with women in religious festivals. 3

This illustration of Baphomet by Levi was the first suggestion of an ancient horned god
driven underground by the spread of Christianity.

Levi had a deep impact on the magic of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and later
Aleister Crowley. It was largely through this impact that Levi is remembered as one of
the key founders of the twentieth century revival of magic.

Levi incorporated the Tarot cards into his magical system.

The Magician The High Priestess The Devil

Levi connected the Tarot with the Kabalah Tree of Life.2

Joy of Satan church1

Wikipedia Encyclopedia2
Tani Jantsang at geocities.com3


The first man to promote Rosicrucianism widely in America was Paschal Beverly
Randolph. In about 1858 he built a Rosicrucian organization under his leadership -
Hermetic Brotherhood of Eulis. In 1872 Randolph was arrested in Boston for teaching
free love in his writings.

Randolph, having discovered sexual magic independently, came to the conclusion that
this was the true basis of Rosicrucianism. There is evidence that earlier Rosicrucians
were interested in sex as a magical force.


Albert Pike joined a Masonic Lodge in America. In 1859 he became the Sovereign Grand
Commander of the Scottish Rites Southern Jurisdiction. He authored the book - Morals
and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in 1871.
Albert Pike in Masonic garb

Below are quotes by Albert Pike from his book:

"Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its teachings are instruction in

"Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, conceals its secrets from all except the
Elect, and uses false explanations of its symbols to mislead, to conceal the truth."

"The Blue Degrees are but the outer court of the Temple. Part of the symbols are
displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. Their
true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry. It is well enough for
the mass of those called Masons, to imagine that all is contained in the Blue Degrees."

"Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of
Darknesss! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light Doubt it not!"

Pike statements recorded in the library of the Scottish Rite in Washington D.C.:

The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in
the purity of the Luciferian doctrine.

If Lucifer were not God, would Adonai (the Christian God) whose deeds prove his
cruelty, hatred of man, and barbarism, would Adonai and his priests, calumniate him?

Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonai is also God. For the eternal law is that
there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for
the absolute can only exist as two Gods. The doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the
true and pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonai; but
Lucifer, God of Light and God of God is struggling for humanity against Adonai, the
God of darkness and evil.

Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century by Jan Van Helsing
Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike

November 1859

Charles Darwin was an English naturalist.

Darwin spent five years in South America. He found and excavated fossils of gigantic
extinct mammals in strata with modern seashells, indicating recent extinction and no
change in climate or signs of catastrophe. He correctly identified one as a Megatherium,
an elephant-sized sloth that went extinct thousands of years ago.

Theory of Evolution

Darwin studied barnacles and found slightly changed body parts could serve to meet new
conditions. Variations would make organisms better at surviving. Passing the variations
on to their offspring results in the formation of new species.

As a result of various factors in the environment, e.g. climate changes, a struggle for
existence arises. Those organisms better adapted to the environment survive and
reproduce, while those least fitted do not survive.

Thus natural selection occurs through survival of the fittest resulting in evolution.

Selection of sexual partners is a form of natural selection. Darwin thought that farmers
picking the best breeding stock was a good analogy for his theory of natural selection.
Darwin wrote On The Origin of Species. It was published in November 1859.

He proposed that all species of life have evolved over time from a common ancestor
through the process of natural selection. He studied the transmutation of species and
made a sketch of an evolutionary tree. He concluded that humans evolved from apes.

The theory of evolution became the dominant scientific explanation of diversification in


The Church of England strongly opposed the idea of evolution from natural selection,
because it thought that God preordained life through continuous acts of creation.

Thomas Huxley was the fiercest defender of evolution theory.


Francis Galton was a cousin of Darwin. Galton thought that talent and genius in humans
was inherited. He proposed that heredity should be taken into consideration by people
seeking potential mates.

Galton called his social philosophy Eugenics. Eugenics led to reproduction control
programmes such as compulsory sterilization laws. Nazi Germany embraced the goal of
genetic purity.

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The theory of evolution is another false explanation for the existence of humans.
It is false that genes determine traits such as talent and intelligence.
It is false that man is just an animal.
It is false that man evolved from apes.
No fossil has ever been found that shows a transition between apes and humans. This is
called the missing link.


Abraham Lincoln is elected President of the United States.

Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln opposed the grasp on national government held by the slave-owner States. As
Lincoln was about to be elected, seven southern States declared themselves an entirely
new nation, the Confederate States of America. The rebellion was led and controlled by
southern slave owners.

In April 1861 Confederate troops attacked Union troops. That started the civil war.

He issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. It was an executive order that declared
the freedom of all slaves.

Lincoln also signed the Pacific Railway Acts of 1862 and 1864, which granted federal
support to the construction of the first transcontinental railroad.

Other important legislation involved money matters, including the first income tax and
higher tariffs. These were the Revenue Act of 1861, Internal Revenue Act of 1862, and
the Internal Revenue Act of 1864.

Also included was the creation of the system of national banks by the National Banking
Acts of 1863, 1864, and 1865 which allowed the creation of a national financial system.

He issued hundreds of millions of dollars of bonds and the first national Greenbacks -
paper money. Lincoln often referred to Henry Clay as his political idol.

He promoted the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution in 1865.

On 9 April 1865 Confederate General Lee surrendered ending the war.

On 14 April 1865 John Wilkes Booth assassinated Lincoln.1

President Lincoln ordered 450 million dollars to be issued by the U.S. treasury. John
Wilkes Booth was a member of the Knights of the Golden Circle, a Freemason Order.2
Wikipedia Encyclopedia1
This One Mad Act by Izola Forrester2 (a relative of Booth)


Since 1738, the Vatican does not condone Catholics becoming Freemasons.

In 1873 Pope Pius IX condemned Freemasonry, calling it "the Synagogue of Satan".

A Catholic Encyclopedia says the 30th degree in Scottish Rite Freemasonry is anti-
Catholic. The 30th degree, written by Albert Pike, is a ritual in the Magnum Opus.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia

Magnum Opus means Great Work. The Magnum Opus is the practice of the Brotherhood
of the Snake and Luciferians/Satanists.


.let us briefly survey the history of scientific psychiatry. Perhaps the most important
breakthrough in psychiatry occurred in Austria. Between 1880 and 1882, Viennese
physician Joseph Breuer discovered that he was able to cure a girl of severe hysteria by
having her remember and relive a traumatic incident from her past. Her symptoms
disappeared for good.

Dr. Breuer had discovered that a person could actually be cured of mental ills simply
through the act of remembering and confronting past incidents which remain hidden from
conscious memory. Dr. Breuer had stumbled onto something extraordinarily significant,
yet his discovery was never fully explored in psychiatry.

Breuers vital breakthrough was dealt an even mightier blow by what was happening in
neighboring Germany during his day. Scientific psychiatry was emerging. One of the
earliest centers of scientific psychiatry was Leipzig, Germany. There a man named
Wilhelm Wundt established the worlds first psychological laboratory in 1879. According
to Wundt, human beings were only biological organisms to which there were no spiritual
realities attached.

Wundts ideas were based upon experiments conducted in his laboratories. Some of those
experiments revealed that one could produce different emotions by applying electronic
stimulation to different parts of the brain. Experimenters erroneously concluded that the
brain must therefore be the source of personality because it triggers emotions. The
stimulus-response model of behavior developed at Leipzig quickly became the new
wave in psychiatry and received considerable support from the German government.

By redefining the nature of thought and behavior, scientific psychiatry also redefined the
nature of mental abnormality and its cure. Methods to by-pass human free will and
intellect (behavior modification) were explored and developed. Experimenters theorized
that mental illness could be cured by strictly physiological means, such as with drugs,
shock treatment, or brain surgery.

Out of these theories arose a multibillion dollar drug industry which pours out huge
quantities of mood-altering drugs every year. They comprise a large portion of the total
prescription drug trade which in 1978 amounted to an estimated $16.7 billion in global
sales by U.S. manufacturers alone.

Many schools are quick to give powerful psychotropics to problem children. As many
psychiatrists acknowledge, psychotropic drugs do not cure mental illness. They simply
suppress the symptoms. These drugs have been known to seriously worsen a persons
mental state or cause mental problems far more severe than those the patient began with.

Gods of Eden by William Bramley


Nikola Tesla was a famous physicist and inventor. He is best known for his revolutionary
work in electricity and magnetism. His patents and theoretical work formed the basis of
modern alternating current electric power.

After his demonstration of wireless communication in 1893 he was widely respected as

America's greatest electrical engineer. He is the inventor of the radio.
Nikola Tesla

In 1899, Tesla began high-voltage experiments in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Tesla's diary contains explanations of his experiments concerning the ionosphere and the
ground's currents. Tesla proved that the earth was a conductor. He produced artificial
lightning with discharges of millions of volts, and 135 feet long. Tesla also investigated
atmospheric electricity.

Publicity picture of the Magnifying Transmitter at the Tesla lab in Colorado Springs

He ripped up a Westinghouse contract that would have made him a billionaire, because of
the implications it would have on his future vision of free power.

Tesla worked on a particle beam weapon. In 1937 he described a device for the emission
of millions of volts of charged particles that could be directed like a gun. Tesla gave a
description of the particle guns operation:
The nozzle would send concentrated beams of particles through the air, that will bring
down a fleet of 10,000 enemy airplanes at a distance of 200 miles and will cause armies
to drop dead in their tracks.

Tesla also proposed a thought photography machine. He reasoned that a thought formed
in the mind created an image, and the electrical data of this transmission could be read in
a machine. The information could be played back as visual patterns on a viewscreen.

Tesla had the idea of manipulating electromagnetic waves with a wall of light. This wall
of light would enable time, space, matter and gravity to be altered at will - leading to anti-
gravity airships, teleportation and time travel.

Tesla died in 1943. The FBI confiscated his research papers and declared them top secret.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia


In 1900 Nikola Tesla developed a free energy method at Colorado Springs that could
supply the world with free electricity.

J.P. Morgan financed Tesla. When Tesla told Morgan about the free electricity Morgan
replied "Great, so where do we put the meters?" Tesla responded "There are no meters,
this is wireless free electricity". J.P. Morgan cut off funding and had the project buried.

The website

April 1904

The Book of the Law was written (or received) by Aleister Crowley in Cairo, Egypt in
April 1904. Crowley and his new wife were there on their honeymoon.

Nearby was the Boulak Museum, which housed the Stele of Revealing with the exhibit
number 666. Ankh-af-na-khonsu was a Thebes priest that created the Stele of Revealing
in the 26th dynasty. Crowley had the hieroglyphs on the Stele of Revealing translated.
Crowley claims that the author of the Book of the Law was an entity named Aiwass, who
was a messenger for Horus. Crowley listened to the voice of Aiwass in April 1904, it was
like an actual voice speaking to him. The book contains three chapters.

In 1925 Crowley published The Comment:

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

The study of this Book is forbidden. It is wise to destroy this copy after the first reading.
There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.
Love is the law, love under will.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia

early 1900s

Another Anunnaki monotheistic religion was started by spiritual contact to a human.

The Teacher

White Eagle first made himself known to Grace Cooke when she was a child in London
at the turn of the century. He was just a presence in the room, but to her childs eyes he
became visible in Native American dress. She began to know him as White Eagle.
White Eagle portrait

White Eagle, who spoke through Grace Cooke, describes himself as a spokesperson for a
wiser Brotherhood in spirit, who help humanity to understand their true spiritual nature,
and to grow in wise love for all life.

He taught us to serve others through healing and through the radiation of the Christ light.

White Eagle has referred often to the wisdom of Buddha, and other spiritual teachers.
When he uses the word Christ, he is not limiting what he means to the Christian tradition.
Instead, he uses it in its ancient sense, as the divine essence of the Light - God.

The Teaching

White Eagle teaches that we are spirit first and body last. You are spirit. The real you, the
consciousness, is spirit. As you strengthen this realization by meditation and worship of
your Creator your spirit will begin to dominate the physical atoms, and every particle
obeys the direction of spirit, the real you.

Every human has within their being a 'light' to guide them. White Eagle calls this the
Christ spirit, the spirit of divine love. White Eagle teaches a form of meditation through
which we learn how to make contact with divine love.

The purpose of White Eagle's teaching is to help humanity develop its true nature, so that
this inner, spiritual light can radiate throughout the whole being, and out into the world.
The Lodge enables people to develop their awareness of the inner light, and to use it.

The ultimate goal of humankind is that the inner light should become so strong and
radiant that even the cells of the physical body are transmuted into finer substances which
can overcome mortality. This is known as the Christing of the Human Being, or in the
words of the Ancient Brotherhood, the blooming of the Rose upon the Cross of matter.
The White Eagle Lodge

The White Eagle Lodge was founded in 1936 in England. The Lodge is a present-day
Mystery School, there are courses for White Eagles teaching. White Eagle's words of
dedication for the Lodge:

"This is to be a centre of light; and all who would serve the Great White Light ..."

White Eagle Lodge

Egyptian winged globe

"There is no restriction on a person's soul other than that which it places upon itself.
Therefore think of having a pair of wings on your shoulders, of a winged disc, the latter
being the symbol of the sun; and the sun, of course, being the Christ Spirit; the wings,
indicating the power of the soul to fly - to rise above your limitations." White Eagle
Brotherhood of the Snake symbol

The Lodge runs a school of spiritual healing that begins with radiating spiritual
perfection, the Christ light, to all in need.

The White Eagle Lodge teaches:

That God, the Eternal Spirit, is both Father and Mother.

That the Son - the Cosmic Christ - is also the light which shines in the human heart.

The Lodge has centres in Europe, America, etc. and a Mother lodge in England.

Website of the White Eagle Lodge

The Anunnaki have demonstrated repeatedly they can make spiritual contact with a
human. Thus Enlil can make spiritual contact with his modern priests, the Illuminati.


Dogma and Ritual of High Magic by Eliphas Levi was translated into English in 1910 by
Arthur Edward Waite as Transcendental Magic, its Doctrine and Ritual. The Seal of
Solomon was on the front cover of the book.
In alchemy, the combination of the fire and water symbols (up and down triangles) is
known as the Seal of Solomon. The symbol is representative of the combination of
opposites and transmutation.1

In Ritual Magick, the Seal of Solomon represents Divine Union, being composed of a
female, watery triangle, and a male, fiery triangle. 2

Wikipedia Encyclopedia1


Initially the Tarot was a card game with figures and scenes painted on the cards.

In 1781 Antoine Court de Gebelin, a Swiss Freemason, first asserted that Tarot cards
represented the mysteries of Isis and Thoth. He said that the name tarot came from the
Egyptian words tar, meaning royal, and ro, meaning road, and that the Tarot therefore
represented a "royal road" to wisdom. He presented no clear factual evidence to
substantiate his claims.

Tarot cards were used for fortune-telling in Italy in the 1700s. Jean-Baptiste Alliette was
a French occultist who wrote the first book of using Tarot cards for divination in 1785.

The idea of the cards as a mystical key was developed by Eliphas Levi and passed to the
English-speaking world by The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Arthur Edward Waite was an early member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Tarot became increasingly popular beginning in 1910, with the publication of the Waite
Tarot. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn uses it as a textbook for their teachings.

Tarot Reading

Tarot readers believe that the cards can give insights into the present reality and possible
futures of the subject. Each card has a variety of meanings.

To perform a Tarot reading, the Tarot deck is shuffled by either the subject or a reader,
and laid out in one of a variety of patterns called "spreads". They are then interpreted by
the reader for the subject. These might include the subject's thoughts and desires or past,
present, and future events.

The Fool

When this card is drawn, it may represent:

Innocence, Freedom, Spontaneity, Adventure

He is the spirit in search of experience. The Fool represents the mystical cleverness bereft
of reason within us.
The Magician

It may represent:
Personal power, Creativity, Manipulation, Determination

A figure in the robe of a magician. Above his head is the sign of life, the infinity symbol.
His right hand is raised towards heaven, while the left hand points to the earth. It shows
the descent of virtue and light, drawn from things above and derived to things below. He
embodies the lesson of "as above, so below".

On the table are the symbols of the four Tarot suits, signifying the elements of air, fire,
water, and earth.

The Magician guides The Fool through the first step out of the dark cave into the light.

The High Priestess

It may represent:
Intuition, Mystery, Deep understanding, Sensitivity, Stability, Wisdom, Contemplation

She wears the crown of Isis and Hathor. The scroll in her hands is inscribed with the
word Tora, signifying the Greater Law, the Secret Law. She is the mistress of hidden
wisdom, she has read the words and knows their deeper meaning. Unlike the Magician,
she does not explore the world in order to master it, but in order to understand it.

She is seated between the black and white pillars - 'B' and 'J' for Boaz and Jachin. These
letters were inscribed on two columns on the porch of Solomons Temple. The columns
represent all dualities, light and dark, good and evil, day and night. Some say the letters
represent Baal and Jehovah; two paths to wisdom.

The veil of the Solomon Temple is behind her, veiling whatever mysteries she guards.
The pomegranates associate her with Persephone, the Queen of the Underworld. The
palm trees represent the Garden of Eden.

The Empress

It may represent:
Mothering, Sexuality, Pleasure, Comfort, Power, Desire, Physical attraction, Sensuality,
Beauty, Satisfaction

She sits on a throne wearing a starry crown with 12 stars, holding a scepter in one hand.
The Scepter is representative of her power over life. Her throne is in the midst of a field
of grain, representative of her dominion over growing things.

She is the Queen of Heaven, as shown by her crown of stars. She is the Great Goddess.
She gives, nurtures, and celebrates life.
The Emperor

It may represent:
Fathering, Authority, Power, Control, Command, Leadership, Inflexibility

The Emperor sits on his throne, holding a scepter, accompanied by the Eagle of the Holy
Roman Empire. The Emperor is the absolute ruler of the world. The two rams on each
sides of his throne represent the zodiac Age of Aries - presenting him as a powerful
dictator for his time and showing his potent thirst for conquering in war.

The Hierophant

It may represent:
Education, Knowledge, Status quo, Institution, Belief system, Conformity, Tradition,
Orthodoxy, Obedience to the rules

The Hierophant raises his right hand in the Blessing, with two fingers pointing skyward
and two pointing down, thus forming a bridge between heaven and earth.The Pope is the
builder of the bridge between God and humans. The Pope is God's human representative
on Earth. The keys to heaven are at his feet.

The Hierophant is the card representing organized religion - any religion. Its positive
aspects are the positive aspects of the relevant religion. Its negative aspects are the
rituals and mind strangling beliefs. For example - many religions state: no drugs - no
treatment for cancer, no antibiotics for disease, no painkillers for an operation.

The Lovers

It may represent:
Love relationship, Affinity, Union, Connection, Physical attraction, Romance, Passion,
Sexuality, Pleasure, Desire, Temptation, Humanism, Personal beliefs, Individual values

The Lovers are Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. They represent the impulse that
drives us out of the garden.

The Lovers also represent raw desire. Buddha teaches us that all life is suffering, the root
of suffering is desire, and that desire can be overcome.

The Lovers are also a reminder that we need others to become fully human.
The Chariot

It may represent:
Conquest, Honor, Bravery, Victory, Self confidence, Conviction, Willpower, Pride,
Control, Success, Wealth, Recognition, Command

The Chariot represents the possibility of traveling through the mysteries of the universe.

The winged globe on the chariot is a symbol for Nibiru. He is fueled by contradictory
impulses, represented by the black and white sphinxes that pull his chariot.


It may represent:
Self control, Patience, Compassion, Composure, Perseverance, Moderation,
Kindness, Gentleness, Serenity, Comprehension, Discipline, Inner strength

The woman looks calm and gentle, and yet is dominant over the lion.
The symbol above her head represents infinity, or, according to Waite, the Spirit of Life.
A chain of roses represents desire or passion, against a white robe representing purity.

The Strength card was originally named Fortitude; it meant moderation in our attitudes
towards pain and danger; neither avoiding them at all costs, nor actively seeking them

The modern interpretation of the card stresses discipline and control. The lion represents
the primal part of the mind, and the woman the higher part. The card signifies fighting a
battle. The battle is mainly internal rather than external. The card says to be wary of the
temptations of the flesh.

It is strength that tames the lion; not brute force, but understanding. It is also brute force.
What ever is needed.

The Hermit

It may represent:
Inner search, Reflection, Silence, Solitude, Reclusion

The hermit has learned the lessons of life to the point that he is the lesson. The Hermit
represents the time we learn who we really are.

The Greek philosopher Thales is reported to have been asked "what is the most difficult
of all things?" To which he is said to have answered - "To know yourself."

A priestess received messages from a goddess at Delphi, Greece. One message was the
demand to "know thyself." The Hermit is given time to obey that demand.
Wheel of Fortune

It may represent:
Turning point, Opportunity, Superior forces, Surprises, New events

The Wheel of Fortune bears the alchemical symbols for Fire, Water, Earth, and Air.
To the right is Anubis (Good) ascending and to the left is Typhon (Evil) descending.

The Wheel of Fortune introduces random chance; it signals the insertion of random
forces or the start of something new.


It may represent:
Impartiality, Justice, Decision, Analysis, Responsibility, Clear vision, Objective mind,
Rationality, Realism, Logic and reason
When Justice appears in a throw, it is usually a signal that there is some injustice that
needs righting. Justice is a necessary step in becoming fully human.

The Hanged Man

It may represent:
Surrendering, Passivity, Suspension, Contemplation, Conformism, Nonaction, Waiting,
Giving up

The figure suggests life in suspension, and life overturned, but not death. The man
appears to be upside down - an outcast to society - but has inner harmony. The Hanged
Man is the hero committed enough to the adventure to die for it.


It may represent:
Ending of a cycle, Loss, Conclusion, Sadness, Transition into a new state,
Regeneration, Elimination of old patterns, Being caught in the inescapable

The Death card rarely has anything to do with physical death. Things ending is a death.

The Emperor takes power through death; wields power through death. Contrasted with
that is The Empress, her power is in life. The female defeats death by bearing children.


It may represent:
Temperance, Harmony, Balance, Moderation, Healing, Bringing together opposites

Temperance is depicted as a person pouring liquid from one receptacle into another.
In addition to its meaning of temperance or moderation, the card is often interpreted as
meaning the blending of opposites.

The Devil
It may represent:
Materialism, Ignorance, Stagnation, Self bondage, Lust, Obsession, Hedonism, Passion,
Animal instincts, Sexuality, Temptation, Lack of faith, Vice, Physical attraction

The Devil sits above two humans chained to his seat. The ties that bind are freely worn,
and you are only enslaved if you allow it.

The card represents our bondage to material things. It also indicates an addiction to
fulfilling our own earthly base desires. Should the Devil represent a person, it will most
likely be one of money and power, one who is aggressive and controlling.

He is The Shadow - all the repressed and unmentionable desires that lurk beneath.

The Tower

It may represent:
Chaos, Sudden change, Hard times, Disruption, Uncomfortable experience, Downfall,

A tower has just been hit by lightning. It may represent failure, ruin and catastrophe.

The person may be holding on to false ideas; a new approach to thinking about the
problem is needed. It may be time to re-examine beliefs and ideologies.
The Star

It may represent:
Calmness, Trust, Tranquility, Peace of mind, Pure essence, Hope, Serenity, Inspiration,
Joy, Faith, Regeneration, Harmony

A woman has one foot in water and one foot on land. Above her head a star shines out.
She pours liquid on the water and land.

The stars offer inspiration and hope. Their light draws us out and up to a higher plane.
They offer hope that we can eventually find peace of mind. The Star reminds us to
release our fears and doubts.

The Moon

It may represent:
Lack of clarity, Tension, Doubt, Obscured vision, Fear, Worry, Unrealistic ideas
Between two large, forbidding pillars there is a pathway into the distant, dark unknown.
A dog and wolf are howling at the Moon. The two canines are said by Waite to represent
"the fears of the mind in the presence of that place of exit, when there is only reflected
light to guide it".

The Sun

It may represent:
Optimism, Good feelings, Enlightenment, Vitality, Innocence, Happiness, Brilliance, Joy

The child of life holds a red flag representing the blood of renewal.

The Judgement

It may represent:
Judgement, Rebirth, Restart, Release, Forgiveness, Renewal, Salvation, New beginning,

People are rising up at the call of an angel. The people emerge from graves, a symbol of
the Resurrection before the Last Judgment. It is Judgment Day, when the faithful are
brought to heaven.

The card also stands for the feelings that come with salvation. When the angel calls, you
are reborn - cleansed of all guilts. The past and its mistakes are behind you, and you are
ready to begin anew.

The World Alchemy World

It may represent:
Fulfillment, Completeness, Integration, Peace of mind, Accomplishment, Success,
Satisfaction, Contentment, Happiness, Wholeness, Harmony

In some decks, this card is called 'The Universe'.

The four elements - earth, air, water, fire - are around the fifth element - a spirit or love.
Quintessence comes from the Latin words for five and nature.

An element of happiness is the sense that everything is working together in harmony.

When all these elements come together, we feel fulfilled.

In the Alchemy card the woman holds a symbol of the Brotherhood of the Snake the
entwined serpents and the winged globe (symbol for Nibiru).

The Tarot is a story of the Fool embarking on the adventure of life. The story of his
adventure is a progression through all of the cards until he ends up at the Universe card.
Then he starts over again as shown by the snake swallowing its tail.
The Tarot and the Kabbalah

Eliphas Levi is one of the key founders of the twentieth century revival of magic.1

Levi linked the Tarot with the Kabbalah Tree of Life, which became the main model for
the development and interpretation of the Tarot.

Portae Lucis = Portal of Light

Kabbalah Tree of Life

The most influential Tarot decks of the 1900s were based on Kabbalistic principles.2

Wikipedia Encyclopedia1
Website Meta-religion.com2

The Tarot is a mixture of truth with lies. This is a tactic being used by the slave masters.
They use this tactic in the various religions being fed to humans. They use a little truth
and then mix lies into it, hoping you will not differentiate between the two, and thereby
accept it all as the truth.

The Devil is sometimes depicted as a ram, suggesting that Marduk is the Devil.

Gold Dawn Devil Crowley Devil

This suggests that Enki and his descendants represent human bondage, whereas it is
actually Enlil who demands human servitude and slavery.

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