Example Interview Protocols

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Interview Schedule 2, Tell me about your work here at .....,... see? (Broad Brush Questiony Philosophical Rationale for _ ‘= activities 33 Think of a program, or learning eRPextence, which you designed and participated in delivering which you gconsider to be highly effective. “In your mind, what featured ade it 80 effective? (Critical Event Question) oy FIRE about @ period of time during the jast 12 months in which You Zeit particularly uncomfortable with your role. What was there about thie situation which made you se uncomfortable? (Critical Event Question) §. How would you react. to this statement? The only way to design Sp oktective training program is to have very specific behavioral objectives and then have every element or the program tied to one of these objectives. (Reaction statenect Question) 2ig TZ, You had the opportunity to write a mission statement for fhis’ department, what would be its essoctint elements? (Hypothetical projective Question) 8. On a scale of 1 to 5, with one being the lowest: Score and five Ede Dighest, how would ‘you rate the Seats resolution course in terms of its being a ideal learning experience? What is your rationale for this rating? (Rating See! Question) Chief Personal and Professional Satisfactions Wisee—Sersenel_and Professional Satiefaction: eaebeegribe your most satisfying time as a management development Professional? (Critical Event Question) jo, tf you had sufficient autonomy to essentially ‘structure your Job here in any way that you wanted, how would you do it? (Hypothetical projective Question) probe if necessary--what would you Sica most satisfying about this? 11. How would you react to this statement? The way management Gevelopment positions are structured in this company it ‘te impossible to gain any satisfaction fron it. (Reaction statement) 12. On a scale of 1 to $, with five being the highest or most satisfying score and 1 being the lowest or least satisfying, rate the amount of satisfaction you obtain from your position’ on « weekly basis? Why did you select this rating? (Rating scale Question) 13. The most rewarding part of being in management development is. (Sentence Completion) 14. Who among the people you have met in this profession exhibits the greatest satisfaction? what do you suppose is the source of this satisfaction? (Heroes & Villains, with a projective probe) al. Frustrations 15. Describe a time within the last year when you felt especially frustrated or dis-satisfied with what you were doing? (Critical Event Question) Personal and Professi 16, If you had two wishes, what changes would you make your job less frustrating? (Hypothetical Projective Question) 17. React to the following statement. All management development people do is conduct programs and get ratings on ‘smile sheets’, but nothing really comes of them which affects the business. (Reaction Statement Question) 18. Complete the following sentence. My greatest frustration as @ management development professional is...... (Sentence Completion) ig. The time I felt my professional and personal life was most polarized was when..... (Sentence Completion directed toward a Critical Incident or Event) 20. On a scale of 1 to 5, with one being the most frustrating and five being the least frustrating, how would you rate the feedback you receive in your work from participants? Explain. (Rating Scale Question) Closing 21. Is there anything else you can think of to add along the lines of what we have been talking about? VA Site-Visit Interview Protocol 2 2070 SPECIAL COGNITIVE-MAPPING GROUP (@e., Director, Union Leaders) Introduction We would like to have a conversation with you about your ____ (regional office, medical center, cemetery) and your experiences with the project and the action team to date so that we can learn more in depth about what has been happening. We are hoping this will be the start of a joint dialogue and inquiry process between the project team, you, and your action team. After we compile insights from all the interviews we will share this information to help us learn together. Towards that end, tomorrow we are going to describe the patterns that we think we see, discuss that first with the Action Team and then with you, and together see what that tells us about where you've been, in the hope that it will help you better see where to go next and how. Your comments are very important to us and we appreciate your openness. We (and the other academics on the project) will keep your particular observations strictly confidential. And You can control what is on and off the record. At the end of the interview we will give you a ‘chance to comment on any thing that occurs fo you that you want 10 keep off the record. You can talk faster than can write, and we want to be sure we are accurate in recording your thoughts. So, although we will be taking notes, unless you have an objection, we would like to tape our conversation. The only people who will hear the tape are the site visit team and the other academics on the project. [Other interviewer] will be sitting here to help us keep track of our conversation, and may periodically ask questions. Framing Question ‘We will be asking you some specific questions about the project, but first we want to ask some general questions about your (regional office, medical center, cemetery) and how things work around here. 1. Please give us 3 or 4 words that describe your (regional office, medical center, cemetery). 1b) I noticed that your words are all [somewhat negative/positive. What more positive/negative words might you use? 2) Tell me about each of these words. What led you choose these words? (avoid asking why) “Why” Section (Co; 3a) What (other) significant factors are affecting your ___ (regional office, medical center, cemetery)? 3b) Affecting How & Why? [Probe for what each factor is specifically affecting}, ie. “You mentioned XXX, as a factor. How is this factor affecting or changing things? What is causing this? [probe for connections, causes] 3c) Has the effect of this factor changed over time? Gotten stronger or weaker? uence) VA Site-Visit Interview Protocol 2 20710 3d) How have you come to see the way these factors work? [probe for the data/evidence]. What have you scen or heard that leads you to think things works as you indicated? 4) What other factors can you think of that are affecting your site (what else)? (Continue to ‘encourage them to surface factors until they say, “That’s all I can think of”) [Note: During this phase, if you sense frustration, you may want to say something like: “It may seem like ‘we're pressing, but it’s important that we learn from you how you think things work around here.} 5) Looking back, in what ways, if any, has your thinking about these factors affecting your site changed since the project started? Has anything you've leamed particularly surprised you? ‘Transition to project story: Be sure to leave enough time (e.g., about 15-20 minutes) for the questions below. 6) Have there been any major events you haven’t already mentioned that have occurred at your facility during the time period of the project? 7) Tell me the story of,your experience with the action team? Probe a bit ifneeded (but bear in mind we're not looking for great detail here from this person) ‘© What has been positive? Less positive? © What stands out in your mind as the most significant or meaningful things that hhave occurred during the time period of the project? ‘© What helped/hindered the project and the group’s work? 8) What affect if any are the Project and Action Team having on your site? 9) What types of results were you hoping to see as a result of the project? [Ask them to offer specific criteria for success, ] 8a) What, if anything, have you leamed as a result of the project? What has most surprised you? 9) What is the most important thing you've leamed that you would like to share with the rest of the organization? Ending Questions (All) 10) Is there anything we should have asked you about that we didn’t? Is there anything that you said during the interview that you would like us to pay Particular attention to in terms of confidentiality? Reflection Request (All) Between now and our feedback session tomorrow morning you may want to reflect on whether this interview process was useful, and how it might be used in your work with the Project and the people in your site. essoujsng oy; uo soedust ye s9A0 s,umBoud prma aL (0 UntewadeuetL JoNUDS OF eA OS MOH (@ gssoursng oui Jo Supussiopun nox (v (Bumes yora 10} ojeuones 10) ys ) uo ureBoud o1p Jo r98duys ou ores OK pinows soy ‘exINoU ¢ pure “YB BuIeq ¢ MO] Furoq 1 HK“ 0 {JO9!BSRUO 6 Liaise ennogpp Burusway nok Buxéiddo opour sey Bumps ys 324M ‘ur@oid oyp wo Zuma] nok Suistdde w. souspdxs anok ua9q soy HA “8 {eoueuiopiod yo suior ux edu oxp wooq smy WM {MOH ($94 JB) esUORDe IT taexfoud aip uy souapodxs anos sey ‘je 3851 uoTxe yeyN O1, “Oseo OWN ST 3OKP JT LRN ang sapacaid sey “o19 valor BuIOBHO UE Jo 94 woo si, uoxd pring orp uf uo;d:ofzed NOK SOUS YALA POAIOAU UOEq DAY NOX THKR AaARaE sseUIENg 40 ‘ssaoodd Yaafoud MOY US ps or uo py sey ureoud ping aun roedurt uray quis sour a, :oouaiuas Bumotieg ain apajduiog “9 Jsaydurexg caquese, guuesBoxd ay jo souenbestoo e se xoy.nyoq pue Bungay NOK wt saBuEYD jo axoME NOK a18 IuOHD HK OL °s G19 weBoud ap wo edu gwesZoxd wy coed 300} wn siuons sueogIUs SoM atp axon. 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