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There is strange music in the stirring wind!

     — William Lisle Bowles
When the wind carries a cry which is meaningful to human ears, it is simpler to believe the wind shares
As I began to think it through I remembered how inspired I was by the work of Tim Knowles: Field Experiments/ Data collection with us some part of the emotion of Being than that the mysteries of a hurricane's rising murmur reduce
to no more than the random collision of insensate molecules.
The tree drawings...
which are wonderful. He tied drawing implements to the ends of branches and placed paper I could speak of Devise an experiment whereby I can record the leaf It is simple. Norman Mailer, Advertisements for Myself, (1959), "Advertisement for Myself on the Way Out"

just beneath so that the trees were able to make code,

as it is moved by the wind. I seek inspiration from something as simple and powerful as the wind...
"you don't need a weather man to know
information theory,
The fact that I need to find meaning to explain or convey these wonderfully poetic drawings as the wind moved the branches as it pleased.
my concept mirrors the process and the project Although these drawings are quite beautiful I felt they were an end.
theory of construct validation,
coding theory,
Information will be gathered over a defined period of time which I have never seen unless it was influencing me or the things around me.
How can I influence the wind by ascribing arbitrary meaning to its movements
of trying to make sense of what may at first turn out to be or seem
Had these movements been recorded in real time the same movements, the same marks, decryption, which way the wind blows" and may be relayed and analyzed through a leaf and how can I begin to understand what it is trying to say to me?
A sunday afternoon at the park,listening to Jazz. purely random and nonsensical even unpredictable.
in real time if seen fit. w s
I hold a leaf in my hand and watch the breeze flowing randomness as unpredictable?,
— Bob Dylan A departure from something that is much bigger than me.

through it. I set the rules and I make sense of collected “random” data but the source we could have continued to have those trees and branches draw endlessly, sing, make music...
always remains natural. non Linguistic meaning,
we could have re-reconstructed the marks ... created, animated, reanimated. And what would happen if there was no wind?...well
The leaf taps on my hand and I wonder... This is one of the many interesting ideas to me about this project. knowledge visualization- scientific modelling,
Analysis of data / Response o nothing...silence....

modelling language,
but here even nothing can be seen, can be heard, we can assign meaning to what is as
The data will be subjected to codes, for example Morse code, l
I can collect massive amounts of data in an organized manner that can be analyzed, of Why we seek to make meaning?,
well as to what is absent.


is the wind trying to tell me something?
coded, decoded, deconstructed, reconstructed, tweeted, in delay or in real time.
Write as the wind blows and command all words like an army!
...but the mystery to me still remains
...what if all this came from the relationship between a leaf and the wind.
Can I find reason...from nature? A nature that ceases to be natural as soon
as the leaf is detected by a sensor and bits of data begin to travel through cables There are winds of destiny that blow when we least expect them.
or not... to see if in a language we can understand the wind may actually
be trying to tell us something. Hilaire Belloc Our control, our intervention and our ability to analyze and decipher data according to predefined models
limits the conclusions we can make.
The experiment is driven and influenced by me...
These results will be later interpreted and displayed as outcomes
Sometimes they gust with the fury of a hurricane, sometimes they
as electric impulses that are then made sense of through codes generated but to what degree are we influence by the wind in our everyday?
to understand our world.
that will have varying degrees of visual intervention.

BUT even our natural senses seem to make no sense when trying to make sense of the world" there is no attempt to claim transparency.
,our senses do the same thing...
barely fan one’s cheek. But the winds cannot be denied, bringing The SHOW
I want to play with the wind and make wonderful things.
Could I use this information and ascribe meaning

as they often do a future that is impossible to ignore.

to this seemingly trivial event in order to create knowledge?
The leaf is a conveyor. The data collected will be displayed in its many interpretations
— Nicholas Sparks (Message in a Bottle) and reinterpretations,audio and visual,tactile...
Lurdes Borralho
3rd ward open call for artists 2010

building a code

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