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To: Tom Geisbert

From: Peter Jahrling

Date: November 17, 1989
Re: Exposure

Hello Tom Geisbert,

I hope all is well and you're having a great day. I just wanted to inform you that we drift

the Ebola sample and I found out that the sample is airborne. This could possible mean

that we could have been infected with the Ebola virus because the sample was airborne

and we could be experiencing the symptoms soon. Im wondering if youve been feeling

sick or have had any symptoms yet that could lead to ebola? We should let everyone

know about this and be prudence with our surroundings.

Well thank you for taking your time to read this and to consider my points regarding the

ebola exposure. If you start to feel sick or have any questions or concerns please

contact me back as soon as possible. Thank you.

Best regards,

Peter Jahrling

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