June & July 2017: Zion'S Lutheran Church

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June & July 2017


1801 East Second Street
Defiance, OH 43512 Church Office Email:
Rev. Timothy Reynolds, Pastor rcasler@zionslutheranchurch.com
Visit our website at:
Fax: 419-782-6719
Nicene Creed or Apostles Creed?
In the past few months we have embarked on a journey to plumb the depths of the litur-
gy. For this newsletter, we look at the creeds.
What is a creed? Our word comes from Latin, credo which means, I believe. A creed
is, quite simply, a statement of belief. For the Church, the creeds are statements of ortho-
dox belief, as it was accepted through tradition and Church councils.
The simpler creed for the Church is the Apostles Creed so called because it can be divided into
twelve sections that were traditionally attributed to one of each of the apostles. As the story goes:
after Jesus death and resurrection, the apostles gathered together and their conversation became
the Apostles Creed. The origin of the creed is lost today, as the story only attributes, but does not
ascertain the veracity of the traditional claim. The origin of the Apostles Creed can be traced to the
Old Roman Symbol which was based on the 2nd century Rules of Faith. According to history, the
Church Fathers Tertullian and Irenaeus reference the Roman Rule in their writings. The first official
reference to the Apostles Creed came in the Synod of Milan, 390CE.
The longer creed, the Nicene Creed, has an easier history to follow.
In 325 CE, the Church gathered in council (the emperor called all the bishops of the Church to gath-
er and discuss some problems) at Nicaea, to debate the controversy over the Arians. A sect of be-
lievers who followed Bishop Arius of Alexandria had questioned the divinity of Jesus. In order to
stop the violence and arguing in the Church worldwide, the emperor called the Council to end the
dispute. By the end of the First Council of Nicaea, the Church had adopted what we today would
recognize as the first two articles of the Nicene Creed. The third article, on the Holy Spirit did not
come until 381CE, at the Second Ecumenical Council of Constantinople. At that time, the Church
affirmed the Nicene statement and added a new one about the procession of the Holy Spirit. The
creed we use today should be appropriately called the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed.
In practice, because of the emphasis on the first person, I believe, the Apostles Creed is appro-
priate at baptisms. The one being baptized affirms his/her faith in God.
When the Church gathers, We believe together. The Nicene Creed is appropriate for the whole
assembly of the people of God on Sunday. As the Eucharistic celebration is a sign of unity in God,
the Nicene Creed is appropriate any time we celebrate communion. We could use it every week-
end! Use of the creed differs according to location and tradition, however.
Here at Zions, we use the Apostles Creed during Advent, Lent, and the season after Pentecost, in
order to express our emphasis on our individual baptismal calling. The Nicene Creed is used at
Christmastide, and Easter season through Trinity Sunday. We may use the Nicene Creed at other
times, as well. No matter the creed, these are words that bind us together as followers of Jesus.
Pr Tim

PAGE 1 Continued on next page

Its been a great run this year at Zions Lutheran Sunday School. The greatest achievement is reports
from you that the children look forward to being together and enjoy each others company. They are
bonding as a viable young Zions youth group. WONDERFUL!
A faithful staff, small but mighty, consisting of Deb Engel, Eric Engel, Sandy Eis, Sue McKibben, and
Audrey Eis, provides weekly lessons and activities to engage our participants. Be sure to express your
thanks for their dedication.

A new format for VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL is being created for our young people by Defiance Com-
munity Churches Family Ministries for the 2017 summer.
1st Gathering: July 12 TEAMWORK SPORTS CAMP at United Church of Christ, 6:00 8:30 p.m.
2nd Gathering: July 29 ART WORKSHOP & CELEBRATION EVENT at St. Pauls Lutheran, time to
be announced!
3rd Gathering: August 9 GODS FIRST GIFT: EARTH at St. Pauls UMC, 6:00 8:30 p.m.
There will be further information coming, which will be passed to you as soon as it is available. This is
an exciting new venture so keep your eyes and ears open to developments.

We congratulate our high school and college graduates this year. Zions is eager to follow your
achievements and wish you many blessings. Zions will always have you in our thoughts and prayers!
Keep in touch!

Whats Your Stewardship Status ?

As Christians we often define stewardship as the process of giving our time, our talents and our pos-
sessions to Gods church with much emphasis on the sharing of our possessions through the giving of
money. Yet Pauls letters to the Corinthians (Chapter 4, verse 1) teaches that good Christian stewardship is
something that can, and should, also take place on a daily basis in our lives and outside of the church
walls. Paul wrote of Christians, Let anyone regard us in this manner, as servants of Christ, and stewards
of the mysteries of God.
While giving monetarily as we are able is important--giving our TIME, to tasks directly related to the
church and through the sharing of Gods word in our everyday lives may be even more crucial. While help-
ing with a Sunday school class, volunteering for a church committee, or working on an outreach project are
excellent examples of stewardship, taking the time to share Gods story with a co-worker or neighbor
through our words or actions is the type of stewardship that God may find most pleasing.
Be mindful that God sees and knows all and that those personal conversations and efforts that we
make in his name far from the church building do not go unnoticed in his eyes. When we make the commit-
ment to share His grace with those we encounter through our words and actions we will often, if not always
see the mystery of God at work.
Do those that you encounter view you as a servant of Christ, and as a steward of the mysteries of
God? If not, make a commitment this week to share Gods story with someone and then dont be sur-
prised by the mystery of God in your life. Church leaders don't grow numbers but make disciples.

Steve VanDemark
Stewardship Ministry Team Chairperson

PAGE 2 Continued on next page

INNKEEPERS PANTRY Innkeepers shopping list:

CHANGE Laundry Detergent

Paper Towels
Beginning in June Toilet Paper
the Pantry will no Facial Tissues
longer be distributing Dish Soap
food items. We will All Purpose Cleaner
be transitioning to a Paper / Cleaning
Products / Personal Hygiene Products
Toothpaste & Toothbrushes
pantry, with a goal of providing our
guests with items that cannot be pur- Deodorant
chased via SNAP or WIC programs. By Bar Soap
streamlining our efforts, it is felt we can Shampoo
continue to serve our community, to the Disposable Razors
best of our ability, and utilize our re- Shaving Cream
sources in the most efficient manner. Feminine Hygiene Products
The second Wednesday of each month Disposable Diapers
will be distribution night. Pre-packaged Baby wipes
bags of necessities will be handed out to
each family. Please clip the included We also accept volunteers and monetary
shopping list and keep it handy if you donations.
would like to help us stock the pantry.

Always Being Made Newthe Campaign for the ELCA in 2016

The ELCA has met 57 % of its five year goal$113 million; goal is $198 million
Initiated 13 evangelism projects (Global Ministries) around the world
17 scholarships to ELCA institutions to women in our global companion churches
Supported programs in 63 countries and the United States, getting at the root causes of hun-
ger and poverty, including 300 domestic hunger grants
21 new Youth and Young Adult ministries received grants
21 Renewing Congregations grants in 18 synods were distributed
79 international Lutheran women participated in International Women Leaders seminar in Wit-
tenberg, Germany
84 young adults sent into Mission service in August, with 2 new countriesSenegal and Aus-
250 seminary students received scholarships
225 missionaries served in 2016
372 new start ministries in development

PAGE 3 Continued on next page

WEED, WATER & A special thank you
WASH to Dawn and Mike
McKibben of Dads
The Prayer Garden, Gazebo, Community Veg-
etable Garden, and church grounds will need Dairy Depot for the
volunteers to help keep the beds weeded, donation of coupons for Mothers
plants watered and furniture washed this Day. What a nice gift to Mothers!
summer. We are looking for some helpers
who dont mind getting down and dirty! Sign
up calendars are posted in the Narthex on the
bulletin board.


Please check out the following website: defianceinfo.com
This website offers a wealth of information on local programs for alcohol and
drug treatment, food and shelter, clothing, family and youth resources, dental
and health care, mental health and support groups.

Northwestern Ohio
Synodical Women of
the ELCA
July 29, 2017 is the date for the one day
convention for the Women of the ELCA of
Northwestern Ohio. It will be held in Findlay
at Trinity Lutheran. We will remember and
celebrate the work of women, from Katie
Luther to you.

Registration deadline is July 15, 2017. The

cost, which includes lunch, is $40.00. If
you are interested in attending, please con-
tact Sue McKibben for more information and
a registration form.

PAGE 4 Continued on next page

Church Council Highlights
May 18, 2017
Received thank-you note from D.A.R.E. for the $640 donation that was collected on Ash
Gazebo furniture has been power washed and is ready for use.
Innkeepers Pantry is on track to begin distribution of paper and personal care items. Distri-
bution will begin the second Wednesday in June.
Looking at carpet samples for Pastors office, the Hofer Room and the Library.
Lenten offering will be distributed for various outreach projects.
Community VBS will be held three Wednesdays in July and August with a different theme and
church location for each day. Council approved $300 to help with expenses.


All members should be aware of their deacon and hopefully have met him or her to discuss any concerns
or questions you may have had. Your deacons have a sincere interest in serving your needs and encourage you
to bring your needs to the attention of Pastor, the deacon group or council whichever is appropriate. In turn,
we trust you have an equally sincere interest in getting to know your deacon as a present and future friend and
confidant. We also want to emphasize the importance of speaking with Pastor whenever the need arises. He
wants to know your concerns to help provide a solution or answers to your questions. He remains the best re-
source within our congregation to share wisdom and knowledge. Deacons are not exempt from having a dea-
con of their own. At times we need someone willing to listen and we turn to our deacon. In our bi-monthly
meetings, the nine deacons discuss a variety of topics concerning the spiritual welfare of the congregation.
Most importantly we are available for you when your needs might require someone to talk with other than Pas-
tor Tim. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve the members of Zions Lutheran Church and we encour-
age you to reach out to your deacon whenever the need arises. Please call the church office for any assistance.
Dick Anderson

The Endowment Ministry Team was able to fill 13 grant
requests in 2017 from the Endowment Fund. Grants
totaled $ 8,265.00 and were awarded on May 21.
Grants were awarded to the following applicants:
Filling Home of Mercy
Lutheran Ministries of Mercy scholarships
Salem Lutheran Church
Redeemer Lutheran Church
Stephanie Demar for Mary Kay
for your generosity in providing socks and Prayer Garden
underwear for our Sock It to Me Satur- The Storybook Program
day and Undie Sunday clothing drives for NAMI
the House of Ruth. Your caring and compas- Sisters in Christ
ELCA Women
sion for the victims of domestic violence is Abbie Joy for a missions trip
much appreciated. Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Program

PAGE 5 Continued on next page

June 2017 July 2017
June 3 & 4 Pentecost July 1 & 2 Pentecost 4
Numbers 11: 24-30 Jeremiah 28:5-9
Psalm 104:24-34, 35b Psalm 89:1-4, 15-18
Acts 2:1-21 Romans 6:12-23
John 7:37-39 Matthew 10:40-42

June 10 & 11 Holy Trinity July 8 & 9 Pentecost 5

Genesis 1:1-2:4a Zechariah 9:9-12
Psalm 8 Psalm 145:8-14
2 Corinthians 13:11-13 Romans 7:15-25a
Matthew 28:16-20 Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30

June 17 & 18 Pentecost 2 July 15 & 16 Pentecost 6

Exodus 19:2-8a Isaiah 55:10-13
Psalm 100 Psalm 65:1-13
Romans 5:1-8 Romans 8:1-11
Matthew 9:35-10:23 Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

June 24 & 25 Pentecost 3 July 22 & 23 Pentecost 7

Jeremiah 20:7-13 Isaiah 44:6-8
Psalm 69:7-18 Psalm 86:11-17
Romans 6:1b-11 Romans 6:12-25
Matthew 10:24-39 Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

July 29 & 30 Pentecost 8

1 Kings 3:5-12
Psalm 119:129-136
Domestic Violence Support Romans 8:26-39
Group Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52

Meets at 5:30 p.m. on the 1st and 3rd

Mondays of each month in the Hofer
Room at Zions.
The Innkeepers will be taking the
month of August off. There will be no
Please contact Jane Sharp of the House
community meals served during Au-
of Ruth at 419-980-2000 for more infor- gust. Distributions from the Pantry
mation. will still take place on August 9.

THE CHURCH OFFICE Sisters United was able to award two

scholarships with the proceeds raised
WILL BE CLOSED ON from their recent dinner. Recipients
were MaKayla Allen of Defiance$500.00; and Do-
July 3 & 4 for the
novan Gaffney of Napoleon$1,000. Blessings to
Independence Day holiday. those who supported this event.
Sharon Washington

PAGE 6 Continued on next page

Area Members in Nursing Homes and Assisted Living
Happy Birthday Waunita Badenhop LoAnn Peters

June & July Kingsbury Place # 127

245 W. Rosewood Ave.
Kingsbury Place
245 W. Rosewood Ave.
Defiance, OH 43512 Defiance, OH 43512

Randy Groll 6/2 Valeria Browns Bob Retcher

c/o Marsha Leaders The Laurels of Defiance
Eric Engel 6/4
236 Kettering Dr. 1701 S. Jefferson Ave.
Robbie Fields 6/6 Defiance, OH 43512 Defiance, OH 43512
Craig McKibben 6/6
Linda Chehi Juanita Rosebrock
Rebecca Mullett 6/10 Twin Rivers # 408 1724 Ralvan Dr.
Judy Engel 6/11 395 Harding Ave. Defiance, OH 43512
Audrey Eis 6/14 Defiance, OH 43512
Roberta Schmunk
Colleen Holley 6/18 Don Dunbar Glenn Park
Karen Graf 6/20 The Lutheran Home 2429 William A. Diehl Ct.
1036 S. Perry St. Defiance, Ohio 43512
Hannah McKibben 6/20
Napoleon, OH 43545
Shirley Retcher 6/22
Norma Mansfield Please send a card or
Barbara Stephens 6/22
Twin Rivers stop by to visit.
Carole Engel 6/23
395 Harding Ave.
Max Hoffman 6/23 Defiance, OH 43512
Alexandria Bussing 6/26
Lucy Epple 6/26
David Jones 6/29 May
Palin Moore
Gary Shinabery 7/7
Lenore Doctor 7/10
Jan Brown 7/12
Caden Eis 7/12 DATE 5:00pm/9:45am FUND $ FUND $
Josh Hubbard 7/12
May 6 & 7 34/55 $ 3,575.50 $ 160.00
Carole Zachrich 7/13 May 13 & 14 17/105 $ 2,398.75 $ 5.00
Stormy Gutman II 7/14 May 20 & 21 45/65 $ 2,600.25 $ 134.00
Fern Beindorf 7/18 May 27 & 28 23/55 $ 2,186.25 $ 3.00
Patricia Morrison 7/23 In order to meet our weekly budget guidelines, we need
Dennis Engel 7/25 $3,860.00 for the Ministry Fund each week.
Daniel Meffley 7/25
Larry Wagner 7/25
Please help keep our records accu-
Bill Wendell 7/25
rate! If your birthday is not here or
Shaun Bussing 7/26 is incorrect, please call the church
William Boyd 7/27 office at 419-782-8781 or email the
church secretary at rcasler@zions
Leona Bailey 7/31 lutheranchurch.com Thanks!
Steven Graf 7/31

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Treasurers Report - April 2017
Funds Beginning YTD YTD Ending
Balances Balances
Income Expenses
1/1/17 4/30/17

Ministry Operating Fund $ 2,863.46 $ 66,093.82 $ 60,446.36 $ 8,510.92

Designated Fund Balances

Audio Visual $ 1,893.38 $ 5.00 $ 613.80 $ 1,284.58
Bells & Music $ 368.22 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 368.22
Rose Fund $ 213.93 $ 14.00 $ 14.00 $ 213.93
Special Designations $ 69.00 $ 15.00 $ 0.00 $ 84.00

Innkeepers Funds
Community Meals $ 10,892.47 $ 50.00 $ 661.14 $ 10,281.33
Pantry $ 4,972.79 $ 0.00 $ 1,874.02 $ 3,098.77
Angel $ 444.86 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 444.86
Community Garden $ 554.30 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 554.30

Memorial Fund $ 15,329.99 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 15,329.99

Bequest Reserves $ 7,153.14 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 7,153.14
Prayer Garden $ 1,511.75 $ 0.00 $ 29.88 $ 1,481.87
Youth Fund $ 1,645.26 $ 0.00 $0.00 $ 1,645.26
Zions Fund $ 4,909.72 $ 500.00 $ 495.00 $ 4,914.72
Bldg. Improve & Maintenance $ 113,890.72 $ 1,305.00 $ 3,335.97 $ 111,859.75
Designated sub totals $ 1,889.00 $ 7,023.81
CASH BALANCES $ 166,712.99 $ 167,225.64

Respectfully submitted by,

In order to meet our weekly budget guidelines for 2017,
we need $3,860.00 each week for the Ministry Fund. Gwen Anderson
Gwen Anderson, Treasurer

Please see Gwen Anderson if you would like more specific information about the
churchs finances.

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Fellowship You may watch Zions Lutheran Wor-
SCHEDULE meets every Tuesday ship services on Wednesdays @ 6:00
Saturday 5:00 pm at 9:00 a.m. in the p.m. on DCTV 5 Defiance, OH. Sched-
ules are subject to change. Go to
Sunday 9:45 am Narthex
www.dctv.org for up to date schedule.

Worship and The Book

Sisters in Christ Music Group
Sisters in Christ will meet Committee meets on
after worship on June 18 & Will meet on June 12 Monday, June 12 at 12:00 p.m.
& July 13. at Frischs and
July 16.
Location to July 10 at 12:00 p.m. at Jerseys.
The following Sundays, cards be an- The Reading List is posted on
will be signed in the Narthex. nounced. the Narthex Bulletin Board.

Young at Heart Scrapbook Club

meets on WEDNESDAY, Will meet June 3, in the
June 14 & July 12. Library at 8:00 a.m.
at 11:30 am, at Leftys Pizza Please bring a snack to share.


Lutherans of &
Long Standing Tea Every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.
(unless otherwise noted)
Meets on On sale throughout the year!!!!
2:00 p.m. Breakfast Blend $ 8.00
in the Library. Decaf Breakfast Blend $ 9.00
July 17th
English Breakfast Tea $ 3.00
No July mtg.

CHURCH Please remember to call the church office when:

COUNCIL 1. You will be or have already moved.

WILL NOT 2. You have an addition to your family.

3. You have an address update and/or correction, or
MEET IN JULY birthday correction.
4. New email address and/or phone number. June 18

Continued on next page
June 2017
1 2 3
8:00 a Weight
5:00 p TOPS Watchers
8:00 a Scrapbook
5:00 p Worship

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Pastors Day 9:00 a Mens 7:00 a Women @
9:45 a Worship Off Fellowship Cabin Fever 12:00 p Worship 8:00 a Weight
11:00 a Outreach 9:30 a Weight 9:00 a Bulletin An- & Music Watchers
Meeting 5:30 p Domestic Watchers nouncements due
8:30 p AA Violence Group 1:00 p Text Study 5:30 p Meal 5:00 p TOPS 5:00 p Worship
2:00 p LLS
5:00 p Lighten Up
8:00 p Barber-

11 12 13 14 15 16 17
7:00 a Women @
9:45 a Worship Pastors Day 9:00 a Mens Cabin Fever 8:00 a Weight
8:30 p AA Off Fellowship 9:00 a Bulletin An- 5:00 p TOPS Watchers
12:00 p Book 9:30 a Weight nouncements due 7:00 p Council
Group at Frischs Watchers 11:30 a Young at
1:00 p Text Study Heart at Leftys 5:00 p Worship
8:00 p Barber- 5:00 p Lighten Up 5:30 p Meal
shoppers 7:00 p NAMI 6:00 p Pantry Distri-

18 19 20 21 22 23 24
9:45 a Worship 9:00 a Mens
Pastors Day Fellowship 7:00 a Women @ 8:00 a Weight
Off 9:30 a Weight Cabin Fever 5:00 p TOPS Watchers
Watchers 9:00 a Bulletin An-
5:30 p Domestic 1:00 p Text Study nouncements due 6:00 p Wed- 2:30 p Wedding
Violence Group 5:00 p Lighten Up 5:30 p Meal ding Rehearsal
11:00 a Sisters in
Christ 5:00 p Worship
8:00 p Barber-
8:30 p AA shoppers

25 26 27 28 29 30

9:00 a Sunday School Pastors Day 9:00 a Mens 7:00 a Women @ 9:00 a Bulletin
9:45 a Worship Fellowship Cabin Fever Announcements
11:00 a Sign Cards 9:30 a Weight 9:00 a Bulletin An- due for July 8 & 9
8:30 p AA Watchers nouncements due
8:00 p Barber-
1:00 p Text Study 5:30 p Meal 5:00 p TOPS
5:00 p Lighten Up

PAGE 10 Continued on next page

July 2017
29 30 1
8:00 a Weight
9:00 a Bulletin Watchers
due for July 8 & 9 5:00 p Worship

5:00 p TOPS

2 3 4 5 6 7 8
7:00 a Women @
9:45 a Worship CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED Cabin Fever 8:00 a Weight
5:30 p Meal 5:00 p TOPS Watchers
8:30 p AA 5:30 p Domestic
Violence Group 5:00 p Worship

8:00 p Barber-

9 10 11 12 13 14 15
7:00 a Women @
9:45 a Worship Pastors Day 9:00 a Mens Cabin Fever 12:00 p Worship 8:00 a Weight
Off Fellowship 9:00 a Bulletin An- & Music Watchers
8:30 p AA 12:00 p Book 9:30 a Weight nouncements due
Group at Jerseys Watchers 11:30 a Young at
1:00 p Text Study Heart at Leftys 5:00 p TOPS 5:00 p Worship
8:00 p Barber- 5:00 p Lighten Up 5:30 p Meal
shoppers 7:00 p NAMI 6:00 p Pantry Distri-

16 17 18 19 20 21 22
9:45 a Worship 9:00 a Mens 7:00 a Women @
Pastors Day Fellowship Cabin Fever 8:00 a Weight
11:00 a Sisters in Off 9:30 a Weight 9:00 a Bulletin An- 5:00 p TOPS Watchers
Watchers nouncements due
5:30 p Domestic 1:00 p Text Study 5:30 p Meal
8:30 p AA
Violence Group 5:00 p Lighten Up 5:00 p Worship

8:00 p Barber-

23 24 25 26 27 28 29
9:00 a Mens 7:00 a Women @
9:00 a Sunday School Pastors Day Fellowship Cabin Fever 8:00 a Weight
9:45 a Worship 9:30 a Weight 9:00 a Bulletin An- 5:00 p TOPS Watchers
11:00 a Sign Cards Watchers nouncements due
8:30 p AA 1:00 p Text Study 5:30 p Meal 7:00 p Deacons
8:00 p Barber-
5:00 p Lighten Up 5:00 p Worship

30 31

9:45 a Worship Pastors Day

8:30 p AA
8:00 p Barber-

PAGE 11 Continued on next page

Faith Active in Love June 2017

ALTAR FLOWERS +++ see below OFFERING COLLECTORS for Sunday 9:45 am
4 Doug & Sandy Eis 1st Sunday Sue McKibben & Cyndi Ensign
11 Vern & Rebecca Mullett 2nd Sunday Angela Mack & Randy Groll
18 AVAILABLE 3rd Sunday Cindy Wendell & Sue McKibben
25 AVAILABLE 4th Sunday Marsha Leaders & Angela Mack
BULLETINS +++ see below 5th Sunday Randy Groll & Sue McKibben
4 Doug & Sandy Eis USHERS for Sunday 9:45 am
11 AVAILABLE 1st Sunday John & Frances Diehl
18 AVAILABLE 2nd Sunday Laurie & Dwaine Schey
25 Mary Rickard 3rd Sunday Shawn & Mark Faryniarz
ALTAR DUTY 4th Sunday Sue McKibben
4 Kate Frank 5th Sunday Youth
11 Linda Hardy
18 Diana Groll
25 Marsha Leaders Gene Vogel, Larry Wagner & Steve Graf.
Subs: Bob Thomas, Bill Wendell, Sue McKibben,
LECTOR & DEACON for Sunday 9:45 am Tom Boals
4 * Dick Anderson & Audrey Eis
Doug Eis, Eric Engel, Stormy Gutman, Angela
11 Cyndi Ensign
18 * John Diehl & Eric Engel
25 Angela Mack
10 Helena Morris
17 * Dawn McKibben SOON AS POSSIBLE.
4 Barb & Gene Vogel MENTS to be printed in the bulletin should be
11 Laurie & Dwaine Schey sent to the church office AT LEAST one week
18 Fern & Ott Beindorf BEFORE the assigned date; and NO LATER
25 Karen Bowling than the Monday before. PLEASE !!! Earlier is
always better.


Suggested donation for are due before 9:00 a.m. Wednesday mornings,
bulletins is $20.00. unless otherwise noted on the calendar.

PAGE 12 Continued on next page

Faith Active in Love July 2017

ALTAR FLOWERS +++ see below OFFERING COLLECTORS for Sunday 9:45 am
2 AVAILABLE 1st Sunday Sue McKibben & Cyndi Ensign
9 Rhonda Moore 2nd Sunday Angela Mack & Randy Groll
16 AVAILABLE 3rd Sunday Cindy Wendell & Sue McKibben
23 AVAILABLE 4th Sunday Marsha Leaders & Angela Mack
30 AVAILABLE 5th Sunday Randy Groll & Sue McKibben
BULLETINS +++ see below USHERS for Sunday 9:45 am
2 AVAILABLE 1st Sunday John & Frances Diehl
9 Judy Mekus 2nd Sunday Laurie & Dwaine Schey
16 AVAILABLE 3rd Sunday Shawn & Mark Faryniarz
23 Karen Bowling 4th Sunday Sue McKibben
30 Mary Rickard
5th Sunday Youth
2 Cindy Wendell
9 Lois Dodt Gene Vogel, Larry Wagner & Steve Graf.
16 Sue McKibben Subs: Bob Thomas, Bill Wendell, Sue McKibben,
23 Barb Jones Tom Boals
30 Kate Frank AUDIO-VISUAL
LECTOR & DEACON for Sunday 9:45 am Doug Eis, Eric Engel, Stormy Gutman, Angela
2 * TBD
9 Linda Hardy
LECTOR & DEACON for Saturday 5:00 pm SOON AS POSSIBLE.
8 Helena Morris MENTS to be printed in the bulletin should be
15 * TBD sent to the church office AT LEAST one week
BEFORE the assigned date; and NO LATER
than the Monday before. PLEASE !!! Earlier is
FELLOWSHIP HOUR for Sunday 9:45 am always better.
2 Judy & Duane Engel
9 Elaine & Gaylon Davis
16 Cindy & Bill Wendell
23 Donna Schindler
30 Lois & Dave Dodt


Suggested donation for are due before 9:00 a.m. Wednesday mornings,
bulletins is $20.00. unless otherwise noted on the calendar.

PAGE 13 Continued on next page

Driven by Gods spirit we will grow in faith and make Christs love known

DEACONS Prayer List

Dick Anderson Church Council has en-
Tom Boals acted a policy regarding
Find us and Like us we need more
John Diehl the names placed on
followers to spread the word! Are you
Audrey Eis the church prayer list in
friends with a former member? invite
Doug Eis them too we love staying in contact!
the bulletin. If you
Eric Engel Have a question about an upcoming would like prayers on
Dawn McKibben event? you may find your answer. the list for longer than
And, you can add your comments, too! 3 weeks, please make
Patty VanDemark
(If you have trouble searching type in another request. Re-
Cindy Wendell Zions Lutheran Defiance and that quests can be sent to
should find it for you). If you would like the church office via
COUNCIL MEMBERS to post an event you may email it to
phone 419-782-8781 or
2017 by email at: rcasler@
Laurie Schey, President zionslutheranchurch.
Angela Mack, V-President com
Gwen Anderson, Treasurer
Cindy Wendell, Secretary OFFICE HOURS
John Diehl
Lenore Doctor
Monday - Thursday
Audrey Eis
Shawn Faryniarz 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Marion Hanson
Carl Snyder
Steve VanDemark
Office Secretary - rcasler@zionslutheranchurch.com
COUNCIL MEETS ON Pastor - prtim@zionslutheranchurch.com
the third Thursday of each month
(except July) at 7:00 p.m. Website - www.zionslutheranchurch.com

Get your copy in the church narthex!

Devotional Books : The Upper Room

Christ in Our Home and Word in Season

PAGE 14 Continued on next page

Zions Lutheran Church
1801 E. Second St.
Defiance, OH 43512

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