Government Policy and The Development of Electric Vehicles in Japan

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Government policy and the development of

electric vehicles in Japan

Article in Energy Policy March 2006

Impact Factor: 2.58 DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2004.06.011


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Max hman
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Energy Policy 34 (2006) 433443

Government policy and the development of electric vehicles in Japan

Max Ahman
Department of Environmental and Energy Systems Studies, Lund University, Gerdagatan 13, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden
Available online 10 August 2004


The aim of this paper is to analyse the role that the Japanese Government has played in the development of alternatives to
conventional vehicles, the effect of government programmes, and the importance of technical exibility in government support
schemes. The focus is on battery-powered electric vehicles (BPEVs), hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), and fuel cell electric vehicles.
The effects of government policy and the process of innovation are analysed from a systems approach drawing on the literature
regarding technical change and innovation. The whole chain of government support, including the context in which these different
policies have been implemented since the early 1970s, is studied.
The Japanese Government has adopted a comprehensive strategy including R&D, demonstration programmes and market
support guided by long-term strategic plans. The role of the Government has been that of a conductor in the development process
supplying both R&D support and articially created niche markets, and easing the way for targeted technologies by means of
legislation and standards.
Despite this, the targeted technology (the BPEV) has not been established on the market. However, the recent market success of
the HEV can partly be attributed to the government support of the BPEV technology. The enabling component, the electric
drivetrain, was developed for automotive use within the BPEV programmes offered by the MITI. This technology was later utilised
in the HEV.
The history of BPEVs in Japan demonstrates that picking winners in government policy is not easy. Despite a sustained and
ambitious policy by the MITI, the development of alternative vehicles never unfolded according to plan. The success factors for
policy seem more related to technology specic features than the particular policy style. Our conclusion is that exibility,
adaptability and cooperation in terms of technical choice is necessary in policy. This increases the chances of a technology surviving
the long journey from idea to competitive technology. Another conclusion is that market support, even in the early phases of
development, is an important complement to R&D for gaining experience and building markets.
r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Alternative vehicles; Electric vehicles; Policy

1. Introduction alternatives that have been discussed by car manufac-

turers and governments with increasing intensity during
1.1. Background the past 30 years are battery-powered electric vehicles
(BPEVs), hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and fuel cell
Environmental considerations are bringing pressure electric vehicles (FCEVs) together with more conven-
on manufacturers to produce vehicle designs that are tional alternatives based on internal combustion engines
radically different from the current, conventional
powertrain consisting of an internal combustion engine
(footnote continued)
combined with a mechanical drivetrain (ICEV).1 The
generator, the power electronics for control and the transmission
system from the motor shaft to the wheels. The term alternative
Tel.:+46-46-222-86-43; fax: +46-46-222-86-44. powertrain, includes both the electric drivetrain and the energy storage
E-mail address: (M. Ahman). (e.g. batteries and hydrogen storage), and, possibly, a IC engine or a
The term electric drivetrain typically refers to the electric motor, the fuel cell.

0301-4215/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
434 M. Ahman / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 433443

such as compressed natural gas vehicles (CNGVs), energy systems dynamics. Some of the more recent
ethanol and methanol-fuelled vehicles. These alterna- studies have focussed on the effects of government
tives have the potential for substantially reduced tail- programmes for wind power and renewable energy, see
pipe emissions and greater energy efciency than Loiter and Norberg-Bohm (1999), Astrand and Neij
improved conventional ICEVs. (2004), or studies on how to generally support technical
The traditional technical design, the ICEV, has been change in the energy sector, see Turkenburg (2002) and
rened and improved over 100 years, and together with Holdren et al. (1999).
a global industry characterised by erce competition This study is inspired by the literature on technical
restricting the possibility of taking the risks involved in change and by the literature on the role of government
developing an alternative design, this could well be in this process. Another important factor is the specic
dened as a case of market lock-in (Cowan and Hulten, Japanese context. This study does not claim to give an
1996). This has motivated governments all over the exhaustive analysis of the Japanese governance system
industrialised world to support the development of less but connes itself to explain the features that have
polluting and more efcient vehicles. However, Japan is bearing on the development of alternative vehicles,
the rst country in which a vehicle with an alternative notably the strong role played by the MITI. Interna-
powertrain (the HEV) has become available on the tional developments are also included when found
passenger car market. In 2002 there were at least three appropriate.
different hybrid models on the passenger car market in The theoretical framework and the Japanese context
Japan. are described below.

1.2. Aim 1.3.1. The role of government in the process of technical

The aim of this paper is to analyse the role that the Inuenced by the work of Schumpeter (1934) and the
Japanese Government has played in the development of success of Big Science2 in the 1940s, technical change
alternatives to conventional vehicles, the effect of was long seen as a linear supply push process, in which
government programmes, and the importance of tech- scientic discoveries automatically led to useful applica-
nical exibility in government support schemes. The tions that satised market needs. In the linear model the
study presents interesting cases of government support role of government is limited to the funding of basic
programmes and technical diversity as there have been a R&D and sometimes applied R&D in the public interest
number of alternative vehicles discussed over the years see e.g. Freeman (1995).
and that most of the original drivers and motivations for The sequential linear model in government policy and
supporting alternative vehicles have changed since the innovation replaced the linear model in the 1970s (Soete
1970s. The focus is on the alternatives with an electric and Arundel, 1995). The process of technical change is
drivetrain, i.e. BPEVs, HEVs and FCEVs. These here seen as separate and sequential development phases
alternatives all depend on the successful development (e.g. R&D, eld tests, demonstration, market introduc-
of the electric drivetrain and there have also been links tion, and diffusion). Government involvement is not
between the development of high-power batteries and limited to R&D but could be called for in all phases and
high-energy batteries, at least at an early stage of could include nancial support for gaining experience
development. (learning effects) and increasing scale of production,
dissemination of information, building of industrial
1.3. Method networks, and creating standards, see e.g. Freeman
This study takes a systems approach and analyses the Based on the current understanding of what success-
whole chain of government programmes since the early fully drives and guides the process of technical change,
1970s, the technical development and the technical the role of government policy has shifted from pure
choices that have been made. The coordination, ambi- supply push, such as government funded R&D, and
tion, and timing of R&D, infrastructure, and market become more focussed on the demand side and the
support programmes is analysed and compared to the utilisation of scientic discoveries in society (Nelson and
actual technical development and market deployment. Winter, 1977; Rosenberg, 1982; Freeman, 1995; Lund-
This study departs thus from studying isolated policy vall, 1992). A key feature of modern technical change
instruments by looking at the total effects of many theories is the inuence of socio-technical trajectories
combined programmes and including frame-work con- guiding the direction in which technology develops
ditions, such as institutional settings and business (Dosi, 1982). These trajectories act as effective barriers
attitudes towards regulation. Previous innovation stu-
dies using this approach have been rooted in the eld of 2
An example of Big Science is the Manhattan project where the
energy systems analysis studying the complexity of rst atomic bomb was developed.
M. Ahman / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 433443 435

for alternative technologies, e.g. lock-in effects (Arthur, activities of the MITI, as the development of new
1988). Technical diversity is argued by Stirling to be of vehicles and industrial competitiveness falls under the
great importance for sustaining innovation and mitigat- jurisdiction of the MITI.
ing lock-in into undesirable technological paths of The subsidiaries of the MITI dealing with issues
development (Stirling, 1998). related to new vehicles are the New Energy and
With the inherent uncertainty involved in technical Industrial Technology Development Organisation
development, the sequential linear model can be (NEDO),4 the Japanese Electric Vehicle Association
replaced by a more complex process oriented model (JEVA), and the Japanese Automotive Research In-
where interaction and learning processes are at the core stitute (JARI). NEDO funnels money for research and
of technical-change theory, see e.g. innovation-system market support for the development of new energy
theories (Lundvall, 1992). A government policy where directly to companies and universities or, indirectly, via
the key features of technical change, such as uncertainty, the JARI. A lot of the work done on market support for
learning, path dependence and accumulation of knowl- vehicles has been the responsibility of the JEVA.5
edge, are acknowledged is suggested by Soete and
Arundel (1995) and Kemp et al. (1998). Kemp et al.
1.3.3. The visions of the MITI
(1998) suggest that governments should act as strategic
During the high-growth era of the 1950s and 1960s
niche market organisers modulating the market by for
the MITI formulated and administered industrial policy
example taxes, legislation and niche-market manage-
in Japan by guiding industrial restructuring and invest-
ment. The overall concept, which is based on voluntary
ments towards strategically important sectors. However,
agreements and soft compliance, is to modulate
since the 1970s the automobile sector has had a more
technical change in a desired direction. Strategic niche
independent role than the rest of industry (Johnson,
market management could be seen as a reframing of
1982). The policy style used by the MITI has been an
existing programmes into a comprehensive and coordi-
informal voluntary style where the MITI has relied on
nated policy framework. This interactive model differs
administrative guidance with no formal threats.
from the sequential linear model in that support is
However, the companies have been willing to comply
needed, to some extent, in all development phases at the
and not to risk being excluded from the group of
same time and not in a sequential order.
companies favoured by the MITI when it came to e.g.
issuing soft loans for strategic development and conces-
1.3.2. Regulating vehicles in Japan
sions for industrial activity (Johnson 1982; Wallace,
Responsibility for drafting and implementing policies
1995). The MITI has had the ambition to guide
for regulating vehicle emissions and promoting new
industrial development based on Visions (Watanabe,
environmentally friendly vehicle technology on a na-
2000). The visions of the MITI are foresight exercises
tional scale was divided between the Environmental
that coordinate the various actors including public
Agency (EA), the Ministry of Transport (MOT), and the
agencies, industry, and local communities, and give
Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI).3
them a common vision of the future. This vision is then
The EA was formed as a permanent body in 1971 to
used to prioritise R&D, legal changes, funding and
administrate the stricter emission regulations imposed
industrial strategy (Kazunori, 1997). The vision for the
by the Anti-Pollution Law of 1967 (Kazunori, 1997).
1960s emphasized the heavy chemical industry, while the
The MOT is responsible for vehicle inspection and
vision of the 1970s focused on a shift towards knowl-
maintenance programmes in Japan.
edge-based industry. The focus in the 1980s was on
The MITI is responsible for Japanese industrial policy
energy security, and in the 1990s the main theme was
and strategic legislation that affects industry. This
Japans contribution to the international community
makes that the MITI is responsible for Japanese energy
(MITI, 1999). The role and inuence on industry of the
policy, R&D policy and technology policy. The respon-
MITI has been reduced after the burst of the bubble
sibility of the MITI in the transport sector has foremost
economy in the early 1990s and the restructuring and
been to support the development of new vehicles and
reformation process of Japanese Government that
fuels. The MITI administrates the largest programmes
followed. From a position where the MITI could set
for the development and diffusion of clean-energy
the government agenda internally, it now has to include
vehicles and is also responsible for the Energy
other ministries in the process as a consequence of the
Conservation Law. This study focuses mainly on the
administrative reform and diversied interest in
In 2001 the administrative bureaucracy in Japan was reformed. The society (Watanabe, 2000; MITI, 1999). As a response
MITI was renamed the Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry to the changing role of the MITI and to the
(METI), the EA was given ministerial status and thus became the
Environmental Ministry (EM). However, the time frame studied here Originally New Energy Development Organisation, renamed in
is basically before the reform of government so the old abbreviations 1988.
will be used. JEVA and JARI were integrated in 2003 to JARI.
436 M. Ahman / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 433443

interdisciplinary threat of global warming, an inter- be in use by 2010, see Table 1. This was the rst time the
ministerial action programme was formed in 1996 and diffusion of HEVs was included by the government. The
thus including government actors outside of the ofce of inclusion of HEVs can be seen in the light of the new
the MITI more in the strategic process of planning for CO2 reduction target for 20082012 under the Kyoto
new Visions (Watanabe, 2000; Hattori, 1999). protocol. Previous goals had the main ambition of
replacing petrol with electricity, hydrogen or natural gas
in order to ensure energy independence.
In 2000, the Policy Study Group for Fuel Cell
2. Planning and target setting for alternative vehicles Vehicles drafted a plan for fuel cell commercialisation
organised by the MITI/METI, see METI (2001). The
Government support for developing vehicles with methodology used is similar to that in previous BPEV
alternative powertrains started in the early 1970s. expansion plans, thus including manufacturers, govern-
Battery-powered electric vehicles were chosen by the ment and other possible actors. The plan presents a
MITI as the most interesting option for the future as common vision for future FCEVs and coordinates
they had the potential to mitigate both local emissions activities such as R&D, infrastructure, demonstration
and oil-dependence. and standards, among stakeholders. The study group
The MITI established a basic market expansion plan expects the introduction phase to be between 2005 and
for BPEVs in 1976 (MITI, 1990). This plan (and the 2010, when 50,000 fuel cell vehicles will be introduced in
following revised versions) was a comprehensive com- public utilities and FC-related companies. The target for
mercialisation plan coordinating government agencies, the year 2020 is 5,000,000 sold FCEVs (METI, 2001).
companies and municipalities in their efforts to expand The above market expansion plans have in common
BPEV development. Barriers were identied and the that they all present comprehensive plans for the
relevant actors were called upon to make efforts to development and commercialisation of the targeted
remove these barriers through technical development, technologies. The plans include all the relevant actors
amending laws and taxes, creating new standards and identied by the MITI, including industry, universities,
building a fuel infrastructure (Iguchi, 1992). local governments and government agencies. The aim of
The rst market expansion plan was originally these plans is to induce a common vision among the
intended to cover 10 years, but after a few years it actors and coordinate industry and government policy.
became apparent that the plan was no longer appro- The efforts and the process of the relevant actors are
priate. The oil markets stabilised and the progress in coordinated and supervised by the MITI. Little formal
technical development was slower than rst anticipated pressure exists according to the MITI and the plan rests
so the plan was revised in 1983 (Iguchi, 1992). on a vision in which all actors, including the Govern-
At the end of the 1980s and after the Rio summit in ment, are expected to play their part (Watanabe, 2000).
1992, global environmental and energy issues became an The market expansion plans should also be seen in the
important topic for the MITI in Japan. These factors, context of the visions of the MITI for Japanese industry,
together with the newly adopted ZEV mandate in including strategic goals such as future competitiveness,
California, increased interest in BPEVs again as a as well as energy and technology independence.
long-term sustainable option (JEVA, 2002). As a
consequence, a third and more aggressive market
expansion plan for BPEVs was issued by the MITI in
1991. The goal was then to have 200,000 BPEVs on the 3. Policy instrumentsRD&D, standardisation, and
road by the year 2000 (MITI, 1990). market support
In 1997 the MITI altered the third expansion plan
from 1991 to include not only BPEVs, but also HEVs, The above plans required targeted government
CNGVs, methanol-fuelled vehicles and FCEVs under programmes in several areas. The programmes have
the denition of Clean-Energy Vehicles (JEVA, 2002). A been categorised here as RD&D on vehicle and
new expansion plan was drafted in the same manner as components, support for infrastructure for future fuel
previously with new targets for the number of vehicles to supply and as market support (including subsidies,

Table 1
Targets (revised 2001) for clean-energy vehicles in Japan (JEVA, 2002)

Clean-energy vehicles BPEV HEV and FCEV CNGV D-LPGa Total

Targets in 2010 110,000 2,110,000 1,000,000 260,000 3,480,000

Light petroleum gas vehicles to replace diesel vehicles.
M. Ahman / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 433443 437

niche where BPEVs with limited range and speed can be

Market support Public procurement
a viable option.
Leasing & purchasing incentive programmes Purchase CEV Under the New Sunshine Programme,7 R&D on
incentive project
programme polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEMFC) has been
Millennium undertaken since 1992. Research is also conducted
under the same programme on lithium batteries
ECO-Station Project (through the organisation LIBES) since 1992. The aim
Support for infrastructure
The WE-NET project was to develop both stationary and vehicle applications
Financial support from the MITI of the next generation of batteries based on lithium.
In 1997 the MITI initiated the Advanced Clean
Energy (ACE) vehicle programme. This is an R&D
project programme extending from 1997 to 2003 with the
RD&D support New Sunshine programme
objective of developing different high-energy efcient
BPEV field tests
hybrid vehicles.
R&D Internal company R&D supported by the MITI
The MITI funded programmes are usually long (410
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
years) and divided into three phases starting with (i)
R&D on basic technologies, then (ii) demonstration and
Fig. 1. Basic outline of Japanese Government programmes supporting prototype, and the last phase (iii) production and early
BPEVs, HEVs and FCEVs. deployment. All three phases receive government fund-
ing. However, companies and other interested parties
are expected to increase their share of responsibility as
leasing programmes and also standardisations issues). In the technology comes closer to commercialisation.
Fig. 1, a chronological overview of Japanese Govern- Generally, the MITI funds company research on
ments support targeting alternative vehicles is shown. technologies that are in the public interest with 100%
The programmes have been structured either as RD&D, funding at the early stage of development and between
Support for infrastructure or Market support pro- 50 and 67% as the technology comes closer to
grammes. Below follows a brief description of the major commercialisation. Standardisation projects receive
programmes. For a more complete description, see 100% funding from the MITI (Daito, 2002).
Ahman (2004).

3.1. RD&D support

3.2. Support for infrastructure
The MITI has promoted electric vehicles (BPEVs)
since 1971, launching a 5-year government-industry The ECO-Station Project, was initiated in 1993 with
R&D programme. The MITI also funded company the aim of establishing 2000 fuelling stations for clean-
R&D between 1978 and 1996 supporting leasing energy vehicles by the year 2000. Approximately 50% of
projects (MITI, 1990). The idea of the MITIs R&D these were intended as BPEV charging stations (Hayashi
support is to create R&D consortia including companies et al., 1994). Quick-charging facilities for BPEVs with
from different sectors and universities by adding a nighttime energy storage systems for load levelling were
limited amount of government funding and strategic targeted.
guidance in line with the Vision. The idea is to induce Hydrogen as a future fuel and the associated
more company funded R&D by this way and to infrastructure, are being explored in the WE-NET
stimulate inter-rm technology spillover. This has been programme by the NEDO. This project focuses on
empirically analysed by Watanabe (1999) and Watanabe hydrogen as the future energy carrier research is being
et al. (2004) and the ndings are that the inter-company conducted and eld tests carried out on hydrogen energy
spillover and build up of a knowledge base within solutions. The research applicable for vehicles includes
industry are the most important positive effects of these hydrogen storage and hydrogen production. The WE-
MITI-guided R&D consortia. NET programme also has a three phase structure: phase
In 1995 BPEV eld tests were launched by the MITI (i) Basic R&D 19931998, phase (ii) demonstration
but these were replaced by several BPEV-ITS pro- 19992003 and phase (iii) early commercialisation 2004.
grammes starting in 1998, demonstrating the feasibility
of BPEVs in combination with Intelligent Transporta-
tion Systems (ITS).6 The ambition was to develop a
The new Sunshine programme was formed in 1993 by consolidating
ITS include the use of advanced communications technology for existing programmes (the sunshine and the moon-light programme)
e.g. road guidance, management of car pools etc. within the energy eld to one programme.
438 M. Ahman / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 433443

3.3. Market support Market support Support for infrastructure RD&D

From 1978 to 1996 the JEVA conducted various

JPY (million)
leasing and purchasing incentive programmes. These
programmes included relief from commodity and 8000
acquisition tax in 1975 and 1976, leasing services 6000
directed towards private enterprises, the collection of 4000
eld data for further research, feasibility studies and 2000
subsidies to local governments to buy BPEVs (Iguchi, 0


Under the Environment Conservation Programme
(1995), the Government announced that it would Fig. 2. Estimated targeted funding from MITI for R&D support and
replace 10% of their public vehicles with low emission from related agencies (e.g. JEVA, WE-NET) for infrastructure and
vehicles (LEVs)8 by 2000 in a procurement programme. market support. Note: The funding is divided into R&D, infrastructure
and market support according to the previous section. Based on
In 2001, the central Government took a new initiative to ofcial documents except the period between 1976 to 1996. Here, the
replace all vehicles used by government with LEVs by cost of the leasing programmes between 1976 and 1996 were estimated
the year 2004. Of these vehicles, 60% is expected to be to be approximately JPY 600,000 for RD&D, JPY 600,000 for market
HEVs, according to the Environmental Ministry, which support and JPY 600,000 for infrastructure per vehicle leased. This is
corresponds to roughly 4000 vehicles (EVAAP, 2002). most likely an overestimation. JPY 100 equals approx. 0.8 dollars
The rest will mainly be replaced by CNGVs and some
BPEVs. Also the larger prefecture governments (Tokyo,
Chiba, Kanagawa, Osaka and Hyogo) laid out aggres-
sive market plans in 1993 for introducing BPEVs in In Fig. 2 the government funding on the programmes
order to reduce NOx emissions in accordance with the described above over the years is given. The funding
Auto-NOx Law. The plans included a total number of from Government has increased substantially since
almost 100,000 BPEVs and 170,000 LPGVs in the year market subsidizes were introduced and the success of
2000 (JEVA, 1998). the HEV. This corresponds well with the view of the
In 1996, an BPEV Purchasing Incentive Programme MITI on introducing new technology, where the
was introduced which replaced existing leasing and commercialisation phase is the shortest phase in time,
purchasing incentive programmes that had been in but denitely the most expensive (Daito, 2002). The
operation since 1976. Fifty percent of the extra period between 1976 and 1993 has received relatively
incremental vehicle price was subsidized. low government funding. No comprehensive data exists
In 1998, the programme was integrated into the on how much this support actually was but in the plans
Clean-Energy Vehicles Introduction Programme (CEV) of the MITI, this was supposed to be a commercialisa-
together with other promotional programmes for tion phase were targeted support was offered to vehicles
methanol-fuelled vehicles and CNG vehicles. Previous produced. As the number of vehicles actually produced
programmes for the promotion of CEVs had been was very low, the targeted support also became low.
running since 1993 and primarily targeted infrastructure However, it should be noted that Fig. 2 only covers
issues for BPEVs, CNG and methanol-fuelled vehicles. targeted efforts for vehicles, not the basic generic R&D
The Clean Energy Vehicle Programme of 1998 had an in the general eld of e.g. energy, general automotive
improved budget and included for the rst time HEVs. research and electrochemistry.
When it comes to direct market support, the MITI
takes half of the nancial risk of a new technology, e.g.
subsidizes half of the extra cost compared to an 4. Results of programmes and drivers for vehicle
comparable ICEV (Daito, 2002). Local governments development
and other agencies can supply further funding within
their area jurisdiction. 4.1. Early development (19711995)
Within the framework of the Millennium Project the
JARI and the NEDO are conducting a standardisation The initial R&D project sponsored by the MITI
project especially targeting future fuel cell vehicles The resulted in a prototype BPEV with a range of 455 km in
programme is planned to end in 2005 when a viable fuel 1976 (JEVA, 1998). The basic technology was lead/acid
cell vehicle market has hopefully been established. batteries with a DC motor.
The following leasing and purchasing incentive
programmes resulted in the introduction of 655 BPEVs
BPEVs, HEVs, FCEVs, CNGVs, LPGVs and methanol-fuelled between 1977 and 1996. The outcome was mostly small-
vehicles qualies as LEVs. size BPEVs and niche-market BPEVs, such as commer-
M. Ahman / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 433443 439

cial vans, pick-ups and motorcycles. Most of these manufacturers are developing these technologies (mo-
BPEVs were converted ICE vehicles with lead/acid tors and power electronics) in-house (Mauro, 2000),
batteries, conventional thyristor control techniques and although there was some cooperation with the electric
DC motors (JEVA, 1996). After 1987 MOSFET control machinery industry at an early stage (Mauro, 2000;
technology was introduced in BPEVs and after 1994, Patchell, 1999). There was no targeted government
transistor choppers in combination with AC-induction funded R&D for the motor or power electronics
motors were used (JEVA, 1996). Daihatsu, now a components (Otsubo, 2002).
member of the Toyota group, was the bearer of BPEV Batteries needed to have higher specic energy, longer
technology during this time supplying over 400 of the lifetime and lower cost than the lead/acid batteries
total 655 BPEVs (Patchell, 1999). This is partly due to available. The MITI identied the battery as the crucial
the small size of the BPEVs deployed as Daihatsu is a part in need of government support for the successful
small-size car manufacturer. Toyota only supplied ve introduction of BPEVs onto the market. The lithium
BPEVs, Nissan supplied 40 and Honda none during this battery project (LIBES) that started in 1992 presented in
programme (JEVA, 1996). 2001 a BPEV battery that meets most of the criteria set
A comprehensive evaluation of the leasing and and that is now ready for eld tests. A Li-ion battery
purchasing incentive programme, covering 19 years, developed by Shin-Kobe Electric machinery and cur-
was conducted in 1996 by the JEVA. The programme rently used in the Nissan Hypermini is a result of this
did not succeed in increasing the diffusion of BPEVs programme (Terada et al., 2001). Toyota chose to
outside the programme, but the 19 years of effort develop the nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) battery in
sustained automobile manufacturers interest and R&D collaboration with Matsushita in a joint owned com-
in the eld of electric drivetrains and led to substantial pany called PEVE and Nissan chose to cooperate rst
feedback into R&D according to the JEVA (1996). This with Sony and later with Shin-Kobe after Sony
corresponds well to the more general analysis by discontinued their Li-ion battery development (Kal-
Watanabe et al. (2004) stating that the inter-company hammer et al., 1998). Honda uses NiMH batteries from
spillover effects and the knowledge base build of these PEVE (Kalhammer et al., 1998). Car manufacturers
MITI sponsored R&D programmes is a major positive made the strategic choice to develop batteries in
effect. collaboration with battery manufacturers thus keeping
The reason for the lack of market success was largely their options open as they thought the future still to be
attributed to inadequate performance but also to a lack highly uncertain (Patchell, 1999).
of interest, as the original policy drivers, reduction of oil
dependence and tail pipe emission, seemed less urgent in
the mid 1980s (Iguchi, 1992). 4.3. Market expansion for BPEVs (19951998)

4.2. The Californian push (19901998) The purchasing incentive programme between 1996
and 1997 led to the introduction of 117 BPEVs (JEVA,
The Californian ZEV mandate in 1990 and growing 2000). In this programme, BPEVs targeted for the
concern for global environmental and energy issues led Californian market and equipped with NiMH batteries
to a renewed interest in BPEVs at the beginning of the and PM motors (e.g. the Toyota RAV4EV and the
1990s where the Japanese Government wanted to take a Honda EVPlus) were introduced.
leading role in transforming society towards sustain- The rst procurement programme, initiated in 1995,
ability (Yamaguchi, 1997). The larger exporting auto- did not meet the targets. Only a few BPEVs were
mobile manufacturers saw the future BPEV market in actually in use 2000. The turbulent economy during the
California as both strategically and economically 1990s made the more expensive, low-emission vehicles
important. Toyota, Nissan and Honda were all affected unaffordable for agencies and local governments ac-
by the Californian ZEV mandate and now entered the cording to JEVA (2002). The larger prefecture govern-
BPEV development race more seriously than before and ments did not meet (or even come close to) the
began investing heavily in BPEV technology (Mauro, aggressive targets for BPEVs set in 1993 in which the
2000; Patchell, 1999). total number of BPEVs in Japan in 2000 was set to 2600
New technologies for electric drivetrain components (JEVA, 2002).
with substantially better performance, including cost, The inuence of the Memorandum of Agreement
were needed in order to market a BPEV in the between the vehicle manufacturers and the Californian
Californian in 1998. All the major Japanese automobile state led to a rise in production of BPEVs in 1998 and
manufacturers chose to develop the permanent-magnet 1999 to approximately 500550 units/year, mostly the
(PM) motor, the most advanced, with the highest Toyota RAV4EV and Honda EVPlus. However, pro-
efciency among the alternatives. Electric traction is duction fell directly after the agreement was fullled.
seen as a vital core technology and therefore Japanese Development of the Honda EVPlus has been ceased is
440 M. Ahman / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 433443

and the Toyota RAV4EV is currently sold only in 100000

limited numbers to Japanese authorities. 10000

The infrastructure ECO-Station Programme failed to

meet the targets of approximately 1000 installed BPEV
quick-charging facilities by 2000. To date, only 36 100

stations have been established for BPEVs (Chiba, 2002). 10

The high cost of charging stations in combination with
limited nancial resources in the municipalities due to 1
1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000
the economic downturn in the 1990s and the limited BPE HEV

number of BPEVs on the road can explain the poor

results. Another reason for the small numbers of Fig. 3. The total numbers of BPEVs and HEVs on the road (JEVA,
charging stations is that local authorities could chose
between installing CNG, LPG, methanol or BPEV
stations. Clearly, most local authorities anticipated The real expansion came with the launch of the Prius
CNG stations to have the best potential. The expensive and the inclusion of HEVs into the denition of CEVs,
strategy of advanced quick-charging stations is now which qualied them for economic support, see Fig. 3.
being complemented with slow-charging stations in During the rst 2 years of the Clean Energy Vehicles
designated parking zones and joint use of charging Introduction Programme (19982000) 276 BPEVs and
facilities together with commercial eets operating 12,242 HEVs were subsidized by the programme. The
BPEVs (JEVA, 2002). The MITI regards the lack of total number of HEVs sold was 22,400, thus only 55%
charging facilities as one of the most serious obstacles to of sales was subsidized, whereas most of the BPEVs sold
the widespread use of BPEVs in Japan (Daito, 2002). received a subsidy (JEVA, 2002). The CEV introduction
From the BPEV eld tests in 1996 it became relatively programme scheduled to continue until 2001, but as
clear to the automotive industry that the targets set up more models became available on the market, both
by the MITI in the third expansion plan in 1990 would BPEVs and HEVs, the programme has been extended
not be met (Patchell, 1999). The development in until 2003.
California was not encouraging, as the ZEV mandate In 2001, over 50,000 HEVs were in use in Japan, and
was being stalled and the market response to BPEVs was several new models of HEVs were being introduced onto
weak. The perceived market outlook was thus bleak and the market, e.g. the Toyota Estima, the Crown, and the
several battery development projects were halted, e.g. second generation of the Toyota Prius. Modern HEVs
Sony and 3M/HydroQuebec (Kalhammer et al., 1998). are based on PM motors in combination with either a
Based on these reactions the marketing efforts for NiMH or lithium-based battery.
BPEVs shifted from R&D on advanced batteries to In Fig. 3, the number of BPEVs and HEVs introduced
educating users and nding applications (e.g. rental, to the market between 1976 and 2000 is shown. Note the
sharing or ITS systems) where a state-of-the-art BPEV logarithmic scale.
can function rather than trying to force the technology
to produce a vehicle with features comparable to those 4.5. Developments so far (19712001)
of conventional vehicles. The MITI has been sponsoring
the BPEV-ITS programmes since 1997, but private HEVs are now established as a commercial option to
programmes initiated by Toyota and Honda are also ICEVs in Japan. However, it is still too soon to tell
exploring this path of development. Toyota has devel- whether hybrid congurations, either with an IC-engine
oped a special vehicle, the Toyota e-com, which is or fuel cells, will become the dominant design or only
available only through these projects. continue as a fuel-efcient option. Despite the success of
the Prius and the Insight, HEVs still only account for
4.4. Hybrid focus (1997) 1% of the newly registered passenger cars in Japan. New
concepts, such as neighbourhood vehicles, are also being
The lack of condence in the future BPEV-market explored as a potential future niche market for BPEVs.
and the American PNGV programme focusing on HEVs Thirty years of development since the rst modern
prompted the MITI and the NEDO to start the ACE prototype vehicles with electric drivetrains has advanced
programme in 1997, unaware of Toyotas imminent alternative powertrain technologies substantially. The
release of the Prius (JARI, 2002b). The ACE pro- batteries have developed from lead/acid batteries
gramme was changed at the last minute due to the (greatly improved versions of lead/acid batteries are
release of the Prius and is currently supporting research still used in some applications) to currently deployed
in and evaluating the potential for, longer-term hybrid NiMH batteries and in some cases Li-ion batteries. AC-
concepts, including ywheels, ceramic engines for CNG induction motors replaced DC motors in the late 1980s
vehicles, and bus concepts (JARI, 2002a, b). and currently PM motors are deployed in all Japanese
M. Ahman / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 433443 441

BPEV and HEV models. The perhaps most crucial and was the starting point for a coordinated effort to
enabling technology for HEVs has been the develop- introduce a common vision among market actors for a
ment of advanced, light, efcient and affordable power future BPEV market. Industrial cooperation has always
electronics and control systems in combination with been seen as an important part of government support
electric motors (Chan and Chau, 1997). Power electro- for new technologies, but the long-term targets has
nics have been crucial for the utilisation of electric ultimately been set by the MITI.
drivetrains in vehicles. The main driver behind the The choice of technology has been guided by the
development of power electronics development has, overall energy policy of Japan. Ridding the country of
however, not been the automotive industry, but the its dependence on foreign oil has been at top of the list
needs from home electronics and the heavy industry. and this partly explains the resistance of the MITI
Another important development is the integration of towards petrol-fuelled HEVs as an alternative. Moving
mechanical and electronic transmission systems, which away from fuels based on a petroleum feedstock has
enabled the further development hybrid systems. been the main issue. Electricity and hydrogen are two
fuels that offer great exibility in terms of primary
energy sources. However, the perceived development
5. Government role in the development process potential for BPEVs was, with hindsight, too optimistic
and associated with a high risk of failure.
The Japanese Government, via the MITI, was early in
identifying technical innovation as a way to mitigate the 5.2. Real effectsde facto technology strategy
environmental and energy problems associated with
transport. Apart from stricter tail-pipe regulations The MITI has had the ambition to pick winners but
targeting short-term effects, the MITI identied electric failed on numerous occasions in introducing BPEVs
vehicles as a long-term target for vehicle development. according to plan. This can partly be explained by the
With a background in the visions of the 1950s and 1960s fact that the early plans in the 1970s and 1980s lacked
and the government-guided transformation of the credibility within industry and that the original motiva-
Japanese industry, it was natural for the MITI in the tion (local emissions and oil shortage) behind the
early 1970s to also try to guide the long-term develop- development of BPEVs partly disappeared in the 1980s.
ment of vehicles. However, the Japanese Government never offered the
HEV targeted support, but the HEV was able to benet
5.1. Japanese policy style and technology choices from the technical development and the experiences
gained from the sustained governmental support, which
The view held on technical change and government was primarily aimed at BPEVs. The actual outcome of
policy by the MITI and other related ministries was a the Governments policy has thus been a relatively
sequential linear view advocating government support in exible policy enabling a number of alternatives (the
all development phases, including early diffusion HEV, the CNGV, the BPEV, and the FCEV) to
throughout the market (Daito, 2002). Here, the MITI challenge the dominating ICEV technology and where
identied long-term technical winners and guided government policy, via the MITI, increased the technical
technical development towards the target set by offering diversity by offering both RD&D support and support
R&D support, demonstration programmes and, via for building initial markets to non-conventional vehicles.
other government agencies, market promotion pro- This has resulted in a system where the sustained efforts
grammes. A typical long-term programme (see e.g. the created feedback to the RD&D process from early
LIBES project, the WE-NET and the fuel cell pro- market experience and the possibility of accumulating
grammes) had a three-phase structure starting with basic and maintaining knowledge, even when interest and
R&D, via demonstration and feasibility studies to support were low. The role played by the Japanese
standardisation issues and early market development. Government in the HEV development process (though
Supporting the necessary infrastructure is also regarded not intended) resembles much more the interactive model
as a possible task for government. than the sequential linear model forwarded by the MITI.
The MITI has orchestrated the development of the The long-sustained effort that included R&D, support
BPEV industry in Japan in the early phases, offering for infrastructure and market support led to a knowl-
both RD&D support and an initial niche market, edge base and accumulated experience in the eld of
together with a long-term target (Patchell, 1999). The electric traction that has contributed to the current fast-
MITI had the ambition of inducing a virtuous circle growing sales of HEVs. The basic technologies (the PM
of increasing R&D efforts among companies by estab- motor, control techniques and partly the NiMH
lishing R&D consortia in elds of interest for the society battery) later utilised in HEVs were rst developed for
(Watanabe et al., 2004). The establishment of the JEVA BPEVs. Companies were able to utilise the knowledge
in 1976 and the rst market expansion plan for BPEVs accumulated in BPEV deployment. Market support for
442 M. Ahman / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 433443

HEVs expanded, not created, the initial market thus policy can be made with special attention to maintaining
securing and increasing market condence in a critical technical diversity without losing focus.
phase. The MITI and the JEVA was quick to respond
and extend the support programmes to include HEVs as
the framework for a subsidy system was already at hand. 7. Conclusions
The winner in the sustained BPEV effort in Japan
seems to have been the electric drivetrain that was The Japanese Government has actively tried to induce
developed and adapted to vehicular use as a response to technical change within the automobile manufacturing
policy-created niche market applications. In this respect, industry. Within the framework of the visions of the
the BPEV effort has contributed to the unintentional MITI a common understanding has developed and the
success of HEVs. future direction of development has been negotiated.
The role of the Government has been that of a
conductor in the development process supplying both
6. Discussion R&D support and articially created niche markets, and
easing the way for targeted technologies by means of
The last 30 years, the Japanese Government and legislation and standards. The ambition of the MITI has
automotive manufacturers has succeeded in drastically been to inuence the direction of technical development
reducing tail-pipe emissions from single vehicles and by setting long-term goals and issuing ambitious market
increasing the fuel economy. However, attempts to shift development plans.
away from imported oil as the primary feedstock have The history of BPEVs in Japan demonstrates that
failed so far. The electric drivetrain technology devel- picking winners in government policy is not easy. The
oped has instead been utilised in a petrol-based HEV focus of the MITI on BPEVs was, however, not entirely
conguration. The numerous alternative energy carriers a failure even though the targets were not met (not even
tested previously, electricity, CNG and methanol, have remotely). The technology base developed for BPEVs
not succeeded in attaining a signicant market share. was later successfully utilised in the introduction of
HEV technology does not, however, exclude future HEVs.
shifts towards FCEVs or BPEVs using hydrogen, The conclusion drawn from this is that governments
electricity or biofuels. Rather, present HEV technology should, if possible, focus on technologies that full
should be considered a stepping-stone towards FCEVs several policy aims and can be used in several different
or BPEVs. applications. Despite a sustained and ambitious policy
The development of alternative powertrains conrms by the MITI, the success factors for policy seems more
that trial and error is important in gaining experience related to technology specic features than the parti-
and supplying the R&D process with important feed- cular policy style. Flexibility, adaptability and coopera-
back. Another important feature is the build-up of tion in terms of technical choice is necessary in policy.
market knowledge. These observations support a more This increases the chances of a technology surviving the
process oriented and interactive government policy. long journey from idea to competitive technology. The
Government ambitions to guide technical change (the development of alternative powertrains and the role
sequential linear model) in a more radical direction (the played by the Japanese Government indicates that
BPEV) that better suited the overall energy policy of market support, including industry and market exper-
Japan have so far been too radical. tise, early in R&D processes are important. In this
The difculty of making technical choices in govern- process, early market support has been important for
ment policy is also highly relevant and needs to be the development process as well as the R&D efforts.
considered carefully if governments are to promote a
future shift of transportation fuel away from fossil-
based petrol. Currently, a number of alternative fuels
are discussed but no clear winner has so far emerged. A
continued Government support for alternative fuels
The nancial support of the Swedish Agency for
cannot support all alternatives but needs to make a
Innovation Systems (VINNOVA) is greatly acknowl-
choice and to focus on some of the most promising
edged. Valuable comments have also been offered by
alternatives. Here, knowledge on technical exibility,
Dr. Lena Neij, IIIEE and by anonymous referees.
both in terms of development paths and in terms of
benets (environmental, industrial, and social), seems to
be crucial for making this choice and needs to be References
analysed further. In order to implement a process-
oriented and interactive government policy, we need to Ahman, M., 2004. Government policy and environmental innovation
explore further how the technical choices in government in the automobile sector in Japan. IMES /EESS Report 53,
M. Ahman / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 433443 443

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