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Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 110 (2008) 111118


Eect of synthesis conditions on the pore structure and degree

of heteroatom insertion in Zr-doped SBA-15 silica-based
materials prepared by classical or microwave-assisted
hydrothermal treatment
Karol Szczodrowski a, Benedicte Prelot a,*, Sebastien Lantenois a, Jerzy Zajac a,
Marc Lindheimer a, Deborah Jones a, Anne Julbe b, Arie van der Lee b
Institut Charles Gerhardt, Equipe Agregats, Interfaces et Materiaux pour lEnergie, CNRS UMR 5253, Universite Montpellier 2,
C.C.015, Place Euge`ne Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
Institut Europeen des Membranes, CNRS UMR 5635, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie, C.C.47, Place Euge`ne Bataillon,
34095 Montpellier Cedex 5, France

Received 1 June 2007; received in revised form 17 September 2007; accepted 26 September 2007
Available online 1 October 2007


Zirconium doped mesoporous SBA-15 materials with initial Si/Zr ratios of 10 and 20 have been prepared under microwave-hydro-
thermal conditions using a non-ionic triblock copolymer surfactant as structure-directing agent, as well as zirconyl chloride and zirco-
nium propoxide as two zirconium sources. The eect of a short (5 min) and long (1.5 h) sol ageing time on the degree of heteroatom
incorporation was tested. Changes in the mesopore size and arrangement were monitored with the aid of powder X-ray diraction
(XRD) and gas nitrogen adsorption/desorption at 77 K. The degree of Zr incorporation into the silica framework of the nal product
was inferred from the analysis by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and compared with the starting value based on the amount of
zirconium added to the reaction mixture. In the case of samples with the lowest initial theoretical molar ratio, the synthesis conditions did
not aect the degree of heteroatom incorporation into the silica framework and all zirconium could be introduced under the conditions
applied. The structure of materials was strongly dependent on the conditions used, and a more regular pore arrangement was obtained
for longer maturation stages. The classical hydrothermal synthesis did not result in a signicantly higher eciency in the heteroatom
insertion, though microwave-assisted treatment yielded materials with thicker pore walls. Further increase in the amount of zirconium
added to the initial gel did not contribute to a greater heteroatom loading in the nal product under microwave conditions.
2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Mesoporous SBA-15; Zr insertion; Synthesis; Microwave; Hydrothermal treatments

1. Introduction thermal stability and low catalytic reactivity of MCM-41,

MCM-48, or MCM-50 materials appeared a serious draw-
The M41S materials discovered in the early 90s by back limiting their industrial uses [1]. The necessity of
Mobil researchers have attracted much interest due to their manipulating structures of porous solids on a nanometer
high surface area, uniform pore size distribution and pore scale became so obvious to the research community, that
diameter in the mesopore size range. However, poor hydro- many limitations have been addressed and overcame dur-
ing the last decade. In 1998, Zhao and co-workers [2]
Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 (0) 4 67 14 33 05; fax: +33 (0) 4 67 14
reported the synthesis of SBA-15, thick-wall analogue of
33 04. mesoporous silica with a two-dimensional (2D) hexagonal
E-mail address: prelot@univ-montp2.fr (B. Prelot). pore arrangement prepared making use of amphipilic

1387-1811/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
112 K. Szczodrowski et al. / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 110 (2008) 111118

triblock copolymers as templates. This material possessed zirconyl chloride (ZrOCl2 8H2O, Aldrich) or zirconium
all advantages of MCM-41 but additionally exhibited a propoxide in 70% propanol (Aldrich) solutions, and non-
higher hydrothermal stability. Incorporation of heteroat- ionic tribloc copolymer EO20PO70EO20 (P123, Aldrich).
oms such as Al [1,3,4], Ti [5,6] and Zr [5,7,811] into the sil- Water was deionised and puried with the aid of MilliQ
ica framework was envisaged as the simplest way to system (18.2 MX). A dilute HCl (VWR) aqueous solution
enhance the surface acidity of ordered mesoporous materi- was used to obtain acidic pH during synthesis. All chemi-
als, thereby increasing their catalytic reactivity. The choice cals were used as received.
of the type and the amount of the heteroatom was shown
to be crucial in preparing catalysts and adsorbents with 2.2. Materials preparation strategy
tuneable properties for various industrial uses [11]. Acid
properties of mesoporous materials containing zirconium Four sample series were prepared for the purpose of the
have attracted much interest in view of their potential present study. The rst one was synthesized under ambient
applications in heterogeneous catalysis. condition using zirconium propoxide as the source of zirco-
Several synthesis methods have been used for years to nium. These samples are referred to as SiZrX(C)AL, X
prepare Zr-doped mesoporous SBA-15. Landau and co- denotes the initial Si/Zr molar ratio in the gel, C stands
workers [5] tested chemical solution decomposition (CSD) for the classical synthesis method used, A indicates the
and internal hydrolysis (IH) using a 70 wt% solution of zir- use of alkoxide as Zr precursor and L the long sol ageing
conium propoxide in n-propanol as post-synthesis derivati- time (1.5 h). Other series of materials were aorded using
sation procedures to aord Zr-doped SBA-15 solids. The a microwave-assisted heating with two zirconium sources
amount of the heteroatom incorporated into the silica and dierent sol ageing times. For the second material ser-
framework was proven to exceed 30 wt%. Chen et al. [8] car- ies, zirconium propoxide served as precursor and the mat-
ried out a direct synthesis of Zr-SBA-15 mesoporous molec- uration time was also long (1.5 h). The third and the fourth
ular sieves making use of zirconyl chloride (ZrOCl2 8H2O) series were obtained still making use of zirconyl chloride as
as source of zirconium. They did not use a mineral acid dur- zirconium source, whereas the sol ageing time was 1.5 h
ing the synthesis to achieve materials with a Zr/Si molar and 5 min, respectively. These samples are denoted SiZrX-
ratio higher than 0.1. Recently, Fuxiang et al. [7] reported (M)AL (M for microwave conditions, A for alkoxide as pre-
another direct synthesis of mesoporous Zr-SBA-15 with a cursor and L for long sol ageing time), SiZrX(M)SL (SL
Zr/Si molar ratio ranging from 0 to 2.32. The synthesis indicates the use of a salt as precursor and the long sol age-
route was based on the use of two surfactant templates: a ing time) and SiZrX(M)SS (SS = Salt as precursor and
cationic (CTAB) and a non-ionic (P123), as well as zirconium Short time of synthesis). The synthesis conditions have
nitrate Zr(NO3)4 3H2O as zirconium precursor. To been gathered in Table 1.
increase the eciency of Zr incorporation into the SBA-15
silica framework, Newalkar and co-workers [9] performed 2.3. Materials synthesis procedure
their synthesis with zirconyl chloride under microwave
(MW)-hydrothermal conditions. Their procedure led to The materials were synthesized following the procedure
the preparation of mesoporous SBA-15 silica with a Zr previously reported by Newalkar et al. [9]. Some minor
loading corresponding to a Si/Zr ratio of 10, 20, 40, and 80. alterations of the typical synthesis were programmed. The
The ability to control the heteroatom insertion during molar composition of all gels corresponding to 1 mol of
the co-condensation stage and its amount remaining in TEOS was the following: 0.017 mol, P123; X mol, Zr pre-
the material after the template removal are the main chal- cursor (Si/Zr = 10, 20); 5.7 mol, HCl; and 191.8 mol,
lenges when preparing ordered mesoporous materials con- H2O. The typical preparation procedure of Zr-SBA-15
taining zirconium. The intention of the present study was involved dissolution of 0.5 g of P123 in 3.66 g of MilliQ
to test thoroughly the impact of such factors as the type water and stirring overnight to obtain a homogeneous mix-
of Zr compound, sol ageing time, and microwave-hydro- ture (Sol 1). Zirconium precursor was mixed with 14.65 g
thermal treatment on the porous structure of Zr-doped of 2 M HCl solution and stirred to obtain a homogeneous
SBA-15 based materials and on the heteroatom incorpora-
tion eciency. The samples were routinely characterised by
Table 1
X-ray diraction and nitrogen gas adsorption. The ultimate
Working conditions used in materials preparation
Si/Zr molar ratio in the calcined solid products was deter-
Samples Series Zr Microwave Sol ageing
mined by means of energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy.
no. source heating time
SiZrX(C)AL 1 Alkoxide No 1.5 h
2. Experimental
SiZrX(M)AL 2 Alkoxide Yes 1.5 h
SiZrX(M)SL 3 Salt Yes 1.5 h
2.1. Chemicals SiZrX(M)SS 4 Salt Yes 5 min
X Si/Zr molar ratio, C classical synthesis, M microwave synthesis, A
Zirconium functionalised SBA-15 materials were syn- alkoxide, SL salt and long time of sol ageing, SS salt and short time
thesized using tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS, Fluka), of sol ageing.
K. Szczodrowski et al. / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 110 (2008) 111118 113

solution (Sol 2). Sol 1 and Sol 2 were further mixed up and FEG Electron Microscopy, FEI, and calibrated using Co
stirred again during 15 min. 1.04 g of TEOS was then as optimization element). All results were obtained at high
added and the overall reaction mixture carefully homoge- vacuum mode.
neised. The subsequent procedure was dierent for the four
sample series: 3. Results and discussion
(1) First sample series: white precipitate formed after The preparation of mesoporous silica-based materials
about 0.5 h of stirring and then the resulting mixture with controllable and predictable properties is subject to
was still stirred for 3 h under ambient conditions. numerous physical factors. In the case of Zr-containing sil-
The product was ltered, washed with MilliQ ica synthesized under acidic conditions, the use of a slowly
water, dried at 373 K, and calcined at 813 K in air hydrolysing source of zirconium may lead to a well crystal-
for 6 h. lised SBA-15 framework [9]. Rapid heating and fast super-
(2) Second and third sample series: white precipitate saturation under the action of microwaves is believed to
formed after about 0.5 h of stirring and the resulting enhance the degree of heteroatom insertion. The eects of
mixture was further stirred for 1 h under ambient sol ageing time and Zr source on the eectiveness of Zr
conditions. Then, it was hydrothermally treated incorporation are discussed in the following sections.
under microwave conditions at 373 K for 2 h using
a constant heating power of 400 W. The product
was ltered, washed, dried and calcined as the previ- 3.1. Eect of the sol ageing time
ous series of samples.
(3) Fourth sample series: the conditions of synthesis were The most important results showing the eect of hydro-
the same as those used to obtain the second and the lysis time on the surface area and porous structure param-
third series, except that the stirring time used to eters, as well as on the nal Si/Zr molar ratio have been
homogenize the solution was decreased to 5 min. collected in Table 2. The pristine data obtained with four
calcined samples are illustrated in Figs. 14.
The MW oven used in this study was a computer con- Fig. 1 presents the XRD patterns of the calcined Zr-
trolled ETHOS 1600 [12,13]. SBA-15 (Si/Zr = 10, 20 in the initial gel) samples prepared
with dierent sol ageing times under microwave conditions.
For a shorter sol ageing procedure (5 min), XRD patterns
2.4. Materials characterisation of the resulting samples do not show any peak, irrespective
of the molar ratio (Fig. 1a and c). Only a little shoulder is
Powder X-ray diraction patterns of the samples were observed for Si/Zr = 20. This means that SiZr10(M)SS and
collected from a PanAlytical Xpert pro diractometer SiZr20(M)SS do not have a well-organised mesostructure.
equipped with an ultrafast Xcelerator detector (Cu Ka The degree of framework organisation in the other two
radiation, ltered with an incident Ni-foil). Gas nitrogen materials, prepared with the same Si/Zr molar ratios under
adsorption and desorption isotherms were measured at the same conditions with the sole exception of a longer sol
77 K using a Micromeritics ASAP 2010 system. Prior to ageing time (1.5 h), is much higher, as evidenced by XRD
measurements, the calcined samples were outgassed over- patterns in Fig. 1b and d. These diraction patterns show
night under vacuum at 423 K. The specic surface area three well-resolved peaks at about 0.8 (1 0 0), 1.4 (1 1 0),
was determined based on the BET model taking a cross- and 1.6 (2 0 0). These peaks can be attributed to materials
sectional area of 0.162 nm2 per nitrogen molecule. The characterised by a 2D hexagonal mesostructure with a
pore size distributions were obtained from the desorption p6mm planar space group. In the case of SiZr20(M)SL,
branch of the nitrogen isotherms using the BarrettJoy- the peaks are shifted to higher values of 2h, compared to
nerHalenda (BJH) method. The Si/Zr molar ratio in the those obtained for SiZr10(M)SL (Fig. 1b and d). This indi-
solid phase was determined from the results of energy-dis- cates that the unit cell size of SiZr10(M)SL is larger than
persive X-ray spectroscopy studies (EDX, Quanta 200 that of SiZr20(M)SL. The main parameters related to the

Table 2
Surface area, porous structure parameters and Si/Zr molar ratios of the calcined Zr-SBA-15 materials obtained using dierent sol ageing times
Sample SBET (m2 g 1) Pore volume (cm3 g 1) Pore diametera (nm) ab (nm) Wall thickness (t) (nm) Si/Zr ratio
Gel Product
SiZr10(M)SS 866 0.92 10 17
SiZr20(M)SS 820 0.84 20 18
SiZr10(M)SL 840 1.11 6.6 11.8 5.2 10 16
SiZr20(M)SL 858 1.04 6.0 10.7 4.7 20 20
Pore diameter representing the most probable value taken from the related BJH distribution.
Lattice parameter calculated based on the XRD results and a simple geometrical construction as depicted in Fig. 2.
114 K. Szczodrowski et al. / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 110 (2008) 111118

a b (100)

Intensity / a. u.
Intensity / a. u.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

c d (100)
Intensity / a. u.

Intensity / a. u.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Fig. 1. XRD powder patterns of Zr-SBA-15 materials prepared using dierent sol ageing times: (a) SiZr10(M)SS, (b) SiZr10(M)SL, (c) SiZr20(M)SS and (d)

2r relative pressures (Fig. 3b and d). The location of the hys-

teresis loops in the interval of P/P0 ranging from 0.4 to 0.9,
the steep increase in the adsorption value in this pressure
range, together with the fact that the adsorption and
desorption branches are parallel to each other suggest that
the SL samples possess a highly ordered framework with
t cylindrical mesoporous channels, in line with the interpre-
tation of the XRD patterns shown in Fig. 1b and d. The
pore size distributions have been determined by referring
to the BJH model applied to the desorption isotherm
branch (the desorption branch better meets the require-
ments of ideal wetting inherent in the model). The distribu-
tion curves are reported in insets to Fig. 3b and d. Contrary
to this adsorption behaviour, the samples corresponding to
a shorter sol ageing time (SS) are characterised by an E-
Fig. 2. Graphical representation of the 2D hexagonal pore structure with
a p6mm space group, showing the interdependencies between the main cell
type hysteresis loop in the P/P0 range relevant to capillary
parameters. condensation in mesoporous solids possessing ink-bottle-
type pores. Therefore, any desorption-related BJH curve
cannot reect correctly the real pore structure in these
pore arrangement were calculated based on a simple geo- materials. Nevertheless, the porosity of these samples is
metrical construction depicted in Fig. 2. The values very heterogeneous. Suce to note that the adsorption
obtained are given in Table 2. branch in the capillary condensation region shows a very
The porosity of the Zr-SBA-15 materials described in gradual increase in the adsorption value.
this section was studied by measuring gas N2 adsorption The results of elemental analysis inferred from the EDX
at 77 K. Fig. 3 shows the adsorption/desorption isotherms studies show that the zirconium added to the reaction mix-
of the four samples. It is clear that the adsorption curves ture during the synthesis has been completely introduced
dier markedly in shape. For the SL-type materials, the into the framework of SiZr20(M)SS and SiZr20(M)SL,
isotherms possess a clear H1-type hysteresis loop at high independently of the length of the maturation stage, as
K. Szczodrowski et al. / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 110 (2008) 111118 115

a 600
b 800

Volume Adsorbed / (cm3.g-1) 700 0.08

Volume Adsorbed / (cm3.g-1)

dV/dD / (cm /g-A)


600 0.04

400 500

2 4 6 8 10
400 Pore Diameter / nm

0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Relative Presure p/p0 Relative Presure p/p0

c 800 d 800

700 700

dV/dD / (cm /g-A)

Volume Adsorbed / (cm3.g-1)

Volume Adsorbed / (cm3.g-1)

600 600

500 500 0.00

2 4 6 8 10
400 400 Pore Diameter / nm

300 300

200 200

100 100

0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Relative Presure p/p0 Relative Presure p/p0

Fig. 3. Nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms at 77 K and BJH pore size distributions (inset) determined on the basis of the desorption branches (only
for samples with a well-ordered porosity) for Zr-SBA-15 materials prepared using dierent sol ageing times: (a) SiZr10(M)SS, (b) SiZr10(M)SL, (c)
SiZr20(M)SS and (d) SiZr20(M)SL.

may indicate that there is a limit of Zr incorporation into
20 20
17 18 20
the SBA-15 framework.
18 The comparison of the surface area and porosity param-
16 eters among the samples studied here indicates that there is
little eect of the sol ageing time on the BET specic sur-
SiZr molar ratio

12 10 face area (the maximum variation is within 5%), regardless
10 the initial Si/Zr ratio. On the other hand, there is much
8 evidence that the structure order increases as the sol
6 maturation is lengthened. For longer sol ageing times, the
4 framework structure is better organised with uniformly
2 sized cylindrical pores. This demonstrates that certain min-
0 imum duration of maturation is required to maintain a ne
b and regular self-assembly of the templating objects, inde-
d pendently of the condensation reaction among the partially
hydrolysed inorganic species.
Fig. 4. Results of the elemental analysis of Zr-SBA-15 materials prepared
using dierent sol ageing times: (a) SiZr10(M)SS, (b) SiZr10(M)SL, (c)
Generally, the values of pore volume in the inorganic
SiZr20(M)SS and (d) SiZr20(M)SL. A white column represents the initial materials framework are greater for long sol ageing treat-
Si/Zr molar ratio in the reactive gel, whereas a grey column refers to the ments by about 20% in the case of samples corresponding
nal Si/Zr molar ratio in the nal product. to a Si/Zr ratio of 20 and by about 25% for the other cou-
ple of samples. This increase in the pore volume may be
illustrated in Fig. 4c and d and Table 2. On the contrary, obviously attributed to better organisation of uniformly
the incorporation of all zirconium into the silica framework sized pores induced under the conditions of longer matura-
to obtain a Si/Zr molar ratio of 10 seems questionable tion. One of the reasons may be that longer hydrolysis
under the experimental conditions applied in the light of condensation stage leads to a more condensed inorganic
the results reproduced in Fig. 4a and b and Table 2. This framework, leaving more free space for the templating
116 K. Szczodrowski et al. / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 110 (2008) 111118

micelles without compromising their shape and size. The The XRD patterns of the calcined samples are compared
most probable pore diameter may be compared only in in Fig. 5. There is a pronounced dierence in the shape of
the case of samples aorded through long ageing proce- XRD patterns. For SiZr20(M)SL, three well resolved peaks
dures. The increase in the overall Zr amount inserted seems at 0.9 (1 0 0), 1.6 (1 1 0) and 1.8 (2 0 0) can be observed,
to disturb the mesoporous framework. It may be argued which argues in favour of well-ordered mesoporous mate-
that the dierence in the precursor reactivity and its hydro- rials with a 2D hexagonal framework (see Fig. 5a). The
lysis in the case of its greater amount in the reaction mix- three peaks of the 2D hexagonal mesostructure can be also
ture, result in a disordered hydrolysiscondensation, seen in the XRD patterns of SiZr20(M)AL reported in
thereby contributing to the overall heterogeneity of the Fig. 5b. They are located at the same positions but their
nal product. It should be also noted that the sol ageing intensity is much lower than those encountered in the
time has no much inuence on the amount of heteroatom XRD patterns of SiZr20(M)SL. This means that both mate-
inserted into the silica framework, at least in the range of rials possess a hexagonal framework characterised by a
experimental conditions tested in this study. similar unit cell parameter. Nevertheless, the porous struc-
ture of SiZr20(M)SL is more ordered than that of SiZr20-
3.2. Eect of the zirconium source (M)AL. The nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms of
both samples are compared in Fig. 6. The adsorption
In the case of aluminium-doped mesoporous materials, curves are of type IV according to the IUPAC classication
it is commonly admitted that the heteroatom source has with an H1-type hysteresis loop in a P/P0 range from 0.4 to
a great inuence on the insertion degree [14]. Similar 0.8 typical of mesoporous solids. The adsorption/desorp-
hypothesis has been forwarded for the Zr-functionalised tion branches within the hysteresis loop region are parallel.
silicas studied in the present work. Zirconyl chloride and Once more again, this points to materials with a well-
zirconium propoxide used in the synthesis of Zr-SBA-15 organised porous framework and cylindrical pore shape,
resulted in SiZr20(M)SL and SiZr20(M)AL samples. The thereby allowing the BJH model to be exploited for the
surface area and porosity parameters as well as the nal determination of pore size distributions. Narrow pore size
Si/Zr molar ratio of these samples are given in Table 3. distributions centred about 6 nm are inferred in each case
The eect of the zirconium source is illustrated in Figs. 5 from the related desorption branch, as can be seen in the
and 6 and Table 3. insert to Fig. 6.

Table 3
Surface area, porous structure parameters and Si/Zr molar ratios of the calcined Zr-SBA-15 materials obtained with dierent zirconium sources
Sample SBET (m2 g 1) Pore volume (cm3 g 1) Pore diametera (nm) ab (nm) Wall thickness (t) (nm) Si/Zr ratio
Gel Product
SiZr20(M)SL 858 1.04 6.0 10.7 4.7 20 20
SiZr20(M)AL 854 1.08 6.1 11.2 5.1 20 22
Pore diameter representing the most probable value taken from the related BJH distribution.
Lattice parameter calculated based on the XRD results and a simple geometrical construction as depicted in Fig. 2.

a b




0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6

Fig. 5. XRD powder patterns of Zr-SBA-15 materials prepared using dierent zirconium sources: (a) SiZr20(M)SL and (b) SiZr20(M)AL.
K. Szczodrowski et al. / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 110 (2008) 111118 117

a 3.3. Inuence of the microwave treatment

Volume Adsorbed / (cm3 STP g-1)

a In the present section, the properties of Zr-SBA-15 sam-


ples achieved under microwave conditions are compared to
600 those prepared by a classical hydrothermal synthesis. The
2 4 6 8 10
Pore Diameter/ nm XRD patterns and adsorptiondesorption curves are
reported in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. Since the related
hysteresis loops are of the H1-type, the desorption
branches can serve as basis for the BJH modelling. Table
4 summarises the values of surface area and pore structure
parameters, together with the theoretical and eective Si/Zr
molar ratio.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 In accordance with the XRD patterns shown in Fig. 7,
Relative Presure p/p
0 SiZr20(C)AL and SiZr20(M)AL samples possess a 2D hex-
agonal mesostructure. Three peaks observed in each dif-
Fig. 6. Nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms and BJH pore size
fraction pattern at about 0.9, 1.51.6 and 1.71.8 can
distributions (inset) determined on the basis of the desorption branches for
Zr-SBA-15 materials prepared using dierent zirconium sources: (a)
SiZr20(M)SL and (b) SiZr20(M)AL.
The Si/Zr molar ratios obtained for both samples are
compared in Table 3. Clearly, the dierence between the
theoretical Si/Zr ratio (initially added to the reactive mix-

ture) and its nal value in the calcined material is not very
signicant. Under microwave conditions, the reactivity of
the two zirconium sources is thus comparable. (100)
The use of an alkoxide or a salt as zirconium precursor b
inuences neither the specic surface area nor the pore vol- (200)
ume/diameter. It does not enhance much the amount of zir-
conium inserted into the silica framework. In the case of
salt precursor, the XRD patterns reveal a more ordered 0 2 4 6
porous network. The heterocondensation polymerisation
between TEOS and Zr source is likely more disturbed in Fig. 7. XRD powder patterns of Zr-SBA-15 materials prepared by: (a)
the case of alkoxide leading to a more heterogeneous pore classical hydrothermal treatment and (b) micro-wave assisted hydrother-
arrangement. mal treatment.

a b
800 800
dV/dD / (cm3/g-A)

dV/dD / (cm3 /g-A)

Volume Adsorbed / (cm3STP g-1)

Volume Adsorbed / (cm3STP g-1)


600 0.02 600
2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Pore Diameter /nm Pore Diameter /nm

400 400

200 200

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Relative Presure p/p0 Relative Presure p/p0

Fig. 8. Nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms and BJH pore size distributions (inset) determined on the basis of the desorption branches of Zr-SBA-
15 materials prepared by: (a) classical hydrothermal treatment and (b) micro-wave assisted hydrothermal treatment.
118 K. Szczodrowski et al. / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 110 (2008) 111118

Table 4
Surface area, porous structure parameters and Si/Zr molar ratios of the calcined Zr-SBA-15 materials obtained under ambient and microwave conditions
Sample SBET (m2 g 1) Pore volume (cm3 g 1) Pore diametera (nm) ab (nm) Wall thickness (t) (nm) Si/Zr ratio
Gel Product
SiZr20(C)AL 810 1.34 7.3 11.2 3.9 20 20
SiZr20(M)AL 854 1.08 6.1 11.2 5.1 20 22
Pore diameter representing the most probable value taken from the related BJH distribution.
Lattice parameter calculated based on the XRD results and a simple geometrical construction as depicted in Fig. 2.

be assigned to (1 0 0), (1 1 0) and (2 0 0) positions, respec- more ecient in the heteroatom insertion, microwave treat-
tively. The intensity of the peaks is higher for the material ment produces materials with thicker pore walls. For mate-
obtained by a classical method (Fig. 7a), which probably rials with an initial Si/Zr molar ratio of 10 aorded under
means that the mesoporous network is somewhat less microwave conditions, it seems impossible to introduce the
ordered when the microwave treatment is used. As far as desired amount of zirconium into the silica framework.
the N2 gas adsorptiondesorption isotherms are concerned This indicates that there is a limit of zirconium incorpora-
(Fig. 8), small dierences between the hysteresis loops in tion into the SBA-15 framework.
terms of length and slope indicate that SiZr20(C)AL pos-
sesses a more homogenous pore size distribution, which Acknowledgments
falls well in line with the XRD results in Fig. 7. The BET
specic area is only slightly inuenced by the microwave One of the authors, K. Szczodrowski, greatly acknowl-
treatment, whereas the pore volume and the pore diameter edges the nancial support of his work by FP6 INSIDE_
are increased by 25% and 20%, respectively. The wall thick- POReS Network of Excellence NMP3-CT-2004-200895.
ness increases when using microwave (1.4 nm), thereby Emilie Gerardin and Abdeslam el Mansouri are gratefully
improving the stability of the material. acknowledged for their assistance in the materials synthesis
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