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Experiment 10 (NOR Gates)


Input A Input B Output (LED On or

High High Off
High Low Off
Low High Off
Low Low On


1. For the circuit to obtain a voltage of 5 volts both inputs need to be

connected to low for the LED to show the light.
2. For the circuit to have a voltage of 0 volts (LED-Off), the two inputs
need to be connected on high, or high and low, or low and high as seen
from the different inputs
3. The N in the word NOR stands for negation.
4. The relationship between OR and NOR gates are that their reactions
are opposite. In an OR gate, all input combinations work except for low
and low, but for a NOR gate, only low and low works.

In conclusion, the output of the NOR gate (LED) only emits light when at
least both inputs are connected/put on low.

Experiment 11


Input A Input B Output (LED On or Off)

High High Off
High Low On
Low High On
Low Low Off

1. The input states required to obtain an output at 5 volts (LED-On) is to have input
A on high and B on low and input A on low and B on high.
2. The input states required to obtain an output at 0 volts (LED-Off) is to have both
inputs on either high or both inputs on low.


In conclusion, the output of the OR gate (LED) only emits light when it has both high
and low inputs connected.

Experiment 9 (NAND Gates)

Input A Input B Output (LED On or Off)

High High Off
High Low On
Low High On
Low Low On


1. For the circuit to obtain a voltage of 5 volts (LED-On), there needs to be at least
1 input connected to low for the LED to emit light.
2. For the circuit to obtain a voltage of 0 volts (LED-Off), the two inputs need to be
connected on high.
3. The N in the word NAND stands for negative.
4. The relationship between the AND and NAND gates is that on AND gates, the
first input needs to be put on high for the LED to turn on (second input doesnt
matter) and the NAND gate needs at least 1 input to be put on low for it to turn


In conclusion, the output of the NAND gate (LED) only emits light when a
minimum of 1 input is connected/put on low.
Experiment 8 (Inverters)


Input A Output (LED On-Off)

High (1) Off

Low (0) On


1. A 7404 integrated circuit was probably designed so it could be used as

an inverter for circuits.
2. The output would be the same if 2 inverters were to be used in series
because when inverted, the IC goes from off to on, and then off to on
again, resulting in the same conclusion with 1 integrated chip.


In conclusion, an inverter changes direct current in a circuit into

alternating current.

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